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 Principle of Image interpretation

 Different channels available and different satellites are there through which we acquire
data, the images are generated by the satellites and once the images are with us then the
interpretation part will start at how to use those images further.
Once the data has been acquired then we can go for photography products such as paper,
prints and then use screens and directly display images which make the interpretation on
the screens and make the output map so maybe in the digital form or the paper form so
you can also make color images, also black and white images depending on our
 Corrections are done by the organization which acquired the data but some corrections
one has to perform on the raw data that is the geometric correction atmospheric
corrections on the data and finally corrections are also done so that we can directly use
onto the GIS platform.

Different part of visible spectrum, the green and red channels are blue, blue is not involve
here so green channel is assigned blue color in a standard false color composite.

 Red channel is assigned the green color and now near infrared channel is assigned red
color and because of this everything is becoming false like green channel is assigned blue
color and red channel is assigned green color, near infrared is assigned red color and
therefore the color composite which is created through this additive color scheme this
kind of color composite or color images can be created using satellite images but because
we are not putting the corresponding color like for green we are putting blue for red we
are putting green and for infrared we are putting red therefore we call it as false color
 Now we can see in a standard false color composite vegetation will always appear red.
More the healthy vegetation, more dense it would be. We will have more red color and
whereas the water bodies or bare soil will have different colors in standard false color
composite. This is the standard practice of creating false color composite specially when
we have limited number of bands but after having more bands of part of EM spectrum
like in landsat ETM plus and it is possible to create a near true color images as well but in
case of landsat MSS we had only four channels and therefore this was a standard practice
which is still being followed.
 Let's take an example of Delhi. In 1996 this image of same area was also acquired now
we can use these images and these colour combinations to create some new products
which will show s the vegetation, water bodies and built-up areas very easily, very
distinctive and this is the purpose of creating such colour composites.

11 FEB 1997, NEW DELHI 7 NOV 1996, NEW DELHI

 Visual interpretation is the process of identifying or recognizing what we see on the

images and to deliver the information obtained from these images to other, for evaluating
its significance and manually. Such images can be used or their colour combination can
be used to create a new output for different application.
 It includes the relative locations and extent of the area and use of such satellite products
of either single band like the example of Delhi i.e. the panchromatic or can involve
multiple bands. There are certain standards which are followed while making image
interpretation specially the visual interpretation we can say criteria for identification of an
object with interpretation.
 These are basically first, the location whether it is on the land, in the sea, under water
body or in hilly mountains location is very important. Then size of an object that help us
to make interpretation about an object which are present, then shape of the object.
Shadows also let us know about the information of an object. Especially in the hilly
terrain it gives you the feeling about the depth perception whether its valley or ridge or
anything, in-plane areas you may not have shadows but if there are some objects which
are present and have shadows like tall buildings will always have shadows in daytime

 Tone and color plays a very important role and their texture is also there whether it is fine
texture or coarse texture depending on the type of an object which is present within the
forest area. Pattern help while making image interpretation of the height and depth which
is connected to the shadow also and where it is located, the location and the association
like beach generally are associated either with sea or large lakes so there is that kind of
association which is mentioned where it is situated because normally in large land area
we may not find beach.

 Image interpretation of different landforms

 With the help of remote sensing and image interpretation of different geological
landforms rocks or any structures we can identify the objects including the desert part of
India and also the agriculture land and also identify the part of different states in our
country. We can see the different zoological structures its part and how the arrangements
of different landforms are present. This is because remote sensing is providing data in
multispectral we see things in colours.
 It provides data so we can create digital elevation models, get the depth perception and is
providing data to large area after doing the image processing hence we can see large
numbers of various types of landforms and identify them very easily like mountains,
plains, valleys, rivers, lakes we can also identify deserts, glaciers and so on.
 We can identify each and every type almost every type of landforms on the surface of
Mars like using the images of Mangalyaan, We can see the series of the folds and the
Sundarban area and the Brahmaputra and so on.

 We can identify as many landforms as we can which are present in the particular part of
the earth very easily like here plunging folds are present here the radar image and the
image from landsat ETM and if we combine these

two, our interpretation and analysis will improve farther so we will be able to identify
more types of landforms but if we use in a separate form then a limitation will occur and
finally we can reconstruct such models showing that how the lines which are nothing but
the anticlines and are asymmetric and are shown here we can create the model for further
understanding because the purpose is understanding and exploration for maybe water or
gas and this part is having quite of these resources so that is why the analysis and
interpretation of different landforms becomes very important to identify images
reconstruct models and try to understand what is beneath the surface.

 Most of the satellites that accept radar data in case of desert area which might penetrate
up to few meters in a dried sand but otherwise remote sensing provide only the
information about the surface of earth the features which are present at the geological
structures or landforms, vegetations and water bodies, glaciers, snow peaks. Using the
help of the Earth sciences we can create a model which can give a depth information,
what is beneath that and this finally can be confirmed by using geophysical method which
can give us surface information.

 Nowadays for all kinds of service or investigation which involve the land surface of earth
people will go to the satellite images including the natural disaster conditions for example
here asymmetric antique lines or anti forms can be identified and then we can estimate
how things are in-depth so syncline are shown here which seems through the satellite
series of lines they are basically part of whether it is symmetrical or asymmetrical. We
can still see or can get the information very easily through satellite images and we can
reconstruct the models in 2D surface it looks like it is shown here and we can construct
the 2D surface and this construction has been done using the satellite image and in the
background we are having digital elevation model and that model has also been derived
from satellite data either using the stereo pair data or using the SAR interferometric
technique so there are several digital elevation models which have been derived from
satellite based remote sensing.
 Through these figures we can see the images of the surface under satellite image we can
see the features like it is shown here and we can also create 3D surface using digital
elevation model and finally we can also make a model to make full understanding not
only on the surface but subsurface conditions as well.

 Now we want further information’s which is more reliable, geophysical and experiments
can be done and different geophysical techniques can be done when we apply to make
things more reliable.

 We can infer so many other things by acquisition of data from satellite then comes
analysis interpretation and basically the replication so this is how the sequence goes just
images are not sufficient this has to be analyzed and has to be interpret and based on the
interpretation along with some other data we try to infer the structure of the self surfacing
information or the surface information and so on. So this is how the geological landforms
can be identified.

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