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maswavleblis wigni
dawyebiTi safexuris pirveli ucxouri enis ,,inglisuri enis V klasis
saxelmZRvanelo’’ Sedgenilia erovnuli saswavlo gegmiT gaTvaliswinebuli
ucxouri enis standartis moTxovnaTa Sesabamisad.

saxelmZRvanelo Sedgeba moswavlis wignis, moswavlis rveulis, maswavleblis
wignisa da kompaqt-diskisgan maswavlebelTaTvis (CD).
moswavlis wignSi mocemuli mravalferovani saxaliso masala warmodgenilia
feradi ilusrtaciebiT. leqsebi, teqstebi, dialogebi - garda oTxi zRaprisa:
Two little ducks, Cinderella, The clever son da Why the sea is salty - avtoriseulia.
moswavlis rveulSi mocemuli savarjiSoebi Sesaswavli masalis

– mosmena,
ganmtkicebisaTvis aris gankuTvnili. moswavlis rveulis bolos warmogenilia
3 Semajamebeli testi. moswavlis wignis aqtivobebi warmodgenilia Semdegi

– kiTxva, – savarjiSo

– daimaxsovre – simRera, – TamaSi.


redaqtori revaz SavlaZe

mxatvari Tea miqaia


dakabadoneba nugzar arCemaSvili

© c. burdilaZe-leJava


Sesavali 6
Sesatyvisoba erovnul saswavlo gegmasTan.
Sinaarsisa da miznebis matrica. V klasi 8
Sesatyvisoba erovnul saswavlo gegmasTan.

Sinaarsisa da miznebis matrica. VI klasi 13
saswavlo masalis wardgenis fazebi. 17
gakveTilis dagegmva. 18
sanimuSo gakveTilis scenari. 19
komentarebi moswavlis wignTan dakavSirebiT. 28

Sefasebis formebi da rekomendaciebi.
moswavlis wignis, moswavlis rveulis
savarjiSoebisa da testebis pasuxebi.


dawyebiTi safexuris pirveli ucxouri enis ,,inglisuri enis V klasis
saxelmZRvanelo’’erTiani erovnuli saswavlo gegmiT gaTvaliswinebuli ucxouri
enis standartis moTxovnaTa Sesabamisad aris Sedgenili. erTiani erovnuli
saswavlo gegmiT inglisuri enis swavla gaTvaliswinebulia eqvsi mimarTulebiT:
mosmena, kiTxva, wera, laparaki, kulturaTa dialogi da swavlis swavla.
saxelmZRvaneloSi warmodgenili masala mizanad isaxavs dawyebiTi safexuris
moswavleebs Seaswavlos inglisuri ena da ganuviTaros maT inglisur enaze mosmenis,
kiTxvis, werisa da laparakis, praqtikuli unar-Cvevebi. aseve miznad isaxavs wlis

bolos standartiT gaTvaliswineuli V klasis daZlevas.
saxelmZRvanelos meTodika da Tematika iTvaliswinebs mSobliuri qveynis
kulturis, msofliosa da Sesaswavli enis qveynebis kulturuli faseulobebis
gramatikuli sakiTxebisa da leqsikuri erTeulebis swavla xdeba aseve
praqtikuli unar-Cvevebis ganviTarebasTan erTad.
saxelmZRvaneloSi gaTvaliswinebulia moswavleTa interesebi, maTi gonebrivi

SesaZleblobani, asakobrivi Taviseburebani, dawyebiTi safexuris mesame donis, V
klasis ucxouri enis standartis Tanamedrove moTxovnebi, romlis Sesabamisad
dawyebiTi safexurze V klasSi ucxouri enis swavleba unda mimdinareobdes
xalisianad da SemoqmedebiTad. moswavlem unda SeZlos miRebuli codnis
praqtikaSi gamoyeneba, moswavlem unda Seiyvaros is ena da im qveynis kultura,
romlis enasac igi eufleba. swavlebis meTodikam unda gaiTvaliswinos moswavleTa
fsiqikuri ganviTarebis Taviseburebebi da gamoiyenos swavlebis Sesabamisi
xerxebi. saxelmZRvanelo Tavisi SinaarsiT SesaZleblobas aZlevs maswavleblebs
SemoqmedebiTad ganaviTaron swavlebis komunikaciuri da interaqciuli meTodebi.
dawyebiTi safexuris pirveli ucxouri enis ,,inglisuri enis V klasis
saxelmZRvanelo’’ Sedgeba 3 wignisa da kompaqt-diskisagan.
saxelmZRvanelo Semadgeneli nawilebia:
1. moswavlis wigni (Pupil’s Book);
2. moswavlis rveuli (Workbook);

3. maswavleblis wigni (Teacher’s Book);

4. kompaqt-diski maswavlebelTaTvis (CD).
moswavlis wigni
moswavlis wigni Sedgeba 25 Tematuri erTeulisagan (25 Units), maT Soris,
25-eTematuri erTeuli (Unit 25 - Revision), eTmoba naswavli masalis gameorebas.

moswavlis wignSi masala feradi ilustraciebiT aris gaformebuli. wigni moicavs

84 gverds. wigns Tan erTvis inglisur - qarTuli leqsikoni.
moswavlis wignSi warmodgenili saxaliso masalebi (leqsebi, simRerebi, martivi
dialogebi, enis gasatexebi, mcire zomis teqstebi, moTxrobebi, zRaprebi, TamaSebi,
da sxva), saSualebas aZlevs moswavles aiTvisos leqsika, mravalferovani enobrivi
struqtura. moswavles saSualeba eZleva xalisianad ivarjiSos rogorc enobriv
unar-Cvevebze (mosmena, kiTxva, wera, laparaki), ise enobriv struqturaze (leqsika,
gramatika) calkeuli savarjiSoebi da aqtivobebi sruldeba individualurad,
gundurad (mcire jgufebad) an mewyvilesTan erTad.
moswavlis wignSi TiToeuli aqtivoba (savarjiSo) warmodgenilia pirobiTi
niSnebiT: mousmineT, isaubreT, waikiTxeT, dawereT, imRereT, iTamaSeT.
moswavlis wignSi mocemuli savarjiSoebis pasuxebi ixileT maswavleblis

moswavlis rveuli
moswavlis rveulSi warmodgenili 24 Tematuri erTeulis savarjiSoebi da
aqtivobebi, Sesatyviseba moswavlis wignSi mocemul masalas. wigni 113 gverds
moicavs. masSi warmodgenili savarjiSoebi, moswavleebs saSualebas miscems
damoukidebelad Seasrulon saSinao davalebebi, srulyon rogorc leqsikuri,
aseve enobriv-gramatikuli unar-Cvevebi.
moswavlis rveuli Sedgeba sxvadasxva saxis savarjiSosa (daasrule
winadadebebi, Seusabame, daalage winadadebebi logikuri TanmimdevrobiT da sxva)
da mosmenis aqtivobisagan (moismine da gaimeore, moismine da Tqvi, moismine da

aRniSne, moismine da daimaxsovre da sxva), romelic maswavleblis winaswari axsna-
ganmartebiT moswavleebma audioCanaweris gamoyenebiT saxlSi unda Seasrulos.
moswavlis rveulSi yoveli Tematuri erTeulis (unit) dasrulebis Semdeg
mocemulia rgolebi (My work is...), romlebSic moswavle garkveuli qulebiT afasebs
mis codnas,xolo maswavlebeli (My teacher says...) moswavles Sesrulebuli samuSaos
Sesabamisadafasebs. aseve yoveli rva gakveTilis Semdeg mocemulia (self-assessment)
TviTSefasebisa da (joint-assesment) TanaSefasebis sqemebi, romlebsac moswavle da
maswavlebeliavseben. kiTxvars moswavleebi damoukideblad pasuxoben, Sedegebi

ki gansazRvravs, Tu ra codnas miaRwies, ra uWirT an ra ician. TviTSefasebis
kiTxvaris sistematuri gamoyeneba da Sedegis maswavlebelTan ganxilva moswavles
mocemuli masalis codnas ganumtkicebs.
maswavlebelma sistematurad unda Seamowmos ramdenad emTxveva moswavlis
TviTSefaseba realur mdgomareobas. wignis bolos mocemulia Progress Tests,
romelic sami testisgan Sedgeba. TiToeuli testi moicavs rva Tematur erTeuls
(moswavlis Semajamebeli SefasebisaTvis).
moswavlis rveulSi mocemuli savarjiSoebisa da testebis pasuxebi ixileT
maswavleblis wignSi.
maswavleblis wigni
maswavleblis wignSi warmodgenilia: Sesavali, dawyebiTi safexuris mesame donis,
Sinaarsisa da miznebis matrica, saswavlo masalis wardgenis fazebi, gakveTilis
dagegmva, sanimuSo gakveTilis scenari, detaluri komentarebi moswavlis wignTan
dakavSirebiT, Sefasebis formebi da rekomendaciebi, savarjiSoebi da testebis
pasuxebi. wignis moculoba 42 gverdia. TiToeuli Tematuri erTeulis (unit)

aTvisebas ZiriTadad 4-5 akademiuri saaTi unda daeTmos.

maswavlebelma gakveTili wignSi warmodgenili standartis Sesabamisad unda
dagegmos. wignSi me-16 Temis (unit 16- Jobs) magaliTze warmodgenilia sanimuSo
gakveTilis Sinaarsi, romelSic meToduri rekomendaciebia mocemuli. me-16 Temis
(Jobs) sanimuSo scenari, romelic maswavlebels sxva danarCeni gakveTilebis
dagegmvaSi daexmareba.

gakveTili Sedgeba Semdegi nawilebisgan: mosmena, kiTxva, wera, laparaki.

TiToeul gakveTilSi mocemuli leqsikuri da gramatikuli masala xels Seuwyobs
oTxive nawilis enobrivi unar-Cvevebis ganviTarebas. aseve, xels Seuwyobs enobrivi
sistemebis swavleba - ganmtkicebas.
saxelmZRvaneloSi gamoyenebuli meTodika individualur, gundur da wyvilebad
muSaobis unar-Cvevebis gamomuSavebas iTvaliswinebs, rac gulisxmobs saswavlo
wlis bolos moswavleebis mier evrostandartis A2 donis aTvisebasa da daZlevas.
maswavlebelma, wignSi mocemuli savarjiSoebis Sesruleba, SesaZloa
moswavleebs saxlSi Sesasruleblad daavalos (Tu gakveTilisTvis gankuTvnili
dro sakmarisi ar iqneba), magram moswavleebs aRniSnul savarjiSosTan
dakavSirebiT axsna-ganmarteba unda mieceT.
aqvea mocemuli indikatorebi (maCveneblebi), romlebic gviCvenebs, miaRwies
Tu ara moswavleebma sasurvel Sedegs.

saxelmZRvanelos Sesatyvisoba erovnul saswavlo gegmasTan
V klasis Sinaarsisa da miznebis matrica
kvireuli saaTi _ 3, wliuri _ 105

gakveTilis swavlis Sede-

enobrivi leqsika,
sT. gramatika gebi da indika-
saTauri konstruq­ciebi
letter, address, hate, (Revision): ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4

trainer, glasses, meet, Present simple. ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
necessary, wait, send, Verb+gerund: 9,10
Unit Giorgi’s middle-sized, author, I like reading. ucx. I.(II).11, 12
3 favourite, near, mind, I hate counting. ucx. I.(II).13, 14
1 letter
series, today, wear, I don’t mind spelling.
live, language. He/She likes playing.
See you soon.
holidays, healthy, sun- (Revision): ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4

burnt, city, club,
spend, mountain,
village, seaside, aunt,
cafeteria, adventure,
library, bunch, ready,
break, place, desert.
Past simple.

Indefinite pronouns:
somebody, anybody,
ucx. I.(II).11, 12
ucx. I.(II).13, 14

Hello everybody! Quite

well. What a pity.
quarter, start, end, mu- (Revision): this-that, ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
seum, light, strike, these-those. Present ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
lunch, shower, centre, passive: 9,10
tower, landmark, past, is closed, is built. ucx. I.(II).11, 12
ucx. I.(II).13, 14
Unit What complex, high, Clock time: past,
3 time? 4 service, include, quarter, to.
station. Prepositons of time:

My watch is slow/fast. at+time; in+ year;

Don’t worry. Not at all. on+day.
That’s so kind of you.
fish, turtle, frog, flat, (Revision): ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
crocodile, dolphin, Present simple. ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,

shark, duck, penguin, (Revision): Indefinite 9,10

shell, sea, beak, jaw, pronouns: ucx. I.(II).11, 12
ucx. I.(II).13, 14
They live sharp, wide, seal, some, any, no.
Unit nest, rabbit, hole, (Revision): Prepo-
in the 5
4 ocean. sitions of direction:
Now I see. into, out of.
If you please. (Revision):
I’m afraid of….. Adjectives: fat, sharp,
wide, flat.

January, February, (Revision): Compera- ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
March, April, May, tives: adjective+er; ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
June, July, August, +est: warmer, warm- 9,10
September, October, est. ucx. I.(II).11, 12
Unit Novemer, December, good, better, best; ucx. I.(II).13, 14
the 4
5 month, date, orchard, bad, worse, worst;
vine, celebrate, ripe, many-much, more,
yard, agree, grapes. most. (Revision):
What’s the date? Ordinal numbers.
north, south, east, Directions: north,

Georgia, west, earth, compass, south, east, west; ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
direction, cross, state, northern, southern, 9,10
Unit the UK district, range, bridge, eastern, western. ucx. I.(II).11, 12
6 5 ucx. I.(II).13, 14
and the coast, church, resort, Which part…?
USA cliff, world.
In short. That’s why.
ache, allergic, flu, (Revision): ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
headache, earache, have got: ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,

Are you
healthy? 4
toothache, backache
dust, stomach-ache,
pill, handkerchief,
medicine, dentist,
care, need, X-ray,
wealthy, drop, cough,
I have got ……
He/she has got…..
Modal: must.
Why?... Because…
What do you need? I
ucx. I.(II).11, 12
ucx. I.(II).13, 14

chemist, temperature. What does he/

At the same time. she need? He/She
What’s the matter with needs…
you? I’d love to.
computer, project, (Revision): Cardinal ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
programme, glue, im- Numbers 10 – 100. ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
portant, scissors, infor- (Revision): 9,10
mation, paper, photo, can /can’t. ucx. I.(II).11, 12
Can you ucx. I.(II).13, 14
plan, camera, nowa- Prepositions of direc-

Unit use a
3 days, office, labora- tion: up, down.
8 comput-
tory, factory, (Revision): How
bank, hospital, stick, many / How much;
type. countables and
How stupid you are. uncountables:
Leave me alone. a lot of…….

wardroab, cupboard, (Revision): ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4

bedside, ashtray, car- There is/There are. ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
pet, mirror, mug, Modal verb: 9,10
curtain, cooker, bin, may / mustn’t. ucx. I.(II).11, 12
ucx. I.(II).13, 14
sausepan, washbasin, Prepositions of
Unit This is bath, plant, middle, place: between,
9 our flat 4 left, right, among, among, opposite, in
between. On the front of;
ground / first floor Which+noun.
(in England); on the
first/ second floor
(in Georgia).
On the left/right.

cinder, stepmother, Past simple of regu- ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
stepsister, daughter, lar and ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
rag, widow, young, irregular verbs. 9,10
nickname, comfort, Synonyms and ucx. I.(II).11, 12
Unit marry, clumsy, ugly, antonyms. ucx. I.(II).13, 14
4 sigh, ball, palace,
10 dare, silk, scrub.
(Part I)
Once upon a time.
That is how…
What about me?

Cinder- godmother, mice, Modal: ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
ella pumpkin, coach, Plural of nouns: ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
coachman, burst, mouse-mice; 9,10
(Part II) amazing, suddenly, caochman- ucx. I.(II).11, 12
4 ucx. I.(II).13, 14
11 midnight, slipper. coachmen;
In a moment. foot -feet.
At that time.
maiden, prince, fair, Modal verb:

(Part III)
minister, tiny, sound,
stair, fast, gold, only.
Let me try it on.
What does it matter?
He was in love with
fair, tiny.
ucx. I.(II).11, 12
ucx. I.(II).13, 14

chips, rice, salad, Past simple of ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4

roast, toast, sausage, have: had ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
appetite, mashed, res- I had salad for din- 9,10
taurant, slice, tray, ner. ucx. I.(II).11, 12
Unit We had
ucx. I.(II).13, 14
chips for 4 diet, upstairs, voice, He/She had chips for
13 lunch low, sleepy, knock, lunch.
carefully, kebab. Prepositions:
How strange. for, of.

Lay the table.

news, quiz, cartoon, (Revision):
serial, space, wave, Present Simple: ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
cinema, channel, mag- I like….. I hate….. 9,10
azine, comedy, dem- I don’t mind….. ucx. I.(II).11, 12
Unit What’s onstration, own, I dislike…. ucx. I.(II).13, 14

on TV? 4 classical, different, Prepositions:

14 cameraman, horror, for, about.
musical, information. What’s on TV?
What’s on channel
one? As for me.
statue, jewellery, vase, (Revision): ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
painting, bone, Past simple of be: ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
sculpture, object, trea- was / were. 9,10
Unit We were sure, skeleton, Comperatives: ucx. I.(II).11, 12
at the ucx. I.(II).13, 14
4 gobelin, stone, silver, more+adjective.
15 museum expensive, together, Superlatives: the
excavate, carve, most+adjective.
ceramics, ancient. Past passive:
It was founded.

businessman, driver, (Revision): ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
policeman, postman, Present simple. ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
fireman, artist, poet, What are you? 9,10
secretary, customer, What do you do? ucx. I.(II).11, 12
Unit ucx. I.(II).13, 14
shop assistant, soldier, What’s your job?
Jobs 4 farmer, musician, coin, Past continuous:
16 fighter, brave, trading, I was working.
exellent,poet, He/She was crying.
leather, traiding, They were running.

athletics, running, (Revision): ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
jumping, skating, I am good at…. ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
snowboarding, skiing, He/She is good at.. 9,10
sledding / sledging We are good at… ucx. I.(II).11, 12
ucx. I.(II).13, 14
sledge, gymnastics, a pair of….
What’s event, pair, mitten, Adjectives:
Unit your fa-
4 helmet, pole, anorak, dry, wet.
17 vourite thick, thin, swan, knot, Adverbs of frequen-

hero, pain, winner,
neighbour, thin, thick,
apologize, harm.
What’s your favourite?
cy: always, usually,
often, sometimes,

baker, baker’s, cost, (Revision):

chemist, chemist’s, How many….? ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
butcher, butcher’s, How much….? ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
greengrocer, green- Where…..? 9,10
They ucx. I.(II).11, 12
Unit went grocer’s, hotel, road, How much did it
ucx. I.(II).13, 14
4 florist, florist’s, straw, cost?
18 shop- avenue, seashell, son, How much was it?
ping seashore, narrator, fill, How much were
feather, match, find they?

out, candle, reward.

