Eco 1

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Question A B C D Ans

Liberalisation Liberalisation Localisation

L P G Means ________
Personalisation Privatisation Privatisation None of the aboveb
________ ________.
Globalisation Globalisation Globalisation
Social infrastructure does not
Agriculture Education Family welfare None of the abovea
include ________.
The SDGs came into effect in
Jan-15 Jan-16 Jan-17 Jan-18 b
Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGS) have total of 15 16 17 18 c
________ goals.
The logo of ‘Make in India a lion made of a tiger made of a cheetah made
None of the abovea
‘is________. gear wheels gear wheels of gear wheels
Open Defecation Free is a
Swachha Bharat
part of ________ ________ Make in India Invest in India All the above b
The SDGs replace the Millennium Milestone
________ ________ Development Development None the above a
________. Goals (MDGs) Goals (MDGs)
The Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs),
International Goals
World Goals Global Goals None the above c
otherwise known as the
________ ________.

UNDP refers to ________ United Nations United Nations United Nations

________ ________ Development Development Department None the above a
________. Programme Project Programme
________ ________
________ launched the Make
Ms Smriti Irani Mr Arun Jaitley Mr Rajnath Singh None the above b
in India initiative on
September 25, 2014.
Department of Department of
DIPP refers to ________ Department of
Investment Industrial
________ ________ Industrial Policy & None the above d
Policy& Programme &
________ ________. Promotion
Promotion Promotion

Project approved by Foreign

Investment Promotion Board Coca- Cola General Electric McDonalds All the above d
(FIPB) is ________.

New Economic Policy was

launched on 24th July 1991.
NEP was launched by the Mr
Narasimha Rao.
Social infrastructure includes
Universal facilities.
The Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs)
were born at the United
Nations Conference on
Sustainable Development in
Rio de Janeiro in 2012.
The SDGs and Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) TRUE FALSE b
are same.
Invest India targets 25 sectors
of the economy.
Make in India is the National
Investment Promotion and
Facilitation Agency of India
and acts as the first of
reference for investors in
Skill development is a means
to harnessing the human TRUE FALSE a
resource potential.
India was ranked 1st position
in the FDI Confidence Index TRUE FALSE b
In India FDI can be approved
either through the Automatic
Route under powers
delegated to the Reserve TRUE FALSE a
Bank of India (RBI), or by
the Government as the case
may be.
FIPB was abolished on 24
May 2017, as announced by
Finance Minister Arun
A multinational corporation
owns and manages business TRUE FALSE b
in only country.

Question A B C D Ans
National Agricultural Policy
was introduced in the year
________. 2000 2001 2002 None of the above b

MSP refers to ________ Maximum Minimum Support

________ ________. Support Prices Prices Major Support Prices
None of the above a

________ ________ loans

are for a period up to 5 years. Short-Term Long-Term Medium-Term None of the above b
PACS refer to ________ Agricultural Private Primary
________ ________ Credit Agricultural Credit Agricultural
________. Societies Societies Crop Societies None of the above c

NABARD refers to National Bank National Bank for National Bureau

________ ________ for Agriculture Agriculture and of Agriculture
________ ________ and Regional Rural and Rural
________. Development Development Development None of the above a
________ ________ is
necessary for the success of International
agricultural marketing. Rural development exposure
Enabling Environment None of the above b

Contract Farming De-centralized

follows________ ________. Model Regional Model Centralized ModelNone of the above a
NIAM refers to ________ Institute of National Institute Notional Institute
________ ________ Agricultural of Agricultural of Agricultural
________. Marketing Marking Marketing None of the above c

Agribusiness is the business horticultural

of________ ________. production
agricultural production sericulture production
None of the above a

The major components of a well-

supportive enabling functioning
environment inclusive
include________ ________. markets micro-insurance agricultural financeAll the above b

On 28th July, 2000, the NDA

Government made public a
National Agriculture Policy
envisaging over 4 per cent
annual growth. TRUE FALSE

