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MAN Mid atIBel dled Oo Cry F yy eord ye fea Feary yysct) unmat nigere (ufoes Aree) - 2021 fardtn fone, var 2. sae fen VOTER: THOS TT wrst fara: Unmet nigere (uf Heres) - 2020 vufedt era - ys 2020 ert wu - woedt 2021 aniterfez © - yin files Gem) vomett ait VAs - 13: 978-81-930557-9-3 yaa: oe Hor wee, utero GH (fdr) win Ht G: 215, ufos Hae, Paes: 36 dt, ‘Sahay ~ 160036 er +91 -99886-11299 wus: oir Oy aa da wet aI Br SF fies nina 3 fg few yarns @ fe UR Ga ars dt ata a ORE Oe UES nett yeah fee wea at star at maT me ot OT aA St gu Ree fe a et os FE fe Hs Rant, fearata a SHS oe Rorfes ach at a RET fen unset fee lige weardh sifta HB we 8 Rast F anes ahh act 1 Tet, ow ot watiore ne ar oh Bot ARR yeni fat a react Sh ase a iyessr eh ard D1 verte feu watt wee woh aa Aim atch ach 9 fe fea Reeve ast wt dot F yas D, wD yao wd oh fone dia fen weardt 2 Guia F de eet fart aes, gs at paws wet mde facta femras, wre Sa crear nme fers or fea wet, ogee me utter tint rnaas, Bua 8 Bees ut et rise oe iors os Gut ts meres aes = fe iran uae 31 feo gee ot Be aise mabot rrarae fanors © felt 3 fateh wears wet aaeh 9 vat fen fet 3 urea ot mes ne wean § Je & feats nd Gur wet 31 fem aan wet dee 8 watcha st F wears fact aa, Une 2 feta, Afra, g refer m8 wet C8 oes meat rear § eat at yee we Wa yes Reo Om at 31 fea arm Shot oedseyan uncsint wr et Renee feta te act 31 deer 8 fen vires fee Sat § On aes wet tetaaint sactat ot eo ae fen sot rears § On afta 3 gt A wot Red ust ns Je HE ne Pull 3 waI fe fare Bee thew Vows! St mrt ag ad Seat wet eae fia Get wa Uw mit wearct set wae Hews ae ghar ot freee BF aft opie fifew § Guat 2 fem Quad wet oafea eret fer at n Gast ot annum et Dwr aoe at edt fee Bua 28, frees Ufo me Te yaTEET Uthoret et fost ae wD Brest F Ga ware Be fs, Satay RR St econ Gat a ct atm menfies act at DB fe fa gs dh emurtin aww 3) fim sgt war dare felis Uttonret ford ae wh Bes Uist St ag nd Toe flows fase we a Fact 2, GA sgt fa simmer S fetemranbt at Hews 2 aes fifa deat Fest fardta feorss UASTest rer iret fare er oat, nigeres mS utter Gera Hares On aes Fe AE wnera yt er nigae 3 foo 1 few fare West wafers afte am en se ae fea Hess fsa ot Sem ae adh Ht, mat wt Sree uit § thre thn 8 fen we a8 ew HT feta ni feah et aes amGe a Ht at A mee ae Gu nmadt ume edit 2 sas vifoes a Fae areas Uline! fa tire mikft fet fenfys wear ot Be 8 gon § Hears ee a2 Gt fea fare fire ash at 31 west § wits feb ot gawk weact der dh few fase or GOu 2 at H ure mith Gost oh areas Be gait me few 9 wa) fen oes Yaet od seyes gu fee de aus wet aa Hae Queer ar fame 3) tire Hitt ree fms @ fer fs fants fet § fom Re Seu ot mnie, por mes wits Ror svat RES or fama D1 wat hut Bat § forms Rea Sud 2 gee Roetiont St ead at ath at 31 fet mit woat ot mreodt 39 ust aan wet fare 2 ois Re yA Ba