Assignment 1

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From what I can gather by reading articles online, The Human Genome Project,

was an important exploration of human discovery, and uncovering of human DNA

that was previously unknown to mankind.

First, introduced by Gregor Mendel, in order to make it possible to learn more

about a human’s genetic code.

How have the results of the project impacted the treatment of genetic and congenital diseases?

I have read that a number of disease genes have been identified, greatly improving
and revealing different approaches to necessary therapy. A new type of mutation,
trinucleotide repeat expansion, has been found to be responsible for at least seven
diseases with an unusual inheritance pattern.

Provide at least three examples of new genetic techniques currently being used and the disease
conditions they are being used for.
Genetic techniques include all methods used to study genetic phenomena such as
heredity, variation and DNA structure and function.

Gene Therapy. Gene Therapy is an experimental technique that uses genes to treat
and/or prevent disease.
Gene Therapy is a promising treatment option for various diseases, it is risky and
study is still underway to be sure that it will be safe and effective.

Cystic fibrosis is caused by mutations in both copies of the cystic fibrosis

transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. Scientists are examining
whether it is possible to correct the mutations through a process called gene

Embryo Editing. Some carry a genetic mutation known to cause hypertrophic

cardiomyopathy. Now, an international team of scientists reports they have, for
the first time, figured out a way to successfully edit the DNA in human embryos
— without introducing the harmful mutations that were a problem in previous
attempts elsewhere.
Discuss one controversial issue surrounding any of the new techniques, the reason for the
controversy and what (if any) steps are being taken to reduce the controversy.

Not everyone is so sure about the groundbreaking experiment of Embryo editing.

Some have called it disturbing.
Marcy Darnovsky isn’t sure its being used the right way, stating in an article that if
used the right way, it could do a lot of good.
Shes directs a genetics watchdog group in california.
David King, who also works the head of genetics alert, voiced the concern that a
genetically modified baby could be born. Embryo Editing is solely for preventing
terrible diseases. So, that would be a widely undesirable outcome.

Nevertheless, the researchers say they're hopeful about continuing the work,
perhaps in Britain. The United Kingdom has permitted genetic engineering
involving human embryos forbidden in the United States.


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