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Statement Banks for Art

Statements for pupils working below level 1

• {He/She} enjoys drawing and painting and often chooses to carry out
these activities.
• {He/She} enjoys drawing and painting but needs to be directed to carry
out these activities.
• {He/She} needs encouragement to do drawing and painting and rarely
chooses to do these activities.
• {He/She} regularly experiments with colours and textures in {his/her}
• Once shown what to do, {He/She} experiments with colours and textures
in {his/her} work.
• Much of {his/her} work shows that {he/she} has put considerable thought
into it.
• When asked to talk about {his/her} pictures, {he/she} clearly shows what
each part represents.
• When asked to talk about {his/her} pictures, {he/she} is able to point to
each part and say what it represents.
• {He/She} needs guidance and support when asked to talk about {his/her}
pictures and say what each part represents.

Statements for pupils working at level 1

• {He/She} uses observation, memory and imagination as starting points.
• {He/She} describes an image/artefact.
• {He/She} answers questions.
• {He/She} responds to ideas.
• {He/She} uses a range of materials.
• {He/She} communicates ideas and meanings.
• {He/She} uses a variety of materials and processes to communicate
{his/her} ideas and meanings, and designs and makes images and
• {He/She} describes {his/her} work.
• {He/She} says how it makes him feel.
• {He/She} describes what {he/she} thinks or feels about {his/her} own
and others’ work.
• {He/She} can use pencils, crayons and pastels to make different
marks. {He/She} can use lines to draw a person, an object or an idea.
• {He/She} can hold a brush correctly.
• {He/She} can find objects to make a print. {He/She} prints different
• {He/She} can squeeze, roll and cut out shapes in clay or plasticene.
{He/She} can press objects in clay to print texture or pattern.
• {He/She} can choose colours and shapes. {He/She} can use glue
• {He/She} can sort fabric by colour, texture and pattern.
• {He/She} asks questions about the starting points for {his/her} work.
{He/She} can explore ideas.

Statements for pupils working at level 2

• {He/She} looks at examples of paintings/sculpture/weaving etc.
• {He/She} uses natural and man-made environments as starting points.
• {He/She} describes explorations.
• {He/She} asks and answers questions.
• {He/She} explores ideas.
• {He/She} explores a range of materials and processes.
• {He/She} explores visual elements.
• {His/Her} explorations are reflected in {his/her} images and
• {He/She} investigates and uses a variety of materials and processes
to communicate {his/her} ideas and meanings, and designs and makes
images and artefacts.
• {He/She} comments on differences in others’ work.
• {He/She} identifies what he likes in {his/her} own work and he
suggests ways of improving {his/her} own work.
• {He/She} comments on differences in others’ work, and suggests ways
of improving {his/her} own.
• {He/She} puts detail in {his/her} drawing.
• {He/She} puts pattern and texture in {his/her} drawings.
• {He/She} uses shading in {his/her} drawings.
• {He/She} can make different kinds of marks with {his/her} brush.
• {He/She} can mix two primary colours to make another colour.
• {He/She} can print a random pattern.
• {He/She} can print along a line.
• {He/She} can make a regular repeat pattern.
• {He/She} can make thumb pots.
• {He/She} can use scrap and junk materials to make a model.
• {He/She} can join card, paper and other materials.
• {He/She} can place shapes carefully.
• {He/She} can tear papers.
• {He/She} can cut shapes out.
• {He/She} can sew a pattern onto cloth.
• {He/She} can sew fabric together.
• {He/She} can make wool wrappings in different colours and textures.
• {He/She} can talk about {his/her} work and say what is good about it.

• {His/Her} work is about what he sees, thinks and feels.

• {He/She} can talk about the work of different artists, craftspeople
and designers.

Children develop their creativity and imagination by exploring the visual,

tactile and sensory qualities of materials and processes. They learn about
the role of art, craft and design in their environment and begin to
understand colour, shape and space, and pattern and texture using them
to represent their ideas and feelings.

