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British Journal of Plastic Surgery (2005) 58, 431–440

New nomenclature concept of perforator flap*

Jeong Tae Kim*

Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Haengdang-
Dong 17, Seongdong-Gu, Seoul 133-792, South Korea

Received 29 September 2003; accepted 15 December 2004

KEYWORDS Summary Confusion regarding the perforator flap concept has arisen partly from
Perforator flap; the use of ill-defined nomenclature without consistency; flaps have been named
Nomenclature according to either the proximal vessel, the location harvested or the muscle
dissected. Since, a variety of conflicting terms can distort the exact understanding of
the flap and the true perforator concept, a precise and scientific system of
nomenclature is promptly needed.
In order to remedy such confusion, the author reviewed 54 recently published
articles and 38 abstracts for vague or inaccurate nomenclatures, and compared the
perforator flaps with the conventional flaps. A new nomenclature was then drawn up
according to three perforator types: direct cutaneous, septocutaneous and
musculocutaneous perforator. Even though only musculocutaneous perforators
were considered to be true perforators in the initial concept, some perforator
flaps have subsequently been added based on septocutaneous or direct cutaneous
perforators. Discrimination is necessary and made possible by use of the following
nomenclature: a perforator flap based on a musculocutaneous perforator is named
according to the name of the muscle perforated, and perforator flaps based on other
types of perforators, are named according to the name of the proximal vessel. The
term ‘perforator based’ further defines those flaps harvested without sacrificing the
proximal vessel.
This new nomenclature concept would be a great help in discriminating among the
various patterns of perforator flaps and also in preventing confusion arising from the
misnaming of new perforator flaps in the future. Furthermore, the perforator pattern
used in the flap can easily be comprehended, and especially in extremities, various
perforator flaps, based on the musculocutaneous or septocutaneous perforator, can
plainly be distinguished with this new nomenclature concept.
Q 2005 The British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All
rights reserved.

Presented at the 6th International Course of Perforator Flap, Taipei, Taiwan, October 24–26, 2002. And II Congress of World Society
for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Heidelberg, Germany, May 12–15, 2003. And the 13th International Congress of the International
Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Sydney, Australia, August 10–15, 2003. And 2004 American Society for
Reconstructive Microsurgery, Palm Springs, USA, January 17–20, 2004.
* Tel.: C82 2 2290 8560/8563; fax: C82 2 2293 8560.
E-mail address:

S0007-1226/$ - see front matter Q 2005 The British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
432 J.T. Kim

Table 1 Comparison of conventional and new nomenclature

Conventional flap name Flap name according to new con-
cept (perforator pattern selected)
Lateral chest wall
Latissimus dorsi perforator (based) flap/latissimus dorsi musculocuta- Latissimus dorsi perforator flap
neous flap without muscle/thoracodorsal (artery) perforator flap (MCp)
Thoracodorsal perforator flap (SCp)
Latissimus dorsi perforator-based flap Latissimus dorsi perforator based
flap (MCp) or latissimus dorsi per-
forator based island flap
Paraumbilical perforator (based) flap/periumbilical rectus abdominis Rectus abdominis perforator flap
perforator flap/inferior epigastric artery skin flap without rectus (MCp)
abdominis muscle/deep inferior epigastric artery skin flap/deep inferior
epigastric (artery) p. flap
Paraumbilical perforator flap without deep inferior epigastric vessels Rectus abdominis perforator based
flap (MCp) or rectus abdominis
perforator based island flap
Anterolateral thigh perforator flap Rectus femoris perforator flap or
vastus lateralis perforator flap
Lateral circumflex femoral per-
forator flap or descending perfora-
tor flap (SCp)
Tensor fasciae latae perforator (based) flap Tensor fasciae latae perforator flap
Posterior thigh perforator flap Biceps femoris perforator flap
Deep femoral perforator flap (SCp)
Superior/inferior gluteal perforator (based) flap (Superior/inferior) gluteus maximus
perforator flap (MCp)
Pedicled perforator flap/perforator-based flap in gluteal area Gluteus maximus perforator based
island flap
Lumbar artery perforator based island flap Erector spinae perforator based
island flap
Medial sural artery perforator Flap Medial gastrocnemius perforator
flap (MCp)
Gastrocnemius perforator-based flap
Anterolateral leg perforator flap33 Anterio tibial perforator flap (SCp)
Posterior tibial perforator flap Posterior tibial perforator flap
(SCp), soleus perforator flap (MCp)
Flexor digitorum longus p. flap
Lateral leg perforator flap Peroneal perforator flap (SCp)
Peroneus longus perforator flap
Radial artery perforator flap/perforator-based forearm flap Radial perforator flap (SCp) or
flexor carpi radialis perforator flap
Antecubital fascio-cutaneous flap34 Inferior cubital perforator flap
MCp, musculocutaneous perforator; SCp, septocutaneous perforator; p, perforator
New nomenclature concept of perforator flap 433

