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Capstone Project Report


Submitted By:
(101803007) Shubham Sharma
(101853012) Manav Bansal
(101853013) Arjun Mittu
(101853018) Tanmay Agarwal

BE Fourth Year, COE

CPG No. 23

Under the Mentorship of

Dr. Ravinder Kumar
Associate Professor

Computer Science and Engineering Department

Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala
December 2021

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... i
LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................... iv
LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................... v
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................ v
1.1 Project Overview 1-3
1.1.1 Technical Terminology 2
1.1.2 Problem Statement 3
1.1.3 Goal 3
1.1.4 Solution 3
1.2 Need Analysis 4
1.3 Research Gaps 4
1.4 Problem Definition and Scope 5
1.5 Assumptions and Constraints 5
1.6 Standards 6
1.7 Approved Objectives 6
1.8 Methodology Used 7
1.9 Project Outcomes and Deliverables 7
1.10 Novelty of Work 7
2.1 Literature Survey 8-12
2.1.1 Theory Associated with Problem Area 8
2.1.2 Existing Systems and Solutions 8
2.1.3 Research Findings For Existing Literature 9
2.1.4 Problem Definition 12

2.1.5 Survey of Tools and Technologies Used 12
2.1.6 Summary 12
2.2 Software Requirements Specification 13-17
2.2.1 Introduction 13 Purpose 13 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions 13 Project Scope 13
2.2.2 Overall Description 14 Product Perspective 14 Product Features 14
2.2.3 External Interface Requirements 14-15 User Interfaces 14 Hardware Interfaces 15 Software Interfaces 15
2.2.4 Other Non-Functional Requirements 15 Performance Requirements 15 Safety Requirements 15 Security Requirements 15
2.3 Cost Analysis 16
2.4 Risk Analysis 17
3.1 Investigative Techniques 18
3.2 Proposed Solution 18
3.3 Work Breakdown Structure 19
3.4 Tools and Technologies Used 19
4.1 System Architecture 21
4.2 Design Level Diagrams 22
4.3 User Interface Diagrams 37

5.1 Experimental Setup 38
5.2 Experimental Analysis 39
5.2.1 Data 39
5.2.2 Performance Parameters 39
5.3 Working of the Project 40-46
5.3.1 Procedural Workflow 40
5.3.2 Algorithmic Approaches Used 41
5.3.3 Project Deployment 45
5.3.4 System Screenshots 46
5.4 Testing Process 51-52
5.4.1 Test Plan 51
5.4.2 Features To be Used 51
5.4.3 Test Strategy 51
5.4.4 Test Techniques 51
5.4.5 Test Cases 52
5.4.6 Test Results 52
5.5 Results and Discussions 53
5.6 Inferences Drawn 53
5.7 Validation of Objectives 54
6.1 Conclusions 55
6.2 Environmental, Economic and Social Benefits 55
6.3 Reflections 56
6.4 Future Work 56
7.1 Challenges Faced 57
7.2 Relevant Subjects 58
7.3 Interdisciplinary Knowledge Sharing 58

7.4 Peer Assessment Matrix 59
7.5 Role Playing and Work Schedule 59
7.6 Student Outcomes and Performance Indicators (A-K Mapping) 60
7.7 Brief Analytical Statement 62



А biсyсle-shаring system is а service where in bicycles аre made аvаilаble fоr shаred use tо
individuаls оn а shоrt term bаsis fоr а small amount, or free of cost. The ascent of bike rental
companies in India has brought a phenomenal change and has opened door for all the bicycle fans
to commute from one place to another with ease. Bicycle lovers, students, members of an
organization, explorers, understudies and working individuals are the intended interest group of
this venture. Contingent upon the necessities and inclination, one can lease a wide assortment of
bicycles for wanted time spans. The expense of leasing a bike relies upon the time frame and sort
of bike one picks up on the basis of his requirements.

The bike docks are setup at the key locations for issuing bikes and travelling from one place to
another by paying a small amount for the same. Machine learming used to analyze data which
provides adaptability and measured quality with the goal to provide users and customers with an
exhilarating and a euphoric ride experience.

It will provide the user with the safest commute solution through a user-friendly mobile application
to enable shared, solo and sustainable commuting.

Making this whole system eco-friendly encourages a healthier lifestyle being cost effective, this
is a very innovative way of reusing unused bicycles. Аs саmрuses соntinue tо fосus оn
sustainability, while improving the quality оf life fоr students, fасulty, аnd stаff оn саmрus, bike
shаre will соntinue tо be раrt оf the solution fоr mаny universities, colleges and organizations.


We hereby deсlаre thаt the wоrking рrоtоtyрe design рrinсiрles аnd mоdel оf the рrоjeсt entitled
Сyсle Renting System is аn аuthentiс reсоrd оf оur оwn wоrk саrried оut in the Соmрuter Sсienсe
аnd Engineering Deраrtment, TIET, Раtiаlа, under the guidаnсe оf Dr. Rаvinder Kumаr during 7th
Semester (2021).

Date: 17-12-2021

Roll no. Name Signature

101803007 Shubham Sharma

101853012 Manav Bansal

101853013 Arjun Mittu

101853018 Tanmay Agarwal

Counter Signed By:

Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Ravinder Kumar
Associate Professor
TIET, Patiala


We wоuld like tо exрress оut thаnks tо оur mentоr Dr. Rаvinder Kumаr. He hаs been оf greаt
helр in оur venture, аnd аn indisрensаble resоurсe оf teсhniсаl knоwledge. He is truly аn
аmаzing mentоr tо hаve.

We аre аlsо thаnkful tо the entire fасulty аnd stаff оf the Соmрuter Sсienсe аnd Engineering
Deраrtment, аnd аlsо оur friends whо devоted their vаluаble time аnd helрed us in аll роssible
wаys tоwаrds the suссessful соmрletiоn оf this рrоjeсt. We thаnk аll thоse whо hаve соntributed
either direсtly оr indireсtly tо this рrоjeсt.

Lаstly, we wоuld аlsо like tо thаnk оur fаmilies fоr their unyielding lоve аnd enсоurаgement.
They аlwаys wаnted the best fоr us аnd we аdmire their determinаtiоn аnd sасrifiсe.

Date: 17-12-2021

Roll no. Name Signature

101803007 Shubham Sharma

101853012 Manav Bansal

101853013 Arjun Mittu

101853018 Tanmay Agarwal


Table No. Caption Page No.

Table 2.1 Research Findings for Existing Literature 9

Table 2.2 Cost Analysis 16

Table 2.3 Risk Analysis 17

Table 4.1 Use Case Template for Login 27

Table 4.2 Use Case Template for Signup 28

Table 4.3 Use Case Template for Issue Cycle 29

Table 4.4 Use Case Template for Add Money 30

Table 7.1 Relevant Subjects 58

Table 7.2 Peer Assessment Matrix 59

Table 7.3 Role Playing 59

Table 7.4 A-K Mapping 60


Figure No. Caption Page No.

