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Accident-Related E-Scooter Trauma Logic Model

Outputs Outcomes – Impact

Inputs Short Term Medium Long Term
Activities Participation

What we invest: What we do: Who we reach: Attitude Behavior Status

* Partnerships (i.e. CDC, health * Conduct training * People who use changes: changes: changes:
departments & DOT ) w/ partners alternative * Helmet policy • Reduction in
* Increased
* Trauma center staff * Networking transportation * Expansion of accident-related
awareness about e-
* Volunteers * Delivery of between the ages of bike lanes e-scooter traumas
scooter injuries
* Materials (i.e. pamphlets) educational material 15-35 * Reduction in the
* Time to at-risk population number of
* Funding (i.e. * Town hall meetings operational
* Ads/Billboards permits available
to each company

External factors:
1. Most e-scooter injuries involve a motor vehicle.
2. First-time riders are more likely to be involved in accident related e-scooter trauma. 1. The Atlanta City Council may reject law / policy proposals.
3. E-scooter injuries typically occur at night. 2. Confidentiality laws may limit participant accessibility.

Keisha Williams
CSSW 586 Research II: Evaluation of Practice
Logic Model Narrative
Dr. Kim
October 7, 2019

Program: Accident-Related E-Scooter Trauma Logic Model

Situation: Currently, there are no policies that govern e-scooter usage which has resulted in an
increase of emergency room visits. In particular, most facilities are witnessing a surge in e-scooter
injuries that involves trauma to the head.

Goal: To reduce the number accident-related e-scooter injuries.

What’s the problem:

A new form of transportation has appeared on the streets of urban areas for the past 18 months.
It is faster than walking, more convenient than sitting in lengthy traffic jams, and cheaper than the
rideshare companies, Uber or Lyft. Despite not being in existence for long, Atlanta has already
had 4 of its citizens to die as a result of e-scooter injuries; others have experienced countless, less
severe wounds such as dislocations, fractures, or organ damage. Nevertheless, because there is no
defined regulations for e-scooters, many physicians believe that the increase of accidents requiring
emergency room visits from these 2-wheeled vehicles will soon become a public health issue.

Significance of the project:

The primary concern of this intervention is to examine what about e-scooters are causing its
users to report to the emergency room in such alarming rates. Because the phenomenon of electric
scooters being a mode of transportation is still relatively new, there has not been much data
collected on how to manage these devices nor how to keep their customers safe.

Basic assumptions:

When people consider the time of day most accident-related e-scooter traumas take place, the
assumption is that they typically occur at night, or that the collision involves a novice scooter rider
and a car. However, the research could prove quite the opposite, that most e-scooter accidents
happen during daylight hours, by those who frequent the device often and is injured by running
over potholes or loose concrete.

Contributing Factors:

A few reasons that could possibly contribute to the likelihood of a trauma-related scooter
accident occurring is the fact that they have no sideview mirrors, nor are they equipped with turn
signals and are forced to ride on the street with other vehicles.

Inputs / Resources:

In order for the intervention to take place, the following resources will be needed:

* Partnerships (i.e. CDC, health departments & DOT)

* Trauma center staff
* Volunteers
* Materials (i.e. pamphlets)
* Time
* Funding

Outputs: Activities / Participation:

In an effort to reach our targeted population (ages 15-35) and achieve our desired outcome, the
following activities must be completed:

* Conduct training w/ partners

* Networking
* Delivery of educational material to at-risk population
* Town hall meetings
* Ads/Billboards


Short-term goal – Change in awareness and change in attitude:

participants’ awareness and knowledge about e-scooter injuries will be increased significantly
by receiving educational information about accident prevention

Intermediate goals – Changes in behavior and changes in decision-making:

Policies such as the requirement of helmets or the expansion of bike lanes to accommodate e-
scooters by the Atlanta City Council will hopefully improve the statistics of trauma-related

Long-term goal - Changes in social well-being:

reduction of accident-related e-scooter trauma will positively influence social and economic
conditions in the United States

Intervention plan:

* Targeted Population – individuals between the ages of 15-35 because they are the most
vulnerable to motor vehicle accidents.
Participants – 250 pamphlets will be distributed amongst four town hall meetings (one meeting
every quarter for a total of 1000 pamphlets). Those who received the information are to be
considered a “participant.”

*. Recruitment Method – An educational pamphlet was created and handed out during town hall
meetings and high traffic e-scooter areas. Involvement is strictly voluntary and the participant has
the option to receive the document or not.

* Development of Intervention Materials - The project team which consist of volunteers and staff
members will develop flyers guided by the Protection Motivation Theory targeting e-scooters users
between the ages of 15-35. Also, several training opportunities / lunch and learns will be
conducted throughout the assessment period so that the organizations can become aware of the
problem providers face and how their company effects the intended outcome.

*. Procedure of Implementation – Project team will distribute educational pamphlets to participants

soon after they complete a preassessment survey.

* Measures and Assessments – At the end of the year, the project team will reach out to the
identified volunteers via their contact information (phone, email, etc.) to have them complete a
post assessment survey. This will help assess their level or awareness.

*. Expected difficulties – The Atlanta City Council may be reluctant to pass e-scooter regulation
bills and the companies of these scooter maybe unwilling to change the design of their product.

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