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Question A B C D Ans

Goods and
Goods and services services within
Export marketing means Goods beyond the Services beyond the beyond the National National
_____. National Boundaries National Boundaries Boundaries Boundaries c

In Export marketing,
marketing operations are on Proper production Economies of large
large scale in order to have and distribution of scale production and To prevent domestic
_____. goods. distribution of goods economy None of the above b
In Export marketing
exporter faces three faced Competition from Competition from Competition from
competition which include other suppliers of local produces of exporters of
_____. exporter country. Importing country competing Nation All the above d
Export Marketing is subject Political and
to _____. Uncertainties Commercial Risk Insolvency of the buyer
All the above d
Export marketing is
controlled by _____. National Forums International Forums Export consortia None of these b

Valuable Foreign exchange Import of capital Import of advanced

is mainly required to pay Goods and Raw Import of spare parts Technical skill and
_____. materials. and components. Knowledge All the above d

Large scale exports help to Balance of payment

solve _____. Domestic problems problems Political problems None of these b

Export Trade provides More employment Maintain economic Opportunities in

All the above
_____. opportunities and social relations services sectors
Composition of India’s Merchandise /
Export can be viewed by commodities / Direction of Exports All the above
_____. services Exports Region wise Exports a
Problem of India’s Export Customs and Diverse language,
sectors is concerned with Trade barriers documentation customers and
______. formalities Tradition All the above d

Commercial Risk arises due Default of payment Non acceptance of Insolvency of Buyer
to _____. by importer goods by importer All the above d
Some of the political risk imposition of
are generally covered by restrictions on conciliation of valid conciliation of valid
ECGC which includes remittances of Import license export license
_____. buyer’s government All the above d
Exporter must include force
majeure clause in his
International contract to
cover the risks die to _____. Floods Earthquakes Tsunami All the above d
Export marketing is _____
in character. Flexible In elastic static none of these a
Base of Global trade is international
_____. domestic dependence dependence foreign direct investment
none of these b
India’s Exports are _____.
more than imports less than imports equal to imports all the above b
Exports act as an engine of
economic growth. TRUE FALSE a
Export marketing is one of
the useful activities to
developed nations. TRUE FALSE b
Export marketing is not
dynamic in character. TRUE FALSE b
Software exports are at the
top place in composition of
India’s services export. TRUE FALSE a
International Trade is
dominated by MNC’S from
developed countries. TRUE FALSE a
Exporter has to face
multi–faced competition. TRUE FALSE a
Domestic recession
motivates Indian companies
to explore foreign markets. TRUE FALSE a
Export marketing is a
complex activity due to
export trade transactions
procedure. TRUE FALSE a
India’s balance of trade is
still unfavourable. TRUE FALSE a
USA is still India’s major
trading partner. TRUE FALSE a
India is not a member of
European Union. TRUE FALSE a
Export Marketing has
become highly competitive
in present scenario. TRUE FALSE a
Export Marketing is flexible
in character. TRUE FALSE a
Impact of Globalization is
one of the challenges of
Export Marketing in India. TRUE FALSE a
Software services are prime
services for India’s services
export. TRUE FALSE a
Export Marketing helps to
cope up India’s
unfavourable balance of
payment position. TRUE FALSE a
Base of Global Trade is
International Dependence.
India’s exports are more
than imports. TRUE FALSE b
Tea and coffee are major
export commodities of
export. TRUE FALSE a

Question A B C D Ans
Trade Barriers includes Non Tariff barriers Tariff and Non
_____. Tariff barriers only only Tariff Barriers None of these c
Trade Barriers are treated as
major instruments which Trade policy of a Strategic policy of None of the
Political policy a
frames _____. country the firm above
Tariff Barriers are known as
Micro barriers Macro barriers Quantitative barriers All the above a
Non tariff Barriers are
Macro barrier Micro barriers Qualitative barriers All the above a
known as _____.
Crosses local
Transit Duty is imposed on National Boundaries Crosses interstate
boundaries within All the above b
a commodity when it _____. of a country Boundaries
the country
_____ Duty is imposed at
fixed percentage on the
value of imported ad velorem Duty anti dumping duty counter vailing Duty sliding scale duty a
commodities who’s value
cannot be easily determined.
Specific duty cannot be
applied Art sculptures work of Art All the above d
imposed on _____.

Compound duty is the Sliding scale Duty + Revenue Tariff + Specific duty + Specific Duty +
combination of _____. counter vailing Duty protective Tariff antidumping Duty advalorem duty

Non tariff Barriers are Micro barriers in

Qualitative barriers In visible in nature All the above c
_____. nature
Custom Quota combines Features of Tariffs Features of Tariffs Features of Quotas None of the
_____. as well as quotas only only above
Quotas which are fixed after
due negotiation between Multilateral
Custom Quota Unilateral Quota Bilateral Quota c
exporting and importing Quota
countries are called _____.

