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Another important quantity related to a given random variable is

its variance. This module was designed and written to help you understand in
calculating the mean and variance of a discrete random variable.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. calculate the mean, variance and standard deviation of a discrete random
2. interpret the mean, variance and standard deviation of a discrete random
variable; and
3. solve problems involving mean, variance and standard deviation of
probability distributions.


Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of

1. Which of the following is used in computing the variance of a discrete probability


A. µ = ƩX ∙ P(X) C. σ = √Ʃ(X − µ)2 ∙ P(X)

B. σ2 = Ʃ(𝑋 − µ)2 ∙ 𝑃(𝑋) D. σ2= Ʃ𝑋 ∙ 𝑛𝑃
2. Which of the following symbol represents the mean of the probability

A. Ʃ B. µ C. σ D. σ2

3. Listing of probabilities associated with all possible outcomes that could result if
the experiment were done.
A. Random variables C. Discrete probability distribution
B. Probability distribution D. Continuous probability distribution
4. Variable whose values are determined by chance.
A. Random variables C. Discrete probability distribution
B. Probability distribution D. Continuous probability distribution
5. Which of the following is used in computing the mean of a discrete probability

𝐴. µ = Ʃ𝑋 ∙ 𝑃(𝑋) C. 𝜎 = √Ʃ(𝑋 − µ)2 ∙ 𝑃(𝑋)

B. σ2 = Ʃ(𝑋 − µ)2 ∙ 𝑃(𝑋) D. σ2= Ʃ𝑋 ∙ 𝑛𝑃

6. Suppose P(X) describes a probability function and P(1)= 9/14, P(2)= 4/14. What
is the required value of P(3)?
A. 1/14 C. 3/14
B. 2/7 D. 1/12

7. It is computed by the sum of all values divided by the total number of values.
A. Variance C. Mean
B. Standard Deviation D. Skewness

8. Which of the following is a true statement?

A. The value of a random variable could be any real number
B. Random variables can only have one value
C. The sum of all the probabilities in a probability distribution is always
negative number
D. The sum of all the probabilities in a probability distribution must be
equal to one

9. Calculate the mean of 1, 6, 9, 5, 11, 8, 5, 13, 7.

A. 7.12 C. 7.23
B. 7.22 D. 7.30

10. Which of the following symbol represents the variance of the probability

A. Ʃ B. µ C. σ D. σ2

11. The probability of each value of the random variable must be between or equal
to 0 and 1. In symbol, we write it as:
A. 0  P(X)1 C. -1  P(X)0
B. 1  P(X) 0 D. 0  P(X)  1

12. In a family with two children, find the mean of the number of children who will
be boys.

A. 2 B. 1.5 C. 1 D. 0.50
13. When one die rolled, the mean of the number of spots is 3.5. The mean of the
number of spots if three dice are rolled is 10.5. What is the mean of number of
spots if two dice are rolled?

A. 8 B. 7 C. 6 D. 7.5

14. Which of the following is used in computing the standard deviation of a discrete
probability distribution?

A. µ = ƩX ∙ P(X) C. σ = √Ʃ(X − µ)2 ∙ P(X)

B. σ2 = Ʃ(𝑋 − µ)2 ∙ 𝑃(𝑋) D. σ2= Ʃ𝑋 ∙ 𝑛𝑃

15. The Department of Works and Highways recorded the following probabilities for
the number of accidents per day on a certain freeway for one week. The number of
accidents per day and their corresponding probabilities are shown below. Find the
mean, variance and standard deviation.

Number of accidents X 0 1 2 3 4
Probability P(X) 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1

A. µ = 1.30, σ2 =1.81, σ =1.35 C. µ =1.35, σ2 =1.81, σ =1.30

B. µ = 1.81, σ2 =1.30, σ =1.35 D. µ =1.30, σ2 =1.35, σ =1.80

Lesson The Mean, Variance and Standard

3 Deviation of a Discrete Random


The usefulness of the expected value as a prediction for the outcome of an

experiment is increased when the outcome is not likely to deviate too much from
the expected value. In this section we shall introduce a measure of this deviation,
called the variance.


Steps in Computing Variance and Standard Deviation of Frequency Distribution

1. Compute the mean by using the formula: ̅ = ƩfX

X n

2. Subtract the mean from each score. Square the results.

3. Multiply the result by the corresponding frequency, then add the result in the

𝑓((𝑋 − 𝑋̅)2 column.

