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C Match answers a)-f) with questions

GRAMMAR be going to; would like to
1-6 in Exercise lB.
1 A Look at the table and complete sentences 1-10 with the correct a) Because I want to be famous. 4
form of be going to or would like to. b) We're goi ng by train. 5
c) In the city centre. 2
Plans next week Plans next year Wishes for the
future d) W e'd li ke to see our grandchildren more. 6

start new job look for a new be very rich e) In September next year. 3
at the bank - flat f ) At HSBC bank. 1
Monday not stay at
parents' house
2 Put the words in order to make
questions. Then write short answers about
I TV / you / to / evening / watch / are /
USA this / gOing?
have haircut - go to university work in TV Are you going to watch TV this evening?
Tuesday Yes. I am. / No, I'm not.
2 like / work / would / TV / to / you / in?
Would you like to work in
500 Min, TV? No, I wouldn´t like
South Korea 3 weekend / you / family / see / next /
are / to / going / your?
visit daughter not have a move nearer Are you going to see your family
Lynn and family - holiday Lynn next weekent? Yes, I am
Sat/ Sun
4 for / English / to / useful / be / you / is
/ going?
Bill and Jane, Is english going to be useful
Ireland for you? Yes, it is
5 like / new / would / phone / a / you /
buy / to / mobile?
'S going to start _ _ _ his new job at the bank on Mo nday.
jim ~"",,",,»---,,~=->~
Would you like to buy a new movile
2 He _ going
___ to_look
_ _ _ for a new flat next year.
phone? Yes, I am
3 He _ __ going
___ to_stoy
_ _ at his parents' house.
6 your / study / classmates / year / you /
_ would
4 He´d ____ __
like to _
be_ very rich . going / English / next / to / are / and?
is _
5 Soo Min _ going
___ to_
go_ _ _ a haircut on Tuesday. Are you and your classmate
is _
6 She _ going
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ to university next year. going to study english next year?
7 She ed would
_ _ _ _ _like
_ _work
_ _ in TV.
7 No
in we/ arent
/ like live / country / you / to /
8 Bill and Jane _ _ going
_ _ _to__visit
_ _ their daughter at the weekend. would / another?
9 They _ aren´t
___ going
___ to_have
_ a holiday next year. Would you like to live in another
10 They _ ___ like
_ _ nearer their daughter. country? Yes I am.
8 home / your / like / now / to / go /
B Write questions for the people with be going to or would like to.
would / clas smates ?
I Which bank / you / work at, Jim?
Would you classmate like to go
Which bank are you going to work at, lim?
home now? Yes, they are
2 Where / you / look for / a new flat, Jim ?
Where are you going to look for a new flat, Jim?
3 When / you / go / to university, Soo Min?
Where are you going to go university Soo Min?
Why / like / work / in TV, Soo Min?
Why would you like to work in TV, Soo Min?
S How / you / travel, Bill and Jane?
How are you going to travel, Bill and Jane?
6 Why / li ke / move / nearer your daughter, Bill and Jane?
Why would you like to move nearer you
dauhter, Bill and Jane?
· 10.1


3A Read the article and ci rcle the best t itle. 4A Complete the puzzle with the words from t he box
I Lottery winners around the world and find the message.
2 Sisters win lottery
nothing stay at buy clubbing learn a holiday
3 Another teenage lottery winner
start move a new suit go for

First there was Tracey Makin in 1998, then Michael Carroll r---
in 2002 , and then Callie Rogers in 2003 - all of them were I
teenagers when they won the lottery. Tracey was sixteen I'd I 0 I n I 0 t h i n g
at the time and won £1 ,055,171. Callie was the same age g o f o r a w a I k 1

when she won £1,800,000 and Michael was nineteen when

he won £9,700,000.
I' g I e It a n e w s u i t
Now eighteen-year-old Ianthe Fullagar is the newest in this I'h 1 a v e a h o l i d a y I
group of teenage lottery winners. She won £7 ,000 ,000 and l u b b i n g
we asked her about her future .
I' g 0

