Gursans Guven - Embodied Greenhouse Gas Assesment of Bridge - A Comparison of Preconstruction BIM and Construction Records

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Journal of Cleaner Production 295 (2021) 126388

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Embodied greenhouse gas assessment of a bridge: A comparison of

preconstruction Building Information Model and construction records
Mohammad Nahangi , Gursans Guven , Bolaji Olanrewaju , Shoshanna Saxe *
Department of Civil and Mineral Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents an embodied GHG assessment of a completed highway bridge renewal project in
Received 1 May 2020 Canada and offers new insights on the strengths and limitations of BIM-based GHG assessments. Bridges
Received in revised form play a critical role in transportation infrastructure. As reducing environmental impacts has taken on
15 January 2021
increasing urgency across the construction sector, bridges have received relatively little study. A quan-
Accepted 11 February 2021
titative understanding of the embodied greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in bridges is needed to inform
Available online 14 February 2021
future infrastructure planning, design, and construction. Recent efforts to streamline environmental
Handling editor: Dr Sandra Caeiro assessment in construction have led to the creation and adoption of Building Information Model (BIM)-
based embodied GHG assessments, taking advantage of the quantity take-off functionality of BIM.
Keywords: However, as BIMs are rarely developed with environmental assessment as the primary goal, their
Building information model (BIM) effectiveness for GHG accounting can be limited. GHG assessments of the case study bridge using a BIM
Bridge construction prepared before construction and using material and energy quantities records collected on-site during
Embodied greenhouse gas construction, are compared. Using only the quantities from preconstruction BIM, the embodied GHG for
Environmental design
the case study bridge is 1.3  106 kgCO2e. After the adjustments for on-site data collection and factors
Environmental impact
commonly excluded from BIM, such as on-site fuel use from machinery, it rises to 4.06  106 kgCO2e, an
increase of 212%. Results illustrate the need to change the scope and detail of BIMs if they are to be
effective for embodied GHG assessment, and the potential limitations of using BIM in embodied GHG
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Report Card, 2016). The significance of environmental impacts of

civil works, and contribution of the construction industry to global
Driven by growing demands for infrastructure e and aging greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, necessitate more consideration of
infrastructure in many countries e significant bridge refurbish- environmental impacts on all infrastructure projects (Akan et al.,
ment, reconstruction, and new construction is anticipated before 2017). Quantitative understanding of the embodied GHG emis-
2050. According to the United States of America (US) infrastructure sions in bridges is therefore needed to inform future infrastructure
report cards, there are 615,000 bridges in the US, 40% of which are planning, design and construction. Despite its importance, the
50 years and older; 10% of US bridges, representing 188 million embodied GHG of bridge construction and rehabilitation are not
daily trips, are structurally deficient and need immediate repair and widely studied in the literature, and the focus of most of the
rehabilitation (Federal Highway Administration, 2017; US existing embodied GHG studies on transport infrastructure have
Government, 2017). Similarly, in Canada, 25% of the National examined the construction of transport at grade or in tunnels.
Highway Service bridges are determined to be in poor condition Fundamentally, calculation of the embodied GHG in a bridge or
and require rehabilitation and renovation (Canadian Infrastructure other construction project requires: (1) accurate assessment of the
quantity and type of materials and energy needed to construct the
facility, and (2) the GHG intensity of the materials and energy used
in construction. Traditionally, the GHG emissions of built environ-
* Corresponding author. Department of Civil and Mineral Engineering, University
ment products are calculated based on estimates of the materials
of Toronto.
E-mail addresses: (M. Nahangi), gursans.guven@ and energy used during construction, combined with a life cycle (G. Guven), (B. Olanrewaju), s.saxe@ inventory (LCI) that provides the GHG intensity of the relevant (S. Saxe).
0959-6526/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Nahangi, G. Guven, B. Olanrewaju et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 295 (2021) 126388