• {He/She} enjoys all aspects of Art and produces some interesting

• {He/She} enjoys all aspects of Art and always tries hard to do some
interesting work.
• {He/She} is very enthusiastic when engaged in Art work.
• {He/She} always takes great care with {his/her} Art work.
• {He/She} enjoys all aspects of Art but doesn't always take enough
care to produce {his/her} best work.
• {He/She} doesn't really enjoy Art and finds it difficult to produce
work of a good standard.
• {He/She} has produced work of a high standard demonstrating
{his/her} awareness of colour and pattern.
• {He/She} has a good imagination and has used a wide range of
materials in {his/her} work.
• {His/Her} work shows good attention to detail and imagination.
• {His/Her} creative work is always interesting and shows an awareness
of colour and pattern.
• {He/She} sometimes rushes {his/her} work and loses concentration
which affects the quality of {his/her} Art.
• {He/She} has begun to use materials and processes in {his/her} Art
work. {He/She} can draw and make pictures and objects.
• With encouragement {he/she} describes what {he/she} thinks or
feels about {his/her} own and others' work.
• {He/She} uses a variety of materials and processes in {his/her} Art
work. {He/She} can design and make pictures and objects.
• {He/She} describes what {he/she} thinks or feels about {his/her} own
and others' work.
• {He/She} investigates and uses a variety of materials in {his/her} Art
work and makes pictures and objects.
• {He/She} comments on differences in others' work, and suggests ways
of improving {his/her} own.
• {He/She} explores ideas and collects information for {his/her} Art
work and makes pictures and objects for different purposes.
• {He/She} is able to comment on similarities and differences between
{his/her} own and others' work, and can then adapt and improve
{his/her} own.
• {He/She} needs to improve {his/her} level of concentration to raise
the standard of {his/her} Art work.
• {He/She} needs to experiment with as many techniques and resources
as possible.

Statements for pupils working at level 3

• {He/She} explores visual elements in natural and man-made

• {He/She} uses reference material to collect ideas.
• {He/She} investigates different processes, materials and elements
and compares the results.
• Results of {his/her} work are matched to {his/her} intentions.
• {He/She} compares work with natural/man-made images/artefacts.
• {He/She} says what {he/she} might change in current work and what
{he/she} might develop in the future.
• {He/She} comments on differences and similarities between {his/her}
own and others’ work, and adapts and improves {his/her} own.
• {He/She} communicates {his/her} ideas and meanings.
• {He/She} investigates visual and tactile qualities in materials and
processes, communicates {his/her} meanings, and designs and makes
images and artefacts for different purposes.
• {He/She} investigates visual and tactile qualities in materials and
• {He/She} comments on similarities and differences between {his/her}
own and others' work, and adapts and improves {his/her} own.
• {He/She} uses sketchbooks to collect ideas.
• {He/She} investigates the work of artists, designers and
• {He/She} explores ideas and collects visual and other information for
{his/her} work.
• {He/She} reviews work as it progresses.
• {He/She} can draw freehand from observation.
• {He/She} can draw spaces between objects.
• {He/She} can shade to produce different tones.
• {He/She} knows what the secondary colours are.
• {He/She} can mix colours to make a neutral (tertiary) colour.
• {He/She} can make a colour wash.
• {He/She} can make tile designs.
• {He/She} can make coils and a coil pot.
• {He/She} can join clay.
• {He/She} can make a slab pot.
• {He/She} can select appropriate papers for {his/her} collage.
• {He/She} can add detail to {his/her} collage.
• {He/She} explores ideas for different purposes in {his/her}
sketchbook. {He/She} collects visual and other information to help
develop {his/her} ideas.
• {He/She} puts background in {his/her} drawings.
• {He/She} can make warm and cool colours.
• {He/She} can use two colours side by side so it looks like one colour.
• {He/She} can make tints and shades.
• {He/She} can make a block print.
• {He/She} can use papier mache.
• {He/She} can build a structure.
• {He/She} can overlap shapes.
• {He/She} can weave.