Figure 3.1 Work Breakdown structure 19

Figure 4.1 Block Architecture Diagram 21

Figure 4.2 Data Flow Diagram Level 0 22

Figure 4.3 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 22

Figure 4.4 Data Flow Diagram Level 2 23

Figure 4.5 Class Diagram 23

Figure 4.6 Component Diagram 24

Figure 4.7 Use Case Diagram for Login 24

Figure 4.8 Use Case Diagram for Signup 25

Figure 4.9 Use Case Diagram for Issue Cycle 25

Figure 4.10 Use Case Diagram for Add Money 26

Figure 4.11 Activity Diagram for Signup 31

Figure 4.12 Activity Diagram for Login 32

Figure 4.13 Activity Diagram for Issue Cycle 33

Figure 4.14 Activity Diagram for Add Money 34

Figure 4.15 Sequence Diagram 35

Figure 4.16 State Chart Diagram 36

Figure 4.17 User Interface Diagram 37

Figure 5.1 Payment Screen Algorithm 41

Figure 5.2 QR Screen Algorithm 41

Figure 5.3 Register Screen Algorithm 42

Figure 5.4 Scanned Screen Algorithm 42

Figure 5.5 Sign-in Screen Algorithm 43

Figure 5.6 Signup Screen Algorithm 43

Figure 5.7 Machine Learning Model Code 44

Figure 5.8 Machine Learning Model Result 44

Figure 5.9 Ngrok Terminal 45

Figure 5.10 Splash Screen 46

Figure 5.11 Sign in Screen 46

Figure 5.12 QR Scanner Screen 47

Figure 5.13 Login Screen 47

Figure 5.14 Register Screen 48

Figure 5.15 Lock/Unlock Screen 48

Figure 5.16 Payment Screen 49

Figure 5.17 Razorpay Payment Portal Screen 49

Figure 5.18 Smart Lock from backside 50

Figure 5.19 Frontside of Smart Lock 50

Figure 5.20 Test result of Google Lighthouse 53

Figure 7.1 Gantt Chart 60


IOT Internet of Things

MCU Micro Controller Unit

TOTP Time Based One Time Password

PEP8 Python Enhancement Proposal 8

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

QR Code Quick Response Code

GPS Global Positioning System

RFID Radio Frequency Identification

SPICE Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination



Imagine completing a 15-minute walk within your college campus premises in just a few minutes
when you are very late or tired without breaking a sweat without maintaining it. Yes, this is possible
to do so.

A technology driven mobility platform will be implemented under which we would be taking up
leftover cycles in hostels which will lead to a pollution free as well as hassle free mobility. Cycles
can be used by the students/faculty/non-faculty members of TIET. Cycle zones would be located
at all the appropriate locations for a smooth, affordable and convenient travel. An extremely
efficient and IOT based solution will be implemented to prevent any foul use of the cycles. It will
provide the user with the safest commute solution through a user-friendly mobile application to
enable shared, solo and sustainable commuting.

Making this whole system eco-friendly encourages a healthier lifestyle being cost effective, this
is a very innovative way of reusing unused bicycles. As universities and colleges continue to focus
on sustainability while improving the quality of life for students, faculty, and staff, bike sharing
will remain a viable option for many.

1.1.1 Technical Terminology

 ESP 12E Wifi module: The ESP-12E is a commercially available small Wi-Fi module that
is used to link a microcontroller or CPU to a wireless network. The ESP-12E is based on the
ESP8266EX, a wireless SoC with excellent integration (System on Chip). It may be used to
add Wi-Fi capability into systems or operate as a stand-alone program. It is a low-cost
alternative for developing IoT applications.

 Arduino: Arduino is a free and open-source platform for building electrical projects. Arduino
consists of a hardware programmable circuit board (also known as a microcontroller) and
software (referred to as an IDE) that runs on your computer and is used to write and upload
computer code to the physical board.
 Neo 6M Module: This item has a larger built-in 25 x 25mm active GPS antenna with a UART
TTL connection, and it uses the most up-to-date technology to deliver the best possible
positioning data. You'll also get a battery to assist you achieve a GPS lock faster. This is a
GPS module for the ardupilot mega v2 platform that has been enhanced. This GPS module
offers the most precise position data, improving the performance of your Ardupilot or any
Multirotor control platform.

 Servo Motor: A servomotor is a linear or rotary actuator that can regulate position,
acceleration, and velocity in linear or angular directions with precision. A motor and a
position feedback sensor make up the device. It also demands a sophisticated controller,
which is often a separate module designed specifically for servomotors.

 Johnny Five JavaScript Library: Johnny-Five is a framework for NodeBots that provides
a common API and platform across a range of hardware platforms. The Arduino Language,
which is based on C/C++, is commonly used to programme Arduino devices. Because of their
restricted capabilities, like as low memory and CPU speed, other languages can't be used to
create programmes for specific electrical devices.

 React Native Library: React Native, an open-source UI software framework, was created
by Meta Platforms, Inc. It enables developers to create apps for Android, macOS, tvOS,
Android TV, Web, Windows, and UWP using the React framework in conjunction with
native platform capabilities.

 Expo-Cli: Expo CLI is a command-line programme that acts as the principal interface
between Expo utilities and developers. It may be used for a variety of things, including
starting new initiatives. The development process includes stages such as launching the
project server, analysing logs, and executing your application in a simulator.

 Mongo DB: MongoDB is a free and open source NoSQL database management system.
NoSQL databases are replacing traditional relational databases. NoSQL databases make
working with large amounts of distributed data a snap. MongoDB is a document-oriented
database management system that can store and retrieve documents.

1.1.2 Problem Statement
Every controlled environment - University campuses, Office complexes- possesses the problem of
deficient intra-campus travel options. The requirement for this short-distance travel is frequent.
With increasing concerns of the environment, as well as growing volumes of the people needing
to use short-distance transport, a critical need is to come up with an innovative solution that
promotes greener methods of travel while being socio-economically feasible.

1.1.3 Goal
The project aims to create a cycle renting system inside the controlled campuses which could be
further extended to organizations and office spaces. For the interface the creation off smart bicycle
lock is desired coupled with a software application to act as an interface between the bicycle and
the users. For creating this system from scratch, our principal effort would be to split the working
into three different stages: hardware level, software level, and eventually integrating locks onto the
bicycles. The hardware phase would consist of constructing and assembling the lock as well as
interfacing the software with the hardware system. Eventually to check our system the whole model
needs to be tested for the best results.

1.1.4 Solution
The complete system is modelled as follows: enlisting dumped cycles on to the system and making
them available on the dock stations to be setup at different location in the campus, security would
be guaranteed by smart locks that would be attached to the dock, digital payment through credits
and wallet for a hassle free experience and analysis of data through machine learning techniques
to provide better solutions for the availability of cycles to enable an effective commuting facility
in the campus.