materials and energy sources (De Wolf, Pomponi and Moncaster, incorporating construction machinery staging on-site, providing a
2017; Kim et al., 2017; Makarchuk and Saxe, 2019). Accurate GHG pathway to the assessments of on-site energy use and associated
assessment is necessary to facilitate targeted actions to reduce GHG emissions; however, this functionality is less commonly used.
GHG, and it is increasingly required by international construction Some variation from pre-construction BIM-based estimates to final
standards and infrastructure policy (BSI, 2011; BSI 2018; Ministry of quantities are expected, as design and construction approaches
Infrastructure, 2019). However, assessment of the embodied GHG evolve during development of the project (Dupuis et al., 2017)
emissions of the built environment products has been challenged however the degree of variation that is common is underexplored.
by data availability, and the time and effort needed to collect data There is a key gap for performing effective embodied GHG
on material and energy use from fast moving construction sites. The assessment; the complexity of modeling and the uncertainty
challenges in collecting data, and the mismatch between when data regarding the material take-offs within BIM life cycle assessment
is most available (i.e., during construction) and when the biggest (LCA) tools (Anand and Amor, 2017). There is further uncertainty
decisions influencing GHGs are made (i.e., during design) have around which specific materials (e.g., concrete mix design) will be
hampered embodied GHG assessment of the built environment. used in construction (Basbagill et al.2013; Nahangi and Haas, 2016).
Compared to other built environment products, in particular According to Soust-Verdaguer et al. (2017), the key challenge to
buildings and roads, the embodied GHG assessments of bridges integrate embodied GHG assessment with BIM is the level of detail/
have received less attention. Within the existing literature on development (LOD). Based on a comprehensive study conducted by
bridge embodied GHG and life cycle assessment (LCA), studies have Dupuis et al. (2017), a minimum LOD of 300 was the most appro-
evaluated alternative bridge designs (Du and Karoumi, 2013, 2014; priate level of maturity for GHG estimation from an early-stage
Hammervold et al., 2013; Pang et al., 2015; Penade s-Pla et al., 2017). design. A graphical representation of LOD as well as the level of
For example, the relative environmental merits of concrete vs. steel completeness and complexity corresponding to each level is pro-
construction of bridges. Concrete has been found to have the lesser vided in Fig. 1. Careful defining of the LOD, and rechecking the
environmental footprint upfront (Arpad and Chris, 1998; Gerva sio embodied GHG emissions as design advances are important, as the
and da Silva, 2008), while steel is reusable and recyclable with assessed embodied GHG has been found to change with design
potential advantages due to long-term recycling (Arpad and Chris, stage (Cavalliere et al., 2019).
1998; Pongiglione and Calderini, 2014; Yeung et al., 2015). The An additional challenge with the use of BIM for GHG assessment
research has shown that from a GHG perspective, the critical ma- is that the BIM represents the materials that are designed to be
terials used for bridges are concrete, steel, rebar, and asphalt, which placed in the structure, not all the materials that will be used in the
account for 95% of the total material impacts (Gerva sio and da Silva, process of construction (Basbagill et al., 2013; Dupuis et al., 2017). It
2008; Hammervold et al., 2013). Kim et al. (2017) and Lee et al. is standard practice to stockpile materials on-site to avoid con-
(2019) have developed a model for estimating the environmental struction delays, as well as to slightly over-order some materials.
impact of pre-stressed concrete beam bridges using information Furthermore, estimating GHG emissions for construction elements
available early in the design process (e.g., length, number of lanes, heavily depends on the processes performed for handling and de-
over water) through comparison to databases of similar projects in livery of materials on constructions sites (Basbagill et al., 2013;
Korea. The existing literature has relied heavily on pre-construction Dupuis et al., 2017). Therefore, accurate embodied GHG quantifi-
design documents. cation requires detailed information about the construction pro-
Using Building Information Models (BIMs), 3D representations cesses and on-site activities. However, these processes and details
of planned construction including material types and volumes, as are rarely modelled in BIMs, and the potential impact of this
the foundation for embodied GHG assessments of buildings and missing project-related information in BIM on the estimation of
infrastructure is increasingly seen as state-of-the-art (Najjar et al., GHG emissions has been overlooked in the past studies.
2017). One of the key strengths of BIM-based GHG assessments is For BIM-based embodied GHG assessments to effectively guide
the opportunity to estimate GHG emissions of a construction project-specific and sector-wide GHG reductions, the models need
project during the design stage before material use and energy to be reasonably predictive of the real-world outcomes. Although in
consumption are committed. BIM-based GHG assessments can also theory, the full details of a construction project, including every use
take advantage of the modelled details about on-site construction of material and construction equipment, can be modelled in three
processes and activities, such as schedule management and cost and four dimensions in BIM; many details are commonly excluded
management (Eastman, 2011; Ding et al., 2014). Estimating GHG given time, financial constraints, and the effort of modelling details
emissions from an early-stage design can be used for design opti- (e.g., steel rebar) or processes (e.g., handling and delivery of mate-
mization and minimizing the environmental impacts (Soust- rials on constructions sites) in full. This paper investigates the po-
Verdaguer et al., 2018; Cavalliere et al., 2019). tential impacts on GHG assessment of these processes commonly
BIM-based assessments are mainly done by combining data- excluded during modelling, and investigates the applicability of
bases of material GHG intensity with the material quantity take-off BIMs developed for other purposes (e.g., conflict detection) to be
(QTO) functions that has long been included in BIM. These QTO used for embodied GHG assessment.
functions were originally developed for construction planning and
management (Olsen and Taylor, 2017; Soust-Verdaguer et al., 2017; 1.1. Knowledge gap and contribution of this study
Cavalliere et al., 2019). There are BIM add-on GHG assessment tools
readily available for purchase (e.g., Tally (KT Innovations, 2019), and In this study, two embodied GHG assessments of a highway
One Click LCA (Bionova, 2019)). BIMs, are increasingly used in the bridge renewal project in Ontario, Canada are performed, and the
construction sector to virtually build and plan complex construc- results are compared: First, based on the quantities obtained from a
tion projects, meaning many projects that want to conduct preconstruction bridge BIM, and second, based on construction
embodied GHG or similar environmental assessments have access records collected on-site. This study examines the accuracy and
to a 3D representation of the project (Eastman, 2011; Volk et al., effectiveness of an increasingly common approach to embodied
2014). However, using BIM for GHG assessment usually means GHG assessment, and contributes to the existing literature and
repurposing of a model made for another purpose (e.g., clash body of knowledge in two main areas: (1) evaluating the potential
detection, visualization). In addition to the built-in QTO function- limitations of BIM-based embodied GHG assessment, and (2)
ality, the 4D modelling capabilities in BIM theoretically allow for providing a new case study of embodied GHG in a bridge in a new
M. Nahangi, G. Guven, B. Olanrewaju et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 295 (2021) 126388

