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Exploring the mathematical and

interpretative strategies of
Maxwell’s Treatise on Electricity
and Magnetism
Ronald Anderson

James Clerk Maxwell’s Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism forms one of the major scientific texts of the
19th century, describing the phenomena of electricity and magnetism and the interaction between them.
The sources Maxwell acknowledged as the inspiration for his own approach were the Englishman Michael
Faraday and his fellow Scotsman William Thomson (later Lord Kelvin). In the Treatise Maxwell presents
an approach he maintains was equivalent mathematically to the well established Continental electro-
magnetism but focused on an action via a medium approach to electromagnetism and located within a
British experimental tradition. Exploring these features reveals the Treatise to be in accord with other deep
themes in Maxwell’s writings, which ground him intellectually and personally in the world of 19th century
British Natural Philosophy.

First published in 1873, Maxwell’s Treatise1 presented in

a comprehensive way laws describing the phenomena of
electricity and magnetism and the interaction between
them. Maxwell was then 42 and the first professor of the
newly established Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge
University. At that time electromagnetic theory was
dominated by the extensive and well established action at
a distance approach developed by physicists such as
Coulomb, Ampère and Poisson in France and by Weber,
Riemann and C. Neumann in Germany. In this approach,
the electromagnetic interaction was taken to act directly
across a distance between charged bodies and current-
carrying wires. Newton’s law of gravity, the foundational
law of nature of 18th and 19th century science, had
provided the model for these interactions and had seemed
to imply such an action at a distance interaction, despite
Newton’s own reservations about this idea.
Maxwell’s Treatise contained a good deal of these
theories and Maxwell praised their mathematical sophis-
tication referring to those who developed them as ‘eminent
mathematicians’ and to the German School in particular
as the ‘greatest authorities in mathematical electricity’
[Preface]. At the same time, however, the Treatise con-
Figure 1 James Clerk Maxwell. Courtesy of The Cavendish
tained his own unique approach, one based on a quite Laboratory.
different physical theory that was centered around the
idea that electromagnetic effects were to be understood as work, everywhere evident in the work, was to ‘upset
being mediated by electric and magnetic fields which pro- completely the notion of action at a distance’2. Moreover,
duced stresses in a medium. Peter Tait, Maxwell’s friend, Maxwell ended the Treatise with the remark that his
in a review of the Treatise noted the main objective of the ‘constant aim in the Treatise’ had been to construct a
mental representation of the details of the action of
electromagnetism in a medium [866].
Ronald Anderson
Closely associated with the focus on the fields and
medium between bodies, the Treatise contained two other
Is at the Department of Philosophy, Boston College, Chestnut Hill,
MA 02467, USA.
unique features of Maxwell’s approach to electro-
e-mail: magnetism. One was his famous ‘displacement current’,

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a form of current associated with the changing state of the he noted after the publication of the Treatise that ‘I
electric medium whose introduction in 1862 had led to a sometimes made use of methods which I do not think
series of equations from which flowed the prediction that the best in themselves, but without which the student
light was an electromagnetic wave phenomena. The other cannot follow the investigations of the founders of the
was a somewhat complex notion of electric charge in Mathematical Theory of Electricity’7. At the same time,
which charge, instead of being a property associated with many of the laws of electromagnetism were the same as
particles as it was understood in the Continental per- his own and rather significantly Maxwell was dependent,
spective (and in our modern sense), was understood as a as we will see later, on features of Continental approach
polarization phenomena manifest at the boundaries of for the path he chose in the Treatise to develop his own.
fields and metals or in general as a discontinuity in fields. At the center of this relationship of approaches as
The sources Maxwell acknowledged as the inspiration for presented in the Treatise is a claim by Maxwell that ‘the
his own approach were the Englishman Michael Faraday theory of direct action at a distance is mathematically
and his fellow Scotsman William identical with that of action by
Thomson (later Lord Kelvin). significantly Maxwell was means of a medium’ [62]. The
Their influence is evident through- dependent … on features two approaches are ‘mathemati-
out the Treatise. Indeed, Maxwell, cally equivalent’ [59]. The claim
of Continental approach
in an autobiographic remark in of mathematical equivalence
the Treatise, noted that one of the for the path he chose in (together with his identity as
reasons his work differs consider- the Treatise being a follower of Faraday) also
ably from others, in particular, appears in an encyclopedia article
those ‘published in German’, was due to the influence on electromagnetism published the same year as the first
of Faraday on his thinking. He had read, he recounted, edition of the Treatise:
through Faraday’s Experimental Researches in Electricity
before reading any mathematical treatments of electro- In the present article, we shall follow the path pointed out by
magnetism. And in a review of W. Thomson’s Reprint of Faraday, which leads to results mathematically identical
Papers on Electrostatics and Magnetism, published in the with those of Ampère, but never loses sight of the phenom-
year prior to the Treatise, Maxwell noted that one of ena which take place in the space between the bodies which
Thomson’s papers in the collection was the ‘gem of that are observed to act on each other.8
course of speculation’ that led him to develop ‘the math-
ematical significance of Faraday’s idea of the physical There are also earlier references to the theme of equiva-
action of the lines of force’3. lence between the two approaches in Maxwell’s writings.
One of the intriguing threads that goes through the In his first paper on electromagnetism, Maxwell had noted
Treatise consists of an intricate relationship between the identical mathematical form between some of the laws
Maxwell’s approach and that of the Continental action at for the action at a distance force laws and those for the uni-
a distance mode of viewing interactions. Locating himself form distribution of heat throughout a body9. In the latter
with respect to this approach was not a new task for case heat was supposed to be transferred by action through
Maxwell. In his first paper on electromagnetism, ‘On a medium suggesting to Maxwell the possibility of carrying
Faraday’s Lines of Force’, published nearly 20 years prior over the mathematical laws from the well established action
to the publication of the Treatise he both praised the at a distance formulation of electromagnetism to those in-
Continental theories yet held them in reserve such to volving local action in a medium. Then in a talk to the British
provide a space for his own work. As to the praise, he Association in 1870, Maxwell referred to the way in which
noted Weber’s work was a ‘profoundly physical theory of the Continental approach at that time and the action via a
electro-dynamics, which is so elegant, so mathematical, medium approach had a ‘large field of truth common to
and so entirely different from anything in this paper, that both’ in terms of the laws of both leading to the same nu-
I must state its axioms, at the risk of repeating what out to merical results to all the phenomena of electricity. To
be well known’4. It formed a ‘real physical theory,’ one Maxwell the reason two theories ‘apparently so fundamen-
put forward ‘by a philosopher whose experimental re- tally opposed’ could be in such a relationship was a matter
searches form an ample foundation for his mathematical of importance but not yet fully understood scientifically10.
investigations’5. The reservations Maxwell mentioned in Reading the Treatise, alert to ways Maxwell positioned
this first paper were those that stem from considering himself in the field of electromagnetic studies, reveals a set
forces to depend on the velocity of bodies as Weber’s of strategies that used the conceptual space in this remark-
approach does, and several years later Maxwell added able type of intersection of approaches to attach and secure
another value to presenting his own approach: the general his approach to the more established Continental one, yet
lack of understanding of the action of electricity at the present an approach with a radically different physical
time meant there was a place for two approaches6. model. The essential moves by Maxwell entailed develop-
It was partly for pedagogical reasons and comprehen- ing Faraday’s experimental work mathematically and using
siveness that Maxwell had included details of the action a set of practices to do with interpreting the mathematics of
at a distance approach in the Treatise. One of the purposes electromagnetism. The latter topic brings one to the heart of
the Treatise picked up during its writing was to provide a Maxwell’s mathematical physics – the practices of ascrib-
textbook suitable for Maxwell’s Cambridge context and ing physical significance to mathematical structures. The