This time.
king, pheasant, kill, Past passive: ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
enemy, century, fre- It was taken. ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
quently, cathedral, Was it taken? 9,10
Unit balcony, conquer, It wasn’t taken. ucx. I.(II).11, 12
Tbilisi 4

ucx. I.(II).13, 14
19 gallary, suburb, drop, Adverbs of manner:
enemy, church, old- slowly, loudly, quickly,
fationed, square, etc.
valley. Never mind. Preposition: by.
theatre, dock, lady, Prepositions of place: ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
heart, straight, tourist, near, far, behind, ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
borough, apartment, next to, above, over. 9,10
narrow, wax, giant, ucx. I.(II).11, 12
Unit ucx. I.(II).13, 14
London 4 column, fountain,
20 pigeon, popular, view,
delightful, wheel,
observation, pool.

fog, foggy, mild, raw, (Revision): Word ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
climate, seldom, building of adjectives: ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
island, conversation, fog – foggy; 9,10
evegreen, generally, sun – sunny; ucx. I.(II).11, 12
Unit same, without, keep. rain – rainy. ucx. I.(II).13, 14
Weather 4 The same kind of… What’s the weather
For a long time. like today?
All the year round. It’s hot today.
It’s foggy. It snows.
Adverb: nowhere.

salt-grinder, beard, (Revision):
dwarf, sheet, deep, Why?... Because… ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
handstand, mean, Prepositions:
Why the trudge, greedy, ham, through, with. ucx. I.(II).11, 12
Unit sea is cartwheel, below, Adverbs of degree: ucx. I.(II).13, 14
salty 5 through, trust, notice, nearly, hardly, very.
22 disappear, salty, mill,
(Part I) deep, seem, grind.

For money. Why on
earth would I? Three
times. Once a year.
wife, husband, life,
barely, delicious,
cheap, complain,
Adverbs of degree:
barely, proudly.

ucx. I.(II).11, 12
Why the proudly, jealous, conjunctions:
ucx. I.(II).13, 14
Unit sea is turkey, excited, and, but, or, etc.
salty 5 puzzle. How lovely. Subordinating
23 They did their best. conjunctions: that,
(Part II) Work hard. They barly as … as, until, if,
made ends meet. Give because, as…as:
a kiss. Any longer; no She was as kind as
longer. her husband.
steal, sail, valuable, What happened? ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4

enough, sink, drown, (Revision): many, ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,

sack, shout, stupid. much. 9,10
Why the ucx. I.(II).11, 12
Unit sea is The grinder carried on Adverbs of degree:
ucx. I.(II).13, 14
salty 5 and on. enough, too.
24 Who is it? It’s me (him, (Revision):
(Part III) her) Imperativs: possitive
and nagative.

Revi- decide, unknown, (Revision): ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4

sion: promise, quite; Irregular verbs. ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
Mike’s to hand; pudding, invi- 9,10
letter; tation; donkey. ucx. I.(II).11, 12
Cinder- ucx. I.(II).13, 14
Unit ella
(play); 4
25 Picture

Test I; sami trimestris gan-
3 Test II; mavlobaSi
tests: moswavle asrulebs 3
Test III;
tests, azustebs
codnis dones.

VI klasi

gakveTilis swavlis Sede-

enobrivi leqsika,

sT. gramatika gebi da indika-
saTauri konstruq­ciebi
letter, address, hate, (Revision): ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
trainer, glasses, meet, Present simple. ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
necessary, wait, send, Verb+gerund: 9,10
Unit middle-sized, author, I like reading. ucx. I.(II).11, 12
3 favourite, near, mind, I hate counting. ucx. I.(II).13, 14
1 letter
series, today, wear, I don’t mind spelling.
live, language. He/She likes play-

2 Internet 5
See you soon.
I was born, fortnight,
acquent, foreign,
introduce, slim,
Greece, Spain,Italy
Modal: (Revision):
can – to be able to,
must – to have to,
may-to be allowed
ucx. I.(II).11, 12
ucx. I.(II).13, 14
suitcase, sandals, (Revision): ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
At the pads, sunglasses, Present simple, ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
Unit black roller-skat es, present continuous. 9,10
3 4
sea windserfer ucx. I.(II).11, 12
coast ucx. I.(II).13, 14
It takes him to get Revision): this-that, ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
We are there;go by car, tram; these-those. ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
at the favourite, subject, reg- possessives: mine, 9,10

Unit English ucx. I.(II).11, 12

5 ister, quietly, in twos, yours, his, hers,
4 lesson ucx. I.(II).13, 14
to record,laugh, ours, theirs
clear,slower, choice,

whisper, fat, soap, wish, I wish I were a ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4

lonely, far away, swallow, singer ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,

Unit suddenly, through 9,10

5 magic 5 ucx. I.(II).11, 12
tree ucx. I.(II).13, 14

celebrate, dedicate, Present passive: ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4

outdoor, feast, ex- Active voice: ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
hibition, develop- is/are washed 9,10
ment, devote, noble, Past passive: ucx. I.(II).11, 12
Unit statesman, renovate, was/ were washed. ucx. I.(II).13, 14
5 to present, genius,
6 ba
award, mother tongue
, craf fair,raft,
contempopary, honor-
ary, citizen,

pineapple, lettuce, (Revision): ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
maize, cauliflower, How many….? ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
aubergine,n rast, How much….? 9,10
turkey, corn, dream Where…..? ucx. I.(II).11, 12
Unit Thanks- ucx. I.(II).13, 14
giving 5 catcher, How much did it
7 tread, bead, wrap, cost?
stripe, web How much was it?
How much were

silly, wade, drown, Indefinite pronouns: ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
The six deep, miss, no, nobody, none, ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
Unit traveller (BrE.), none of… no one, 9,10
8 sillies 4 ucx. I.(II).11, 12
(part I) traveler (AmE.) nothing.
ucx. I.(II).13, 14
Who’s missing?
forget, wizard, mean, Indefinite pronouns: ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
Unit The six solve problem, no, nobody, none, ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
sillies 4 ride away, wrong, none of… no one, 9,10
(part I)

How could that be

pine tree, spruce tree,

oak tree, lime tree,
beech tree, reed, force
deer,wild boar, snail

Special questions:
who, what, whete,
who(m), how,
How long did you
ucx. I.(II).11, 12
ucx. I.(II).13, 14
ucx. I.(II).11, 12
ucx. I.(II).13, 14
squirrel, lizard, plant, travel?
Unit In the harsh,damp, swamp,
10 4 no value, dangerous,
stem, swiftly, bend,
pull off, yoke, reply,
log, rafter, cradle,
fear, juddge,
I want do smth.
blueberry, cranberry to be going to ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4

What are blackberry, raspberry ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,

unit strawberry, tracksuit. 9,10
you go-
11 4 we; lington, safe, ucx. I.(II).11, 12
ing ucx. I.(II).13, 14
to do? goody, sauce, deli-
weapon, pottery, hut, Passive voice: ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4

sword, iron, eool, Something is made ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,

arrival, humans, of smth. 9,10
Stone, Bronze, Iron ucx. I.(II).11, 12
unit The his- Ages, thatcg, roof, ucx. I.(II).13, 14
12 tory 5 conquer, century, tribe,
of Britain departure,
invesion, kingdom,
several, settler,invade
powerful, state, united.
bagpipe, tartan, kilt, Indefinite pronoun ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
barlay, cock-a-liik, one (ones) ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
unit prune, castle, salmon, 9,10
13 Scotland 5
loch, tune, wool, broth, ucx. I.(II).11, 12
ucx. I.(II).13, 14

half (of), one third (of), Fractional numbers ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
unit two thirds, one quarter ½, 1/3, 2/3, ¼, ¾ ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
14 Ireland 5 (of), island, found, 9,10
priest, slave, bishop ucx. I.(II).11, 12
ucx. I.(II).13, 14
bulb, wreath, mistle- Relative pronouns: ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
toe, stocking, popcorn, who, who(m), ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
unit Christ- chimney, cheer, nut, whose, what, 9,10
15 4
mas carol, pudding, host, which, that. ucx. I.(II).11, 12
ucx. I.(II).13, 14
pork, congratulate,

ancient, express, spir- Reflexives and ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
it, lover, firework, emphatics: myself, ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
unit Valen- exciting, commercial, yourself, himself,
16 3 9,10
tine’ Day creat, produce, sand herself, ourselves, ucx. I.(II).11, 12
themselves ucx. I.(II).13, 14
fellow, called, fortune, Conditional I ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
sieve, well, oatcake, If it is cold we’ll stay ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
clay, carry, stupid, at home. 9,10
Jock and
his bag-
(part I)
dish, seek, bake,
feather, enough,
housekeeper, sweep,
ash, keep, hare, hang,
ucx. I.(II).11, 12
ucx. I.(II).13, 14

clog, go away, piece, Questions: general, ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4

Jock and
unit pull, wing, marry, special, disjunctive, ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
his bag-
18 4 leave-left, arm, ever alternative. 9,10
after. ucx. I.(II).11, 12
(part II ucx. I.(II).13, 14
extra, day off, almost, Quantifiers: other,
believe, worship, spe- others, the others. ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
cial, \jewish, Hindus, 9,10
unit shape, size, fill, cream, ucx. I.(II).11, 12
19 Easter 4 ucx. I.(II).13, 14
hardboil, race, rill

down, beat, wineer,

unit Have 4 triangle, circle, cross, Present perfect: ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
20 you ever heart, star, square, I have never been ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
been to dot, flower, line, cen- to London. 9,10
Mtskhe- tre, religious, accept, ucx. I.(II).11, 12

ucx. I.(II).13, 14
ta? confluence, to move,
defend, invader, serve,
monument, fortress,
to be found, acropolis,
significiant, dating,

1. selling, adventure, Revision all learnt ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
marriage, success, gramatical rules. ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
scary, doorknocker, 9,10
frightencellar, lock, ucx. I.(II).11, 12
ucx. I.(II).13, 14
boarding school,
naughty, real, pain
angry with smb.
2.educator, major,
fairy, fiction, defense,
recognize, throw,

handful, attendant,
beg, bag pardon,
unit Reading
5 refuse, turban, dowry,
21 books battle, raging, valley,
side by side, brave
winning, bestselling,
translate, lead, win,

husband, dinosaur,
whisk, cave, ninja,
secret, evil, warior,
earthquake, safety,
surround, escape,
terrify , bury, treasure.

diamond, emerald, Past perfect: ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4

The ruby, pearl, sapphire Tim said that ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
unit story to he had finished 9,10
22 4
remem- writing. ucx. I.(II).11, 12
ber ucx. I.(II).13, 14

shoemaker, honest, Present perfect

leather, don’t worry, continuous tense: ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
to place, sew, prayer, I have been play-

the peacefully, imagine, ing the piano since 9,10
shoe- astonish, turn, fault, morning. ucx. I.(II).11, 12
unit maker examine, perfectly, ucx. I.(II).13, 14
23 4
and the craftsman, midnight,
elves silent, price, customer,
(part I) pay, workmanship,

pleased, appreciate,
to be good to smb.
agree, cut, strike,nake Past perfect ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
the hammer, nimble, continuous tense: ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
stitch, royalty, set, I had been playing 9,10
shoe- ucx. I.(II).11, 12
unit maker diappear, grateful, tyke football since my
4 ucx. I.(II).13, 14
24 and the childhood.
elves suffixes: er, ist,
(part II) i(an), dom, ish,
ness, y, able, ly, en.

Revision merrily, bow, throne, ucx.I.(II).1,2,3,4
The big- strange, proud, polish, ucx.I.(II).,5,6,7,8,
gest backwards, sow, 9,10
2 ucx. I.(II).11, 12
pumpkin Don’t mention it.
ucx. I.(II).13, 14
in the

saswavlo masalis wardgenis fazebi

maswavlebelma TiToeuli gakveTilis dagegmvisas unda gaiTvaliswinos
saswavlo masalis fazebis Tanmimdevroba, raSic saxelmZRvanelos struqturac
daexmareba. TiToeul TemaSi (unit) savarjiSoebis Tanmimdevroba saswavlo masalis
wardgenis fazebs emTxveva. es fazebi Semdegia:
1. motivacia / momzadeba.
saxelmZRvanelos TiToeul Tematur erTeulSi (unit) mocemulia saswavlo
masala, romelSic warmodgenilia mosmenis, kiTxvisa, werias da laparakis aqtivobebi
da savarjiSoebi, romelTa Sinaarsi advilad gasagebi, saintereso da saxalisoa.

imisaTvis, rom moswavleebi yoveli axali Temis SeswavliT dainteresdnen da
gaezardoT mocemuli masalis gacnobisa da aTvisebis motivacia, saWiroa mosasmeni
Temis garSemo mokle saubris Catareba. es faza unda moicavdes gakveTilis 2-3
2. sakiTxis dasma / davalebis gansazRvra.
sakiTxis dasma da davalebis gansazRvra gulisxmobs TiToeuli aqtivobisa Tu
savarjiSos interaqciis gacnobas da imis garkvevas, Tu ra moeTxoveba moswavles.
sawyis etapze maswavlebeli moswavles nimuSis CvenebiT uxsnis, Tu rogor unda
Seasrulos esa Tu is savarjiSo. Zalian mniSvnelovania, rom moswavlem SeZlos
instruqciis maswavleblisgan damoukideblad gageba da davalebis sworad
gansazRvra. gakveTilis es faza 2-3 wuTze meti ar unda grZeldebodes.
3. ZiriTadi saswavlo masala.
saxelmZRvaneloSi saswavlo masala mosmenis, kiTxvisa, werisa da laparakis

aqtivobebiTa da savarjiSoebiT aris warmodgenili, romelic moswavles

gauadvilebs advilad gaigos Sesaswavli Temis Sinaarsi. aseve ganuviTardes
praqtikuli unar-Cvevebi. gakveTilis drois 60-70% eTmoba mosmenisa da kiTxvis
aqtivobebs. fazis am nawilSi moswavlebi reagireben maswavleblis miTiTebebsa
da savarjiSoebis instruqciebze; saTauris, ilustraciiebis safuZvelze
gamoTqvamen varauds Sinaarsis Sesaxeb; cdiloben ucnobi sityvebis, gamoTqmebis,

winadadebebis mniSvnelobis, konkretuli informaciis damoukideblad amocnobas;

kiTxuloben mosmenisas damuSavebul teqsts, axsna-ganmartebiTi xasiaTis teqstebs,
instruqciebs; kiTxuloben da igeben SemecnebiTi xasiaTis ilustrirebul teqstebs;
floben xmamaRali kiTxvis unar-Cvevebs; amoicnoben sxvadasxva tipis martivi
teqstis struqturul da enobriv maxasiaTeblebs. xolo drois 30-40% eTmoba
fazis momdevno nawils weriT da laparakis masalas. weriT nawilSi moswavleebi
damxmare saSualebebze dayrdnobiT qmnian mikro-teqsqebs; icaven werilobiTi
teqstis struqturas, iZenen elementarul enobriv-gramatikul unar-Cvevebs da
cdiloben funqciurad gamoiyenon isini; mimarTaven weriT strategiebs. fazis
im nawils, romelic laparaks exeba, moswavleebi floben metyvelebis aucilebel
unar-Cvevebs; monawileoben martiv in- teraqciaSi. zepirad kiTxuloben leqsebs,
enis gasatexebs, asruleben simRerebs; gaiTanaSeben martiv dialogebsa da scenebs.
gakveTilis am fazaSi moswavleebi varjiSoben axali leqsikuri da gramatikuli
masalis aTvisebisa da ganmtkicebis mizniT. ZiriTad saswavlo masalaze muSaobis
dros maswavlebeli asworebs Secdomebs da xelaxla ganmartavs masalas.

maswavlebeli mxolod mas Semdeg gadadis momdevno davalebaze, roca darwmundeba,
rom ZiriTadi masala gaigo da daZlia moswavleTa umetesobam. aRniSnuli fazis
dasasruls moswavleebma maswavleblis daxmarebis gareSe unda SeZlon naswavli
masalis gamoyeneba, werisa da laparakis aqtivobebSi da elementarul realur
cxovrebiseul situaciebSi.
4. mocemul etapze Sesasrulebeli samuSaoebis (mag.,SeusabameT sityvebi/
winadadebebi suraTebs, moismineT da upasuxeT da dawereT diax/ara. waikiTxeT da
SemoxazeT swori/ araswori, da a.S.) meSveobiT, moswavleebi ecnobian da euflebian
axal masalas ris Sedegadac maT uviTardebaT mosmenis, kiTxvis, werisa da laparakis