Fig. 1. Graphical definition of LOD.

location. To the knowledge of the authors, it is the first study that four main stages: (1) obtaining BIM-based quantities to form a
compares BIM-based GHG assessments to on-site data collection baseline for further analyses, (2) assessing the realized on-site
for bridges, and quantitatively demonstrates how the project- material use quantities from the quality assurance and quality
related information that is not included in BIM can affect the re- control (QA/QC) documents, (3) identifying and assessing the pro-
sults of an embodied GHG emissions assessment. cesses and materials that are not included in the BIM, and (4)
Among the four major life cycle stages of construction projects determining the sensitivity of the results to the GHG intensity of
(i.e., production, construction, use and maintenance, and end-of- materials as compared to the changes in material quantities. The
life) that are common to built-environment GHG assessment in comparison between (1) and (2) highlight the difference in quan-
the literature (De Wolf et al., 2016; De Wolf, Pomponi and tities for materials included in the BIM (e.g., mass concrete), such as
Moncaster, 2017); this paper focuses on the production stage in an assessment of the accuracy of the BIM for what is modelled, and
terms of the embodied GHG in materials used for construction and step (3) adds consideration of processes that are not modelled (e.g.,
on-site energy use (cradle to gate). The paper uses one highway BIM scope limitations). The GHG assessments are conducted using
bridge as a case study to highlight the potential omissions of a BIM different data sources for the same project, and these include the
only approach for embodied GHG assessment based on current BIM, QA/QC documents, estimator files, and personal communica-
common modelling practice, and provides guidance for how to tions with the General Contractor (GC) of the project. The Global
prepare BIMs in future work to more fully capture GHG impacts. Warming Potential (GWP) in terms of GHG equivalent is estimated
Findings provide new and valuable insights on the strengths and for the studied materials. This complies with the methodology
limitations of BIM-based GHG assessments. If the sector is going to described in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
continue to move towards BIM-based GHG assessment standard 2013 report which states that emission metrics, such as GWP, can
processes, how BIMs are prepared and the scope of what is be used to quantify and communicate the relative and absolute
modelled in BIMs will need to change to include a more holistic contributions to climate change of emissions of different sub-
modelling of the full project than what is currently standard. stances, and of emissions from regions/countries or sources/sectors
(IPCC 2013). The methodology of the study is summarized in the
2. Case study below flowchart (Fig. 4).