When imports or exports of

certain items are done
through canalized agencies MMTC NAFED MITCO All the above d
of the government such as

Following is the example of Quotas and

Revenue tariff Protective tariff Transit Duty d
Non Tariff Barriers _____. License

Following is the example of Prior Import Anti dumping

Trading Blocs Consular formalities d
Tariff Barriers _____. Deposits Duty
European Union is
1st January 1958 1st March 1968 1st January 1994 8th August 1967 a
established in _____.
Following country is not
included in European union France Italy Belgium Singapore d
India is not a member of
SAARC ASEAN BRICS All the above b
Trade Related Trade Related Trade Related
TRIP’s stands for _____. International Intellectual property Intellectual All the above b
property Rights Rights perception Rights
Trade Related
Trade Related None of the
TRIM’S stands for _____. International Trade Related a
Investment measures Intellectual measure above
Generalised Generalised General
General Agreement
GAT’s stands for _____. agreements in Trade approach about Agreement on b
on trade in services
and services transport system Tariff structure.
AOA in WTO stands for Articles of Agreement on Articles on
All the above b
_____. Association Agriculture Agriculture
marketing research marketing research
marketing research
Global marketing Research related to related to None of the
related to National a
means _____. International International above
markets company
In global market Research
collecting and Analysing and
following methods are Reporting of data All the above d
Recording data Interpreting data
included _____.
Following is the factor
Absence of
influencing selection of consumer behaviour maximum risk baring All the above a
foreign markets _____.
Following is the example of
mergers acquisitions Joint venture All the above d
strategic alliance _____.
The impact of non tariff
Fast and Indirect Slow and Indirect Fast and Direct a
barriers is _____ Slow and direct
Following is very powerful
trade Bloc in the ASEAN SAARL All the above c
International Trade _____. EU
Global marketing Research Not costly and Not costly but Costly but not
Costly and Lengthy a
process is _____. Lengthy Length Lengthy
India is one of the members
of _____.
_____ means selling goods
None of the
at low price in foreign in lumping Dumping ad velorem duty
foreign markets. b
The impact of non–tariff
barriers is slow and direct.
WTO agreements are
favourable to India. TRUE FALSE
International trade and
global trade are hand in
EU is not powerful trade
bloc to International trade.
Influence of trading blocs in
positive on exporting
marketing. TRUE FALSE
Direct exporting faces
limited risks. TRUE FALSE
Indirect exporting help
more than direct exports to
earn goodwill for exporter. TRUE FALSE
Global marketing research
is useful for International
marketing firms. TRUE FALSE
Global marketing research
process is not costly and
lengthy. TRUE FALSE
Licensing is not useful as a
method of initial entry in
foreign market. TRUE FALSE
India is one of the members
GATS is basically related to
agreement on agriculture.
Trade barriers are artificial
restrictions on imports and
exports. TRUE FALSE
Franchising is a method of
entry in the foreign market.
Manufacturing exporter are
export marketing
organisation. TRUE FALSE
Dumping is a selling goods
at low price in a foreign
market. TRUE FALSE
NAFTA is a trading bloc in
International trade. TRUE FALSE
Global market research is
useful for entry into new
foreign market. TRUE FALSE
EU is a largest and active
trading bloc in International
Quota and licensing are the
types of tariff barriers.
Anti dumping duty sell the
goods at a lower price.
Preliminary Investigation is
included in global market
research. TRUE FALSE
Question A B C D Ans
The target for New FTP None of the
US $ 1000 billion US $ 800 billion US $ 900 billion
2015-20 is put upto _____. above
MEIS mainly focuses on Women-centric Men-centric Capital-centric
All the above
_____. products products products a
Industrial input
SEIS scheme shall mainly Service providers
providers located SSI units in India All the above
apply to _____. located in India
outside India a
to manufacturing and
Boost to “Make in India” is to manufacturing the to manufacturing None of the
sell the goods in
to encourage _____. goods within India goods outside India above
local market a
Status category of one star
status holders has a US $ FOB Value 25 US $ FOB Value 3 US $ FOB Value US $ FOB Value
performance criteria is crs million crs million 2000 crs million 200 crs million
_____. b
Following item which is not
included in the category of Fur of domestic
Human Skeleton Beef Exotic birds
prohibited items under animal
Negative List a
TRIFED is a canalizing Petroleum
Gum karaya Mica waste Mineral ores
Agency, mainly deals with products
The item ‘Deoiled
Groundnut Cakes” is Canalised Agency None of the
Restricted items Prohibited items
included in _____ of items above
Negative List of exports. a
Selected towns producing
goods of _____ crores will
be notified under towns of
` 1000 crores ` 800 crores ` 500 crores ` 350 crores
Excellence on the basis of
potentials for growth in
exports. a
For the Towns of excellence
in Hand loom sector ` 150 crores ` 800 crores ` 250 crores ` 300 crores
threshold limit is _____. a
STP units enjoy _____ Duty free DTA
Duty free import NFE Benefits All the above
benefit. purchase. d
Bio Technology parks are
specialized Technological Capital Intensive None of the
Biotechnology Nano Technology
park which are specialized Technology above
in _____. a
New EOUs are exempted
from payment of corporate Five years Seven years Ten years One year
Tax Bloc for _____ years. c
Deemed exports are not
physical exports TRUE FALSE a
The concept of Towns of
Export Excellence was
introduced in the FTP 2004-
100% EOUs are given
special concession of 10
years tax holiday. TRUE FALSE b
Star Export Houses are
export marketing
organization. TRUE FALSE a
DGFT aims at promoting
Foreign Tours. TRUE FALSE b
SEZ is specifically
delineated duty payable
area. TRUE FALSE b
Deemed exports are
supplies made to overseas
market. TRUE FALSE b
The export organisations
located in Bio-Technology
parks are not eligible to
claim status of exports
homes. TRUE FALSE b
In India FTP is announced
for a period of give years.
Camel is included in the
prohibited items of exports.
Canalized items of exports
include onions and
petroleum products. TRUE FALSE a
The restricted items are
allowed to be exported only
with special licensing by the
The status holders like
premier trading house are
allowed for longer credit
period. TRUE FALSE a
Textiles and jute sector is
eligible for status holder
incentive scrip. TRUE FALSE a
Export of tea is not covered
under VKGUK scheme
benefits. TRUE FALSE b
Jaipur is recognized as
Town of export excellence.
FTP 2015-20 aims at
generation of employment
through large services
exports. TRUE FALSE a
Generally Indian
government announces
foreign trade policy for five
years. TRUE FALSE a
At present India’s exports
are more than imports.
India is the 2 largest
exporters in the worlds next
Indore and Banaras cities
are included under towns of
export excellence. TRUE FALSE b
Exotic birds and beef are
included under restricted
items of export. TRUE FALSE b
Petroleum products are
included under canalized
item. TRUE FALSE a
Cattle and camel are
included under restricted
items. TRUE FALSE a
Human skeletons are
included under prohibited
item. TRUE FALSE a
The objectives of FTP is to
create employment
opportunities. TRUE FALSE a
The director General of
Foreign trade is the full
form of DGFT. TRUE FALSE a

