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Running head: BOOK REVIEW 1

Review on the Book: The Sovereignty Solution: a Commonsense Approach to Global Security

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The Sovereignty Solution is the culmination of 5 years of learning, researching, and

composing. It makes a clearly articulated case for a large and profound transformation, including

how people interpret the U.s' global strategy. Anna Simons is a defense research scholar there at

NPS with a PhD in the anthropology of Harvard. Her fellow researchers, Joe McGraw & Duane

Lauchengco, are also officially designated U.S. Military Forces officials with a degree in the

U.S. Military College and the National Police Service. Even though most people see this study as

a fresh concept, this is not distinct, and the editors are the first to concede that comparable

studies exist, although if they reach conflicting results. Ultimately, all 3 acknowledge that, even

though these views are not the perfect answer, they may stimulate some much-needed discussion

on the subject. Considering that as their purpose, they were unquestionably successful.

Throughout the article, Simons, McGraw, & Lauchengco make a compelling case for this

huge change in approach straightforwardly and concisely. Even though their perspective to

comprehensive plan appears harsh, they deconstruct this for the audience, breaking it down into

persuasive sub-arguments. Even as the viewer goes thru The Sovereignty Solution, which

consists of 9-chapters and a conclusion, the preceding topics are rationally built on.

Review on the Book: The Sovereignty Solution: a Commonsense Approach to Global Security

The book being discussed is Simons, McGraw, and Lauchengco's The Sovereignty

Solution. The book offers people a novel way of planning, compelling, convincing, and

unambiguous argument for a basic and significant transformation in how Americans conceive

their country's grand strategy. While their ideas and recommendations are hardly the ideal

answer, the writers understand that they may arouse some far discussion on the subject.

Throughout the article, the writers strongly argue for a drastic shift in approach concisely.


The Sovereignty Solution is written by Anna Simons, a Scholar & Professor of Defense

Research at us Navy Postgraduate School, through collaboration with Joe McGraw and Duane

Lauchengco, and U.S. Military lieutenant colonels and Special Ops operators. The book

expresses a serious potential future American foreign affair in support of a U.S. global strategy.

One such book is appropriate for Defense College study because it examines and extends

significant international conventions while suggesting policy options that affect not the just

United States but ultimately the majority of the world's states. . Furthermore, it contains over 65

pages of thorough study comments that provide great value and may be studied accompanying

each of nine chapters.

Simons, McGraw, and Lauchengco, like U.S. President George W. in his final speech in

1796, are tired of 'unsupportable international attachments' and interminable US-led wars. They

say that protracted conflicts disregard the United States' strengths—transparency, stability,

reliability, freedom, fairness and equality, constitutional government, liberals, small governance,

limited company, acts based on official acts of warfare by Parliament, and the conclusive use of

extreme firepower.

Simons, McGraw, and Lauchengco agree that the United States lacks qualities of...

statesmanship and warfighting such as "debt forgiveness, staff consistency, international

language abilities, cross-cultural awareness, and understanding of history, minimum use of

power, and substantial interdisciplinary engagement and collaboration." They believe that today's

poor American policy measures at sophisticated diplomacy, as well as an uneven and extensive

use of U.S. military action, may be removed by one basic, easy-to-understand U.S. international

affairs: 'don't breach U.S. independence, or else.'

A Sovereignty Solution highlights to all nationalities, such as the United States and its

closest friends, like Australia, as well as the United States' adversaries, that perhaps the benefit of

sovereign rights entails two fundamental components: state responsibility and state commitment.

Put, 'sovereignty is not a question of scale... it is binary: either/or.' As per The Sovereignty Plan,

the inability of any country to uphold the dual prerequisites of national integrity and national

commitment will evoke a fast and severe reaction from the U.S. According to Simons, McGraw,

and Lauchengco, this reaction will be predicated on U.S. strengths, particularly the capacity of

the U.S. to use brutal force, as well as the speed, tempo, length, and severity of that power.


This article particularly stands out because it attempts to instigate and launch an intensive

discussion in the U.s about national defense. This conversation addresses and repairs the

discrepancies and holes among what American officials say, what they do, how well the national

politicians would like the state to be perceived by the wider world, and how it is now seen.