A highway bridge that crosses a river located in Ontario, Canada 4. Methods

is analysed as the case study in this paper. The bridge is selected for
study because an unusual amount of data on its modelling, material Four combinations of data were used to analyse and demon-
use and energy use during construction were available. The case strate the differences in the assessment of embodied GHG for the
study bridge project required twinning and refurbishment of two case study bridge:
one-lane bridges and the demolition of two one-lane bridges. The
quantification of material below are for the entire construction 1. Baseline case (BC): Material quantities were based on direct QTO
project (i.e., twinning and refurbishment). from the BIM. The GHG intensity of materials was taken as point
The construction took place over water while maintaining traffic values as specified in Table 2. No additions to the BIM model
flow. In the interest of limiting the traffic disruption, the new were made. Since on-site equipment use was not modelled, the
bridges were built before demolishing the old bridges. A cofferdam base case did not include an assessment of construction energy.
was used to facilitate the construction of the footings, foundations 2. Baseline materials with quantities adjusted (BCA): The quanti-
and columns of the new structure in the dry. The rehabilitation of ties of modelled materials, concrete, steel (excluding steel rebar)
the two one-lane bridges required a considerable amount of and asphalt were compared to the records of material quantities
earthwork and constructing new retaining walls for stabilizing the from the QA/QC documents and personal communications with
area around the bridges. Construction has been completed and the the GC. A temporal analysis of the deliveries of concrete and
bridges are now in use. Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 illustrate the layout and steel compared to the on-site delivery logs recorded in the QA/
geometry of the bridges. QC documents is presented.
3. Baseline material with quantities adjusted plus processes/ma-
3. Methods and data terials not modelled (BCAþ): Processes and materials that are
not included in the baseline BIM (i.e., steel rebar and on-site
Analyses and quantifications for the case study are carried out in construction energy use) were added to the BCA case.
M. Nahangi, G. Guven, B. Olanrewaju et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 295 (2021) 126388

Fig. 2. Screenshots of the case study bridge and its components.

Contractor), it is based on highly developed quality and quantity

control processes. Table 1 provides a list of the data sources and
their usage in this paper.

1. BIM: An Autodesk Navisworks file used as a 4D model formed

Fig. 3. Dimensions of the completed case study bridge. the baseline for this research. The file was developed and pro-
vided by the GC for the project. It included major construction
staging and major structural elements. The QTO functions built
4. BCA þ S: In this combination, the sensitivity of the findings to
into Navisworks are used for determining the quantities in the
the selected GHG intensity of steel and concrete is discussed.
initial GHG assessment. The accuracy of this model was spot
checked with hand calculations compared to the drawings, and
Further material use (e.g., formwork, falsework) and construc-
compared with the quantity predictions prepared by the esti-
tion impacts (impacts on traffic congestion) are outside the scope of
mators who work under the GC.
this analysis given data limitations. Past research in the field has
2. QA/QC documents: Records of concrete and steel delivery and
found that formwork and falsework contribute less than 5% of the
concrete testing were collected on-site by the GC throughout
overall embodied GHG (Lee et al., 2019). However, traffic disruption
the construction of the case study bridge. These include mill
has been illustrated to be a potentially important GHG impact of
certificates for steel and the compressive test results for the
road construction (Hanson and Noland, 2015). These exclusions
concrete, which contain the volume of concrete in each delivery.
make the final assessed GHG impact conservative as the inclusions
In this research, it is assumed that these are accurate repre-
of these additional factors would increase the GHG impacts.
sentations of the true material use on-site.
Detailed analysis and quantities are presented in the following
3. On-site construction energy records: The GC provided a temporal
assessment of the energy used on-site (i.e., diesel use) based on
fuel invoices and records of machinery on site. These logs and
4.1. Data sources records are used to assess the on-site energy use for the case
study bridge construction.
The general contractor (GC) responsible for the delivery of the 4. Estimators’ files: Estimates of material use completed by the GC
bridge shared the data for the case study with the authors. All the during the bidding phase were used as a comparison to the
embodied GHG assessments were conducted after the completion overall material use.
of the project based on data collected for other purposes (e.g., 5. Personal communications: Personal communication with con-
constructability, quality control, invoicing). Since the assessment struction staff from the GC was relied on for an assessment of
calculations are based on the full records from the case study on-site asphalt quantities. The quantity was calculated by the GC
project, the uncertainty of the data that were used in the study is
low. While the data used was gathered by others (i.e., the General

Fig. 4. Main steps of the methodology used in the study and the related outputs.

