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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.



Subject Code: 2X35006 Date:04/01/2022
Subject Name:Surveying and Levelling
Time:10:30 AM TO 12:30 PM Total Marks:50
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.

Q.1 (a) Explain fundamental principles of surveying with suitable figure. 05

(b) Write difference between surveyor’s compass and prismatic compass. 05

Q.2 (a) Draw the neat sketch of the instruments necessary for ‘Chain & Tape survey’. Explain their 10
(a) What are the methods of levelling? Explain classification of direct levelling with suitable 10
Q.3 (a) Explain with sketches, the various instruments used in plane table surveying. 10

(a) Describe plain scale and Draw a plain scale of RF 1:500 to represents 59 m on the scale. 10

Q.4 (a) Convert following WCB to RB 05

i. 30˚30’
ii. 90˚00’
iii. 169˚12’
iv. 218˚42’
v. 333˚03’

(b) Write characteristics of contours draw the sketch for contour of hill and pond 05

Q.5 (a) The following consecutive readings was taken with a level and 5 m leveling staff on 10
continuously sloping ground at a common interval of 20 meter. 0.385, 1.030, 1.925, 2.825,
3.730, 4.685, 0.625, 2.005, 3.110, 4.485. The reduced level of the first point was 208.125 m.
Calculate the reduced levels of the points by Line of collimation method. Also find the
gradient ofthe line joining the first and last point.

(a) The following consecutive readings were taken with a 4 m leveling staff on a continuously 10
sloping ground. The reduce level of first point was 210 m prepare a page of level book and
enter all the readings. Calculate R.L. of each staff station by rise and fall method and apply
necessary check. Readings are as follow: 0.130, 0.950, 1.360, 2.320, 0.365, 1.485, 2.850,
3.760, 0.230, 1.550, 2.790.


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