Rs fie Bt Refract uttimret migrre mifimen ag Hae! feo Re Save, nit ot ade eat 2 areas feaut ft adh Se er et nfm Bar oat er Rah fen guar yt Oy ne fener, fea nisdte wgadt e wre Cis awed m8 Ag feo yaw fener 8 fa lit 2 fer usd meets thoes ust A gost Aime me sah fst ot Res m8 wre Ee Gar fait St ag oh Fie wet ome a SS mn? Org ave ew me fez star ASAT 24, 2019 ga ihe fies retest wmud fen nifimrstire oor wet HF mrad mifimmat er wed deere ae at HF mm Esfiaat, feewst, fitzat mi fetta Sa 3 fefenraciont 3 ner dt fem aang Re oes fe A3 Yaw Hs aS os, w states doe oh ae AEH 8 ufses BS HS Hitt eT B dawet a aed gaat aa 28 fe fore 2 Umit ogee § fara aan fee fies ee eT stoRee dowe weer ot) Gust 3 saree yes 32 Heres nS SR wT He ToT solr BF of fcr femmes, wr. Bat G vores wanker moet de & fe war G UGE ne oma Sabet feast oe fen § mitts aan act Gt ale FS Gast & inet oH rer fit vid, emer sr, wits fur Shon Beer ec mretiowra in mafrardh ‘mantis fifw ait or At oer late ot marae fu we fear Pars aren yee 31 ydtr fies 3a0 Barst med Gers TH the, oh, wa, wraionst 8 gare Se 2 nach err ares ore nets ere eawra are ons tre ara Fear at eT rans inns er oars fifo 4a 42 43 line fee oH er feast onde orci Uae line fee goa oe 50-56 vil 44 line fea Hebe ne Bt Sr 45 ire Res yas ETS ag sea te ot ay vise be ot ay poss em ot ag oH ent ay none 2s 42.86 sa4 sued afos 535 fu Ae ats 536 Tagore nara ofrs ag & war for ae & ioe 53.7 Sas nest ste 53.8 ire fenmt uarr vs 54 YEH met F 541 dhe 3a fr 542 Rie Ree 543 Role nag 544 Hohe Gen fur ude © Kaas 61 gher 6a thre aged ation 6.3 tag caterer me yah thre ue AD) 6.4 tir ye te 65. Gare the afin 1966 (lira er uss Gara) wordt - Stary a ger ya ont adeys foe Ha 8 Bale Mas 81 nedeye roa Hs fa aie Sivas agave Go tre 2 oa irae sar 92 dew dhgentsa és on 228 e 99 99 04 105 106 106 108-110, 108: 108: 109, 109, uo m3 um mm mpn5, a5 16-152 6 oy 93 Ware? fag ition ox Gi aeer at 3 toa UF aaa fear 103 eset eH aew 2011 10.4 tire eH ae 2011 lia ot nee fewer ua owiee feener et ear na Stadt ng fire ng tg 98 fost fear ns Gor 26 Gaia nz fftear 8 fos ng ahh nao wears m8 Uae fee nn Tosa es yet maa rent nag Be ure md Himes nag Ure Haars 28 were a abn mew seme thet nas at nu as 3 fener a7 yauet Fors aire & Hirer na ghar 2a Gout Fat me Url srt nag Ure et fos ng whofe mes us 153.159 153 153 aaa nag tire 28 8 BOs 26 thre 28a 3a ny Hats we 28 thre daw m8 esac ng tire Bate nao tire 2 yftia gogo’ nan re 2 fia Hes aaa thre 2 BQ, fae oS oeerfes wre 1aag thre nt tt nag thre 2 yess FI mors? 3 fefsotia maforst ga oHthfaa mertinest 33. 3s mafwst Uisfiohe yeah wdifion, 2012 e yEe tse ga Use tino er URES UES (25-11-2012) 2 Oso dt alton aed wction, 2014 eye Use asa Ute udifione es U8 (23-03-2014) 15.2 Fse Ht isan eat uci, 2015 eT ys Usa 16... urdiionr ys USE (12-12-2015) 62 Osa Ht atsiatm edt wifi, 2018 = ye Use apa itt Sor adios er pe za (23-07-2018) ya Gas dt yas oars 18.1 Wire @ Heres foes ore HEfes gs HEseYTS YET 2 Csa Ht 294-305 13. 