The agriculture sector has

never been starved of capital. TRUE FALSE

There has been a increase in

the public sector investment
in the agriculture sector. TRUE FALSE

The importance of tenancy

reforms, right of tenants and
share croppers was also
identified as one important
factor for attaining equity. TRUE FALSE
The government formulated
price policy for agricultural
produce to secure
remunerative prices for
farmers. TRUE FALSE
PDS means Private
Distribution System. TRUE FALSE
In India there is an immense
need for proper agricultural
credit as Indian farmers are
very poor. TRUE FALSE
RRBs means Rational Rural

Long-Term loans are for a

period of more than 5 years. TRUE FALSE

Commercial Banks (CBs)

provide rural credit by
establishing their branches in
the urban areas. TRUE FALSE
NABARD was established in
July 1992 as an apex
institution to coordinate the
activities of organizations
engaged in the area of rural
credit. TRUE FALSE
NABARD directly deals with
farmers and other rural
people. TRUE FALSE
Agricultural marketing
system is an efficient way by
which the farmers can
dispose their surplus
production a fair and
reasonable price. TRUE FALSE
There is sufficient market
intelligence. TRUE FALSE

In the absence of adequate

institutional finance, Indian
farmers are forced for selling
their produce to the
moneylenders at
unfavourable terms. TRUE FALSE
Agricultural Marketing
Infrastructure scheme is
temporarily stopped w.e.f.
05.08.2014. TRUE FALSE
Food security can be
measured by calorie intake
per person per month. TRUE FALSE
Governments has no role to
play in creating an enabling
environment. TRUE FALSE

Crop insurance programmes

are structured to support
different types of losses. TRUE FALSE
Agribusiness is the business
of agricultural production. TRUE FALSE

Question A B C D Ans
Competition Competition Complementary
CCI Means ________ Commission of Committee of Commission of
________ ________. India India India None of the above a
Competition Act is not Public Foreign
applicable in the following Financial Institutional
cases Institutions. Investors (FIIs). Banks All the above d

SAIL Means ________ Steal Authority Steel Authority of Steel Autonomy

________ ________. of India India of India None of the above a

RINL refers to ________ Rashtriya Iron Rational Ispat Rashtriya Ispat

________ ________. Nigam Ltd. Nigam Ltd Nigam Ltd None of the above c
Micro, Small Mini, Small and Micro, Small and
MSMEs Means ________ and Medium Medium Medium
________ ________. Enterprises Enterprises Employment None of the above a

In Manufacturing Sector
Micro Enterprises does not
exceed ________ ________ thirty five lakh twenty five lakh
________ ________. rupees rupees
forty five lakh rupees None of the above c

In Service Sector Micro

Enterprises does not exceed
________ ________ ______ eighteen lakh
________. ten lakh rupees fifteen lakh rupees rupees None of the above a
LCA refers to ________ Life Cycle Life Cyclical Life Cyclorama
________ ________. Assessment Assessment Assessment None of the above a
The service economy in
developing countries is
mostly concentrated in
________ ________. financial serviceshospitality retail All the above d
The Healthcare comprises
________ ________. medical devicesclinical trials medical tourism All the above d
Compounded Compounded Compounded
CAGR Means ________ Annual Average Growth Annual Growth
________ ________. Growth Rate Rate Ratio None of the above a
Tourism policy highlights Swagat (Welcome),
Soochna (Information),
Suvidha (Facilitation),
All the above d
Competition Act 2003
smoothly replaced the MRTP
Competition Act 2003
provides for constitution of
Competition Commission of
India . TRUE FALSE a
Competition Act is
applicable for Public
Financial Institutions. TRUE FALSE b
In Disinvestment Policy
citizens have every right to
own part of the shares of
Public Sector Undertakings. TRUE FALSE a
REC means Rural
Electronics Corporation. TRUE FALSE b

Micro, Small and Medium

Enterprises (MSMEs), widely
accepted “engine of
economic growth of India”. TRUE FALSE a
MSMEs in India are
homogeneous. TRUE FALSE b
The primary responsibility of
promotion and development
of MSMEs is of the Local
Governments. TRUE FALSE b
The socially backward
groups owned almost 66.27%
State of Bihar had the largest
number of estimated MSMEs

Industrial pollution is the

release of wastes and
pollutants generated by
industrial activities into the
natural environment
including air, water, and land. TRUE FALSE a