M. Nahangi, G. Guven, B. Olanrewaju et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 295 (2021) 126388

Table 1
Data sources used in the study and their usage purposes.

Data source Usage

1 4D BIM for major construction staging and major structural elements of the case study bridge Assessing the quantities in the BIM-based embodied GHG assessment
2 QA/QC documents for concrete and steel delivery and concrete testing Calculating material use on-site
3 On-site construction energy (i.e., diesel use) records and records of on-site machinery Assessing the on-site energy use
4 Estimators’ files from the bidding phase For comparison to the overall material use
5 Personal communications with construction staff For assessment of on-site asphalt quantities

Table 2
BIM-based material quantities and the estimated GHG emissions for each material.

Material/work Quantity (m3) Mass (1000 kg) GHG intensity factor* (kgCO2e/kg) Embodied GHG (kgCO2 eq) GHG contribution

Concrete 1507 3617 0.147 5.32 þ 05 40.8%

Steel 21 162 1.2 1.95Eþ05 15.0%
Asphalt 2032 4795 0.12 5.75Eþ05 44.2%

Note: *(The Athena Sustainable Materials Institute, 2016; Wernet et al., 2016; SimaPro, 2018).

based on the on-site records and communicated to the research

team as a single deterministic value.

5. Findings

The section below details the assessment of embodied GHG

emissions for the four cases discussed in the previous section,
namely (1) BC, (2) BCA, (3) BCAþ, and (4) BCA þ S.

5.1. BC: BIM-based quantities

The baseline embodied GHG emissions were calculated using

QTO from the BIM multiplied by the GHG intensity factors listed in
Table 2 (Wernet et al., 2016; SimaPro, 2018). The major materials for
the case study bridge are concrete, steel and asphalt. For the BC,
BCA and BCA þ cases, an average GHG intensity factor appropriate Fig. 5. Temporal cumulative use of concrete on the case study bridge.
to Ontario, Canada is adopted, as listed in Table 2. The sensitivity of
the assessment associated with the selected GHG factors for steel
and concrete in particular is further discussed later in the paper. the BIM and QA/QC files tracked closely and aligned with the ex-
The total BC embodied GHG is calculated as 1.30  106 kgCO2e. pected end date of construction in the BIM. On day 450, the total
QA/QC record of concrete volume delivered to the site was 1803 m3,
5.2. BCA: baseline materials in the BIM with quantities adjusted for 20% higher than the BIM-based estimations and 8% higher than the
QA/QC documents expectations of the pre-construction estimators. However, as seen
in Fig. 5, there were additional concrete deliveries after day 450.
The BIM QTO provided estimates of material quantity for This additional concrete was used to build a wall that was not
asphalt, structural steel, and concrete. In BCA, these quantities were modelled in the BIM and was not initially expected by the esti-
compared to on-site records collected for QA/QC. The QA/QC doc- mators. The final total concrete used on-site was 2452 m3; 63%
uments better capture the amount of materials that are actually higher than the BIM-based quantities and 47% more than the pre-
used on-site. Additional material use was expected for standard construction estimate. This had a significant impact on the assessed
over-supply (e.g., priming the concrete truck), and auxiliary project embodied GHG.
work that is not captured in the BIM. Both the BIM and QA/QC re- Quantities are based on the 4D schedule and deliveries recorded
cords included dates of use or delivery, and this facilitated a tem- in the compressive test results. Total concrete quantity for the BIM-
poral comparison of the use of concrete and structural steel. Small based estimation was 1507 m3, the estimators predicted 1664 m3,
variations (<5%) in material quantities are to be expected given the and the total concrete volume actually delivered to the case study
needs for extra supply and purposeful over-ordering (e.g., to adjust bridge was 2452 m3.
for wasted material). Larger variations (>10%), on the other hand,
have meaningful impacts on the overall GHG embodied in the 5.2.2. Comparison of steel quantities (excluding rebar)
construction project. As with concrete, slightly larger quantities of steel are expected
on-site than what was modelled in the BIM. This is due to standard
5.2.1. Comparison of concrete quantities practices of ordering slightly more than needed (i.e., less than 5%)
Fig. 5 illustrates a temporal comparison of the concrete quan- to prevent delays due to material shortages, and some waste during
tities based on BIM and QA/QC quantities. Compression test records on-site assembly. On-site steel quantities were recorded in the mill
show the dates each quantity of concrete was delivered on-site, certificates provided by the vendors for QA/QC purposes. Fig. 6
facilitating temporal comparison with the BIM. The dotted grey shows a summary of the comparison between the BIM-based
line illustrate the estimate done by the preconstruction estimators. estimation and the actual quantities for the steel used for the
For the first 450 days of construction, the concrete quantities from case study bridge. The steel was ordered in advance and stockpiled
M. Nahangi, G. Guven, B. Olanrewaju et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 295 (2021) 126388