4g 45. 16 17 18 19 110 aan 13 14 1a5 126 aay 1B. nag 120 nat aaa 23 24 4a 42 43 Wael ot aa tt mes Rgtas me fos ug wee aleve fs ne qéteatircint aire fee Sect gteatit alive fees shaw geteafircint 44 45 46 47 48 49 410 4a 43 a4 45 4:6 4a7 438 7a 72 73 on 92 93 O4 95 96 o7 98 99 gu0 on ou 933, fees Wa fit oir Bars what marca (1845-46) BR aw fie do Sars actor werent (1848-49) dla 2 ate afkaas Satay & gt starg 73 on weadt fachast me wats fa fae echete fey afer fag ror fy fess fag grea fag et years whos fag iar firey ufenrer fay Farge fag are fag sfsorg rrfow ‘fey gtr 3B 55 7 58 59 6 o 65 7 76 By 8 13, 7 a9 naa 134 135 126 a7 ag 3 eos 34 35 vai on 945 916 on7 a8 9) 9:20 oa 922 933 101 102 103 104 105 106 10.7 n3 m4 ns ma na 23 24 25 26 27 28 fay neue fay ofimreue fay goes fag uesae fag your fag vifisrs fy 335 335 fag usa frp mde wars fib sae fag fone nets fey sare ares & fefsarn Bet ba St rarition wer fey ena er wast vied ara 2 vafteers / QasH on mS Sect wes ye aire 2 lars fag era va as on ys er fee tact fier (afirs hist °3) iva fee uftta Getifre gic ire fe age mignre Faas ea argh worm gwardt va: Ure we Bras (2011-12) manag 3 Goat 8 oh ure ans 8 yarns aan eet gatearcint dire 2 RB mB BETS weet 2 ate wast 2 afe® lira 2 yfita gaps 24 274 278 us 1 oa et gu ter walt as won rear @net 188, 1966 wars afore me HRI amy wer fas, wait ay aH eas He ashy oH a ier WH ae He fear faea dofes Razdie Seiag eeees tira ne afowrer oe, Satay ire & utes ems Sy oe wu ws fet Duy (PEPSU) = ute eng fener er Maram oretiea fy lira & ufo ett a. ai de sore ‘um (PEPSU) utes ve Prone fu wae foe ihe a (Sa mrees) Hate oH Be ufos mites (fears Fer) ays fur ree after Bers ater (fae oh et fit gamma uve att (SGP Ce utr tars Fass We isd SIMS OHS © Bea ftw weiter (ertuz, 1920) © mer vee fiw (fie aeemre haz, 1925 39 32 ¥ me) Bruen moafdes fiw ‘Gat ftw webs vos" aan mites (fers Fr) aso Qu AS (RS Fs") SGPC eT eeaHre yrs Sere tire wed 1a Fates Bae a tat a sues ‘iat Bsa Gaet RES eae wet saat fre 2 ae ae we schaotrafonitat wera. fiw tte fue zt htt ratte So afer (feet) & HoH False sese 50,362 waar f. Ht. 48,265 waar f. a. (96%) 2,097 oar fa. HF, (4%) 29°30°E3E 10 32°32 E33 73°55) UTE to 76°S0'YSE 3084 eaat fxr. (6.12%) 180-300 veg 598.3 feof, uduet feardhat 5 2 uswae aaema fer) mF erfioa (fesaus fea) 31 dost adios 3 fori: . fear (fag age) tor (ep mifipsrra) . fais (fing sass) Har (Rag gueaTe) war rat (firgr ufenirer) 5. ORS (RIG SETS) . money (Rr Hage) 8. serstang (fey Harga) 9, oraae (eg FETT) fa west om dt ar Fa stot sl awa 150 ant (ea Be F fa nerdy 143 Bftg 4 eae fils 12581 ‘fr ufos 2 ugahaes maou 167 pas ws cone 28 sare fam 13. Qafigsma, wa, wfiowres, fener, a sd 8 ‘oH Fa ase 7 fears Fa" 752 nT weds