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Reference: GP 13


Sizing of Vehicle Charging Infrastructures

Electrical in apartment buildings (IRVE)
Domain A

The publication of new regulatory texts for Charging Infrastructures for Electric Vehicles and plug-in hybrids induces new
provisions for the design and implementation of these infrastructures.

The objective of this SéQuélec Practical Guide is to summarize the measures to be implemented in the context of projects
in new constructions as well as in existing ones.

- Decree n ° 2020-1696 of 23 December 2020 on the minimum characteristics of power and safety devices for
recharging installations for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles.

- Decree of 23 December 2020 relating to the application of article R. 111-14-2 of the construction and housing code.

The provisions of the decree and the decree of December 23, 2020 come into force on March 11, 2021.

- Decree of January 12, 2017 relating to data concerning the geographical location and technical characteristics
of the stations and charging points for electric vehicles.

- Decree of January 12, 2017 specifying the provisions relating to identifiers of operating units
for recharging electric vehicles.

- Decree n ° 2017-26 of January 12, 2017 on charging infrastructure for electric vehicles and on various measures for
transposing Directive 2014/94 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2014 on the
deployment of an infrastructure for alternative fuels.

- Decree n ° 2016-968 of July 13, 2016, Decree of July 13, 2016 and amendment of February 3, 2017 relating to
installations dedicated to recharging electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles.

- Decree of February 20, 2012 relating to installations dedicated to the recharging of electric or rechargeable hybrid
vehicles in buildings and to infrastructures for the secure parking of bicycles.

- Complementary texts:
- CRE deliberation of November 2016
- conclusions of the Parking Parks mission of June 2016

© Copyright - SéQuélec - May - 2021 1 of 12 Reference: GP 13 V2

Regulatory aspects in new constructions:

Table of minimum powers to size the minimum power IRVE

Charging points in the parks of

Number residential building parking Charging points in public parking lots
of locations Charging points in the car parks of non- in non-residential buildings
parking residential buildings for vehicles with
NOT or in the open air.
professional use or vehicles of employees
or service agents
10 ≤ N ≤ 20 15 kVA 22 kVA
21 ≤ N ≤ 40 22 kVA 33 kVA
30 kVA + 6 kVA per section of 10 44 kVA + 8 kVA per section of 10
41 ≤ N ≤ 100 locations over 50 locations over 50
PIRVE = 30 + 6 ((Nplaces-50) / 10) PIRVE = 44 + 8 ((Nplaces-50) / 10)
60 kVA + 3.6 kVA per section of 10 84 kVA + 5 kVA per section of 10
101 ≤ N ≤ 200 locations over 100 locations over 100
PIRVE = 60 + 3.6 ((Nplaces-100) / 10) PIRVE = 84 + 5 ((Nplaces-100) / 10) P
N> 200 96 kVA + 0.2 kVA x (N-200) 134 kVA + 0.28 kVA x (N-200)
PIRVE = 96 + 0.2 (Nplaces-200) IRVE = 134 + 0.28 (Nplaces-200)

Recommendation outside the appendix of the decree but treated in NF C 14-100:

Charging points in the parks of

Number residential building parking Charging points in public parking lots
of locations Charging points in the car parks of non- in non-residential buildings
parking residential buildings for vehicles for
NOT professional use or vehicles of employees or or in the open air.
service agents

<10 7.4 kVA 11 kVA

Lexicon :

Electric vehicle : a motor vehicle equipped with a propulsion system comprising at least one
energy converter in the form of a non-peripheral electric motor equipped with a rechargeable electric energy storage
system from an external source.

Charging infrastructure: all equipment, such as power supply circuits, charging stations or recharging points, control
and management boxes, and devices allowing in particular data transmission, supervision, control and payment, which
are necessary for recharging.

Charging point : a fixed device connected to an electrical supply point, comprising one or more recharging points and
able in particular to integrate communication, metering, control or payment devices.

Smart charge: an electric vehicle charge controlled by communication in order to meet user needs by optimizing the
constraints and costs of networks and energy production with regard to the limitations of the system and the reliability of
the electrical supply.