5. bolo etapze Sesasrulebeli savarjiSoebi iseTi savarjiSoebia, rodesac
moswavle naswavl masalas praqtikulad iyenebs zepiri an weriTi komunikaciisaTvis.
am etapze moswavle ZiriTadi leqsikuri da gramatikuli masalis gamoyenebiT
mcire zomis dialogs, teqsts damoukideblad warmoadgens da maswavlebels,
Tanagundels, mewyviles SekiTxvebze swor pasuxs iZleva. gakveTilis am fazaze
maswavlebeli arkvevs ramdenad SeZles moswavleebma axali masalis aTviseba.
6. damoukidebeli samuSao.

damoukidebeli samuSao gulisxmobs saSinao davalebis micemas. amisaTvis
ki saTanado baza gakveTilis bolo etapze unda momzaddes. moswavleebs saxlSi
damoukidebeli muSaobisaTvis eZlevaT samuSao wignSi mocemuli savarjiSoebi
(Tumca maswavleblis Sexedulebisamebr SeiZleba zogierTi savarjiSos gakveTilzec
Sesruleba), romlebic xels uwyobs saxelmZRvaneloSi mocemuli axali masalis
xalisianad Seswavla-ganmtkicebas.
saswavlo masalis wardgenis fazebis Tanmimdevroba SemoqmedebiTma
maswavlebelma SeiZleba Secvalos, mocemul gakveTilze situaciis gaTvaliswinebiT.
aseve saintereso iqneba, Tu moswavleebi SeZleben sakuTari savarjiSoebebisa da
aqtivobebis meSveobiT Seqmnan axal resursebi. es ki xels Seuwyobs moswavleTa
Tavisufali azrovnebis unar-Cvevebis Camoyalibebas, sakuTari codnis donis
gakveTilis dagegmva

gakveTilis dagegmvis zogadi da aucilebeli kriteriumebia:

1. gakveTilis mizani/miznebi;
2. aqtivobebi;
3. moswavlis organizeba;
4. drois ganawileba;

5. resursebi;
6. Semowmebis formebi.
yoveli gakveTili individualuri da SemoqmedebiTia. gakveTilis sanimuSo
sqemis praqtikuli ganxorcieleba xdeba gakveTilis masalis specifikidan
gamomdinare. amdenad maswavlebels SeuZlia Secvalos gakveTilis gegmis
Tanmimdevroba mocemul gakveTilze situaciis gaTvaliswinebiT.
me-16 Temis, (unit 16, Jobs) magaliTze warmogidgenT gakveTilis dagegmvis
sqemas. analogiurad aigeba sxva gakveTilebis gegmac.

sanimuSo gakveTilis scenari
sanimuSo gakveTilis scenari warmodgenilia me-16 Temis (unit 16 – Jobs)
magaliTze, romelSic meToduri rekomendaciebia mocemuli gakveTilis TiToeul
struqturul elementTan dakavSirebiT.
mocemuli Tema gaTvlilia 5 akademiur saaTze, vinaidan mocemul TemaSi
warmodgenilia moswavleTaTvis sruliad axali gramatikuli erTeuli, namyo
gangrZobiTi dro (Past continuous tense). 4 akademiuri saaTi eTmoba moswavlis
wigns (klasSi samuSao masalas), xolo 1 akademiuri saaTi-samuSao rveuls (saxlSi
samuSao masalas).

moswavlis wignSi mocemuli Tema samuSao, samsaxuri - Jobs, 5 akademiur saaTze
Semdegnairad SeiZleba ganawildes: 1 akademiuri saaTi – 1-4 aqtivobebs, da 4a -
xumrobas (Joke), romelic kargi, saxaliso nimuSia zemoT aRniSnuli gramatikuli
masalisa; me-2 akademiuri saaTi –me-5 aqtivobas - SemecnebiTi xasiaTis teqstsa
da 6-7-8 - savarjiSoebs; me-3 akademiuri saaTi – me-9 savarjiSosa da me-10
aqtivobas - gamocanis (Guess the riddle) teqstze muSaobas; me-4 akademiuri saaTi
– me-11 aqtivobas - TamaSsa da me-11a - informaciuli teqstis gacnobas.
maswavlebels, mocemuli sqemis Secvla SeuZlia, moswavleebis moswrebisa da
sxva faqtorebis gaTvaliswinebiT.

Unit 16 Jobs CO
moswavlis wignSi warmodgenil me-16 Tematur erTeuls, Unit 16 – Jobs (samuSao,
samsaxuri) sagakveTilo 5 saaTi eTmoba. maswavlebeli, mocemuli Temis Sinaarsisa
da gramatikuli masalis moculobis mixedviT, TviTon gansazRvravs Tu romel
aqtivobas ra dro daWirdeba konkretul klasSi.
gakveTilebis miznebi: mosmenis, kiTxvis, werisa da laparakis unar-Cvevebis
ganviTareba, kulturaTa dialogis, swavlis swavlisa da unarebis srulyofa;
axali leqsikuri erTeulebis: a job, a policeman, a businessman, a postman,
a fireman, a shop assistant, a secretary, an artist, a driver, a customer, a soldier, a farmar,
a poet, a musician, a fighter, a housewife, brave, trading, coin, bartering, position, a fence,
a bungalow, fierce, the boys were trembling, mother calmed them da sxva, damaxsovreba

da maTi cxovrebiseul situaciebSi gamoyeneba, namyo gangrZobiTi drois

(Past continuous tense) aTviseba da komunikaciuri miznebisaTvis gamoyeneba,
TamaSis wesiT da gamocanis teqstis dazepirebiT, axali gramatikuli
erTeulis, namyo gangrZobiTi drois (Past Continuous Tense) Seswavla-ganmtkiceba.
sasurvelia moswavleebma moswavlis wignSi mocemuli savarjiSoebi rveulSi
gadaiweron da ise imuSaon, raTa metad ganuviTardeT weris praqtikuli unar-


Unit 16 Jobs (PB. page 46)

savarjiSo 1.
mizani: mosmenis, smeniTi aRqmis unar-Cvevebis Camoyalibeba-ganmtkiceba, kargi
diqciisa da warmoTqmis ganviTareba.
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 10 wuTi.
procesi: maswavlebeli 1-2 SekiTxviT azustebs, Tu ramdenad sworad gaiges
moswavleebma aqtivobis piroba: What are they? What do they do? moswavleebi,
ilustraciebis gamoyenebiT, jer smeniT aRiqvamen mosasmen masalas, TemasTan

dakavSirebul leqsikas ( jobs, a policeman, a businessman, a postman, a fireman, a
shop assistant, a secretary, an artist, a driver;) da mxolod amis Semdeg warmoTqvamen maT
2-3-jer gundurad, individualurad saSualo tempSi _ audioCanaweris TanxlebiT.
gansakuTrebuli yuradReba eTmoba karg warmoTqmas, swor bgerebze, maxvilze,
intonaciaze varjiSs. teqnikis ararsebobis SemTxvevaSi mocemuli masala jer
maswavlebelma unda waikiTxos an kargi diqciisa da warmoTqmis mqone moswavlem,
vinaidan mosmenis unar-Cvevisa da marTebuli diqciis/warmoTqmis Camoyalibebas
didi mniSvneloba aqvs.
savarjiSo 2.

mizani: varjiSi diqciasa da warmoTqmaSi.
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 5-8 wuTi.
procesi: moswavleebi jer smeniT aRiqvamen mocemul masalas, romelsac
(maswavlebeli ukiTxavs, (What were you doing at 12 AM yesterday? What was an artist
doing when you saw her? Were you painting at 5 o’clock last Sunday? Yes, I was. Was a
fireman writing a poem at 12 AM yesterday? No, he wasn’t da a.S.) da Semdeg maswavleblis
daxmarebiT wyvilebSi muSaoben kiTxvebis aRmavali da mokle pasuxebis daRmavali

toniT warmoTqmaSi. sasurvelia moswavleebma wyvilebad imuSaon mocemul Temaze
da - samuSaos (samsaxuri-Jobs) Tematikaze kiTxva-pasuxis gamoyenebis gziT Seqmnan
komunikaciuri situacia da warmarTon namdvili zepiri dialogi. mag., What’s your
father’s job? He is a businessman. Where does he work? He works at an office.
savarjiSo 3.
mizani: mosmenis unar-Cvevis ganviTareba,
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 5-7 wuTi.
procesi: es savarjiSo safuZvels uyris gakveTilze moswavleebisTvis axali,
namyo gangrZobiTi drois (Past Continuous Tense- damxmare zmna be-is warsuli
(was/were) forma da zmnis meoTxe forma – (going)).) aTvisebasa da ganmtkicebas.
maswavlebelma dawyebiTi safexuris mesame donis, dIII moswavleebs es gramatikuli
masala wesebis axsna-ganmartebiT ar unda Seaswavlos, man mxolod swori forma da
misi Sinaarsi unda miawodos. moswavleebi ramdenjerme imeoreben mocemul sqemas,
sadac warmodgenilia namyo gangrZobiTi drois (Past Continuous Tense) kiTxviTi,

uaryofiTi da mtkicebiTi formebi. (gramatikaSi damkvidrebuli wesiT, gramatikuli

droebi mtkicebiTi winadadebis axsna – ganmartebiT iwyeba). maswavlebelma xeli
unda Seuwyos moswavleebs am gramatikuli kanonzomierebis dadgenaSi, amocanis
damoukideblad gadaWraSi. gundurad, wyvilebad da individualurad varjiSis,
gameorebis Sedegad moswavleebi nimuSze dayrdnobiT advilad agneben da ayalibeben

mas Semdeg, rac maswavlebeli darwmundeba, rom moswavleebma daimaxsovres

da kargad aiTvises axali gramatikuli masala, wers dafaze I was going da avalebs
sxvadaxsva moswavles daweros analogiuri winadadeba yvela piris gamoyenebiT You
were going, He was going da a.S. aseve gagrZeldeba namyo gangrZobiTi drois (Past
Continuous Tense) kiTxviT da uaryofiT winadadebebze varjisisas.
savarjiSo 4
mizani: mosmenis unar-Cvevis ganviTareba, axal gramatikul erTeulze muSaobis
ganmtkicebis mizniT mocemuli savarjoSos Sesruleba, namyo gangrZobiTi drois
(The Past continuous) drois gamoyenebiT.
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 5-10 wuTi.
procesi: maswavlebeli moswavleebs aZlevs winaswar ganmartebas da miuTiTebs

dros, savarjiSos SesrulebasTan dakavSirebiT. moswavlebi, winadadebebis cariel
adgilebs avseben damxmare zmnis be-is warsuli was/were formiT. maswavlebeli
moswavleebis mier Sesrulebul samuSaos amowmebs da Sesabamisad afasebs.
savarjiSo 4 (a).
mizani: mosmenis unar-Cvevis ganviTareba, axal gramatikul erTeulze muSaoba,
leqsikuri erTeulis xalisiani formiT miwodeba. namyo gangrZobiTi drois (The
Past continuous) drois gamoyeneba komunikaciuri miznebisaTvis.
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 10-15 wuTi.

procesi: maswavlebeli moswavleebs 1-2-jer winaswar asmeninebs saxaliso
ilustrirebuli Temis, xumrobis (Joke) Sesatyvis audioCanawers, Semdeg TviTon
kiTxulobs teqsts nel tempSi. ramdenjerme mosmenis Semdeg moswavleebi
maswavleblis daxmarebiT imeoreben teqsts. maswavlebeli suraTis gamoyenebiT
agebinebs moswavleebs axali sityvebisa da frazebis mniSvnelobas (SegiZliaT maTi
mniSvneloba dafaze dauweroT).
maswavlebeli gansakuTrebul yuradRebas amaxvilebs axali gramatikuli
erTeulis namyo gangrZobiTi drois (The Past continuous) gamoyenebaze. (Mother

asked her small daughter who was reading a book. You were reading aloud, so you must
know. I was reading aloud, but I was not listening da a.S.) aseve The Past continuous
drois gameoreba-ganmtkicebaze da komunikaciuri mizniT gamoyenebaze. teqsts
(Joke) moswavleebs saxlSi wasakiTxad eZlevaT.

Unit 16 Jobs (PB. page 48)

savarjiSo 9.
mizani: metyvelebis unar-Cvevebis ganviTareba. nimuSis mixedviT mcire zomis
dialogis Sedgena da prezentacia.
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 5-10 wuTi.
procesi: moswavleebi instruqcias kiTxuloben damoukideblad. maswavlebeli

moswavleebs aZlevs axsna-ganmartebas aRniSnul aqtivobasTan dakavSirebiT.

aRniSnuli savarjiSo moswavleebs saSualebas aZlevs damoukideblad imetyvelon,
Tqvan ras akeTebdnen an ras ar akeTebdnen guSin, saaTebze miniSnebul dros. es imas
niSnavs, rom damoukideblad Seadginon frazebi/winadadebebi, namyo gangrZobiTi
drois (The Past continuous) drois gamoyenebiT. moswavleebi nimuSis (savarj. 2)
da Sesabamisi sityvebis/frazebis gamoyenebiT wyvilebSi (mcire jgufebSi) adgenen

mcire zomis dialogebs, imaxsov­reben, gaiTamaSeben maT klasis winaSe. dialogi

nimuSia, romlis mixedviT maT unda ilaparakon. mag., What were you doing at 18.00
o’clock yesterday? I was playing computer games.
Tu gakveTilisTvis gankuTvnili dro saSualebas iZleva, moswavleebi rveulSi
weren mcire zomis dialogs. weris damTavrebis Semdeg isini TviTon amowmeben
marTlweras. zog nawers moswavleebi xmamaRla kiTxuloben. sasurvelia, rom
gasworebisas maswavlebelma nawerebs Tavisi ganmartebani da rekomendaciebi,
rCeva-darigebani daurTos.
savarjiSo 10.
mizani: metyvelebis unar-Cvevebis ganviTareba. nimuSis mixedviT mcire zomis
dialogis Sedgena da prezentacia.
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 5-10 wuTi.

procesi: moswavleebi instruqcias kiTxuloben damoukideblad. maswavlebeli
2-3-jer asmeninebs mocemul gamocanas, romelic leqsis saxiT aris warmodgenili
As I was walking to St.Ives,... (Tu teqnikurad amis saSualeba ar aris, TviTon ukiTxavs
teqsts). maswavlebeli sTxovs moswavleebs ilustraciis daxmarebiT amoicnon
leqsSi mocemuli ucnobi sityvebi da winadadebebi. moswavleebi gamocanas xalisiT
kiTxuloben da cdiloben gamocanis gamocnobas. ilustraciaze yuradRebiT
dakvirvebiT gamocanis pasuxi advili misaxvedria, moswavleebi enis gasatexis
kiTxvisas, icaven Sesabamis intonaciebs da riTmebs.
savarjiSo 11.

mizani: metyvelebis unar-Cvevebis ganviTareba. nimuSis mixedviT mcire zomis
dialogis Sedgena da prezentacia.
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 5-10 wuTi.
procesi: moswavleebi instruqcias kiTxuloben damoukideblad. aRniSnuli
aqtivoba TamaSis saxiT aris warmodgenili Write the given words from the list….
moswavleebi winaswar amzadeben cal-calke baraTebs, romlebzec dawerilia
sxvadasxva saqmianobis amsaxveli frazebi: riding a bike, reading a book da sityvebi:

running, sleeping (sasurvelia, moswavleebma sakuTari frazebi da sityvebic
gamoiyenon). Semdeg erTad dawyobili baraTebidan rigrigobiT iRebs zeda baraTs
ori moswavle. isini gaiTamaSeben dialogs. dialogis gaTamaSebis nimuSi mocemulia
moswavlis wignSi (aqtivoba 11). moswavleebs saSualebas aZlevs damoukideblad
imetyvelon. mag., Tqvan, ras akeTebdnen an ra ar akeTebdnen gasul kviris SuadRes,
damoukideblad Seadginon frazebi/winadadebebi, namyo gangrZobiTi drois (The
Past continuous) gamoyenebiT. is moswavle, romelic ver SeZlebs winadadebis
sworad da swrafad Sedgenas TamaSidan gadis. gamarjvebulad gamocxaddeba is
moswavle (wyvili), romelic baraTze gamosaxuli frazebisagan sworad da swrafad
Seadgens winadadebas (dialogs). TamaSis saxiT moswavleebi xalisiT euflebian
axal gramatikul da leqsikur masalas. es ki, moswavleebs garkveul stimuls
miscems ukeT swavlisTvis, isini meti pasuxismgeblobiTa da xalisiT moekidebian
enis Seswavlas.

Unit 16 Jobs (PB. page 47)


savarjiSo 5.
mizani: kiTxvis unar-Cvevebis ganviTareba.Mmosmenisas damuSavebuli SemecnebiTi
xasiaTisteqstis wakiTxva. teqstis dakavSireba suraTTan. wakiTxulis Sinaarsis

xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 10-15 wuTi.

procesi: moswavleebi instruqcias kiTxuloben damoukideblad. maswavlebeli 2-3-
jer asmeninebs mocemul teqsts (Tu teqnikurad amis saSualeba ar aris TviTon
ukiTxavs teqsts). maswavlebeli sTxovs moswavleebs ilustraciis daxmarebiT
amoicnon teqstSi mocemuli ucnobi sityvebi da winadadebebi. Semdeg moswavleebi
Cumad, yuradRebiT, Tanmimdevrulad kiTxuloben teqsts. maswavlebeli
moswavleebs avalebs kiTxvis procesSi yuradReba gamaaxvilon, namyo gangrZobiTi
drois (The Past continuous) gamoyenebaze. drois amowurvis Semdeg maswavlebeli
amowmebs Tu ramdenad damoukideblad amoicnes ucnobi sityvebis, winadadebebis
mniSvnelobobebi.moswavleebi teqsts ukve xmamaRla kiTxuloben. xmamaRla kiTxvac
swori warmoTqmis gakontrolebac aris. im SemTxvevaSi, Tu dro darCa, sasurvelia
maswavlebelma sityvebsa da frazebze msjeloba gaagrZelos da moswavleebs
sTxovos The Past continuous formis gamoyenebiT mocemuli suraTebi aRweron
da ivarjiSon namyo gangrZobiTi drois warmoebaze.