FeaeT 2011 6 Ho Howe 27143 ‘uen a siftenr 46.39 Be (52.8%) feract 7 Hin 31.04 Be (47.2%) 2g FH ah 173.46 de 5 Filo hig Hs Row re 62.52% fact 7 afin 103.99 F6 W Hfionr st wtih A Howe ws 37.48% west ‘551 yt eam ites fa megs 895 wea Ba mgs 346 ara mnt 18707137 AMT ET 75.8% Ug FS 80.4% fersdt res 70.7% agyfers wt Heim 8860179 ae ead ome neater stot SF reat 31.00% ae ysis aa ge Reto ‘fie 57.69% fig 38.49% aartor 1.93% feret 1.26% 5 0.16% at 0.12% sau 0.04% ae fete oon ot 031% Bs: rss Freee 20:0 wets a9 wo niad we 3 eres fig firoreus (84.6%) we 3 we ws fg THT (61.8%) wg 3 da ae Alton eer ge afimrer (34.99 3) Hs 3 ule ws FiRow wer fg ame (5.96 84) wu 3 tar fxg (sees Ut) tire we 3 dcr fag @saes 1) HBA, maT Gore) ae 3 0 ages ‘fimrsya (961 we 1000 va) we Se fa eg fs" (868 wat 1000 yer) Fe 3 0 oF wer wor fey Hg File ues wor fay Fo hon fee eu 3 a era eo we Row fg we F we ewer eur fore ug Pol (amr FR) Pate sare et fra) (885 ust 1000 aH) ‘3am 59s (820 yeh 1000 YaH) ‘aftrorer (978 fenracireaa fat.) yam rrfas (348 femerstreaat fe.) HRA, Bas FB) Pa. 38 (et ATS) ‘Timorays We 1G PSH ofa vOM ATMO ees fageT an REREA se err Fge Fagen Revd rar wor fg Timreus om Unra fee fea a storie - fe Wfoct wert ge Fie aid (Be was oh naa? 2011 eT amet gute wells fearn er 3B 9H way Care (yRES ahs" '3) a6 3m wag Exve cfs 2011-12 ast 3) on dt ames 2007-18 (omar: 6.40% 2018-19 (83): 5.98% 2019-20 GRBRIA): 5.33% 2017-18 (oar): € 47863624083 2018-19 (383): &S27119.53 383 2019-20 Reet): & 574760.45 Tas 2017-18 Qorartty: € 375238.25 eas 2018-19 (383): %397669.47 aes 2019-20 ORaetH): & 418868.03 33s 1h Renard mae (ges ais? °3) 2017-18 Corer): © 110802 2018-19 (ds): & 115882 2019-20 ORetA): © 120569 arihet Ber ds more aros Resse) 5 11.3% (2011-12) Wg 14% fast 17.6% wins vette ust femarst wom awed ig € 2345 mF ‘ye HIRE 68t SEs Ea fost & 2794 Pore ewan mae 211920 rth asec ‘fade dito sor 4118000 Saree 5 fifo var 7825000 Ba2mre erst wer 189% (he to orate mabe 015-20 ett Pitas oS fox on HR nigra (201014) FS: 71.6 YOR: 69.7 505 fensd: 73.8 95 FH Ev (MT mre A 2020) 14818 are Ferer Hs eo CR mtg A 2020) 6.6 Wat owe Ee fing Bs |= OAM me RR 2020) Wes Hes megurs (FRA nrg FH 2016-14) Bs fa mgurs 20 ust oars HoH FET 129. ys Gera HOH Rarer 846 oy on at guider ‘Tus (2019) 99 atiGfsa Sex Hea (2019) 152 Senders (2019) 3140 ‘yet dsm za (2019) 331 wagaetea 3 garat Freret (2019) 529 WED Frere? (2019) nm Halas treet Ra Bs? Test (2019) 18716 (fa ts wf sab 2019-20 media tat wad area ta 6700 ‘Pare wai Rae 2019-20 wet 30 Uae Pant ose mn 1367 ae ug tis (Ung. aenr-2012) 8117100 Ba re neater rae 2019-20 ref an Sevier acaba H fret i 12489 fonts oft 4128112 ot Be pms Oe we aCe (828 mh ) 2016-17 wrath Beas — 378 wows 2869 fs: tise neater tue 2019-20 wat oy dima fea Hee ydteateint 1 emt gata ufone 2. ag ron oe yateatict nite 3. Eg nae e ystestird