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Field Study 2

Learning Episode 4

Matching Problematic Learning Situations with Probable Actions as Solution

Identifying a problem is a tricky task. Action research begins with identifying a problem. Oftentimes, it is
one of the difficult things to begin with. When a researcher was asked “Have you identified a problem
for your action research?” Common answer will be "My problem is, I don't have a problem". Ironical

If you observe and notice closely the teaching-learning environment in the classroom, you will discover
a lot of problematic situations. You mist have also observed these problematic situations when you did
your FS 1 course.

But matching these problems with appropriate action is trickier.

A group of more that six hundred teacher was surveyed and asked what teaching learning problems
confront them. Here are their answer put together in a wordle.

Study the wordle below. Each word represents an issue or a problem which was reported by teachers in
the field. Which of the words do you recognize as a problem?

* modules















A creative and innovative teacher can find 1 or more than one solution or answer to the same situation.
Each solutions matches with the problem. The more solutions identified to choose from, the better for
an action researcher.

Learning Episode 5

Preparing the Learning Environment: An overview

A learning environment, traditional called a class, is a space in a school that supports students learning.
It is a self-contained area where teacher teaches and children learn. In the classroom are chairs and
tables for students and a front table for the teacher. This is a traditional face-to-face classroom. Most
often the students should face the teacher as the chairs are arranged that way. But as teaching
deliveries changed to enhance learning, modification in the setting arrangement evolved and more
opportunity for the learners to move about for cooperative learning was added.

A conducive learning environment should have the following characteristics:

•Flexibity - There is opportunity to have small groups, movable walls.

•Openness- Learning corners/areas which could be shared.

• Access to resources - Audio-visual materials are ready and open for use.

•Physical Classroom - Space is clean and safe.

•Psychological Atmosphere- It is friendly and accommodating.

The classroom climate nurtures the intellectual, physical, social and emotional development of the

Here are some specific strategies for developing the optimal classroom climate. You may consider

1. Learning environment addresses both physical and psychological needs of the students for security
and order, love and belonging, personal power and competence, freedom and fun.

2. Create a since of order. For example teacher should teach students how to

•enter the classroom and become immediately engaged in the activity;

•distribute and collect materials;

•find out about missed assignments due to absence and how to make up for them;

•Get the teacher's attention without disrupting the class and

•arranges desks, tables quickly and quietly for various purposes.

3. Greet learners as they enter your face-to-face or on-line classroom.

4. In a healthy and conducive learning environment, everybody belongs and knows each other.

5. Encourage class building activities like games and team activities.

6. In a conducive learning environment, success whether small or is recognized and celebrated.

Both approaches either traditional face-to-face or online, lead to positive results but in different ways,
so usually in practice both approaches are combined.

Face-to-face learning Environment (Differences)

•Time is set

•self contained classroom, discussion, activities occur inside the room. Passive listening.

•Teacherprepares instructional activities and choses content.

•Facilitates F2F learning. Leads and guides learners.

•Learners & teacher engage in personal communication.

On-Line Learning Environment (Differences)

•Anytime, any place, anywhere

•Synchronous or asynchronous classes

•Teacher moderates and facilitates learning.

•Creates different learning environment

•Creates the multimedia educational content.




•Teacher’s Role


•Student’s Role

• Evaluation


Learning environment can be traditional (F2F), virtual (on-line) or a combination (Hybrid).

Learning Episode 6

Face-to-face Learning Environment

Enhancing a face-to-face or In-person Classroom Environment for Learning

In a face-to-face classroom, students and the teacher are physically present. They need to set time in
the classroom. The teacher prepares activities, provides instructions and evaluates students' learning.
Equipment and instructional materials are made available in the classroom where teaching and learning
take place most of the time.

Some of the advantages of a face-to-face learning environment for the students are:

•Less distraction and more concentration than when studying at home or elsewhere,

•greater understanding and real world examples from teachers and classmates;

•greater chance for completing course by doing it in the classroom space;

•learn more easily and more comfortably in familiar, traditional classroom situation;

•access more relevant information from teachers and classmates interactions and

•greater opportunity to connect and socialize, network and solve problems together with classmates
and teacher.

Here are some characteristics of the face-to-face or in-person learning environment

>Learning space is physical. Both the teacher and learner ..... hear each other from the same contained
safe place called the classroom.

