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Bienvenue à Marly-Gomont

Nom: ______________________

Classe: _____________________

2 La Bande Annonce

1. Who do you think the main character is? ___________________________________

2. What do you think the film is going to be about? ____________________________




Les personnages : can you fill in the table about the characters ?

Des questions : 00 :00 – 14 :21

1. Why have all other doctors refused the job in Marly-Gomont?

2. Why did Seyolo take the job in Marly-Gomont?

3. Why was the mayor nervous about Seyolo taking the job?

4. Why is Seyolo’s wife angry?

5. How do the other children treat their new classmates? Why is that?

4 Les Villes

Research some information about the two principle places (location, environment, population,
history of the time, etc…)
§ Compare the place in English
§ Describe the place in French
§ Use comparative or superlative to talk about each place in French



Des questions : 14 :22 – 30 :00

1. Why do the villagers treat the Zantoko family differently?

2. What does Anne do to cheer herself up?

3. How does the man at the market treat Anne?

4. Who does Seyolo make friends with?

5. What advice does the farmer give Seyolo?

6. What happens at the war memorial?

Des questions : 30 :00-45 :00

1. What advice does Seyolo give the man playing darts?

2. Why do the men laugh when Seyolo gives them the bill?

3. Why does Seyolo get angry with Anne?

4. What does Seyolo ask of the council?

5. What does Seyolo do to earn money for his family?

6. Why does Anne follow Seyolo?


Imagine you are one of the main characters – how are you feeling?

Bonjour, je m’appelle…

Des questions : 45 :00 – 1 :00 :00

1. What does the farmer ‘cheers’ to in the pub?

2. Why does Kamini bring Sylvie home?

3. What have the children never seen before?

4. Why does Anne get angry with Seyolo at Christmas?

5. Why is Seyolo embarrassed at Church?

6. how does the pregnant woman encourage herself to push?

Des questions : 1 :00 :00 – 1 :14 :00

1. What happens after Seyolo delivers the woman’s baby?

2. What does Sivi challenge her classmates to?

3. Why is Anne angry with Seyolo?

4. Who do you think is responsible for Seyolo being arrested?

5. Why is Seyolo frustrated?

Qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur la photo ?

• que penses-tu de
la vie rurale?
• qu’est-ce que tu
voudrais faire
comme métier?

Des questions : 1 :14 :00 - end

1. What has happened to Sylvie?

2. What happens at the football match?

3. Why are they pretending that Sivi is a boy?

4. Why are the villagers thankful for Sivi?

5. What do Seyolo and the kids pretend? Why?

6. What story do the school children tell in their show?

7. Who was the secretary that Seyolo hired?

8. What happened to Seyolo?



Kamini : Marly-Gomont

Ces petits patelins paumés
Que même la France y sait pas qui sont là chez elle
Les petits patelins paumés que personne ne connaît
Même pas Jean-Pierre Pernaut
Je viens pas de la té-ci
Je viens d'un petit village qui s'appelle Marly Gomont
Alors come on sur le beat un, le beat un, le beat un qui fait la tam tam tam
A Marly Gomont y'a pas de béton, 65 ans la moyenne d'âge dans les environs
Un terrain de tennis, un terrain de basket
Trois jeunes dans le village donc pour jouer c'est pas chouette
Je viens d'un village paumé dans l'Aisne en Picardie facilement
9 95 pour cent de vaches, 5 pour cent d'habitants
Et parmi eux, une seule famille de Noirs

Kamini : Marly-Gomont : how does he say ?

1. These small lost places:______________

2. City : ______________

3. There isn’t any concrete:_____________

4. A Lost village:_______________

Kamini : Marly-Gomont : true or false ?

1. Marly-Gomont is a busy town.

2. Kamani grew up in suburb of a famous city

3. There is no buildings and flats in Marly-Gomont.

4. The average age is fifty.

5. He thinks that it is fun to play with 3 young people.

6. Marly-Gomont is in the region of Picardie.

7. There are ninety five per cent of people.

8. There is only one black family.



Ton interprétation

Comment as-tu trouvé la fin du Bienvenue à Marly-Gomont? Coche  les adjectifs qui
correspondent le mieux:


Ton interprétation


Voici d’autres conclusions possibles. Barre celles que tu n’aimes pas.

1. Seyolo retourne en Afrique avec sa famille.

2. La famille Santoko va habiter à Paris.

3. Les villageois créent une association pour l’ Afrique.

4. Sivi devient joueuse de football professionnelle.



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