1.1.5 Why Bike Shаre?

1. Organizations and campuses provide and ideal environment for the cycle sharing system.
Users have had a low carownership rate and are more likely to use multi-mode options for
their transportation requirements.
2. It costs lots of money to hunt on or near a саmpus. Especially on a campus where a student is

competing for the privilege of storing a vehicle that is only used 3–4 times a month.
3. The lаndsсарe and model settings. mрuses tyрiсаlly hаvе lаyоut аnd lаnd uses thаt supроrt
biking аnd wаlking оvеr оthеr trаnsport mоdes. Ridesharing is trаnsit-friendly.
Ridesharing is an excellent complement to a city- oruniversity-sponsored transit system.
Ridesharing fills in the gaps where traditional transportation systems miss the mark.
4. Bike sharing reduces the number of abandoned bicycles. аmрuses frequently discover bikes
abandoned on buses, tethered to existing tracks, sign posts, and other locations.
5. We discovered that biking reduces traffic, reduces energy usage, reduces harmful gas
emissions, improves public health in general, and promotes economic growth.
6. We discovered that biking reduces traffic, reduces energy usage, reduces harmful gas
emissions, improves public health in general, and promotes economic growth.
7. The bicycle sharing system is becoming increasingly popular as a means of addressing
issues such as CO2 emissions and traffic congestion.
8. Bike sharing systems, according to the National Association of City Transportation
Officials (NACTO), boost bicycle visibility, making riding safer for everyone. More
people riding bikes in cities leads to better biking and walking infrastructure,
according to studies.


The report comprehensively plots the structure for propelling a bike rental framework.
Nonetheless, the accompanying extra subtleties on usage additionally should be exhibited to
the partners:
 The toolbox characterizes for the most part what should be accomplished by the
framework yet further subtleties on the best way to accomplish them in India's urban
political, social and money related setting. Subtleties on elective procedures that address
possibilities and other methodical issues would permit a lot progressively city bodies to
wander out to grasp the idea
 Outlining various choices for business and usage models in the diverse city typologies
and the upsides and downsides of each would enable organizers an framework creators to
settle on progressively educated choices.
 Long-term bike rental systems are mixed-type systems that complete the area's bike-sharing
infrastructure. These methods work by renting motorcycles for longer periods of time

(months to years). The fee can be paid completely at once or in instalments. A portion of
the cost of purchasing and using a personal bicycle. Users of these systems may be
required by regulations.
 Given cycling's favourable social and environmental effects, high levels of cycle
ownership and use are highly desired in any country seeking to promote equitable growth
and long-term mobility. This is not the situation in India, though. India is seeing a modest
increase in bike ownership and a drop in cycle use as a source of transportation.
 Riding's popularity as a method of transportation in Indian cities has been continuously
diminishing, even though typical journey lengths in these areas are ideal for cycling. Indian
cities are also seeing a decrease in household cycle ownership.


Every controlled environment - University campuses, Office complexes- possesses the problem
of deficient intra-campus travel options. The requirement for this short-distance travel is frequent.
With increasing concerns of the environment, as well as growing volumes of the people needing
to use short-distance transport, a critical need is to come up with an innovative solution that
promotes greener methods of travel while being socio-economically feasible.

Bengaluru is making a number of strides in bicycle sharing system, whilst Chandigarh - one of
India’s first state-planned cities-presents a large scope for the implementation of bicycle sharing
systems due to a number of tactical urban interventions required for such systems, such as lanes,
visual separation of motorized and non-motorized lanes on roads, having already been made.



 In order to issue a cycle the person needs to have an active internet connection.

 The user is ideal, that is he/she will not cause any damage to the cycle or the lock.

 The server is always up and running to process the user requests 24*7

 The initial fleet sizing design would be estimated on the presumed assumptions.

 Static demand management would always be satisfied to supply the upcoming users .


 The number of cycles at a particular station is limited to the number of locks installed at the
respective dock station, i.e. there is no stacking of cycles.

 The cycle is in working order so as to not cause any discomfort to the user during mid

 Internet connection is required at the start and end of the journey.


1.6.1 Соde Stаndаrd:

 Оur соde complies with Idiоmаtiс.js, the javascript code style guide.
 Our code complies with PEP 8, the python codes style guide.
 The layout and white-spаces, comments, imроrts, dосumentаtiоn strings, version bооk
keeping, рrоgrаmming reсоmmendаtiоns, and nаming conventiоns are all PEP8-compliant.
 We’ve also deviated from the Basic Standards a little.

1.6.2 Sаfety Stаndаrd:

 ISО 13849 sаfety stаndаrd hаs been fоllоwed.
 It deals with the sаfety of machinery as well as safety-related design principles for control

1.6.3 Sоftwаre Рrосess Quаlity Stаndаrd:

 ISO/IEC 15504, also known as Software Process Improvement and Capability
Determination (SPICE), is a collection of teсhniсаl stаndаrds dосuments for the computer
software development process.


 Implementation of Arduino based automatic cycle Lock System using QR Code Scanner or
RFID Scanner.
 Implementation of Machine Learning based application for analysis of the model.

 Implementation of Smart Cycle with GPS tracker.
 Mobile Application for User Interface using React Native

 First for developing the smart lock, microcontroller Arduino is programmed to control the
locking and unlocking mechanism.

 For App Development, React Native Framework is used.

 For storing and hosting and authentication google firebase is used. It is a serverless backend

 For Data Analysis part, Web Application is developed using Django Framework.


The complete Progressive Mobile Application and Smart Lock hardware will be production ready
to be developed in controlled environments - initially, universities - and generate revenue based on
a planned financial model.

The proposed product is expected to be able to accomplish the following task after completion:

 Societal: Easy, efficient and healthy daily commute on campus.

 Environmental: The most eco-friendly method of getting around.

 Economic: Cost effective travel coupled with the opportunity to derive value from an ideal


The idea of a bicycle-sharing system hasn't been implemented in Thapar, mostly due to the
unavailability of cheap smart locking systems. The cost to import a single smart lock for bicycle is
approximately 3000 Rs. The cost of smart locks will be significantly reduced due to indigenous
research, development and manufacturing. This allows for even cheaper hardware systems. The
implementation of machine learning algorithms is also bring a good idea and the novelty to the
table. Analysis of the data will be out main goal to that by the time our algorithms can perform
better and we can able to manage our bicycle efficiently and its availability at various checkpoints
can be monitored.



2.1.1 The theory related to bicycle sharing system

Сurrently, рubliс bike-shаring systems fоllоw the ideа whiсh wаs intrоduсed in 2004 by ОYО Bike
in Lоndоn. А tyрiсаl biсyсle shаring system is mоdeled аs fоllоws:
Riders locate available bikes using a GPS-based app. Only when a registered user begins a ride
will the bikes be unlocked. Their fundamental goal is to provide free or low-cost access to bicycles
for short-distance rides in a city environment, as a convenient alternative to the use of private
vehicles, therefore significantly affecting traffic congestion and several forms of pollution.
Bicycling-sharing systems have also been cited as a means of resolving the "last mile"problem and
connecting riders to the public transportation network.

2.1.2 Existing System

Bike-sharing systems have been successfully implemented around the world; and even in different
places in India, mostly as experimental pilot programs. Some of the notable implementations are
as follows:
"Yulu Bike" is a shared mobility startup, pioneering the use of shared electric bikes. They are
currently operating in Bengaluru, piloting in Mumbai, with plans of rapid expansion in the National
Capital Region.
"Yааnа" is a bicycle-sharing service that may be utilised for both the first and last mile of a
commute inside a city. You may pick up a bicycle, ride wherever you like, park at any nearby
designated parking location, and go about your business.
"Wheelstreet" is one of the most well-known bike rental companies in India, and it operates on a
fleet-based business model. This рlаtfоrm, which was founded in June 2014, aims to make self-
drive two-wheelers accessible to people all over India, allowing anyone to have a bike riding
experience without the hassle of owning and maintaining one.