Inconsistent nomenclature of perforator flaps hin- perforators from the same proximal vascular
ders communication and causes difficulty in devel- system. Furthermore, the perforator type used in
oping the perforator flap concept. For instance, the the flap dissection such as MCp or SCp is not
deep inferior epigastric perforator flap is named accurately described in the nomenclature.10 Some
after the proximal vessel, however, sometimes it flaps such as tensor fascia lata perforator flap,11
has also been named the paraumbilical or perium- posterior tibial perforator flap12 or medial sural
bilical perforator flap.1,2 As for the perforator flaps artery perforator flap13 manifest the name of the
from the lateral chest wall, the name of latissimus proximal artery in the nomenclature, but the
dorsi perforator flap has been used, along with the perforator pattern is not exactly described. Con-
other nomenclature of thoracodorsal perforator versely, the lateral leg perforator flap14 or posterior
flap.3,4 Since, anterolateral thigh perforator flap is thigh perforator flap5 are named according to the
named after the region where it is harvested, two region.
perforator dissections based on the septocutaneous Popular perforator flaps in the abdomen and
perforator (SCp) or musculocutaneous perforator lateral chest wall have various kinds of nomencla-
(MCp) are not distinguished by the nomenclature. tures. The DIEP flap is known to be one of the most
Various perforator flaps have been described on popular flaps but, many nomenclatures have been
the limbs. It is difficult to understand exactly when used, including paraumbilical perforator flap,1,15
they were first mentioned during discussion or paraumbilical perforator-based flap,16 deep
described in the literature. Especially, in posterior inferior epigastric perforator flap (DIEP),17–19 deep
thigh perforator flap5 or medial circumflex femoral inferior epigastric artery perforator flap,20 inferior
perforator flap,6 it is difficult to understand how to epigastric artery skin flaps without rectus abdomi-
elevate the flap or which perforator is used. nis muscle,21 and deep inferior epigastric artery
Confusion also occurs between sural artery per- skin flap.22 In the lateral chest wall area, the name
forator flap7 and peroneal perforator flap.8 The ‘latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap without
nomenclature of radial artery perforator flap9 is muscle’23 was introduced first, but its expression
vague and inaccurate, therefore, the exact harvest- was somewhat contradictory, because of inclusion
ing procedure can hardly be understood unless of both ‘musculocutaneous’ and ‘without muscle’.
reading the entire article. Since, an ideal nomen- Next, the name ‘latissimus dorsi perforator flap’3
clature should be consistent and accurate, scien- was introduced, and also ‘thoracodorsal (artery)
tific and detailed information about the pedicle perforator flap’ was used, following the customary
course and perforator used are prerequisites in the nomenclature of DIEP flap.24–26
new nomenclature concept. An inappropriately long description was required
for exact description in some perforator flaps, such
as the paraumbilical perforator flap without deep
Materials inferior epigastric vessels,15 the gluteal fold flap
nourished by skin perforators of the internal
Fifty-four articles and 38 abstracts were reviewed pudendal artery,27 or the posterior interosseous
for the usage of nomenclature. Similar perforator flap based on a septal perforator.28 Some areas are
flaps were classified and their names were com- vague in the perforator concept, and various
pared from the anatomical standpoint. Vague and subcutaneous or fascia pedicled flaps have been
inaccurate expressions were exposed, and conven- introduced as perforator flaps. These inadequate
tional flaps were compared with perforator flaps for terms, such as ‘distally pedicled cutaneous-subcu-
the purpose of determining whether the nomen- taneous perforator forearm flap’,29 ‘turn-over flap
clature could faithfully represent the character of based on perforators of the dorsalis pedis’,30
the flap and distinguish the one from the other. ‘perforator based V–Y advancement flap’31 and
‘perforator-based forearm and hand adipofascial
flap’32 have caused serious confusion in the per-
forator concept.

