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Part 1: self-introduction

Good morning/ afternoon/ TEACHER

It is so exciting/ I am excited/ happy/… to introduce myself.
My name is ... I from ... province/city/island.
I am studying English Language at FPT Cantho
There are 4 members in my family.
My father is a teacher/doctor , my mother is a homemaker/ housewife and my brother is a...
My hobbies are (Ving) listening to music/playing game/traveling ..
I really love/ enjoy/ fancy/ like (Ving)
I’m interested in/ fond of/ keen on/ into/ English songs, rap, draw, .... (noun/ gerund).
In my free time I usually (Vo)
Part 2: talk about one topic below

1. Talk about a global problem and creative ways to solve it

2. Talk about a piece of art or music you know

3. Talk about your financial goals and plans

4. Talk about your tastes in fashion

5. Talk about a regional crime

6. Talk about protecting endangered species

7. Talk about ways persuade customers to buy a product
8. Talk about parent-teen issues or conflicts
9. Talk about evaluating a piece of news you have read.
10. Talk about the effects of electronic devices on people.
Topic 1: Talk about a global problem and creative ways to solve it

(Nói về một vấn đề toàn cầu và những cách sáng tạo để giải quyết nó)

A global problem that has been a concern of countries around the world for nearly two years is
the COVID 19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic. This is an infectious disease
pandemic with the agent being the SARS-CoV-2 virus, taking place on a global scale. There is
no official information that clearly explains the cause of this virus infection.

It has had huge consequences. Exspecialy , so far have more than 3.8 million deaths to date. and
the number of patients was too much to make leading to the hospital system being completely
overloaded, hospital beds, oxygen, medicine... lacking seriously and they do not handle all
corpses due to Covid-19 infective.
In the face, the governments of countries around the world have taken many measures
preventing, combating, and preventing the development of the epidemic. Such as restricting
travel to other countries, blockade quarantine, isolate contact cases with infected people, social
isolation, cancel mass events, close schools, and low-key business and service establishments,
wear masks, limit going out when not necessary, and at the same time transform business, study
and working models from traditional to online..

( khỏi nói tiếp cũng đc)

Especially, after nearly 2 years since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the vaccine has
finally been successfully injected into humans and is being vaccinated by countries around the
world. It can be said that this is a big turning point and a good sign in the prevention of the
epidemic so that the worldwide pandemic will soon end ( khỏi nói tiếp cũng đc)

2. Talk about a piece of art or music you know

In my free time, I usually listening to music or when I feel sad, fun or bored, I will listen to
music and it is become to my daily routine. Music can help us improve memory, help us at work,
study. For example, u can turn on a song when study or work will make us easy to focused and
more effectively, music can also reduce stress, improve your bad mood, make us feel more peace
and so on. In addition, music is an echo of happiness because have some people they used lyrics
for talk about what they think and speak their heart. Used to read a news it talk about an artists ,
he is deaf person and his is Beethoven but he is a talented pianist he uses music to speak his
heart. I was really surprised and admired this man, it's so great. It can be said that music is an
indispensable ( không thể thiếu) thing for everyone. It makes life around us more colorful and
helps us see things more objectively and comfortably.
Topic 3. Talk about your financial goals and plans

I’m a realist and of course I always have different plans every day of my life or longer-
term plans. Everyday i always think what I will do in tomorrow. For example, complete
my deadline or homework, buying food, shopping somethings necessary and I always
keep track of my expenses .Recently, I have a long-term plan such as do part-time,
going to tutor somewhere. I think with a English Language student, do somethings
relate to English tutor is necessary for me, because firstly it can help me to earn extra
income to pay for my personal expenses without asking my parents for money. Second,
it can help me addition skill such as how to learn new or communication. I've started
setting goals for myself since I realized everything I have, money I'm using is my
parents' hard work. When I became an independent student who knows how to manage
my finances, I have been implementing the financial plan that I have set.


- I am a realist and very practical person with ambitious personality, so I am very concerned
about my finances. Of course, I always set goals for myself:

+ Opening a separate savings account

+ Building (repairing) a house

+ Shopping for furniture

+ Buying a car

+ Getting married, having children.

+ Traveling


- And to achieve the goals I have set, I have to make a financial plan for myself, which is very

+ I started looking for a part-time job, making the most of coupons during shopping occasions.