Question A B C D Ans
MDA is provided for conducting market activities such as Opening showrooms
All the above
_____. survey advertising and in abroad
publicity abroad d
MDA is given to status
holders in the range of
_____ of the actual 25% to 50% 20% to 40% 25% to 60% 40% to 75%
expenditure incurred by
them. c
MAI is provided by
Industrial research To conduct market To conduct product
Government of India for all the above
and Development Research Research
_____. d
RCMC is issued by _____. FIEO IIFI IIP EPC
Commodity Boards operate Ministry of
Ministry of External Ministry of
under the administrative Ministry of Finance Information and
affairs commerce
control of _____. Broadcast b
IIFT is an autonomous body Society Registration
Partnership Act Companies Act Contract Act
registered under Act a
ITPO ≠ is equal to _____. TDA + TFAI TFAI All the above
To develop packaging
consciousness is the main ITPO IIFT All the above
function of _____. IIP a
Chambers of commerce are
profit making organisations.
FIEO is a non-profit service
Export promotion TRUE FALSE
organization. a
Commodity boards are
supplementary to EPCs and TRUE FALSE
function on the same line. a
IIFT is basically academic
and service organization. a
ITPO is supposed to
monitor quality control and
pre-shipment inspection of
export items. b
Commodity boards, this
export promotion
organization takes active
interest in the introduction
of new methods of
cultivation of commodities. a
Commodity Boards are
supplementary to EPCs. a
FIEO issues certificate of
origin. a
Chambers of commerce
sends trade delegations TRUE FALSE
abroad. a
EPC is an export marketing
organisations. b
EPC assists domestic
marketers. b
Chamber of commerce
makes representation on the
problems of their member
exporters. a
FIEO is a profit making
organisaion registered under
Indian Companies Act,
1956. b
Chamber of Commerce do
not assist exporters at all b
Air freight subsidy is given
against export of capital TRUE FALSE
goods. b
Exports are exempted from
all kinds of sales tax. a
IRMAC imports finished
goods in bulk and
distributes them at
competitive price. b
EPCG scheme refers to
refund to custom duty paid TRUE FALSE
on import of raw materials. a
Under EPCG scheme import
of capital goods are not TRUE FALSE
allowed. b
IRMAC supplies imported
raw materials to small TRUE FALSE
exporters. a
Market access initiative was
done for conducting TRUE FALSE
marketing studies a
MDA (market development
assistance) gives exemption TRUE FALSE
from excise duty. a

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