ore Scant ne Ashes wie. ‘pfiowrer 4. ire atest atest Bfiowrer 5. tive Qala qeteatst ag 6, | Ber ede watestrat ure Yom wheat edlede 7. ag afeen mate atest aiewraus 8, Oats ata Ars gates ore a fener 9, uaa Tents fit ire Sata yateatied HSS and quae 10, ora gfies fe ime mtcen teat Mi, Fa ay wom Pe thre wee Bus atest wrod nag dina fea Fedt gateathat 12, Rees Gateatnt mee Umer rads unre fee shes init 13, Hs Baier frcHage wire fEnchatia me Sanreat caetez) 14, rug REncHuge Rensbufa es Sarit ret us diva fee foot yoteatircbot 15, Beat Wma gate 16. hag ae mie fens goteatict 17. ag omit gateabra, 18, BES, ysteatiret 26. AAKR, Gateate 27, His wre war fh cheated aateati 28. A. GaeaTe 29, haa Her ysteati ne low Eta 1, Stora nites Brews Rwceee wre Bassett (NIT) 2. fshas FEnARIRS wre mE Maus rs foras (SER) 3. fBabas Ema oe Saws (rT) 4 _ ape erctoge mre Fowrieieas, Mas x x fas (MIPER) 7 on ot gu or watt 138 Ura 2 oe wt: omee at ae ata Ht dy we wue we feet 15- 08 -194711- 03- 1953, 2 of Sores wre sete fue 11-03-1953 15-09-1958 3. wares feng asters 15-09-1958 01-10-1962 4 Uae og tere 01-10-1962 04-05-1964 . few hie feusrfon 04-05-1964 01-09-1965 6 ees One fiat 01-09-1965 26-06-1966 1. aan ater 26-06-1966 01 - 06 - 1967 8. Fas fitur 01-06-1967 16-10-1967 9. wer fos forest yes 16-10-1967 21-05-1973 10. nes Has duct 21-05-1973 01-09-1977 1, arts fiw ager 01-09-1977 24-09-1977 12. TR ws Tet 24-09-1977 26-08-1981 13, ais afin wes 26-08-1981 21-04-1982 14, eet fox BS 21-04-1982 07-02-1983 15. a Heres 07-02-1983 21-02-1983 16. nds verre Fa 21-02-1983 10-10-1983, 17, aoe es Us 10-10-1983 03-07-1984 18, fonu Sfoyory ATS 03-07-1984 14-03-1985 19, ras fur 14-03-1985 14-11-1985, 20, ‘fae be 14-11-1985 26-11-1985 24 Hag feos Foe 26-11-1985 02-04 1986 22, firrsa das Te 02-04-1986 08-12-1989 08-12-1989 14-06-1990 14-06-1990 18-12-1990 18-12-1990 07-08-1991 07-08-1991 09-07-1994 09-07-1994 18-09-1994 18-09-1994 27-11-1999 27-11-1999 08-05-2003 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. edt 9 Hs: n. 12. 13 4 16. 1 18, 20. 21 Gye ear 08-05-2003, /03= 112004 mages afar atezet 03-11-2008 16-11-2004 vias Bia carn Suffer 16-11-2004 22-01-2010 fire om ues 22-01-2010 21-01-2015 amuse fir Het 21-01-2015 22-08-2016 Sal Alar Ress 22-08-2016 eer Unra 2 geisdt ahetsd erat weet (es) wae ahi de wroae WUgH 15 ~ 08 - 1947 313 - 04 - 1949 i de Hes won 13 - 04 - 1949 18 - 10 = 1949 anit de eae war 18 ~ 10 ~ 1949 3 20 - 06 - 1951 wreaut a 5 20 ~ 06 = 1951 317 = 04 = 1952 ah Rs Fea waoH ——17-- 04 - 1952 ¥ 23 - 01 - 1956 su fu BF waoR 23 ~ 01 - 1956 ¥ 21 - 06 - 1964 anit de wae TGR 21 - 06 - 1964 3.06 - 07 - 1964 a fos waar 06 - 07 - 1964 305 - 07 - 1966 arent 7 zi 05 ~ 07 ~ 1966 3* 01 = 11 = 1966 fort aoe fw tara OL 11 - 1966 ¥ 08 - 03 - 1967 We vers ww 08 - 09 - 1967 F 25 = 11-1967 HS mers eH -25 - 11 - 1967 F 23 - 08 - 1968 23 08 = 1968 317 = 02 = 1969 Beet mest B17 = 02 - 1969 3°27 - 03 - 1970 HS wrest B27 - 03 - 1970 F 14 - 06 - 1971 S 14 - 06 - 1971 ¥ 17 - 03 - 1972 wasn 17 - 03 - 1972 30 - 04 - 197 : 30 ~ 04 - 1977 ¥ 20 - 06 = 1977 Spe meet BH 20 - 06 - 197 F 17 - 02 - 1980 = 17 = 02 - 1980 ¥ 06 ~ 06 = 1980 aaron 06 - 06 - 1980 ¥ 10 - 10 - 1983 3 10 - 10 - 1983 #29 - 09 - 1985 os oa ft guar 2 24 25, 26. 