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Chapter I



Internet Pornography (often shortened to porn) is the portrayal of sexual subject

matter for the exclusive purpose of sexual arousal. Pornography may be presented in a
variety of media, including magazines, animation, writing, film, video, and video games.
The term does not include live exhibitions like sex shows and striptease. The primary
subjects of present-day pornographic depictions are pornographic models, who pose for
still photographs, and pornographic actors who engage in filmed sex acts.

Various groups within society have considered depictions of a sexual nature

immoral, addictive, and noxious, labeling them pornographic, and attempting to have
them suppressed under obscenity laws, censored or made illegal. Such grounds, and
even the definition of pornography, have differed in various historical, cultural, and
national contexts. Social attitudes towards the discussion and presentation of sexuality
have become more tolerant in Western countries, and legal definitions of obscenity
have become more limited, beginning in 1969 with Blue Movie by Andy Warhol, the first
adult erotic film depicting explicit sexual intercourse to receive wide theatrical release in
the United States.

Pornography in the Philippines is defined by Philippine law in the Revised Penal

Code of the Philippines and Republic Act No. 7610. According to this Philippine
legislation, pornography are illegal doctrines, publications, shows, and other similar
material or portrayals that advocate human immorality, obscenity, and indecency.
Philippine legislations penalize participation in these unlawful activities, which extend
punishment to those that harbor abuse, exploitation, prostitution, and discrimination of

In connection, this research paper will focus on the effects of Pornography as a

Leisure Activity Among selected Teenagers of Sitio Lamcanal, Malandag, Malungon,
Sarangani Province.

Statement of the Problem

This study wanted to assess Internet Pornography as a Leisure Activity Among

Teenagers of Sitio Lamcanal, Malandag, Malungon, Sarangani Province: Examining its

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the Profiles of the teenagers of Sitio Lamcanal, Malandag, Malungon,
Sarangani Province as to:
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
2. What factors allow teenagers to regard Internet Pornography as a Leisure
3. How does Pornography as a Leisure Activity Affects Teenagers?

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will provide valuable visions and information that can
be used as a substantial reference for further educational services. Results of this study
will help in finding solutions to problems related to the following:

To the school administration. They will come up with essential ideas that will
lead to underatanding more about this timely problem. They will be able to identify the
causes and the effects of pornography that will lead them to have more understanding
anout this matter.

To the teachers. The result of this study will guide the teachers in educating
students about the effects of pornography. It will help them in proper parenting as they
are the second parents of the students.

To the parents. The outcome of this study will encourage the parents in advising
and even parenting their children morally. It will throw light on guiding their children to
do not engage in Pornography.

To the future researchers. The result of the study will provide profound and
serviceable information for other research enthusiasts and future researchers. This will
serve as a guide or a reference for future research studies.


The following are the hypothesis of the study:

1. Habituation and boredom

2. Sexual addiction
3. Human behavior

Scope and Delimitation

This research was delimited to 15 teenagers of Sitio Lamcanal, Malandag,

Malungon, Sarangani Province. The study wanted to assess Internet Pornography as a
Leisure Activity Among Teenagers of Sitio Lamcanal, Malandag, Malungon, Sarangani
Province: Examining its Effects Year 2020-2021.

Background of the Study

Knowing that pornography is rampant in the society and most of all through
internet, I came up with this study and as part of Generation Z, I experience watching
pornographic movies.

I visualize what will be the effect of this phenomenon so that this study was
drawn. Being exposed to internet, it made the researcher undergo deeper investigation
different aspects of what it will take. We all know that teenagers nowadays are into
internet hat ignites them to do this activity. With that, Internet Pornography as a Leisure
Activity Among Teenagers of Sitio Lamcanal, Malandag, Malungon, Sarangani
Province: Examining Its Effect, was undergone through study.