Unit 16 Jobs (PB. page 47)
savarjiSo 6.
mizani: weris unar-Cvevebis ganviTareba. savarjiSos Sinaarsis gageba.
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 10-15 wuTi.
procesi: moswavleebi instruqcias kiTxuloben damoukideblad. moswavleebi
maswavleblis mier dasmul kiTxvebze pasuxoben (savarjiSo 6). Semdeg maswavlebeli
moswavleebs avalebs rveulSi daweron mocemul savarjiSos pasuxebi. maswavlebeli

moswavleebs drois limits axsenebs. weris damTavrebis Semdeg isini TviTon
amowmeben marTlweras. zog nawers moswavleebi xmamaRla kiTxuloben. sasurvelia,
rom gasworebisas maswavlebelma nawerebs Tavisi ganmartebani da rekomendaciebi,
rCeva-darigebani daurTos. moswavleebi savarjiSos damoukideblad akeTeben,
Semdeg wyvilebSi erTmaneTTan adareben pasuxebs da msjeloben. sabolood swor
pasuxebs maswavlebeli ukiTxavs.
Tu sakiTxi moswavleebs cudad esmiT da savarjiSoebSi bevri Secdomaa,
maswavlebelma SeiZleba dafa da damatebiTi masala gamoiyenos.
savarjiSo 7.

mizani: weris unar-Cvevebis ganviTareba. savarjiSos Sinaarsis gageba.
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 5-7 wuTi.
procesi: moswavleebi instruqcias kiTxuloben damoukideblad. es savarjiSo
moswavleebSi anviTarebs SerCeviTi kiTxvis anu mocemul teqstSi (savarj. 7) saWiro
informaciis swrafad povnis unars. maswavlebeli moswavleebs drois limits
axsenebs. moswavleebi muSaoben wyvilebad. isini teqstSi (ilustraciaSi) eZeben
im informacias, ris mixedviTac gansazRvraven winadadebis siswores/simcdares.
moswavleebi teqstisa da suraTis Sesabamisad moniSnaven Sesabamis pasuxebs. sanam
maswavlebeli swor pasuxebs waikiTxavs, SesaZlebelia moswavleebma pasuxebi
erTmaneTSi gadaamowmon da maT Sesaxeb
wyvilebSi ismjelon. Secdomebis SemTxvevaSi moswavleebi eZeben da xmamaRla
kiTxuloben teqstis im monakveTs, romelic pasuxis siswores daasabuTebs.

savarjiSo 8.
mizani: weris unar-Cvevebis ganviTareba. savarjiSos Sinaarsis gageba.
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 5-10 wuTi.
procesi: moswavleebi instruqcias kiTxuloben damoukideblad. es savarjiSo

moswavleebSi anviTarebs SerCeviTi kiTxvis anu mocemul winadadebebSi (savarj.

8) saWiro informaciis swrafad povnis unars. mocemul savarjiSoSi mocemulia
ganmartebebi, romlis meSveobiTac moswavleebi adgenen pirovnebis samuSaos
(samsaxurs). mas Semdeg, rac moswavleebi amoicnoben winadadebebis Sinaarss,
daasruleben maT Sesabamisi sityvebiT. mag., Someone who draws and paints is
an artist. aRniSnuli winadadeba mocemuli savarjiSos nimuSs warmoadgens. sanam
maswavlebeli swor pasuxebs waikiTxavs, SesaZlebelia moswavleebma pasuxebi
erTmaneTSi gadaamowmon.
savarjiSo 11 Some more information
mizani: metyvelebis, detaluri kiTxvis unar-Cvevebis Camoyalibeba-ganviTareba.
azris gageba kiTxva-pasuxis meSveobiT.
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 10-15 wuTi.

procesi: moswavleebi individualurad, damoukideblad, Cumad, yuradRebiT
kiTxuloben informaciul-SemecnebiT teqsts mocemul TemasTan, samuSaosa
da saqmianobasTan dakavSirebiT _ Some more information. maswavlebeli dros
akontrolebs, akontrolebs imas, rom kiTxvis procesSi Tanabrad CarTuli iyos
Zlieri da susti moswavle (SesaZlebelia, rom igi sust moswavleebs teqstis
Sinaarsis gagebaSi garkveulwilad daexmaros, ganumartos zogi sityva an fraza da
a.S. maswavlebels martivi kiTxvebis dasmiT moswavleebi mihyavs teqstis Sinaarsis
amocnobamde. Semdeg amowmebs moswavleTa mier teqstis gagebis xarisxs kiTxva-
pasuxis meSveobiT (SesaZlebelia kiTxvebis dasma mSobliur enaze).

VI klasis sanimuSo gakveTilis scenari

sanimuSo gakveTilis scenari warmodgenilia me-3 Temis (unit 3 – At the Black

Sea coast) magaliTze, romelSic meToduri rekomendaciebia mocemuli gakveTilis
TiToeul struqturul elementTan dakavSirebiT.
mocemuli Tema gaTvlilia 5 akademiur saaTze, vinaidan mocemul TemaSi

warmodgenilia moswavleTaTvis sruliad axali gramatikuli erTeuli, namyo
gangrZobiTi dro (Past continuous tense). 4 akademiuri saaTi eTmoba moswavlis
wigns (klasSi samuSao masalas), xolo 1 akademiuri saaTi-samuSao rveuls (saxlSi
samuSao masalas).
moswavlis wignSi mocemuli Tema samuSao, samsaxuri - Jobs, 5 akademiur saaTze
Semdegnairad SeiZleba ganawildes: 1 akademiuri saaTi – 1-4 aqtivobebs, da 4a -
xumrobas (Joke), romelic kargi, saxaliso nimuSia zemoT aRniSnuli gramatikuli
masalisa; me-2 akademiuri saaTi –me-5 aqtivobas - SemecnebiTi xasiaTis teqstsa da
6-7-8 - savarjiSoebs; me-3 akademiuri saaTi – me-9 savarjiSosa da me-10 aqtivobas
- gamocanis (Guess the riddle) teqstze muSaobas; me-4 akademiuri saaTi – me-11
aqtivobas - TamaSsa da me-11a - informaciuli teqstis gacnobas.
maswavlebels, mocemuli sqemis Secvla SeuZlia, moswavleebis moswrebisa da
sxva faqtorebis gaTvaliswinebiT.

Unit 3 At the Black Sea coast

moswavlis wignSi warmodgenil me-16 Tematur erTeuls, Unit 16 – Jobs

(samuSao, samsaxuri) sagakveTilo 5 saaTi eTmoba. maswavlebeli, mocemuli Temis
Sinaarsisa da gramatikuli masalis moculobis mixedviT, TviTon gansazRvravs

Tu romel aqtivobas ra dro daWirdeba konkretul klasSi.

gakveTilebis miznebi: mosmenis, kiTxvis, werisa da laparakis unar-Cvevebis
ganviTareba, kulturaTa dialogis, swavlis swavlisa da unarebis srulyofa;
axali leqsikuri erTeulebis: a job, a policeman, a businessman, a postman,
a fireman, a shop assistant, a secretary, an artist, a driver, a customer, a soldier, a farmar,
a poet, a musician, a fighter, a housewife, brave, trading, coin, bartering, position, a fence,
a bungalow, fierce, the boys were trembling, mother calmed them da sxva, damaxsovreba
da maTi cxovrebiseul situaciebSi gamoyeneba; awmyo martivi droisa da awmyo
gangrZobiTi drois (Present Simple Tense da Present Continuous Tense) (Past
Continuous Tense) komunikaciuri miznebisaTvis gamoyeneba.
sasurvelia moswavleebma moswavlis wignSi mocemuli savarjiSoebi rveulSi
gadaiweron da ise imuSaon, raTa metad ganuviTardeT weris praqtikuli unar-

Unit 13 At the Black Sea coast (PB. page 8)

savarjiSo 1.
mizani: mosmenis, smeniTi aRqmis unar-Cvevebis Camoyalibeba-ganmtkiceba, kargi
diqciisa da warmoTqmis ganviTareba.
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 10 wuTi.
procesi: maswavlebeli 1-2 SekiTxviT azustebs, Tu ramdenad sworad gaiges

moswavleebma aqtivobis piroba: Listen and discuss. moswavleebi, ilustraciebis
gamoyenebiT, jer smeniT aRiqvamen mosasmen masalas, TemasTan dakavSirebul
leqsikas (suitcase, sunglasses, sandals, roller-skates, pads, windsurfer) da mxolod amis
Semdeg warmoTqvamen maT 2-3-jer gundurad, individualurad saSualo tempSi _
audioCanaweris TanxlebiT. gansakuTrebuli yuradReba eTmoba karg warmoTqmas,
swor bgerebze, maxvilze, intonaciaze varjiSs. teqnikis ararsebobis SemTxvevaSi
mocemuli masala jer maswavlebelma unda waikiTxos an kargi diqciisa da warmoTqmis
mqone moswavlem, vinaidan mosmenis unar-Cvevisa da marTebuli diqciis/warmoTqmis

Camoyalibebas didi mniSvneloba aqvs.
savarjiSo 2. What’s the weather like today?
mizani: varjiSi diqciasa da warmoTqmaSi.
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 5-8 wuTi.
procesi: moswavleebi jer smeniT aRiqvamen mocemul masalas, romelsac
(maswavlebeli ukiTxavs, (What’s the weather like today? What’s the weather like today?
What do you usually wear in summer? What sport do you do in summer?)
savarjiSo 3.
mizani: mosmenis unar-Cvevis ganviTareba.
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 5-7 wuTi.
procesi: es savarjiSo safuZvels uyris gakveTilze moswavleebisTvis (Present Simple
Tense da Present Continuous Tense) damxmare zmna be-is awmyo (is/are) formisa da zmnis

meoTxe formis – (going)) gameorebasa da ganmtkicebas. moswavleebi ramdenjerme

imeoreben awmyo gangrZobiTi drois (Past Continuous Tense) mtkicebiT, kiTxviT
da uaryofiTi formebs. moswavleebi gundurad, wyvilebad da individualurad
varjiSis, gameorebis Sedegad nimuSze dayrdnobiT advilad agneben da ayalibeben
mas Semdeg, rac maswavlebeli darwmundeba, rom moswavleebma gaimeores da

kargad aiTvises wina wlebSi naswavli gramatikuli masala, wers dafaze I am going
da avalebs sxvadaxsva moswavles daweros analogiuri winadadeba yvela piris
gamoyenebiT You are going, He is going da a.S. aseve gagrZeldeba awmyo martivi drois
(Present Simple Tense) kiTxviT da uaryofiT winadadebebze varjisisas.
savarjiSo 4

mizani: mosmenis unar-Cvevis ganviTareba, zemoT aRniSnul gramatikul erTeulis

ganmtkicebis mizniT mocemuli savarjoSos Sesruleba, awmyo martivi drois
(The Present Simple) drois gamoyenebiT.
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 5-10 wuTi.
procesi: maswavlebeli moswavleebs aZlevs winaswar ganmartebas da miuTiTebs

dros, savarjiSos SesrulebasTan dakavSirebiT. moswavlebi, winadadebebis cariel
adgilebs avseben damxmare zmnis be-is warsuli is/are formiT. maswavlebeli
moswavleebis mier Sesrulebul samuSaos amowmebs da Sesabamisad afasebs.
savarjiSo 4 (a).
mizani: mosmenis unar-Cvevis ganviTareba, axal gramatikul erTeulze muSaoba,
leqsikuri erTeulis xalisiani formiT miwodeba. namyo gangrZobiTi drois
(Present Continuous Tense da Present Simple Tense) drois gamoyeneba komunikaciuri
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 10-15 wuTi.

procesi: maswavlebeli moswavleebs uxsnis Tu rogor unda Seesrulon savarjiSo
nimuSisa da saaTebze miniSnebul drois gamoyenebiT. maswavlebeli suraTis
gamoyenebiT uxsnis moswavleebs axali sityvebisa da frazebis mniSvnelobas
(SegiZliaT maTi mniSvneloba dafaze dauweroT). (It’s 8 o’clock She is getting up. She
always gets up at eight. da a.S.)

Unit 13 At the Black Sea coast (PB. page 9)

savarjiSo 5. CO
mizani: metyvelebis unar-Cvevebis ganviTareba. nimuSis mixedviT mcire zomis
dialogis warmodgena da prezentacia.
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 5-10 wuTi.
procesi: moswavleebi instruqcias kiTxuloben damoukideblad. maswavlebeli
moswavleebs aZlevs axsna-ganmartebas aRniSnul aqtivobasTan dakavSirebiT.
aRniSnuli savarjiSo moswavleebs saSualebas aZlevs damoukideblad imetyvelon,
Tqvan ras akeTebT axla an ras ar akeTebT yovel dRe. es imas niSnavs, rom
damoukideblad Seadginon frazebi/winadadebebi, awmyo gangrZobiTi drois (The
Present Simple) drois gamoyenebiT. moswavleebi nimuSis (savarj. 8) da Sesabamisi
sityvebis/frazebis gamoyenebiT wyvilebSi (mcire jgufebSi) adgenen mcire zomis
dialogebs, imaxsov­reben, gaiTamaSeben maT klasis winaSe. dialogi nimuSia, romlis

mixedviT maT unda ilaparakon. mag. (Hello, Jane! Hi, Becky! Are you on holiday? Yes, I
am. da a. S.)
Tu gakveTilisTvis gankuTvnili dro saSualebas iZleva, moswavleebi rveulSi
weren mcire zomis dialogs. weris damTavrebis Semdeg isini TviTon amowmeben
marTlweras. zog nawers moswavleebi xmamaRla kiTxuloben. sasurvelia, rom
gasworebisas maswavlebelma nawerebs Tavisi ganmartebani da rekomendaciebi,

rCeva-darigebani daurTos.
savarjiSo 6.
mizani: metyvelebis unar-Cvevebis ganviTareba. simReris mosmena da prezentacia.
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 5-10 wuTi.
procesi: moswavleebi simReris teqsts kiTxuloben damoukideblad. maswavlebeli
2-3-jer asmeninebs simReras (A sailor went to sea, sea, sea... ). maswavlebeli sTxovs
moswavleebs ilustraciis daxmarebiT amoicnon simReris teqstSi mocemuli ucnobi
sityvebi (bottom, deep). moswavleebi simReras xalisiT kiTxuloben da cdiloben
zustad Seasrulon melodia.
savarjiSo 7.
mizani: metyvelebis unar-Cvevebis ganviTareba. nimuSis mixedviT mcire zomis
enis gasatexis warmoTqma da prezentacia.
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 5-10 wuTi.

procesi: moswavleebi instruqcias kiTxuloben damoukideblad. aRniSnuli aqtivoba
enis gasatexis saxiT aris warmodgenili (While we were walking, we were watching
windows…). moswavleebi xalisiT imeoreben da cdiloben swrafad warmoTqvan
enis gasatexi. amgvari savarjiSoebi, moswavleebs garkveul stimuls miscems ukeT
swavlisTvis, isini meti pasuxismgeblobiTa da xalisiT moekidebian enis Seswavlas.
savarjiSo 8.
mizani: metyvelebis unar-Cvevebis ganviTareba. sityvebis sworad warmoTqma da
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 5-7 wuTi.

procesi: moswavleebi instruqcias kiTxuloben damoukideblad. aRniSnuli
aqtivoba sityvebis warmoTqmis erTnairi CamonaTvaliT aris warmodgenili, sadac
miTiTebulia (bear, pear, tear, wear…). maswavlebeli sTxovs moswavleebs gaixsenon
da daasaxelon ufro meti sityva mocemuli warmoTqmiTa da erTnairi weris
wesiT. moswavleebi sityvebs warmoTvamen Sesabamisi transkrifciis miniSnebiT,
imeoreben da cdiloben sworad da swrafad warmoTqvan isini. amgvari savarjiSoebi
moswavleebs daexmareba advilad da sworad daeuflon sityvebis yvela warmoTqmis

Unit 13

savarjiSo 5.
kiTxva. CO
At the Black Sea coast (PB. page 10)

mizani: kiTxvis unar-Cvevebis ganviTareba. mosmenisas damuSavebuli SemecnebiTi

xasiaTisteqstis wakiTxva. teqstis dakavSireba suraTTan. wakiTxulis Sinaarsis
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 10-15 wuTi.
procesi: moswavleebi instruqcias kiTxuloben damoukideblad. maswavlebeli
mocemul teqsts moswavleebs 2-3-jer ukiTxavs (At the Black Sea coast).
maswavlebeli sTxovs moswavleebs ilustraciis daxmarebiT amoicnon teqstSi
mocemuli ucnobi sityvebi da winadadebebi. Semdeg moswavleebi Cumad, yuradRebiT,
Tanmimdevrulad kiTxuloben teqsts. maswavlebeli moswavleebs avalebs kiTxvis
procesSi yuradReba gamaaxvilon awmyo gangrZobiTi droisa da awmyo martivi

drois (Present Continuous Tense da Present Simple Tense) gamoyenebaze. maswavlebeli

amowmebs Tu ramdenad damoukideblad amoicnes ucnobi sityvebis, winadadebebis
mniSvnelobobebi. igi cdilobs yvela moswavles waakiTxos aRniSnuli teqsti
(nawilobriv mainc). moswavleebi teqsts ukve xmamaRla kiTxuloben. xmamaRla
kiTxvac swori warmoTqmis gakontrolebac aris. im SemTxvevaSi, Tu dro darCa,
sasurvelia maswavlebelma sityvebsa da frazebze msjeloba gaagrZelos da

moswavleebs sTxovos Past continuous tenses formis gamoyenebiT mocemuli suraTebi

aRweron da ivarjiSon awmyo gangrZobiTi drois warmoebaze.