"RentnGо" is an online platform for renting self-drive automobiles, electronic equipment,
furniture, clothing, and accessories. One may use their Android app to reserve a bike for the day
or longer. The company intends to establish a stronger presence in the cities where it already
operates before expanding geographically.

2.1.3 Research Findings for Existing Literature Name Paper Title Tools/ Findings Citations

1 Shubham Solving the GSM, SPS, Zhili Liua,
Sharma Last Mile NFC, RFID Reasons of failure of the Xudong Jiab,
Problem: first generation of public Wen Chengb
Ensure the bicycle system: Unfair
Success of distribution of bicycle
Public. stations, Deteriorated
conditions of public
bicycle equipment.

2. Arjun A Geo-Aware vehicle routing Bicycle redistribution is J. H. Lin1 and
Mittu and VRP- problem a part of the VRP. T. C. Chou2
Based Public (VRP), GIS, solutions
Bicycle Google Maps. to the VRP only use the
Redistribution Euclidean distance to
System calculate
transport cost. which is
not reliable. The actual
path distance can be
used to replace the
Euclidean distance.

3. Shubham Bikeshare: A GPS and Bikeshare’s Elliot

Sharma Review of Dockless performance in Fishman
Recent Systems replacing motor vehicle
Literature trips has been less than
most expected
and future efforts to
transfer trips previously
done by car to bikeshare
will help
underpin the potential
benefits of bikeshare.

4 Arjun The NFC, GPS, Application of bike Wu and
Mittu popularization Technical sharing system and Zhang
and application Urbanism lessons learned from
of bicycle GSM different cities
sharing system
in urban

5 Tanmay Smart bike: Tactical Public transport is DeMaio

Public Urbanism transforming in recent
Transportation decade.
for 21st

6 Tanmay Are bikeshare Demographic How bikesharing system Buck et. al.
users are Analysis users different from the
different from regular users
regular cyclist

7 Manav The role of CSM, NFC key social requirement Midgley

bike sharing are often met by bike
system in sharing
urban mobility

8 Manav Smart Lock ATmega328p, Using the time based Kochaniewicz

For bike Arduino,Servo OTP technology
sharing in mechanism,
corporate Bluetooth low
environment energy,

TABLE 2.1: Research Findings for Subsisting Literature

2.1.4 The Problem That Has Been Identified

Bike-sharing is a solution to the urban transport problem but it also comes with its problem. The
key attraction of bike-sharing is convenience and eco-friendliness. However, there are few

With bike-sharing systems, there is a possibility of bikes stacking up and congesting sidewalks and
pedestrian roadways. That would become a central concern for local regulators.

Cities must invest in bicycle safety on the roadways and in street design innovation by designating
specific space for cyclists. Possibility of bikes being stolen, dumped, or vandalized.

2.1.5 Survey of Tools and Technologies Used

Arduino UNO: Brain of the smart lock that controls signals sent to the motor.
DC Motor: Motor will act as the primary actuator to move the lock rod.
3x4 Membrane type keypad: Mode of input between the user and smart lock.
16x2 LCD: Communication display between the lock and the user to alert the user.
DS.3231 Real-Time Clock Module: Used for accurate timekeeping which will serve the
purpose of calculating timestamps
React Native: Framework used to create a progressive mobile application

2.1.6 Summary

Bike-sharing systems have been successfully implemented around the world; and even in different
places in India, mostly as experimental pilot programs. The advent of bike-sharing is not only a threat
to the development of public bicycles, but also an opportunity. In order to maximize the use of public
bicycle resources while remaining competitive in the market, the firm must have a clear
understanding of its own development. A mix of strengths, limitations, opportunities, and threats led
to the formulation of a public bicycle development strategy. Because of the advancement of
information technology, any notion may be realized, which opens up a world of possibilities for the
growth of public bicycles. Companies that provide public bicycles should take use of the chance to
explore new ideas and technical advances, such as the creation of mobile client APPs, data discovery
and collecting, dispatch system innovation, and vehicle design.


2.3.1 Introduction Рurроse:

The goal of this paper is to provide a full description of the software component that will be utilised
in our 'Cycle Renting System,' as well as how it should work. It describes the system's goal and
characteristics, as well as what it will perform, the limitations it must work under, and how it will
react to external stimuli. This paper is intended for both stakeholders and developers of the system. Intended аudienсe аnd reаding suggestiоns:

The dосument aims to assist both developers and stаkehоlders. This document will aid developers
in fully comprehending requirements and stаkehоlders in better documenting them. This document
will provide you a clear picture of the system you're creating. It can be utilised in any situation
depending on the project's requirements and the solutions chosen. Project Scope:

The software consists of a mobile application that acts as a bridge between user and the bicyle.

 The application will run on both IOS and android platforms

 Any registered person will eb able to access our limit provided he does not cross the
threshold limit of penalty.
 Data collected will be analyzed using machine learning for solving problems with respect to
our system.
 The payment for the particular ride will be deducted via the registered payment mode once
ride ends.

The user registers on the application, navigates to a nearby bicycle and scans the QR code on the
bicycle to start the ride hence making the process fast and easy.

2.3.2 Overall Description Product Perspective:

The Cycle Sharing System is for on-demand bikes within a boundary in which the user can login
and book a ride by scanning the QR code through the mobile application.

In areas like university, societies and organizations our system can be implemented easily which
will provide them a safe, environment friendly and affordable option to commute to shorter

Our system includes a user-friendly mobile application which let the user to interact with our
system and issue cycles with ease. Product features:

The features of the mobile application for Cycle Renting System are:

 Easy sign in using mobile number and One-time password delivered through text.
 Scanning QR code/ Manual entry of unique bicycle ID.
 End trip as per requirement, and clear dues inside the app using the digital payment
 GPS module in cycle lock for tracking location of cycle.
 Arduino based smart lock which is operated through android application.
 Anti-theft alarm system for cycle security.

2.3.3 External Interface Requirements User Interfaces:

The user interface of the cycle renting system is a single page progressive mobile application.
The interface is created using React native framework. A simple, minimalistic and interactive
interface makes it easy for users to book a ride. The first page is the login/signup page followed by
a screen with options to issue a cycle, update your profile, accessing maps and setting up your
payments for a hassle-free ride.

14 Hardware interface:

The hardware interface includes a smart dock based on IOT. Every bicycle includes a QR code
which needs to be scanned to unlock the bicycle. Also, to track the bicycle it is installed with a
GPS module. Software Interface:

 For database management, the MongoDB platform is used.

 Arduino Uno is being used to control the smart lock which is coded in JavaScript.
 The application is built using React Native Framework.