'I'm not going to change my plans very much . I'm still going
m o v e h 0 u s e 1

to go to university. I'm going to live like a normal student I' s 1 t 1 a y a t a h 0 t e I

and not a millionaire. I love my baked beans on toast.' I's 1 t a r t a n e w j 0 b I
It was only the second time that she played the EuroMiliions e
Lottery. She bought her ticket from a newsagent's and I' l e a r n t 0 5 W i m l
watched he lottery result on television. '0
b u y a b 0 a t
First on her shopping st IS a holiday in Egypt and a
replacement for her ten-year-old Ford Ka. 'I'm going to fly
to Cairo and spend about a month travelling around the Lifes´s
Message: _ _____ a_lottery
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
country. When I come back, I'm going to sell myoid car and
buy a new one. I'd like to get a bigger one .'

---- - Ianthe FuUagar 26.09.08 B Complet e t he conversations.

Seven million, flfty flve thousand. one hundred t 1.055,142.10
Conversat ion I
and forty two pounds and ten pence 1 A : What are you going to do this weekend?
B: I'm going jogging on Saturday morning and then in
the evening I'm going to meet Bob and we're going for a
dr ink in the pub.
Conversation 2
A: So, what are your plans?
B: Well, we're going to get ma rried next year and we'd
like to mo ve to another country, maybe Spain.
We'd like to buy a house there, and start a
fa mily , maybe have three or fo ur children.

B Read t he arti cle aga in and answer the quest ions. Conversation 3
Who won the largest amount of money? A: What's your son going to do?
Michael Carroll B: He's going to stay with some friends
_ _ _ _ in Sao Paulo. He
2 Who won the smallest amount of money? wants to do a co urse and Ie arn Portuguese
and then he'd like to get a job with a computer
Tracey Makin
company in Brazil.
3 Who are th e youngest teenage winners?
Conversation 4
Tracey Makin and Callie Rogers
A : What are you going to do with your lottery money?
4 Does Ianthe want to change her life?
B: First, I'm going to stop work! I'm going to
No, she doesn´t ha ve a big party, too. Then I want to
5 D oes she often buy lottery tickets? bu y a big boat and travel round the worl d!
No, she doesn´t Conversation 5
6 What is she going to do with the money? A: Are you going to buy presents
_ _ _ _ for all your friend s?
She is going to travael to Cairo and buy a car. B: Of course! And then I'm going to go sh _opping
_ _ _ in Paris
7 Wh y does she w ant to buy a new car? to buy some fantastic designer clothes.
Because her car is old


lA Add the vowels to the adjectives. 3A 10.2 Listen to four people who
I Marco got sunburnt (snbnt), so he ... survived in difficult situations. Match
2 I got thirsty (thrsty), so I .. . speakers 1-4 with places a)-d) .
3 Adrian got bored (brd) at school, so he ... Speaker I a) ju ngle
4 They got wet (wt), so they... Speaker 2 b) mountain
5 Ed and Leo got hungry (hngry), so they ... Speaker 3 c) desert
6 I got very hot (ht), so I ... Speaker 4 d) sea
7 Helena got lost (1st), so she ... B Listen again and circle the best answers.
8 W e got cold (cld), so we ... I Speaker I _ _ __

B Match sentence halves 1- 8 above with a)-h). ~

a) was an hour late for t he meeting. 7 b) drank seawater

b) put on our coats. c) was cold

c) had a second breakfast. 5 2 Speaker I _ __ _
d) texted some of the other students in the class. 3 a) got sunburnt
e) changed into dry clothes. 4 b) got ti red
f) took off my sweater. 6 b) saw a lot of sharks
g) went for a drink with Carson. 2
3 Speaker 2 _ _ __
h) stayed indoors for the next two days. 1
a) got cold
C ® 10.1 Listen and write the adjectives in the correct place according b) walked all day
to the vowel sound . c) got very thirsty