reported in on-site records. This equates to a concrete-rebar ratio of

3.52% by mass, which is lower than the 5%e10% standard rebar
expectation common in a bridge (Itoh and Kitagawa, 2003; Habert
et al., 2012; Hammervold et al., 2013; Du et al., 2014), and is
therefore likely conservative. Using the baseline steel GHG intensity
from Table 2, this equates to an embodied GHG of 248 MgCO2e for
rebar, representing 19% of the total embodied GHG that was
calculated in the baseline case.

5.3.2. On-site energy use e fuel for construction equipment

Construction of a bridge generally requires performing major
earthwork and using associated heavy construction machinery, as
was the case with the case study bridge. The case study bridge also
required concrete pouring, which is a large user of on-site energy.
As discussed above, construction equipment and associated con-
struction energy were not included in the BC BIM. Similar to rebar
Fig. 6. Temporal cumulative use of steel for the case study bridge. modelling, construction equipment modelling is time consuming
and not of service to common BIM applications. The GC compiled
detailed fuel logs (i.e., diesel use) for the project for on-site
on-site as illustrated by the large delay between on-site deliveries equipment used by both the GC and subcontractors. These logs
and expected use (Fig. 6). As illustrated in Fig. 6, the steel mass were based on invoicing for the project and records of construction
delivered to site was 212,000 kg. This is approximately 31% more machinery residencies. As illustrated in Table 4, the total fuel
than the BIM-based quantity of 162,000 kg (see Table 2); indicating consumed in construction of the case study bridge was 318,600 L.
that steel not included in the BIM was required on-site, further Considering a GHG factor for diesel of 3.55 kgCO2e/L ((S&T) Squared
increasing the assessed embodied GHG. Consultants Inc, 2019), the total GHG contribution of the fuel for
this project was 1.13 x 106 kgCO2e. This alone equates to 87% of BC
5.2.3. Comparison of asphalt quantities or 42% of BCA.
Asphalt used for road surfacing is the third major material used
for construction of the case study bridge. As reported in Table 2, the 5.3.3. BCA þ embodied GHG emissions
BC asphalt quantity is 2032 m3 (4,795,000 kg). The on-site records Accounting for the QA/QC quantities for concrete, steel, and
indicate asphalt use of 5513 m3 (13,012,000 kg) based on personal asphalt in BCA, and the further addition of rebar and on-site diesel
communication with the GC. This discrepancy indicates that use; the assessed embodied GHG emissions for case BCAþ is 4.06 x
resurfacing was done on a significantly larger area than what was 106 kgCO2e, approximately three times larger than case BC. Fig. 7
modelled in the BIM. This is not surprising given the disruption to illustrates the change in assessed embodied GHG emissions from
the road surface from heavy construction machinery during con- case BC through BCA and BCAþ. As discussed above, this analysis
struction, and the low utility for project management purposes in does not fully capture every GHG-emitting process involved in the
modelling asphalt use adjacent to the bridge. Moreover, the construction of the case study bridge (e.g. transportation), and
resurfacing of the bridge deck may have presented an opportunity therefore, is a conservative assessment.
to resurface adjacent road segments during the construction.
After adjusting for the QA/QC material quantities of concrete, 5.4. BCA þ S: sensitivity of findings to material GHG intensity
structural steel and asphalt, the assessed embodied GHG was factors
2.68  106 kgCO2e for case BCA, which is 106% higher than BC.
The assessments above were completed with single value GHG
5.3. BCAþ: addition of materials and on-site energy use that were factors for the construction materials and diesel fuel but it is well
not modelled in BIM established that there is inherently significant uncertainty in the
GHG factors of materials and fuels (Wernet et al., 2016). In many
5.3.1. Steel reinforcing bars (i.e., rebars) cases, a range of GHG values instead of a single number, represents
In line with common practice, the case study bridge BIM did not the potential GHG outcomes more accurately. This paper focuses
include steel reinforcing bar (i.e., rebar) or the use of construction mostly on the sensitivity of embodied GHG emissions to the data
equipment and associated diesel fuel use. Modelling rebar is both sources of material quantities. In this section, the sensitivity of the
time consuming given the level of detail, and not of service to the analysis to GHG factors is briefly illustrated through a sensitivity
common BIM uses, such as clash detection, since the rebar is fully analysis of concrete and steel.
enclosed in the concrete elements. The calculation of rebar quan- According CRMCA (The Athena Sustainable Materials Institute,
tities below is based on on-site QA/QC documents and mill certif- 2016), a reasonable range of concrete GHG intensities for
icates. As listed in Table 3, a total rebar mass of 207 Mg was 31e35 MPa concrete in Canada are 108.5 kgCO2e/1000 kg to 187.4