28, 29. 30. 31 3 Bats fu waver awed 3H ‘ots fit aes fi ars afiies a #5 yer ftw ares Pacer monte fe yer fu wes ape fiw wes dries onatcs fr fag et at Tarts fur vines sari fur fits Fay ftw dost ‘west fu rg Hai meet 29 — 09 — 1985 F 11 - 06 - 1987 a 11 = 06 ~ 1987 # 25 - 02 - 1992 aaa 25 - 02 - 1992 ¥ 31 - 08 - 1995 ators 31 - 08 - 1995 321 - O1 - 1996 wir 21 - 01 - 1996 3 12 - 02 - 1997 ret mas es 12 - 02 - 1997 3 26 - 02 - 2002 ater «26 - 02 - 2002 01 - 03 - 2007 Hee meres 01 - 03 ~ 2007 06 - 03 - 2012 Bret neste 06 - 03 - 2012 ¥ 16-05-2017 ata 16-03-2017 3 Je 3a Ba nar 2 hag wadh aa He Tear ares vifgars reef, age wie sia Oh) afinaraus (Hr) egeus rrfoa at, ‘afore rch neat ‘fava mre FA) mre. ealeae 08m.H.) A mers es fears He nest ow isa nec meh wack Haga fener aes waits fur ge atone ae fea 5 iS wets ‘ye act: Buen mittee fier ‘aatse iad: gor ufieot eis fiw wes yon iat ary fie oes Pus affies fur wer wears fiw Sa ge sadt aeons we gots ru it aefitey fe Soret efter fur serdar eT SA, How aaa, net te ihre dufse (tadbat ot are) tera Sie, wrt vwast fers, oraardh me aa fer, me YT fesa, aft m8 8 anton, TAfetsd, show Aes sont fewa, fon dawn fear, gust md Sa foe few, Gat Garr Bur saath fers frega fea fe feo, Grmict md daw wg feral Rata fifiow 3 a few, ge Ufa es ecten seca sot fers Fors feo, mrt i fue rove fewer mid AAA. a, sod few! ‘ng Fearn nag tafe fewer, uy wee, Sot Rear we Wet US fee m8 Gs fron atte firfim me Getta fvewet fear, Baars wes fear ni Pe mre oS Rlamrores IB feat! snes qaionr me fer 3 are fear fer griive feorar, we Mueret mid Hatem fesrar tat oS Ger Reet Fesra Res ora nme, Hs fearan wfoares fer wi i fer wefan me wfc Rear feora, Fs Rs ne wet m3 g-fefarnrst roy wat gure urs - 2 US a Fas 2a gitar: vinra sas © Q'sa-tan war Ro wfls 31 fea 29° 30° sa 32°32" Ph nen mB 73° 55° you F 76° 50° yaa asa Jax Btinwr Sten Bi fen ® Oise oi eee fewat yet wera 2335 Paibites Bd you mB ten feuet gat waren 300 feabiizs 31 dew Ree wheras ae fen vt nize oud de dah 21 Gas Re fen 2 firse Hy amnfta, you Re forws yen m8 dee fee ofamrer mE oHMES ws! ire, ase Sot Rerdt Ogg er dent war 3) Gaet Rest Baa G mage-atar Bes et fer ater 31 fom ee mira fcc 31 fem er nrcra, euch fear Fee afer ares Bae D1 enh FAA ae fase ot rhe Sad 3 ne yo ar oe fires yee Tt de Bat 1 fen ee fins, Psat fom fea fag usade @ mora coset fea ter D1 aleve, was 2 22 wat VE fea D fim wr Baaes 50,262 va bic 2, Fhe eae as item Baa or 1.54% 