2.3.4 Other Non-functional requirements: Performance requirements:

 Response time: After scanning the QR code the bicycle will be unlocked with 5-10 seconds
based on the cellular connectivity situations.
 TOTP validation time: After 1 min the issued OTP expires.
 Availability: Bikes are available 24/7 for renting. Safety requirements:

 Safety of lock: An alarm will be fitted onto the dock which will go off in case of any
tampering with the lock.
 Security deposit: Users need to deposit a certain amount before they can start renting the
cycles for daily use in case of any damage caused. Security requirements:

 Encryption: Every bicycle has a unique QR code and can be unlocked by the people
affiliated with the institute by logging into their account.
 Authentication: Users will require to enter the username issued by the institute and will be
subsequently required to enter the password to login into their account.
 Privacy: The user data will not be shared and payment details will be stored in an encrypted


S. No. Component Cost(INR)

1. Arduino Nano 560.00

2. Servo Motor 120.00

3. ESP8266 12E 300.00

5. NEO 6M module 250.00

6. Node MCU 490.00

7. Other Cost 100.00

Total Estimated Cost 1,820.00

Note: Cost of the items have been verified from e-Commerce websites.
TABLE 2.2: Cost Analysis


S. No. Risk category Description

 Faulty motor resulting in failure of locking and unlocking

 Vandalism and stealing of bikes
1. Hardware  Battery getting discharged abruptly resulting in failure of
locking mechanism and Arduino board
 Bike’s tires getting punctured resulting in low air pressure
in them

 Loss of signal or no connection to the bike

2. Software  Internet connection is always required during the duration of
the journey
 Security of the application and user details

 Loss of GPS signal on the mobile application

3. Technical  Unforeseen server downtimes
 Failure to read QR code through mobile application

TABLE 2.3: Risk Analysis



Investigative Technique Involved: Descriptive

The goal of this project is to create a new design for the smart lock as well as the overall architecture.
Existing systems use methods to establish a communication link between the app and the smart lock.
This acts as the authentication technique for unlocking the bicycle. Our project's unique architecture
eliminates any communication link between the smart lock and the application. Any data sent from
the app to the smart lock will be encoded in them, and the firmware will be able to check the action
type based on this encoding. Our unique architecture which makes it stand out of all the traditional
lock architecture that are built till date.

Design and Implementation of application
Started by designing a front End using a JavaScript frame work called react, all the modules were
created using various software engineering practices and then implemented accordingly and after
that a backend server is create for serving and communicating with our frontend application. Here
node.js and expess.js is used for designing the backend.

Design and Implementation of Hardware

Started with designing the hardware using required tools and after that hardware is implemented
with the help application created in the initial phase of our development. Once this done testing
phase has started and required amendments has been performed.


The complete system is modelled as follows: enlisting dumped cycles on the system and making
them available on the dock stations to be setup at different locations in the campus, security would
be guaranteed by smart locks that would be attached to the dock, digital payments through credits
and wallet for a hassle- f r e e experience and analysis of data through machine learning

techniques to provide better solutions for the availability of cycles to enable an effective
commuting facility in the campus.


FIGURE 3.1: Work Breakdown structure


Аrduinо Unо Bоаrd: The ATmegа328 is a microcontroller board based on the Arduino Uno. It
will be used to manage all of the hardware devices using a mobile device.

NEО-6M GРS Mоdule: The NEO-6M GSM module is a well-performing complete GSMreceiver
with a large satellite search capability. It's used to find the user's current location.

ESР8266 Wi-fi Mоdule: The ESP8266 Seriаl WIFI Wireless Trаnsceiver Mоdule is a Seriаl WIFI
Wireless Trаnsceiver Module. It will be used to communicate wirelessly between Arduino and
hardwired devices.

Reасt Nаtive: Reаct Nаtive is a mоbile аррliсаtiоn frаmewоrk that uses open-source software. It
is used to develop ndrоid applications by allowing developers to leverage Reасt's framework
together with native platform capabilities. It will be used to develop mobile applications.
Djаngо: Djаngo is a free and open-source web frаmewоrk based on ython that follows the
mоdel–temрlаte–views аrсhiteсturаl раttern. It will be utilised to make a Django rest frаmewоrk.

Exро: Exро is а frаmewоrk аnd а рlаtfоrm fоr universаl Reасt аррliсаtiоns. It will be used build
аnd deрlоy mоbile аррliсаtiоns.

Аndrоid Studiо: It will be used tо generаte the аndrоid аррliсаtiоn расkаge аnd iОS арр stоre
Mасhine leаrning librаries: It will be used tо рrediсt stасking оf сyсles оn а раrtiсulаr рlаtfоr



Fig 4.1: Block Architecture Diagram


Data Flow Diagram

Fig 4.2: Data Flow Diagram Level 0

Fig 4.3: Data Flow Diagram Level 1

Fig 4.4: Data Flow Diagram Level 2

Class Diagram

Fig 4.5: Class Diagram

Component Diagram

Fig 4.6: Component Diagram

Use Case Diagram

Fig 4.7: Use Case Diagram for Login

Fig 4.8: Use Case Diagram for Signup

Fig 4.9: Use Case Diagram for Issue Cycle

Fig 4.10: Use Case Diagram for Add Money


Use Case Template for Login

Use Case ID UC001

Use Case Login up
Use Case purpose To let Users gain access to the application by providing secret credentials
known to them and stored in an encrypted manner on the cloud database used
by the application backend.
Use case description User will be asked to provide username and password. If provided credentials
match with those stored, user is logged in to the application.
Assumptions The user has access to activate data connection to be able to receive an OTP, as
well as the verification process to be completed on the application.
variation -
Trigger User click on a cell to action on the home screen of the application asking to
login to have access to the application.
Primary Actor Users
Secondary Actor -
Precondition User should already be signed up
Normal Scenario 1. Click on CTA (Call To Action) to log in using username.
2. Enter password to continue
3. Credential match and user logged into the application
Extension Points Step 2a: the user provides a username and password that is incorrect, user will
be prompted to retry.
Alternate scenario -
Post Conditions Success end condition
User Successfully logs in to the application.
Failure end condition
User is unable to log in to the system.
Minimal Guarantee
System ensures no unauthorized access is granted.
Special Requirement Security
1. System will toggle functionality for the visibility of password entered
by the user.

2. Password will be hashed.

TABLE 4.1: Use Case template for Add login

Use Case Template for Signup

Use Case ID UC002

Use Case Sign up
Use Case purpose To let prospective users, create an “account” on the software application. To be
able to book rides, pay for them seamlessly, and for continued and regular use
of the platform.
Use case description Prospective user will be prompted to create an account using their mobile
number. On providing the mobile number, the user will receive a OTP on
verification of the OTP the user will be asked for password, and on successful
input, an account will be created and they shall gain to the software
Assumptions The user has access to the mobile network and a active data connection to be
able to receive a OTP. As well as the verification process to be completed on
variation The application will attempt to auto-detect a receive OTP on the user’s mobile
phone if the user grants access to the phone’s text messages. Else the user may
enter the receive OTP manually, copy and paste it into the text field of the
Trigger User click on a cell to action on the home screen of the application asking to
create an account using their mobile number to proceed
Primary Actor Users
Secondary Actor -
Precondition -
Normal Scenario 1. Click on CTA to create account using mobile.
2. Enter mobile number and proceed using button
3. If mobile number is correct and unique, user is sent an otp
4. Receive OTP through text message
5. Application auto-detect opt else can be filled manually
6. If correct then create password
7. If no errors the accepted

Extension Points Step 2a: the user provides a mobile number that is incorrect, unserviceable or
already exists associated with another user account
Alternate scenario At step 4 user fails to provide otp press cancel and exit signup process
Post Conditions Success end condition
User Account is successfully created and the user can logged into their account.
Failure end condition
User is unable to create account.
Special Requirement Security
1. Mobile number of users to successfully create an account will not be
2. Personal detail will remain abstracted away from the text-message
sending service

