ملخص ميد CALL

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: Warschauer and Kern argued that Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and it
is developed in THREE PHASES.
1: Warschauer believed that the( FIRST) phase (Consisted) of structural (CALL) which was
based on a view of lanuage as a formal system of structures ( grammar, phonlogy, etc.) And
focuaed on (drill and practice methods to achieve accuracy).

(Castagnaro 2006) This echoes the grammar translation and audio-lingual aproaches to
teaching lanuage.

2: The (second) phase in warschauer's model was called (communicative CALL) With
underpinning view that knowledge about (Language Is Constructed In The Learner's
Mind) rather than (external system of rules).
Open CALL, like Communicative CALL includes > open-ended (INTERACTION) with both
Computers and occasionally with other users.

3: The third aspect is integrated CALL By (Bax) integrated CALL will be achieved when
technology is fully (NORMALIZED) in our lives.

Cyberbole by (Woolgar2002) Cyberbole refers to extreme reactions to new technology
whether with alarm, or awe.

Tutor, Tutee, Tool...?

Tutor: the Computer teaches the learner.
Tutee: the learner teaches the computer.
Tool: using technology as a tool to achieve language Learning.

Authoring software allows teachers to create bank of actives which learners can access
either from home or study centers.

Behavioursim by (Skinner 1974) Language is a form of behaviour.

Papert(1993) developed this theory, agruing that the Learning experince is(strongest
learners developed in making). Papert's view that the knowledge is constructed effectively
when learns (forced) To articulate thier knowledge. That mean if you articulate ( speak
fluently or publicly about something that you know) your will get better and better.

Social-comstructivisim: Vygotsky(1978) who agrued that Learning is constructed (first)
through social (interaction), and then through (individual plane).

'Zone of proximal development' (ZPD): The gap between what a learner already
knows"1"(the knowledge that constructed in the learner's mind) or can do and what the
learner can achieve when working in collaboration "2" ( working with a group) with
someone who a little more capable "3" ( more able peer) the edge between the peers must
be thin to if we want them to achieve effective Learning.
Burner(1978): Noted a similar (scaffolding) effect in the mother talk and children (that
means the mother uses a simple lanuage to communicate with her child and she adds a new
word everytime she wants to teach the baby something new for example " Nana la that
means no milk or no food now or" " ‫ھذا ﻛﺦ‬ect.

'i+1 (krashen 1997) this theory claims than lanuage learners need to reccive INPUT
(language that they can hear or read) at"slightly higher" than they can produce.

Stevenson(2008):Communites Of Practice : A group of people shared the same interest.
(COP is only for Learning goals)

Gee(2005):calls 'affinty spaces'-Physical and virtual places which people can develop
realtionships and discourse comunities based on shared intetests.

what is the diffrence between COP and AFFINITY SPACES?

1- COP"closed" people work together to achieve effective learing, so COP is a spece for
Learning (ONLY)
2- AFFINITY SPACES "open spaces" :2 A physical or virtual spaces where people can develop
realtionships (and they also can make them a Learning spaces such as social media apps).

Socio-cultiral theories : argued that Learning occurs effectively when people working
together a recent development is 'connectivisim' .

Communicative competence vs Digital competence : Letter C refers to Communicative and
letter D refers to Digital competence :

C1: Lingustic competence : Understanding how language is used in used .
D1:Procedual competence : Knowing how the technology is used.
C2: sociolinguistics competence : Understanding how lanuage is used in the context.
D2:Socio-digital competence : Understanding how technology is used in diffrent social
C3: Discourse competence : The ability to use lanuage in converstations.
D3:Digital discourse competence :The ability to mange and use the technology.
C4: Strategic competence : The ability to manage and navigate communication.
D4: Strategic competence :The ability to repair problems and work around the gaps in
technological knowledge and skills.

Warschauer's model can be combined with others to show how technology has been is
being used to support language learing. (Computer Assisted Language Learning warschaur's
model =CALL)

TELL: technology Enhaced Language Learning, in (CALL) the Computer was the only tool or
device to achieve effective learing, but (TELL) provided new devices such as phones,
tablets,and gaming consoles.

Technology both constraints (restrict or make it harder ), and facilites ( make it easier )

The main differences between CALL and TELL :

1- TELL views technology not as assisting language learning, but as a part of
environment in which language exists and is used.

2- In TELL, technology provides new contexi as well as new tolls for communication.
TELL includes a wider range of devices than ‘ computer’, in practical, phones, game
consoles, and tablets.

3- the devices we usd in TELL are largely normalized in daily life. Albeit not in the
language classroom

Web (1.0) And Web (2.0) :

Web (1.0) : We discuss the 'Traditional' world wide web known as (Web1.0) this type of
webs is one-sided web the moderator can "share" or "upload" pictures, or news examples of
(web 1.0) BBC, CNN etc.

Web(2.0) :opened spaces for useres to creat context, so (both usesrs and moderators) are
Contributors, examples of (web2.0)Twitter,Facebook, Telegram etc.

Communicative Events : a conference, a dinner, a cocktail party, a meeting or a project
involving group work; these are all typical activities in which people find themselves
interacting with others that work in companies, universities, new examples of
Communicative Events ( Twetting about a football match while watching it, Texting your
classmates in a lecture).

Microblogging : communicative act that did simply did not exist before the advent of Twitter
and Facebook.

Trolls : people who enjoy to create friction in online communities ( ‫ﻋﺎﻟم ﺗدور ﺣرش وﺗﺣب‬
.(‫ ﺗﺗﻣﺷﻛل‬

Flaming : online fights that escalate extremly quickly.

Technolect : the language that we use in the internet.

Crystal(2011): internet is making new words.

CMC: Computer-mediated communication or in asynchronous ( asynchronous = (‫ﻏﯾر ﻣﺗزاﻣن‬
examples of (CMC) : Email, audio, or text-based), but (CMC) has changed into (TMC)
Technology-mediated communication, and this is synchoronouns ( (‫ﻣﺗزاﻣن‬examples of (TMC)
: text or audio, happen at the same time such as skype etc).

Digital natives' and 'Digital immigrants' by Prensky(2000)

Digital natives : natives they have grown up with Computers and they have fluncy with
digital devices (our genetation is a digital natives) which the old generation do not have
(digital immigrants).

Digital immigrants : immigrants are the people who were born before the technology and
they do not have fluncy of using it (the older generation).

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