31 wes 2 29 ufat RY, nears 2 ms 3 thre we dus 3 nerd 2.2 Fatex gu Sr: we thre 2 gies sat 3 mond sus wae St of Se Of thre Hee Sa 3 eferet wot med gt 2 wR Aerator atin Stee Y us Ghit uss F fea Fo one mer D fee yor y's chore fet et tlusr Hes at 21 feo Res, you ne Psa-you fe uot et Be Ae Bo eee an fee Soratet d ater 1 thor fe sw fo Hye 83 2 Fett aren Ge 1 mS uaF Os fet eras fet fee eso ar Ter: 1, freer wart 2. atta 3, vine Hie 8 Res 4, Phin 8 Ba 1, feiss uardints dire er fea uct fewer, fim a daet 5 312 fibiics 8, one te i es, se-yot fra 2) few few ux fips? 2 yout wat RE SS a Ser B) fea Ua fg os - TARAS, usd, Tfimraus, set Afos mF Gu sag! fea Wa ders & ayt Gaetan F dee-you ee § quee Stimr, fnrtiown vaust § erst a du sae 01 feost ot Coet mies se F saws 400-700 vies 31 Pent &s feast uaust ot we vow 2, we far fore Ym § 1S feos usest tt oe 3a 31 2, Et Ase: fertss vat, mud ew fee we nme yas fee gu sae 2 gous Rt Ewa fe, meGung m3 yout fic fee wee Web os, fe G fa Cubnh 2 dew rar ah far te 3) 21 fears BS-fad AEGR MB firm efomret Bag eS Hew oR voi few Hee vara, TaERUG, Thomas mF set wus fata 2 PA mie Zo Sot oe st oven feu tse wet sgt febfes 3 goon 31 wae’, yoMeTE me He wat 2 Sarat aras, ach doy feat aN et at efione fee HS ade Tt fen Bae fee gus Oe ei feu fewar fe ust ne 2 dss 2 gu fe fetes wari B wew Ys TU, ‘Sey ret Do uw 8, fe ir eh, ure ed dara @) dah: feu Qua sage mies a ¥ 300-400 vies et Geet 331 mn) Gare: gunas 8 2 wwe, wows foe fee det G ot dara wr mw fos we Dy fea fe maga efor 2 Bw Stoo Gfiewn O) yah few fe, Aas Bw waa F fem &t Gaetan euch at 91 1B) wre: feria & ans Fee eh fea Got mB megetes sat § Sus HG me from wet 2 See fe ung face ater 31 frees @ yaw init war fee, gous Bet wae Ue furs eam fee werd) 3. efor Hidh @ Hrerw: vine @ fea ters, wars fta-atar erat 2 dt aaron, HAE fine Ger Go we wan AV afy a@ as) U2 fea Bes med ae F waza 180-300 vee ot Geet 8 us) feta using 8S feu Guat eo Om Go ae fea were uct wt 21 gaa, vfimraus, set fra oS TaeHUS HB mes se F 270-300 aes et Gat 3 as a thre at jes ae F Goch 230-270 ates 21 met fipat oh Gwe mica ae ¥ 200 tea Fated 31 pit ot core you F ulen ds 9 91 feu ewe yah das! fu, Uenh Bast ww ee aieh 81 fea fear, on 8 ds Basen & 70% Sard) ee Fates gu oer fen oar fee fis a8 ufo’ Bsa mS os: 1. rer Gok ret Erre) 2. gamer (fans webes Emre) 3, Hret (Utrdt wee fer) yest (ous wet gare): feu Baa oe frtipat Rea Biome Stier 8: aweRYS, womae, vifgans 8 sensaa! fer 2 ax Re wet, you RE fim med dee Res HEH efor = a5! porer (fre wade Goi): se MEM fs ative flr me eee Re efi HEA few fe 8 tsa G yew fer wer Dy fem ot ewe dee Fen ge § 2) feo saw est softs 31 fem Baa oh Het Guang farm et D1 few Baw 4 Palipat Res Bone Stowe 2: ayoeer, was, gfimrays Canit sar) m8 ae wfea reer (dt sali ©8 few): fea Bae, Sse Re elim AaBE me eus fle efi was fam ge 3) fen deme teint 2) wee tae dire ois ¥ ea tsa fe Boor ‘fem 9 m8 fea 14 fii fedmus, ectede, efron, wer, awe, Hage, 1, vufenres, Hat, far, wera, wftoorer, qunars 8 etary foe fee Qfivor Gfemr 31 wet as fatignt tot @ =e Rie eae 4. 