158 Endeavour Vol. 25(4) 2001

overall result meant Maxwell could situate himself as one as two different languages. Also when a mathematical
having the mathematical sophistication of the Continental formula is the same in different subjects, such as the
approach but grounded in a British experimental tradition. example of the Italian physicist Mossotti’s use of the
mathematics of Poisson’s account of magnetic induction
Maxwell’s mathematical mantel and interpreting to develop a theory of electric induction, this is a matter
mathematics as the language of Nature of translating between the language of one subject to
While praising the Continental approach as highly math- another [62]. The phrasing used when describing this
ematical Maxwell also presented himself in the Treatise as same example outside the context of the Treatise was
the bearer of a mathematical mantel; ‘I have confined my- ‘translating it from the magnetic language into the
self almost entirely to the mathematical treatment of the electric’ (and at the same time ‘from French to Italian’)13.
subject’ [Preface]. There are places where one can see him References to mathematics as a language and the task of
subtlety drawing attention to his own mathematical com- interpreting the symbols of language abound in mid-
petency, a competency such to rival those who developed century Victorian texts on science and mathematics. One
the Continental approaches. Examples include his extensive finds, for example, W. Thomson referring to expressing
presentation of integral theorems in an introductory chap- results in the ‘language of mathematics’14. Faraday, too,
ter in the Treatise and his hints of having good control of de- with the negative comments on his Royal Institution talk
tailed mathematical studies such as in the following passage: on the correlation of forms that mentioned his absence of
mathematics possibly in mind15, hinted at a similar
There is also a considerable mass of mathematical memoirs association in a letter to Maxwell:
which are of great importance in electrical science, but they
lie concealed in the bulky Transactions of learned societies; There is one thing I would be glad to ask you. When a math-
they do not form a connected system; they are of very unequal ematician engaged in investigating physical actions and
merit, and they are for the most part beyond the comprehen- result has arrived at his own conclusions, may they not be
sion of any but professed mathematicians. [Preface] expressed in common language as fully, clearly, and as defi-
nitely as in mathematical formulae? If so, would it not be a
His use of mathematics though (unlike that of some of the great boon to such as we to express them so – translating
existing treatments of electricity and magnetism) was to them out of their hieroglyphics that we also might work on
be constrained to that relevant to physical inquires; ‘I them by experiment16.
shall avoid, as much as I can, those questions which,
though they have elicited the skill of mathematicians, In addition there was a sustained discussion of the mean-
have not enlarged our knowledge of science.’ [Preface.] ing of abstract algebra that had been developed in the
In several places in the Treatise Maxwell invoked the 1830s, one that had continued the discussion in the 18th
metaphor of mathematics as being a language with the sym- century of the meaning of negative and imaginary num-
bols of mathematics therefore when used in physical reason- bers17. One can find, for example, encyclopedia articles by
ing needing to be interpreted to acquire physical meaning. the mathematician De Morgan on ‘symbol’, ‘interpret-
For example, he noted the task of expressing the theory ation’, and ‘imaginary numbers’18. Recent scholarship on
of Faraday in a ‘mathematical language’ [83a], and that of the emergence of the study of language in 19th century
‘translating’ Faraday’s ideas into a mathematical form England has pointed out the power of the language meta-
[Preface]. The mathematical formalism of Quaternions phor in scientific reasoning such as in Darwin’s theory of
Maxwell used to express his theory was spoken of as a evolution19. Maxwell’s own references to the meaning and
‘language’ [590]11. When describing certain physicists he interpretation of the mathematics of electromagnetism
observed that the mathematics used in physical reasoning most probably have resonances to these discussions of the
only comes alive for them when clothed in bodily language status of mathematical symbols and the nature of language.
expressing bodily feelings. Indeed, one central feature of
physical reasoning for Maxwell, and one evident through- Representing Faraday’s approach as mathematical
out his writings, is the task of embodying mathematical ex- One feature of the work of Michael Faraday was its ex-
pressions in models of visualizable physical mechanisms or perimental nature and almost complete absence of math-
processes. And in his review of Tait and Thomson’s Elements ematics. Maxwell was quite explicit in acknowledging
of Natural Philosophy, Maxwell praised the authors for Faraday’s absence of mathematics compared to that of the
their ‘clothing’ the symbolic language of mathematicians Continental electromagnetic figures: ‘Open a Poisson and
with words of ‘our mother tongue’ by their use of precise Ampère, who went before him, or a Weber or Neumann,
definitions. Even mathematicians could gain enlighten- who came after him, and you find their pages full of sym-
ment, and get equations ‘out of their minds’ by expressing bols, not one of which Faraday would have understood’20.
the symbols of their discipline into ordinary words12. Maxwell even made a virtue out of Faraday’s absence of
The image of language also occurs in a more broader explicit mathematics. It meant Faraday was not tempted
sense where Maxwell in places refers to ‘translating’ be- to be sidetracked into research in pure mathematics that
tween different ways of looking at the phenomena. In the his discovers would have suggested to him if he had
Preface, for example, he refered to the ‘mathematicians’ placed them into mathematical form and he was left to
ways of looking at things, meaning those with the Con- coordinate his ‘ideas with facts’ and to express them in an
tinental action at a distance approach, and Faraday’s ways natural untechnical language [529].