+ In addition, I also must learn, find ways to cut spending on essential needs to save more,
determine which expenses are necessary and which are too luxurious.
+ And when the goal is too big for my finances, I have to break it down into small monthly or
quarterly savings goals to make it easier to achieve.

+ Moreover, I must study hard to get a good diploma. From there, my future will have a stable
job that will help my finances be improved to reach my goals.

- I've started setting goals for myself since I realized everything I have, money I'm using is my
parents' hard work. When I became an independent student who knows how to manage my
finances, I have been implementing the financial plan that I have set.

- If my financial planning goes well, I think my goals will be achieved in 8-10 years or less.

- My goals help me to strive in life, work diligently, study to achieve my goals. Thanks to the
goals I set myself, I didn't lose my direction in the future, I oriented my future with those goals.
And to realize that dream, purpose, and future, a clear plan is indispensable.

- The way I achieve the goals and financial plans I set is always striving, being resilient and not
giving in to difficulties, and learning to improve.

4. Talk about your tastes in fashion ( Nói về gu thời trang của bạn)

Nowadays, fashion is becoming more diverse, important, and original. Personally, my favorite
fashion style is jeans and T-shirts. I often wear them to school because I feel comfortable and
suitable for my age. I'm a simple person so t-shirts are always my priority. Fashion not only
enhances the beauty, but it also shows the personality of each person. For example, when you see
someone wearing a t-shirt with a pair of jeans, that person may have a simple personality Or
when you see a person goes out with a dress or shirt or suit, they are quite focused on their
appearance. Simple or grooming it depends on job and social status. In my opinion, we should be
wear favourite our fashion and it appropriately for us. Fashion changes over time so we need to
innovate to match current trends and we should be more careful about our clothes to create a
beautiful look for everyone.

5. Talk about a regional crime ( Nói về tội phạm trong khu vực)

Recently in my neighborhood there is also much potential crime. A lot of pick pocketers around
the streets and bus stops. This is a potential risk for local people as well. It gets on my nerves. At
midnight, they can break into the house, that’s so dangerous. I suppose that there are a lot of
reasons that cause the crime. Firstly, many immensely poor people, they are in short of money,
they must take care of heir family, so they started being a pickpocket, snatchers, even killers.
Secondly, a lot of people look standout, in fact, they wear jewelry in the crowd or wear colorful
clothes. They are vulnerable to these criminals. We have to be careful. Don’t wear anything so
valuable such as jewelry, diamond and bring a lot of money. To avoid attracting the attention of
crime. We can install security cameras at home.
6. Talk about protecting endangered species ( Nói về việc bảo vệ các loài có nguy cơ tuyệt

Wildlife protection is the practice of protecting their habitat, creating a favorable environment
for them to live, grow and reproduce. The goal of this work helps protect wild ecosystems and
help people realize the importance of the wild environment to human life.
Currently, in the world, there are many endangered animal species such as the Amur leopard,
Borneo orangutan, South China tiger. The world and these species are currently very few and
their extinction rate is very high.
The main causes of threatened animals are environmental factors such as environmental
pollution, global warming, habitat loss, besides they also face threats from humans due to
hunting, overexploitation of wildlife for consumption and economic gain.
We need to have some effective measures to protect rare and precious wildlife to reduce the
danger and the risk of extinction for these animals such as: Investigating and strictly handle the
leaders of the line, illegal trade in rare and precious animals; strengthening the fight against the
internet crimes related to rare animal trade, building rare animal sanctuaries to create conditions
for them to live and develop
Bảo vệ động vật hoang dã là việc thực hành bảo vệ môi trường sống của chúng, tạo môi trường
thuận lợi cho chúng sinh sống, phát triển và sinh sản. Mục tiêu của việc làm này là giúp bảo vệ
hệ sinh thái hoang dã và giúp mọi người nhận thức được tầm quan trọng của môi trường hoang
dã đối với cuộc sống của con người.
Hiện nay, trên thế giới có nhiều loài động vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng như báo Amur, đười ươi
Borneo, hổ Nam Trung Quốc. Trên thế giới, những loài này hiện nay rất ít và tỷ lệ tuyệt chủng
của chúng rất cao.
Nguyên nhân chính khiến các loài động vật bị đe dọa là do các yếu tố môi trường như ô nhiễm
môi trường, trái đất nóng lên, mất môi trường sống, ngoài ra chúng còn phải đối mặt với các mối
đe dọa từ con người do săn bắt, khai thác quá mức động vật hoang dã để tiêu thụ và thu lợi kinh
Chúng ta cần có một số biện pháp hữu hiệu để bảo vệ động vật hoang dã quý hiếm nhằm giảm
thiểu nguy cơ, nguy cơ tuyệt chủng đối với các loài động vật này như: Điều tra, xử lý nghiêm
những đối tượng cầm đầu đường dây, buôn bán trái phép động vật quý hiếm; tăng cường đấu
tranh với tội phạm trên mạng internet liên quan đến buôn bán động vật quý hiếm, xây dựng các
khu bảo tồn động vật quý hiếm tạo điều kiện cho chúng sinh sống và phát triển