Pupils develop their creativity and imagination by exploring the visual, tactile
and sensory qualities of materials and processes. They learn about the role
of art, craft and design in their environment and begin to understand colour,
shape and space and pattern and texture using them to represent their
ideas and feelings.

• {He/She} has produced interesting Art work and is developing a good

sense of design.
• {He/She} has enjoyed the work in Art and has produced pieces of a
high standard.
• {He/She} has worked steadily to improve {his/her} Art work.
• {He/She} is able to experiment with and use a wide range of methods,
tools and techniques.
• {He/She} takes a pride in {his/her} work, paying attention to detail
and is steadily improving {his/her} technical skills.
• {He/She} can select mix and match the appropriate colour, tone or
shade and has a good eye for design and colour.
• {He/She} is developing an understanding of the artists we have
studied and has produced some good work of {his/her} own.
• {He/She} explores ideas and collects information for {his/her} art
• {He/She} makes pictures and objects for different purposes and is
able to comment on the similarities and differences between {his/her}
own and others' work. In the light of this {he/she} can adapt and
improve {his/her} own work.
• {He/She} is able to explore ideas and collect information to help him
develop {his/her} work.
• {He/She} can use a range of materials and processes to communicate
ideas and meanings, and can make images and objects to suit {his/her}
• {He/She} can compare and comment on ideas, methods and approaches
used in {his/her} own and others' work and can adapt and improve
{his/her} work.
• {He/She} needs to pay more attention to all areas of {his/her} art
work if there is to be further progress.
• {He/She} needs to improve {his/her} concentration to persist in
{his/her} Art work.

Statements for pupils working at level 4

• {He/She} uses sketchbooks to collect information
and tries out ideas for {his/her} work.
• {He/She} thinks about starting points for {his/her}
• {He/She} explores ideas and collects visual and other
information to help him develop {his/her} work.
• {He/She} plans {his/her} work and discusses
alternatives to realise {his/her} intentions.
• {He/She} uses {his/her} knowledge and
understanding of materials and processes to communicate ideas and
meanings, and make images and artefacts.
• {He/She} considers development of work in relation
to {his/her} own intention.
• {He/She} compares and comments on ideas, methods
and approaches used in {his/her} own and others’ work, relating these to
the context in which the work was made.
• {He/She} adapts and improves this work to realise
{his/her} own intentions.

• {He/She} keeps a sketchbook to explore ideas.

• {He/She} can express feeling and mood through line and
• {He/She} can use colour to show contrasts.
• {He/She} can use colour to show depth and distance.
• {He/She} can use colour to convey feeling and mood.
• {He/She} can print mirror images.
• {He/She} can add texture and pattern to a pot or model.

• {He/She} can use mixed media in a collage.

• {He/She} can work from a sketch.
• {He/She} can use templates made from {his/her} own
• {He/She} can do batik with flour paste or wax.
• {He/She} can sew appliqué.
• {He/She} can select ideas for {his/her} work.
• {He/She} understands how visual and tactile elements can
be combined.
• {He/She} uses materials and processes and matches them
to {his/her} ideas.

Statements for pupils working above level 4

• {He/She} uses {his/her} sketchbook to collect information, try out

ideas and develop {his/her} work.
• {He/She} selects materials relevant to {his/her} intended outcomes.
• {He/She} explores ideas and selects visual and other information.
{He/She} uses this in developing {his/her} work, taking account of the
• {He/She} uses materials and processes to communicate ideas and
meanings and makes images and artefacts, matching visual and tactile
qualities to {his/her} intentions.
• {He/She} compares ideas and methods.
• {He/She} reviews and adapts {his/her} work.
• {He/She} analyses and comments on ideas, methods and approaches
used in {his/her} own and others’ work, relating these to its context.
{He/She} adapts and refines {his/her} work to reflect {his/her} own view
of its purpose and meaning.
• {He/She} interprets visual and tactile qualities to communicate ideas
and meanings, and realises {his/her} intentions.
• {He/She} adapts and refines {his/her} own work to reflect {his/her}
own view of its purpose and meaning.
• {He/She} analyses and comments on ideas, methods and approaches
used in {his/her} own and others' work, relating this to the context.
{He/She} explains how {his/her} understanding of the context affects
{his/her} views and practice.
• {He/She} can overlap shapes to show space and distance.
• {He/She} uses different sizes and proportions to show space and
• {He/She} uses simple perspective.
• {He/She} can use colours and tones to make harmonies and discords.
• {He/She} knows what complementary colours are.
• {He/She} can plan a composition.
• {He/She} can print on fabric.
• {He/She} can build up basic models with papier mache or modroc.