Endeavour Vol. 25(4) 2001 159

However, one of Maxwell’s central themes was that the result of a summation of the electrified particles divided
Faraday’s ideas were both implicitly mathematical and each by its distance from a given point. Hence many of the
could be translated into mathematical form. In the Treatise mathematical discoveries of Laplace, Poisson, Green and
Maxwell noted that Faraday’s ‘method of conceiving the Gauss find their proper place in this Treatise, and their
phenomena was also a mathematical one’ even if not in appropriate expressions in terms of the conceptions mainly
the ‘conventional form of mathematical symbols’. And that derived from Faraday. [Preface]
his task was one to make the ideas in Faraday’s ‘natural un-
technical language’ the basis of a ‘mathematical method’ Or as he expressed it in the Preface, he had found that the
[528]. Maxwell’s presentation of the mathematical dimen- most ‘fertile methods of research discovered by math-
sion of Faraday’s work takes up a theme in Thomson’s ematicians could be expressed much better in terms of
writings21. ideas derived from Faraday than in their original form.’
By stressing both the experimental origins and nature Maxwell also noted in the Preface that Faraday’s
of Faraday’s ideas as well as their implicit mathematical approach, focused on the actions in the medium and on
nature we see Maxwell positioning himself as one to have lines of force, was such to resemble methods where ‘we
created or unearthed a mathematical tradition of electro- begin with the whole and arrive at the parts by analysis.’
magnetism on a basis that was independent of the Conti- On the other hand ‘ordinary mathematical methods’ be-
nental tradition. gan at the parts and built up the whole by synthesis. These
When Maxwell first raised the issue of presented were associated with mathematicians seeing centers of
Faraday’s way of conceiving the phenomena in a math- force acting at a distance. Later in the Treatise Maxwell
ematical way in the Treatise it was in the context of a strengthened this association of Faraday’s methods with
distinction between what could be labeled as global and a mathematical method by the following rather complex
local ways of mathematical representation. In Volume 1 argument. In a section where he was considering Fara-
of the Treatise in a chapter on integral theorems and day’s methods he remarked that there two ways or view-
potentials Maxwell elaborated the distinction, calling the ing the relationships between wholes and parts. In the
method associated with action exerted by contiguous ‘most natural’ way mathematicians consider the universe
parts of the medium and to do with differential equations as made up of parts and begin with a single particle and
the ‘inverse method’ [95a,95b]. It is a local method asso- consider its relationship to the rest. For Maxwell though
ciated with Poisson’s partial differential equation where this involves a process of abstraction, suggesting another
the derivatives of V at a point are related to the value of  way of looking at matters:
at that point:
To conceive of a particle, however, requires a process of
d 2V d 2V d 2V
+ + + 4πρ = 0 (1) abstraction, since all our perceptions are related to extended
dx 2 dy 2 dz 2
bodies, so that the idea of the all that is in our consciousness
The appropriate mathematical expression for the action at a given instant is perhaps as primitive an idea as that of
at a distance theory is an integral where the potential is any individual thing. Hence there may be a mathematical
calculated by a process of integration. It is the ‘direct method in which we proceed from the whole to the parts
method’. instead of from the parts to the whole. [529; emphasis in
+∞ +∞ +∞
V= ∫ ∫ ∫ r
dx ’dy’dz’ (2)
The first way was like conceiving of the potential of a
−∞ −∞ −∞
material system as a function found by integration along
To Maxwell that the results of integration satisfy the dif- lines and over surfaces throughout finite spaces, while the
ferential equation in a unique way when certain con- second was the method of differential equations and one
ditions are satisfied meant not only that the mathematical where masses ‘have no other meaning than the volume-
equivalence of the two expressions was established but integrals of (1/4π)2ψ, where ψ is the potential’. The
that our minds were prepared ‘to pass from the theory of integration for Maxwell are over all space. Maxwell
direct action at a distance to that of action between cautiously notes that Faraday’s approach ‘seems’ to be
contiguous parts’ [95a]. Here we have an example of the intimately related to the second of these ways as he con-
first of the ways in which Maxwell used the mathematical ceives of all of space a field of force and never considers
structure of electromagnetism to argue for a form of bodies as existing with nothing between them. Maxwell
mathematical equivalence between the action at a distance then has proposed an idea of a ‘mathematical approach’
approach and his own. Moreover for Maxwell this meant other than that associated with the action at a distance
the Continental mathematical methods to the approach of theories and associated it with Faraday thus there is a
Faraday was possible: subtle extension of his previous association of Faraday’s
approach (and his own) with local differential equations
The whole theory, for instance of the potential, considered to now include a global way of viewing the phenomena,
as a quantity which satisfies a certain partial differential and an integral over all space. Later it will be evident that
equation, belongs essentially to the method which I have Maxwell has tailored this manner of taking Faraday to be
called that of Faraday. According to the other method, the mathematical to the mathematical ways he used the action
potential, if it is to be considered at all, must be regarded as at a distance approach to develop his own.