338 font 8 Sse: thre 2 eet Bae fee mouaa awe Boe fem Oss ot she games @ we wgus we Sat 31 fen daa fe ata ds 8 RB ee wel we we fewor dug 0 ug ds & ffi mS eet et ages 3) fen Gare fee utter, echudz, fedaye, warm, wasna, Hage m8 ufeorer faipat & ara mG? ae fer ater 3 fe few Ba Rg md ala etre m3 Gast nt Gurmeret 28 ge ufafine ne gE ast Boe we Rastes Owe ores Te fee re yw TE ea feet § 8 far wer 1 feaat Ra OS EB wfirs Os mS ant G stash wef wet ulus as fer fomor 31 fen m3 Raa ot mice se ¥ Geet you fe ease 220 vice wi sas Ven fa 183 vies 31 9 unre = aah 2.3 Une df we-foorm yerst: anna ued § feats mows Hs fy Cefmrety er urdt doer One feast Fa efimoret ‘a fy, fer hot ar eneet mi efor aE mS ao 1 HoSTES wegATS Ure et Tet § Am efimret er udt dae 2: ase, fiom, oe, were nd frome nd det ef fig F fiona 81 uses Get Ree lire Gg ‘lese’ mors in efomret et ust wow Rar fame 31 ae FER Godt Bat et a nine at fen Bae G DseTeA hoe we a A fame fi wt are gers som Ma “Us efimorer er Da ah at rie nae, & won ue! Ue mB me (urs mses Ur efemoret eT urs} wf) EE feo us Soe 3 fer ire ot feo untionedt oct fr BRS Sohn efomr-Ase, fimrn, ah, ware md frome ea as aug 1947 oh Se var, me Pea Bees 3 wre elem, }—-| fiowon mi oe ot fe a@ (eh & efor ae une tre em! inns Fes & ats 2 fine ME aI feo om: 1, HERTS / eatin (gt fer er unt after B) aaa 2. Fmt are arahintt efimr: (rot wat, Hag wd form, vine 2 mewus efimr an, figt ot Gast eas ire F ws, forse yen md fas fe 3) 1, FagH Ufa: ‘efor nage ot Csust gor vis 83 andes Teen F, fas fee 4555 ica ot Coet F dat 8, RE fen g Bates deere oon fes ae 3) fea den uses ot cet ewe 2 WB-5G, Cue-uent fer fee eles 31 fiuctt-w va fea’ et der Sfime fea fares yda aores wat fie wer ater 3) fen vere fro free yen @ fag faerrus fe eer ater 3) foras yen fee dt effer Sime, fea seer BF Sat Bat vont F ateet 91 ame Cus at fen ev gar me Fear Bor wantin fame Bi ger eat der ach urcbat wre aa ‘Stine, fet Sus fe daw 83 feo Ure 2 Peat fee mr Fler 31 Sus F 160 fatelties Sa ues 3 efter fea efamr free senses fee Teta 33 firm efor fee fies Ate 3) fee fea due-lent fer fee ger niet 3 nd aet-uoe wd frosn feo Ft aee d1 ot, ore ne frome & myx § ‘ipeet mews fs efor a faa ater Oh aE mB fpr (wat, wore m8 framH) 2 rime f tame (ia fame) far ater D1 ee iar ot wefan yp fea yoeestt vfimn, fedeys ¥ chem ease 120 teddies 2 83 fe, wes- fam St nisconcdl de ot forse ae 31 RE 3s 3 fea hrs § 8 sat Re doer 9, Each wat i Sah ar) SHA EN eB vss met alt G wrt yor as ar fea efi 208 wdseyos 31 «foes ya fee Hag elon 2 dB cP fee ue: from, mAs, dosh, 3ér, a ns oT are fee efi nag 2 a

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