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ENGLISH FILE Pre-intermediate Workbook with key Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Paul Seligson with Jane Hudson OXFORD Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Paul Seligson with Jane Hudson ENGLISH FILE Pre-Intermediate Workbook with key PP” 41" EEE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS n are the original co-authors of, Contents 4A Where are you from? 6B Charlotte's choice 8 © Mrand rs Clark and Percy 10 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Hotel probiems 11 A Right place, wrong person 13 _B_ Thestory behind the photo 15 C One dark October evening 17 A Plans and dreams 19 B Let’smeet agai 21 © What's the word 23. | PRACTICAL ENGLISH Restaurant problems 24 A Parents and tena, 25 _B Fashion and shopping 28 € Lost weekend 30 A. Notime for anything 32 _B Superlative cities 43 A Howto. 45 B Beinghappy 47 © Leama language in a month! 49 PRACTICAL ENGLISH At the pharmacy 50 A. Idon't know what to dol 52_B if something can go wrong. 54 © Youmust be mine 58 A. What would you do? 58 B Ivebeen afraid oft for years 60 C Bomtosng = 62. [PRACTICAL ENGLISH Getting around 63 A Themothers of invention 65 B Could dobett 67 © Mrindecisive 69 A Badlosers 7B. Areyoua morning person? 34 © How muchis too much? 38. PRACTICAL ENGLISH The wrong shoes 37 A Areyoua pessimist? 39 B rildoitlater 41 © Themeaning of dreaming 73 © What a coincidence! 75. PRACTICALENGLISH Time to go home 76 A Strange but true! 78 B. Gossipis good for you 80 C The English Fle quiz aaa zz Practise listening out of class For Workbook audio, go to Select your level. Select Downloads. Select Audio: Workbook. 1 GRAMMAR word order in questions a Put the word into the correct place in the questions, 1 Where you born? (were) Where were you born? 2 Dohave any brothers or sisters? (you) 3 Wharanieniyyougoe? Go) 4 What languages you speak? (can) ‘Where you study English before? (did) 6 What kind of music do you listen? (to) 7 How do you do exercise? (often) 8 Where did you last weekend? (go) b_ Write questions in the present or past simple 1 Where —doyou go to university? (you | goto university) 2 What 2 (you | do last night) What 2 (TV programmes your girlfriend | watch) 4 When ? (your birthday) 5 Where ? (you | from) 6 Where ? (yout friends / go holiday last year) 7 What kind of books 2 (you | read) 8 Why _ ? (you / angry yesterday) A-Where are you from? Today is the first day of the rest of your life. 2 VOCABULARY common verb phrases Match the verbs and nouns. beborn 1 a MTV,aTVseries 2 do C1 6b inahouse, with friends 3 listento [] — twosisters,apet 4 phy Cd exercise, sport 5 read CO se anemail,a magazine 6 speak [1 _ £ tothe cinema, on holiday 7 live Tg theguitar,baskerbal 8 watch (hs aforeign language, Englis! 9 go it dance music, R&B 10 have Oj inKrakéw, in Poland ‘Anonymous 3 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds, the alphabet a Gircld the letter with a different vowel sound. T 2 B 4 Is 6 7 |G &) § jury] el iced) ae | Wr | 8 | «8 || train | tran | tree | tree | cag | ogg | boot a |«]s{m™ i]s |x |e x |e{vfiefls]s|a © 4 R D F K u b @L.1 Listenand check. Then listen again and repeat the letters © Underline the stressed syllables in these words. instrument projgramme thirteen thirty university weekjend malgalzine sister language 10 alddress 4d @1.2 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 4 SPELLING AND NUMBERS a Continue the series. leven 4 welve - fifteen, sixteen, nine, ten, y-eight, ninety-nine, six hundred, seven hundred, z : three hundred and fifty, four hundred, one thousand, three thousand, ten thousand, twenty thousand, 1.3 Listen and write the words. parents 6 o Beene @ et HEN 5 LISTENING a 1.4 Listen toa conversation between two people ata party. Why does Ben leave? b Listen again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Sandra isa nurse L Ben is a doctor. Sandra likes dance music. Sandra didn’t go to the Muse concert. Sandra plays tennis Ben plays football USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. getin touch with (get an tat wd goto bed early (gov ta bed ‘sl hhave (sth) in common /haev 1n ‘koman last spend time on (sth) spend tatm pn somewhere nice samwea nats end /la:st wik'end How often do you...? /hav ‘of do ju What kind of (music)...? wot 'kaind pv Where were youborn? wea wa ju "born A true friend is someone who is there for you when he / she would prefer to be somewhere else. Len Wein, American comic book writer 1B -Charlotte’s choice 1 GRAMMAR present simple 2 VOCABULARY describing people a Write negative sentences. appearance 1 Yougetupearly. _Youdonttget pearly 2 Complete the sentences 2 Itrainsa lot here. So a - 1 Does your boyfriend have brown eyes or blue eyes? 3. Welive ina flat. 2 Tanya's daddoesn't have any hair. He's 4 Iplay tennis. hain 5 Hehasa beard 3. My best friend’shairisne st les 6 They go tothe gym: ee ¢ 7 She writes a blog, _ 44 Andy doesn’t shave. He has ab anda b_ Complete the questions with do or does. Seas 5 Youarentf_____atal. think you're quite 1 When__da_ you meet your friends? ‘i 2 ___your laptop havea webcam? 6 When Jake was young, he was very th 3 What time we need to leave? but now he’s a bit ov, your mother wodk fou home? 7 My harisn' brown, i Andt'm Which websites _ fou use most? ‘not short, I'm m. —h_ ‘your girlfriend like action films? b Match the questions 1-6 with the answers a-f. your brother spend a long time on Facebook? What did you look like when you were a child? ¢ Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box. 1 2. What does your husband look like? 3 not come earn geton study have notlke live What’ your girlfriend like? prefer notsee share want work 4 What does your sister look like? Qo Qo Qo Oo = 5 What's George like? 6 What were you like when you were at school? [_] lam very different from my boyfriend, Jamie, Jamie 1 works _ asa vet and he >___ quitea lot of money. I'm a student and music at She's tall and slim with long blond hair. b He's very kind and quite hard-working, < thad short curly hairand Iwas oversveight 4 He has short dark hair and a moustache. € She's very clever and quite extrovert. £ Iwas very talkative and abit ay. university. 14 to be a music teacher when I finish, Jamie® ina small house in the country, personality and |® ____a flat with some friends in the ¢ Complete the opposites. city centre. We often” parties in our flat, but Jamie * He's quite shy, so he an quiet ®______ being with other people. I'm quite * shy extrovert so |” to be ina group, 3 generous 4 friendly iz Jamie much because he's usually busy 5 hard-working But when we're together, we always ” __really ee well. Some people say that opposites attract, and for amie ae and me, it’s true 7 3 PRONUNCIATION final -s /-es b_ Read the article again, Mark the sentences T (true) : ot F (false) a O15 Listen andGirel®the verb with a different sound. 