160 Endeavour Vol. 25(4) 2001

In his obituary on Faraday, Maxwell mentioned another 1
way in which he saw Faraday’s approach to be mathemati-
∑ ( pi) (3)
cal. It could be liken to aspects of the ‘geometry of position’
that he had referred to in the Treatise, a mathematical sci- where p is electromagnetic momentum of a circuit and i
ence established without the ‘aid of a single calculation’22. the strength of the current around that circuit. Expressing
Faraday’s lines of force were like the pencils of lines in p as:
this type of mathematics, and their ‘new symbolism’ pro- p = ∫ A • dl (4)
vided a mental image of the thing reasoned about.
A further feature Maxwell promotes about Faraday is where A represents Maxwell’s ‘electromagnetic momen-
the manner in which he provides the reader with a step by tum’ a term he was to label later in the Treatise as the vec-
step path through his experiments [529]. This enables the tor potential. It is the ancestor of the term with the same
student to identify with Faraday the discoverer and match name in contemporary electromagnetic theory, and the
his own thinking with that of Faraday’s. Such a process origins in Maxwell’s work is Faraday’s notion of an
was not possible in reading Ampère who simply presents electrotonic state. I have chosen to represent Maxwell’s
the final formulae giving the results of the discovery. symbols by their modern descendants and to use modern
Reading Faraday was a way to cultivate a scientific spirit. notation for his formulae. In terms of a current density, J,
Maxwell promoted the same value about Cavendish’s Maxwell then expressed the total energy as:
writings – they show us the path by which he arrived at
his experiment23. The theme of following the value of fol- T=
8π ∫∫∫ ( A • J )dxdydz (5)
lowing steps in a process of reasoning or discovery occurs
elsewhere in the Treatise in particular in interpreting the where Maxwell noted that the integration is to be ex-
physical significance of mathematical formulae. After tended to every part of space where there is currents. Now
referring to results that are derived in steps that are purely a key move in translating this formula into one in terms
mathematical even though they involved terms with physi- of the magnetic field, B, and magnetic intensity, H, occurs
cal meanings Maxwell adds that the ‘physicist, when he by first of all using the field equation expressing J in
has to follow a mathematical calculation, will understand terms of H, viz., J =  × H to give:
it all the better if each of the steps of the calculation ad-
mits of a physical interpretation’ [132]. Years earlier in T=
8π ∫∫∫ [ A • (∇ × H )]dxdydz (6)
his Inaugural lecture at King’s College London, in 1860,
Maxwell also referred to the value of following the steps and by integrating by parts and taking H to decrease in
of a calculation. the order of r −3 at great distances Maxwell obtained, using
B =  × A,
But as we are engaged in the study of Natural Philosophy we
shall endeavour to put our calculations into such a form that T=
8π ∫∫∫ ( B • H )dxdydz (7)
every step may be capable of some physical interpretation,
and thus we shall exercise powers far more useful than those Maxwell noted that the integration was to be extended
of mere calculation – the application of principles and the to all space where B and H are non zero. The first integral
interpretation of results.24 in equation (5) Maxwell noted is the natural expression
for a theory where currents act on each other at a distance.
The virtue is similar to the one Whewell had promoted in The integrand is only non-zero in places where there are
a tract on education at Cambridge University in arguing currents. The second integral in equation (7), however, is
for the value of a geometrical approach to problems as that of a theory that explains the action in terms of action
opposed to an abstract algebraic approach25. in a medium between the currents. Given that this latter
method of investigation was the one adopted in the Treatise
The ‘mathematical equivalence’ of energy for Maxwell it was the most significant expression for the
expressions kinetic energy. Implicit in Maxwell’s reasoning is an inter-
In Maxwell’s electromagnetism there are two main pretation of the mathematical equality of the two integrals
energy expressions, that associated with static charges, in physical terms, a move he proposed in his ‘Plan of this
the potential energy, and that associated with currents and Treatise’ [59].
electromagnetism, a form which Maxwell referred to as A derivation also exists for the electrostatic energy where,
the ‘electrokinetic’ energy. To Maxwell the expressions of by a mathematical manipulation Maxwell moves from a
both forms in the action of at a distance approach are volume integral over places where free electricity (an in-
equivalent to those in his own approach. As an illustration tegral in terms of charges and the ‘scalar’ potential) to one
of Maxwell’s approach I will present the outline of his deri- over all space and in terms of the electric force and electric
vation of the energy due to electric currents. It is slightly displacement.
more complicated than that for electrostatic energy but Maxwell interprets equation (7) as giving an actual
draws on one of Faraday’s notions that has an important energy per volume element of (1/8π)(B • H) which is every-
experimental role in his discovery of electromagnetic where the magnetic field exists. A distinctive feature of
induction in 1831. For Maxwell the kinetic energy of a Maxwell’s approach was the localization of energy in places
system of currents takes the form of the following sum: in space. The equivalence only entails the entire integral so