Chapter II

Internet pornography (IP) use has increased over the past 10 years. The effects
of IP use are widespread and are both negative (e.g., relationship and interpersonal
distress) and positive (e.g., increases in sexual knowledge and attitudes toward sex).
Given the possible negative effects of IP use, understanding the definition of IP, the
types of IP used, and reasons for IP use is important. The present study reviews the
methodology and content of available literature regarding IP use in nondeviant adult
populations. The study seeks to determine how the studies defined IP, utilized validated
measures of pornography use, examined variables related to IP, and addressed form
and function of IP use. Overall, studies were inconsistent in their definitions of IP,
measurement, and their assessment of the form and function of IP use. Discussion
regarding how methodological differences between studies may impact the results and
the ability to generalize findings is provided, and suggestions for future studies are
offered. (January 2012Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 15(1):13-23)

Recent research suggests a relationship exists between adolescents who are

exposed to Internet pornography and the acquisition of a variety of sexual beliefs. Peter
and Valkenburg (2008b) argue that sexually explicit material can offer numerous sexual
attitudes to viewers, and that these beliefs may differ from those instilled in adolescents
by their families and schools. This dissonance, or conflict in sexual beliefs, is attributed
to increased sexual uncertainty (Peter & Valkenburg, 2008b).

Tsitsika et al. (2009) conducted a cross-sectional study among Greek

adolescents (N = 529) in an effort to explore potential implications for the use of
sexually explicit material; findings suggested that Greek adolescents who are exposed
to sexually explicit material may develop “unrealistic attitudes about sex and misleading
attitudes toward relationships” (p. 549). Additionally, Peter and Valkenburg (2010) used
data from a three-way panel study among 959 Dutch adolescents to address two
dimensions of perceived realism: social realism and utility. The authors defined social

realism as, “the extent to which the content of SEIM [sexually explicit Internet material]
is perceived to be similar to real-world sex” (pp. 376–77) and utility as, “the extent to
which adolescents perceive SEIM as a useful source of information about sex and as
applicable to the real world” (p. 377). They also examined the influence of sexually
explicit material on instrumental attitudes toward sex, that is, “the notion of sex as
primarily physical and casual rather than affectionate and relational” (p. 375). This study
suggests that as adolescents are more frequently exposed to sexually explicit material,
their perceptions of the social realism and the utility of sexually explicit material
The study also suggests that the greater adolescents’ perceptions of social realism and
utility of sexually explicit material, the greater their instrumental attitudes toward sex.
However, a qualitative study conducted by Lofgren-M ¨ artenson and ˚ Mansson (2010)
contradicts Peter and Valkenburg’s findings. L ˚ ofgren- ¨ Martenson and M ˚ ansson
collected data from an adolescent population ( ˚ N =51) in Sweden; these data indicated
the majority of participants were able to distinguish between the fantasy of sexually
explicit material and real-life sexual interaction. However, the research participants
acknowledged that the ideals and pornographic scripts presented in sexually explicit
material do influence young people. Additional research has shown that exposure to
sexually explicit material is a normative experience among adolescents who are
following traditional developmental trajectories regarding sexual curiosity (Sabina,

Pornography is not similar to real life. People get tired, become preoccupied,
develop broader interests, and grow passionate about their other dimensions of life.
Pornography might damage marriages and can wreck the arousal process in the brain
of the consumer that can perhaps end up weakening the relationship commitment to
their partner. Larsen proves that there is a study stated some of the effects of
ornography on marriage life specifically to the couple. Standing on top, pornography
breaks trust. In reality, marriages are built on trust. This trust is being affected by
consuming pornography. Following is that it creates comparison. Watching pornography
sometimes leads to comparing those of the images to their partner and, unfortunately,
this can lead to ungratefulness. In addition, pornography can affect and damage both

sexual and attitudes and behavior, which can affect the marriage, which can be the
source of stability of the entire community. Mainly, pornography is any materials that
illustrate or shows sexual acts. However, the definition may differ from different cultures
in different generations. It is needed to exert additional normative forces to manifest its
term. Most of the time, people tend to portray the pornography as sexually in nature.
While it is related on what Eisenstein’s description of pornography which is relating
typically to women’s side. Eisenstein highlighted pornography as an easy issue for
conservatives to manipulate because it so readily.