1 The people who take part in ‘Singles’ Day’ le Put Fa 6 aren't married. ee “B hzl "hz! Many people register for the event on the internet snake | snake | zebra | zebra 3 Allofthe dating events are in the town hall. works | lives |knows |runs | leaves _| teaches Seana mr for the eve laughs | thinks rains starts dresses cooks 4 People who don't register for the event can't fiche) crinks [likes | goes | washes | misses find a partner on ‘Singles’ Day 5. Every year, there are more single adults in b Listen again and repeat the words. Shanghai. el e five words you don't know. Check their © Underline the stressed syllable, meaning and pronunciation witha dictionary 1 talkjative 4 generous 7 curly 2 extrovert 5 moustache 8 quiet 3 unfriendly 6 serrious 9 overweight 5 LISTENING 4 @1.6 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat Listen to a radio programme about the words online dating. How many people call the programme? 4 READING b Listen again and match the callers with the sentences A-F, a Read the article. What happens on ‘Singles’ Day’ in Shanghai? Ae 2 Kate 3 Paolo A He | She doesn’t have time for a social lif B He / She made a mistake cretenbne ap, ER ey al, D He] Shemarried someone who was marred befor ‘Singles’ Day’ F He/She shop mand sow bur donasthave in Shanghai d USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES | Learn these words and phrases. {11 November is ‘Singles’ Day'in Shanghai, and every year a dating event takes place where all the single men and women of the city have the chance to meet a partner. Last year, it was so popular that the organizers had to close online registration because there were ‘no more places. Between 10,000 and 40,000 people attend the event every year. Its held in a district of Shanghai called Thames Town, Atleast 50 dating agencies take part. They set up stands in the town hall with billboards displaying cards with the height, birth date, education, and ~annual income of thousands of clients. People who did not manage to register for the event organize their own unofficial dating system by writing their names and phone numbers on bts of paper and attaching them to the fence outside the town hall ‘More people take part in ‘Singles’ Day’ every year because of the {growing number of single adults in Shanghai. In the centre ofthe city, ‘more than 24% of people over the age of 15 are unmarried, guy (gat partner 'pa:tn single person_'singl ‘p2:sn smile math sociable /soufobl be into (sth) i 'inta’ feel like (doing sth) i: lik geton well (with) (get on we goonadate /gou nn a dett sense of humour /sens py ‘hjusma ‘Aman paints with his brain, ‘and not with his hands. Michelangelo, Italian painter and sculptor BH Gees Vlee-Talol VLecglOlF=1p er-lale fl siren 1 VOCABULARY clothes a Complete the crossword. Clues down R| fF Clues across {2} ae prepositions of place Look at the painting. Complete the sentences with these prepositions. o ontheleft in between behind infront of next to 1 people inthe There are some boats of the picture There are two small animals the woman and man with an umbrella, A small girl in a white dress is the woman in the middle of the painting. A black dog is the man with a beard, 6 Thereisawoman the two men sitting down, 2 GRAMMAR present continuous a Lookat the painting again. Read the museum gu description of it. Write the verbs in the present continuous. Sunday Afternoon on the island of La Grande Jatte, 1884-86, Georges Pierre Seurat ‘As you can see, the sun'_isshining__ in ths picture, andthe people? (Flax) by the river Seine in Paris. On the right ofthe picture, a man and a woman* (walk) their dogs. On the left, a man (lie) on the grass. He looks lke he * (cela). Inthe middle of the picture, two girls® i) down. What’__(they / do)? Maybe they a ____ (wait) for some friends? Or perhaps they? (watch) the other people? On the right, near the trees, there is another girl. She __ play), but we can’t see who with, 'b Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in the box. drink drive like Usten live rain sleep study wear work 1 Sorry, can't hear you. 'm listening — to music. 2. Charles always towork 3 'Shhhh! Be quiet! The children 4 We can't play tennis today. It 5 Fiona four cups of coffee every day. 6 We this picture very much. 7 My brother for Apple. 8 Kathy always jeans at home. 9 They can't come to the theatre because they for the exam tomorrow 10 My parents in a big house in the country PRONUNCIATION /2/ and /s:/ Write the words in the chart. ‘cardigan fashion prefer sandals shirt skirt sweater trainers trousers T-shirt third world a | & computer, bird prefer | cardigan @ 1.8 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. LISTENING © 1.9 Listen to an advert for an art exhibition. What is special about the pictures? Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Where is the David Hockney exhibition? EN isco iecpesare ere os iPhone? 2. Whar door do wis lower pues 4: hens thea day ofthe exiton? 5 How much does the exhibition cost? USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. feet fst knee nis portrait "postrett poster /"pausta/ Pregnant /'pregnont relationship. (rrey)nfip! unusual. /an‘jugual close together /klous taigedo! Practical English 1 CALLING RECEPTION Complete the conversation with the phrases in the box. have a problem with the WrFi Plput you through to I. send somebody up right away. 'm sorry to bother you again, There's a problem with the shower. This is room-402, Hello, reception A B Hello." Thisisroom 402, ‘A How cant help you? ae . There isnt any hot water. A. Iimsorry, madam. * cs , B_ Thank you. ‘A Good morning, reception. B Hello. ‘A How can |help you? nue A B This is room 402, I can't get a signal tim sorry, madam. ° Thanks. 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH Complete the missing words in the conversation. 1A So, here you are at last. B Yes. t's great tobe here. 2 A Doyouhaveag_ v 2 B Yes. can see the Empire State Building from my window. 3A wiliamis gabao'n 6 tomeeting you B Really? Who's William? 4. A Ttstime to go. Youm as really tired B I guess youre right. 5 AB t w. ‘see you again. B Yes. I's great to see you, too. sits great to 3 READING a Read the advert and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false), 1 The Park Central New York isin the centre of the city. T 2. Ie’snear major tourist attractions. 