The nomenclature of perforator flaps on the New nomenclature system

extremities is extremely disorganised (Table 1).
On the thigh, the anterolateral thigh perforator flap Any new standardised nomenclature should be
is named according to the region, whilst the tensor accurate and simple to understand, moreover, the
fascia lata perforator flap is named according to the perforator pattern used and dissection course
muscle, even though both flaps are based on should be easily understood from the
434 J.T. Kim

Figure 1 New nomenclature system of the perforator flap. Perforator flap based on the DCp or SCp is named based on
its proximal vessel, but the flap based on the MCp is named according to the muscle perforated. Perforator ‘based’ flap
means the flap based on a perforator itself without further proximal dissection, and its name according to the perforator
type in above principle. (A) Direct cutaneous perforator (DC-p) from its proximal vessel (X). (B) ‘X perforator flap’ based
on the DC-p is named from proximal vessel X. (D) Septocutaneous perforator (SC-p) from proximal vessel (Y). (E) ‘Y
perforator flap’ based on the SC-p is named from proximal vessel Y. (G) Musculocutaneous perforator (MC-p) variant of
the septocutaneous perforator. (H) ‘B perforator flap’ is named from the muscle B perforated by alternative
transmuscular course of septocutaneous perforator. (J) Musculocutaneous perforator (MC-p) sprouted from the muscle
(C). (K) ‘C perforator flap’ is named from the muscle C perforated. (C), (F), (I) and (L) Perforator ‘based’ flap based on
each perforator type.
New nomenclature concept of perforator flap 435

nomenclature. Since, the sprouting point of the lateralis perforator flap means that the flap is
perforator is variable and unpredictable, new elevated based on the MCp through transmuscular
nomenclature should accommodate such variety dissection of vastus lateralis, however, the lateral
within a framework of definite principle. circumflex femoral perforator flap implies that the
Perforators can be categorised as direct flap is elevated based on the SCp.
cutaneous perforator (DCp), septocutaneous per- The term, ‘perforator based’ is used for the flap,
forator (SCp) and muculocutaneous perforator when it is truly based on the perforator itself with
(MCp). DCp is the perforator sprouting from the the proximal vessel saved, and the flap is named
proximal vessel to dermis without traversing the according to the perforator type as described above
muscle or deep fascia, and mostly found in face, (Fig. 1(C), (F), (I) and (L)). This distinction would
perineum and so on. SCp is the one piercing also solve the current confusion caused by disorga-
between the neighboring muscles, and mostly nised usage of ‘perforator flap’ and ‘perforator
found in extremities. MCp, a true perforator based flap’.
piercing the muscle, is the pedicle for genuine
perforator flap, and should be discriminated from
the two former types, DCp and SCp, by a different
nomenclature. Discussion
For the flap based on the DCp or SCp, it is
desirable to name it according to the proximal Perforator flaps have been developed to reduce the
vessel; submental perforator flap35 from the sub- sacrifice of donor structure, and to enable versatile
mental artery or medial plantar perforator flap36 design or thickness as required. However, it proved
from medial plantar artery (Fig. 1(A), (B), (D) and to require meticulous and challenging transmuscu-
(E)). It is important for these two patterns to be lar dissection technique compared to conventional
distinguished from MCp by different nomenclature flaps. Some authors proposed to define the per-
system, because their dissections are not so forator flaps as exclusively those based on MCp.37
difficult as MCp. But, for the flap based on the The question of whether the flap based on DCp or
MCp, it is named according to the name of muscle SCp should be excluded has been an issue of
perforated (Fig. 1(J) and (K)). In the anterolateral controversy, and debates on the perforator flap
thigh flap, it can also be elevated in two patterns category are still being continued. At first, this
according to its variable anatomy, such as the SCp author also thought that MCp was the real perfora-
or MCp (Fig. 1(G) and (H)). Therefore, the vastus tor and the flaps based on other perforators should

Figure 2 Conventional flap and perforator flap in forearm. (A) Forearm fasciocutaneous flap including the deep fascia
and septum containing septocutaneous perforator (SCp). MCp, musculocutaneous perforator. (B) Forearm septocuta-
neous flap excluding the deep fascia. (C) Radial perforator flap based on the SCp with the septum and deep fascia
excluded. (D) Flexor carpi radialis (FCR) perforator flap based on MCp sprouting from the FCR muscle.
436 J.T. Kim

be excluded from the perforator concept to prevent such as forearm or saphenous flap. Therefore, the
confusion. However, some perforators vary perforator flap based on the MCp should better be
between MCp and SCp because of the anatomical discriminated by different nomenclature from
variability. Furthermore, some of the conventional those based on other perforators.
fasciocutaneous or cutaneous island flaps based on Generally, SCp has been accepted to be a pedicle
the perforator or narrowed septal pedicle, includ- within the perforator concept. Giunta and Geisweid
ing several perforators, have been already used, suggested a simple system to discriminate two