Process wastes are the wastes

generated in an industry
during washing and
processing of raw materials. TRUE FALSE a
With the rise in industrial
pollution, global warming has
been decreasing. TRUE FALSE b
Waste minimization is one of
the strategies adopted for
minimizing the industrial
pollution. TRUE FALSE a
Life Cycle Assessment is a
decision cum management
tool which provides
information on the
environmental effects. TRUE FALSE a
The services sector has not
attracted foreign investment
flows. TRUE FALSE b
Services sector growth is
governed by only global
factors. TRUE FALSE b
Healthcare comprises
hospitals, medical devices,
clinical trials, outsourcing,
telemedicine, medical
tourism. TRUE FALSE a
According to the
International Diabetes
Federation (IDF), India is
expected to be the cancer
capital of the world. TRUE FALSE b
Healthcare Industry is the
future and India is the next
big Healthcare Hub of the

The Indian tourism and

hospitality industry has
emerged as one of the key
drivers of growth among the
services sector in India. TRUE FALSE a
Indian tourism has no
potential for generating
employment. TRUE FALSE b

Ministry of Tourism has

taken initiative of identifying,
diversifying, developing and
promoting niche products of
the tourism industry. TRUE FALSE a

The tourism and hospitality

sector is among the top 10
sectors in India to attract the
highest Foreign Direct
Investment. TRUE FALSE a

Question A B C D Ans
FTE Means ________
________ ________. Full-Time Equivalent
Full-Term Equivalent
First-Time Equivalent
None of the above a
Moody's is ________
________ ________. Global rating agency
National rating agency
Bank rating agencyNone of the above a
Important International
IMPS refers to ________ Payment India’s Immediate Immediate
________ ________. Service Payment Service Payment Service None of the above b

The Indian banking system

consists of________
________ ________. private sector banks.
foreign banks regional rural banks
All the above d

First Payments Faster Payments

FPII refers to ________ Innovation Faster Payments Innovation
________ ________. Index. Indian Index. Index. None of the above d
Financial inclusion is
significant from the point of
view of living conditions of
________ ________
________. poor people. farmers rural non-farm enterprises
All the above c
NPA Means ________
________ ________. Non PerformingNon
Paying Assets New Performing Assets
None of the above d
The insurance industry of
India consists of ________
________. life insurance business
non-life insurers both a) & b) None of the above a
Rashtriya Rashtriya Rashtratara
RSBY refers to ________ Swayam Bima Swasthya Bima Swasthya Bima
________ ________. Yojana Yojana Yojana None of the above c

Money market deals in the

borrowing and lending of less than or
short term loans for a period equal to 565 less than or equal less than or equal
of ________ ________. days. to 465 days. to 365 days. None of the above b
Liquidity Liquidity Liquidity
LAF Means ________ Adjustment Arrangement Assistance
________ ________. Facility Facility Facility None of the above c

Banks in recent years are

shifting from the traditional
product focus to a more
client-centric strategy. TRUE FALSE a
Too often banks try to be few
things to few people. TRUE FALSE b
The Indian banking system
consists of only public sector
banks TRUE FALSE b
NPAs have become a grave
concern for the banking
sector. TRUE FALSE a

India still has a huge number

of people who do not have
access to banking services
due to scattered and
fragmented locations. TRUE FALSE a
Social Banks are “banks with
a conscience. TRUE FALSE a
The insurance industry of
India consists of only life
insurance business. TRUE FALSE b
In India, the urban market is
the major contributor for
general insurance. TRUE FALSE a
Health insurance is not a
lucrative segment. TRUE FALSE b
Money Market is a
mechanism to clear long term
monetary transactions in an
economy. TRUE FALSE b
There are two sectors of
money market. –theorganised
sector and unorganised
sector. TRUE FALSE a
Under call money market,
funds are transacted on
monthly basis. TRUE FALSE b
Certificate of Deposits are
issued by RBI TRUE FALSE b
The Commercial Papers can
be issued by listed company
which have working
capital of not less than ` 5
crores. TRUE FALSE a
Mutual funds in India have
not helped the capital market
to grow. TRUE FALSE b
Masala bonds are debt
instruments issued by Indian
companies to foreign
investors in rupee
denomination. TRUE FALSE a
The main function of SEBI is
to regulate the business of the
stock market and other
securities market. TRUE FALSE a

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