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Carrying liquefied natural gases by various type LNG ships

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Carriers

LNG carriers in service are fitted with independent cargo tanks

and with membrane tanks. LNG carriers are generally specialised
ships transporting LNG at its atmospheric pressure boiling point
of approximately -162 degree C, depending on the cargo grade.
These ships are usually dedicated vessels, but some smaller
examples may also carry basic LPG cargoes. If an LNG ship is
capable of carrying basic LPG cargoes, a reliquefaction plant is
installed to handle the boil-off LPG cargo vapours.

LNG carriers were typically in the range 80-135,000 m3 up until

2006. In 2006 the first LNG ships of over 200 and 250,000 m3
were being constructed for the new LNG trains being constructed
in Qatar.

Temperature control

LNG is liquefied by refrigeration to -162°C and this process is

carried out ashore, before the cargo is loaded onto the ship.

LNG carriers are fully insulated because it is not cost effective to

liquefy methane onboard (2006, though the first vessels with
reliquifaction plants may appear in the next few years). As the
ship has no reliquifaction plant any boil-off vapours are burned as
fuel gas in the the engine room.
Gas carrier cargo containment systems

Fig:Various type LNG carrier


The cargo containment systems will generally be either: LNG

Carriers - Membrane systems (Gaz Transport / Technigaz)
previously described. (A full secondary barrier with inerted spaces
is required for the membrane system) This system has a primary
and secondary barrier that is constructed of a thin material and
an insulation layer. - Type B (Moss Rosenberg) (The Type B
spherical tank requires only a partial secondary barrier) A full
double-bottom and side tank ballast system is fitted to all LNG

Fig:LNG carrier membrane gaz transport

Membrane (Gaz Transport or Tecnigaz)

A liquefied gas tank design where the cargo is contained by a thin

stainless steel or nickel alloy flexible membrane. There are two
membrane systems in use. In both cases the insulation is fitted
directly into the inner hull and the primary barrier consists of a
thin metal membrane less than one millimetre thick.

The Gaz Transport system uses two such membranes constructed

of ‘Invar’ (36% nickel-iron low expansion alloy). One acts as the
primary barrier and the other the secondary barrier and they are
separated by plywood boxes of perlite insulation. Similar boxes
are fitted between the secondary barrier and the inner hull.
Loading is transmitted through the insulation to the ship
structure. No centreline division is possible in this type of tank.
The other system, developed by Technigaz, has a stainless steel
membrane as the primary barrier while the secondary barrier is
included in the insulation, which consists of load bearing balsa
and mineral woods.
Fig:LNG carrier moss tanks

Moss Tanks

Spherical tanks are generally produced in aluminium or 9% nickel

steel. The sphere is welded to a steel skirt that is connected to
the hull of the ship and is then free to expand and contract as

Insulation is fitted to the outside shell of the sphere but no

secondary barrier is regarded as necessary across the upper part
of the sphere. However, below the sphere, an aluminium drip
tray, together with splash plates, provides secondary protection
for the hull. 
Fig:LNG carrier moss tanks cross section

These are generally the smallest type of liquefied gas carrier

afloat (up to about 5,000 cubic metres, although some are larger)
and carry products at ambient temperatures in cylindrical or
spherical steel pressure vessels designed to withstand pressures
up to 20 bar. They are not fitted with reliquefaction plant and
represent a simple cost- effective means of transporting LPGs and
chemical gases to the smaller gas terminals.

Today, most fully pressurized LPG carriers are fitted with two or
three horizontal, cylindrical or spherical cargo tanks. However, in
recent years a number of larger capacity fully-pressurized ships
have been built with spherical tanks.

These were the first generation of ships to carry liquefied gases.

The ships have a cargo capacity up to ~ 3,500 m3. These ships
carry the cargo in spherical or cylindrical steel tanks, designed for
a working pressure of 17.5 kg/cm2. This corresponds to the
vapour pressure of propane at 45oC, which is the maximum
ambient temperature in which the ship is likely to operate. No
means of temperature or pressure control is necessary.

The tanks are generally Type C spheres and no secondary barrier

is required. A double bottom is constructed for ballast water. The
hold space around the cargo tanks does not need to be inerted.