Conceptual Framework
The framework of this study is anchored in the belief that it is on of the tools
needed in determining the Effects of Pornography As a Leisure Activity among
Internet Data Gathering:
Teenagers of Sitio Lamcanal, Examining its Effect
Malandag, Malungon, Sarangani Province.
Pornography as a
Leisure Activity * Survey checklist

* Interview

Chapter III
This chapter presents the research methodology used in the investigation. It
discusses the research design, respondents of the study, the instruments, data
gathering procedures and the statistical treatment employed for data analysis.

Research Design

This study utilized a descriptive research design. Descriptive research describes

the characteristics of the population or the phenomenon being studied (AdiBhat, 1994).
In this study, the researcher sought to describe the profiles of male teenagers of Sitio,
Lamcanal, Malandag, Malungon, Sarangani Province im terms of Age and Gender as
well as the effects of internet pornography.

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study were the 15 teenagers of Sitio Lamcanal,

Malandag, Malungon, Sarangani Province who were randomly chosen. They were

randomly selected within the vicinity that is convenient for the researcher due to the

Research Instrument

The researcher used survey checklists and conducted an online interview to

gather data from male teenagers of Sitio Lamcanal, Malandag, Malungon, Sarangani

Weighted mean was used in the study and below is the legend to determine how
often they engaged in internet pornography.

Table 1

Legend / Code Description

4.50 – 5.00 Always

4.00 – 4.49 Sometimes

3.50 – 3.99 Often

2.00 – 3.49 Seldom

0 – 1.99 Never

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher observed the following steps in gathering data:

The researcher adapted a survey checklist from M. Ballantine-Jones and K.

Oates on her thesis "Validation of a Baseline Survey Assessing Causes and Outcomes
of Exposure to Pornography and Sexualized Media".

The researcher personally conducted the online interview and administered

the survey checklist to identified respondents of the study and retrieved it afterwards.

The data gathered were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted.

Statistical Treatment

The data gathered were treated statistically using the following tools:

To determine the profiles of the respondents in Sitio Lamcanal, Malandag,

Malungon, Sarangani Province frequency distribution was used.

To determine effects of internet pornography as a leisure activity among

male teenagers of Sitio Lamcanal, Malandag, Malungon, Sarangani Province weighted
mean was used.

Chapter IV

This chapter presents the presentation, analysis and the interpretation of

data gathered for the study.

1. Profile of the Respondents

Table 2
Frequency and Percentage Distribution on the Age of the Respondents

Age Frequency Percentage

12-14 3 20%

15-17 10 67%

18-20 2 13%

TOTAL 15 100%

The table above shows the ages of the respondents of this study. Out of 15
respondents, 3 or 20% are 12 - 14 years old, 10 or 67%% of them are 15 - 17 years old,
and ages 18 - 20 years old comprises 13% of the entire number of the population.

This implies rhat there are more respondents aging 15 - 17 who were involved in
this study.

Table 3
Frequency and Percentage Distribution on the Gender of the Respondents

Sample Frequency Percentage

Male 11 73%

Female 4 27%

TOTAL 15 100%

The table above shows the gender profile of the respondents comprises 11 male
or 73% and 4 female or 27% a total of 100%.

2. Factors Allow Teenagers to Regard Internet Pornography as a Leisure


A. Habituation and Boredom

1. After watching pornographic videos or movies, how often do you perform

Descriptive Code Frequency Percentage

Always 5 2 13%

Sometimes 4 13 87%

Often 3 0 0%

Seldom 2 0 0%

Never 1 0 0%

Mean: 4.13
Median: 0
Mode: 4
The table above shows that out of the 15 respondents 2 or 13% answers
"always" and 13 or 87% did it "sometimes" with a mean of 4.13, median of 0 and mode
of 4.