Unit 13 At the Black Sea coast (PB. page 10)

savarjiSo 6.
mizani: weris unar-Cvevebis ganviTareba. savarjiSos Sinaarsis gageba.
xangrZlivoba: daaxloebiT 8-10 wuTi.
procesi: moswavleebi instruqcias kiTxuloben damoukideblad (savarjiSo 10-
11). moswavleebi maswavleblis mier dasmul kiTxvebze pasuxoben, 10-e savarjiSo
Answer the questions.(Where are the Smiths on holiday? They are in Batumi…) da me-11
sav. (1. They always stay at a small hotel). Semdeg maswavlebeli moswavleebs avalebs
saSinao davalebis rveulSi daweron mocemuli savarjiSos pasuxebi. maswavlebeli

moswavleebs drois limits axsenebs. weris damTavrebis Semdeg isini TviTon
amowmeben marTlweras. zog nawers moswavleebi xmamaRla kiTxuloben. sasurvelia,
rom gasworebisas maswavlebelma nawerebs Tavisi ganmartebani da rekomendaciebi,
rCeva-darigebani daurTos. moswavleebi savarjiSos damoukideblad akeTeben,
Semdeg wyvilebSi erTmaneTTan adareben pasuxebs da msjeloben. sabolood swor
pasuxebs maswavlebeli ukiTxavs.
Tu sakiTxi moswavleebs cudad esmiT da savarjiSoebSi bevri Secdomaa,
maswavlebelma SeiZleba dafa da damatebiTi masala gamoiyenos.

komentarebi moswavlis wignTan dakavSirebiT

dawyebiTi safexuris pirveli ucxouri enis inglisuri enis V-VI klasis

moswavlis wigni Sedgenilia ucxouri enis standartis moTxovnaTa Sesabamisad.
masSi gamoyenebuli Tanamedrove meTodika individualur, wyvilebad da gundur
muSaobas iTvaliswinebs da mimarTulia moswavlis codnis aqtivizaciisken,
mosmenis, kiTxvis, werisa da laparakis, praqtikuli unar-Cvevebis standartis VI
klasis srulyofilebisken. am miznis gansaxorcieleblad inglisuri enis swavleba

eqvsi mimarTulebiT mimdinareobs: mosmena, kiTxva, wera, laparaki, kulturaTa
dialogi da swavlis swavla.
Temebis moculoba da struqtura TiTqmis erTmaneTis msgavsia, gakveTilis
Tema saTaurSivea asaxuli. gakveTili Sedgeba Semdegi nawilebisgan: mosmena, kiTxva,
wera, laparaki, leqsika, gramatika.

moswavlis wignSi mocemulia sxvadasxva saxis saxaliso mosasmeni
ilustrirebuli masala.
mosmenis mravalferovani aqtivobebi da savarjiSoebi (moismine da gaimeore,
hkiTxe da upasuxe, moismine da Seusabame, moismine da daimaxsovre, moismine da
waikiTxe, moismine da daasaxele, moismine da daasrule da sxva) warmodgenilia
audioCanaweris saxiT. audioCanaweris Tematikac mravalferovani, saintereso da
saxalisoa da moicavs iseT Temebs, rogoricaa: werili ucnob amxanags, Semodgomis

dro, romeli saaTia, TariRi (Tveebi), bina, muzeumSi, samsaxuri, sporti, Tbilisi,
londoni, amindi; interneti, Tbilisoba, britaneTis istoria da sxva.
moswavlis wignSi gakveTilis umetesi nawili (60-70%) Canawerebs aqvs daTmobili,
maTi gamoyeneba SeuZliaT moswavleebs sxvadasxva situaciaSi. maswavleblebi
Canawerebis daxmarebiT advilad, saxalisod da sainteresod moaxerxeben saswavlo
procesis warmarTvas. mosmenis unar-Cvevis ganviTarebas sistematuri varjiSi da

dro sWirdeba.
dawyebiT safexurze V-VI klasebSi komunikaciuri unar-Cvevis ganviTarebisTvis
gansakuTrebuli mniSvneloba eniWeba smeniTi aRqmis unar-Cvevis ganviTarebas.
bgerebis, sityvebis, martivi winadadebebis, riTmis, intonaciis smeniT garCevas
maswavlebelma gansakuTrebuli yuradReba unda dauTmos. mocemuli masala jer
smeniT unda iqnas aRqmuli da mxolod amis Semdeg unda moxdes misi warmoTqma.
gagebis/mixvedris unar-Cvevisa da swori warmoTqmis Camoyalibeba warmatebuli
komunikaciis sawindaria.
dawyebiTi safexuris pirveli ucxouri enis V-VI klasebSi inglisuri enis
swavlebis mizania moswavleebSi komunikaciis unar-Cvevebis ganviTareba.
enis funqcia, upiratesad adamianebs Soris urTierTobis damyarebaa, misi
swavlebis procesic am urTierTobis fonze unda xdebodes. es gulisxmobs imas, rom
maqsimalurad unda iqnas gamoyenebuli gakveTilze wyvilebad da gundebad muSaoba,

rogoricaa, magaliTad, erToblivad problemis gadawyveta, informaciis mopoveba,
enobrivi TamaSebi da sxva. metyvelebis sisworeSi, intonaciebsa Tu winadadebis
melodiis sworad warmoTqmaSi ki moswavleebs daexmareba audioCanawerebi. aseTi
meTodikis gamoyenebis Sedegad moswavleebs uviTardebaT zepirmetyvelebis,
komunikaciis unar-Cvevebi.
moswavlis wignSi garkveuli adgili aqvs daTmobili leqsebs, enis gasatexebs,
simRerebs, dialogebsa da scenebs. samuSao rveulSi dialogur metyvelebaze
varjiSisaTvis mravalferovani saxaliso dialogis nimuSebia mocemuli, romlebic
zepirad unda iqnas Seswavlili. am gziT moswavleebi axali leqsikuri erTeulebis
SeswavlasTan erTad ecnobian Sesaswavli enis qveynis realiebs.

dialoguri metyvelebis ganviTarebis mizania moswavlis wignSi mocemuli
kiTxvebisa da pasuxebis SesabamisobaSi moyvanis, usistemod mocemuli sityvebis/
frazebis dalagebis, winadadebisaTvis kiTxvaze dasmis, aseve nimuSis msgavsi
sakuTari dialogebis Sedgenisa da weris savarjiSoebi.
dialogi moswavleebma unda moisminon audioCanaweris meSveobiT. Semdeg 2-3-
jer maswavlebelma unda waikiTxos dialogi jer TviTon, Semdeg wyvilSi iseT
moswavlesTan, romelsac kargi diqcia da warmoTqma aqvs. amis Semdeg moswavleebma
dialogi unda Seiswavlon. dialogi nimuSia, romlis mixedviT maT unda ilaparakon.

prezentaciis unar-Cvevebis gamomuSavebis mizniT moswavleebs saSinao
davalebad unda mieceT nimuSis msgavsi dialogebis Sedgena-dawera. wyvilebis,
gundebis mier warmodgenil sakuTar dialogebSi Seicvleba mxolod personaJebi/
sagnebi da moqmedebebi, myari gamoTqmebi.
moswavleTa werilebiT dialogSi daculi unda iqnas gramatikisa da marTlweris
moswavlis wignSi mniSvnelovani adgili ukavia kiTxvis standartiseuli
Sedegebis misaRwevad SerCeul masalas. am rubrikaSi mocemulia mravalferovani
ilust­rirebuli, saintereso da saxaliso martivi dialogebi, mcire zomis teqstebi,
moTx­robebi, leqsebi, zRaprebi, mokle informaciuli teqstebi, krosvordebi, enis
gasatexebi, gamocanebi, andazebi da sxva.
dawyebiT safexurze gansakuTrebuli yuradReba eTmoba kiTxvis teqnikur-
motoruli (xmamaRali kiTxvis) da wakiTxulis dedaazris (ZiriTadi azris) Sinaarsis

gagebis, mixvedris (Cumi kiTxvis) unar-Cvevebis Camoyalibeba-ganviTarebas.

moswavlis wignSi, aseve moswavlis rveulSi gaTvaliswinebulia teqstis
gagebis unaris ganviTareba, rogorc smeniTi aRqmis safuZvelze, ise teqstis
wakiTxviT. teqstis gagebis xarisxis Semowmeba xdeba rogorc kiTxvebiT, romlebic
teqsts axlavs uSualod, ise specialuri savarjiSoebiT, romlebic amowmeben da
aviTareben teqstidan detaluri (faqtobrivi) informaciis an teqstis dedaazris

(ZiriTadi azris) gagebis unars (waikiTxeT, miuTiTeT da warmoTqviT, waikiTxeT

da daakavSireT, waikiTxeT da danomreT, waikiTxeT da SemoxazeT, waikiTxeT da
daalageT logikurad da sxva). kiTxvis aqtivobebi da savarjiSoebi ZiriTadad
samuSao rveulSi sruldeba.
mosasmeni da wasakiTxi teqstebis mizani metyvelebis smeniTi aRqmis, kiTxvis
teqnikis, fonetikuri intonaciuri unar-Cvevebisa da mixvedris unaris ganviTarebaa.
kiTxvis teqnikur-motoruli unar-Cvevis ganviTarebis mizniT moswavle
xmamaRla kiTxulobs sityvebs, winadadebebs, leqsebs da a.S., xolo teqstSi
mocemuli faqtebis, detalebis, aseve teqstis dedaazris (ZiriTadi azris), Sinaarsis
gagebis/mixvedris/ gamocnobis unar-Cvevebis ganmtkicebisaTvis moswavlem Cumad,
yuradRebiT unda waikiTxos teqsti.
amitom teqsti bgerebis swori warmoTqmiT, Sesabamisi maxviliTa da intonaciiT
jer maswavlebelma unda waukiTxos moswavleebs ise, rom winaswar ar unda auxsnas

maT axali sityvebi da frazebi. moswavleebi TviTon damoukideblad unda Caswvdnen
maT mniSvnelobas, maT unda mieceT saSualeba, gamoTqvan sakuTari mosaz­reba,
maswavleblis Semdeg moswavleebma Cumad, yuradRebiT da marTebulad unda waikiTxon
teqsti da Targmnon. maswavlebelma Tvalyuri unda adevnos yvelas, kiTxuloben
Tu ara wasakiTx masalas. didi yuradReba unda iqnas gamaxvilebuli warmoTqmasa
da intonaciaze, mxolod amis Semdeg unda avuxsnaT axali sityvebisa da frazebis
mniSvneloba da CavawerinoT rveulSi imisaTvis, rom axali leqsikuri erTeulebi
(sityvebi, frazebi) CaerTos saerTo unar-CvevaTa sistemaSi, maswavlebelma unda
avarjiSos moswavleebi maT gamoyenebaze sxvadasxva sametyvelo situaciaSi.
moswavlis wignSi da gansakuTrebiT samuSao rveulSi mravalferovani

saintereso da saxaliso aqtivobebi da savarjiSoebia kiTxvis ZiriTadi wesebis
dauflebisa da leqsikonis transkrifciebis sargeblobis unar-Cvevebis
moswavlis rveulSi weriTi da sakiTxavi masala emTxveva da srulad
iTvaliswinebs moswavlis saxelmZRvaneloSi warmodgenili masalis Tanmimdevrobas.
maswavlebelma Tavisi Sexedulebisamebr unda gamoiyenos samuSao rveulSi
mocemuli savarjiSoebi.

gansakuTrebiT mniSvnelovania sawyis etapze weriTi unar-Cvevebis ganviTareba.
zepiridan weriT metyvelebaze gadasvla garkveul siZnelesTan aris dakavSirebuli.
saxelmZRvaneloSi gaiTvaliswinebulia fonetikis swavleba. mocemulia fonetikuri
savarjiSoebi, romlebSic erTnari warmoTqmis sityvebi unda dawyvildes.
rekomendebulia (sasurvelia) maswavlebelma gansakuTrebuli yuradReba miaqcios
asoebisa da bgerebis Sesabamisobis, asoTSeTanxmebebs, fonetikuri wesebis dacvis,
marTlwerasa (orTografias) da warmoTqmas Soris arsebul did gansxvavebas.
inglisuri enis fonetikuri sakiTxebis qarTuli enis movlenebTan Sepirispirebis
ganxilvas, sawyis etapidanve mieCvios moswavle aTvisebuli codnis praqtikaSi
gamoyenebas. aseTi saxis aqtivobebiT moswavleebs saSualeba eZlevaT gamoxaton
TavianTi damokidebulebani, gamoTqvan Sefasebebi. individualurad, wyvilad an
gundurad gadawyviton esa Tu is problema, gaavlon paralelebi ucxo kulturasa
da sakuTar kulturul gamocdilebasTan Tu garemosTan, ipovon sociokulturul
konteqstebSi gamovlenili konkretuli msgavsebebi da gansxvavebebi (bgerebi,
saxelebi da sxva), daafason kulturuli mravalferovneba, iswavlon sakuTari da

ucxo kulturis dafaseba.

weriTi unar-Cvevebis ganmtkicebas isaxavs miznad Semdgomi aqtivobebi da
savarjiSoebi: SexedeT transkrifcias da dawereT sityvebi, dawereT Semdegi
sityvebis transkrifcia, SeavseT krosvordi, ipoveT sityvebi TavsatexSi da
dawereT, moismineT da dawereT, waikiTxeT da dawereT, aRwereT suraTebi da
daasruleT dialogi, gadawereT winadadebebi logikuri TanmimdevrobiT, mokle

teqstebi, SeadgineT da dawereT, SeavseT winadadebebi sityvebiT, Seswavlil

Tematikaze nimuSebis gamoyenebiT (xSir SemTxvevaSi moswavles eZleva sawyisi
winadadebis nimuSi da saTanado sityvebi da frazebi), mcire zomis dialogebi,
mikro teqstebi. klasSi unda Catardes maTi prezentacia. individualur, wyvilad
da gundur nawerebSi daculi unda iyos gramatikisa da marTlweris wesebi.
moswavlis rveulSi warmodgenil mravalferovan saxaliso savarjiSoebs
mowavle winaswari instruqciebis miRebis Semdeg saxlSi asrulebs. maswavlebeli
gakveTilze iZleva ganmartebebs TiToeuli savarjiSos Sesrulebis Sesaxeb.
moswavlis wignisgan gansxvavebiT samuSao rveulSi savarjiSoebis instruqciebi
qarTuladaa mocemuli da esec uadvilebs maT davalebis Sesrulebas. maswavlebeli
ki sistematurad amowmebs moswavlis mier Sesrulebul samuSaos da Sesabamisad

dawyebiT safexurze pirveli ucxouri enis VI klasis inglisuri enis swavlebis
mizania, isive rogorc V klasis gramatikuli masalis srulyofili daufleba.
maswavlebeli TiToeul TemaSi warmodgenil ama Tu im gramatikul sakiTxs,
moswavles mxolod saxaliso aqtivobebis (daalageT areuli sityvebi, winadadebebi,
dawereT winadadebebis kiTxviTi da uaryofiTi formebi, SearCieT swori forma,
daasruleT winadadebebi, CasviT sityvebi Sesaferis adgilas, dawereT me ras vakeTeb/
ra akeTeben isini (I am going/he is going/they were coming), dawereT winadadebebi
awmyo droSi (I am swimming/We are swimming/they were svimming). gamoiyeneT awmyo
da namyo droebi. gamoiyeneT do/does/am/is/are/was/were/can/could da.a.S. moswavleebi

mravalmxrivi varjiSis Sedegad advilad imaxsovreben gramatikul wesebs.
aseve, moswavleebi moswavlis rveulSi mocemul savarjiSoebs saxlSi
asruleben. maT gauadvildebaT savarjiSebis Sesruleba, klasSi zemoTaRniSnuli
yvela aqtivobis srulyofilad ganmarteba-ganmtkicebis Sedegad.

ucxouri enis standartis Sesabamisad dawyebiT safexurze Sesaswavli aqtiuri

leqsikis erTeulebis raodenoba V-VI klasSi miaxloebiT aris 500-600. yoveli
axali leqsikuri erTeuli, jer smeniT unda iqnas aRqmuli da mxolod amis Semdeg
unda moxdes misi warmoTqma. swori warmoTqmis Camoyalibeba ki warmatebuli
komunikaciis sawindaria.
ucxouri enis swavlebis sawyis etapze (V-VI klasebi) TvalsaCinoebani (suraTebi,
sagnebi, fotoebi, naxatebi da sxva) moswavleebs mocemuli masalis aRqmaSi exmareba
da ganawyobs maT ufro xalisianad Seiswavlon isa Tu is Tema.