Normal charging point: a recharging point allowing the transfer of electricity to an electric vehicle at a power less than or
equal to 22 kW / kVA.

Fast or high power charging point: a recharging point allowing the transfer of electricity to
an electric vehicle with a power greater than 22 kW / kVA.

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Charging point open to the public: a charging point, operated by a public or private operator, to which users have non-
discriminatory access. Non-discriminatory access does not prevent the imposition of certain conditions in terms of
authorization, authentication, use and payment.

In particular, the following are considered to be a recharging point open to the public:
- a recharging point whose parking space is physically accessible to the public, including with an authorization or the
payment of an access fee;
- a charging point attached to a shared car system and accessible to third parties, including payment for the charging

Is not considered a charging point open to the public:

- a charging point installed in a private residential building or in an outbuilding of a private residential building and
exclusively reserved for residents;
- a recharging point assigned exclusively to recharging vehicles in service within the same entity and installed in an
enclosure dependent on this entity;
- a charging point installed in a maintenance or repair workshop not accessible to the public.

Developer: promoter and / or the contracting authority of a recharging infrastructure, until it is put into service, and the
owner of the infrastructure once it has been put into service.

Power terms used:

PR => Connection Power

PIRVE => Power dedicated to the origin of the connection to the IRVE =>
PUC Power of "classic" uses (excluding IRVE calculation)

Acronyms of the examples in the appendices:

SG => General Services also called "common" => Coefficient

Cf of expansion of NF C 14-100

Within the meaning of the decree of January 12, 2017 (in force), the term “charging point” within the meaning of the
Construction and Housing Code is understood to mean “an interface associated with a parking space which makes it
possible to recharge a only one electric vehicle at a time ”.

From now on, the notion of "interface which allows one vehicle to be recharged at a time" must be understood, either as
an individual socket, or as a charging station equipped with several socket outlets but which does not allow the
simultaneous use of the terminals. charging sockets.

The different types of socket or connector are described in the decree of January 12, 2017.

In addition to the equipment for recharging, a device allowing individual billing of consumption must be put in place for
each charging point open to the public under the 2011 decree.

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A distinction should be made between two areas A and B. This guide only concerns the connection to the public network of
distribution (domain A).

"Domain A" => RPD: public distribution

Requires minimal initial equipment:
- The network and the MV / LV substation

- The network link (LR) which must take

into account all the uses
- From 120 kVA the network link is a direct
departure from the MV / LV substation
- Several network links can be used

SIZING OF DOMAIN A: Case of a new


Sizing of the Connection Power (PR):

The building's new connection power is determined using the following calculation:


With :

Puc (classic uses) => current sizing rules according to NF C 14-100 - Be careful to take into account electric heating if

PIRVE => novelty compared to the previous rules: It is proposed to take into account a minimum reserve power for the
sizing of the IRVE power supply.

PIRVE is determined using the table of minimum powers disseminated with the Decree n ° 2020-1696 and
its Decree of December 23, 2020.

© Copyright - SéQuélec - May - 2021 4 of 12 Reference: GP 13 V2


IRVE connection request in an existing collective building:

Beforehand, it is advisable to make sure of the ownership regime of the interior collective works.
  If the interior collective works are not in concession, the works are entirely the responsibility of the applicant
  If the column is under concession, the work is the responsibility of the applicant (s) with a reduction, the rate
of which is set by Ministerial Order (The reduction corresponds to the average share of the connection costs
covered by the User Tariff of the Public Network (TURPE)).

In all cases, the determination of the scope of the work and the validation of the studies are carried out by the
Enedis Distribution Network Manager.

The steps should be considered by following the steps below:

The available power for the connection of IRVEs in existing installations is determined by applying the following formula:

P available = maximum theoretical P of the connection - actual contractual ∑P

With :

P theoretical maximum of the connection is determined by dimensioning the existing collective branching until a
constrained section is obtained. The calculation is done by considering the IRVE derivation from the first material
encountered in the building.

This theoretical power corresponds to the maximum power available without having to carry out reinforcement work
on domain A.

