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David San-Briones (order #20777542)

A Note from War of Life Gaming:

Fantasy Edition: Beasts, Wizards, Magic and Spells

Campaign Scenarios for all of our Empires Rulesets

To fellow Wargamers,

This expansion allows players of the Empires series to add a different

element to their games.
We have used this expansion to fill the gap for Fantasy fans out there; me
being one of them.

For those who have not played the Empires games available from Wargame
Vault, enjoy reading but you will require one of the Empires rulebooks (Core,
D6, D10 or D20) in order to play the Fantasy Edition; all rulebooks are priced
at $0.99 each.
The Fantasy editions are now available on Wargame Vault, Drivethru RPG
and RPG Now for $0.50 each.

So bring out your dragons and wizards as it’s about to get fantastical on the
gaming board!

Happy wargaming,

From WLG

David San-Briones (order #20777542)

Empires: Fantasy Campaign Scenarios for all Dice Systems
To begin the Campaign Scenarios book, you must create a commander for your forces.
You play these scenarios through your commander, the commander is now you, therefore
give him/her a name. Even when your character is slain in battle, the Medicine Men
somehow patch you back together every time ready for the next skirmish; until the final
battle when your leader may never be returned from the afterlife.

The commander must use the rules and costs are taken from the Leader datasheet found
in your Empires rulebook; the commander may take the upgrades available as well if
desired. In addition to the standard upgrades your commander may select one additional
upgrade from this list for free. The selection can never be changed throughout the

1. Magic Resistance: A successful enemy Major magic spell effect on one of your
units must be rerolled.
Diceless Edition: An enemy Major magic spell effect on one of your units is
downgraded to a Minor effect spell. This can only be used once every two turns.

2. Magical Defence: Successful enemy ranged spells must be rerolled when targeting
any friendly unit e.g. For D6 edition, +2RM to hit must be rerolled.
Diceless Edition: Friendly units cannot be targeted with a magic attack for one turn

3. Beast Friend: All Beasts cost 20% less when fielded in your army (rounded down if

4. Graduate of Magical College: All wizards cost 20% less when fielded in your army
(additional upgrades not included).

5. Senior Medicine Men: Any Medicine Man taken in your army may use two spells in
one turn. The two spells must be different however.

6. Stuck In: The commander’s unit’s front line may attack twice in the Melee Step.

7. Shooty: The commander’s unit may shoot/loose twice in the Shooting Step. This is
in lieu of moving and charging.

8. Beastmaster’s Sword: A commander gains the ability to reroll attacks against all
Diceless Edition: A commander’s Melee Skill increases by 200% against Beasts

Your Leader must always be a Supreme Commander, but this is a FREE upgrade for your
main character.

David San-Briones (order #20777542)

To play a campaign, there must be at least two players. If more than two players are in the
campaign, then each player must play the same scenario before moving onto the next
scenario. Players need to decide which order the scenarios are to be played in either by
roll of a dice, randomly picking a page with eyes closed, or choosing before the campaign
starts. A scenario can only be played a maximum of three times per campaign, except the
Total Annihilation scenario (found in the Empires: Campaign Scenario ruleset), which must
be played only once and be the last scenario played to end the campaign. Players can
choose scenarios from this update, previous scenario updates or even use their own!

If a player fields a Phoenix, that player never needs to pay for that Phoenix again as when
it is killed it simply regenerates; this means that in a 3000 point game with a Phoenix, the
player can field 3050 points as the cost of the Phoenix is 50 points. A player cannot have
more than one Phoenix however.

David San-Briones (order #20777542)

Beast Hunter- The commander’s perspective

Evening Fevrum 15th 103NA.

Your forces arrive in the land of the North Lords. You set up camp. Scouts are deployed to
survey any enemy activity.

Early morning Fevrum 16th 103NA

Scouts report mass enemy activity 5 miles north of your current location. Scouts tell of
multiple beast cages, far more than your army has currently enlisted.

Late morning Fevrum 16th 103NA.

Your advisers ask permission to send hunters and Beastmasters to find and train
creatures that can aid your cause; you accept the proposal.

Morning Fevrum 17th 103NA.

New creatures are brought to you for acceptance. Even though the beasts are unfriendly
to your allied creatures, you regrettably accept. Scouts are sent out. Beastmasters are
ordered to train the new recruits.

Afternoon Fevrum 18th 103NA.

Beastmasters report beast acceptance to training. Scouts state that the enemy
commander has begun to pull down their camp, and believes that they will be moving
towards our position. You order the captains to prepare to march.

Late afternoon Fevrum 19th 103NA.

Your army is moving towards the last known location of the enemy. Newly trained beasts
are ready for the battle. Scouts report fires in a field not far from your location. You decide
to set up a temporary camp and commence battle at first light.

David San-Briones (order #20777542)

Early morning Fevrum 20th 103NA.

The enemy have followed a similar plan to yours and is ready and waiting for you when
your army advances

Morning Fevrum 20th 103NA.

The two forces collide.

Beast Hunter Scenario

Deployment: Standard deployment from the Empires ruleset.

