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School of Merchant Marine

Midn. Dinlasan, Romar P. 119-0399

BS MarE 32-A2
Activity 1: What do writers think about globalization?
Instruction: “What do writers think about globalization? Look for and read three newspaper
opinion editorials (Op-Eds) that discuss globalization. Write a 50-word summary for each OP-
ED. Identify whether they subscribe to a particular definition discussed in class or if they have
a new definition. Identify whether they are broad and inclusive or if they are narrow and
1. Op-Ed: The End of Globalization
Based from one article in The Philippine Star, wrote by Elfren S. Cruz, titled “End of
Globalization,” he discussed that, nowadays, globalization has been blamed for income
disparities or income inequality which is the main reason for the rise of populism. He pointed
out that, although we kept reading reports about economies were growing and that GDP was
rising, however, we cannot deny the fact that only the few became fabulously rich but, most of
the population were experiencing stagnant income. This only means that the increased GDP
of a certain country does not reflect into the better lives for most of its people.
This is broad and inclusive since, the writer discussed his article in a general scale and
not focusing in one country. He also provided different factors why it is the end of globalization
in a general manner.

2. Op-Ed: Does Globalization Really Exist?

Based from the article, the author started the discussion by pointing out how the
pandemic affects the world today, how it affects the economic state of every country due to
stringent lockdown that shut-off mostly every business in the world. Moreover, there are also
major events that almost started during the time of pandemic. The tension about the South
China Sea has intensified as the US gathered its forces in the area that triggered military
conflict between USA and China. It is also believed that the India with Pakistan and Nepal
relationship are becoming worse because of China. Due to these events, the author
questioned why super-powers are deepening the conflict further, that instead of the countries
should be helping side by side to address the issue of the global pandemic. At the end, the
failure of globalization can be seen since, globalization was never intended to bring either war
or strife. Globalization isn't about countries claiming dominance. Globalization is the way of
bringing nations together to collaborate and combine efforts for the common welfare of the
This article appears to be a broad and inclusive, although the author gave example of
the current issues in the world, however, everything the author discussed is relatable for every
country in the world.
School of Merchant Marine

3. Op-Ed: Does COVID-19 Mean the End for Globalization?

The Covid-19 pandemic is one of the challenges that the world experienced today. It
disrupted the integrated global supply chains and booming interconnected markets and
national economies. Additionally, worldwide lockdowns, quarantines, and travel restrictions
are implemented that caused high unemployment and closure of mostly small businesses
throughout the world. The effect of the pandemic has been felt by each country throughout the
world, that even the advanced countries, experienced recession or depression, whereas the
emerging economies are in a recession. That is why, the covid-19 became the greatest
disruptor of the globalization, and definitely raised threat to the global economy today.
This is a broad and inclusive because it tells how the covid-19 affected the globalization

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