3. It's very comfortable 4 Allrooms have free Wi-Fi access, 5. The hotel's restaurant is not very expensive, 6 The hotel hasa free car park. 7 The staff only speak English. cet atl] ee ees Sa Cease) ceases ee erent) eee * iftshop ‘Great locati Located in the heart of the city, the Park Central New York iin easy walking distance of Carnegie Hall, Broadway and the Museum of ‘Modern Art (MOMA). Central Parkis only three blocks away and Fifth Avenue, with its international boutiques and huge department stores, is only a ten-minute walk from the hotel. For guests who want to travel further away, there are seven subway lines located within three blocks of the hotel The Park Central New York offers great service, reat comfort and great valve. The hotel bistro, ‘ityhouse, provides the perfect. setting for dinner before a concert or a Broadway show in the evening. Guests can enjoy the reasonably priced set menu while watching the world go by on Seventh Avenue through the bistro’s oversized windows. There's also a bar in the lobby where guests can enjoy @ cocktail after the show. Because of ts central location, the Park Central New Yorks the ideal hotel for tourists visiting the city forthe first time. Our multi- lingual staff on the front desk are always happy to provide tour assistance and answer any questions quests may have, 'b_ Underline five words you don't know. Use your dictionary to look up their pronunciation and meaning, 1 VOCABULARY holidays a Write the phrases. 7 go camping go a flights on the internet go skis g0 atnight ___inahotel go = onthe beach go ____for the weekend b Complete the sentences with an adjective 1 3 10 We loved our room. It was very comfortable ‘The weather was warm and s, every day There were a lot of people everywhere. Itwas very We ate very well. The food was d The staffin the hotel were horrible. They were very unh and sometimes quite rude. ‘There wasn't much in the apartment. [twas very b It didn’t even have a fridge The other people on the trip were very fr We hope to meet some of them again inthe Future The town was L __. Allthe houses had flowers on the balcony and were painted different colours Irwascl__and we didn’t see the sun arall Our first meal was d 80 we didn't cat at the hotel again. Aholiday is having nothing to do and all day to do it. Robert Orben, American editor ng person 2 GRAMMAR past simple: regular and irregular verbs a Write the past simple ofthese verbs inthe correct column. argue begin arrive ask buy can choose eat feel invite rent say stay sunbathe Regular argued Irregular began b_ Make the verbs negative. 1 Westayed ata campsite. Wedidn’tstay __ inabotel They bought pos any souvenirs. 3 very helpful. 4 Isunbathed on the beach, oe by the pool. 5 Wehired bikes. 6 He spent a month in Bangkok. aweek there 7 Ourroomwas dirty very clean. © Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in the box. arrive ask book cannot decide go(x2) look take want The holiday that wasn't ‘to go away forthe weekend We abeautiful ‘apartment online. A week ater, we * ataxitothe airport. We® __at the airport at two o'clock, and we . ‘to check in. The woman at the desk” us for our passports, We in our bags, but we find them. So we home! Fouryearsago,we'__ decided togoto Portugal sowe? Read the text in eagain. Complete the questions. 1 When _ did they decide _ to go away for the weekend? Four years ago. 2 Where to go? Portugal. 3 How the apartment? They booked it online. 4 When at the airport? At two o'clock. 5 What ask for? She asked for their passports. 6 Where - _in the end? They went back home. 3 PRONUNCIATION -ed endings, irregular verbs, 2 O21 Litenand GRD he verb which has a different -ed sound. 1 walked asked ented) 2 argued wanted stayed 3 booked started decided 4 arrived invited sunbathed b_ Listen again and repeat the words. © Write these irregular past simple forms in the correct circle. bought broke came caught drank drove gave made rang feed said saw sat went wrote 7 ON\ horse bought 2.2 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 4 LISTENING 2.3 Listen to five speakers talking about holidays they didn’t enjoy. Which speaker... a didn’thave a very exciting weekend b wasn't with the people he / she wanted tobe with 4 © chose a holiday destination because of the weather there 4. went on holiday after a relationship ended € didn’t fel wellwhen he | she was on holiday Speaker2 Speaker 3 Speaker4 Speaker S USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. atmosphere /setmosfia! disaster /di'za:sto thostlz/ kom'plein! an'dsou hostels complain enjoy flire fox view /vjutl | breakup /"breik api | feel sorry for (sb) isl 'sori fou | gowrong /g20 ron) Photographs are pictures taken to please j the family and bore the neighbours. Edmund Votkart, American sociologist 1 GRAMMAR past continuous a Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the past continuous. 1 You _were laughing — (laugh) when I took the photo. 2k (snow) when our plane landed. 3 We (not drive) fast when the accident happened. 4 What (he | do) when his boss arrived? 5 Why (you /ry) at the party? 61 (Git) on the bus when I saw my boyfriend with another gil. 7 They (live) in New Zealand when their first child was born. 8 He didn't call you because his mobile phone (not work) 1b Write sentences with when. Use the past simple © Complete the story with the past simple or and past continuous. past continuous. 1 They J argue / the waiter | Last summer went _ (go) to Los Angeles to stay bring / the bill They were arguing when — with my cousin for a few weeks. One afternoon we the waiter brought the bill 7 (have) lunch in a nice restaurant in the centre of town when my cousin? (geta call on her mobile phone and went outside to talk. While 2 He fll ofthis bike she (speak) to her friend, | suddenly cycle /home > (1atice) a man in a back hat who —_—_——. ‘ (st) tthe next table. twas the actor Johnny Depp! He was alone, and |” (decide) totake my chance.Solgotupand® (qo) . to his table. ‘Excuse me, could | have my photo taken 3 The children play / video with you?" | asked. He ® (say) yes, sol games| the visitors [arrive inp (stop) a waitress who" (pass) a by and gave her my camera She"? (take) the photo of me and johnny, thanked them both and then | returned to my table. When my cousin ____ (come) 4 We have /abarbecue back (emi. it start /torain ‘Why are you looking so pleased with yourself? she asked. ‘Thad my photo taken with johnny Depp.” ‘Johnny Depp? Where is he?” “He's sitting over there, Look!” 5 I/finish | my report / my ‘She turned around to look and then started to laugh. computer / crash “That's not johnny Depp!” 1_____ (look) at the man in the black hat - he “ (laugh) too. 2 VOCABULARY 4t, in, on time a Complete the sentences with at, in, or on 1 The results ofthe election were announced _at_ 11 o'clock. 2. Mobile phones were invented the 20th century. 3 Ourflightis leaving Wednesday at 9.30 the evening and arriving Io'clock Thursday. 4 Wehavean exam Monday morning. 5 Inmost countries, banks and offices are closed Christmas Day and New Year's Day. 6 Thate driving night, getting up early the weekends. 1955, and he di morning, and working 7. Steve Jobs was born Sth October, 2011 8 __Baster we went to Portugal and we're going again the summer, probably the last two weeks. July. place b_ Complete the sentences with at, in, or on 1 He took some great photos _at_the party 2 Ican’treada book the bus or acar. 3. Wewantto put some shelves. the wall__thelliving room. We're going to put all our old books the shelves. 4 My family are from Ireland butwe live New York, the [Ith floor of all building. 