Endeavour Vol. 25(4) 2001 161

Maxwell is proceeding in a way that interprets the expres- It was to become clear later that the transformation be-
sion within the integral sign as giving a localizable physical tween the two forms of electrokinetic energy given by
entity to be associated with each volume element. Maxwell Maxwell is only valid strictly in the case of steady currents
does this at several places in the Treatise and it is in accord and charges. H.M. MacDonald, for example, in an Adams
with his way of talking about integrals. For example, in prize essay at the University of Cambridge on Maxwell’s
the General Theorems section of Volume 1 of the Treatise theory in 1902, organized around the significance of the two
he speaks of classifying the mathematical status of the energy expressions above that Maxwell gives for the electro-
‘quantity under the integral sign’ [95b]. Also, when reason- kinetic energy, remarks on the inadmissibility of the trans-
ing out the mathematical transformation between a line formation Maxwell makes on going from the expression in
integral to a surface integral that forms Stoke’s theorem equation (5) to that in equation (6)30. In particular, if one al-
[see 587] Maxwell implicitly treats elements within a line in- lows for the propagation of electric waves the components
tegral as a reality in that he takes two of them adjacent to of the magnetic force and electrokinetic momentum are such
each other but with circuits pointing in different directions that their contribution to the surface integral at large dis-
to cancel each other out. This is evident as well in the way tances is non negligible, undermining an assumption neces-
he speaks physically of lines of integration when consider- sary to make the transition. For MacDonald the first ex-
ing Ampère’s theory of magnets such as in the following: pression is the only admissible energy expression that can
be derived from Faraday’s theory and the use of the second
If we support our mathematical machinery to be so coarse led to a wrong assumption that MacCullagh’s optical theory
that our line of integration cannot thread a molecular circuit, and Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory are the same since
and that an immense number of magnetic molecules are con- both have identical Lagrangian functions31.
tained in our element of volume… but if we suppose our The matter of how potentials may be seen to propagate
machinery to be of a finer order and capable of investiga- was also of some complexity for the those who followed
tion… [638]26 Maxwell. Even at the end of the Maxwellian period it re-
mained an issue as correspondence between Larmor, Lodge
As well, to give a physical significance for the integrand and FitzGerald indicates. Larmor in 1901 remarked to Lodge
is the reverse of the reasoning where an integral is taken that he had just come across an article by Levi-Civita of Padua
as an actual sum of elements of physical significance, which ‘aims to do away with the mystery of potentials being
such as that which occurs in the construction of integral propagated – or rather the uncanniness, not mystery’. Lodge
in equation (5). forwarded Larmor’s letter to FitzGerald who noted in reply
One can see here the procedure Maxwell follows is the difference between Larmor’s treatment of potentials as
matching his comparison of the approaches of the ‘math- ‘analytic functions’ for calculating the electric from the mag-
ematicians’ to that of Faraday. The analytic part he ascribed netic forces and the use of the potentials by Levi-Civita32.
to the mathematicians was one of building up the whole by
summing parts – this matches that of equation (3) above, The transformation of Faraday’s ‘electrotonic
while that of Faraday, of starting with the whole and mov- state’
ing to the parts, matches that of starting with the integral Both Maxwell’s treatment of Faraday’s electrotonic state
expression for the energy in equation (7) and obtaining an and his remarks on Faraday’s approach illustrate directly
expression for the energy at a point. one of Maxwell’s aims in the Treatise to demonstrate that
Maxwell in his presidential address to a section of the within the tradition of action within a local medium there
British Association meeting in 1870 also referred to the way was possible a mathematical treatment that matched the
mathematicians by their operations on symbols of number Continental action at a distance approaches. In the Treatise
and quantity are able to ‘express the same thing in many Maxwell’s treatment of induction between two current
different ways’. This means ‘the mathematician’ can trans- carrying wires led him to a quantity, M, that determined the
form an expression which is puzzling to us into one which electro-magnetic action between two circuits. It was a func-
explains its ‘meaning in more intelligible language’27. tion of the relative shape and relation of the two circuits
This understanding accords with the way Maxwell used and for Maxwell it represented the ‘potential of one circuit
relationships between integral expressions in the Treatise over another’ [543]. It was directly related to the ‘electro-
such as those considered above. The transition between the magnetic momentum’ of equation (3) above and corre-
expressions associated with the two approaches is a purely sponded to the condition of matter Faraday had identified
mathematical one, but for Maxwell one was more intel- as the ‘electrotonic state’ in his study of electromagnetic
ligible, especially in the light of his own approach. induction. One half of Maxwell’s first paper on electro-
Maxwell’s claim that the two approaches are ‘mathemati- magnetism was devoted to providing a theoretical and
cally identical’ was to cause confusion later on for the mathematical analysis of Faraday’s electrotonic state.
Maxwellians, the group who came after him and developed This quantity, by virtue of its structure as a type of ‘mo-
his ideas, such as to FitzGerald in 1879 when considering mentum’ whose time rate of change provided the electric
the possibility of electromagnetic waves28. Heaviside wrote force was pivotal to his development of a dynamic approach
to FitzGerald 10 years later to point out how FitzGerald had to the field based on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formu-
been misled by these statements of Maxwell. To Heaviside, lations of the dynamics of connected systems. To Maxwell
Maxwell had only meant an equality regards ‘phenomena it forms the fundamental quantity of electromagnetism
to be got by assuming displacement ignorable’29. and was moreover a ‘mathematical quantity’.