Type 'C' tanks are normally spherical or cylindrical pressure

vessels having design pressures higher than 4 barg. The
cylindrical vessels may be vertically or horizontally mounted. This
type of containment system is always used for semi-pressurised
and fully pressurised gas carriers.

Fig:Fully pressurized LPG carrier at sea

Type 'C' tanks are designed and built to conventional pressure

vessel codes and, as a result, can be subjected to accurate stress
analysis. Furthermore, design stresses are kept low. Accordingly,
no secondary barrier is required for Type 'C' tanks and the hold
space can be filled with either inert gas or dry air and for fully
pressurised tankers normal air may be allowed.

In the case of a typical fully pressurised tanker (where the cargo

is carried at ambient temperature), the tanks may be designed
for a maximum working pressure of about 18 barg. For a semi-
pressurised tanker the cargo tanks and associated equipment are
designed for a working pressure of approximately 5 to 7 barg and
a vacuum of 0.3 barg.
Advantages of fully pressurized tankers:

i) They are built with ordinary grades of steel as the cargo is

carried at ambient temperature and no insulation is required
ii) no reliquefaction plant is required
iii) operations are simpler


i) Due to their shape, the use of underdeck space cannot be

ii) high design pressure requires considerable tank wall thickness,
with consequent increase in displacement weight and cost


LNG vessel construction -Advantages of membrane

The arrangement for containment of cargo including, where
fitted, a primary and secondary barrier, associated insulation and
any intervening spaces, and adjacent structure, if necessary for
the support of these elements. If the secondary barrier is part of
the hull structure it may be a boundary of the hold space.

There are two basic types of cargo containment systems which

are generally referred to as incorporating either membrane or
Moss Rosenberg technology. In both cases, the containment
system is designed to serve two purposes:

 To contain LNG cargo at cryogenic temperatures (-160

degree C).
 To insulate the cargo from the hull structure.

The materials used for the hull structure are designed to

withstand varying degrees of temperature. At temperatures below
their specified limits, these steels will crystallise and become
brittle. The materials used for the containment system are
required to reduce the heat transfer from the hull structure to
minimise boil-off gas from the cargo, as well as to protect the hull
structure from the effects of cryogenic temperatures.
IMO classification of LNG vessels

Membrane cargo containment

The cargo containment system consists of insulated cargo tanks

encased within the inner hull and situated in-line from forward to
aft. The spaces between the inner hull and outer hull are used for
ballast and will also protect the cargo tanks in the event of an
emergency situation, such as collision or grounding.
LNG tank membrane design

The cargo tanks are separated from other compartments, and

from each other, by transverse cofferdams which are dry

The following description is of a Gaz Transport GT96 double

membrane system design. Although the principal design features
will be similar in other systems, e.g. Technigaz, there will be
differences in membrane construction and insulation structure.

In the Gaz Transport GT96 design, the inner hull, that is, the
outer shell of each of the cargo tanks, is lined internally with the
patent tank containment and insulation system. This consists of
the following:

1. A thin flexible membrane, called the primary membrane,

which is in contact with the cargo. This is fabricated from
Invar and has a typical thickness of 0.7mm.
2. A layer of plywood boxes filled with Perlite, called the
primary insulation, typically of approximately 230 mm
3. A second flexible membrane similar to the first one, called
the secondary membrane. Also of Invar and having a typical
thickness of 0.7mm.
4. A second layer of boxes, also filled with Perlite, and in
contact with the inner hull, called the secondary insulation.
This layer is typically of approximately 300 mm thickness.

The tank lining thus consists of two identical layers of membrane

and insulation, so that in the event of a leak in the primary
barrier, the cargo will be contained by the secondary barrier. The
secondary barrier is only designed to contain any envisaged
leakage of cargo for a period of 15 days. ( IGC Chapter 1V 4.7.4).
This system ensures that all the hydrostatic loads of the cargo are
transmitted through the membranes and insulation to the inner
hull plating of the ship.

Fig: Membrane design

The function of the membranes is to prevent leakage, while the

insulation supports and transmits the loads and, in addition,
minimises heat exchange between the cargo and the inner hull.
The secondary membrane, sandwiched between the two layers of
insulation, not only provides a safety barrier between the two
layers of insulation, but also reduces convection currents within
the insulation.

