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BCA 103 (MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATION OF COMPUTER SCIENCE) Course Objectives: 1. To develop the essential too! of Matrix Algebra in a comprehensive manner 2. To introduce the idea of applying Differential Calculus to notions of Curvature 3. To familiarize the student with Conic Sections Unit 1: Algebra of Matrices Matrix Algebra including rank, inverse, linear system of equation, Eigen value & Caley Hamilton Theorem; Team working and management. Unit 2: Introduction to Differential Calculus Differentiation and partial differentiation, derivative of sum, dot product and cross product of two vectors, gradient, divergence and curl. . Partial Ditferentiatic Successive differentiation, libneitz theorem, partial differentiation. hd: Divert Cs ti Curvature, asymptotes, singular points, concavity, points of inflexion and tracing of Cartesian curve, Differential equation of first order. Unit 5: Coordinate Geometry System of circles, standard equations and properties of parabola and Ellipse; General equation of second degree in two variables, tracing of conic sections, sphere. Text Books: 1. Kresyzig, E., “Advanced Engineering Mathematics", John Wiley and Sons. 2. Babu Ram: Engineering Mathematics, vol 1 & vol 2. Reference Books: 1. Jain, R. K. and lyengar, S. R. K., “Advanced Engineering Mathematics", Narosa, 2003, 2. Ramana, “Higher Engineering mathematics", TMH. 3. B.S. Grewal, "Elementary Engineering Mathematics’, 34th Ed., 1998. Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to 1. Understand the basics of Matrix Algebra 2. Do the sums on Normal and Partial Differentiation 3. Apply Differential Calculus on Curvatures 4. Write and interpret the equations of system of circles, parabola, and ellipse 5. Trace Conic Sections CBCS, 1CA/2018.

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