• {He/She} can plan ideas in {his/her} sketchbook.

• {He/She} can make patterns in weaving.
• {He/She} can evaluate {his/her} work and suggest how {he/she} might
develop it further.
• {He/She} understands the role and purpose of artists, craftspeople
and designers in different times and cultures.

These are taken from the units of work and are differentiated for:-

Most pupils will:-

 {He/She} explores ideas about self portraits.
 {He/She} investigates and uses drawing and painting materials and
techniques to communicate {his/her} ideas about himself in a self
 {He/She} says what {he/she} thinks and feels about {his/her} own and
others’ work.
 {He/She} suggests ways of improving {his/her} own work.

 {He/She} experiments with papers and fabrics and creates different
 {He/She} uses found natural and made materials in weaving, showing
understanding of colour and texture
 {He/She} identifies parts {he/she} likes and says what {he/she} finds
interesting about the colour and texture {he/she} has created and how it
makes him feel

 {He/She} explores ideas about sculpture
 {He/She} investigates and uses materials and processes to communicate
ideas and meanings in three-dimensional form
 {He/She} comments on similarities and differences between {his/her}
own and others’ work
 {He/She} adapts and improves {his/her} own work

• {He/She} explores ways of framing images
• {He/She} investigates and uses drawing, print making, collage and
photography to communicate ideas and meanings in {his/her} own image
• {He/She} comments on differences in others’ work
• {He/She} suggests ways of improving {his/her} own work

• {He/She} investigates and uses drawing, collage and textile materials and
processes to communicate ideas about line, shape and colour

• {He/She} comments on difference on others’ work

• {He/She} suggests ways of improving {his/her} own work

• {He/She} explores ideas about shape and pattern
• {He/She} makes prints based on pattern in buildings

• {He/She} works with others to develop a relief panel based on

observations of pattern in buildings
• {He/She} says what {he/she} thinks and feels about {his/her} own and
others’ work

 {He/She} explores ideas and collects information about people and uses
this to make a double portrait that communicates their relationship

 {He/She} investigates visual qualities; experiments with painting

techniques to communicate {his/her} ideas and experiences

 {He/She} comments on differences and similarities between {his/her}

own and others’ work
 {He/She} suggests improvements to {his/her} own work

• {He/She} explores how shape and colour can be organized and combined
to create patterns for different purposes
• {He/She} collects visual information

• {He/She} experiments with stencilling and print-making techniques to

make printed patterns

• {He/She} comments on similarities and differences between {his/her}

own and others’ work
• {He/She} adapts and improves {his/her} own work, according to its

• {He/She} collects and records visual and other information about a
specific location

• {He/She} explores how shape, form and space, and colour and texture can
be used to create a marquette

• {He/She} compares and comments on ideas, methods and approaches used

in his own and others’ work

 {He/She} explores ideas about dreams
 {He/She} collects visual and other information from different viewpoints

 {He/She} investigates a variety of methods and techniques, using shape,

tone and texture in drawing, photography and print making
 {He/She} compares ideas, methods and approaches used in {his/her} own
and others’ work

 {He/She} modifies and improves {his/her} work to realise {his/her} own


• {He/She} collects visual and other information; explores how visual
qualities can be organized and combined for different purposes to
communicate {his/her} ideas about a chair

