New Year Resokution 2022

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Mochamad Fadhil Tsany

Business Administration
My New Year’s Resolution for 2022
1. Healthy Habits.
My next resolution for 2022 is to exercies and eat healthy. Healthy eating habits are
important. Good nutrition is useful for keeping you from getting sick, maintaining a healthy
weight, and feeling better overall. I have made a resolution to eat better because I need to
improve my eating habits. Last year, I ate a lot of takeout food from places like mini markets or
canteens. Foods such as burger, french fries, or pizza can be enjoyed in moderation, but are not
good for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. To meet my goal of eating better.

2. Family Time.

If i had lots a time, I would spend more time with my family. Family time is important,
which is why I plan to spend more time with them. Every moment of time is precious and I want
to spend most of them talking, eating and playing games with my family. I really like to cook,
but when I do, I help my mother with some of the food. I look forward to cooking a meal the
whole family will enjoy.

3. Create a Better Work-Life Balance.

I have the habit of organizing my work and therefore end up in incomplete homework. So
this year I plan to be more systematic and organized, so that I finish my work on time and do not
keep pending, the works assigned to me.

4. Get More Sleep.

Sleep deprivation is infamously common among college students, but sacrificing sleep can
lead to negative academic outcomes, including a bad mood, a lack of productivity, and poor
information retention. Getting enough sleep is essential to healthy and can help succeed at school
and work. Most recommend 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night for adults, but that’s often easier
said than done.
5. Studdy Better
More effective study will help achieve better academic results. If I am looking for a new way
to learn, I will try to form a study group. By engaging in thoughtful discussions with classmates,
I can improve my understanding of the subject matter and introduce myself to new learning
methods that suit your learning style.

6. Too Much Use of Cell Phone

I spent hours talking over the phone, not realizing the harmful effects it causes and waste my
time and money. Because of that, i have decided to cut it down and make good use of time. This
time, I am determined to stick to my resolutions and get myself corrected to be a more better
student, both for myself, and my family and to the society.

7. Exercise Regularly.
Exercise is an important part of maintaining good physical and emotional health. if I had
time, i would start exercising regularly. I took basketball extracurricular at university and I plan
to run faster while playing basketball. That way I can often get the ball easily. I also plan to be
more accurate at shooting basketball. After a lot of practice, I will master this skill. If I achieve
all my resolutions, I will perform much better in college.

8. Participate More During Class.

Participate more in class perform better academically. Asking questions and contributing to
discussions can help students feel engaged, retain information, and establish good relationships
with professors and classmates.

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