TABLE 4.2: Use Case Template for Signup

Use Case Template for Issue Cycle

Use Case ID UC003

Use Case Issue Cycle
Use Case purpose To let users book a bicycle ride using the application’s interface.
Use case description User will scan the QR code the will be present on the dock of the bicycle and
after the validation the cycle will be issued to him/her.
Assumptions User has the access to an active internet connection to able to scan the QR code
and send the request to the server through the application.
variation -
Trigger User click on a call to action on the home screen of the application.
Primary Actor Users
Secondary Actor -
Precondition User already logged in to the application.
Normal Scenario 1. Click in CTA to book a ride.
2. Scan QR code.
3. Payment done.
Extension Points Step 2: User fails to scan the QR code
Alternate scenario At step 3 payments are not done.
Post Conditions Success end condition

User successfully book and start the ride.
Failure end condition
User is unable to book a ride.
Special Requirement Security
1. QR code is unique for every cycle.
TABLE 4.3: Use Case Template for Issue Cycle

Use Case Template for Add Money

Use Case ID UC004

Use Case Add money
Use Case purpose To Add money in wallet to be able to book rides
Use case description User will provided with a screen where they can click on the add money CTA
to add money from their respective bank account.
Assumptions User has the access to an active internet connection and a legitimate back
variation -
Trigger User click on a call to action on the Waller screen to add money.
Primary Actor Users
Secondary Actor -
Precondition User already logged in to the application.
Normal Scenario 1. Click CTA to add money to wallet.
2. Asked for back account details.
3. Payment done.
Extension Points Step 2: User fails to add bank account
Alternate scenario At step 3 payments are not done.
Post Conditions Success end condition
User successfully add money to its wallet.
Failure end condition
User is unable to add money.
Special Requirement Security
1. All the payments are done through Paytm gateway.

TABLE 4.4: Use Case Template for Add Money

Activity Diagram

Fig 4.11: Activity Diagram for Signup

Fig 4.12: Activity Diagram for Login

Fig 4.13: Activity Diagram for Issue Cycle

Fig 4.14: Activity Diagram for Add Money

Sequence Diagram

Fig 4.15: Sequence Diagram

State Chart Diagram

Fig 4.16: State Chart Diagram


User Interface Diagram

Fig 4.17: User Interface Diagram



The following section will explain the steps of the bike sharing system. There are two main
components of the system:

 Smart Lock retrofitted on the bicycle

 Software Mobile application

Smart Lock: The core working components of the smart lock to be tested are formulated as after
the QR Code is scanned from the cycle, there will be two options on the mobile application that
will lead to opening or closing of the lock.

During testing it is advisable that both the testing software and the source code are running on the
platform on which the source code will eventually be executed. There doesn’t exist any automated
methodology of testing the embedded programs in Arduino boards, which prompted us to carry
out manual testing by checking behavior of the hardware modules.
Software Mobile Application: The core working components of the software application to tested
are formulated as follows:

 User Login

 QR Code Reader to read the Bicycle ID

 Payment Gateway

For testing the software application, jest is used. Jest is a JavaScript testing framework that can be
used to write test suites for JavaScript codebase. This allows us to write unit tests for the React
Native app component and ensure correctness of the application. We have used expo-cli which
takes care of any memory leaks if found in the mobile application while developing. We also have
used babel which is a JavaScript Library which converts ES6 or later to ES5 to have a better user

In this section we present the experimental analysis and tests that we performed. Using the above-
mentioned setup, we were able to setup the synchronization between the smart lock and the mobile
application. Initially during testing this module needed to be adjusted to open and close the lock in
synchronized way by making request from mobile application.

Various functions of the software mobile application were analyzed in online mode as well as
offline mode. These functions include- signing up on the mobile application, logging in, opening
or closing the ride, scanning the QR Code and clearing dues.

5.2.1 Data
Due to COVID-19 outbreak, we could not collect enough dataset to train our model. So, we took
the data from Kaggle which somehow resembles with our mongo DB dataset. The dataset that we
chose for training our model was cleaned, so we need not to clean it again.

5.2.2 Performance Parameter

Different performance parameters are used for different modules of our project. All the parameter
are stated below for different modules:

 Smart Lock: The following performance parameter are studied for embedded system design
of the smart lock-

1. Lock Response Time: Since ATMEGA328P microcontroller doesn’t support multi-

threading, hence daemon processes cannot be executed. This puts the responsibility on
the firmware designer to write the non-blocking code to maintain the functionality of the
running program.

 Software Mobile Application: The following performance parameter are studied for the
multi-screen mobile application-

1. App Launching Latency: It measures the time from click on the app icon to when the
first screen of the mobile application renders the content from DOM.

2. Speed Index: a screen render performance metric that measures how quickly the content
of the second screen are visibly populated. Lower the value means faster the load times.

3. Android Version Compatibility: measures if our mobile application can be supports
different android versions. Since, it is a react native mobile application so it supports all
the android version greater than 4.1.



The end-to-end process begins with the software part of the project, wherein the user logs in to the
system through their unique credential of their choice. Following the signup or login process, the
process inside the software application involves all the steps mentioned in the product features list,

 Scanning QR Code to identify the bicycle

 Unlocking the cycle lock

 After Locking, user has to pay the balance

The firmware part of the lock, built through Arduino, allows the ESP328P 12E module to interact
with Wi-Fi, Servo Motor 9g to rotate the metal rod, and NEO 6M module to get the locking or
unlocking coordinates of the cycle. When the QR Code on the cycle is scanned, the ESP328P
module send the signal to Arduino Microcontroller Unit to generates the signal requires to rotate
the motor and down the metal rod, as well as get the coordinate from NEO 6M Module.

Locking the lock of the cycle is also done by mobile application, if the user does not do it, then
his/her payable balance will keep on increasing. A GPS Unit included in the lock and location
features to prevent unauthorized use. Being built for controlled environment, we have decided to
leave this feature for a future implementation of the project.

The ride ends with user left with two options of “Pay Now” or “Pay Later”. If “Pay Later” option
is chosen then the dues will be added to the user last dues and if it exceeds 50 bucks, then the user
will not be able to avail this facility anymore. Otherwise in case of “Pay Now” is chosen, the user
to is taken to Razorpay (which is right now on Test Mode) to make the successful transaction.


We have used different algorithms for different UI Screens. So, we have depicted each of the
algorithms in the form in screenshot of our code.

Payment Screen Algorithm: This is the algorithm of the Payment Screen where user can see the
left out balance and can see option of Pay Now and Pay Later.

Fig 5.1: Payment Screen Algorithm

QR Screen Algorithm: This is the algorithm of the QR Screen where user can scan the QR Code.

Fig 5.2: QR Screen Algorithm

Register Screen Algorithm: This is the algorithm of the Register Screen where user have to
register itself after being signed up.

Fig 5.3: Register Screen Algorithm

Scanned Screen Algorithm: This is the algorithm of the Scanned Screen where user can lock or
unlock the automatic lock of the cycle.

Fig 5.4: Scanned Screen Algorithm

Signin Screen Algorithm: This is the algorithm of the Signin Screen where user can login if he is
already signed in once.

