Lesson 15

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Lesson 15

1. I don’t know what her job is but she certainly seems to have money to ______.
A. light B. fire C. burn D. flame
2. We have to pay lots of bills, honey. Please don’t _______ your money around.
A. put B. throw C. keep D. give
3. She inherited a fortune from her grandmother and suddenly _______ a
A. made B. did C. turned D. became
4. Sometimes your employer can pay your salary by _______ a deposit directly in
your bank account.
A. doing B. making C. giving D. sending
5. I looked for a part-time job to _______ my income so that I could raise my
three growing children and an old mother.
A. supplement B. provide C. increase D. supply
6. I get paid next week, so can we go out to dinner then? I’m just out of ______
right now.
A. danger B. debt C. pocket D. stock
7. If money is tight, you should _______ a budget and _____ your belt. Otherwise
you could be deep in debt.
A. make/ economize C. make/ tight
B. pay/ tighten D. make/ tighten
8. He just bought another new car. He has more money than _____.
A. sense B. sensity C. sensibility D. senses
9. Jack is very punctual. You can bet your bottom _____ he’ll be here at 9 o’clock
on the dot.
A. money B. credit C. cash D. dollar
10. I can’t afford a skiing holiday this winter - it would ______ the bank.
A. collapse B. break C. steal D. melt
11. He made a fast ______ selling those shares. I wonder if he had insider
A. food B. speech C. buck D. speed
12. For my money. Sunday is the best day to travel because the roads are quiet.
A. In my opinion C. According to me
B. To the best of my knowledge D. As far as I know
13. You may be ______ broke, but you will find a way to pay your electricity bill or
you will live in the dark.
A. short B. flat C. narrow D. near
14. ______money is imitation currency produced without the legal sanction of the
state or government.
A. False B. Hand-made C. Artificial D. Counterfeit
15. At first they were quite novel and interesting, but now these little cafés are
getting to be ______ a penny.
A. one B. two C. ten D. not
16. Ever since we had our second child, we’ve had to scrimp and save to make
sure they both get what they want for Christmas.
A. tighten our belt C. not have a bean to rub together
B. cost an arm and a leg D. break the bank
17. If you drive into the city, you have to pay through the ______ for parking.
A. cheek B. head C. nose D. neck
18. My father was as poor as a church mouse growing up, so his sole focus was to
give his kids every opportunity in life that he missed out on.
A. looked like a million dollars
B. was born with a silver spoon in his mouth
C. was short of cash
D. be very poor
19. If you haven’t saved up money or set aside money for the purchase, you can
borrow money from the bank - which is also called taking out a loan. The
disadvantage of this is that you’ll need to pay the money back in _____.
A. installments B. cash C. cheque D. loan
20. You can consider ______ money to a good cause such as preserving the
environment or researching cures for diseases. Non-profile organizations are
always crying _____ money for their various projects.
A. to donate/ to raise C. donating/ to raise
B. supporting/ to rise D. contributing/ to raise

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