• {He/She} experiments with materials and techniques to construct a

model chair
• {He/She} identifies similarities and differences in {his/her} own and
others’ work; adapts and improves {his/her} own work according to its

 {He/She} explores ideas about journeys; collects information about signs
and symbols for {his/her} work
 {He/She} investigates lines, shapes, colours and textures to produce
work on the theme of journeys

 {He/She} combines a variety of painting, print-making and collage

techniques to enhance {his/her} work

 {He/She} comments on ideas, methods and approaches used in {his/her}

own and others’ work
 {He/She} adapts and improves {his/her} work

• {He/She} explores ideas for a still-life painting of objects that have
meaning for him
• {He/She} collects visual and other information for {his/her} work

• {He/She} organises and combines visual and tactile qualities

• {He/She} uses {his/her} knowledge of painting techniques to communicate
ideas and experiences

• {He/She} compares and comments on ideas, methods and approaches in

{his/her} own and others’ work
• {He/She} adapts and improves {his/her} own work, according to its

• {He/She} explores shape, form, space and decoration
• {He/She} works from source material to help him with {his/her} work

• {He/She} experiments with and combines materials and processes to

design and make a three-dimensional form

• {He/She} compares and discusses ideas, methods and ways of working in

others’ work, relating these to {his/her} own ideas
• {He/She} adapts and improves {his/her} work as it progresses

• {He/She} explores ideas and collects materials and information to
support {his/her} work

• {He/She} investigates colour, shape and texture in textile materials and

processes and uses these to communicate ideas in a story

• {He/She} comments on similarities and differences in how events in a

story are communicated in {his/her} own and others’ work
• {He/She} adapts and improves {his/her} own work

• {He/She} explores ideas about movement
• {He/She} collects visual and other information on how to communicate
movement in visual form

• {He/She} investigates a range of materials and processes and combine

and organise line, tone, shape and colour to represent figures and forms
in movement
• {He/She} compares and comments on ideas, methods and approaches used
in {his/her} own and others’ work, relating these to the context of the
• {He/She} adapts and improves {his/her} work to realise {his/her}

• {He/She} explores ideas about headwear
• {He/She} collects materials and visual and other information to help him
develop {his/her} work

• {He/She} uses materials and processes to communicate ideas and

meanings in a piece of headwear
• {He/She} combines and organises shape, form, colour and texture to
match {his/her} intentions

• {He/She} compares and comments on ideas, methods and approaches in

{his/her} own and others’ work, relating these to the context of the work
• {He/She} adapts and improves {his/her} work to realise {his/her}

• {He/She} explores ideas about the environment
• {He/She} collects visual and other information by observing and
recording features of the environment

• {He/She} uses a variety of recording methods and techniques, combining

and organizing shape, form and space
• {He/She} applies colour, pattern and texture in a painting
• {He/She} compares and comments on ideas, methods and approaches used
in {his/her} own and others’ work; relating these to the purpose of the

• {He/She} adapts and improves {his/her} work to realise {his/her}


Pupils needing support:-

 {He/She} uses drawing and painting techniques to communicate ideas
about himself in a self portrait; talk about what {he/she} thinks or feels
about {his/her} own work

 {He/She} uses materials to make weavings; describes what {he/she}
thinks or feels about {his/her} own and others’ work

 {He/She} collects visual and other information for {his/her} work;
investigates shape, form and texture in materials to create a three-
dimensional form; comments on similarities and differences between
{his/her} own and others’ work; adapts and improves {his/her} own work

• {He/She} communicates ideas and meanings in different ways; describe
what {he/she} thinks or feels about {his/her} own and others’ work

• {He/She} uses materials and processes to communicate ideas; describes
what {he/she} thinks or feels about {his/her} own and others’ work

• {He/She} works with others; uses materials and techniques to
communicate ideas and experiences; talks about {his/her} own and others’

 {He/She} explores ideas about portraits and makes a painting of a double
portrait; comments on differences in others’ work; suggests ways of
improving {his/her} own work

