Flip Out:: To Become Extremely Angry or To Lose Control of Yourself From Surprise or Shock

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Awesome(extremely good)
Goosebumps: nổi da gà
Booty: chiến lợi phẩm ( let’s kick some booty)
He flew : anh ấy đã bay
Incredible (adj) cực kì kinh ngạc (incredible story)
Aliens: nguoi ngoai hanh tinh
Try sth on: put sth on to see if the size is right
Changing room: a place where you try sth on
Cash desk: a place where you pay
When you decided to buy sth in the shop, you say “ I’ll take it/them”
If you decided not to buy sth, you say “ (no) I’ll leave it/them, thanks”
Lottery: the game where you buy tickets and can win money
A piece of chesse
A bar of chocolate
A tin of tuna
A can of beer

Flip out: to become extremely angry or to lose control of yourself

from surprise or shock: I nearly flipped out when she told me she
and David were getting married.
Last has different meaning:
+ final: the last train leaves at 11pm. (= there are no trains after 11pm)
+ most recent: my last train journey was two years ago
- Book/reserve a seat(travel)
- Book/ a room(in a hotel)
- Book/ a table (restaurant)
- Enormous/ɪˈnɔːrməs/ = extremely large
- 3000 kilometres long (3000kms from one end to the other)
- 3000 metres high(3000m from top to bottom………ex: a mountain is high not tall)
-east, west, south, north

- industrial(adj) /ɪnˈdʌstriəl/: having a lot of industry. E.g:making cars or

steel( thép)

-alone(adj) and lonely(adj) mean “ not with other people”

+if you are lonely(unhappy because you have no friends or people to talk to),
you aren’t happy about it.eg: she’s lonely ( she would like to have more

+if you are alone (without any other people) , you can be happy or
unhappy.eg: she likes living alone (not she likes living lonely)

-house and home:

+house means “a building for people to live in, usually for one family”

+home means “ the house or flat that you live in, especially with your family”
e.g: I will come back home (thiên về family)
I will buy a house.(thiên về vật chất, có thể thấy được)
- GET is a common verb in spoken english, we don’t use it a lot in formal written
- + arrive at: we get to London at 6am
- +receive: we didn’t get a visa
- +become: it’s getting hot in here
- +buy: I got this radio last month
- +obtain sth ( to get something, especially by making an effort) đạt được:
I have to get a job
- +travel by: Let’s get the bus

- We often use EVER (= at any time before now) in question in the present perfect
+Have you ever met John?
+Has your brother ever been to Cairo?
You can’t use alive, awake, asleep before a noun (the man is alive not an alive man- )
- PHONE verbs:
+ you call or bring someone
+you text someone = send someone a text (message). CUL8R=see you later
+you take a message = take information during a phone call and give it to
someone else
+you leave a message = give information to someone on the phone who then gives
it to someone else
- A waste of money: a bad way to use money ( also a waste of time)

- Apologize to someone: say sorry to someone

- That’s all right/ don’t worry/ it doesn’t matter/ never mind : these phrases all mean
“it’s not important/ it’s OK”

- If you lost something, you can’t find it

- Sorry I’m late not sorry for be late

- We use LET ME + verb when we really want to do something for someone

( Let me pay for lunch/ let me get the train tickets)
(let me give you a lift to the station = let me take you in my car)
- You just graduated from a wonderful university, so the world is your oyster!*
(*idiom: Bạn đang có rất nhiều cơ hội tốt trước mắt )
- Do you want me to answer that? Yes, please
- Shall I carry your bag? Ok, thanks.
- that’s very kind of you = it’s nice of you to do that ( bạn thật tử tế/ tốt bụng)
- Thanks or Thanks a lot are the most common ways of thanking someone in spoken
English. Thank you (very much) is more formal
- It isn’t very polite to say no to a suggestion in spoken English. It’s more polite to say,
I’M NOT SURE, or make another suggestion
(Shall we go out? –well, I’d prefer to stay in)
- Would you like to…..? is a little more polite than Do you want to….?
- +go out for a meal or a drink
- +I’d love to = I want to do it very much
- +that sounds lovely = I think that’s a lovely idea
- +that would be lovely = I would like to do it
- +I afraid I can’t = I’m sorry, (but) I can’t not I’m afraid but I can’t


+BORROW something (from someone): mượn của ai
If you borrow a pen from someone, you use their pen, then give it back
I borrowed a book from my sister.

+LEND somebody something: cho ai đó mượn

If you lend someone a pen, you give them your pen to use for a short time.
My sister lent me a book


You say go ahead or that’s fine when you give someone permission to do something
All right = ok
Do you mind if….= is it a problem for you if…?
(the answer “ No, go ahead” means “It’s not a problem”

- What’s wrong with England? = what’s the problem with England?