̅ )2
4. Compute the variance using the formula: σ2 = n

5. Compute the standard deviation by getting the square root of the variance.


The table below shows a frequency distribution of the students who

answered 10-item test in Statistics. Compute the variance and standard deviation
of the given data.

Score Number of
4 1
6 3
7 5
9 4
10 7


To compute the variance and standard deviation of the given data, we will
follow the steps enumerated above, we have

1. Compute the mean. Number of Students

Score 𝑋 𝑓𝑋
ƩfX 163 4 1 4
X = = 8.15
n 20 6 3 18
7 5 35
9 4 36
10 7 70

𝑛 = 20 Ʃ𝑓𝑋 = 163

2. Subtract the mean from

𝑋 f 𝑋 − 𝑋̅ (X − 𝑋̅)2
each score and square the
results. 4 1 -4.15 17.2225
6 3 -2.15 4.6225
7 5 -1.15 1.3225
9 4 0.85 0.7225
10 7 1.85 3.4225
𝑛 = 20

3. Multiply the result

𝑋 f 𝑋 − 𝑋̅ (X − 𝑋̅)2 𝑓(X − 𝑋̅)2
by the corresponding
frequency. Add the 4 1 -4.15 17.2225 17.2225
result in the 6 3 -2.15 4.6225 13.8675
𝑓(X − 𝑋̅)2 column. 7 5 -1.15 1.3225 6.6125
9 4 0.85 0.7225 2.89
10 7 1.85 3.4225 23.9575

𝑛 = 20 Ʃ𝑓(X − 𝑋̅)2 = 64.55

4. Compute the variance

∑ 𝑓(X−𝑋̅)2 64.55
𝜎2 = = = 3.2275
𝑛 20

5. Compute the standard deviation

𝝈 = √𝝈𝟐 = √𝟑. 𝟐𝟐𝟕𝟓 = 𝟏. 𝟕𝟗𝟔𝟓

Try this!

The table below shows a frequency distribution on the score of 25 Grade 11

students in the final examinations.

Scores 15 16 18 19 21 23 24 25 26
Number of Students 5 3 4 3 4 1 1 2 2

Compute the mean and variance of the data.


The mean µ of the random variables X provides us with measure of the

central location of the distribution of X, but it does not give us information on how
the various values dispersed from µ. This lesson will teach us to describe the
spread or dispersion in a probability distribution as well as how to compute the
mean and the variance of a discrete probability distribution.

Variance is a measurement of the spread between numbers within the data

set. That is, it measures how far each number in the set is from the mean.
Standard deviation measures the dispersion of a data set relative to its mean and
as calculated as the square root of the variance. It is calculated as the square root
of variance by determining the variation between each point relative to the mean.

Steps in Finding the Variance and Standard Deviation of Discrete Random


1. 1. Find the mean of the probability distribution.

2. 2. Subtract the mean from each value of random variable X.
3. 3. Square the results obtained in Step 2.
4. 4. Multiply the results obtained in Step 3 by the corresponding probability.
5. 5. Get the sum of the result obtained in Step 4.
6. 6. Get the square root of the variance to get the standard deviation.

Alternative Procedure in Finding the Variance and Standard Deviation of a
Probability Distribution
1. Find the mean of probability distribution.
2. Multiply the square of the value of the random variable X by its corresponding
3. Get the sum of the results obtained in Step 2.
4. Subtract the mean from the results obtained in Step 3.


Properties of Probability Distribution

1. The probability of each value of the random variable must be between or equal to
0 and 1. In symbol, we write it as 0 𝑃(𝑋) 1.

2. The sum of probabilities of all values of the random variable must be equal to 1.
In symbol, we write it as 𝑃(𝑋) = 1

Formula for the Variance and Standard Deviation of a Probability Distribution

To find the variance of a probability distribution by multiply the square of

each outcome by its corresponding probability, get the sum of the products, and
subtract the square of the mean. Thus, the variance of a discrete probability
distribution is given by the formula:

σ2 = Ʃ(𝑋 − µ)2·𝑃(𝑋)

and the standard deviation of a discrete probability distribution is given by the


σ = √Ʃ(𝑋 − µ)2 · 𝑃(𝑋)

X = value of the random variable
P(X) = probability of the random variable X
µ = mean of the probability distribution

Alternative Formula for Variance and Standard Deviation of a Discrete
Probability Distribution

The variance of a discrete probability distribution is given by the formula:

σ2 = Ʃ𝑋2 · 𝑃(𝑋) − µ2

and the standard deviation of a discrete probability distribution is given by the

σ =√ Ʃ𝑋2 · 𝑃(𝑋) − 2
X = value of the random variable
P(X) = probability of the random variable X
 = mean of the probability distribution

Note: Remember that the variance and standard deviation cannot be negative.