Points: 500 point increase from 3000 to use in this battle.

Restrictions: No additional restrictions.

Beasts Limit: Your army may now take 5 beasts to use in a battle rather than just 3.

Beast Type: Your army may take a mixture of Good and Evil beasts for this scenario type

As can be seen, this scenario allows you to take whatever beasts you want, this can
dramatically change battle tactics i.e. if you often take Good creatures, it is a chance to
see how they can work alongside Evil creatures.

David San-Briones (order #20777542)

Wizard’s Wrath- The commander’s perspective

Morning Avril 21st 103NA.

A message is brought to the castle. Rogue wizards of Southboll College for the
Gifted have attacked a neighbouring village and are moving towards the castle.
Messenger reports 248 peasants murdered and 121 militia men killed or wounded.
After the messenger was calmed down, he also reported that the rogues have a
sponsor; your enemy. They demand to meet on the 36 th of Avril at a location 12
miles east of the castle.

Midday Avril 21st 103NA.

You and your council decided to accept the demands of your enemy. Knowing the
enemy have an increase in magical prowess, messengers are sent for the best
wizards in the surrounding areas to aid your cause; the deadline is noon tomorrow;
otherwise the army marches without them.

Midday Avril 22nd 103NA.

Wizards are brought to the council for acceptance into the army, and they are given
their authorisation. With the balance of power now equal again, the army marches
with its new recruits.

Late Afternoon Avril 22nd 103NA.

The army is packed and marching to the outskirts of the battle destination.

Evening Avril 22nd 103NA.

Enemy messenger arrives at the camp; bringing word that his commander will see
your army on the frontline tomorrow at dawn. You accept the proposal.

Dawn Avril 23rd 103NA.

The armies meet on the battlefield.

David San-Briones (order #20777542)

Wizard’s Wrath Scenario

Deployment: Standard deployment from the Empires ruleset.

Points: 120 point increase from 3000 to use in this battle.

Restrictions: No additional restrictions.

Wizard Limit: Your army may take an additional 2 wizards to use in this game rather
than the 3 normally allowed.

The increase in the wizards restriction limit will mean many troops will fall in battle to
magic, therefore try to do the same as the opponent and take as many wizards as
you can afford and avoid more expensive units that can die just as easily as a cheap

David San-Briones (order #20777542)

Battle of the Passing River – A soldier’s

Early Morning Junus 43rd 103NA

We are woken up to by the sound of drums. The King is coming!

Morning Junus 43rd 103NA

The King has called for his Guardians to act against a new enemy. A rogue and
rather large Giant (if that makes sense?) has appeared with other Giants from over
the Meadow Mountains. We have been ordered to engage the enemy before they
crush the defenceless settlements. The normal soldiery are not to participate in the
defence to avoid needless casualties and the risk of fear spreading.

Late Afternoon Junus 44th 103NA

We arrived near the last known enemy location and set up camp. My unit has been
ordered to scout the area for the rogue Giants. It took us only an hour before they
were spotted. The Giants were camping in the Great Meadow Forest three miles
east of the King’s Guardians position. I mentioned to my Captain that the larger
Giant was giving orders to the lower Giants, and on closer inspection, had only one
eye! The Captain has relayed this information to the commander; hoping it can help
the scholars to unmask the creature.

Early Morning Jules 1st 103NA

The scholars report that the creature is a Cyclops. This is all that we were told before
setting off to the creature’s location. From listening in on the officer’s ramblings, the
Cyclops is a unique creature born from the Old Age and is resurrected every
hundred years. There is unrest amongst the units, but, I think we have had worse so
should get through it all okay.

Midday Jules 1st 103NA

This is probably the last time I will be writing in this journal. The Cyclops monster is
clever, he was waiting in the forest for reinforcements; there are twelve Giants that
have joined his cause. Feeling vastly outnumbered. Good luck New Age. I will do my
bit for the King as His Secret Guardian and Protector of the People.

David San-Briones (order #20777542)

Battle of the Passing River

The Battle of the Passing River took place between the Cyclops forces and the
King’s Secret Guardians.

Deployment: Standard deployment.

Players must choose to be either the Cyclops forces or the King’s forces.

The King’s forces cannot exceed 5000 points.

The Cyclops forces consist of one Cyclops and twelve Giants.

It is unlikely that a player will have a Cyclops and twelve Giant models to use in the
game; so use any large models to compensate.

Winning Conditions

The aim for the King’s Guardians is to kill the Cyclops before six turns have passed.

The aim for the Cyclops forces is to protect the Cyclops for six turns. If the
Guardians are killed before six turns have passed, this is also counted as a win for
the Cyclops forces.

