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Board Members Present: Blake Surbey, President

Robert Somers, Vice President
Mark Bostwick, Secretary

Absent: Nicholas Pecoraro, Member

Chris Cahill, Member

Others Present: Peter Freedman, General Manager

Sonya Rainey, Recording Secretary
Three Residents

I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Blake Surbey at 7:07 pm.

Mr. Surbey announced General Manager, Peter Freedman’s promotion to Legum &
Norman’s Executive Team as Director of Operations. He was thanked for his hard
work and contributions made to the management of the condominium association.

II. Resident Forum

◊ A resident advised Management that there appeared to be phone lines
hanging from the rear of buildings on Wilson and Troy.
◊ A resident expressed her dissatisfaction with the smoker’s station that
was installed within one of the courtyards on Troy Street.
◊ A resident reported two maintenance-related items requiring repair.

III. Reading and Approval of Minutes

MOTION: Mr. Somers Motioned to approve the February 2011 Meeting

Minutes with one correction. The Motion was seconded by Mr.
Bostwick, and carried unanimously.

IV. Committee Reports

Hallway Decorating
MOTION: Mr. Surbey Motioned to approve the carpeting and color
selections as recommended by the Decorating Committee. The Motion
was seconded by Mr. Bostwick, and carried unanimously.

Mr. Surbey advised the Board that the Landscape Chair submitted her resignation
stating she is unable to volunteer at this time.

Minutes can be viewed on the Association’s website at

Colonial Village II
March 16, 2011 Meeting Minutes
Page 2

Management was tasked with asking Ruppert Landscape to provide a more

extensive, 5-year plan that provided more details than what they recently
submitted. It was the Board’s consensus to conduct an evote on a landscape
arrangement for the 2 circles at the corner of Troy Street and Key Boulevard which
could be planted in April or May.

V. Management Report

MOTION: Mr. Surbey Motioned to approve Titan Restoration’s proposal to
perform tuck-pointing at 1800-1904 Key in the amount of $179,730 along
with additional, optional items in the amount of $27,831 for a total of
$219,189 with a contingency that they have an employee on-site at all
times who can communicate with Management. The Motion was
seconded by Mr. Bostwick and carried unanimously.

MOTION: Mr. Surbey Motioned to approve BEC engineering’s fees of

approximately $1,000 per week not to exceed $21,000 based on
approximately 21 weeks.

VI. Old Business

Key Fob/Door Lock System

After discussion, it was the Board’s consensus to defer discussion and
consideration of approving the draft key fob policy until April’s meeting. However,
it was the Board’s consensus to approve how many key fobs would be issued to
each unit.

VII. New Business

Landscape - Tree Trimming Proposals

Mr. Surbey Motioned to approve a proposal from Merrifield Gardens to
remove several large pine trees and prune others throughout the
property at a cost of $5,384. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Bostwick
and carried unanimously.

Window Washing
Mr. Surbey Motioned to approve Clean Advantage’s window washing
proposal at a price not to exceed $6.50 per window. The Motion was
seconded by Mr. Somers and carried unanimously.

Mr. Surbey Motioned to approve the purchase of surveillance equipment
for an amount not to exceed $1,000. The Motion was seconded by Mr.
Somers and carried unanimously.

Current and previous Board Meeting Minutes are available on the website at
Colonial Village II
March 16, 2011 Meeting Minutes
Page 3
VIII. Executive Session

MOTION: A Motion was made by Mr. Surbey to adjourn the regular

meeting at 8:23 pm to enter into Executive Session to discuss delinquent
assessments and/or personnel matters. The Motion was seconded by Mr.
Bostwick and carried unanimously.

IX. Reconvene

Mr. Surbey Motioned to reconvene to Open Session at 8:35 pm. The Motion was
seconded by Mr. Somers and carried unanimously. The following actions were
taken during Executive Session:

 It was the Board’s consensus to waive fees associated with a unit whose
account was brought current.

 It was the Board’s consensus to deny a unit owner’s request for
reimbursement of late fees.

 A Motion was made by Mr. Somers to reimburse a unit owner for expenses.
The Motion was seconded by Mr. Bostwick and carried unanimously.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at 7:00 pm

CVII Meeting Room – 1701 N. Troy Street

X. Adjournment

With no further business, it was the Board’s consensus to adjourn the meeting at

Respectfully Submitted by: Sonya Rainey, Recording

Approved by:

Mark Bostwick, Secretary Date

Current and previous Board Meeting Minutes are available on the website at

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