- Whose money is that? It’s mine (= It’s my money)
- Who does this bag belong to? It’s John ( the bag belongs to John)
NOT whose does this bag belong to?

See you then = at the time we agreed

See you later= the same day
See you soon = another day, e.g. next week
See you again = another time, but I’m not sure when
HAVE GOT TO DO = HAVE TO DO or MUST DO ( have got to is more informal)
 Formal : trang trọng
 Informal : không theo thủ tục quy định, không nghi thức, thân mật,..
Shake hands
I’m afraid not = I’m sorry, but no
Never mind = it isn’t important
Bọn Mỹ thường nói "What a shame!!!"/ that’s a shame với ý nghĩa như "What a pity!" (i.e. "thật
đáng tiếc") Nếu em muốn nói "thật đáng xấu hổ cho anh" thì dùng "Shame on you!" (sắc thái
kết tội rất mạnh) Còn nếu em muốn nói, "Tôi xấu hổ/ngượng quá" thì em có thể nói "How
embarrassing!!!" (sắc thái nhẹ hơn) Nếu quá xấu hổ hay nhục nhã, em có thể dùng một
expression tương đối fixed, kiểu như "I wish there was a hole I could just crawl into and
die/hide" (na ná như câu tiếng Việt: xấu hổ ko biết chui vào lỗ nào)

It’s absolutely beautiful, breathtaking, and quiet

-SEE a film at the cinema not WATCH a film at the cinema
-I think modern art is interesting means “ I’m interested in modern art”
Not I’m interesting in modern art
KEEP means “to put something in a place so that you know where it is”
Where do you keep your passport?
I keep it in abox under the bed

-SPEND TIME means to do something for a period of time:

+ I spend a lot of time travelling and working
+ I spend a week writing the report

- Have to do something = must do something

- Client/ˈklaɪənt/ : a person who uses the services or advice of a
professional person or organization: khách hàng

- Discuss something: talk about something

Not discuss about something
- Wages /weɪdʒ/: money you receive every week for the work that you do
- Salary /ˈsæləri/: money you receive every month for the work that you do

- TO LAST is to continue for a period of time

+ How long does the film last? – two hours
+The Master course lasts two years
- Take an exam = sit down and write your answers in the exam
- Pass an exam = take an exam and do well. E.g. grade A or 85%
- Fail an exam = tale an exam and do badly. E.g. grade D or 35%
(A.B.C PASS//////// D,E: FAIL)
- The children go to school at 5 (or at the end of 5) = children go to primary
school when they are five (years old)
 see means to notice or become aware of (someone or something) by using your eyes
 look means to direct your eyes in a particular direction
 watch means to look at (someone or something) for an amount of time and pay attention
to what is happening
 hear means to be aware of (sound) through the ear
 listen means to pay attention to someone or something in order to hear what is being said,
sung, played, etc

Now let's look at some example sentences using see, look, and watch:

 Janet sees the sun coming in through the window and knows it is morning. [=she notices the
sunlight with her eyes]
 Janet looks towards the window because she wants to know if it is morning yet. [=she directs
her attention towards the window]
 Janet watches the sun come up in the morning. [=she pays attention to the rising sun for a
period of time]
 Janet sees that the game is on TV but she does not watch it with her sister. [=she notices the
game on TV but she does not sit down and pay attention to it for a period of time]
 Look up there! Do you see that airplane? [=direct your attention up there; do you notice that

Now let's look at some example sentences using hear and listen:

 Anthony hears music coming from his neighbor's house. [=he notices the music with his ears]
 Anthony listens to music on his drive to work. [=he pays attention to the music coming from
the radio]
 The child hears his mother talking but he isn't listening to her. [=the child perceives the sound
of his mother's voice but he is not paying attention to what she is saying]
 We were listening for the sound of Amy's car in the driveway but we didn’t hear it. [=we were
paying attention with our ears to notice if Amy pulled her car in the driveway but we didn't
perceive that sound]

Use see and hear when you are talking about noticing something using the senses of sight and
sound. Use look, watch, and listen when you are talking about directing your attention to, paying
attention to, or focusing your mind on someone or something that is happening.
mvvbmvbm,up in a small town in the annex town of Thanh. Nguyen Quoc - my high school -
where I stayed and had great memories. I was really proud of the growing economy in my home,
the hospitable and friendly people. Especially in rural areas, crops are becoming popular, and
thanh long is a specialty fruit from my hometown recently. If you come to my place, I'll give you
a basket of bar long.

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