2. Is masturbation been your habit?

Descriptive Code Frequency Percentage


Always 5 1 7%

Sometime 4 6 40%

Often 3 8 53%

Seldom 2 0 0%

Never 1 0 0%

Mean: 3.73
Median: 8
Mode: 3

Above are the responses from the respondents. Out of 15, 1 or 7% for "always" 6
or 40% for "sometimes" and 8 or 53% for often and the rest have 0%. There is a 3.73
mean, 8 for its median and a mode of 3.

3. Do you spend more time than had planned watching pornographic videos and

Descriptive Code Frequency Percentage


Always 5 1 7%

Sometime 4 6 40%

Often 3 8 53%

Seldom 2 0 0%

Never 1 0 0%

Mean: 3.73
Median: 8
Mode: 3
Above are the responses from the respondents. Out of 15, 1 or 7% for "always" 6
or 40% for "sometimes" and 8 or 53% for often and the rest have 0%. There is a 3.73
mean, 8 for its median and a mode of 3.

4. Do you find it hard to stop watching internet pornography even when you really want

Descriptive Code Frequency Percentage


Always 5 1 7%

Sometime 4 7 47%

Often 3 7 47%

Seldom 2 0 0%

Never 1 0 0%

Mean: 3.6
Median: 1
Mode: 3, 4
The table above explains that out of 15 respondents, 1 or 7% answers always, 7
or 47% for sometimes, and another 7 or 47% for often. The table have a mean of 3.6, 1
as median and 3 and 4 for its mode.

5. Have you ever lied to cover up your internet pornography use?

Descriptive Code Frequency Percentage


Always 5 2 13%

Sometime 4 6 40%

Often 3 7 47%

Seldom 2 0 0%

Never 1 0 0%

Mean: 3.67
Median: 2
Mode: 3
The table wanted to elucidate that there are 2 or 13% have answer "always", 6 or
40% answered "sometimes", 7 or 47% for "often" and the rest got 0%. The mean of
table is 3.67, median of 2 and mode of 3.

B. Sexual Addiction
1. Does watching internet pornography gives you an urge to have sex?

Descriptive Code Frequency Percentage


Always 5 0 0%

Sometime 4 6 40%

Often 3 6 40%

Seldom 2 3 20%

Never 1 0 0%

Mean: 3.67
Median: 2
Mode: 3

The table shows that the respondents have answered the question which 6 or
40% for "sometimes" and often and 3 or 20% answers "seldom". There is a 3.67 for its
mean, 2 as median and 3 as the mode.

2. How often do you watch Internet pornography?

Descriptive Code Frequency Percentage


Always 5 3 20%

Sometime 4 1 7%

Often 3 4 27%

Seldom 2 7 47%

Never 1 0 0%

Mean: 3
Median: 3
Mode: 2
The table above implies that out of 15 respondents, there are 3 or 20% answers
"always", 1 or 7% for "sometimes", 4 or 27 for "often" and 7 or 47% as the highest for
"seldom". The weighted mean is 3, median of 3 and mode of 2.

3. Do you apply the action of what you've watch related to internet pornography?

Descriptive Code Frequency Percentage


Always 5 3 20%

Sometime 4 1 7%

Often 3 4 27%

Seldom 2 7 47%

Never 1 0 0%

Mean: 3
Median: 3
Mode: 2
The table above implies that out of 15 respondents, there are 3 or 20% answers
"always", 1 or 7% for "sometimes", 4 or 27 for "often" and 7 or 47% as the highest for
"seldom". The weighted mean is 3, a median of 3 and mode of 2.

