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There are two statements one is labbeed as
Assertion and another as Reson .each
question has five options as A,B,C,D,E. choose
the correct option.
1. ASSERTION (A):- India has favoured
international co-operation
REASON (R):-She believes that all
diaputes among nations can be solved
through friendly co-operation
1. A is correct and R is wrong
2. both A and R are wrong
3. A is correct and R explains A
4. A is correct and R does not explain A

2.ASSERTION :-Tashkent agreement was

signed between Lal Bahadur Shastri and
ayoub khan in 1966
REASON:- inorder India and Pakistani
forces would pull back to their pre-conflic
postions .
1. A is correct and R is wrong
2. both A and R are wrong
3. A is correct and R explains A
4. A is correct and R does not explain A

3.ASSERTION :- The Panchsheel agreement

was signed by Zohu Enlai and Pandit Nehru
in 1954.
REASON :-for mutual interfarence in each
other's integrity and sovergnity

1. A is correct and R is wrong
2. R is correct and A is wrong
3. A is correct and R explains A
4. A is correct and R does not explain

4. ASSERTION:- The Bandung confrence of

1955 led to establishment of Non -Alignment
REASON:- To ensure "the national
independence ,sovergnity ,territorial integrity
and security of non aligned countries" in
their struggle against colonialism ,neo-
colonialism and racism
1. A is correct and R is wrong
2. both A and R are wrong
3. A is correct and R explains A
4. A is correct and R does not explain

5.ASSERTION:-In 1971 India signed treaty of

friendhip with USSR which was equal to joing
their allince .
REASON: India signed treaty of friendship
with USSR because at that time india faced
food shortages and also faced a war with
pakistan which made them economically
1. A is correct and R is wrong
2. both A and R are wrong
3. A is correct and R explains A
4. A is correct and R does not explain


Q1. (a) Non Alignment allowed india to gain
assistance both from USA and USSR
(b) India's relation with her neigbours has
been starined from beginning
(c) The cold war has affected the relationship
between india and pakistan
(d) The treaty of peace and friendship in
1971 was a result of indias closeness to USA
which statement is true
A. 1&3
B. 1&4
C 2&3
D. 4&2

Q2 A..China attacked India took place in 1962

B .China attacked India took place in 1950
C.China attacked India took place in 1965
D. China attacked India took place in 1971
which statement is true
A. option A
B. option B
C. option C
D. option D
Q3 A. After chinese revolution in 1949 India
was the first country to recognise the
communist govt.
B. After chinese revolution in 1949 USSR was
the first country to recognise the communist
C. After chinese revolution in 1949 PAKISTAN
was the first country to recognise the
communist govt
D. After chinese revolution in 1949 ITALY was
the first country to recognise the communist
which statement is true
A. option A
B. option B
C. option C
D. option D
Q4. Hong Kong ,Singapore ,Taiwan and South
Korea is called
A. asian union
B. asian forum
C. asian tigers
D.asian diamond
which statement is true
A. option A
B. option B
C. option C
D. option D
Q5 when was isreal embassy setup in India
A .1992
D.199which statement is true
A. option A
B. option B
C. option C
D. option D
Q6.which sattelite was launched from russia
of india
A. Agni
D.Mig 19
which statement is true
A. option A
B. option B
C. option C
D. option D
Q7.Russia gave aid and technical assistance
for steel plants like
A. Bhilia
D .Bhel
which statement is true
A. option A&B
B. option A&C
C. option B&D
D. all of the above
Q8.when did PM of isreal visits india
A .2019
which statement is true
A. option A
B. option B
C. option C
D. option D
Q9.Dalai lama took assylum in India because
A. arm uprising
B .situations were worsened there
C . China annexed tiebet
d .to make good trade relations of tiebet and
which statement is false
A. option A
B. option B
C. option C
D. option D
Q10.The peatue of tiebet became an issue
A. India
B. China
which statement is true
A. option A&B
B. option B &D
C. option C&A
D. option D&B

Q11.Ruassia heped India in UN on what

which statement is true
A. option A&C
B. option B&A
C. option C&D
D. option D&A
Q12.A crucial development in india's foreign
affiars was the first nuclear explosion in
A. May 1998
B June 1991
C .October 1978
D . May 1974
which statement is true
A. option A
B. option B
C. option C
D. option D
Q13. Principles of india's foreign policy are:
B Panchsheel
C. Non Alignment
D .Direct war
which statement is false
A. option A
B. option B
C. option C
D. option D
Q14.Who waas against nuclear weapon
A. Gandhi
B. Lal Bahadur Shastri
C.Indra Gandhi
D. Pt' Nehru
which statement is true
A. option A
B. option B
C. option C
D. option D
Q15.Who was first foeign minister of india
A. Pt. Nehru
B.Indra Ganhi
C. Shastri
D. Morarji Desai