162 Endeavour Vol. 25(4) 2001

By adopting a course of experiments, guided by intense with the mathematical theory of the potential that figured
application of thought, but without the aid of mathematical in the Continental tradition, as well as their productivity
calculations, he was led to recognize the existence of some- compared to that tradition:
thing which we now know to be a mathematical quantity,
and which may even be called the fundamental quantity of There is therefore no contradiction between Faraday’s views
electromagnetism [540]. and the mathematical results of the old theory, but, on the
contrary, the idea of lines of forces throws great light on
Maxwell then remarked that other ‘eminent investiga- these results, and seems to afford the means of rising by a
tors’, namely, F.E. Neumann, had developed a mathemati- continuous process from the somewhat rigid conceptions of
cal theory of induction based on a concept of a potential the old theory of notions which may be capable of greater
between two circuits, and moreover that this potential of expansion, so as to provide room for the increase of our
Newmann corresponded to Faraday’s notion of an elec- knowledge by further researches [122].
trotonic state. For Maxwell, Neumann had ‘completed for
the induction of currents the mathematical treatment which These lines of force were related mathematically to the
Ampere had applied to their mechanical action’ [542]. conditions of electric and magnetic forces Maxwell
Maxwell noted, however, that none had recognized via emphasized [541]. In his claim that the results of the old
this mathematical path Faraday’s idea which he had done. theory were met and even improved by his own approach
Thus just as Maxwell has provided a mathematical theory coupled together with his reference to the mathematical
to capture action by a local medium that he claimed, via nature of his own treatment of the lines of force approach,
equivalence of energy expressions, to be mathematically Maxwell added a further example to his energy analysis,
identical to action at a distance theories by the eminent of the mathematical identical nature of his approach to
continental mathematicians (such as Ampère and Weber), that of the continental approach.
he had now, in one more area (electromagnetic induc-
tion) provided a mathematical development of one of The alternative derivation of the inverse square
Faraday’s ideas to obtain a quantity that was identical law to that of Coulomb
with that of Neumann’s analysis of induction. It can be Maxwell’s account of electrostatics that begins the Treatise
seen as part of his hopes in the Treatise to make Faraday’s has a series of experiments woven into a presentation of
‘ideas the basis of a mathematical method’ [528]. The the concepts and phenomena of electrostatics. The style
irony here is that Faraday’s electrotonic state gives rise to of exposition is not unlike that of Newton’s Optics. Several
an energy expression that is the one appropriate to an of the experiments involve the situation of a hollow metal
action at a distance approach rather than his own. vessel and the various phenomena associated with placing
Maxwell also showed that by introducing a vector, B charged bodies within the container [28–32]. Maxwell’s
(defined by B =  × A) in combination with Stoke’s reference here is to Faraday’s work on electrostatics in
theorem relating surface and line integrals he could obtain Series 11 of the Experimental Researches. One of the ex-
a surface integral of B over a surface enclosed by a circuit periments (experiment VII) describes the phenomena of
such that it could be interpreted to represented another how a charged body loses all of its charge when it
notion of Faraday’s, namely, that of the number of lines of touches the inside of a closed vessel. On the basis of this
force through the circuit. Maxwell stressed the mathemati- experiment Maxwell provided a mathematical analysis
cal manner in which B was introduced, and that this pro- to show that the result entails an inverse square law for
cedure introduced no ‘new fact into the theory’ but was electric attraction between charged bodies. If the inverse
justified by the agreement of the ‘relations of the math- square law did not hold then the electrified conductor
ematical quantity with those of the physical quantity introduced into the container would remain electrified
indicated by that name’ [593]. It enabled him to claim that after touching the surface. For Maxwell this result
mathematical equivalence of two of Faraday’s key ideas: established the ‘perfect accuracy’ of the inverse square
‘the number of lines of force which at any instant pass law and was a far more accurate verification of this law
through the circuit is mathematically equivalent to than the more direct means Coulomb had used. Between
Faraday’s earlier concept of the electrotonic state of that editions of the Treatise, Maxwell had become familiar
circuit…’ [542]. It was also a powerful demonstration of with the work of H. Cavendish and included mention in
the presence of a mathematical glue holding Faraday’s the later edition of Cavendish’s use of this experiment to
ideas together. prove the inverse square law. Maxwell, himself had repro-
Maxwell’s use of Stoke’s theorem in this manner meant duced the experiment at the Cavendish Laboratory [74b].
another thread was woven in the mathematical tapestry Given the centrality of the law of attraction to the
of the Treatise. Faraday’s lines of force concept figured theory of electricity and Maxwell’s remarks that his ap-
prominently in the Treatise, indeed Tait remarked in his proach via the experiments of Faraday and Cavendish
review that one of the curious features of the Treatise was was better than that of Coulomb we have a further subtle
the ‘amount of labour bestowed upon the exceedingly underlining by Maxwell that his exposition builds on
useful, but dry and uninteresting, pursuit of accuracy in and extends a British experimental tradition. It com-
the tracing of the Lines of Force’33. When Maxwell intro- plements his demonstration that the dynamic theory of
duced Faraday’s lines of force (induction) in a section on electromagnetism arises from Faraday’s notion of an
equipotential surfaces he remarked on their association electrotonic state.

