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My Visit to Symphony Garden

Amidst the dusty streets of the city, it is always good to find an escape, and what
better way to find it but in Nature. I went to Symphony Garden, that is located in
the locality where I live. So, I walked to the Garden with a friend. We went early in
the evening, so we didn’t see a lot of people and it was very serene and peaceful.
All we could hear was the birds chirping on trees and the noise of the leaves
thrashing against the wind. The Garden consists a wide diversity of plans and
tress. It is the epitome of serendipity. I could literally feel the difference in the air I
was breathing, it was fresh and clearer.

As soon as we entered the park, there is a magnificent sculpture constructed,

beside which was a Welcome sign which beautifully described how Symphony
garden was inspired to look like a mini forest, having aesthetic and informative
charm, surrounded by the urbanist envisioned buildings. It consists of plants and
trees, in which, over 300 are local species and some are rare which have
medicinal, mythological, religious and ecological importance. There were Mango,
banana and bamboos trees, Wheat plants, China Roses, Lavenders, and many
more. There is a single trail that takes us to a huge lake, make in the middle of the
garden. It had lotus floating on it and fishes were seemed to swim from under the
bridge that divided the lake in two.

The bridge helped us reach in something that looked like a mini jungle. On
sufficient intervals, there were benches made of concrete and dustbins were also
provided. One thing that I found very unique about this garden was that, it had
given the names of the plants and trees planted, on the night lamps, along with
their scientific names. Since we went at 5, there was still sunlight, but because of
the huge canopy’s formed by enormously splendid trees. Peacocks walked with us
towards an Amphitheatre which had white sculpted shelters that had climbers
planted on them, under which there was a sitting area. Just sitting there and
feeling the wind touch my face made me feel like I am in paradise.

The Garden is one of the best places I have visited in Ahmedabad. Although, it is
not that big, it makes u feel like you have entered a forest.

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