Q1. Who accompanied the Tibetan spiritual

leader Dalai Lama during the official Chinese
visit to India in 1956?
(i) Hua Guofeng (ii) Zhao Ziyang
(iii) Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai(iv) Li Peng
Q2. The Architect of Non-alignment is:
(i) Pt. Nehru (ii) Indira Gandhi (iii) Y. B.
Chavan (iv) Atal Behari Vajpayee
Q3. Who exercised profound influence in the
formulation and implementation of India’s
foreign policy from 1946 to 1964?
(i) Motilal Nehru (ii) Sardar Patel (iii) Indira
Gandhi (iv) Jawaharlal Nehru
Q4. Bangladesh emerged as an independent
nation in:
(i) January 1972 (ii) December 1971 (iii)
March 1971 (iv) November 1971
Q5. India convened the Asian Relations
Conference in March 1947 under the
leadership of
(i) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (ii) Dr. Radha Krishnan
(iii) Jawaharlal Nehru (iv) Rajendra Prasad
Q6. China made a sudden attack on India in:
(i) August 1962 (ii) September 1962 (iii)
October 1962 (iv) September 1965
Q7. In the Nehru cabinet who was
apprehensive of the future attack from china?
(i) Vallabhbhai Patel (ii) C. Rajagopalachari
(iii) Jawaharlal Nehru (iv) Jagjivan Ram
Q8. Bandung Conference was held in the year:
(i) 1954 (ii) 1955 (iii) 1956 (iv) 1957
Q9. Expand NEFA.
(i) North-Eastern Far Agency (ii) North
Eastern Frontier Agency (iii) North-Eastern
Fullest Agency (iv) North Eastern Farther
Q10. India convened the Asian Relations
Conference in March 1947 under the
leadership of
(i) Dr B.R. Ambedkar (ii) Dr. Radha Krishnan.
(iii) Jawaharlal Nehru. (iv) Rajendra Prasad.
Q11. When China annexed Tibet?
(i) 1930 (ii) 1940 (iii) 1950 (iv) 1960
Q12. The foreign policy of a country is the
outcome of her economic policy” these
remarks were made by:
(i) Indira Gandhi (ii) Jawaharlal Nehru (iii)
Morarji Desai (iv) Charan Singh
Q13. Apartheid is the practice of
(i) religious discrimination. (ii) racial
discrimination. (iii) linguistic differences. (iv)
human behaviour.
Q14. After Nehru, the first Prime Minister to
visit China was
(i) Lal Bahadur Shastri. (ii) Indira Gandhi.
(iii) Rajiv Gandhi. (iv) V.P . Singh.
Q15. Why Britain attacked Egypt in 1956?
(i) over Suez Canal issue (ii) over Suzhou
Canal issue (iii) over Panama Canal issue (iv)
over Bruges Canal issue

1. Read the passage given below carefully and

answer the questions:
What does independence consist of? It
consists fundamentally and basically of
foreign relations. That is the test of
independence. All else is local autonomy.
Once foreign relations go out of your hands
into the charge of somebody else,
to that extent and in that measure you are
not independent.
—Jawaharlal Nehru
1. What does the extract signify?
2. What is not an independence as per Pt. J.L.
3. What did India do to maintain its
2.The first nuclear explosion was undertaken
by India in May 1974 India wanted to
generate atomic energy for peaceful purpose
Nehru was against nuclear weapons so he
pleaded it with the super powers for
comprehensive nuclear disarmament
however the nuclear Arsenal characterizing
when communist China conducted nuclear
test in October 1964 the five nuclear power
the US USSR United Kingdom France and
China also the five permanent members of
UN UN Council try to impose a nuclear non
proliferation Treaty of1968 on the rest of the
World India always refused to sign it when
India conducted its first nuclear test it was
termed as we School explosion India argued
that it was committed to the policy of using
nuclear power only for peacefull purposes.
study the passage given below above carefully
and answer the following questions
1.why India go for nuclear explosion in May
2 .how far was the nuclear explosion in
conformity with Nehru's policies.
3.why has India not signed so for the nuclear
non proliferation treaty.


two development strained relationship.

China Annexed Tibet in 1950 and the
remove the historical buffer between the
two countries .initially the Government of
India did not opposed it openly but as
more information came about the
suppression of Tibetan culture. the Indian
government give an easy the Tibetan
spiritual leader leader the Dalai Lama
obtained political Asylum in India in 1959.
China alleged that the government of
India was allowing anti- China activities to
take place from within India .
Q.from where dalia lama came
Q. whome did china annexed .

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