5 ['llmeetyou the bus stop. 6 Theadults sat chairs and the children sat the floor. 7 They spent the morning __ the museum and then went fora walk the park. 8 Imet my boyfriend school and we split up while we were ‘university 3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress 2.4 Listen and repeat the dialogue. Copy the rhythm. ‘A Where were you at ten o'clock last night? B Iwas athome. ‘A What were you doing? B Iwas watching a film. 4 LISTENING a @2.5 Listen toa conversation between Matt and Jenny about a photo. Does Jenny like the photo? Listen again and choose the best answers. 1 The photo shows a. Matt's parents b Matt's aunt and uncle © Matt's grandparents. 2 The photo was taken. a inthe spring b ¢ inthe autumn. 3 The man wanted to win, a. some money. the summer. b some food. © some jewellery. 4 The other people in the photo were the man’s. a neighbours. b friends. © colleagues. 5 Themanon the stall. took the photo. asked for more money for the photo. © didn’tlike the photo. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn these words and phrases. democracy (di'mokrosi demonstration /deman'streyfn election 'lekjn freedom frizdom/ hold hands /havld heendz! peace /pis! realize /rialavz TV screens upload /ap'tsud) screen saver /skrizn ‘se1val viz skrisnz/ The driver is the most dangerous part of the car. ‘Leo Campion, French humourist 2C One dark October evening 1 GRAMMAR time sequencers and connectors © Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets, ee Ilda hve amy beat arbre dst ‘Arabic, (but) Ican't speak Arabic Oe alike yan br Tween te ie (auhoaghy I paets enn nyan et ects SE pies eam aor ante ‘The door to my flat was open - The summer /Gne summe?) | decided to travel to Peru. flew Sijimiee alte of maveey but lee ally meta, toLima, and then travelled to a town near Machu Picchu to spend. (although) ‘ the night. Next day / Afterday, | climbed the mountain to visit the monument. | was quite tired ° when / then | reached the top. “Sudden / Suddenly, saw a man who was inmy English lass 6 Mary couldn't find her wallet so she cancelled her back home. “Two minutes later /Two minutes after he came credtcards, (because) aver to speak to me and he was usta surprised as | was, “After that / When, we decided to travel together We hada eat summer and we carried on seeing eachother back home. infact. we got married two yeas later, and we now have a beautiful daughter called Hannah. 2 VOCABULARY verb phrases a Match the phrases. Jim's really mean, a Mary cancelled her credit cards b_Lookat each group of sentences. Complete each sentence 1 Jamie and Hannah met [4] a her to dinner with so, because, but, or although. thou 2 He played Ob forheratthe door 1 a Lindarantothestation bease_shewasverylare. 5 ga Oc soueneeie b Linda nssry sheranto a Are star 5 She gave De toanew resturant «nario entation hes § She gave | aac , peed teen 7 Hetookher Bg her favourite song 2 oa oo ie we ad ual 8 Theyhad Fb himher phone number good afternoon at home. bb lewes eatnay West vateayed arbome b_ Cover the right-hand column. Try to remember © Westayed at home last Sunday — it the sentences wwas raining. 3 a Thetickets were really expensive they ‘managed to sell them all in an hour. ___the tickets were realy expensive, they sold them all in an hour. € They sold the tickets quickly the concert was very popular. 3 PRONUNCIATION word stress a Write the words in the chart. eeross after again although awful belcause birthday evening invite perfect restaurant selcond 1 First syllable stressed | 2 Second sylabe stressed | oes ash of: across | b @2.6 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words, 4 READING a Read the story. Number the paragraphs in the right order. A lucky escape C1 Ten minutes later, it began to rain. Soon, Liz found it hard to see out of the front windscreen. There was alot of water fn the road, so she drove more slowly. Although Liz was an experienced driver, she felt afraid C1 An hour later, fire fighters cut Liz out of the car. She went to hospital, but the doctors sent her home because she didn’t have any serious injuries. Her head was fine and she only had a few cuts and bruises. Her son went to collect the shopping from the car and gave the loaf of bread to his mum. Now, she is going to keep it as a souvenir. One day last November, Liz Douglas decided to go shopping in Glasgow. She drove to the supermarket in the city centre and spent the morning doing her weekly shop. She paid for her shopping, went back to the car park, and put the shopping bags on the back seat of the car. Then she started to drive home. 1 However, Liz was lucky. When she braked, a loaflof bread flew out of one of the shopping bags. The car turned over, and the loaf of bread landed between Liz's head and the roof of the car. It stopped her head from hitting the car roof. C1 Suddenly, she lost control of the car. She saw a telegraph pole jn front of her and braked. She closed her eyes and hoped that the airbags in the car would inflate. Unfortunately, they didn't 'b Look at the highlighted words. What do you think they mean? Check with your dictionary 5 LISTENING 02:7 ‘Lisecn ta a radio peo pains wbout people who had lucky escapes. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Maureen Evason was on holiday when the accident happenee. She was in hospital for four months. Joseph Rabadue was sitting on the floor ‘when the accident happened. _ 4 Thelorry hit the TV. _ 5 Barry McRoy was drinking coffee when the fight happened 6 The DVD was in his jacket pocket. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. anniversary en'vsssori brake /breik’ perfect ('ps:fikt asusual oz ‘juss cross the road /kros do roud High Street hat strist happy ending haepi ‘ justin madly in love /'maedli in lav eda an ‘tam until the last moment /on'tt 09 la:st ‘moumant Id like to fly. Then | wouldn't have to wait in airport security lines. Jim Morris, American baseball player 3A—Plans and dreams 1 GRAMMAR be going to (plans and predictions) a Complete the sentences with going to + a verb from the box. be book not fly get miss need notsleep not stay 1 He's going tomiss_the 2 1 myflight 3 He during 4 How she flight. the flight. _ to the airport? a ee 5 That plane 8 we today. hotel arolley? b Complete the dialogue with going to + the verbs. 2 VOCABULARY airports Jenny * Are you going to have (you/have) a holiday Complete the text. this summer? Philip Yes, but ™ (we / not / go) to the Last summer, | flew to New York with my boyfriend to Mediterranean. (we / go) visit some friends. The flight eft from "Terminal 1, so to Scotland! my brother dropped us outside the building, We went Jenny When *__ (you / travey? Inside and looked for the“ to take us Philip InAugust.