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CONST 285: Construction Estimating

HVAC Problems (from Chapter 14)

Question and Answer Screenshot of Calculation
Question 1

16 feet of 8″ x 12″ rectangular duct,

two 8″ x 12″ to 8″ x 8″ transitions,
16 feet of 8″ x 8″ square duct,
two 8″ x 8″ end caps are needed.
For the individual supply lines,
nine 6-inch 90-degree elbows to connect
to the trunk line
76 feet (14 ft + 14 ft + 14 ft + 6 ft + 8 ft + 8
ft + 5 ft + 5 ft + 2 ft) of 6-inchdiameter
three 6-inch 90-degree elbows to connect
to the base cabinets,
three 2″ x 12″ registers
six 4″ x 12″ boots
six 4″ x 12″ registers
For the return air:
two 6″ x 18″ grilles
75 feet (1 ft + 4 ft + 1 ft + 1 ft + 7 ft + 1 ft)
of 18-inch-wide sheet metal to
create return air chases between the
two 8″ x 12″ end caps
14 feet of 8″ x 12″ duct
8 feet of 12″ x 18″ duct to run from the
trunk line to the bottom of the furnace.
The venting needs to run from the
furnace to a point at least 2 feet above
the roof, and
4 feet of pipe is allowed to enter the
The pipe in the chase will need to be
double walled.
For the venting,
two 4-inch 90-degree single-wall elbows
4 feet of 4-inch-diameter single-wall pipe
22 feet of 4-inch-diameter double-wall
one 4-inch roof flashing
one 4-inch termination cap.
Other items needed for the furnace
CONST 285: Construction Estimating
include one box of line set to connect the
condenser to the coil, one thermostat,
and one roll of low-voltage wiring. In
the electrician will need to provide power
and a switch at the furnace, and a gas
will need to be provided from the gas

Question 2 The distance from the pipe along the west wall to the
along the east wall is 10 feet (11 feet - 6 inches - 6
Length= 10ft +8.25+10(7.75)+10(1.6ft) inches).
+2(0.8ft) +65

Length= 178.35ft

Question 3

The HVAC system requires one air

handler and two VAV boxes.
For the air handler is needed:
10 feet of 12-inch-diameter duct with two
45-degree 8-inch-diameter boot attached
Two 45-degree 8-inch-diameter elbow
8 feet of 8-inch-diameter duct with one 6-
inch-diameter double boot attached
One double 8-inch-diameter to 6-inch-
diameter reducer
11 feet of 6-inch-diameter duct
one 12-inch-diameter to 8-inch-diameter
feet of 8-inch-diameter duct
one 90-degree 8-inch-diameter double
12 feet of 8-inchdiameter duct
CONST 285: Construction Estimating

Electrical Problems (from Chapter 15)

Question and Answer Screenshot of Calculation
Question 1

The lighting will require

Two 9-inch mushroom light
Two three-way switches with
single-gang boxes and
Six outlets
Question 2