The primary and secondary insulation spaces are maintained

under a pressure-controlled nitrogen atmosphere. The pressure of
nitrogen within the primary space must never exceed the cargo
tank pressure, in order to prevent the membrane from collapsing
inwards. The insulation design should ensure that:

1. The heat flow into the tank is limited to such an extent that
the evaporation, or boil-off rate, is about 0.15% per day
based on sea surface temperature of 32 degrees and air
temperature 45 degrees Celsius.
2. The inner hull steel does not attain a temperature below its
minimum design value, even in the case of failure of the
primary barrier.
3. Any deflections resulting from applied strains and stresses
are acceptable by the primary barrier.

In addition to the above, the insulation acts as a barrier to

prevent any contact between ballast water and the primary
barrier, in the event of leakage through the inner hull.

Deterioration or failure of the insulation system

The insulation system is designed to maintain the boil-off losses

from the cargo at an acceptable level, and to protect the inner
hull steel from the effect of excessively low temperature. If the
insulation efficiency should deteriorate for any reason, the effect
may be a lowering of the inner hull steel temperature, i.e. a cold
spot and an increase in boil-off from the affected tank. If
necessary, increased boil-off gas may be vented to the
atmosphere via the vent riser and gas heater. The inner hull steel
temperature must, however, be maintained within acceptable
limits to prevent possible brittle fracture.

Thermocouples are normally distributed over the surface of the

inner hull, but unless a cold spot occurs immediately adjacent to
a sensor, these can only serve as a general indication of steel
temperature. To date, the only reliable way of detecting cold
spots is by frequent visual inspections of the ballast spaces on the
loaded voyage.

In addition to failure of the membrane, local cold spots can occur

due to failure of the insulation. While the inner hull steel quality
has been chosen to withstand the minimum temperature likely to
occur in service, prolonged operation at steel temperatures below
0°C will cause ice build-up on the plating, which in turn will cause
a further lowering of steel temperature due to the insulating
effect of the ice. To avoid this, heating coils may be fitted in the
cofferdam spaces, of sufficient capacity to maintain the inner hull
steel temperature at 0°C under the worst conditions.

If a cold spot is detected, either by the inner hull temperature

measurement system, or by visual inspection, the extent and
location of the ice formation should be recorded. Small local cold
spots are not critical and, provided a close watch and record are
kept as a check against further deterioration and spreading of the
ice formation, no further action is required. If the cold spot is
extensive, or tending to spread rapidly, salt water spraying
should be carried out.

In the unlikely event that this remedy is insufficient and it is

considered unsafe to delay discharge of cargo until arrival at the
discharge port, the final recourse will be to jettison the cargo via
a spool piece fitted at the cargo liquid manifold, using a single
main cargo pump. This action should only be taken after full
consultation with the Managing Office and relevant authorities.

Inner hull inspections ( Membrane Containment)

It is a requirement that all spaces around the cargo tanks are

inspected at least once in every six month period. To meet this
requirement the inner hull around a nominated cargo tank is
inspected from the ballast tank, cofferdam, and whaleback areas
(including the whaleback areas external to the ballast tank), each
alternate passage. This frequency ensures every space is
inspected within the required period.

These inspections should commence approximately 48 hours after

a cargo is loaded. The following points are to be covered and

1. The position and temperature of cold spots or absence of

cold spots.
2. Condition of anodes.
3. Condition of paintwork - a reference sheet is provided for
4. Extent of corrosion on both the inner and outer hulls,
particularly under the suction strums, in the way of striking
plates and behind heating coils in the ballast and
5. Position and amount of sediment.
6. Any damage, fractures etc. Particular attention to be paid to
the external portion of the inner hull for evidence of
fractures, and to the turn of the bilge areas of the inner hull
within the midships section of the vessel.
7. Hydraulic or heating coil leaks and the condition of scupper
pipes. The duct keel is to be inspected every six months and
must be well ventilated by fan before entry. All spaces
should be inspected on the first cargo after a drydock
period. The void space around each of the liquid domes
should be included in the inspection of the spaces around
the nominated cargo tank.

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