* (we / be} there for upstairs to °D _. We picked up our boarding ‘two weeks. q ann occ) wie youre passes at the ‘ch_. Then we did some oe shopping, After that, we made our way to theg____—_ Phap 7 ve Ayn dnburgh for to board our plane. We had a good flight, but we were hak sed than® ae ron very tired when we landed at JFK Airport. There was a ‘a carand visit the Scottish Highlands Yong queue at “p, « and Sir ask (it/be) sunny in Scotland they asked usa lot of questions at Immigration Finally, in August? wewentto’B OR Philip Idon'tknow. But |hope® to pick up our bags. Weneededa*tr___ this (it /not / rai) too much! time because of all our suitcases. Nobody stopped usat®C___, so we went straight to Mp _ where our friends were waiting for us. PRONUNCIATION sentence stress and fast speech 3.1 Listen and repeat. Sopy the rhythm. 1 Are they going to meet you stthe airport? 2 think we're going co belate. 3 rmnot going ro forget my passport. 4 What time are you going wo arrive? 5 shes going wo take the lift. READING Read the text. How many airports is Beijing going to have in 2020? Read the text again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (False), 1 More than 54 million people use Atlanta International Airport each year. E 2. Atlanta International isn't going to be the busiest airport in 2020. 3. Anew airport was built for the 2008 Olympic Games. a 4 Beijing Capital Airport is too small 5 Inthe future, Beijing's Metro is going to reach the new airport. 6. ‘The new airportis going to have eight runways. Look at the highlight@d words. What do you think they mean? Check with your dictionary. LISTENING 3.2. Listen to five conversations at the airport. ‘Match the speakers with the places in the box. Arrivals Baggage reclaim Check-in Customs immigration Dialogue 1 Arrivals 2 Dialog: Dialog: Dialogue 4 Dialogue 5 Listen again and \swer the questions 1 What did the man eat on the plane? 2 What's the Gate number? 3. What’ the friend's phone number? 4 What colour isthe sui 5. What did the woman buy? The World’s Biggest Airport ‘The world's busiest airport today is in the USA. Nearly 54 million passengers pass through Atlanta International Airport every year. However, by the end of the next decade there's going to be a new airport even bigger and busier than Atlanta. The new airport is going to be in the capital of China: Bejing Beijing already has two airports. The firsts Beijing Capital where an extra terminal was built for the 2008 Olympic Games. The second is Nanyuan Airport, which is mainly used by military planes . Just over 37 million passengers passed through Bejing Capital Airport last year, making it the second busiest after Atlanta. But the Current airport isnot big enough for allthe Chinese passengers who want to travel by plane. Ths is why the government is going to build a new one. The new airport is going to be in the suburb of Daxing, in the south of the city. Daxing is about an hour's drive from the city centre. The government is going to extend Beijing Metro so that passengers can reach it more easily There are also plans for a high-speed train line. The airport is going to have eight runways for commercial fights, and a ninth runway for military use. This is going to make i the biggest and the busiest airport in the world. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. dreams (drismz: board oo facilities. fa'siotiz delayed. (d'lerd paradise /'pieradars free (Wi-fi) /fr passenger /‘pacsindsa connecting flight security /stkjvorati koinektuy flat traveller trevala’ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt 3B=Let’s meet again 1 GRAMMAR present continuous (future arrangements) a Complete the text with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. “Hi, 'm Lisa, your guide, and I'm going to tell you about the arrangements for your day trip to Paris. We're starting (start) our trip in about five minutes, so please make yourselves comfortable. We? rive) you straight to Dover - we? (not stop) for breakfast on the way. We ; (get) the 9.5 ferry, so we're ina bit of a hurry. When wwe arrive in France, we (go) straight to Paris with no stops. We' (not take) you to the city centre, because the traffic isterrible. We (stop) in Torcy, just outside Paris. We : (arrive) in Paris at about midday, so you have all afternoon to go sightseeing and shop. We?_ (pick) you up from the station in Torcy at 5.30 in the evening. We __ (catch) the ferry home at 8.4, so please don't be late. Now, any questions?” GePihe a form, Ifboth forms are 2 VOCABULARY verbs + prepositions ssibl, rick (¥) the sentence. E ‘Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 1A Whyare you looking so worried? 1 Icompletely agree with you. Pear te going to get) Tm getting lost. 2 Were arriving Brazilat 6am, 2 A Doyouhave any plans for this weekend? 3 Iimworried iy flight because it’s snowing, B Yes, 'm going to visit /'m visiting my grandparents 4 They're waiting Anna. She's late ‘on Sunday. 5. She spendsalot of money clothes, 3. A Imgoing to Poland next week 6 Iwantto speak iy boss after lunch. B Really?Do you thinkit's going tobe /it'sbeing cold? 7 Sarah'sarriving the airport tonight. a 8 Whatdo youthink the government's proposal? B Oh, Do you think he's going to get / he's getting tthe job? 3 PRONUNCIATION sounding friendly 5 A What time's the trair? a Number the dialogue in the correct order. eg Worry. We ererrt going to mies / aren't 1. Would you like to go away for the weekend? = What about next weekend? What are you doing then? 6 A Were going on holiday next month. ‘Are you free this weekend? B Are you? Where are you going to go / are you going? Hove it 7 A How do you get to work? OK. Let's go to Devon ~ the countryside is beautiful! 8 Jusually catch the bus, but tomorrow tm going to Sorry, no. I'm working on Saturday drive /t'm driving because the buses are on strike. Nothing, Next weekend is fine. I'd love to. ' f ee crest Great. Do you like walking? 8 know. Im sure she's going to have / she's having an ‘accident one day. bb @3.3 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. 4 READING a Read the advert fora holiday. How many nights does the tour last? Prague e The tour starts in Prague, capital ofthe Czech Republic. A free bus takes you from the airport to your hotel, where you spend three nights. The price includes a tour of the city, a cruise on the Vitava River, a visit to a spa resort, and a performance at the Laterna Magika theatre, From Prague you travel first class by train to your next destination: Vienna Visit these three beautiful capital cities and discover their historic monuments nae eee) ie har esc sreue Vienna © ‘The Austrian capital has many spectacular monuments, which you can visit with the fre 72-hour travel ard which you receive when you arrive in Vienna. The price aso includes atour ofthe © Budapest @ city Viennese coffee and cakes atthe famous Hotel Sacher.and You spend your last three nights in Budapest, the capital city of performance atthe opera. After your three nightsin Vienna Hungary, where there ae plenty of paces to explore. The ctyis you travel first class by train to your final destination: Budapest. _givided into two parts: the old historic city of Buda on the hill, and the commercial city of Pest on the other side of the River Danube. The price includes a tour of the city witha visit to the Parliament building, atypical Hungarian dinner, a performance of classical eect emer ee ‘music, and the return journey from your hotel to the airport. b Read the advert again. Answer questions with P (Prague), V (V or B (Budapest) In which city do customers...? travel free on publictransport_V have a traditional evening meal goona boat trip have a drink and sweet snack 6 gotoaplaceto relax © Underline five words you don't know Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation, 5 a LISTENING 3.4 Listen to wo people, Chris and Dawn, talking about an Interrailing holiday. Which countries is Dawn visiting? Listen again and correct the sentences. 