Learning Episode 7

Making On-line or Virtual Learning Environment Safe and Conducive

Safe and Conducive On-line or Virtual Environment (VLE)

Education has dramatically shifted in recent years. Schools aligned physical spaces to flexible upon that
integrate technology to support the 21st century learn6 opportunities. The modern learning
environment incorporates the three elements: (1) connected devices such as notebooks, tablets, smart
phones; (2) audio visual tools including projectors and touch screen display and (3) purposeful furniture
such as standing desks, collaborative work stations and connected seating that allow students to learn in
different ways at different times.
The on-line learning environment requires a constant access to connectivity which allows learning to
take place anytime, anyplace and anywhere. On-line or virtual learning can be delivered synchronously
or asynchronously, so the teacher's role is a moderator between the technology and the students.

Unlike face-to-face, on-line or virtual learning does not happen in one contained physical space but
learners are in different imaginary spaces made possible by technology such as computer networks.
Virtual classrooms refer to digital learning environment that allows teachers and students to connect on
line in real time.

Let us now consider an on-line or virtual classroom or learning environment. What are some safety
reminders to remember?

1. Encourage parents and careers Involvement. Keep parents/carers informed of how you and the
children will be using the on-line platform.

•Assist them on how set up appropriate home learning spaces. Id students will be learning from home

•Provide contact time and classroom schedules.

•Provide procedures to follow and consequences of they failed.

•Share information about protection from cyberbullying and image abuse.

2. Make lesson plan so interactive to keep attention of students. Be flexible with class length and topics.

•Make assignments as guided as possible. Teachers may need to source research sites to ensure on-line

•Provide students with resources. Share with your students websites and videos so as not to take them
to inappropriate materials such as ads from YouTube and other sites.

3. Encourage public chatting. Avoid testing students one-on-one, instead send a group text, or group
chat. When using technology like zoom, google meet, MOOCS allow public chatting or group instead of
chatting privately so that you can be part of their conversation.

4. Use of password, log in and log out.

•All students should have individual password. This should bot be disclosed.

•No one should log in as another person.

• All users should log off when they have finished working.
There are more reminders in follow the use of thw digital platform for virtual or on-line learning
environment but for the meantime let us have a few. As technology advances, so do policies and

If you are assisting your mentor in an on-line class, there are some reminders you should share in your
remote learners on a synchronous platform like google meet, zoom MOOCS or any other platforms you
are familiar with and are using.

With the use of any google meet, zoom or any platform, organize a virtual class. Do this with the
guidance of your mentor.

•Make sure your device is charged.

•Find a quiet place free of distraction.

•Be on time for the class

•Be respectful at all times

•Stay on mute and raise hand only if needed.

•Stay focused and on task so you won't missed any information.

•Turn on your camera.

•Use kind words all the time

•Teachers and Learners are dressed appropriately.

Try to handle one on-line class and use the guidelines above. Happy virtual teaching.
Learning Episode 8

Establishing My own Classroom Routines and Procedures in a Face-to-face/remote Learning

Establishing My Own Classroom Routines And Procedures (Face-to-Face or Remote Learning)

Routines are the backbone of daily classroom life. They facilitate teaching and learning. Routines don't
just make the lifeof the teacher easier. They save valuable classroom time. Efficient routines make it
easier for students to learn and achieve more.

Establishing routines early in the school year enables you to run your daily activities run smoothly;
ensures that you manage time effectively; helps you maintain order in the classroom; makes you more
focused in the teaching because you spend less time in giving directions/instructions; and enables you
to explain to the learners what are expected of them.

Classroom routines set the foundation for meaningful school year with teachers and students wether in
the classroom or remotely. To teach classroom routines remotely, it is best to record videos and to post
these in the learning management system so students may watch them over and over again for better
retention and for families to view them so they can assist their children when needed.

Students can take an active role in establishing classroom routines. They can brainstorm on ideas which
they will most likely do and follow. Routines are important specially when down in remote learning so
that there will be less distractions both for synchronous and asynchronous participants.


*Submission of Tasks and Requirements

*Movement into and out of the Classroom

*Checking of Attendance

*Classroom greetings

*Getting supplies and materials

*Others when deemed necessary

*Line formation

*Transitioning to group work

*Use of washroom
Learning Episode 9

Creating My Classroom/Remote Learning Management Plan

A classroom management plan is a plan that a teacher designs that sets the expectations for every
students. The purpose of a classroom management plan is to make the students accountable for their
actions. Effective classroom management plan increases students' success, enhances students' academic
skills and competencies and promotes social and emotional development.