Example 1

A box contains 5 balls. Two are numbered 1, one is numbered 3, and two are
numbered 2. The balls are mixed, and one is selected at random. After a ball is
selected, its number is recorded, then it is put back. The experiment is repeated
many times and results are shown in the table below. Find the variance and
standard deviation of the numbers on the balls.


Step 1 Number on balls X Probability P(X) X· P(X)

Find the mean of 1 2 2
the probability 5 5
distribution. 3 1 3
5 5
2 2 4
5 5

µ = Ʃ𝑋 · 𝑃(𝑋) = = 1.8

Step 2 Number on balls X Probability P(X) 𝑋 · 𝑃(𝑋) X-µ

Subtract the mean 1 2 2 1 − 1.8 = −0.80
from each value of the 5 5
random variable X. 3 1 3 3 − 1.8 = 1.20
5 5
2 2 4 2 − 1.8 = 0.20
5 5

Step 3 Number Probability 𝑋 · 𝑃(𝑋) 𝑋 − µ (𝑋 − µ)2
Square the result on balls X P(X)
obtained in Step 2. 1 2 2 -0.80 0.64
5 5
3 1 3 1.20 1.44
5 5
2 2 4 0.20 0.04
5 5

Step 4 X 𝑃(𝑋) 𝑋 · 𝑃(𝑋) 𝑋 − µ (X - µ)2 (𝑋 − µ)2 · 𝑃(𝑋)

Multiply the result 1 2 2 -0.80 0.64 0.256
obtained in Step 3 5 5
by its 3 1 3 1.20 1.44 0.288
corresponding 5 5
probability. 2 2 4 0.80 0.04 0.256
5 5

Step 5 X 𝑃(𝑋) 𝑋 · 𝑃(𝑋) 𝑋 − µ (X - µ)2 (𝑋 − µ)2 · 𝑃(𝑋)

Get the sum of the 1 2 2 -0.80 0.64 0.256
result from Step 4. 5 5
The result is the 3 1 3 1.20 1.44 0.288
value of variance. 5 5
2 2 4 0.80 0.04 0.002
5 5

σ2 = Ʃ (𝑋 − µ)2 · 𝑃(𝑋) = 0.546

Step 6
Get the square root σ = √Ʃ(𝑋 − µ)2 . 𝑃(𝑋)
of the variance to = √0.5456
get the standard = 0.7389
The variance of the probability distribution is 0.546 and the
standard deviation is 0.7389.


We will now use the alternative procedure in finding the variance and
standard deviation of a probability distribution

Consider the same problem.

A box contains 5 balls. Two are numbered 1, one is numbered 3, and two are
numbered 2. The balls are mixed and one is selected at random. After a ball is

selected, its number is recorded. Then it is replaced. If the experiment is repeated
many times, find the variance and standard deviation of the numbers on the balls.


Step 1 Number on balls X Probability P(X) X· P(X)

Find the mean of the 1 2 2
probability 5 5
distribution using the 3 1 3
formula: 5 5
µ = ƩX · P(X) 2 2 4
5 5

µ = ƩX · P(X) = = 1.8

Step 2 Number on balls X Probability X· P(X) X2 · P(X)

Multiply the square of P(X)
the value of the 1 2 2 12 ·
2 = 2
5 5
random variable X by 5 5
its corresponding 3 1 3 32 ·
5 5
probability. 5 5
2 2 4 22·
5 5
5 5

Step 3 Number on balls X Probability X· P(X) X2 · P(X)

Get the sum of the P(X)
result obtained in Step 1 2 2 2
2. 5 5 5
3 1 3 9
5 5 5
2 2 4 8
5 5 5

σ2 = ƩX2 · P(X) = = 3.80

Step 4 The variance is

Subtract the square of σ2 = ƩX2 · P(X) - µ2
the mean from the = 3.80 – (1.80)2
results obtained in = 3.80 – 3.24
Step 3 to get the = 0.56
variance. Get the The standard deviation is
square root of the σ =√ Ʃ𝑋2 · 𝑃(𝑋) − 2
variance to find the = √0.56
standard deviation. = 0.748


In computing the variance and standard deviation of discrete random

variable should follow the steps namely: (1) find the mean of the probability
distribution, (2) subtract the mean from each value of random variable X, (3) square
the results obtained in Step 2, (4) multiply the results obtained in Step 3 by the
corresponding probability, (5) get the sum of the result obtained in Step 4 and; (6)
get the square root of the variance to get the standard deviation.