1 Dawnis going Interrailing on her own. witha friend Chris went Interrailing when he was a child. Dawn is going Interra 3 4 Dawn's first stop in Italy is Milan, 5 Dawn wants to visit the Eiffel Tower in Paris, 6 Dawnis spending most nights on the trai | USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. (travel) arrangements still. stl reindsmants both of us conference ba08 av as konfarans. Tdloveto laid lav tu’ | news injuxz for ages Hor) exdstz fix fks How are things? perhaps hav 9 "Binz! What is a rebel? A man who says no. Albert Camus, French writer 3G€=What's the word 1 GRAMMAR defining relative clauses ‘a Match the beginnings and ends of the sentences. 1 That's the hotel 2 Ineeda phone 3 My mumis the only person 4 Tove the picture 5 That busis the one 6 8 OO008 Benicassimis the Spanishtown [] David Hockney isthe artist. () That's the restaurant oO which has a good camera. which my brother takes to work which serves fresh fish who remembers my birthday who painted Mr & Mrs Clarke. where they have a famous music festival which is on the wall of your room. ‘omplete the sentences with who, which, or where Do you know the man _who lives next door? That's the gallery had the Leonardo da Vinci exhibition. 3 Are those the people their house? 4 Do you know a good restaurant is open on Sunday night? 5 Isthar the bus are selling goesto the airport? 6 We walked past the school their children go. She's the woman everyone is talking about 8 [took my laptop back to the shop. [bought it. 9. Antwerp isthe city Hived asa child 10 Isthere someone ‘can speak Arabicin your class? 2 VOCABULARY expressions for paraphrasing: like, for example, etc. Complete the sentences for explaining words. 1 mean It's the opposite of generous. 2 cardigan Isak of jumper. 3 hire It’s to rent 4 slim les thin, butit’s more polite. 5 souvenir It's you buy to remind you of your holiday. sunbathe Fore. ___, youdo this on the beach. who fliesa plane you can sleep in cents, pilot I's 8 campsite Iss 3 PRONUNCIATION pronunciation in a dictionary Match the words with their pronunciation. Use your dictionary. 1 beard ba foal bald ab Mad 2 quiet a fkwat quite b Pkwarot 3 shoes a fu socks sok 4 suit a bwitt sweet b furt 5 sightsee a Psantsi sunbathe b /sanberd 6 height a Avert weight b frat 7 shire a (fut shorts b ffs 8 crowded a rklavdi cloudy b Pkrauddl b 3.5 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words, 4 READING a Read the definitions and complete them with these words. agritourism chicklit E-waste fashionista netiquette sandwich ge More new words in English 1. _Web rage isthe angry feeling you get because of 5 The is a group of people who look ‘a problem with the internet. after their parents atthe same time as they're looking 2A is a person who always wears Se en the latest styles. 6 isa kind of holiday where people stay 3 is akind of book which tells a jonfans ape help witval the wort story from a woman's point of view. 7 isa set of rules which explains how 4 __isallthe electrical machines and Ce devices which people throw away. BA is a holiday which you spend at home. b Underline five more words you don't know, Use your f dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation. | USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. 5 LISTENING a @3.6 Listen to. radio programme about the word game gastropub /giestroupxb Scrabble. How many different names has the game had? laeee /astev barista /ba'rista’ Listen again. Mark the sentence: smartphone /‘sma:tfoom T (true) or F (false). 1 Alfred Mosher Butts was out of work when Corti he invented the game, I The game of Lexico had a board and letter tiles Butts used a newspaper to count the frequency of the letters in English Butts gave the letters A,E, Butts gave 12 points to the most difficult letters to use Scrabble became popular in 1948, Butts and Brunot sold the game to another manufacturer. text tekst tweet twist update /apdet road rage /roud reid toy boy torbo1 , and U one point each. You can buy Scrabblein more than a hundred different countries. Practical English 1 VOCABULARY Complete the sentences. 1 Canwehave a table for ewo, please? 2 What'sonthem ___today? 3 Thest__ is chicken soup or tomato salad. 4 have the steak for my m c 5 Let’sask thew. foranother bottle of water. 6 Idon'twantad but I'd likea coffee 7 Canwe have the b please? 2 AT THE RESTAURANT Order the dialogue. ‘A Are youready to order? 4 B stil A. Still or sparkling? — B Yes, please. ‘A. And how would you tke your steak? Rare, medium or well done? B Abaked potato, please. ‘A. Canl get you something to start with? B Rare, please. 6 ‘A. Here's your steak, madam. B Water, please 7 ‘A Would you lke that with fies or with a baked potato? B_Imsorty but asked for my steakrare and thisis welldone. — ‘A. Ok. And to drink? No, thank you. Justa main course. Id lke the steak, please ‘A tmvery sorry, madam. il takeit back tothekitchen. 15 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH Complete the sentences with the words in the box ‘amistake any suggestions be great my day startwith tellme togo wehave 1 ASo,__tellme _, Adam, what are your plans? B Well, to Id lke to see the worl. 2 A Idlike to go sightseeing this afternoon. Do you have ? B How about going to Central Park? | could take you. A That would : 3 A Could the check, please? B Yes of course. Here you are. 4. A Excuse me.Ithink there's, B Oh, sorry. I's not 5 Att’ very late. B Yes. Time today. problems READING Read the article and answer the qui tions. 1 How many restaurantsare therein new York? Over 20,000 2. What time do restaurants serve Early Bird menus? 3. How much is the Early Bird menu at Cucina di Pe 4 Where is La Paella? 