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1. Regular expression is an important notation for specifying patterns.

Each pattern matches a set of strings, so regular

expressions serve as names for a set of strings. Programming language tokens can be described by regular languages. The
specification of regular expressions is an example of a recursive definition. Regular languages are easy to understand and
have efficient implementation.

2. a symbol table is a data structure used by a language translator such as a compiler or interpreter, where each identifier (or
symbol) in a program's source code is associated with information relating to its declaration or appearance in the source. In
other words, the entries of a symbol table store the information related to the entry's corresponding symbol.

3. UNIX, multiuser computer operating system. In the late 20th century UNIX was widely used for Internet servers,
workstations, and mainframe computers. The main features of UNIX were its simplicity, portability (the ability to run on
many different systems), multitasking and multiuser capabilities, extensive library of software, and hierarchical file system.

4. LEX: The lex tool (or the GNU tool, flex) uses a configuration file to generate C source core, which you can then use either
to make a standalone application, or you can use it within your own application. The configuration file defines the character
sequences you expect to find in the file that you want to parse, and what should happen when this sequence is discovered.
The format of the file is straightforward, you specify the input sequence and the result, separated by a space (or tab)

YACC: : The basic structure of the yacc grammar definition is to define the sequence of expected tokens. yacc is a language
parser. It accepts word items and, given a list of rules describing how these items form larger entities, deduces which items
or combinations of items satisfy a rule. This can also be thought of as grammatical analysis. Once a rule is satisfied, a
programmer's code is applied to t

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