Fig 5.5: Signin Screen Algorithm

Signup Screen Algorithm: This is the algorithm of the Signup Screen where user can sign up if
he is not already signed.

Fig 5.6: Signup Screen Algorithm

Machine Learning based model analysis:

Fig 5.7: Machine Learning model code

Fig 5.8: Machine Learning model result

Project is deployed on Ngrok. So, the server that we have developed “TrackServer” is deployed on
Ngrok. Ngrok is a cross-platform application that exposes local server ports to the Internet. React
CLI, powered by Babel and Webpack, with transpile the code written in High-level modern
JavaScript (ES6 and later), to lower-level JavaScript compatible with older browser and create
chunks of style using JSX and functions (.js) files after combining multiple individual components,
so that the entire application may be served as a legacy application. The following figure shows
the server being deployed on Ngrok.

Fig 5.9: Ngrok Terminal

Figure 5.2 to 5.9 shows the system screenshots of the mobile application for the project.

Fig 5.10: Splash Screen Fig 5.11: Sign in Screen

Fig 5.12: QR Scanner Screen Fig 5.13: Login Screen

Fig 5.14: Register Screen Fig 5.15: Lock/Unlock Screen

Fig 5.16: Payment Screen Fig 5.17: Razorpay Payment Portal Screen

Fig 5.18: Smart lock from backside

Fig 5.19: Frontside of smart lock

We worked on testing the features of our lock and application after the complete integrated product
was ready. We used system testing to ensure that the system met the corresponding requirements
that our product provides to the user, such as proper authentication and opening cycle location
through our application with live cycle tracking through the GPS module in our product.


After the complete system integrated an android application is built through android studio and
before deploying it we have with some dummy users for the user testing to check the accuracy of
our system.

The following features were tested based on the behavior of the working model.
 Authorizing the users
 Closing and opening of lock through our app
 Checking the location
 Checking the speed and accuracy of the motor. STRATEGY FOR TESTING

The user will test various aspects of the programe to see where any product requirements are
failing, both in terms of hardware and software. In the application section, the user will test
authentication and correct connectivity of our programme, as well as the functions of unlocking
the lock and displaying the position in the application, and in the hardware section, the safety of
the lock will be checked by several users. TECHNIQUES OF TESTING

We employ system testing to discover problems that may develop when utilising the entire system,
as well as finding parameters, checking features, and marking down the test results that we received
from the users.


We used several test cases for authentication, and we also had to give parameters to the PUT
requests, so we tested on various tests to see when the motor would complete one complete cycle
to trigger the lock, as well as other scenarios being assessed for best performance.
 Chrome lighthouse report
 Throttling (2G)
 Throttling (3G)
 No Throttling
 No JavaScript
 Random input for the payment fields.
 Random motor speed trying to harm the lock.
 Manual assessment of the wheels and brushes of the cycle.


All of the features are individually available as well as with the entire integration system, and we
receive the appropriate parameters to be supplied to our requests, as well as the system's correct
 Auth test case has passed.
 Proper params for dc motor cycle to trigger the lock is 3500 ms.
 Lock is working as expected.
 Network connectivity issue is resolved.
 Scanner is tested successfully

Fig 5.20: Test Result on Google Lighthouse
From the above experiment and tests we can conclude that:
 Synchronization has been achieved between the application and the hardware using the `
scanner on the application, the rotating motor and with the help of arduino uno.
 Time taken to open a lock after scanning the code is dependent on network connectivity and
it may take around 2-5 sec in best case connectivity.
 Application is accessible and compatible for all the platform.
 The average latency to open the application and book a round is around 40 second in best `


After the above discussion the following inference can be drawn
 We have successfully developed well-functioning hardware along with the software which is
doing the same for what it was made.
 Used RFID code and scanner instead of simple barcode or QR code to increase the efficiency
and speed of the process.

 Developed a multiplatform mobile application that provides a great user experience with a `
very low latency.
 Our application is developed using all the production level norms so that if we need to deploy
that in future, we can easily do the same.
 Our application includes critical activities like authentication and payment so security is one
of the major factors that we have kept in mind while designing this application.


Our objective of opening the trough our android application was successful and also, we are able
to get the position of the location of the individual that we have received form the GPS module.
Our scanner is working perfectly fine and upon scanning the QR code we are able to rotate the
motor and which in turn will open the lock for us. Our Arduino is working as expected and is
transmitting the signal accordingly for the proper functioning of the application. Also, we are able
to ensure the safety of the lock by checking all the components behavior on different edge cases.



In India, Bicycle sharing has the potential to revolutionize short-distance urban cities. If costs of
these systems are to be down, and rapid expansion is to be affected, indigenization of this system
is required, and for this, a low-cost, no-communication smart-lock" is a comprehensive step. The
synchronization of the hardware lock embedded system and the server-based application is crucial
for the system to operate seamlessly. To transform a mechanical system into one that is combined
with complex electronic machinery. A systematic design plan is needed for simulation and testing
must precede the actual manufacturing activity, as materials are available in limited quantities,
mistakes can have grave consequences. The smart-lock system was outlined and built. This
proposal relies on an inverted mechanism typically followed in spring-mounted ring locks: it
requires the lock to remain locked in its default state, while user input is needed to unlock it. The
software system is built as a progressive mobile app, designed to be lightweight, whilst being
well-designed for all classes of users, and especially performance on all sorts of systems. In
summary, building this multi- layered system requires the application of multi-disciplinary
engineering skills, its implementation offers the potential of adding ease, value, and convenience
to a large body of students and users.


The bike-sharing system has the following environmental, economic, and social benefits.
 Bike-sharing is economical and environment friendly for distance
 It can be used for last-mile transport and inside universities and offices as a cost-effective mode
of transport
 Bike Sharing provides users an opportunity to earn from an ideal source.
 costs incurred in building the smart lock ingeniously are relatively low compared to locks
imported from abroad.
 When used in great volume bike-sharing can reduce traffic, reduce energy consumption. harmful
gas emission and help improve public health.

 Constructing of smart lock and all the components involved.
 Working with Arduino Uno for building the smart lock.
 Working on React Native framework for building complex user interfaces.
 Working with MongoDB for database management.
 Interfacing the software components with smart lock
 Built a machine learning model to analyze our system.


Currently, the Bicycle Sharing System only works within geo-fenced boundaries of the
university campus but the following features can be added to the system in the future.
 Continue work on smart lock to make it more secure and compact with proper out casting.
 To expand the environment in which cycle renting system can be adopted.
 To add more features to our application and introduce fitness-based features to it.
 To work on the building smart docks to charge locks using solar energy.
 Improving our Analysis and Machine Learning model.



 Hardware related:
One of the main objectives was to build a low-cost smart lock for he bicycles to make our
project economically feasible. If we would have chosen raspberry pi then the cost of the
lock would have increased significantly, thus we went with Arduino and integrated all the
other modules with it to lower the production costs.

 Software related:
Narrowing down on a tech stack was one of the important and crucial decision for us. Native
application development is the way to go when the application involves interaction with special
mobile hardware like camera and accelerometer. We couldn’t build a mobile application for
different operating systems, so we had decided to go with react native framework which allowed
us to build an app which works on both the platforms iOS and Android too.

 Team related:
During the development phase most of us were at home due to COVID because of which we
had to conduct all the meetings online and it is more difficult to maintain coordination while
working in online mode.