Sefasebis formebi da rekomendaciebi

Tanamedrove meTodika ar iTvaliswinebs tradiciuli gziT gakveTilis TxrobiT
moswavlis Sefasebas. maswavlebeli moswavles afasebs imisda mixedviT, Tu ramdenad
zustad da swrafad asrulebs igi maswavleblis miTiTebebs, ramdenad aqtiurad aris
CarTuli mosmenis, kiTxvis, werisa da laparakis aqtivobebSi, ramdenad xarisxianad
asrulebs savarjiSoebs, testebs da a.S. es Sefaseba unda emyarebodes dakvirvebas

moswavleze. sasurvelia maswavlebels hqondes CanawerebisaTvis gankuTvnili

rveuli/Jurnali, romelSic aRricxavs TiToeul gakveTilze moswavlis aqtivobas,
komunikaciaSi, interaqciaSi monawileobas, SeTvisebuli masalis, Sesrulebuli
davalebis xarisxs, davalebis Sesrulebis sistematurobas, organizebulobas,
saswavlo resursebTan damokidebulebas da a.S.
moswavlis Sefaseba xdeba enobrivi unar-Cvevebisa da enobriv-gramatikuli

sistemebis Semdegi aqtivobebiT: mosmena, zepiri, kiTxviTi, saklaso weriTi,

saSinao davalebiT da sakontrolo weriT. ilustraciebis safuZvelze teqstis
Sinaarsis amocnoba, Canaweris mosmenisas gamotovebul adgilebSi sityvebis Cawera,
kiTxvebis dasma/saTanado pasuxebis gacema, ilustrirebuli suraTis aRwera,
martivi dialogis scenebis gaTamaSeba, interaqciaSi monawileoba, werilis, martivi
teqstidan informaciis amokrefa, mcire zomis zepiri da werilobiTi dialogis/
teqstis Sedgena da prezentacia.
aqtivobebis CamonaTvali Seesatyviseba dawyebiTi safexuris V klasis
inglisuri enis standartis moTxovnebs.
moswavlis codnis done fasdeba rogorc mimdinare, aseve Semajamebeli
SefasebebiT. mimdinare Sefasebis obieqtia saswavlo procesi, Semajamebeli
Sefasebis obieqtia saboloo miRwevebi standartis moTxovnaTa mimarTebaSi.
mimdinare Sefaseba gulisxmobs yovel gakveTilze moswavlis monitorings da

zustad moniSvnas maTi progresisa.
mimdinare Sefasebis mizania droulad gadaWras is problemebi da siZneleebi,
ris Sedegadac SeiZleba romelime moswavle klass CamorCes. maswavlebeli
darwmunebuli unda iyos, rom yvela moswavlis codnis done ganuwyvetliv
progresirdeba, raTa ar mouxdes mas ganvlili masalis Tavidan dawyeba.
moswavlis Sefaseba xdeba moswavlis wignsa da samuSao rveulSi mocemuli
savarjiSoebisa da aqtivobebis saSualebiT, romlis Sedegebi maswavlebelma
SeiZleba gamoiyenos rogorc mimdinare SefasebisaTvis anu moswavleTa ganviTarebis
qmediTi daxmarebis mizniT.

moswavleTa Sefaseba xdeba Sesabamisi qulebiT. Semajamebeli Sefasebisas
xdeba aTvisebuli garkveuli masalis Semowmeba da codnis donis dadgena oTxive
sametyvelo unar-Cvevis farglebSi standartis moTxovnebTan mimarTebaSi.
moswavlis mosmenis, kiTxvis, weriTi unar-Cvevebis Sefaseba xdeba aseve
testebis saSualebiT, romlis Sedegebi maswavlebelma SeiZleba gamoiyenos,
rogorc mimdinare SefasebisaTvis moswvleTa ganviTarebis srulyofis mizniT,
ise Semajamebeli SefasebisaTvis anu misi miRwevis inglisuri enis standartis
moTxovnebTan Sesatyvisobis donis dadgenis mizniT.

moswavlis codnis Sefasebis aRniSvna ZiriTadad xdeba samuSao rveulSi
TiToeuli Temis dasrulebisas (My work is … My teacher says - ) da yoveli eqvsi
gakveTilis Semdeg. TviTSefasebisas (self-assessment) da TanaSefasebisas (joint-
assessment), romlebsac moswavle da maswavlebeli avseben moswavlis codnis
donis Sesabamisad, kiTxvars moswavleebi damoukideblad pasuxoben. SedegebiT
ki gansazRvraven Tu ra codnas miaRwies, ra uWirT an ra ician, TviTSefasebis
kiTxvaris sistematuri gamoyeneba da Sedegis maswavlebelTan erTad ganxilva
(maswavlebeli moswavlis TviTSefasebis obieqturobas amowmebs) moswavles
swavlis unars uviTarebs da winsvlis stimuls aZlevs. Semajamebeli Sefaseba aseve
xorcieldeba samuSao rveulSi TandarTuli 3 testis (Progress tests) saSualebiT.
maswavlebels TiToeul trimestrSi 1 sakontrolo weris Catareba uwevs. testis
Sefasebis kriteriumebi martivia. testis TiToeuli sakiTxi fasdeba erTi an
naxevari quliT (sirTulis mixedviT). vinaidan TiToeuli testi wels warmodgenila
13-14 sakiTxiT, Sesrulebuli samuSao Sesabamisad 10 quliT unda Sefasdes.

Pupils Book V Answers

p. 4.
9. swimming; singing; drinking; drawing.
p. 5

3. village; desert; seaside; mountains; city.

p. 6.
5. Check your pupils’ answers.
6. went; came; wore; read; bought; took.
p. 7.
7 . 1. nobody 2. anybody 3. nobody 4. somebody 5. anybody 6. anybody 7. somebody
p. 9.
5. 1. Big Ben; 2. centre of London; 3. top of the tower; 4. landmark.
6. our teacher’s name; his cousin’s name; the name of the tower; my friend’s name;
the name of the clock;
7. gaRebulia; daketilia; napovnia; gatarebulia; nayidia; motanilia; aSenebulia;
dawerilia; gagzavnilia.

3. 1. frog 2. shark 3. duck 4. dolphin 5. penguin 6. turtle
5. 1. Yes, they do. 2. Yes, they do. 3. No, they don’t. 4. Yes, it does. 5. No, it doesn’t.
6. Yes, it does.
6. 1. in the river 2. Antarctica 3. in the water 4. in the ocean and in the sea
5. in the lake 6. in the pond 7. in the water 8. in the sea and in the ocean.
7. child-wild; fish-dish; some-come; frog-dog; kind-find; tree-green; card-hard;

text-next; bark- shark.
8. riddle - water
4. Check your pupils’ answers.
6. Check your pupils’ answers.

p.18. CO
7. December; August; March; September.
8. 1. in; at; at; 2. at; in; on; 3. in; on; in; 4. on; in; in.

4. 1. CrdiloeTi 2. CrdiloeTis 3. samxreTi 4. samxreTis 5. dasavleTi

6. dasavleTis 7. aRmosavleTi 8. aRmosavleTis
6. 1. It is in Scotland 2. Cardiff 3. They are red 4. In the Buckingham Palace
5. Yes, there are 6. Thames.
p. 20.
9. 1. amerikis SeerTebuli Statebi CrdiloeT amerikaSia. 2. vaSingtoni amerikis
dedaqalaqia 3.amerikaSi 50 Statia 4.amerikis prezidenti TeTr saxlSi cxovrobs.
p. 21.
3. 1. because I’ve got a toothache. 2. because I’ve got a headache. 3. because

I’ve got a stomach-ache. 4. because my eyes hurt. 5. because his leg is broken.
6. because she is allergic to dust.
4. 1. No. I’ve got a toothache. 2. No. I’ve got some drops. 3. No. They have got
some medicine at hospitals. 4. No. My aunt has got a low temperature.
5. No. Bill’s cousin has got a bad cough.

p. 22.
6. 1. Yes 2. No 3. No 4. Yes 5. No 6. Yes 7. No 8. Yes
7. 1. Yesterday I woke up at 8 o’clock. 2. Ted stopped playing football 3. Mike’s
parents bought some books for him. 4. My sister had a high temperature.
5. They didn’t know about it. 6. Mother didn’t have any time. 7. Did you feel bad
yesterday? 8. I thought everything was all right. 9. Did you have a bad cough?
p. 24.
4. 1. are 2. cannot 3. better 4. cannot 5. short 6. can
p. 25.
7. 1. Can, can 2. Can, can’t 3. Can, can 4. can 5. can 6. Can, can 7. cannot
8. can’t 9. can’t, can’t

8. Check your pupils’ answers.
p. 28.
6. Check your pupils’ sentences.
7. 1. a, the 2. an, the 3. __, the 4. __ ,a, the 5. the, the, a 6. the,__,a 7. __
8. a, __ 9. an, __ 10. an, the
p. 29.
10. 1. SeiZleba Semovide? 2. SeiZleba Seni kompiuteri gamoviyeno? 3. SeiZleba
gavideT? 4. SeiZleba tomma Seni fanjara SeRebos? 5. SeiZleba isini gvestumron?
11. floor-door; hall-call; hold-cold; grant-plant; give-live; chair-pair; tower-shower;

sink-think; path-bath; mug-rug.
p. 30.
3. 1. must 2. must 3. Must, must 4. mustn’t 5. mustn’t 6. must 7. mustn’t, must 8. mustn’t, must
p. 32.
6. Check your pupils’ answers.
7. 1. Cinderella’s mother died many years ago. 2. She did all hard work in the kitchen.
3. She lay down among the cinders. 4. Her stepsisters came dancing into the house.

5. They drove away in their silk dresses. 6. Poor Cinderella stayed at home.
8. 1. must 2. may 3. must 4. must 5. may 6. must 7. must, must

tiny-small; shut-close; begin-start; high-tall; sick-ill; enormous-huge; ring-phone;

say-tell; clever-intelligent; finish-end;
10. large-little; live-die; kind-unkind; poor-rich; cold-hot; clever-stupid; sick-healthy;
leave-stay; laugh-cry
p. 34.
4. Check your pupils’ answers.
5. 1. pumpkin 2. mice 3. slippers 4. coach 5. palace
6. 1. can 2. can 3. could 4. could 5. can 6. could, could 7. can
8. ride; find; put on; find; drive

p. 36.
4. 1. debma konkia ver icnes. 2. princma konkiasTan icekva. 3. konkias saaTis
Sesaxeb daaviwyda. 4. mas ferias sityvebi gaxsenda. 5. princma konkias qoSi
kibeze ipova. 6. konkias debma ver SeZles qoSis Cacma.
5. 1. could 2. couln not 3. couln not 4. could 5. could 6. could, couln not

6. Check your pupils’ sentences.

7. king-ring; fast-last; ask-mask; town-down; coach-coat; word-work; stair-fair;
wash-want; cry-try; book-cook;
p. 37.
3. Check your pupils’ sentences.
4. 1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. No 5. Yes 6. No
p. 38.
6. 1. dedam bevri gemrieli kerZi moamzada 2. deda Zalian daiRala. 3. ninom
langari zeda sarTulze aitana 4. man dedis namZinarevi xma gaigona.
5. ninom kari frTxilad gaaRo. 6. stumrebma dedas madloba gadauxades.
7. 1. their 2. his 3. me 4. your 5. us 6. her

p. 39.
11. 1. f ; 2. d ; 3. g; 4. e; 5. a; 6. c; 7. b.
p. 41.
5. Check your pupils’ answers.
6. 1. cartoons 2. weather 3. programme 4. quizzes 5. comedy
p. 42.
8. 1. for 2. about 3. on 4. with 5. on 6. on, for 7. about 8. on, on,on 9. with
9. Check your pupils’ sentences.

p. 43.
4. Check your pupils’ adjectives.
p. 44.
6. Check your pupils’ answers.
p. 46.
4. 1. was 2. was 3. was, were 4. were, was 5. were, were
p. 47.
6. Check your pupils’ answers.

p. 48. CO
7. 1. Yes 2. No 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes 6. No

8. 1. artist 2. driver 3. fireman 4. businessman 5. policeman 6. secretary

7. shop assistant 8. postman
9. Check your pupils’ sentences.
p. 49.
3. Check your pupils’ sentences.
4. 1. a pair of mittens 2. a pair of boots 3. a pair of skis 4. a pair of poles
5. ski pants 6. ski glasses 7. a helmet 8. an anorak
p. 50.
6. 1. when 2. how 3. why 4. what 5. who 6. where 7. whom 8. whose
p. 51.

7. 1. wyvili fexsacmeli 2. wyvili xelTaTmani 3. wyvili Tbili cerTiTa

xelTaTmani 4. wyvili cigura 5. wyvili Txilamuri 6. wyvili winda
8. Check your pupils’ answers.
p. 52.
3. Check your pupils’ answers.

p. 53.
5. 1. sons 2. market 3. straw 4. feathers 5. costs 6. match, candle 7. rewarded
p. 54.
7. Check your pupils’ answers and grids.
8. 1. 359+20+605 2. T-shirt-15 laris 3. the first vase 4. 4768+402-77
5. T-shirt – 21 laris 6. the first vase
p. 56.
6. Check your pupils’ answers.
p. 57.
7. 1. by 2. in 3. of 4. by 5. out of 6. by 7. into
8. Check your pupils’ sentences.

p. 59.
4. 1. London is situated on the river Thames. 2. The Tower Bridge is the most wonderful.
3. In 1666 the Great Fire broke in London. 4. London is divided into thirty-two
boroughs. 5. The fountains make Trafalgar square more popular.
5. Check your pupils’ plurals.
p. 60.
8. Check your pupils’ sentences.
9. city-town; harm-hurt; good- excellent; road-way; quick-fast; large-giant;

dear-favourite; ancient-old; free-independent; wonderful-amazing.
10. wet-dry; wide-narrow; modern-old-fashioned; warm-cool; clean-dirty; small-great;
thick-thin; right-left; late-early; far-near.
p. 62.
4. 1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4.Yes 5. No 6. Yes 7. No
5. 1. cold 2. rainy 3. thin, thick 4. sunny 5. foggy 6. dirty 7. clean.
6. Check your pupils’ sentences.
p. 65.
4. Check your pupils’ answers.
5. Check your pupils’ answers. CO
6. rain- pain; roast-toast; walk-talk; burn-turn; bath-path; raw- jaw; flower-tower;
mitten-kitten; most-host; sound-found
p. 67.
4. Check your pupils’ sentences.
5. 1. small 2. thin 3. foggy 4. old 5. rich 6. beautiful 7. strong 8. tall
6. Check your pupils’ sentences.
p. 69.
4. 1. I will not be angry with you tomorrow. 2. She won’t be surprised and pleased.
3. Will you be tired tomorrow? 4. Hans and his wife will not be sad. 5. We won’t be
wet and cold next week. 6. Will you be hungry and thirsty next Sunday?

4. 1. friendly 2. stole 3. valuable 4. sacks

Workbook Answers
p. 2.

2. chair; chess; English; French; German; hobby; language; school; Ukraine

3. 1. c; 2. d; 3. a; 4. b; 5.f. 6.e
p. 3.
5. learning; writing;doing; playing;crying;meeting;wating;wearing;sending;getting up
6. 1. Jack likes ridig a bike. 2. Meg likes playing computer games. 3. Lucy likes
counting. 4. Bill and Alex like writing letters.
7. Check your pupils’ sentences.
p. 4.
8. Check your pupils’ answers.
9. 1. I love reading books. 2. I hate reading books. 3. I love books. 4. I don’t mind
reading books. 5. I hate books. 6. I like reading books. 7. I don’t mind books.
8. I like books.

p. 5.
2. 1. Did anybody enter the club? Nobody entered the club. 2. Did I see anybody
at the seaside? I saw nobody at the seaside. 3. Did Tom help anybody in the village?
He didn’t help anybody in the village. 4. Did anybody spend summer holidays in the
city? Nobody spent summer holidays in the city. 5. Did they want to see anybody
in the desert? They didn’t want to see anybody in the desert.
3. 1. aunt 2. uncle 3. grandfather 4. grandmother 5. grandparents 6. cousin
p. 6.

5. Check your pupils’ irregulars.
6. 1. somebody 2. nobody 3. somebody 4. anybody 5. everybody 6. anybody
7. 1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. No 5. Yes 6. No 7. Yes
p. 7.
8. Check your pupils’ sentences.
9. 1. an, an 2. the 3. __ 4. a 5. a 6. ___
p. 8.

2. It’s ten past five; It’s quarter to twelve; It’s twenty to two; It’s twenty-five past six;
It’s five past two; It’s quarter past four; It’s thirty-five to seven; It’s half past eight.
3. 1. at 2. by 3. past 4. on, to 5. on, at, to, on at, past 6. at, to
4. clock; chicken; duck; black; socks; sticker
p. 9.
6. Check your pupils’ sentences.
7. Check your pupils’ answers.
8. 1. bell 2. the UK 3. London 4. a tower 5. the Westminster Bridge 6. the BBC
p. 10.
9. 1. These book shops are open from 9 AM to 8 PM. 2. These supermarkets are
closed on Saturdays. 3. Those libraries are built by workers. 4. Those towers
are seen from the bridges.
10. 1. b. 2. d. 3. a. 4. c

11. 1.the name of the tower 2.the top of the mountain 3.the name of the huge bell 4.the
door of the museum 5. my aunt’s name 6. your friend’s letter 7. our uncle’s glasses
p. 11.
2. 1. sharp 2. wide 3. flat 4. grey 5. long 6. fat 7. big
3. Check your pupils’ verbs.

4. 1. some 2. any 3. no 4. any 5. any 6. any

p. 12.
7. Check your pupils’ sentences.
8. Check your pupils’ crosswords.
p. 14.
2. Check your pupils’ puzzles.
3. 3 rd June; 7 th July; 25 th December; 16 th February; The first of March;
The fourteenth of August; thirty-first of May; twenty-second of September;
November the ninth; January the first; April the twelfth; October the eighth.
4. 1. hotter 2. hottest 3. colder 4. coldest 5. better 6. best
p. 15.
6. 1. g 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. b
7. Check your pupils’ adjectives.
8. Check your pupils’ answers.
p. 16.
9. 1. In winter the days are short. 2. On the 25 th of December people celebrate
Christmas Day in America. 3. We will not go to London in 2015. 4. Are the days
hot or cold in August? 5. Nick had his birthday party on Sunday. 6. Does Mrs. Smith
start her walking at 8 o’clock?
10. 1. Yes 2. No 3. No 4. Yes 5. No 6. Yes 7. No

p. 17.
2. four directions of the earth.
3. 1. west 2. east 3. south 4. north 5. on the river Mtkvari 6. on the Georgian Flag
7. to the south-east, to the south, to the south-west.
p. 18.
5. Check your pupils’ answers.
6. London is the capital of England. Cardiff is the capital of Wales.

Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. Belfast is the capital of Ireland.
7. 1. its white chalk cliffs. 2. the oldest university town. 3. the pop group The Beatles.
4. the bell and the clock Big Ben.5. the red double-decker buses.
p. 19.
8. 1. large 2. queen 3. four 4. four 5. buses
9. Check your pupils’ answers.
10. 1. lake 2. ocean 3. river 4. waterfall 5. city 6. state
11. 1.letter 2. ship 3. chicken 4. Europe 5. tomato 6. watch 7. sandwich 8. bunch 9. king
p. 20.
12. Check your pupils’ plurals.
13. 1. San Francisco 2. Alaska 3. New York 4. New York 5. fifty 6. Washington
p. 25.
2. 1. go 2. take 3. use 4. eat 5. X-ray

3. 1. date, late 2. he, she.3. vine, like 4. phone, stone 5. tune, huge 6. lamp, map
7. let, get 8. pig, pill 9. not, top, knot 10. dust, duck
p. 26.
5. 1. put on your sweatsrirt? 2. have two sandwiches? 3. stop playing football?
4. take your drops? 5. stay in bed 6. drink some water?

6. 1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c
7. Check your pupils’ sentences.
p. 27.
8. Check your pupils’ sentences explain what is happening in the pictures.
p. 28.
2. Check your pupils’ sentences.
3. down; up; down; up; up; down.
4. Check that your pupils’ match the words to the pictures.
p. 29.
6. language: English, French, Georgian. weather: rainy, windy, sunny.
art: paintbrush, crayons, rubber. computer: keyboard, mouse, screen.
7. Check your pupils’ words.
8. 1.webo2.makrateli3.feradi fanqrebi4.saSleli5.fotoaparati6.qaRaldi7.kalmistari
p. 30.
9. Check your pupils’ sentences.
10. A: I can see a lot of scissors on the screen. B: I can see a lot of children on
the screen. C: I can see a lot of letters on the screen. D: I can see a lot of
clocks on the screen. E: I can see a lot of photos on the screen.
11. 1. Have you got a computer? 2. Do you play computer games? 3. Do you use
a computer? 4. Do you want a computer? 5. Can you use a computer?

6. Do you like a computer?
p. 31.
2. wardrobe; bookcase; mirror; lamp; armchair; cupboard; chair; table
3. Check your pupils’ prepositions of place.
4. Check your pupils’ sentences.
p. 32.
6. 1. Yes, there are. 2. No, there aren’t. 3. Yes, there are. 4. No, there aren’t.

8. Check your pupils’ answers.

p. 33.
9. 1. b. 2. c. 3. a. 4. d.
5. Yes, there are. 6. Yes, there are.
7. Check your pupils’ words.

10. Check your pupils’ sentences.

p. 34.
2. 1. Yes 2. Yes. 3. No. 4. Yes 5. No. 6. Yes 7. No
3. Check your pupils’ sentences.
4. he will; She is; will not; I am; they have; you are; who is; can not.
p. 35.
6. Check your pupils’ answers.
7. small-little; lovely-beautiful; big- large; huge-enormous; dirty-unclean;

child-baby; ugly-terrible
8. coach; mice; silk; ugly; pumpkin; kind; study; girl; lovely; ball
p. 36.
9. 1. her 2. they 3. it 4. he 5. them 6. us 7. her 8. she 9. him
10. 1. lovely 2. young 3. dusty 4. clumsy, ugly 5. unhappy 6. unkind

p. 37.
11. Check your pupils’ words.
12. 1. dare, fare 2. German, serve 3. girl, sir 4. fork, short 5. mere, sere 6. pure, lure
7. mouse, sound
p. 38.
2. Check your pupils’ sentences.
3. Check your pupils’ verbs in the past.
p. 39.
4. 1. No, she couldn’t. 2. Yes, she could. 3. Yes, she could. 4. Yes, she could.
5. Yes, she could. 6. No, he couldn’t. 7. No, he couldn’t. 8. Yes, he could.
5. 1. happy 2. end 3. dirty 4. open 5. ugly 6. old 7. give 8. short
6. Check your pupils’ sentences.
7. I-me; you-you; he-him; she-her; it-it; we-us; they-them
p. 40.
8. Check your pupils’ sentences explain what is happening in the pictures.
p. 41.
2. 1. Cinderella entered the ballroom of the palace. 2. The king’s son liked Cinderella
very much. 3. Cinderella forgot about the clock. 4. The Prince found her slipper
on the stairs. 5. The two stepsisters could not put the tiny slipper on. 6. Cinderella
lived happily ever after with the Prince.

3. Check your pupils’ sentences.
p. 42.
4. 1. c. 2. a 3. d 4. b
5. 1. whose 2. why 3. where 4. who 5. whom 6. what time 7. what 8. how
6. 1. the ladies’ hats. 2. the two sisters’ silk dresses. 3. the policemen’s boots.
4. the boys’ letters. 5. the children’s computers. 6. the women’s slippers
7. the bankers’ banks. 8. the babies’ mugs.
p. 43.
7. Check your pupils’ crosswords.
p. 48.
2. Check your pupils’ sentences.
3. 1. in the morning yesterday. 2. in the afternoon yesterday.
3. in the evening yesterday. 4. in the night yesterday.
4. 1. puris naWeri 2. qaraldis furceli 3. yvavilebis Taiguli
4. avejis nawili 5. qvis lodi 6. yinulis kubebi.
p. 49.
5. Check your pupils’ answers.
6. Check your pupils’ puzzles.
7. 1. party 2. time 3. tired 4. upstairs 5. daughter 6. surprised and pleased
p. 50.

8. Check your pupils’ sentences explain what is happening in the pictures.

9. 1. sleepy 2. toast 3. diet 4. knocked 5. tray
p. 51.
2. The Simpsons – cartoon; Daisi – opera; Rembo – film; Euro news – the news
3. 1. a crazy family 2. a school girl; 3. funny animals

4. 1. the film about school 2. the film for school 3. the film at school 4. the school film
5. the film from school 6. the cartoons for children 7. the cartoons at home
8. the cartoons about children
p. 52.
6. Check your pupils’ sentences.
7. Check your pupils’ answers.
p. 53.
8. 1. true 2. false 3. true 4. false 5. false 6. true 7. true
9. Check your pupils’ sentences explain what is happening in the pictures.
p. 54.
2. 1. qandakeba 2. skulptura 3. ConCxi 4. naxati 5. gobeleni 6. ganZi 7. samkauli 8. vaza
3. Check your pupils’ adjectivs.
p. 55.
5. 1. most 2. more 3. most 4. more 5. most 6. more
6. Check your pupils’ sentences.
p. 56.
7. Check your pupils’ sentences.
8. 1. b 2. e 3. a 4. v 5. g 6. d
p. 57.
2. Check your pupils’ questions.

3. Check your pupils’ answers.
p. 58.
5. Check your pupils’ questions and answers.
6. Check your pupils’ sentences.
7. teacher; worker; painter; sailor; driver; fighter; writer; reader; speaker; dancer; singer; player
p. 59.
8. Check your pupils’ sentences.

10. Check your pupils’ sentences. CO

9. Check your pupils’ sentences explain what is happening in the pictures.
p. 60.

11. 1. them 2. you 3. me 4. us 5. her 6. him 7. it

p. 61.
2. Check your pupils’ sentences.
3. a pair of skates; a hat; an anorak; a pair of boots; a T-shirt; a pair of mittens;
a sweatshirt; a pair of ski poles
p. 62.
5. 1. every day 2. often 3. never 4. sometimes 5. always 6. usually
6. 1. Our winter holidays were great. 2. In January I was in Gudauri. 3. Natia had a pair
of new mittens. 4. Mike could ride a snowboard. 5. Sometimes we sledged on a big
sledge together. 6. I saw some children throwing snowballs. 7. My neighbour

appologized me.
p. 63.
7. Check your pupils’ sentences.
8. Check your pupils’ articles.
9. 1. bacause, saucepan 2. coat, goat 3. sound, found 4. dead, spread 5. France,

glance 6. find, mind 7. child, wild 8. 8. book, cook 9. room, spoon 10. moor
p. 64.
10. Check your pupils’ sentences explain what is happening in the pictures.
p. 65.
2. 2. at the greengrocer’s. They cost 4 laris. 3. in the shoe shop. They cost 63 laris.
4. at the chemist’s. They cost 2 laris. 5. in the pet shop. It was 10 laris.
6. at the butcher’s. That meat was 12 laris. 7. in the supermarket. They were 15 laris.
8. at the florist’s. They cost 7 laris.
p. 66.
4. 1. on his feet. 2. so Alice put up her umbrella. 3. with a knife 4. at the butcher’s.
5. to buy some cheese. 6. on his head.
5. 1. b. 2. a. 3. c. 4. a. 5. c. 6. b. 7. a. 8. b
p. 67.
6. 1. baker 2. butcher 3. chemist 4. greengrocer 5 florist 6. farmer 7. poet 8. musician
7. 1. rainy 2. low 3. old-fashioned 4. quick 5. fat 6. pretty 7. hurt 8. reply 9. gather 10.fine
8. Check your pupils’ puzzles.
p. 68.
9. 1. but 2. because 3. but 4. because 5. so 6. so 7. but 8. because 9. so 10. but
10. Check your pupils’ adverbs.
p. 73.

2. 1. frequently 2. correctly 3. loudly 4. quickly 5. bitterly 6. brightly 7. slowly
3. Check your pupils’ sentences.
p. 74.
4. 1. b. 2. a. 3. c. 4. d.
5. 1. when 2. who 3. what 4. where 5. how 6. who(m) 7. why 8. whose
6. 1. were 2. were 3. was 4. were 5. was 6. was 7. was 8. were
p. 75.
7. Check your pupils’ words.

p. 76.
2. Check your pupils’ answers.
8. 1. cold 2. thick 3. poor 4. early 5. difficult 6. slow 7. unfair 8. cry 9. night

3. Check your pupils’ verbs in the past.

p. 77.
5. 1. taueris xidi 2. londonis koSki 3. madam tusodis cvilis muzeumi
nelsonis qandakeba 5. londonis Tvali 6. farTo da swori quCebi
7. kinos Tanamedrove Senoba 8. haid parki 9. bukingemis sasaxle
p. 78.
6. 1. b. 2. a. 3. c. 4. b. 5. a. 6. c.
7. 1. T. 2. z. 3. g. 4. a. 5. v. 6. e. 7. i. 8. b. 9. d.
p. 79.

8. 1. hair, fair 2. train, pain 3. say, tray 4. tree, free 5. seal, speak 6. lie, die
7. piece, niece 8. point, boil 9. toy, Roy
9. 1. pulled down 2. was burning 3. divides 4. are lying 5. wanted 6. worked 7. make
p. 80.
2. Check your pupils’ answers.

3. 1. sunny 2. starry 3. foggy 4. snowy 5. frosty 6. cloudy 7. windy 8. icy

p. 81.
4. Check your pupils’ weather grids.
5. Check your pupils’ sentences.
6. 1. It is a rainy day. 2. It is foggy. 3. it often snows. 4. It is usually sunny.
5. It is often very hot. 6. It isn’t raining now. 7. It is cloudy.
p. 82.
7. 1. b. 2. e. 3. a. 4. c. 5.d.
8. 1. g. 2. z. 3. T. 4. a. 5. i. 6. b. 7. d. 8. v. 9. e.
9. 1. true 2. false 3. false 4. true 5. false 6. true 7. false 8. true 9. false 10. true
p. 83.
10. 1. sport 2. weather 3. green 4. tree 5. park 5. country 7. metre 8. island
11. Across:1.snowy 2.windy 3.year 4.cloudy Down:1.sunny 2.foggy 3.frosty 4.rainy
p. 84.
2. 1. was trudging 2. thick 3. nearly 4. wonderful 5. greedy 6. most 7. sheets
8. white 9. salt-grinder 10. cartwheels
3. Check your pupils’ answers.
p. 85.
5. Check your pupils’ sentences explain what is happening in the pictures.
p. 86.

6. 2.Who did catrwheels and handstands? 3. Don’t sell your ham for money!
4. Are these sheets clean or dirty? 5. We didn’t have a salt-grinder.
6. Father took some wheat to the mill.
7. 1. call, ball 2. halt, waltz 3. caught, taught 4. hour 5. tower, power
6. cold, hold 7. few, dew 8. light, fight 9. walk, chalk 10. now, how
p. 87.
2. Check your pupils’ sentences.

p. 88.
4. Check your pupils’ sentences.
3. slow, a tortoise; sweet, chocolate; busy, a bee; cold, an ice-cream; brave, a lion;
high, a mountain

5. 1. me 2. him 3. him 4. her 5. you, me 6. her 7. you

p. 89.
6. 1. desert, water, thirsty; 2. had, small, beak; 3. idea, stones; 4. level, last, drink.
7. 1. his 2. their 3. my 4. its 5.our 6. her
p. 90.
8. 1. task, mask 2. grass, glass 3. path, bath 4. host, most 5. none, done 6. come
7. brother, other 8. love, dove 9. fellow, window
9. 1. people 2. capitals 3. meals 4. games 5. furniture 6. misical instruments
7. cities 8. transport (road) 9. fruit 10. transport (sea)

p. 91.
2. Check your pupils’ sentences explain what is happening in the pictures.
p. 92.
3. 1. who 2. who 3. who 4. which 5. who 6, which
4. Check your pupils’ sentences.

p. 93.
5. 1. d. 2. g. 3. v. 4. a. 6. z. 7. b. 8. e.
6. 1. buy 2. made 3. new 4. sea 5. not 6. our 7. knew 8. sun 9. weak 10. hair
p. 94.
7. Check your pupils’ plurals.
8. 1. flowerpot 2. waterfall 3. butterfly 4. seashell 5. policeman 6. cupboard
7. newsagent 8. airport 9. snowball 10. cartwheels
Progress Tests Answers
Test 1
1. 1. likes 2. hates 3. like 4. don’t mind 5. loves 6. don’t love 7. hate 8. like

9. don’t mind 10. doesn’t like
2. 1. somebody 2. anybody 3. anybody 4. somebody 5. nobody 6. anybody, nobody
7. anybody 8. somebody
3. Check your pupils’ sentences.
4. 1. eleven AM 2. eleven ten AM 3. eleven fifteen AM 4. eleven thirty AM
5. eleven thirty-five AM 6. eleven forty-five AM 7. eleven fifty-five AM 8. twelve five AM
9. twelve twenty AM 10. twelve twenty AM

5. 1. b. 2. a. 3. c. 4. b. 5. a.
6. 1. Did the two ducks like quacking in the lake? 2. Dolphins were not dangerous.
3. A frog didn’t live in the ocean. 4. Fish swam in the water. 5. The frogs and the fish
put their heads out of the lake. 6. A big bird said chirping, ‘Off you go!’
8. A rabbit didn’t want to see them. 9. Did a pinguin like swimming?
7. 1. January 2. February 3. month, March 4. year, April 5. fifth, May 6. of, June

7. The, month, July 8. year, August 9. ninth, September 10. month, October
11. a, November 12. twelfth, of, December
8. 1. b. 2. c. 3. a. 4. b. 5. c. 6. c. 7. a.
9. 1. in. 2. on 3. on, in 4. at 5. on 6. in 7. at 8. in, in 9. on 10. in 11. at
10. 1. the 2. an 3. the, __ 4. __, the 5. a, the 6. the, the 7. the, the 8. the,__
9.a, the 10. __, the 11. a 12. a 13. __ 14. an
11. 1.need,must 2.need 3.needs,must 4.must,needs 5.need,must 6.need 7.must,need
12. 1.Because it’s very difficult for me. 2. Because he hasn’t got a photo camera. 3. Because
they have no printer. 3. Because she is very little. 4. Because I can’t use a computer.
13. 1. the top of the tower 2. the keyboard of the computer 3. the project of the plan 4. the
name of the city 5. the laboratories of the factories 6. the states of the country 7. the months

of the year 8. the glass of water 9. the banks of the river 1. mother’s birthday 2. Nick’s camera
3. the children’s photos 4. the women’s handkerchieves 5. the dentst’s advice 6. the boys’
chewing gums 7. the men’s dogs 8. Ann’s cousin 9. the duck’s beak 10. the girls’ dresses.
Test 2
1. 1. There are the light brown cupboards in the living room. 2. There are not the sofas

and the pianos in the living room. 3. There are the ashtrays and the small boxes
on the table. 4. There are not the shelves in the bedroom. 5. There are the dark blue
carpets in the middle of the room. 6. There are not the flies in the kitchen. 7. There
are the wardrobes and the bedsides in the bedroom. 8. There are the washbasins,
the baths and the mirrors in the bathroom.
2. Check your pupils’ sentences.
3. 1. can,can, must 2. may 3. must 4. can, can, must 5. must, can 6. may, can
7. can, must 8. can, must 9. may, may.
4. 1. she 2. he 3. they 4.we 5. it 6. you 7. I
5. 1. Cinderella could find the largest pumpkin. 2. A coachman could drive his coach.

3.Cinderella could bring some mice.4.Cinderella couldn’t stay at home.5.Could she go
to the ball dressed in rags? 6.The fairy could touch the pumpkin with her magic wand.
6. 1. you 2. her 3. me 4. them 5. it 6. him 7. us

7. 1. palace 2. recognize 3. fairy’s 4. slipper 5. tiny 6. find 7. stepsisters
8. Check your pupils’ sentences.
9. 1.Did Nino’s family have a party yesterday? 2.Nino’s mother cooked some tasty dishes.

3. The guests had a good time at the party. 4. Nino didn’t open the door of the bedroom.
5. She heard her mother’s sleepy voice. 6. Mother was very surprised and pleased.
10. Check your pupils’ answers.
11. 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. c 6. a 7. a 8. c 9. b
12. 1. b. 2. d. 3. a. 4. v. 5. e. 6. g.