Figure 3 Conventional and perforator flap in thigh. LCFA, lateral circumflex femoral artery; Ds, descending branch;
VL, vastus lateralis; MCp, musculocutaneous perforator; SCp, septocutaneous perforator. (A) Conventional flap of
anterolateral thigh (musculocutaneous) flap can be easily distinguished from perforator flap with its nomenclature. (B)
Vastus lateralis perforator flap based on MCp of VL. (C) Descending perforator flap based on SCp without sacrifice of
transverse branch and proximal LCFA. (D) Lateral circumflex femoral perforator flap with longer pedicle and proximal
branching system for chimeric pattern. (E) Vastus lateralis perforator based flap based on MCp with sparing of proximal
descending branch by limited dissection. (F) Descending perforator based flap based on SCp with sparing of descending
branch depending on the recipient status.
New nomenclature concept of perforator flap 437

perforator flaps, such as ‘musculocutaneous per- concept, conventional musculocutaneous flap can
forator flap (type A)’ and ‘septocutaneous perfora- easily be distinguished from perforator flaps by the
tor flap (type B)’.38 Geddes et al. proposed that all term ‘perforator’ (Fig. 3(A)). Clear discrimination
perforator flaps should be named according to the can be achieved with new nomenclature concept;
main artery with the suffix of muscle name, and ‘vastus lateralis perforator flap’ based on MCp (Fig.
addition of suffix-s is recommended to overcome 3(B)) and ‘descending perforator flap’ based on
potential limitation for SCp.39 In the system SCp. Conventional septocutaneous flap or perfora-
suggested, however, there is no appropriate term tor flap based on SCp is named according to the
corresponding to the perforator based flap and, name of the proximal vessel. The name of proximal
flaps between two perforator patterns are not vessel can also vary depending on the extent of
easily distinguished. The concept of perforator proximal dissection and on the pedicle length
patterns can also be modified, such as direct and needed, or its diameter for anastomosis. For
indirect perforators.40 Since, the nomenclature instance, descending perforator flap implies the
needs to be simple and consistent for general flap based on the descending branch system without
usage by operators, the new nomenclature system sacrificing transverse branch and proximal lateral
in this article emphasises that the name is relevant femoral circumflex femoral artery (Fig. 3(C)). When
to the muscle in MCp based perforator flap and to a longer pedicle with larger diameter is necessary
the vessel in flaps based on other perforators. or proximal branching system is required for a
Simplicity of the nomenclature is likely to avoid the chimeric pattern, the dissection should proceed
debate on complicated perforator concept and proximally, and the flap is named as the lateral
encourage widespread usage of perforator flaps, circumflex femoral perforator flap (Fig. 3(D)).
not restricted by confusion in nomenclature. Sometimes, the flap can be elevated based on the
The forearm flap, it is named conventionally as a MCp from the rectus femoris, and then it can be
fasciocutaneous flap with septum and deep fascia named as a rectus femoris perforator flap. Depend-
included for flap reliability (Fig. 2(A)). However, ing on the recipient status, if the perforator at the
the septum alone proved to be enough for flap level of deep fascia has a diameter enough for
survival without much of deep fascia, and the anastomosis, the dissection can be stopped without
nomenclature of ‘septocutaneous flap’ was popu- further transmuscular dissection, and the flap is
larised (Fig. 2(B)). With the perforator concept, the named as ‘perforator based flap’ such as vastus
flap can be available even based on a single lateralis perforator based flap (MCp, Fig. 3(E)) or
perforator instead of longitudinal inclusion of descending perforator based flap (SCp, Fig. 3(F)),
septum, and it is called as ‘radial perforator flap’ which implies no sacrifice of descending branch.
according to the name of proximal vessel (Fig. Tensor fasciae latae perforator flap is a good
2(C)). If based on a single MCp perforating the flexor example of this new nomenclature.11,41 For the
carpi radialis, the flap is named as ‘flexor carpi medial circumflex femoral perforator flap6 elev-
radialis perforator flap’ according to the muscle ated based on MCp from gracilis, the name of
name (Fig. 2(D)). In this regards, the perforator gracilis perforator flap is easier to understand.
concept has greatly contributed to the revolution of Many other MCps or SCps originated from medial
conventional flaps. circumflex femoral artery can be used as a pedicle
In the thigh, the anterolateral thigh flap can be of perforator flap. Therefore, medial circumflex
elevated based on SCp or MCp according to its femoral perforator flap is not accurate and, gracilis
variable anatomy, and it is a common nomenclature perforator flap is more precise to understand the
without accurate discrimination between musculo- flap. And the flap based on SCp from medial
cutaneous or septocutaneous flap. After introduc- circumflex femoral artery, such as medial circum-
tion of the perforator concept, another confusion flex femoral perforator flap, is also easily discrimi-
occurred between the conventional septocuta- nated from gracilis perforator flap with different
neous flap and the perforator flap based on SCp, nomenclature.
even though they are the same flap. More confusion The posterior thigh perforator-based flap5 is
in nomenclature would be expected if the SCp is better named the biceps femoris perforator flap
excluded from perforator concept: If only the flap or deep femoral perforator flap, if based on the MCp
based on the MCp is regarded as the perforator flap or SCp. The posterior tibial perforator-based flap42
called as ‘anterolateral thigh perforator flap’ is one of the popular perforator flaps in medial leg,
compared with ‘anterolateral thigh flap’ for con- but it is also better to differentiate between the
ventional musculocutaneous flap, there would be posterior tibial perforator flap based on SCp, and
no appropriate nomenclature for the flap based on the soleus or flexor digitorum longus perforator flap
SCp. Therefore, with this new nomenclature based on MCp.
438 J.T. Kim