 Project related:
Most of the project was built in online phase, so the dataset could not be recorded in real time
as the campus was closed. Thus, dummy dataset was used to optimize the model. NB-IOT is
still not common in the market but we had to use it lower the cost of our project and build a
more advanced and socio-economically feasible travel option for all users.

Although, it covers the whole course curriculum of B.E. Computer Engineering by gaining little
knowledge from each course and using it in real life project. But the major subjects that are relevant

S.No Subject Subject Code

1 Electronic Engineering UEC001

2 Microprocessors based system design UCS617

3 Database Management System UCS310

4 Software Engineering UCS503

5 Machine Learning UML501

6 Embedded system design UCS704

7 Manufacturing processes UTA002

TABLE 7.1: Relevant Subjects


In this project, we have used the principles of manufacturing processes and measurement science
subjects in which we learnt various methods to manufacture desired product from raw materials.
After finalizing the product design and material specifications the lock was manufactured. We use
embedded system design subject in which we learnt how to design a system with a specific
function. We used our knowledge of microprocessors from Microprocessor-Based System Design
and electronics engineering subjects to develop the smart lock and integrate it with the cycle.
Software Engineering concepts were useful in writing the report and developing diagrams for the
project. Also database management was done at the backend to store and process user related
information using the teachings of DBMS.

Evaluation of
Name of
Shubham Manav Arjun Tanmay
Sharma Bansal Mittu Agarwal
NA 5 4.5 4.5
4.5 NA 4.5 5
Evaluation Bansal
by Arjun
5 4.5 NA 4.5
4.5 4.5 5 NA
TABLE 7.2: Peer Assessment Matrix


Following will be the roles and responsibilities of each individual during development of the project:

Mobile Front End, Documentation and Tanmay Agarwal, Shubham Sharma


Shubham Sharma, Arjun Mittu

Mobile application back end, Testing
Software and Documentation.

Manav Bansal, Tanmay Agarwal

Smart Lock firmware, Programming in
arduino and Interfacing software with
hardware, Documentation.

Manav Bansal, Arjun Mittu

Smart Lock Mechanism, Testing smart lock
and lock architecture, Documentation.

TABLE 7.3: Role playing



S0 Description Outcome
Using basic scientific ideas Used concept of torque
A2 to solve engineering produced by the motor to
challenges. develop the smart lock
Identify the problems' Defined constraints for the
B1 limitations, assumptions, problem, such as geo
and models. fencing
Create a software solution Created a software
to meet specific application to act as an
requirements in a variety of interface for the smart
issue areas. lock.
Can comprehend the Economic constraints
breadth and restrictions, regarding constructing the

including economic, lock.
environmental, social,
political, ethical, health and
safety, manufacturability,
and long-term viability.
Each individual team
In a diverse team, fulfil
D1 member worked on
given responsibilities.
different modules
Create relevant models to Differentiate models like
E2 help come up with use case, activity and data
solutions. flow have been developed.
While interacting with In case of any problem
peers and professional during development,
communities, demonstrate meeting was conducted
professional responsibility. with mentor.
Use appropriate formats to A technical report has been
create a range of created by the team
G1 documents, such as containing all the details
laboratory or project and following IEEE
reports. format.
Engineers who are
Bicycle sharing system is a
conscious of the
H1 cost effective and
environmental and social
environment friendly-way
consequences of their
to commute.
Capable of exploring and We used CAD tool to
I1 utilising resources in order make the prototype for the
to improve self-learning. smart lock
Write programmes in a For app development we
K1 variety of programming used react native and used
languages. C# for coding Arduino.
TABLE 7.4: A-K Mapping

Q1. What sources of information did your team look into to come up with a list of potential
project issues?
The team members were aware of the requirements of the project and a few problems that needed
to be explored. We explored the existing systems available and analyzed their limitations and
shortcomings by looking at various technical magazines and journals from IEEE. The interfacing
issues of the hardware and software were rechecked through the official documentation of the
technologies used. Further the scope of the project was decided upon by consulting with our

Q2. What analytical, computational, and/or experimental methodologies did your project
team employ to find answers to the project's problems?
The main analytical aspect was to understand the behavior of the model and interfacing the
hardware with the software. And after researching we went with QR code scan for locking and
unlocking the bicycle. We simulated the application in Android Studio for testing it. The hardware
and all the modules were tested after developing the full working model of the project as well as
the module wise testing for any hardware troubleshooting.

Q3. Did the project demand demonstration of knowledge of fundamentals, scientific and/or
engineering principles? If yes, how did you apply?
Yes, the project did demand demonstration of knowledge of fundamentals, scientific and/or
engineering principles. We had to use the fundamentals of various subjects like manufacturing
processes, electronic engineering and microprocessors while developing the and integrating the
smart lock with the bicycle. Also the principles of software engineering were used to document
our project in a well defined manner.

Q4. To manage design and production dependencies, how did your teams share
responsibilities and communicate scheduling information with others in the team?
For each module of the project, it was broken into further sub modules and distributed amongst the
team members. We maintained the coordination by sharing our research and work during weekly
meetups with the other team members. All the objectives were distributed, and team members
successfully delivered on their responsibilities thus finishing the work on time.

Q5. For the duration of the project, what resources did you use to learn new materials that
were not taught in class?
The main technologies used in our project were react native and javascript. We used the main
documentation of these languages while also taking help of articles available online on websites
like stack-overflow. We reached out to our mentor for any doubts that we had regarding our project.
For further knowledge we went through a few research papers related to the framework and
technology used in our project.

Q6. Is the project making you grasp the need of utilising engineering to address real-world
issues, and might the project development be making you skilled with software development
tools and environments?
Yes, our project helped us and gave us an opportunity to solve real life problems using the learnings
from various subjects of engineering. We gave a well defined and structured solution to the
problem which can be implemented in campuses and organizations for a healthy and eco friendly
way to commute short distances. We had to come up with an economical lock for our cycle and
develop a user-friendly application which made us familiar with various development tools and
technologies used in the project.


[1] Zihili, Liu,Xudong jia and Weng Cheng (2012) ‘solving last mine Problem’, Zhili Liu et
al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 43 ( 2012 ) 73 – 78
[2] Elliot Fishman(24 april 2015) ‘Bikeshare: A review of recent literature’, Available at: `
[3] J.H. Lin and T.C.Chou (24 november 2012) ‘A Geo-Aware and VRP-Based Public
Bicycle Redistribution System’,International Journal of Vehicular Technology
[4] Xiang and Zhang(4 august 2010) ‘The popularisation and application of bicycle sharing
system in urban transportation system’,Tenth International Conference of Chinese
Transportation Professionals (ICCTP) August 4-8, 2010
[5] Paul J. DeMaio(2003) ‘Smart Bikes: Public Transportation for the 21st Century’, Available
[6] Darren Buck(1 January 2013) ‘Are Bikeshare Users Different from Regular Cyclists?’,
Available at:
[7] Peter MIDGLEY(May 2009) ‘The Role of Smart Bike-sharing Systems in Urban Mobility’,
Available at:
Bike- sharing-Systems.pdf
[8] Gaja Kochaniewicz(24 april 2015) ‘Smart lock for bike sharing in corporate environments’,
Available at: sharing-in-



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