Actual contractual ∑P is determined by taking for each delivery point (PdL / PRM) its actual contractual power in
accordance with the connection sizing rules (electric heating or not).

The contractual powers can be obtained by asking the DSO for a statement of the subscribed powers (see Appendix 1).

The available power must be at least 9 kVA to consider at least the installation of a single-phase charging point at 7.4
kVA in a home.

The technical provisions on existing interior collective structures are described in the SéQuélec Practical Guide No. 11
(summary of Annex J of NF C 14-100 for collective structures).

© Copyright - SéQuélec - May - 2021 5 of 12 Reference: GP 13 V2


• Connection procedure:

  Enedis PRO-RAC_14E, for powers> 36 kVA Enedis PRO-

  RAC_21E, for powers ≤ 36 kVA Declaration of the company to

• the GRD

Prior to any installation of IRVE, ensure the capacity of the infrastructure at the point of installation

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Annex 1
Example of a table showing the state of charge of the electrical column
Nature section Caliber of Type
pipeline Reference no.PdL no. Or circuit breaker and / or Domestic Monophas
(m) inter
collective Unipolar stage PRM No. Power é
stage TOanother
Multiconductors contractual Trip-phased

051 45 A / 9 kVA D M

052 45 A / 9 kVA D M
053 30 A / 6 kVA D M

054 30 A / 6 kVA D M

041 45 A / 9 kVA D M

042 45 A / 9 kVA D M
2.7 m M 25 mm² Cu 4
043 30 A / 6 kVA D M

044 30 A / 6 kVA D M

031 45 A / 9 kVA D M

032 45 A / 9 kVA D M
2.7 m M 25 mm² Cu 3
033 30 A / 6 kVA D M

034 30 A / 6 kVA D M

021 45 A / 9 kVA D M

022 45 A / 9 kVA D M
2.7 m M 35 mm² Cu 2
023 30 A / 6 kVA D M

024 30 A / 6 kVA D M

011 45 A / 9 kVA D M

012 45 A / 9 kVA D M
2.7 m M 35 mm² Cu 1
013 30 A / 6 kVA D M

014 30 A / 6 kVA D M

001 30 A / 6 kVA D M

M 35 mm² Cu Ground floor 002 30 A / 6 kVA D M

003 30 A / 18 kVA TO T

Section / nature Pipe laying method

Length (m) CCPC 1st cabinet
pipeline collective

12 M 35 mm² Cu B

© Copyright - SéQuélec - May - 2021 7 of 12 Reference: GP 13 V2

Annex 2
Examples of calculation of apartment buildings
Case N ° 1: Construction of a building of 24 apartments with underground car park with 30 parking spaces

Determination of the minimum power for conventional use

Puc = 24 x 9 kVA x 0.49 (Cf) = 105.84 kVA. To which we add 12 kVA of SG to have:
Total Puc = 117.84 kVA

Minimum design power for IRVE:

30 places => 22 kVA
PIRVE = 22 kVA

Minimum connection power of the building integrating the IRVE:

PR => 117.84 + 22 => 139.84 kVA minimum

In this case the PIRVE corresponds to 15.8% (= PIRVE /PR) of the minimum value calculated for the Connection Power.

Case N ° 2: construction of two buildings of 3 apartments each in wood, on a common underground car
park in concrete with 8 spaces

Minimum sizing power for other uses of the building:

Puc = 6 x 9 kVA x 0.78 (Cf) = 42.12 kVA To which we add 6 kVA of SG to have:
Total Puc = 48.12 kVA

Minimum design power for IRVE:

For an 8-space car park, there is no regulatory obligation, the power is chosen by the
promoter, PIRVE is recommended to 7.4 kVA

Minimum connection power of the building integrating the IRVE:

PR = 48.12 + 7.4 = 55.52 kVA minimum

In this case the PIRVE corresponds to 13.4% (= PIRVE /PR) of the minimum value calculated for the Connection Power.