 {He/She} uses different methods and techniques to explore {his/her}
ideas and communicate experiences
 {He/She} identifies differences in {his/her} own and others’ work; adapts
{his/her} own work, according to its purpose

• {He/She} uses materials and techniques to construct a model chair; talks
about the differences between {his/her} own and others’ work; suggests
improvements to {his/her} own work

 {He/She} uses signs and symbols in {his/her} work; combines lines,
shapes, colours and textures to create simple patterns; uses basic art
vocabulary to explain {his/her} ideas and work

• {He/She} explores visual and tactile qualities; investigates materials and
processes and uses these to make a still-life painting
• {He/She} talks about the differences between their own and others’
work; suggests improvements to {his/her} own work

• {He/She} explores ideas; experiments with materials, tools and
techniques; makes a three-dimensional form; discuss similarities and
differences between {his/her} own and others’ work; suggests ways of
improving {his/her} own work
• {He/She} investigates and uses textile materials and processes to
communicate ideas; comments on differences in {his/her} own and others’
work; suggests ways of improving {his/her} own work

• {He/She} investigates different methods and techniques to communicate
{his/her} ideas; comments on differences in {his/her} own and others’
work; suggests ways of improving {his/her} own work

• {He/She} explores ideas about headwear; collects materials and
information for {his/her} work; uses materials and techniques to
communicate ideas through a piece of headwear,; comments on
differences between {his/her} own and others’ work; adapts and improves
{his/her} own work


• {He/She} uses different methods to record observations of the

environment and create a painting; comments on differences in others’
work; suggests ways of improving {his/her} own work

Higher Achievers:-

 {He/She} collects visual and other information to help develop {his/her}
work; investigates visual and tactile qualities of media; makes a self-
portrait showing {his/her} ideas about himself ; comments on similarities
and differences in {his/her} own and others’ work; adapts and improves
{his/her} own work

 {He/She} investigates and uses materials and processes to explore and
communicate ideas and meanings; comments on similarities and
differences between {his/her} own and others’ work; adapts and improves
{his/her} own work

 {He/She} collects visual and other information for {his/her} work;
investigates shape, form and texture in materials to create a three-
dimensional form; comments on similarities and differences between
{his/her} own and others’ work; adapts and improves {his/her} own work

• {He/She} investigates and uses line, shape, colour and tone to
communicate ideas and experiences in different media; comments on
similarities and differences between {his/her} own and others’ work;
adapts and improves {his/her} own work

• {He/She} collects visual and other information for {his/her} work;
investigates shape, pattern and texture; uses materials and techniques to
communicate ideas and experiences; comments on similarities and
differences between {his/her} own and others’ work; adapts and improves
{his/her} own work

• {He/She} investigates and uses materials and processes to communicate
ideas and meanings about buildings; {he/she} works with others’ to design
and create a relief panel based on drawings and other information about
buildings; comments on differences in {his/her} own and others’ work;
suggests ways of improving {his/her} own work

 {He/She} selects information to help him develop {his/her} ideas for
making a double portrait; combines and organises visual qualities;
experiments with methods and approaches; chooses how to communicate
{his/her} ideas and experiences; compares and comments on the
similarities and differences in {his/her} own and others’ work; adapts and
improves {his/her} own work according to its purpose

3b {He/She} explores relationships between shape, colour and pattern and

textile materials and processes; collects visual and other information with a
purpose in mind; chooses and experiments with materials and techniques to
suit {his/her} intentions; compares {his/her} ideas, methods and approaches
used in {his/her} own and others’ work; improves and adapts {his/her} own
work according to its purposes

• {He/She} explores ideas about how to improve a public space, selects
relevant information, choosing and experimenting with ideas, methods and
approaches to create a Marquette for a specific location; compares and
comments on ideas, methods and approaches used in {his/her} own and
others’ work

 {He/She} explores a range of ideas using shape, tone and texture seen in
the built environment; uses sketchbooks and selects relevant visual
information for {his/her} work; experiments with photographic and
printing techniques to inform and extend {his/her} ideas; compare the
ideas, methods and approaches used in {his/her} own and others’ work;
modify {his/her} work to reflect {his/her} own view of its purpose and