Endeavour Vol. 25(4) 2001 163

Maxwell also hints that the priority of making the con- and others. His main point of criticism is that while the
cept of potential the basis of electrical science belongs to mathematical implication of these theories is that effects
George Green, whose essay on these matters had not been are propagated between bodies they provide no ‘consist-
known until 1846, by which time his important theorems ent representation’ of that propagation. Such a represen-
had been rediscovered by others such as Gauss [16]. In tation to Maxwell entails a medium for this propagation
his notes to the edited papers of Cavendish, Maxwell re- to take place in. The critique is entirely in line with one
marks that Cavendish implicitly had the concept of poten- of the arguments for the medium Maxwell has provided
tial in the modern sense in his analysis of electrostatic by the energy and force considerations: a mathematical
phenomena, and moreover, that there was no hint of that exploration with the concepts and expressions of action
idea in Coulomb’s papers34. While I am drawing on a at a distance theories leads to expressions which natu-
source other than the Treatise, overall Maxwell’s intent rally suggest action in a medium. Such local action in a
in his writings on electromagnetism at the time of the medium provides a natural mathematical expression of
Treatise are clear: the origins of what was a central term Faraday’s notions.
in the mathematics of central force situations analysed in There are also other places in the Treatise where Maxwell
the mathematics within the Continental contexts lies demonstrates his grounding in a non-Continental world,
within a British context. both physical and mathematical. While Lagrange’s
equations of motion form a connected system and are
Representing the stress in the medium a part of Maxwell’s dynamic approach to the field in
As indicated above Maxwell used integrals expressions Part IV of the Treatise, it was the dynamic form given
to transform energy expressions involving quantities that to them by W. Hamilton and in particular the use given
expressed charges and currents to those quantities that to them by W. Thomson and P.J. Tait in their recently
existed in the space between charges and currents. When published, Natural Philosophy, that is at the heart of the
considering the electric force between two electrified form Maxwell praises and uses in the Treatise [554].
systems in the Treatise Maxwell first arrived at an ex- In addition, the value for ‘physical reasoning’ of the
pression that involved a volume integral and a potential mathematical notation and system of representing di-
that arises from both systems. Using one of his general rected magnitudes in space by the quaternions created
integral theorems Maxwell transforms this to a surface by W. Hamilton and developed in texts by Hamilton and
integral enclosing one and only one of the electrical sys- Tait was extolled by Maxwell compared to the methods
tems [105]. Maxwell noted of the terms in the integrand and ‘geometry of Des Cartes’ [10]. It is the English-
that if one has an action at a distance theory then these man, George Green who dominates his formal math-
terms can only be taken as symbolic expressions having ematical development of integral theorems. When
no physical significance, but if one is to take the mutual developing methods of solving the distribution of elec-
action to be by ‘means of a stress in the medium’ between tric forces due to charged bodies, it was not any of the
the two systems then these components can actually rep- ‘mathematicians’ such as Poisson who noticed certain
resent the stress existing in a medium. Thus in a particular mathematical solutions of equations provided a method
context the mathematics can be interpreted as referring to of ‘electric images’ as a way to develop solutions, rather
supporting an action via a medium approach. Then after it was William Thomson [155]. There are exceptions,
quoting Faraday’s description of induction in a dielectric such as Maxwell’s account of topological notions where
Maxwell notes that Faraday’s account is the exact con- he refers to the work of Lebniz, Gauss and Listing, how-
clusion of what he has been led to via a ‘mathematical ever, it features little in any physical reasoning in the
investigation’ [109]. Treatise [18].
Maxwell acknowledged, however, that he had not been Steadily then throughout the Treatise Maxwell’s
able to account for such stresses by mechanical consid- various strategies have woven interpretative practices to
erations. Still, for Maxwell, when considering the topic do with giving physical significance to mathematical
of stress in the medium in the context of electrodynamic expressions into a skillful theorizing on the status of his
matters the task of explaining this stress was a separate approach. The result is to present his own position as
and independent part of the theory and one that did not equivalent mathematically to the well established
affect his electrodynamic theory [645]. In his Encyclo- Continental electromagnetism yet grounded in an action
paedia Britannica article on ‘Attraction’ Maxwell admits via a medium approach to electromagnetism and more
he was more successful in accounting for electro- broadly, in a British experimental and to a lesser extent
dynamical stress by a mechanism involving rotation rather mathematical tradition. The results are in accord with
than what he was able to do in explaining electrostatic other deep themes in Maxwell’s writings, ones that ground
stress35. Nevertheless, the very idea of stress in the medium him intellectually and personally in the world of 19th cen-
in the electrostatic context leads to one of the distinctive tury British Natural Philosophy and the early formative
features of Maxwell’s theory, in particular, that charge is influences of his Scottish education36.
an effect of the polarization of a medium and only be-
comes apparent when the medium meets a surface other Acknowledgement
than itself such as metal. Conversations with Jed Buchwald, Bruce Hunt and
Maxwell’s closing remarks in the Treatise critique the Andrew Warwick on the subject of this paper are grate-
action at a distance theories of Gauss, Weber, C. Neumann, fully acknowledged.

