1984 Quote Tracker - Aly Anany

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Quotation Tracker-Themes

Literary Work: 1984

Chapter Quotation Analysis and Notes Thematic

and Page Topics

Part 1 “And the clocks were striking This is foreshadowing showing

Page 3 13” readers the change in lifestyle
this book has. Even a small
change in the way the clock
works has a big impact on the

Part 1 “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING Who is Big Brother?

Page 3 YOU”

Part 1 “And though the sun was Orwell is painting to readers the
Page 4 shining and the sky a harsh mood of the world at the time.
blue, there seemed to be no Everything seems colorless and
color in anything, except for the dull. And he also relates back to
posters that were plastered the posters on the wall signifying
everywhere. ” them.

Part 1 “Only the Thought Police Who are the Thought police?
Page 4 mattered”

Part 1 “The telescreen was still “What is the Ninth Three-Year

Page 4 babbling away about the pig- Plan and the pig-iron?”
iron and the over fulfillment of You can't turn off the telescreen,
the Ninth three-Year Plan” you can only dim it.

Part 1 “The telescreen received and This shows the way life is in
Page 4 transmitted simultaneously” Orwell’s future. People are
constantly being watched and
listened by the Thought Police

Part 1 “WAR IS PEACE This is the complete opposite of

Page 6 FREEDOM IS SLAVERY what people today believe. War
IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH” is peace is completely false and
so are the other statements.

Part 1 April 4th, 1984 The book takes place in 1984, on

Page 9 April 4th.

Part 1 “The brotherhood its name was The brotherhood is a vast

Page 15 supposed to be” shadowy army, an underground
network of conspirators
dedicated to the overthrow of the
state. Goldstein is the leader of
the brotherhood and author of
“the book”.

Part 1 “His heart went out to the lonely, This shows Winston’s position
Page 16 derided heretic on the screen, and viewpoints regarding both
sole guardian of truth and sanity Big Brother and Goldstein.
in a world of lies. ”

Part 1 “My savior!” People view Big Brother as a

Page 18 hero, as a god, and as their
savior as they pray to his photo.

Part 1 “O’brien was thinking the same It is impossible to dissemble your

Page 19 thing as himself!” feelings. To control your face, to
do what everyone else was
doing, was an instinctive
reaction. But for a brief moment,
a second or two, Winston and
O’brien made eye contact and
Winston knew from that moment
that they both believed the same
thing. They both were reluctant in
chanting with the others for a
brief moment.

Part 1 “DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER” Now we truly know Winston’s

Page 20 beliefs about Big Brother and his
hatred towards him. He hopes
that the brotherhood is real and
clings on to that through his
interaction with O’brien that

Part 1 “Child hero” Child Heroes are kids who ratted

Page 27 their parents out to the Thought
Police. They have become
programmed from a young age
to love Big Brother and all his
ideals that they are willing to
have their parents killed to prove
their love to the party.

Part 1 “Thoughtcrime does not entail

Page 30 death. Thoughtcrime IS death.”

Part 1 “Everything had been different Showing the significant change

Page 34 tnen” Big Brother created on the world.

Part 1 “Perhaps it was a time when the Part of the history of the new
Page 35 atomic bomb had fallen on world.

Part 1 “The enemy of the moment Here Winston is reflecting on the

Page 36 always represented absolute fact the Oceana is constantly at
evil” war with other countries even if
they had treaties or will have

Part 1 “And if all others accepted the This is a very real idea that could
Page 37 lie which the Party imposed - if happen. If there is no real record
all records told the same truth - of Oceana having a treaty with
then the lie passed into history Eurasia and breaking it, and this
and became truth. ” information and claim is only in
WInston’s mind, there is no real
“Reality Control = doublethink” proof it is happening or

Part 1 Doublethink - explained

Page 37

Part 1 “The past had not merely been In this dystopia, the party is
Page 38 altered, it had been actually controlling everything, even
destroyed.” history.

Part 1 Comrade Wither and

Page 48- Comrade Ogilvy

Part 1 “You don't grasp the beauty of This is Syme talking to Wintson
Page 54 the destruction of words” about his job and how is not
creating new words, rather he is
destroying oldspeak words.

Part 1 “Newspeak is INGSOC and The whole aim of Newspeak is to

Page 55 INGSOC is newspeak” narrow the range of thought. To
limit thoughtcrime as there will be
no words in which to express it.

Part 1 “The sexual act, successfully Intercourse was viewed as a way

Page 71 performed was rebellion” to reproduce rather than a way to
show love and feelings.

Part 1 “If there is hope, it relies in the “Who are the proles?”
Page 72 proles”

Part 1 “Proles and animals are free” Prole people were beneath
Page 75 suspicion as they were seen as
incompitant and equal to

Part 1 “Not a word of it could ever be Talking about the history book
Page 77 proved or disproved” that he is reading and how it is
saying that life now is better
before the revolution but how can
you know this is really the case?

Part 1 “If there was anyone still alive Since proles were defiant of the
Page 90 who could give you a truthful regime and Big Brother, they
account of conditions in the never truly succumb to
early part of the century, it could intellectual surrender, so the
only be a prole. ” elders of the proles still have
memory and knowledge about
the true past.

Part 2 ALL OF PARAGRAPH ONE Shows how the thought police

Page 140 lives in family

Part 2 “It was all nonsense, as they Winston is thinking about how life
Page 159 both knew. In reality there was with julia is futile and is bound to
no escape.” end.

Part 2 “In any case the party was

Page160 invincible.”

Part 2 “The heart remained

Page174 impregnable”

Part 2 “A Part Member lives from birth Thoughtpolice

Page 219 to death under the eye of the
thought police”

Part 2 “Even when he is alone, he can Uncertainty that one is always

Page 219 never be sure that he is alone” being watched.

Part 2 “He was looking with This instance with the shop
Page 234 knowledge, at a member of the owner truly shows the extent of
thought police” the power Big Brother instilled
through the thought police. And
how you can't trust anybody.

Part 3 “It was my little daughter” Mr Parsons was taken to the

Page 245 thought police by talking bad
about Big Brother in his sleep.
His daughter heard him.

Part 3 “Stupidity was as necessary as

Page 292 intelligence and as difficult to

Part 3 “You must love big brother. It is Winston must learn to love Big
Page 295 not enough to obey him: you Brother and not secretly hide his
must love him. ” hatred for him
Part 3 “Do it to Julia! Do it to Julia! Not He has finally surrendered his
Page 300 me!” last hope and betrayed Julia,
falling to Big Brothers control

Part 3 “He had won the victory over

Page 311 himself. He loved big brother.”

Part 3

Part 3

Part 3

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