Table 3 Table 4
Summary of the rebar quantification based on the mill certificates archived by Summary of the fuel consumption by GC and sub-contractors on the case
the GC. study bridge.

Parameter Value Value

Total rebar mass 207,005 kg General Contractor 137,700 L

Rebar concrete ratio by mass 3.52% Sub-contractors 180,900 L
Rebar concrete ratio by volume 1.08% Total fuel consumed 318,600 L
Rebar embodied GHG 248,406 kgCO2e GHG contribution of fuel 1,131,030 kgCO2e

M. Nahangi, G. Guven, B. Olanrewaju et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 295 (2021) 126388

This research illustrates the sensitivity of BIM-based embodied

GHG assessment to the level of detail and scope of the model, and
highlights the challenge of accurate and complete quantification of
material and energy use on-site. This study can be used in future
studies to inform the uncertainty of embodied GHG estimates
based on BIM. The findings demonstrate the potential limitations of
an exclusively BIM-based approach for embodied GHG assessment,
especially with a BIM that was developed primarily for purposes
other than GHG assessment. BIM remains a powerful tool for GHG
assessment, but care must be taken to recognize the limitations of
the models. In particular, if a BIM was prepared for another pur-
pose, such as clash detection or visualization, and it is repurposed
for GHG assessment; it is likely to exclude important impacts and
has potential to significantly underestimate the embodied GHG
This paper examined both (1) the BIM-based assessment of
materials compared to on-site records, and (2) the impact of factors
commonly excluded from BIM. In the first instance, the excluded
material quantities were found to be large, not because of any er-
rors in the way that the BIM was initially modelled, but due to the
fact that the full scope of work was not modelled (e.g., additional
walls, additional road repaving). The 63% change in concrete, 31%
Fig. 7. Total GWP quantified using (1) BIM-based quantities, (2) QA/QC documents, and
change in steel, and 171% change in asphalt fundamentally affected
(3) rebar and on-site diesel use. the assessed embodied GHG emissions. In the case study project,
the work outside the BIM was a wall and additional repaving; but in
other projects, it could be utility works, temporary works, sec-
kgCO2e/1000 kg, depending on the percentage of fly ash or slag in ondary structures, and more.
the concrete mix (BC assumed 147.05 kgCO2e/1000 kg). For steel, a Similarly, rebar and on-site energy use accounted for more than
range of GHG intensity factors from 900 kgCO2e/1000 kg to 1500 34% of the BCA þ embodied GHG assessment (i.e., 6.1% rebar, 28%
kgCO2e/1000 kg (BC assumed 1200 kgCO2e/1000 kg) were tested, diesel). The percentage of total GHG attributed to the construction
allowing for a range of recycled material percentages. These ranges energy is higher than is expected in many construction projects
lead to a BCA þ S assessment of 3.66 x 106 kgCO2e to 4.39 x 106 (e.g., ~10% in many buildings) due to the high proportion of
kgCO2e. The sensitivity of the results to changes in the GHG in- earthwork inherent to bridge projects. For a bridge or other
tensity of these two materials is approximately ±10%. This re- ground-based project, such as basement or tunnel, the proportion
inforces the need to select the GHG intensity factors and the of embodied GHG due to on-site energy use is likely to be similarly
associated ranges carefully for an effective embodied GHG assess- large, and therefore, requires detailed consideration. In BIM, this
ment. However, the range in quantities and excluded factors be- could be done through modelling equipment use and duration on-
tween the BC and BCA þ cases lead to much more variation in the site, combined with estimates of fuel use per equipment per day.
assessment (i.e., more than 212%). The main purpose of the studied BIM was not for embodied GHG
assessment; but to be effective for embodied GHG assessments,
BIMs will need to capture more of the project than that of the
6. Discussions current common practice. This would require the investment of
