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Leo Shen

Joshua M. Wood

PHIL 009 Biomedical Ethics

26 October 2021

The ideals of Global Health

The main idea of health from a global perspective is extremely hard to control since most

humans are on the poorer side of the financial spectrum which has caused a massive increase of

disease within severe cases of poverty. The article, written by Allen Buchman and Mathew

Decamp shows us the readers that our current system of helping to remove poverty has already

and always been there. We as a whole are taught to be not selfish and help those that require

basic needs such as water, food, and shelter. In this case, Decamp and Buchman proceed to give

the argument that our governmental bodies such as the United Nations, the US government, and

maybe, in this case, the World Health Organization (WHO) are not following to what they all

have willingly agreed to help the main people around the world that need health care.

This basic necessity of the “right to health care” is being completely ignored by wealthy

nations and so that would mean the universal types of organizations that are in charge of how our

health should be cared for. As an example, “Duty dumping” is an extreme issue when it comes to

knowing whom to blame when it clearly has been stated in their documents of global health

issues that we the people of the world shall be responsible for their actions even though they

were already in that certain situation from the first place. Their response to what we all should be

looking for is the truth behind why “duty dumping” is highly not encouraged. In other words,

who should be the ones that must not cause harm to those that are in demand of health care. A

real-life example of these would be the huge trucks that would take blood donations to treat,
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“AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria”. These certain types of diseases could be preventable and in

some cases treatable especially when children under the age of 5 have some of these. It’s shown

in the conclusion that even though most of us agree to have the rich pay to the poor, there are

also other issues to look after such as the “we should recognize the full range of State activities

from making war to according to legitimacy to corrupt governments”. In conclusion, the

perspectives of the poor and wealthy shouldn’t be the main focus of how health care should be

helped, which is precisely what Buchamna and Decamp are arguing for but, it would be the ones

that are in control of the society we live in.

Our government has been creating other sorts of controversy such as a financial type of

war between each other and initiating a healthier approach towards the solution. This leads to the

question: should we all, as in wealthier nations, have the obligation to help at all? Even though

world organizations can support corrupt governments, they stay in power so that they wouldn’t

have to address those in need of basic health care to prevent diseases. As in this case, drug

companies have their own rules that they can make when marking the price of a certain type of

generic drug. Even the lowest type of drug can’t be accessible to those that are in desperate need

of medication which, in this retrospect leaves those without any type of care be left to be

deceased or exceedingly weak.

The currently established companies, world organizations, and corrupt governments

which are the main three that have formed what we now have is an excessive amount of children

aged five and under. Not only are these two arguing about outside sources affecting the

individual’s ability to have basic access to health care needs but it’s also within the wealthy

people that already have the best type of health care they can get their hands on. This empowers
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the individual’s choice making it highly limited to resources for those that are in extreme need of

disease, hunger, and shelter.

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Works Referenced:

●Global Health and Global Health Ethics, edited by Solomon Benatar, and Gillian

Brock, Cambridge University Press, 2011. ProQuest Ebook Central,

○Created from UCR on 2021-10-26 09:01:13.

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