The length of wiring between

the light fixtures is
Length = (10ft + 2 ft) = 12 ft
The wiring between the
switch and the light will need
to run 5 vertical feet in the
to go from the switch to the
ceiling space.
Length = (5 ft + 5 ft + 2 ft) =
12 x 2 switchs = 24
The wiring from the outlets
Length = (6 ft + 20 ft + 12 ft +
20 ft) = 58
The wiring from the top-right
corner to panel
Length = 40
The lighting will require 134
Question 3
Solution: The lighting will
require two 120-volt, 4-foot
by 2-foot
fluorescent light fixtures, six
fluorescent light bulbs, two
boxes with covers, and two
three-way switches with
boxes and covers. Two hot
wires will need to be run
CONST 285: Construction Estimating
between the
switches, a hot wire will need
to be run between the right
switch and the two light
fixtures, a common wire will
need to be
run between the two light
fixtures and the left light
switch, and a
ground wire will need to be
run to the switches and
fixtures. The
wiring diagram for the lights
is shown in Figure 15-13.
Ridged conduit will be run
from the switch at one end of
the two switches come out
from the same side
junction boxes. The conduit
can be bent in a radius to
change directions.
Nine feet of conduit is
required at both switches to
go from
the switch to the height of 12
feet. forty-one feet of conduit
needed (12 ft _ 20 ft _ 9 ft) as
well as 16 set-
screw/threaded connectors,
which are used to connect
the ridged conduit to the
boxes and single-gang
boxes. Two 5-foot lengths of
flexible conduit
are needed to run from the
junction boxes to the light
fixtures and
are used to center the
fixtures in the hall. Four set-
connectors are needed to
connect the flexible conduit
CONST 285: Construction Estimating
to the junction
boxes and the light fixtures.
In addition, fasteners to
secure the
conduit in place are needed.
The material the conduit is
being fastened
to will determine the type of
fastener used.
Allow for an extra foot of wire
on both ends of each wire.
Forty three
feet (41 ft _ 2 ft) of red wire
are needed to connect the
Similarly, 43 feet of black
wire are needed to connect
the switches.
Sixteen feet (9 ft_5 ft_2 ft) of
black wire are needed to
connect the
right switch to the junction
box above the right light
fixture. Ten
feet (8 ft _ 2 ft) of black wire
are needed to connect the
boxes together, and 7 feet (5
ft_2 ft) of black wire are
needed at each
light fixture to connect the
junction boxes to the light
fixtures.A total
of 86 feet (43 ft _ 16 ft _ 10 ft
_ 10 ft _ 7 ft) of black wire is
For the white wire, 16 feet is
needed to connect the left
switch to the
junction box above the left
light fixture, 10 feet is needed
to connect
the junction boxes, 10 and 7
feet is needed at each light
fixture to connect
the junction boxes to the light
CONST 285: Construction Estimating
fixtures, for a total of 43 feet
(16 ft
_ 10 ft _ 10 ft _ 7 ft). For the
green ground wire, 16 feet is
needed at
each end to connect the
switches to the junction
boxes, 12 feet is
needed to connect the
junction boxes, and 7 feet is
needed at each
light fixture to connect the
junction boxes to the light
fixtures, for a
total of 55 feet (12 ft _ 16 ft _
10ft _ 10 ft _ 7 ft).
Question 4
Solution: The lighting will
require two 120-volt, 4-foot
by 2-foot
fluorescent light fixtures, six
fluorescent light bulbs, two
boxes with covers, and two
three-way switches with
boxes and covers. Two hot
wires will need to be run
between the
switches, a hot wire will need
to be run between the right
switch and the two light
fixtures, a common wire will
need to be
run between the two light
fixtures and the left light
switch, and a
ground wire will need to be
run to the switches and
fixtures. The
wiring diagram for the lights
is shown in Figure 15-13.
Ridged conduit will be run
from the switch at one end of
CONST 285: Construction Estimating
the two switches come out
from the same side
junction boxes. The conduit
can be bent in a radius to
change directions.
Nine feet of conduit is
required at both switches to
go from
the switch to the height of 12
feet. forty-one feet of conduit
needed (12 ft _ 20 ft _ 9 ft) as
well as 16 set-
screw/threaded connectors,
which are used to connect
the ridged conduit to the
boxes and single-gang
boxes. Two 5-foot lengths of
flexible conduit
are needed to run from the
junction boxes to the light
fixtures and
are used to center the
fixtures in the hall. Four set-
connectors are needed to
connect the flexible conduit
to the junction
boxes and the light fixtures.
In addition, fasteners to
secure the
conduit in place are needed.
The material the conduit is
being fastened
to will determine the type of
fastener used.
Allow for an extra foot of wire
on both ends of each wire.
Forty three
feet (41 ft _ 2 ft) of red wire
are needed to connect the
Similarly, 43 feet of black
wire are needed to connect
the switches.
CONST 285: Construction Estimating
Sixteen feet (9 ft_5 ft_2 ft) of
black wire are needed to
connect the
right switch to the junction
box above the right light
fixture. Ten
feet (8 ft _ 2 ft) of black wire
are needed to connect the
boxes together, and 7 feet (5
ft_2 ft) of black wire are
needed at each
light fixture to connect the
junction boxes to the light
fixtures.A total
of 86 feet (43 ft _ 16 ft _ 10 ft
_ 10 ft _ 7 ft) of black wire is
For the white wire, 16 feet is
needed to connect the left
switch to the
junction box above the left
light fixture, 10 feet is needed
to connect
the junction boxes, 10 and 7
feet is needed at each light
fixture to connect
the junction boxes to the light
fixtures, for a total of 43 feet
(16 ft
_ 10 ft _ 10 ft _ 7 ft). For the
green ground wire, 16 feet is
needed at
each end to connect the
switches to the junction
boxes, 12 feet is
needed to connect the
junction boxes, and 7 feet is
needed at each
light fixture to connect the
junction boxes to the light
fixtures, for a
total of 55 feet (12 ft _ 16 ft _
10ft _ 10 ft _ 7 ft).
Question 5

Beginning at the meter, 35 feet of 2

CONST 285: Construction Estimating
1>2-inch conduit,
three 2 1>2-inch 90-degree elbows,
two 2 1>2-inch set-screw/threaded
connectors (to connect the conduit to
the meter and wireway), and
one 5-foot wireway are needed to
house the wiring from the meter
to the panelboards.
The information for the panelboards,
wiring size servicing the
panelboards, and conduit sizes are
found at the top of each panel
schedule. For Panel P, a 120>208
three-phase 100-ampere panelboard
with 24 spaces is needed. The panel is
serviced by three #3/0
(0000) wires and one #12 wire. Each of
these wires will need to be
approximately 45 feet long to allow 2
feet for connection in the
panelboard and meter, wire in the
conduits, and wireway. The panelboard
is connected to the wireway by 1 foot of
2-inch conduit
with two 2-inch set-screw/threaded
connectors. The rated amps
and number of poles for the circuit
breakers are specified in the
“CB A-P” column of the panel
schedules. The following breakers
are needed for Panel P: two 35-ampere
three-pole, two 30-ampere
two-pole, four 30-ampere single-pole,
three 25-ampere single-pole,
three 20-ampere single-pole,
For Panel L, a 120>208 three-phase
125-ampere panelboard
with 20 spaces is needed. The
panelboard is connected to the
by 2 foot of 2 1>2-inch conduit with two
2 1>2-inch setscrew/
threaded connectors. The panel is
serviced by four #1>0 (0)
wires approximately 45 feet long. The
panel requires
ampere single-pole circuit breakers.
For Panel D, a 120>208 three-phase
100-ampere panelboard
with 24 spaces is needed. The
panelboard is connected to the
by 2 foot of 2 1>2-inch conduit with two
2 1>2-inch setscrew/
threaded connectors. The panel is
serviced by four #3>0 (0)
wires approximately 45 feet long. The
panel requires
20-ampere single-pole circuit breakers.
CONST 285: Construction Estimating

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