The teaching-learning process may be implemented in various modalities. Teachers must bear in mind
that alternatives and other options may be considered in designing the classroom remote management

A good learning environment produces highly engaged students who learn more, do more and work
more. Teachers likewise become more creative and productive in their work.

Key Elements for Effective Classroom Management

1. Classroom Design. This refers to seating arrangement, bulletin boards, display, storage area,
equipment, supplies, etc.

2. Rules: These are the expectations set at the beginning of the class to foster love, care, respect and
sense of community in the class.

3. Discipline: Classroom rules must decline the consequences of every action/misdemeanor in class. This
will ensure fairness and consistency jn dealing with the students. This also includes the rewards given for
good behavior.

4. Scheduling: This includes time allotment given for each period and activity in class. This will make the
students to stay on time and on task.

5. Organization. This refers to the systematic arrangement of files and records and keeping them
organized always and ready for use.

6. Instructional Techniques. These are ways by which you implement your learning content. Tailoring
your techniques to the subject, grade levels, nature of the learners is really important.

7. Communication. Consistent open lines of communication to all the stakeholders of the school
community will lead to better teacher-student teacher relationship.

In order to implement these elements effectively, a classroom management plan must be designed.
Each teacher has its own unique style of management to meet class needs, although the same elements
are found consistently. In order for a classroom management plan to be successful, the students must
have complete understanding of each of the guidelines. At the same time, teachers must follow their
plan to ensure that the learning environment is safe, friendly, secured and non-threatening whether in
the classroom or in remote learning.

Components of Guide Questions

Classroom/Remote Learning
Management Plan
Philosophical Statement What is your set of ideals, values, beliefs and goals on
classroom/remote learning management?

What set of criteria and/or standards will you set to judge the
quality of your classroom/remote learning environment?
Classroom Rules and What classroom rules and procedures will you formulate to
Procedures ensure discipline and other in your class?
Teacher-Student Relationship How will you treat every student in your class?
How will you interact with them?
How will you ensure good interaction between and among
students and superiors?
Schedules and Timeframes How will you organize your class schedule?
How will you keep your students to stay focused and on task?
Classroom Structure, Design How will you design your classroom to create an appropriate
and Arrangement learning environment?
Classroom Safety Rules and How will you ensure the safety and security of your students?
Procedures What rules will you formulate to safeguard their protection?
Strategies for Rewards and What strategies will you employ for rewards and consequences?

These are the steps in creating your Classroom/Remote Learning Management Plan

Steps in Designing Classroom Management Plan

Creating a Plan

Improving the PlanImplementing the Plan

Monitoring the Plan

Learning Episode 10

Writing My Learning/Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan/Learning Plan - This refers to the blueprint of the daily teaching and learning activities. It is
a step-by-step guide which helps teachers in maintaining the quality of instruction. Lesson plan consist
of essential components such as learning outcomes, learning content, resources and procedures. An
effective lesson plan has a great impact on the teaching-learning process. It is a must that teachers plan
their lessons effectively to ensure a successful instructional experience. There are three types of lesson
plans: detailed lesson plan, semi detailed and brief. Some schools design their own lesson plan template
which includes their vision, mission, goals and core values.

The Department of Education has provided templates for Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) and Daily Lesson
Log (DLL). This was done to institutionalize instructional planning which is vital to the teaching-learning
process. Guidelines were formulated to assist teachers in planning, organizing, and managing their
lessons to meet the needs of the diverse learners.

Teachers must also keep in mind that in assisting the learning outcomes, the three domains must be
considered (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor). Outcomes must be stated in terms that are specific,
measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound (SMART). The cognitive domain includes remembering,
understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating.

When writing lesson plan, the learning outcomes, activities and assessment must be constructively
aligned. The instructional strategies used must help in the attainment of the learning outcomes. The
modes of assessment mist determine if the outcomes were attained at the end of the lesson.


•Learning Outcomes

•Learning Contents

•Learning Resources

•Learning Procedures

With all these information in mind, you are all set in writing your lesson plan. Based on the instructions
given by your cooperating teacher, prepare your lesson plan (s) based on the learning competencies of
the lesson. Consider the age appropriateness and level of communication of your students.

Request lesson plan exemplars/lesson plan templates from your resource teacher. If not available, you
can make use of the basic components of a lesson plan.

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