4. How often do you perform masturbation?

Descriptive Code Frequency Percentage


Always 5 3 20%

Sometime 4 1 7%

Often 3 4 27%

Seldom 2 7 47%

Never 1 0 0%

Mean: 3
Median: 3
Mode: 2
The table above implies that out of 15 respondents, there are 3 or 20% answers
"always", 1 or 6.67% for "sometimes", 4 or 27% for "often" and 7 or 47% as the highest
for "seldom". The weighted mean is 3, median of 3 and mode of 2.

5. How do you often do you perform sex (If in a relationship)?

Descriptive Code Frequency Percentage


Always 5 3 20%

Sometime 4 1 7%

Often 3 4 27%

Seldom 2 7 47%

Never 1 0 0%

Mean: 3
Median: 3
Mode: 2
The table above implies that out of 15 respondents, there are 3 or 20% answers
"always", 1 or 7% for "sometimes", 4 or 27 for "often" and 7 or 47% as the highest for
"seldom". The weighted mean is 3, a median of 3 and mode of 2.

C. Human Behavior
1. Do you being harassed sexually?

Descriptive Code Frequency Percentage


Always 5 0 0%

Sometime 4 1 7%

Often 3 3 20%

Seldom 2 5 33%

Never 1 6 40%

Mean: 1.13
Median: 3

Mode: 1
The table shows that out of 15 there is 0% for "always" 1 or 7% for "sometimes",
3 or 20% for "often", 5 or 33% for "seldom" and 6 or 40% for never. The weighted mean
is 1.13, median of 3 and 1 as mode.

2. Does being invloved in internet pornography activity affects your behavior?

Descriptive Code Frequency Percentage


Always 5 0 0%

Sometime 4 1 7%

Often 3 2 13%

Seldom 2 4 27%

Never 1 8 53%

Mean: 1.73
Median: 2
Mode: 1
The table wanted to elucidate that the respondents got a 0% for "always". 1 or
7% answers "sometimes", 2 or 13% as they answers "often",4 or 27% as they answers
seldom and 53% or 8 out of 15 answers "never". There is a weighted mean of 1.73, a
median of 2 and a mode of 1.

3. Have any of your relationship with family or friends got worse since this habit started?

Descriptive Code Frequency Percentage


Always 5 0 0%

Sometime 4 1 7%

Often 3 2 13%

Seldom 2 4 27%

Never 1 8 53%

Mean: 1.73
Median: 2
Mode: 1
The table wanted to elucidate that the respondents got a 0% for "always". 1 or
7% answers "sometimes", 2 or 13% as they answers "often",4 or 27% as they answers
seldom and 53% or 8 out of 15 answers "never". There is a weighted mean of 1.73, a
median of 2 and a mode of 1.

4. Have you noticed any changes in your mood or self confidence since you start
engaging in internet pornography?

Descriptive Code Frequency Percentage


Always 5 0 0%

Sometime 4 1 7%

Often 3 2 13%

Seldom 2 4 27%

Never 1 8 53%

Mean: 1.73

Median: 2
Mode: 1
The table wanted to elucidate that the respondents got a 0% for "always". 1 or
7% answers "sometimes", 2 or 13% as they answers "often",4 or 27% as they answers
seldom and 53% or 8 out of 15 answers "never". There is a weighted mean of 1.73, a
median of 2 and a mode of 1.

5. Do you feel aggressive every day?

Descriptive Code Frequency Percentage


Always 5 0 0%

Sometime 4 1 7%

Often 3 2 13%

Seldom 2 4 27%

Never 1 8 53%

Mean: 1.73
Median: 2
Mode: 1
The table wanted to elucidate that the respondents got a 0% for "always". 1 or 7%
answers "sometimes", 2 or 13% as they answers "often",4 or 27% as they answers
seldom and 53% or 8 out of 15 answers "never". There is a weighted mean of 1.73, a
median of 2 and a mode of 1.

Chapter V
This chapter presents the summary of the study, findings, conclusions and
recommendations and some suggestions.