• {He/She} collects visual and other information to help him with {his/her}
work; experiments with materials and techniques to suit {his/her} chair
design; compares the ideas, methods and approaches used in {his/her}
own and others’ work; modifies and improves {his/her} work to realise
{his/her} own intentions

 {He/She} researches a range of signs and symbols; explores methods and
approaches used by different artists to inform {his/her} own ideas;
combines visual and tactile qualities to convey the idea of place and
journey; makes a personal choice about the shape or format of {his/her}
work and materials and techniques; compares how ideas and experiences
have been represented by others; adapts and improves {his/her} work

{He/She} records and collects visual and other information to develop
{his/her} ideas for a still-life painting; manipulates visual and tactile qualities
and different materials and processes, matching these to suit {his/her}
intentions; analyses and comments on the ideas, methods and approaches
used in {his/her} own and others’ work; adapts and refines {his/her} own
work to reflect its meaning and purpose
• {He/She} selects visual and other information to help him develop ideas;
manipulate materials, tools and techniques to develop and extend
{his/her} ideas for a three-dimensional form; combines visual and tactile
qualities and matches these to {his/her} ideas and intentions; analyses
and comments on ideas, methods and approaches used in {his/her} own
and others’ work, relating this to {his/her} intentions; adapts and refines
{his/her} work to reflect {his/her} own view of its purpose and meaning

• {He/She} collects visual and other information to help him develop ideas;
investigate, combine and organises visual and tactile qualities and applies
{his/her} knowledge of materials and processes to communicate {his/her}
ideas; compares and comments on ideas, methods and approaches in
{his/her} own and others’ work in the context of the events of the story;
adapts and improves {his/her} work to realize {his/her} intentions

• {He/She} can select relevant visual and other information; manipulates
materials and techniques, using visual and tactile qualities to communicate
ideas about movement; analyses and comments on ideas, methods and
approaches; refines {his/her} work to reflect {his/her} own view of its
purpose and meaning
• {He/She} selects and uses materials and other information in developing
{his/her} work; manipulates materials and processes to communicate
ideas and meanings; matches visual and tactile elements to {his/her}
intentions; analyses and comments on ideas, methods and approaches used
in {his/her} own and others’ work; adapts and refines {his/her} work to
reflect {his/her} own view of its purpose and meaning


• {He/She} selects visual and other information and uses this to develop
{his/her} ideas; manipulates materials and processes and matches visual
and tactile qualities to {his/her} ideas; analyses and comments on
{his/her} own and others’ work, relating choice of methods and
approaches to the purpose of the work; adapts and refines {his/her} work
to reflect {his/her} views of its meaning and purpose

General Statement Linked to Learning Map for …………………… coverage

Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2 QCA units of work)
This year ( ) has been learning about the following areas in Art: self
portraits, architecture and exploring materials and how they can be used to
produce artistic work.

Key Stage 2 (Year 3 and 4 QCA units of work)

This year ( ) has been learning about the following areas in Art: how
images and pictures can be framed through a camera, window etc…, designing
rooms as an interior designer, how photographs and pictures can differ if
they are taken or drawn in a particular pose.

Key Stage 2 (Year 5 and 6 QCA units of work)

This year ( ) has been learning about the following areas in Art: still-
life work, making 3D models, experimenting with textiles.

Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2 QCA units of work)
This year ( ) has been learning about the following areas in Art:
sculpture, natural materials, framing pictures.

Key Stage 2 (Year 3 and 4 QCA units of work)

This year ( ) has been learning about the following areas in Art:
investigating colours and patterns, designing seating, experimenting with
painting and printing

Key Stage 2 (Year 5 and 6 QCA units of work)

This year ( ) has been learning about the following areas in Art: action
shots, exploring different forms of headwear, art in our environment.


Generic Statements:-
………….. Always remembers to return homework.
…………..does not always remember to return homework.

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