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High Precision Ri e Manufacturer

Anti-Material & Sniper Rifle


For Today’s Unconventional Battlefield
• GM6 Lynx is the most advance ANTI-MATERIAL and SNIPER RIFLE with the world’s first RECOIL
• GM6 Lynx is a revolutionary, unique new weapon combining light weight (10.5 kg empty weight) with
portability, mobility (transporting length 914mm - combat length 1114mm) and heavy fire power in calibres
12.7x99 mm NATO and/or 12.7x108 mm Russian (Both calibre in one rifle. It can be altered from NATO to
Russian calibre with the change of the barrel and magazine, no tools needed).
• To these features adds the ultra-low recoil (less, than that of a 12 gauge shotgun) and the unique
adjustable muzzle-break.
• The shooter can disembark and embark any vehicles (including normal cars, helicopters, APCs...) and the
rifle can be deployed with parachute units.
• Due to the special design of the rifle (bull-pup design combined with long recoil) it can be changed from
transport to combat position by the push of a button (including cocking and loading) within less than a
second, enabling the shooter to open fire immediately even in standing or kneeling positions.
• Anti-Material Capabilities
• Armoured Steel
• Light Structures (from 100 meters)
• Penetrates Thick Cement Blocks (250 mm thick)
• Penetrates Reinforced Walls (2mm steel then filled with10 mm of sand then final 8 mm of armour
• Vehicles
• Light utility jeeps
• Logistics vehicles
• Lightly armoured infantry vehicles
• Aircrafts
• Light aircraft
• Helicopters

• Sniper Capabilities
• One minute of angle accuracy
• Fast deployment ideal for convoy and urban environments
• Easily carry and shoot from helicopters

• Recoil barrel system acts like a

“artillery” howitzer barrel,
greatly reducing the firing recoil.
• Recoil of the rifle operation is
reduced by the “barrel recoil
reduction” system that is
proprietary to our rifle.
• Reduced recoil speeds up the
follow up 2nd and 3rd shots as
• Reduced recoil improves
accuracy of the rifle by lower
impact to the shooter’s shoulder.
From Standing • The shortened barrel carry mode
allows for the shooter to easily
walk, hike and run with the rifle.
• Upon identifying the target, the
shooter can employ the anti-
material & sniper rifle from
standing, kneeling and prone
• The rifles proprietary recoil system
allows for a shooter to keep
accurate shooting from standing
and kneeling unlike all other heavy
rifles of the modern world.
• Our rifle is truly the solutions for
todays mobile battlefield.

Quick transi ons


1,448mm Modern Rifle

• Smaller size in rifle
than standard HK G3
battle rifle.
• Allows for shooter to
1,023mm carry the rifle in Urban
areas, On Helicopters,
In Vehicles and or any
tight spaces.
(closed carry con ura on) • Accuracy surpasses
the current modern
914 mm
materials and sniper

(open re con ura on)

1,114 mm
G M 6 L yn x An t i- M a t e r ia l & S n ip e r R ifle

E m p t y w e ig h t : 1 0 ,5 k g

C o m b a t w e ig h t : 13 kg

F u ll ( c o m b a t ) le n g t h : 1114 m m

Length in portable state (barrel pushed in): 914 mm

L e n g t h o f b a r r e l: 730 mm

M u z z l e e n e r g y: 1 4 ,5 K j

M u z z l e ve l o c i t y: f r o m 7 8 0 m /s

E f f e c t i ve s h o o t i n g r a n g e : 2 0 00 m +

D e s ig n : B u llp u p

M a g a z in e : S t r a ig h t , 5 r o u n d

C a r t r id g e : 1 2 , 7 x 1 0 8 a n d /o r . 5 0 B r o w n i n g

A c c u r a c y: <1 M O A

O p e r a t io n : s e m i-a u t o m a t ic
Dispersion test from 100m
Ammo: Jaguar .50 special Day sight: Dedal DH 5-20x56

Accurate Small
Shot Group

2018 August
Hit from 1600m

Demo shoo ng and hit from 1600m

Accurate Small
Shot Group

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