1. Check your pupils’ answers.
13. 1. postmen 2. driver 3. secretary 4. firemen 5. shop assistents 6. artist 7. policeman
Test 3

2. 1. b. 2. a. 3. c. 4. a. 5. b. 6. c. 7. a.
3. Check your pupils’ sentences.
4. 1. Yesterday mother didn’t buy some bread at the baker’s. 2. Two day ago Tom didn’t
drive to the greengrocer’s to bring any vegetable. 3. He didn’t choose a lot of flowers
for anybody at the florist’s. 5. Kate’s sister didn’t leave her bag in the clothes shop
last week. 6. Yesterday I didn’t forget to go to the chemist’s.
5. 1. true 2. false 3. true 4. false 5. false 6. true 7. true 8. false 9. true 10. true

6. 1. in 2. on, of 3. by 4. in 5. into 6. out of 7. from 8. on, of, to

7. 1. f. 2. c. 3. g. 4. a. 5. d. 6. b. 7. e.
8. syn:1.tall 2.old 3.pretty 4.way 5. quick 6.collect 7.answer 8.beautiful 9.hurt 10. large
ant: 1. poor 2. thick 3. low 4. early 5. difficult 6. slow 7. cry 8. night 9. right 10 wide.

9. 1. The day is sunny. 2. The day is foggy. 3. The day is windy. 4. The day is snowy.
5. The day is cloudy. 6. The day is rainy. 7. The day is rainy. 8. The day is frosty.
10. 1. It will be nearly night. 2. There will be thick snow in the forest. 3. Will it be the
rich brother’s present? 4. The rich brother will be mean and greedy. 5. Will he
have the most expensive clothes? 6. Will an old man have a white beard?
7. He won’t sell the ham for money. 9. Hans will return with a salt-grinder.
11. 1.Hans ran back home very excited.2.They worked hard, but could barely make
ends meet.3.His wife never complained about anything.4.He couln’t wait any longer.
5. Soon the table was full of wonderful food. 6. That Christmas was the best in their
life. 7. Life was good in that village. 8. Han’s brother heard about this salt-grinder.
12. 1. gave 2. stole, left 3. was going 4. is planning 5. will be 6. told 7. has
8. didn’t stop 9. sank 10. is grinding 11. is
13. letters; addresses; holidays; libraries; holes; heroes;sharks; handkerchieves;sports-
men; villages; cameras; dishes; ladys; carpets; jaws; feathers; sons; compasses;
photos;rings; firemen; collections; crocodiles; bridges; sacks; cities; turkeys; trainers;
wives;crosses;matches;islands;sledges;postmen;mice;statues;teeth;slippers; ducks;
prizes; secretaries; coachmen; children; palaces; geese; neidhbours; pheasants.
14. many stones;much meat;many balconies;much bread;many bones;many ashtrays;
many boroughs;many sacks;much wax;many swans;many dwarves;much jewellery;
many businessmen; many musicians; many sheets; many countries; much straw;

many churches;many feet;much water;many glasses;many librarians;many frogs;
much milk;many policemen;many skis;many valleys;much leather;many factories.

Pupils Book VI Answers

p. 3 Proverbs:
11. 1. pirSi vercxlis kovziT daibadao. 2. male naswavli, male gvaviwydeba.
p. 7.

p. 9.
9. 1. stay 2. Are you able to… 3. was able to…4. he isn’t able to…5. wasn’t able to…
6. Is Ann able to… 7. How are you able to… 8.Is Ted able to…

11. 1. stay .2. drives 3. am wearing 4.are sitting 5.see 6. is drinking

p. 12.
8 . 1. yours 2. his 3. mine 4. theirs 5. hers 6. ours
Riddles: 1. Two pigs; 2. The stone will bw wet.
p. 15. Puzzle: 1. A bold (meloti) head; 2. Because it is too far to walk.
Riddles: A bookkepper.
5. 1. is 2. was 3. are 4. was 5. will be
p. 20.

5. 1. for 2. on 3. from 4. in 5. to 6. at 7.
p. 24.
7. 1. most 2. less 3. least 4. more
p. 27.
12. A curious problem: Fred ans Albert crossed the river first, and Fred brought back the

boat. Then Fred’s father crossed alone, and Albert returned with the boat. Then the two boys
again crossed together, and Fred brought back the boat. Then the postman crossed alone.
Albert then returned with the boat and brought back his brother.
p. 29.
10. Puzzle: That’s the of me.
p. 36.
9. Prverbs: 1. yovel qveyanas Tavisi zne-Cveulebebi aqvso.
2. bevri sityva xmalze metad sWriso.
p. 38.
9. A curious problem:This picture shows how the twenty
triangular pieces form a square. naxati

10. Riddle (a curious problem): Twice four is eight. Eight and twenty is twenty-eight. The
seventh part of twenty-eight is four. So four blackbirds were killed and these were those
blackbirds which remained, because the others flew away.
Riddle: water.
8. A curious problem: The picture shows the very simple solution to this little problem.
The land is divided into eight equal parts and each part contains three trees.

Riddles:1. piano; 2.Nothing; 3.When he is silent.
7. 1. didn’t learn 2. didn’t phone. 3. didn’t get up 4. didn’t copy.
Riddle; Your word. naxati
Puzzle (a curious problem):

7. 1. __ ; 2. a, the, a 3. the, __ ; 4. __ ; __ ; 5. the; __ ;

A curious problem: You need only make cards 8 and 9 change it into 6. Then the result
of addition in each column will be 18.

Workbook Answers
p. 2.
4. is, is, a re, are,
p. 3.
7. 1. d; 2. g; 3. a; 4. e; 5. f ; 6. h; 7. c; 8. b
8. 1. e; 2. z; 3. a; 4. v; 5. g; 6. b; 7. d;
p. 4.

9. 1. c; 2. f; 3. d; 4. a; 5. g ; 6. b; 7. e;
10. Check your pupils’ sentences.
p. 5.
2. 1. lives, Spain; 2. live, Greek.4. lives, Spanish; 5. live, German.
3. Check the colours of the flags..

4. Check your pupils’ sentences.

p. 6.
5. Check your pupils’ sentences.
6. 1. when, 2. where, 3. when, 4. how, 5. what, 6. which.
7. 1. Yes, I do. 2. Yes, they do. 3. Yes, she does. 4. No, he doesn’t.
5. Yes, they do. 6. No, they don’t.
p. 7.
8. Check your pupils’ sentences.
9. 1. wears, is wearing, 3. drinks, is drinking 4. play, are playing.
p. 8.
7. Check your pupils’ verb forms .

p. 9.
6. Check your pupils’ sentences.
9. 1. an 2. a 3. __ , __ 4. the 5. an 6.the 7. ___ , the.
p. 11.
5. 1. his 2. hers 3. theirs 4. yours 5. ours 6. mine
6. 1. c. 2. d. 3. a. 4. c. 5. b.
7. noisy; late; sad; ready; careful; shy
8. Check your pupils’ sentences.

p. 12.
9. 1. at 2. in 3. at 4. in 6. at
10. Check your pupils’ sentences.
p. 14.
4. 1. f 2. d 3. d 4.e 5. a 6. c
5. Check your pupils’ group of verbs.
6 . him; swallow; beach; soap; branch
7. Check your pupils’ puzzle.
2. Check your pupils’ puzzles.
p. 15.
2. Check your pupils’ passive.
3. Check your pupils’ plurals.
4. Check your pupils’ sentences.
p. 16.
5. Check your pupils’ verb forms .
6. 1. from 2. with 3. to 4. with 5. between
12. Check your pupils’ plurals.
13. 1. San Francisco 2. Alaska 3. New York 4. New York 5. fifty 6. Washington
p. 20.
2. Check your pupils’ sentences.

3. 1. d 2. f 3. a 4.c 5. b 6. e
5. Check your pupils’ synonyms.
p. 21.
6. Check your pupils’ interrogatives.
7. 1. him 2. she, her 3. they, it 4. he, her 5. they, them

8 Check your pupils’ degrees of comperisons.

p. 22.
2. Check your pupils’ questions.
3. Check your pupils’ negatives.
4. 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b
5. 1. missing 2. anything 3. waded 4. is 5. missed 6. somebody
p. 23.
6. Check your pupils’ antonyms.
7. Check your pupils’ sentences.
8. Check your pupils’ past tense.
p. 24.
2. Check your pupils’ sentences.
3. 1. false. 2. false 3. true 4. true 5. true 6. true 7. false 8. false 9. true
p. 25.
2. Check your pupils’ sentences.
5. 1. was 2. is 3. counts 4 . is 5. nothing 6. anybody
6. 1. listen 2. square 3. minute 4. early 5. antique 6. scholar
p. 26.
2. 1. harsh 2. nothing 3. swiftly 4. to cut 5. roof 6. replied
3. 1. where 2. which 3. who 4. what 5. when 6. why 7. how

p. 27.
4. lizard; snail; snake; boar; squirrel; reed
5. Check your pupils’ puzzle.
6. Check your pupils’ verbs.
p. 28.
10. Check your pupils’ plurals.
9. Check your pupils’ crossword.
p. 29.
2. Check your pupils’ past tense.
4. Check your pupils’ sentences.
p. 30.
5. 1. climbed up 2. ticks
3. forester 4. goodies 5. ripe
6. 1. e; 2. z; 3. T; 4. v; 5. b; 6. g; 7. a 8. d;
7. Check your pupils’ sentences.
p. 32.
2. 4. Check your pupils’ sentences.
5. on; in; at; on; at; in; on; at; at; in; in; at; in; in on; at; on.
p. 33.
6. Check your pupils’ questions.
7. Check your pupils’ vocabulary.

8. 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b
p. 37.
2. Check your pupils’ questions.
3. 1. much 2. many 3. much much 5. many
4. Check your pupils’ sentences.

p. 38.
2. Check your pupils’ questions.
3. 1. do 2. is 3. have 4. were 5. was 6. did 7. has 8. was
4. 1. one 2. one 3. ones 4. one 5. ones
p. 39.
2. England; ten; slave; Europe; Irland; legend; snakes; today; national; people.
3. Check your pupils’ colours.
4. Check your pupils’ fractions.
p. 40.
5. Check your pupils’ sentences about solving the problems.
7. 1. often 2. always 3. never 4. always 5. never 6. always

p. 42.
2. it; cheer; bulbs; wreaths; mistletoe; gifts; happy;
3. 1. does not 2. has not 3. did 4. celebrate 5. take 6. was
4. chimney; stocking; popcorn; wreath; mistletoe; ; bulbs;
p. 43.
5. 1. because 2. and 3. if 4. when 5. so 6. but 7. until
6. 1. people 2. capital 3. fruit 4. vegetables 5. meals 6. furniture
7. until 8. cities 9. clothes

7. Check your pupils’ vocabulary.
p. 44.
8. 1. that 2. who 3. what 4. whose 5. whom 6. which
9. 1. who 2. which 3. who 4. which 5. who 6. which
p. 45.
2. Check your pupils’ sentences.
3. Check your pupils’ pronouns.

4. 1. yourself 2. myself 3. yourselves 4. herself 5. himself 6. themselves
p. 46.
5. 1. well 2. are 3. quickly 4. in 5. anything 6. yourselves 7. were
6. 1. g 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. v 6. b
7. Check your pupils’ chart.
p. 47.
2. 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. e 5. c
3. 1.few 2.little 3.little 4.few 5. little 6.few 7.little 8.few 9.little 10.few 11.few 12.little
p. 48.
4. A. 2. B. 3 C. 1
5. 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. a
6. 1. said 2. seek 3. feather 4. hare 5. night
p. 49.

7. Check your pupils’ sentences using future.

8. ourselves; yourselves; themselves; wives; cranberries; bushes; chimneys; mistletowes
p. 50.
2. 2. pulling a feather; 3. keeping hares; 4. singing
3. 1. who 2. which 3. where 4. have 5. why 6. whose 7. what 8. did 9. when

10. will 11. does 12. whom

p. 51.
4. 1.isn’t it? 2.can she? 3. doesn’t he? 4.wasn’t she? 5.did she?
6.haven’t you? 7. can we?
5. 1. talk 2. clean 3. hardly 4. receive 5. box 6. run 7. keep 8. king
6. 1. an 2. a 3. the 4. an, the 5. __ , __ 6. the 7. a 8. an
7. Check your pupils’ sentences using past.
p. 52.
8. Check your pupils’ stories.
p. 56.
2. Check your pupils’ opposites.
3. 1. religious 2. symbol 3. bakes 4. Easter 5. willow 6. races 7. start 8. hardboil
4. Check your pupils’ sentences using irregular.
p. 57.
5. Check your pupils’ answers.
6. Check your pupils’ alphabet quiz.
p. 58.
2. Check your pupils’ asks and answers.
3. Check your pupils’ questions and answers.
4. Check your pupils’ answers.

p. 59.
5. Check your pupils’ sentences.
7. Check your pupils’ verbs.
8. Check your pupils’ questions and answers.
9. Check your pupils’ sentences.

4. Check your pupils’ sentences.
5. 2. does; 3. do; 4. does;
2. Check your pupils’ questions and answers.
3. Check your pupils’ sentences.

6. Check your pupils’ crossword.
2. Check your pupils’ opposites.
8. 1. c; 2. f; 3. a; 4. e; 5. b; 6. d;
2. 1. v; 2. b; 3. k; 4. a; 5. g; 6. z; 7. i; 8. T; 9 . g; 10. e;
3. Check your pupils’ stories.

5. 1. c; 2. a; 3. d; 4. b;
6. Check your pupils’ irregulars.
7. 1. anybody; 2. anything; 3. nothing; 4. everything; 5. somebody;

8. Check your pupils’ answers.

9. Check your pupils’ answers.
2. Check your pupils’ sentences.
3. Check your pupils’ adverbs.
4. Check your pupils’ interrogatives and negatives.
5. 1. chocolate 2. soldier 3. shoemaker 4. ice 5. wolf 6. paper
6. 1. cook 2. artist 3. singer 4. journalist 5. traveller 6. writer
7. engineer 8. footballer 9. shoemaker
7. Check your pupils’ prefixes.
8. Check your pupils’ sentences using past tense.
9. 1. writer 2. seller 3. craftsman 4. gardener 5. butcher 6. sailor 7. in
2. Check your pupils’ interrogatives and negatives.
3. Check your pupils’ answers.
7. 1. behind 2. out, out 3. down 4. into 5. to 6. for 7. baker
8. Check your pupils’ sentences in the plural forms.

9. quickly as; 2.there are; 3.were, were 4.has 5.any more 6.anything7.have seen

Progress Tests Answers

Test 1
1. 1. am, am 2. travelled 3. spend 4. lives 5. are 6. say 7. chat 8. wants

2. end; love; start; chat; exercise; look; wish; numerous; do; listen;
3. 1. are able to; 2. have to; 3.will be able to; 4.had to; 5. are they able to;
6. is able to; 7. have to; 8. will be able;
4. 1. b. 2. a. 3. c. 4. a. 5. c. 6. b 7. a 8. c
5. 1. yours 2. ours 3. hers 4. theirs 5. mine 6. his
6. shut; poor at; cry; inside; noisy; dirty; difficult; late; end; take; work; top;
7. 1. true 2. true 3. false 4. false 5. true 6. false7. false 8. true 9. false 10. true
8. 1. the 2 __ 3. the 4. the 5. a, the 6. the, __ , the 7. the, __ 8. the 9. a, the
9. 1. is celebrated; 2. are made; 3. are exhibited; 4. is closed; 5. will be performed;
10. 1. many; 2. many; 3. much; 4. much; 5. many; 6.much; 7. many 8. many
9. much 10. many 11. many 12. many 13. much 14. many 15. much16. much

11. Check your pupils’ interrogatives.

12. 1. b. 2. c. 3. a. 4. a. 5. c.
13. Check your pupils’ sentences.

14. Check your pupils’ irregulars.

15. 1. in, in, in, on; 2. in, with; 3. at, at, of , on, at; 4. in, from, by, by, on, in, at, of, in;
5. in, of , through; 6. from, to, in, at, on, at 7, on, in, in,for; 8. across, on, next to,
of, at, to, about.
16. Check your pupils’ plurals.

Test 2

1. 1. b. 2. a. 3. c. 4. c. 5. b. 6. a
2. 1. d. 2. b. 3. k. 4. e. 5. a. 6. v. 7. g.

3. Check your pupils’ past tense.
4. 1. parts 2. roofs 3. stones, wood 4. ools 5. Romans
5. 1. castles, deep 2. own 3. kilt 4. tartan 5. bagpipes 6. competitions 7. prunes
6. 1. d. 2. h. 3. g. 4. b. 5. a. 6. c 7. f. 8. e
7. Check your pupils’ sentences.
8. Check your pupils’ answers.

9. Check your pupils’ negatives.
10. Check your pupils’ sentences.
11. Check your pupils’ guestions.
12. Check your pupils’ words.
13. 1. anybody 2. climb 3. met 4. will be able to 5. to make 6. to copy

14. 1. swiftly 2. merry 3. quietly 4. deep
15. 1. roofs 2. reed 3. snake 4. raspberries 5. tools 6. cloth 7. jam
8. unformation 9. carol 10. business 11. hare 12. cards
16. 1. celebrated 2. was picking 3. was watching 4. solved, left
5. were celebrating 6. was sleeping

Test 3
1. 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. b 8. a
2. Check your pupils’ numerals.
3. 1. religious 2. Kingdom 3. confluence 4. moved 5. invadors 6. will
4. Check your pupils’ suffixes.

5. Check your pupils’ dialogues.

6. 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. b 7. c
7. 1. a 2. an 3. __ 4. the 5. a 6. an 7. the 8.__ 9. __10. __ 11. an 12. __ 13.__
14.__ 15. an 16.__ 17. an 18. a 19. __ 20. a 21.__ 22. an 23. a 25. a

8. 1. a 2. c 3. b
9. 1. British 2. American 3. Georgian 4. famous 5. children 6.contents 7. read
10. Check your pupils’ continuous tenses.
11. Check your pupils’ synonyms.
12. Check your pupils’ antonyms.
13. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. c
14. Check your pupils’ irregular verbs.
15. Check your pupils’ suffixes.



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