Use the formula σ2 = Ʃ(𝑋 − µ)2·𝑃(𝑋) to compute the variance of a discrete

random variables and σ = √Ʃ(𝑋 − µ)2 · 𝑃(𝑋) for standard deviation of a discrete
random variables.


X = value of the random variable

P(X) = probability of the random variable X

µ = mean of the probability distribution


Answer the following problems.

1. Complete the table below by finding the variance and standard deviation of the
following probability distribution.

X P(X) X · P(X) X2 · P(X)

17 0.2
18 0.3
19 0.2
20 0.1
21 0.2

2. Find the variance and the standard deviation of the probability distribution of
the random variable X which can take only the values 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13, given
that P(2)= 0.15, P(3)= 0.25, P(5)= 0.15, P(7)= 0.10, P(11) = 0.30, and P(13)= 0.05

3. A radio station has six telephone lines. If the host is unable to talk or is talking
to another person, the other callers are placed on hold. When all lines are in use,
others who are trying to call in get busy signal. The probability that 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4

people will get through is 0.22, 0.10, 0.21, 0.23, and 0.24, respectively. Find the
variance and the standard deviation for the distribution.


Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of

1. It is computed by the sum of all values divided by the total number of values.
A. Variance C. Mean
B. Standard Deviation D. All of the above

2. It measures how far a data set is spread out.

A. variance B. mean C. probability D. standard deviation
For numbers 3 – 5, refer to the probability distribution shown below.

X 0 2 4 6 8
P(X) 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.25 0.15

3. What is the mean of the probability distribution?

A. 4.3 B. 3.4 C. 3.0 D. 2.8

4. What is the variance of the probability distribution?

A. 6.52 B. 5.71 C. 2.55 D. 2.39

5. What is the standard deviation of the probability distribution?

A. 6.52 B. 5.71 C. 2.55 D. 2.39

6. It is measure of the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of values.

A. Kurtosis B. Mean C. Skewness D. Standard Deviation

7. The sum of probabilities of all values of the random variable.

A. 0 B. 0.5 C. 1 D. 0.01

8. It is calculated as the square root of variance.

A. variance B. mean C. deviation D. standard deviation

9. Which of the following symbol represents the standard deviation of the

probability distribution?

A. Ʃ B. µ C. σ D. σ2

10. Which of the following is a true statement?

A. variance and standard deviation cannot be negative.

B. variance and standard deviation can be negative
C. variance and standard deviation either negative or positive
D. variance and standard deviation neither negative or positive

11. Which of the following symbol represents the probability of the random

A. P(X) B. µ C. X D. X2
12. Which of the following statement is a true?
A. 1 P(X) 0 B. 0 ≥ P (X) ≥ 1 C. 0 P(X) 1 D. 1 ≥ P (X)0
For numbers 13 –15.
The number of students using the Statistics Lab of Pres. Diosdado High
School per day is found in the distribution below. Find the mean, variance, and
standard deviation for this probability distribution.

x 6 8 10 12 14
P(X) 0.15 0.30 0.35 0.10 0.10

13. What is the mean of the probability distribution?

A. 9.2 B. 9.7 C. 9.4 D. 9.0

14. What is the variance of the probability distribution?

A. 4.25 B. 5.24 C. 3.23 D. 2.29

15. What is the standard deviation of the probability distribution?

A. 2.928 B. 2.298 C. 2.829 D. 2.289

Bluman, AG. (2012). Elementary Statistics: A step by Step Approach. 8 th ed. New
York: McGraw Hill
McCune, A. (2010). Statistics: Practice Makes Perfect. United States: The McGraw-
Hill Companies, Inc
Mercado del Rosario, A.C. (2010). Basic Statistics with Probability: 3rd ed.
Philippines: Del Ros Publishing House.
Belecina, R.R, Baccay, E.S, Matoe, E.B. (2016). Statistics and Probability: 1st ed.
Philippines: Rex Bookstore, Inc.

Development Team of the Module







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