I I AI e.g. cgp 2 /01 e.g. jQb 3 leI e .g. r~d 4 Speaker 2 _ _ __

sgnburnt a) saw lots of insects
Bored Wet
b) had food with her
c) sometimes took her shoes off

4 13:1 e .g. her 5 I'J:I e.g. four 6 I;ml e.g. gQ 5 Speaker 3 _ _ __

a) was on the mountain for three nights
Thirsty Cold Lost b) got lost because of the snow
Hungry c) made a fire

6 Speaker 3 _ _ __
a) slept o n the ground
2 Look at the table and the meanings 1-4 of get. Write the words and
phrases below in the correct column . b) got hungry
c) stayed warm
I become 2 arrive 3 buy 4 obtain
7 Speaker 4 _ _ __
get ... get ... get ... get ...
a) got very hungry
hungry -to work -a new -some help b) got thirsty
-lost -home -computer -a glass of c) didn't get bored
-tired -to school a new car water
8 Speaker 4 _ _ __
-a hamburger -a job
a) had some food with her
b) ate plants
c) ate insects
hamburger a new computer
to school
----- lost
~ some help
new car
to work
---- home
a glass of water ojob tired
GRAMMAR will, might, won't for prediction 6 10.3 Listen and number the sentences in the orde r
you hear them.
4 Complete sentences 1-8 with 'II, willor won 't and a I a) You 'll get cold. 2
verb from the box.
b) You get cold.
2 a) We'll miss the train. 1
I get be (x2) miss win come know love
b) W e miss the train. 2
I Wear your coat or you 'll get cold. 3 a) I'm sure you' ll hate it. 1
2 Do you think Brazil will win the World Cup? b) I'm sure you hate it. 2
3 It 's very late. I'm sure the shop won´t be open. 4 a) They 'll know you're a tourist. 2
4 I don't want to go to the party! I won´t knowany b) They know you're a tourist. 1
people there. S a) I'll stay at home. 2
S Come on! We ´ll miss the train. b) I stay at home. 1
6 Read this book. I'm sure you ´ll love it. 6 a) I'll never go out. 1
7 Oh no l I'm late again. The boss won´t
_ _ _be
_ _ happy. b) I never go out. 2
8 You can invite Al ain, but he won´t come. He doesn't
like jazz music.
WRITING too, a/so, as well
5 Underline the correct alternatives in the text.
7 Are too, also and as well in the correct place? Tick
three correct sentences. Correct the wrong sentences.
I The bus is a good way to travel, and the underground is
2 If you buy a travel card for the underground, you can also
Peop e ai':;ays a;k about survlval in the
use it on the bus.
Jungle, a sea etc., but I'll tell you a really
dangerous place: the city! Here are my tips for 3 You can ask shopkeepers for help - they're very friendly,
survlval. and they'll know the city as well.
but it can also be dangerous
4 It's generally a safe city, but it can be dangerous also to
• Don't drive. Traffic is usually terrible and walk alone late at night in some areas.
you lmight not / '11 / won't spend more time too leave your
S It isn't a good idea to carry a lot of money, and leave your
in your car than seeing the city . expensive watch tooexpensive
at home. watch at home.
6 You can get delicious food in cafes and as well in street
• Ask people for help - most people
markets. in street markets as well
2will / might / won't be happy to stop and
help you. 7 Don't walk too far, and also wear comfortable shoes -
then you won't get tired.
• Don't stand in the street with a map in your inconvenien
8 At night, taxis are as well convenient, but they 're
hand and a camera around your neck. expensive. as well
People 3w ill / might not / won't know you're
a tourist. That's not a problem, but someone
4will / might / might not come and take your

• Wear normal clothes, not expensive ones.

With expensive clothes, people 5w ill /
might not / won't think you've got lots of
money and yes - they 6'11 / might / won't take
it away from you!