5 Which restaurants serve a Pre-Theatre Dinner Menu?, Eating out in NY New York City has over 20,000 restaurants ‘serving all kinds of food. However, eating out in the Big Apple can be very expensive. Here are some tips on how to save money during your stay. Early Bird Menus bbe empty. Ifyou don't mind having dinner early, you ‘an enjoy a three-course meal for between $13 and $25 Cucina di Pesce (87 E.4th St) serves great Italian food on its $12.95 Early Bird menu. If you prefer something Spanish, you can try the $16.99 Early Bird menu at La Paella (214 E.9th St) Pre-Theatre Dinner Menus ‘These are similar to Early Bird Menus, but they are served in the Theatre District. Most of the restaurants here offera set menu ata fixed price ranging from $30 to $45, The offer is only available before the show, and it starts at 5 p.m. Four-Star Restaurants These ar all very expensive at dinnertime, so why not have lunch there instead? That way you can . get dinner quality food at lunchtime menu prices. Aquavit (65 E.55th St) Serves fantastic Scandinavian food on 2 Great lunch menu and Jean Georges (Central Park West offersan excellent two-course lunch for only $28. K b Underli five words or phrases you don't know. Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation. 1 VOCABULARY housework, make or do? a Complete the expressions with the verbs in the box. clean do lay make pickup put away ick up 1 dirty clothes 2, the beds, lunch 3 your room, your desk 4 the table for dinner 5 the floor, the bathroom 6 the rubbish, the newspapers 7 the ironing, the washing up 8 the clothes on your bed ‘omplete the sentences with do or make. He never forgets todo C 1 his homework after school. 2 Itry notto, anoise when I get up early. 3 4 My husband doesn't often _ lunch, I'm going acourse in Portuguese before | go to Brazil 5 Wealways housework on Saturday morning 6 Some children friends easily when they go t school 7 When do you have time to sport? 8 Sorry, need to phone eal 2 GRAMMAR present perfect + yet, just, already ‘Add already or yet to these sentences in the correct place. 1 T'vedone the washing, ve already done the washing = 7 Have you made any plans for the weekend? 3. We haven't finished lunch. 4 Daniel has tidied his room, 5 T'vedone the ironing, 6 Have you been to the supermarke! 7 Thaven't cleaned the bathroom. : 8 Edward has taken out the rubbish. 4A Parents and teenagers '$ are more satisfying than seeing your children have teenagers of their own. Doug Larson, American journalist b Complete the sentences for each picture. Use just + present perfect and a verb from the list miss fall clean do lay win 1 She’ justidone the washing up. off his bike. the championship, the floor. _____thetable, ‘Sorry. You dinner! 3 PRONUNCIATION jj), /d3/ a Write a word containing the sound in the pictures 4 person at university the opposite of old ‘twelve months student acolour special clothes for school (43 6 akind of short coat 7 aperson between 13 and 19 years old 8 something that crosses a river 9 another word for sweater 10 get pleasure from something b @4.1 Listen and check. Then listen ag and repeat the words. 4 READING a Read the text. Which is the best title? 1 Having cleaner house 2 Equality in the home 3 Improving your relationship ‘Men and women all over the world have arguments about doing the housework, and it’s usually the women who lose. However, a recent study by researchers at Oxford University shows that the situation is slowly improving. The researchers asked men and women aged between 20 and 59 to keep a diary of how much time they spent con housework each day. Then the researchers collected the diaries and analyzed them. These showed that women in the UK today spend about four hours and 40 minutes each day doing housework. Men, on the other hand, spend two hours and 28 minutes doing the same things. Although women still spend more time doing domestic obs, the figures show that the situation has improved. in the 1960s, women spent six hours a day on housework and men only 90 minutes, Researchers say that women are still doing most ofthe housework because people still divide domestic jobs into two areas, They see cooking, cleaning, and looking after children as ‘women's work, and general repairs, car miaintenanice., and work outside the home as ‘men's work: So, in general, the results ofthe study bring good news: for women. The difference between the amount of time men and woren spend on housework is getting smaller every year. This means that the time will come when both sexes share domestic chores: equally. However, women will have to be extremely patient, because the change won't be complete for another four decades! b Read the text. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false) 1 Men and women don't always agree about housework r 2 Adults and teenagers took part in the study. _ 3. The participants had to write down the time they spent on housework = 4 The time people spend doing housework has changed since the 1960s. 5 Today, women do more housework than they did in the 1960s. 6 In general, people think it’s normal for women to look after the family car. 7 Forty years from now, men and women will share the housework. © Look at the hhighlightéd words. What do you think they mean? Use your dictionary to look up their ‘meaning and pronunciation, 5 LISTENING a @4.2 Listen to five teenagers talking about housework. Which speaker does the most housework? Listen again. Match the speakers with what they say about housework. Speaker! BA Weall shareit. Speaker 2 B My mumdoesieal Speaker 3 C We pay someone to do it. Speaker4 __D There's one thing Ilike doing. SpeakerS ___E I doallttle every day. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. carer "keor | plate /plert reputation /repju'tetfn teenager ti:nerdso wardrobe /2:draob dry (yourhait) Adray! knock (on the door) /nok carry on texting) keer on switch off (your mobile) ‘swt of/ TV channel ivi 'tfaenl 1 VOCABULARY shopping a Complete the text: | usually go shopping in my lunch break, sol don't have time to 'try _ on clothes. ‘There's always a long queue for the 2ch r , 50 |just take them straight to the ch to pay. I keep the *r so can change them if they don't °s, me. Sometimes | get the wrong °s. : and the clothes don't f | often “t things b to shops, but the °sh a don't seem to mind at al. 4B Fashion and shopping I don't design clothes, I design dreams. Ralph Lauren, American fashion designer b_ Complete the crossword. — | ' Shopping online Clues down W 1 When you shop online, you normally have to create an account personal details, | which has y ou want to buy is called an it eBay isan online au site, which sells things to the pe on who offers the most money 7 Amazon sa popular w where you can buy things Clues across — | 3. When you find something you want to buy on awebsite,you put} itin your shopping b | 4 Youcanmake ap indifferent ways, e.g using your creditcard or Paypal 6 When you are ready to buy something, you go to the ch 8 You have to enter your d address so they can send your things to the correct place 2 GRAMMAR present perfect or past simple? a Write sentences and questions ith the present perfect. Use contractions where pos 1 she/ buy /anew jacket —She'shoughta new jacket I bring / my | credit card 3 Anna] go shopping] 4 your sister | ever work | as a model [7] 5 you / wear | your new shire] 6 ever tell you, about my holiday in Greec 7 the shopping centre | never be | so crowde 8 I] never use | eBay Complete the dialogues. Use the present perfect or past simple. 