164 Endeavour Vol. 25(4) 2001

Notes and references 21 Thomson, W. Op. cit. note 14, p. 29. Thomson notes e.g.:
1 Maxwell, J.C. A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 2 Vols ‘…that Faraday arrives at a knowledge of some of the most
(3rd edition Dover Reprint) In the following references will important of the general theorems which from their nature
be given in the text to paragraphs of this edition seemed destined never to be perceived except as
2 Tait, P.J. (1873) Clerk-Maxwell’s Electricity and mathematical truths, p. 31
Magnetism. Nature 7, 478–80 22 Maxwell, J.C. Op. cit. note 20, p. 360
3 Maxwell, J.C. (1890) Review of Reprint of papers on 23 Maxwell, J.C. (1879) in ‘The electrical researches of the
Electrostatics and Magnetism by W. Thomson reproduced Honourable Henry Cavendish: written between 1771 and
in The Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell (Niven, 1781 edited from the original manuscripts in the possession
W.D., ed.) (2 vols, Cambridge), Vol. 2, p. 304, hereafter of the Duke of Devonshire’ (Maxwell, J.C., ed.), p. 410,
referred to as SP Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
4 Maxwell, J.C. On Faraday’s Lines of Force. In SP Vol. 1, 24 Maxwell, J.C. ‘Inaugural Lecture at King’s College London
p. 207 October 1860’ . In The Scientific Letters and Papers of
5 Ibid p. 208. Similar praise for Weber’s work may be found James Clerk Maxwell, (Harman, P.M., ed.) Vol. 1,
in ‘A Dynamic Theory of the Electromagnetic Field’. In SP pp. 662–674, 672
Vol. 1, p. 527 25 Whewell, W. (1845) On a Liberal Education in General:
6 Maxwell, J.C. ‘On Physical Lines of Force’ in SP Vol. 1, and with Particular Reference to the Leading Studies of the
p. 208 University of Cambridge, John W. Parker, London. To
7 Maxwell, J.C. (1881) An Elementary Treatise on Electricity Whewell, in geometrical reasoning ‘we treat the ground
(Garnett, W., ed.) (Oxford, Clarendon Press) Preface ourselves, at every step feeling ourselves firm, and directing
8 Maxwell, J.C. (1873) ‘Electromagnetism’, English our steps to the end aimed at. In the other case, that of
Cyclopaedia Supplementary volume on ‘Arts and Sciences’ analytical calculation, we are carried along in a rail-road
columns 854–857 carriage, entering it at one station, and coming out of it at
9 Maxwell, J.C. ‘On Faraday’s Lines of Force’ in SP Vol. 1, another, without having any choice in our progress in the
p. 156 intermediate space’. For Whewell this provided no exercise
10 Maxwell, J.C. ‘Address to the Mathematical and Physical of our reasoning powers. See p. 41.
Society Sections of the British Association,’ in SP Vol. 2, 26 Later in the Treatise Maxwell speaks of ‘extending our
p. 228 mathematical vision into the interior of the molecules’ when
11 Also e.g. Maxwell, J.C. On the Mathematical Classification considering Ampère’s theory [835]
of Physical Quantities. In SP Vol. 2, p. 260 27 Maxwell, J.C. ‘Address to the Mathematical and Physical
12 Maxwell, J.C. Review of Elements of Natural Philosophy. Society Sections of the British Association.’ In SP, Vol. 2,
In SP Vol. 2, p. 328 pp. 215-229
13 Maxwell, J.C. op. cit. note 11, p. 258 28 FitzGerald, G.F. (1902) In The Scientific Writings of the
14 Thomson, W. (1872) ‘II. On the Mathematical Theory of Late George Francis FitzGerald (Larmor, J., ed.),
Electricity in Equilibrium’ reproduced in Reprint of papers pp. 90–92, Dublin University Press, Dublin
on Electrostatics and Magnetism, MacMillan, London 29 For a discussion of this point with reference to Heavside’s
15 Review of ‘On Conservation of Force A Lecture delivered letter to FitzGerald see Hunt, B.J. (1991) The Maxwellians,
by Prof. Faraday at the Royal Institution February 27, p. 34f, Cornell University Press, Ithaca
1857,’ The Athenaeum No. 1535 March 28, 1857 30 MacDonald, H.M. (1902) Electric Waves: Being an Adams
16 M. Faraday to J. Clerk Maxwell 13 November 1857 in The Prize Essay in the University of Cambridge, Cambridge
Selected Correspondence of Michael Faraday L. Pearce University Press, Cambridge
Williams (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1971) 31 Ibid. p. 34
Vol. 2, p. 884 32 Letters Larmor to Lodge January 8 1901 and FitzGerald to
17 See e.g. Richards, J.L. (1980) ‘The Art and the Science of Lodge January 16 1901 (University College London Lodge
British Algebra: A Study in the Perception of Mathematical Papers Ms.Add.89)
Truth,’ Historia Mathematica 7, 343–365 33 Tait, P.J. op. cit. note 2. p. 479
18 De Morgan, A. Penny Cyclopaedia, 27 Vols, London 34 Maxwell, J.C. Op. cit. note 23, p. xlix
1833–1843 35 Maxwell, J.C. ‘Attraction’ in SP Vol. 2, p. 488
19 e.g. For S. Alter the metaphor of the evolution of languages 36 For recent studies of the formative influences on Maxwell’s
represented in a tree structure provided an analogy for world see Cat, J. (2001) On Understanding: Maxwell on the
Darwin to understand and express the evolution of species Methods of Illustration and. Scientific Metaphor. In Studies
see Atler, S.G. (1999) Darwinism and the Linguistic Image: in History and Phililosophy of Modern Physics 32,
Language Race and natural Theology in the Nineteenth pp. 395–441 and Harman, P. (1998)The Natural Philosophy
Century, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore of James Clerk Maxwell. Cambridge University Press,
20 Maxwell, J.C. ‘Faraday.’ In SP Vol. 2, p. 355 Cambridge

Endeavour Vol. 25(4) 2001 165

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