• Carry an umbrella. It often rains and with

an umbrella you 7'11 / might / won't get wet.

• Don't stay out too late or it 8'11 / might /

might not be easy to find a bus or a taxi. 8 Write a short text giving advice for a visitor to your
town or city. Use too, also, as well and the phrases below
• Give waiters a good tip, maybe 10%. You to help you. Write 80- 100 words.
9'11 / might / might not go back to the same The is a good way to travel ...
restaurant and the waiter lOwill / might not /
It's a good idea to carry ...
won't forget you !
You can ask for help, and you can ask ...
It can be dangerous to ...

1998 2002 2003 Newest

• Tracey Makin ▪ Michael Carroll ▪ Callie Rogers ▪ Fullagar

• Sexteen-year-old ▪ Nineteen-year-old ▪ Sexteen-year-old ▪ Eighteen-year-old
• She won £1,055,171 ▪ He won £9,700,000. ▪ She won £1,800,000 ▪ She won £7,000,000
▪ About her future: she will live like a
normal student and not a millionaire.
▪ On her list is a holiday in Cairo and
travel around the country. Buy a acar.
speakout Elementary

Watch the video podcast. Do you have any similar plans?
1  Read and complete Hina’s text with one word in each space 2-7. Then watch the video podcast from
0:10-0:28 and check your answers.
I 1started working for the BBC in London three years 2__________. I really
enjoy my job 3___________ I’d love to live and work 4____________
in New
York. I’m going there in 5___________ autumn to visit some friends and I’m
really excited.
What about you? What are your plans 7____________ the future?

2A  Check new words in the box in a dictionary. Then watch the video podcast and tick (✓) ten jobs
you hear. There are two extra jobs.

solicitor    journalist    nurse    vet    photographer

actor    architect    doctor    pilot    graphic designer
research assistant    interior designer

2B  Watch the video podcast again and notice the word stress of the words in the box in 2A. Practise
saying them aloud.

3  Watch the video podcast again. Write the job each person wants to do under their picture. The jobs
in numbers 3 and 5 have two words.

1 solicitor doctor
2 __________________ research assistant
3 __________________
3 __________________

4 __________________
actor architect
5 __________________ 6 __________________
3 __________________

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speakout Elementary

4A  Look at the pictures of the people below. Who can answer questions 1-5? Write your answers and
then watch the video podcast again to check.

1  When would she like to do a Masters? C

2  Why does she want to live in Australia? E

3  What would he like to do in London? D

4  Why is he moving to Honduras? A

5  Why does she hope to move to a bigger house? B

Glossary: A Masters = a post-graduate course.

4B  Complete the answers to questions 1-5 in Ex 4A. Then watch the video podcast to check.
1  Next year, starting in the fall.

2  Because she likes the ___________ and the lifestyle there.

become acting.
3  He’d like to _________

4  Because he wants to stay there for about ___________ months to learn spanish

5  Because her house feels a bit small

___________ now that she has a ____________.

Glossary: the fall = the autumn (Am. Eng.)

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speakout Elementary

The way we speak

5  There are many different ways of talking about the future. Watch the video podcast again and
complete each person’s answer, 1-6.

1 I’m hoping to go to university in September.

would like
2 I _______________ join a band and tour round the world.

3 I plan
__________to be a doctor.

4 I also _______to get married in the next few years.

5 Well, I ________become a legal academic or a journalist.

6 I _________ to become a vet and hopefully specialise in small animals
and horses.

Glossary: legal academic = a professor of law at a university; specialise = to study/do only

one or two things

6  Where would you like to live in five years’ time? Write your answer below.
I would like to live in Oaxaca, because is it where I grew up


Fun Facts
Can animals plan for the future? A chimpanzee in a zoo in Sweden collects rocks and plans
attacks on visitors. Find out more at the BBC link below:

© Pearson Education Limited 2011 THE FUTURE page page 3

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