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The Houthi rebels in Yemen claim that they are responsible for two drone strikes in Saudi

Arabia, damaging oil facilities. However, the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, accused Iran
of being behind the attack. The Houthi rebels are backed by Iran, while the Yemen government
is backed by Saudi Arabia in their civil war. Iran have been training the Houthi in drone warfare,
and may have given them access to more powerful drones, so it’s possible that the strike came
from within Yemen’s borders, but it is also possible that they came from Iran or Saudi Arabia

What is interesting is that it showcases not only how wars have changed, and how cheap
autonomous warfare is becoming even for asymmetric conflicts, but also how it risks the
escalation of further conflict - even if it wasn’t Iran launching the drone, the thought that it could
be is enough. It is effectively a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and its allies, and Iran. Studying
them in political science is a difficult endeavour, as they involve multiple different nations with
varying motives and often very different variables.

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