1 A Have you ever bought (you / ever / buy) any ciothes onthe internet? B Yes,_have_. ‘A What —didyou buy _(you / buy)? B |_bought (buy) adress for e wedding, butt didnt ft! 28 ____________tyou/ever /selp anything on eBay? -BYes,t A What Bo (you / set? B Some CDs.1 {pot want) them any more 3A (you / ever / wear) any ‘expensive jewellery? B No! 4A tyou ever /tose) your wallet? B Yes.! |__teaveyitina trolley atthe supermarket. 5A (you /ever / have) an ‘argument witha shop assistant? B Yes,| (not have) the receipt, 301 {pot can) change some boots, 3 PRONUNCIATION cand ch a @4.3 Listen and circ thOword with a different sound. 1 eustomer account: @Fa03> | | | 2 click proceed chemist's | 3 clothes city centre 4 receive card cinema b Listen again and repeat the words. 4 LISTENING a @4-4 Listen to anews story. What is Westfield? b Listen again and answer the questions. 1 How long hasit taken to build Westfield? Six-years 2. How much did the shopping centre cost? 3. How many department stores and shops are there? 4 How many cafés and restaurants are there? 5 How many people work at Westfield? 6 How can you get to Westfield? 7 What did the reporter want to buy? 2 Wiydiivise pee Oa ech USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. bride /braid/ bridegroom "braidgruzm/ leather ("leda/ fashion designer Men dizainay highheels hat hi:lz wedding dress ou Pwedin dres/ take off (your shoes) fetk of bare feet /bea fist fancy dress /feensi ‘dres’ 4C Lost weekend 1 2 3 4 8 9 1 3 4 6 GRAMMAR something, anything, nothing, etc. “the correct word. We didn't do @ayehiagh/ nothing special last weekend, Do you know anything / anyone about the meeting today? ‘There isn’t anywhere | nowhere to go in the evenings. He couldn't find his keys nowhere / anywhere. We didn't know someone j anyone at the party Daniel has something j anything to tell you. Iphoned twice, but anybody / nobody answered. We need to find somewhere | anywhere to stay in Dublin, Listen! I think somebody / anybody is upstairs Look at the picture. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false. There isn't anywhere to sit. E ‘The man on the right is eating something Nobody is dancing. There's nothing on the ground. Someone is playing with the dog. ‘The man cooking doesn't have anything on his head. There isn't anybody in the swimming pool There aren't enough days in the weekend. Rod Schmiat, American writer 2 VOCABULARY adjectives ending -ed and -ing ‘Complete the sentences with an adjective ending -ed or ing. 1 I'm reading a really interesting book. Going to a spa for the weekend is sor ‘Turn the TV off. She's just lost her job. in archaeology. 3 This films really b, 4 Helen's very d 5 My cousinis very in 6 Congratulations! That's realy ex ‘The news at the moment is all very d on holiday. have nothing to do! toseeus when 8 Wealways feel very r 9 Mum, I'm b. 10. The dogs were very ex. wwe came home. 3 PRONUNCIATION /e/, (au, /s/ a @4.5 Listenand write the words in the chart, anything clever clothes coat customer don't dress friendly funny gloves, goes home lunch nothing photos something sweater website T clothes customer Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words 4 READING b_ Underline five words you don't know. Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation. a Complete the text with the activities. Bake aloaf of bread Play board games Listen to some podcasts. Start a blog Learn how to juggle Take some photos Meet yourneighbours Tidy your wardrobe Organize your shelves Visitalibrary | 5 LISTENING a 4.6 Listen to four people talking about their weekends. Where did they go? Speaker 1 _ a Ten things Pee to do during cama — a pate) ata gto , 1 cooked a meal icra ore> o> READING Read the text. Where could you...? 1 makea toy FAO Schwarz 2 try ona designer bracelet 3. buy something for when you havea shower 4 ‘get a tattoo Fifth Avenue Shopping: Fifth Avenue is one of the most expensive shopping streets in the world, Most of the ‘world’s luxury boutiques are located here, including Gucci, Prada, Armani, and Cartier. Itis also home to huge department stores like Lord & Taylor, Barneys, and Bergdorf Goodman, Most shops open daily from 10 a.m. to 7 pm, starting later on Sundays. Here are some of the most well known: FAO SCHWARZ ‘This world-famous toy store is popular with tourists and New Yorkers, The amazing Grand Hall has more than 20,000 coloured lights and. there's also a giant dance-on piano keyboard and an enormous candy store. Big kids can have Jots of fun in the do-it-yourself department, where they can even design their own doll, RICKY’S ‘This ultra-fashionable beauty shop has been selling the latest cosmetics, hair and bath products for nearly two decades, Products range from the most expensive to the most ecological, so there's something for everybody. Upstairs, check out the fun clothing and accessories. You can also get temporary henna tattoos. TIFFANY &CO ‘This exclusive jeweller’s has occupied its current location since 1940. Customers can admire the designer jewellery on the first floor before taking the elevator upstairs to choose an engagement ring. You can buy elegant table, glass, and silverware on the fourth floor, and there are less pricey items on the third floor. Read the textagain. Match the highlighted words to their meanings. the set of keys on a piano very expensive scarves, bets, gloves, ete anagreement to get married very big 6 theactivity of making thingson your own A pessimist is someone who is pleased with bad experiences because they shaw he was right. Heinz Ruhmann, German actor and flm director 6A Are you a pessimist? 1 GRAMMAR will / won't (predictions) Complete the dialogues with will / won’tand a verb from the box. Use contractions. ber fait notsell forget not win miss Ba: {A tm going climbing next weekend B its very dangerous. You fall ‘A Im playing in the tennis final tomorrow. B Theother players very good. You _ {A Im going to study all evening. B It's awaste of time. You anything inthe morning. a A s A tld ck thats Janes ita on ida. 8 Youknow Nc He ‘A tim going to put my MP3 player on eBay. B It's too old. You at 3 ie A Tm getting the 8.50 train B it's leaving in five minutes. You 2 VOCABULARY opposite verbs Write the opposite verb in each space. Be careful —use the correct verb form. 1 arrive You won't _leave_on time, teach We're going to 3 fail [don’t think he English in Canada. all of his exams 4 Push the door to open it. 5 mend Te ny glasses. 6 lend Cant apen, please? Ithink he's going to the race. 8 curn off Canyou_ the light, please? 9 get I more than 50 emails yesterday. 10 lose Ive some money! 3 PRONUNCIATION 1, won't 6.1 Listen and repeat. Copy the chythm. 1 ritlearna lot. 2 Hell meet somebody new. 3 You'll havea good time. 4 She won't ger he job. 5 They Won't lend youhe money. 6 Wewon’t arrive on time.

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