Case N ° 3: 80-unit building with 120-space parking

40 F4 type dwellings and 20 F5 type dwellings and 20 F3 type dwellings.

Minimum sizing power for classic uses:

Puc = 80 x 9 kVA x 0.38 (Cf) = 273.6 kVA To which we add 24 kVA of SG to have:
Total Puc => 297.6 kVA

Minimum design power for IRVE:

Parking with 120 spaces => 60 + 3.6 x ((120-100) / 10) = 67.2 kVA
PIRVE mini: 67.2 kVA

Minimum connection power of the building integrating the IRVE:

PR = 297.6 + 67.2 = 364.8 kVA minimum

In this case, the PIRVE corresponds to 18.5% (= PIRVE /PR) of the minimum value calculated for the Connection Power.

© Copyright - SéQuélec - May - 2021 8 of 12 Reference: GP 13 V2

Case N ° 4: student residence
40 student studios (24 m²) - underground car park with 40 parking spaces and bicycle storage
Common areas: fitness area, relaxation room, collective laundry.

Minimum sizing power for classic uses:

Puc = 40 x 6 kVA x 0.41 (Cf) = 98.4 kVA. To which we add 36 kVA of SG to have:
Total Puc => 134.4 kVA

Minimum design power for IRVE:

40-space car park => 22 kVA

PIRVE => 22 kVA

Minimum connection power of the building integrating the IRVEs: PR = 134.4 + 22

= 156.4 kVA minimum

In this case the PIRVE corresponds to 14.1% (= PIRVE /PR) of the minimum value calculated for the Power of

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Annex 3
Example of calculation of cases outside the home

Case of shopping center car parks

Case n ° 1

R + 1 overhead parking:
529 parking spaces over an area of 13,600 m²

The power of the other uses is given by the promoter.

Minimum design power for IRVE:

Car park with 529 spaces => 134 + (0.28 x (529-200))
  226.12 kVA

PIRVE => 226.12 kVA minimum

Case n ° 2

R + 1 overhead parking
450 parking spaces over 11,800 m²

The power of the other uses is given by the promoter.

Minimum design power for IRVE:

Car park with 450 spaces => 134 + (0.28 x (450-200))
  204 kVA

PIRVE => 204 kVA minimum

Case N ° 3:

Overhead parking
3,000 parking spaces

The power of the other uses is given by the promoter.

Minimum design power for IRVE:

Parking with 3000 spaces => 134 + (0.28 x (3000-200))
  918 kVA

PIRVE => 918 kVA minimum

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Case N ° 4:

Overhead parking with renewable energy production

650 parking spaces over 16,800 m²

Energy production => 4,800 m² of solar panel P peak => 3

kVA / 20 m²

Minimum design power for IRVE:

650-space car park => 134 + (0.28 x (650-200))
  260 kVA

PIRVE => 260 kVA minimum

Since the decree of December 23, 2020, the production power is no longer taken into account in the calculation
of the minimum power IRVE.

Case of public car parks

Case N ° 1:

R + 2 overhead car park (extension of a car park)

77 parking spaces over 1,600 m²

The power of the other uses is given by the promoter.

Minimum design power for IRVE:

Parking with 77 spaces => 44 + 8 x ((77-50) / 10)
  65.6 kVA

PIRVE => 65.6 kVA minimum

Case N ° 2:

Overhead parking
1,410 parking spaces over 20,700 m²

The power of the other uses is given by the promoter.

Minimum design power for IRVE:

Car park with 1,410 spaces => 134 + 0.28 x (1410-200)
  472.8 kVA

PIRVE => 472.8 kVA minimum

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Case N ° 3:

R + 1 overhead parking extension

200 parking spaces over 4,000 m²

The power of the other uses is given by the promoter.

Minimum design power for IRVE:

Parking with 200 spaces => 84 kVA + 5 x ((200-100) / 10)
  134 kVA

PIRVE => 134 kVA minimum

Case of private car parks (for staff)

Case N ° 1:

R + 3 aerial car park

1,880 parking spaces for 23,970 m²

The power of the other uses is given by the promoter.

Minimum design power for IRVE:

Car park with 1,880 spaces => 96 + 0.2 x (1880-200)
  432 kVA

PIRVE => 432 kVA minimum

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