MD Jobayer Hossain - Comment On CPC

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Topic: Comment on “Overview of Chinese Communist Party”

Author: Md Jobayer Hossain

Introduction: We often say, “Without learning about CPC, we cannot understand the modern China”.
Chinese people say it as “没有中国共产党,就没有新中国” 。We cannot see People’s Republic of
China without CPC, as PRC was born in the hand of CPC. China celebrated its 70 th national day this year,
it has passed 70 tremendous years under the leadership of CPC.

Since the beginning, Chinese Communist Party put the well-being of people of China and rejuvenation
for the country on first place. CPC took its inspiration from Soviet Union, but still there was difference
that came to light over time. At a certain point, Soviet Union parted, but CPC still ruling China after 100
years of foundation. Strong leadership by different leaders, all the member stayed true to their ideal and
served the country well. CPC believe in Marxism-Leninism with Chinese characteristics. Which make
them the party of people.

My understanding and Overview: After establishment of People’s Republic of China, the main
challenge for China Communist Party (CPC) was the transformation of democracy to Socialist country,
Construction of Socialism, gain the belief of people, cleared Kuomintang army, Liberation of Tibet, unite
whole mainland China as one.

China has a rich culture and tradition of 5000 years. But also, China was attacked by foreigners many
times. China has been semi-colonized, semi- feudal by the rulers, western powers. Although there were
many revolutions tried to rise up by the Chinese people for example: Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
Movement, The westernization Movement etc. But they failed for few certain reasons.

Moreover, in 1917, Russia brought Marxism- Leninism to China. Chinese communist Party was born in
1921 during Chinese Worker’s movement adopting Marxism-Leninism. Then they fought against
Japanese oppression on Chinese people and Kuomintang. Every revolution brings up new things to
people. Values change as well as social structure.

The difference between CPC revolution and previous Chinese revolution is crystal clear. CPC was more
organized, true to their values and under a strong leadership. Mainly CPC was divided into 3 parts:
Leadership, Soldiers, Civilians. Combined of these 3, they fought against Japanese oppression, came
close to civilians more. Afterwards, under brilliant leadership of Mao Zedong, they beat KMT in Civil war
and established PRC.
However, every revolution brings up new things to people. Values change as well as social structure.
Rulers need to understand their civilians and also Civilians must cope. I would like to see “New China” in
a different perspective.

The difference between old China’s policy and newly established PRC’s differences were magnificent.
Instead of humiliating strategy, newly formed PRC government took many crucial, strategic well-planned
decision that helped step by step to China become a super power. PRC got a profound ground after
defeating Korean troops. It was clear message to USA and other’s countries aggression upon China.
(Mentioning Two Opium War, China-Japan War, KMT-CPC clash where KMT backup by USA)

Firstly PRC Govt. made all the private ownership to public in order to made Socialist Economic System.
No difference between upper class and working class, unity between all the ethnic groups (56 ethnic
groups), progress in Education, agriculture, Science and Technology. At the same time, The People’s
Liberation Army (PLA) divided into specialized forces to strong defense and make the country safe.

From then to now on, China developed and grew up dramatically. CPC took decisions which were so
crucial. Reform and opening up in 1978 is one of them. Chinese Govt. also made 5 year plan and do
things step by step.

I would like to talk about few things specifically:

Poverty Reduction: A country without poverty is fascinating thing for a person like me who is from a
developing country. Nearly 100 million people get out of poverty in last 8 years under the poverty
reduction plan of Chinese Govt. There are millions of people die of hunger in the world. But China
incredibly becomes a country without hunger, homeless people. In my eyes, nothing can be more
glorious for a political party or government.

Transportation: China now has one of the best Train transportations in the world. In 2020, the length
of China’s high-speed rail in operation exceeded 37,900KM compared to 19,800KM in 2015. Amazingly
in 13th five-year plan, it doubled! Also in 13 th five-year plan, China renovated more than 1.4 million km of
rural roads and expressways covered close to 100% of Chinese cities.

Research and development: With economical upgrading, the number of advanced and new
technology companies in China has now exceeded 200,000. In 2019, China published highest number of
science papers.

Conclusion: If we look at any speeches or guideline from the leaders of CPC, they tell the members,
workers to stay true to the values of the party. It always values the most well-being of Chinese people.
To serve the people and move China forward. Even though I am from a democratic party, but I think we
share the value to “serve the people”. The perspectives are same.

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