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Academic Session 2020-21

Grade V
Chapter – 8 (The Frigid Zone)
Back Exercise and Concept Map

1. Continents
2. Peculiarity
3. Aurora Borealis
4. Aurora Australis
5. Collision
6. Igloos
7. Expedition
8. Trapping
9. Scandinavia
1. Expedition: It is an organised journey with a particular aim, especially to find out
about a place that is not well known.
2. Aurora Borealis: The term refers to the band of coloured lights, mainly green and red,
that are sometimes seen in the sky at night in most northern countries of the world.
3. Aurora Australis: Aurora Australis refers to the bands of coloured lights that are
sometimes seen in the sky at night is most southern countries of the world.

 Frigid Zones are divided into two parts:
 The Northern Frigid Zone lies between the Arctic Circle (66 1/2 0N) and the North
Pole (900N)
 The Southern Frigid Zone lies between the Antarctic Circle (66 ½0 S) and the South
Pole (900 S)
 Both zones receive the slanting rays of the sun.
 Temperature may drop to -400C
 Summers are only for 2 to 3 months.
 In summers, the zone experiences continuous daylight for 6 months
 In winters, it experiences continuous darkness for 6 months.
 Soil is permanently frozen except in summers.
 Shrubs such as mosses, lichens and grass grow here.
 Blueberries, cranberries and wild currants grow here.
 It is impossible to grow trees in the Frigid Zone.
 Animals like reindeer, caribou, bear, fox and hare have adapted to the severe cold of
this region.
 Animals have thick white coat of fur on their bodies.
 In summers the colour of fur changes to greyish-brown which camouflages the
 Life is very harsh and difficult.
 Inuits have adopted themselves to the harsh climate.
 Earlier humans lived in igloos, but know houses made of wood are preferred.
 Rifles are used instead of harpoons to hunt animals.

(Answer the following questions.)

Q1. What is the latitudinal extent of the frigid zone?

Ans. The Northern Frigid Zone lies between Arctic Circle and North Pole. The Southern
Frigid Zone lies between Antarctic Circle and South Pole.
Q2. Describe the climate of the frigid zone.
Ans. The climate of the Frigid Zone in extreme winters is very severe and temperature may
drop to -400C.In the summers which hardly extend for 2 to 3 months, the temperature may
rise to 30 to 120C.
Q3. Why is it impossible to grow crops in the frigid zone?
Ans. It is impossible to grow crops in the frigid zone because the soil remains permanently
frozen throughout the year except in summers. Thus, hardly any crops or plants grow here
and survive.
Q4. Name some of the animals that are found here.
Ans. Some of the animals that are found here are reindeer, caribou, musk ox, fox, bear, hare
and ermine have adapted themselves to severe cold.
Q5. How do Arctic animals survive the extreme cold of the Arctic region?
Ans. Arctic animals are able to survive in cold because of the thick white coat of fur on their
bodies. When the snow melts colour of fur changes to greyish brown that camouflages them
to various time of the year.

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