In the abdomen, DIEP flap for breast reconstruc- can be named as gluteus maximus perforator based
tion can be named as rectus abdominis perforator island flap according to this nomenclature system.
flap, and rectus abdominis perforator-based flap Various nomenclatures of flaps that have been
means DIEP flap without sacrifice of deep inferior used for lumbosacral defect, such as pedicled
epigastric artery. perforator flap43 and perforator-based flap44 are
In the lateral chest wall area, two nomenclatures also named as gluteus maximus perforator based
are also debated: latissimus dorsi or thoracodorsal island flap, if MCp is selected as a pedicle without
perforator flap. With the new nomenclature sys- transmuscular dissection. As lumbar artery perfora-
tem, flap based on the MCp through latissimus dorsi tor based island flap45 is based on MCp, erector
is properly named as latissimus dorsi perforator spinae perforator based island flap is a correct
flap. Since, SCp originated from the thoracodorsal term.
system is located anterior to lateral border of the Until now, the term ‘based’ has been used for all
latissimus dorsi muscle, perforator flap based on it the perforator flaps to discriminate them from
is named as thoracodorsal perforator flap. other conventional flaps, however, it has also been
In the gluteal region, two definite perforator intermittently used without defined guidelines. In
flaps are used for breast reconstruction; superior or this new nomenclature system, it implies that the
inferior gluteal perforator flap based on the MCp dissection is stopped at the level of fascia or muscle
from superior or inferior gluteal vessels. According without sacrifice of proximal vessel. Depending on
to the new nomenclature, these are all gluteus the recipient status, the perforator dissection does
maximus perforator flaps (sometimes it can be not necessarily proceed to the underlying proximal
gluteus medius perforator flap), however, they can vessel in the abdomen, lateral chest wall and
easily be distinguished by adding the description of lateral thigh region, because some perforators
the perforating site in front of the flap name: such have enough diameter for pedicle anastomosis
as superior or inferior gluteus maximus perforator (Fig. 4). For instance, the rectus abdominis per-
flap, instead of superior or inferior gluteal perfora- forator based flap signifies the flap elevated based
tor flap. Even though MCp can be originated from on the perforator itself with no further transmus-
other proximal vessels except superior or inferior cular dissection or no sacrifice of deep inferior
gluteal artery, it has been used as a pedicle of island epigastric artery. This view is in accordance with the
flap without transmuscular dissection, and the flap ‘supermicrosurgery’ concept proposed by Koshima.

Figure 4 Latissimus dorsi perforator based flap. (A) A 29-year-old patient was presented with lymphatic malformation
of left lateral thigh. (B) During the radical resection of the skin lesion, the large perforator was found in lateral thigh and
was planned for recipient vessels. (C) Postoperative view of flap inset after vascular anastomosis. A 13!7 cm latissimus
dorsi perforator based flap was harvested with the proximal vessel saved for resurfacing the defect. Long pedicle with
large diameter was not necessary for vascular anastomosis on the recipient bed, therefore, perforator pedicle dissection
was limited just underneath the latissimus dorsi muscle. (D) Postoperative view after resurfacing.
New nomenclature concept of perforator flap 439

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