7. Talk about ways persuade customers to buy a product

(Nói về các cách thuyết phục khách hàng mua sản phẩm)

Understanding and capturing customer psychology and behavior is one of the most important
ways for salespeople to persuade customers to buy products. In fact, salespeople can give some
useful information about the product that the customer needs. Persuasion skills are based on
communication skills expressed through eye contact, greetings, handshakes, questions and
smiles, ways of talking, etc. All of these will make a strong impression or vice versa.

Secondly, product quality, high-tech and innovative ideas are the factors influence a customer’s
choice. For example, a smartphone with a new design; it has 3 impressive cameras, outstanding
features, and iOS operating system have made the Apple brand different from other phone
companies in the world. And it has helped Apple capture more than 50 percent of the phone
market in the world.

In short, if salesperson wants buyers to buy your product, they should build the customer's trust
that they think it's worth buying a product.

Topic 8. Talk about parent-teen issues or conflicts

( Nói về các vấn đề hoặc xung đột giữa cha mẹ và con cái )

Conflict is the normal process by which people resolve differences. Parents wants to everything
great for their children, but somtimes that’s not what them want. Some parents always force their
children into a framework and have to do what they want. Issues that easily cause conflicts such
as control time, time study, time entertaining with friends and even is interfering with children’s
privacy. Sometimes those issues become serious and they can’t handle it. Meanwhile, parent
need to listen to their children more, listen what them want to say, to understand their children
and of couse children should also do it then parents and children can understand each other better
and easily sympathize with each other, avoiding unnecessary conflicts in the family

9. Talk about evaluating a piece of news you have read

( Nói về một bài bá0 mà bạn đọc

Recently I have been concern over the true beauty topic. I read an interesting article about it.

It was published in the Youth Newspaper with the content "should we take a plastic surgery or
not?" gave a lot of different ideas:

Some people agree that plastic surgery gives people the improved beauty they desire to have.
They hope to be more confident, successful in their field, and maybe find a good partner with
their good-looking.

For example, a model said “many people say that men only love the beautiful soul of a woman,
but if your appearance is not good, can they take the time to get to know your soul? But there are
also many cases of becoming victims of plastic surgery. “ In my opinion, natural beauty is the
most perfect beauty, but if you are still not confident about your appearance, plastic surgery is
also an option. No one denies the confidence and advantages that physical beauty brings.

What if some abuses it too much and becomes a slave to it, plastic surgery has become a
negative thing. The article has detailed the benefits and harms of plastic surgery. It gives
examples such as Korean artists and singers, most of them have undergone plastic surgery,
endured pain, and possibly later sequelae. It clearly shows that the trend of plastic surgery has
never shown any signs of stopping and it is still becoming more and more popular in many

10. Talk about the effects of electronic devices on people.

(Nói về tác dụng của các thiết bị điện tử đối với con người.)

Nowadays, electronic devices such as high-tech computers, smartphones, smart television, ... are
widely used all over the world from old people to children. Firstly, let me share about about the
positive effects, these technologies were born to help people. At work, it helps people to back up
data without taking notes in the traditional way. When you want to get news, you don't need to
go out to buy, just need a phone to know the world news. In daily life, electronic devices such as
computers, smartphones ... help people entertain themselves by surfing the web, surf Facebook,
play games,..devices now play a significant role in the lives of people.

Regarding the negative effects, firstly, it may affect people's health affecting eyesight, addiction
to electronic devices has made people ignore people around or they may feel more sensitive,
electronic devices was created to serve human needs. But if users abuse causes other negative
sometime too convenient is not good.In short, electronic devices both help and harm people,
depending on how they use them.

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