David San-Briones (order #20777542)

The Siege of Gorgon – A sane Captains perspective

Afternoon Fevrum 4th 103NA

The Captains were in the Great Hall when they were ordered to meet with the Lord.
We were told that the Lord decided to search for the city of Giants known as Gorgon,
the march south was to begin in two days. Once the briefing was over we were
ordered to give our pledges. We left the Lord’s Court and returned to the Great Hall.
Luckily my fellow Captains are sane like me ...our Lord has not influenced us just
yet. Gorgon is a myth, told by parents to frighten small children into behaving, so
why look for it? I have never questioned our Lord’s decisions but lately he has
become restless; there has been no unrest in our region for over three years now.
Apparently the Lord’s own Medicine Man has been kicked out of the keep in lieu of a

Dawn Fevrum 6th 103NA

My men are worried believing this march to be madness. I may agree, but it is my
duty is keep morale high, so I must throw their rumours to the wind. We have been
marching for five hours already, the baggage train close behind us. We must keep
the supplies safe if we are to survive the perilous march to the southern mountains.

Morning Fevrum 7th 103NA

We were woken by the sentries last night. A large band of mercenaries had heard
about the Lord’s march and were intent on plundering the baggage train. We lost
over fifty men to them. The mercenaries that survived escaped with only a handful of
gold and food. The Lord’s planner said that the loss of food would not affect us due
to the loss of men.

Afternoon Fevrum 12th 103NA

Sentry watch has been doubled due to the increasing number of mercenary attacks
on our camp perimeters. Rumours from the villages tell of a Mercenary leader who
has united other chiefs and is arming against our army. These rumours have found
the ears of the Lord. Scouts have begun to search for this united army. No news yet
from the scouts.

Evening Fevrum 12th 103NA

David San-Briones (order #20777542)

Scouts report an army blocking the entrance to the southern mountains. The scouts
also say that the mercenaries are not mercenaries at all but our Lord’s ally from the

Morning Fevrum 13th 103NA

Our Lord has met with the Western Baron to find out why he wants to block the
Gorgon siege. My unit has been asked to accompany.

Midday Fevrum 13th 103NA

We returned from the debate. The Baron asked my Lord to stand down from “this
madness”. Our Lord demanded the Baron pull his army away, but he refused. It
seems the Baron heard of our Lord’s apparent spiral into madness and requested an
audience to try and get him to see reason. Unfortunately our Lord saw things
differently; arguing that the Baron wished to steal the gold that can be found in
Gorgon. The Baron replied that there was no Gorgon, no gold and all that our Lord
will find there is death. Our Lord stormed out of the Baron’s tent declaring a one day
truce before we meet the Baron in battle!

So tomorrow we must fight.

The Siege of Gorgon Scenario

Players must decide before starting which player is the Baron’s army, and who will
play the insane Lord’s army.

Deployment: Standard deployment.

Points: 6000 points can be used instead of the usual 3000.

Restrictions: This scenario must be played in six turns.

Road Maps: Road maps are not allowed for this scenario.

Winning Conditions

Normal winning conditions, except if the Baron’s forces kill the Lord in 3 turns or
under; the game finishes as the Lord’s army has seen sense. If the Lord’s forces kill
the Baron in 3 turns or under, the Baron’s army runs and the Lord wins.

David San-Briones (order #20777542)

Damsel in Distress – A Knights perspective

Morning Avril 2nd 103NA.

The King’s daughter has been captured! We must find her and bring her back. My
liege has offered a reward to whoever can bring her back alive. I must rescue her
before Sir Grantham.

Midday Avril 2nd 103NA

I have brought my troops with me to help find her. I hope to send spies out soon to
see what they can find out about who took her and where she might be.

Afternoon Avril 3rd 103NA

My spies report that she was taken away by a group of well armed bandits. The
bandits are reported to have moved towards the Forgotten Plains. These plains are
only half a day’s march from here.

Late Afternoon Avril 3rd 103NA

We have arrived at the location the spies believed the bandits to be headed for. But
no sightings as yet; nor are there any campfires or other signs of military groups. I
believe the bandits have moved on. We must march through the night.

Evening Avril 3rd 103NA

Scouts report other banners in the area. I can only assume other Lords have arrived
to claim the King’s reward. If everyone has been led here then the girl cannot be

Dawn Avril 4th 103NA

The girl has been sighted! Strange? She is on her own and has only a few
possessions with her. The scouts believe the tavern owners’ were bribed by the
Princess to misinform and misdirect us. We moved quickly to where she was sighted
but found we were not the only ones that wished to claim her father’s reward. I am
hearing war horns from the opposite side of the Princess. I must don my armour and
alert the men. The battle for the Princess begins now.

David San-Briones (order #20777542)

Damsel in Distress Scenario

Deployment: Standard deployment. Princess/Damsel model is placed in the centre,

middle of the board.

Points: 1500.

Restrictions: Princess/Damsel cannot be targeted in shooting, melee or by magic.

She cannot be killed!

Road Maps: Road maps are not allowed for this scenario.

Winning Conditions

The aim is to rescue the damsel and claim the King’s reward.

To rescue the damsel your unit must be within 1” of the damsel and protect her
uncontested (not necessarily by the same unit) from the opposing player for two

A rescuing unit becomes contested if:

 an enemy unit is also within 1” of the damsel;

 the rescuing unit is in melee;
 the rescuing unit is running;
 the rescuing unit charges away from the damsel.

Players cannot push units through the Damsel model, they must go around her.

David San-Briones (order #20777542)

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