Whatever made the book truly compelling or successful was the writers' focus on the necessity

for U.s to adopt a new international affair that cautions prospective U.S. enemies to accept

America's independence for U.s to accept their freedom. When the writers show that our

sovereignty guarantees two things, I believe the book to be excellent in its understanding: (i) the

nation's boundary stays inviolate, and (ii) individuals in a country swear their loyalty to it. Said,

until a country is at war, no one from another country may harm American citizens. Furthermore,

the policy instructs others: don't expect the U.s to embrace your principles here in America, as

we will never anticipate you to embrace American values in your own country. That is to say,

you be yourself, and we'll be ourselves. By stating "you be you," the writers indicate that the

U.S. authorities will not allow the Us Way to be proselytized in other nations.

I concur with the writers when they say that if everybody supports one another's

sovereignty, the U.S. state will not try to persuade other nations to alter. This increases the

consideration that sovereignty should be accorded. Still, identity necessitates a far more focused

emphasis on the American public's problems and difficulties, such as undocumented immigrants.

As Per the writers, America should not interfere with or become involved in the internal

problems of neighboring states. One flaw of this work is that it presents an argument for an

American approach that allows other states to live their lives as they see fit until they challenge

the sovereignty of the Americans. This means that America really shouldn't send its military

troops into a state to settle a civil conflict that is slaughtering many civilians unless the country

in question violates America's sovereignty. This is not appropriate since U.S. military

participation may assist restore peace and putting an end to murders. For example, during the

Balkan hostilities in the 1990s, U.S. assistance restored peace to Bosnia and East Europe.


International policies essentially cover self-interest methods that a state uses to protect its

vital sovereignty and achieve its varied objectives in the context of its international relations.

This book has genuinely increased my grasp of contemporary policy matters by emphasizing the

significance of recognizing other nations' sovereignty and why everyone else would accept

America's sovereignty. According to the writers, the United States must accept the sovereignty of

other states or organizations, and other nations or entities should accept U.S.'s sovereignty. The

commandment to love one's neighbor as oneself gives the United States an excellent cause to aim

to constantly do good for all the other states rather than attacking them.

International politics is an essential issue nowadays since the U.s is engaged in the self-

interest plans and domestic affairs of various states globally and entices them with monetary

assistance to do what America needs instead of what is beneficial for those states. It does so to

safeguard its sovereign interests and achieve its varied goals in the context of global

relationships. The problem is also relevant now owing to the ever-present fear of terrorist's

strikes from groups such as ISIS and AL-Qaeda. The writers' many ideas offered in this

publication give a consistent beginning basis for revamping America's international affairs. The

book may be used to help shape and maintain a strong U.S. international affair that caution

terrorist organizations like ISIS and Al-Qaeda, amongst many others, not to threaten U.S.

sovereignty. In short, America will protect itself from any potential adversaries.


Currently, the United States’ international relation is built on the country's use of

substantial military strength, which is backed by the fundamental idea that anytime the United

States deploys its marines and defense group, it is paving the path for freedom. This approach is

not always beneficial. In other words, the employment of armed forces is excellent and efficient

in certain situations but harmful and ineffectual in others. For example, the U.s occupations of

Afghanistan and Iraq, while beneficial in terms of political transition, have been ineffectual in

terms of constructing a strong civilized society. On the opposite, the United States has made

matters worse in several areas. The United States is now powerless to instil freedom and

eliminate terrorism in the Mideast. This illustrates why so many Americans are dissatisfied with

the country's international policy, notably the scene in the Middle East. America's international

policy has failed to establish political stability in the Mideast. Nevertheless, the deployment of

military force by the United States was successful in restoring stability to Bosnia and the Balkans

area during the mid-1990s Balkan wars.


Finally, this is an excellent work produced by knowledgeable and educated persons. This

book is educational, and I strongly suggest it to laypeople, academics, and other pastors. In

summary, everybody who is interested in U.S. international relations must read this paper. Even

if I differ with several of the text's contents, the writers' strong points provide a solid framework

for reforming America's international policy. Simons, McGraw, and Lauchengco are correct

when they assert that America works hard to promote its kind of freedom to those who don't

want it. The United States must set a good model and allow others to follow suit if they so want,

this strategy would be preferable.

Simply put, the United States must do what it teaches, and its international policy must

represent this. The essay is a powerful, radical, and cohesive indictment of the United States'

long-standing international policy. The book stimulates, no, requires, conversation.



Simmons, A., McGraw, J., & Lauchengco, D. (2011). The Sovereignty Solution: A Common

Sense Approach to Global Security. Barnes & Noble

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