additional resources into 3D and 4D modelling.
This paper investigated the impact of different data sources and The implications of these findings for the use of BIM-based
included factors on the quantification of embodied GHG emissions embodied GHG calculations depend on the purpose of the
for a highway bridge reconstruction project in Ontario, Canada. The embodied GHG assessment. When assessing for overall GHG
findings reveal a 212% increase in assessed GHG between a BIM- emissions (e.g., for regulatory reporting or to meet a benchmark)
based assessment (i.e., BC) and an on-site records-based assess- the potential for the increase in GHG from the increase in material
ment (i.e., BCAþ). Four different approaches to embodied GHG use and energy recorded on-site brings into question the validity of
assessment for the same bridge lead to four different findings: a BIM-based assessment without major additions or adjustments.
Similarly, it would be problematic for hotspot detection if some of
⁃ For case BC, using only the BIM, the embodied GHG is assessed the alternatives examined would, for instance, transfer GHG
at 1.3  106 kgCO2e. Concrete, steel (excluding rebar) and emissions to construction energy through a change in construction
asphalt are the included materials with 41%, 15%, and 44% of the approach. For other types of analysis, such as incremental changes
GHG, respectively. to a design or comparison between design options, a BIM-based
⁃ For case BCA, adjusting the BC materials based on QA/QC assessment could provide valuable relative data. That said, when
documentation on-site increased the assessed GHG to comparing between options, care must be taken that secondary
2.68  106 kgCO2e. structures, on-site energy requirements and further work (e.g.,
⁃ In case BCAþ, adding rebar and on-site diesel use that were not utility relocations) are alike, and similarly included or excluded
modelled in the BIM increased the assessed embodied GHG between the compared alternatives.
further to 4.06  106 kgCO2e.
⁃ In case BCA þ S, a sensitivity analysis for the embodied GHG 7. Conclusions
intensity of steel and concrete was performed, while holding
other factors constant, and it indicated a range in GHG from 3.66 This study performed GHG assessments of a completed highway
x 106 kgCO2e to 4.39 x 106 kgCO2e. bridge renewal project in Ontario, Canada as a case study, using a
M. Nahangi, G. Guven, B. Olanrewaju et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 295 (2021) 126388

BIM prepared before the construction of the bridge and the mate- Appendix A. Supplementary data
rial and energy quantities records collected on-site during its
construction. The assessments based on on-site records and BIM Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
are compared and the findings highlighted the sensitivity of
embodied GHG assessment to the source of data (e.g., data from
models or collected on-site), the factors included (e.g., on-site en- Data statement
ergy), and the inclusion of full project details (e.g., inducing auxil-
iary work) through the lens of one case study bridge. The work Some or all data, models, or code used during the study were
illustrates the need to apply BIM-based embodied GHG emissions provided by a third party. Direct requests for these materials may
with care, demonstrating the potential to underestimate the overall be made to the provider as indicated in the Acknowledgements.
GHG significantly. While this study does not aim to represent all Some or all data, models, or code generated or used during the
bridges with one case study, it highlights the potential limitations study are proprietary or confidential in nature and may only be
of current data availability and processes in assessing embodied provided with restrictions.
impacts in construction. Further research is needed to understand
the scale of underestimation across a larger number of projects and References
project types, and to investigate the potential to close the gap by
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