This study wanted to assess Internet Pornography as a Leisure Activity Among

Teenagers of Sitio Lamcanal, Malandag, Malungon, Sarangani Province: Examining its

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the Profiles of the teenagers of Sitio Lamcanal, Malandag, Malungon,
Sarangani Province as to:
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender

2. What factors allow teenagers to regard Internet Pornography as a Leisure


3. How does Pornography as a Leisure Activity Affects Teenagers?


The researcher came up with the following findings based on the data gathered:

1. 67% of the teenagers of Sitio Lamcanal, Malandag, Malungon, Sarangani

Province are 15-17 years old; 73% of them are male.
2. Factors allow teenagers to regard internet pornography as a leisure activity is
Habituation and boredom, sexual addiction and human behavior. 2.79 as the
over-all weighted mean for habituation an boredom and has a description of
"seldom" signifies that teenagers considered a seldom habit or due to boredom
why they engage in this activity. Teenagers don't prefer to regard themselves in
Internet pornography. For sexual addiction as the second factor, over-all mean
of 2.20 or "seldom", teenagers do not consider that engaging in internet
pronography will lead them to have sexual addiction. Teenagers have self control
engaging in this activity. As to the factor of human behavior, teenagers have less
chance that internet pornigraphy will affect their bahavior having an over-all
weighted mean of 1.59 which signifies "never" as the description. Teenagers
mostly, engage themselves through online games, social media and other online
activities except for internet pornography.
3. As a leisure activity, internet pornography affects teenagers by engaging
themselves into it. The combined weighted mean of all the data gathered having
2.58 wanted to elucidate that they will seldom apply what they've seen and a less
chance of being addicted to as it affects their behavior.


Based on the findings of this study, the following are the conclusions:

1. Most of the teenagers of Sitio Lamcanal, Malandag, Malungon, Sarangani

Province are 15-17 years old; majority of them are male.
2. Factors allow teenagers to regard internet pornography as leisure activities are
Habituation and boredom, sexual addiction and human behavior. Teenagers
considered a seldom habit or due to boredom why they engage in this activity.
Teenagers don't prefer to regard themselves in Internet pornography. Teenagers
seldom consider that engaging in internet pornography will lead them to have
sexual addiction. Teenagers have self control engaging in this activity. As to the
factor of human behavior, teenagers have no chance that internet pornography
will affect their behavior. Teenagers mostly, engage themselves through online
games, social media and other online activities except for internet pornography.
3. Internet pornography affects teenagers by engaging themselves into it. They will
seldom apply what they've seen, seldom addicted to it and less chance of
affecting their behavior.


The following recommendations were made based on the findings of the study:

1. Teenagers should limit or at least don't engage themselves in internet

pornography so it can't affect their behavior and even addicted to it. Instead, find
ways to entertain yourself like playing online games or browsing your social
2. The school should provide thorough discussions of what will be the effects of
internet pornography or pornography in general as to this research is benefited
by the school. There should be seminars or symposium how to at least avoid this
3. Teenagers should be guided by parents for them to really neglect this activity.


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Survey Questionnaire

5- Always
4- Sometimes
3- Often
2- Seldom
1- Never

A. Desensitization, Habituation 5 4 3 2 1
and Boredom

1. After watching pornographic

videos or movies how often do you
perform masturbation?

2. Is masturbation been your habit?

3. Do you spend more time than you

had planned looking at porn?

4. Do you find it hard to stop looking

at porn even when you really want

5. Have you ever lied to cover up

your porn use?

B. Sexual Addiction

1. Does watching pornography

movies gives you an argue to have

2. How often you watch

pornography ?

3. Do you apply the action of what

you’ve watch related to porno?

4. How often do you perform


5. how often do you perform sex ?

( In a relationship )

C. Human Behavior

1. Do you being harassed sexually?

2. Does being involved in porno

activity affect your behaviour?

3. Have any of your relationship with

family or friends gotten worse since
this habit started?

4. Have you noticed any changes in
your mood or self confidence since
began looking at pornography?

5. Do you feel aggressive

everyday ?



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