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Scope of English Language Teaching, Literature and Linguistics

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP

Universitas Muslim Maros
Vol. 3 No. 1, June 2020, pp. 12-21, p-ISSN: 2623-2642, e-ISSN: 2655-5417


Viviana Lisma Lestari
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of parents' attention on learning
achievement in English, the effect of learning motivation on learning achievement in
English and to determine the effect of parents' attention and motivation to learn on
learning achievement in English simultaneously. The research method used was a survey.
The sample size was 52 students; with the sampling technique used was random
sampling. Hypothesis testing uses 2-way ANOVA test. The results showed that there was a
significant influence of parents' attention and motivation to learn together on students'
English learning achievement at MTsN 6 East Jakarta, as evidenced by the value of Sig =
0,000 < 0.05 and F count = 26.255. There was a significant influence of parents’ attention
on students' English learning achievement at MTsN 6 East Jakarta, as evidenced by the
value of Sig = 0.001 < 0.05 and t arithmetic = 3.380. There was a significant influence of
learning motivation on students' English learning achievement in MTsN 6 East Jakarta, as
evidenced by the value of Sig = 0.004 < 0.05. Parental attention and learning motivation
had a significant effect on learning achievement.
Keywords: Parental attention, Motivation, Learning Achievement.

INTRODUCTION individual life in his meetings and relationships

Education is an effort to develop with others, and his relationship with God.
cognitive, affective and psychomotoric skills The problems that commonly arise in the
that are useful for students' lives both now and educational world, especially in school learning
for the future. Education is also one of the most activities, are low student learning
important elements in life. achievements. Learning achievement is a level
Education is a dynamic force in the lives of student’s success in mastering lesson
of any individual who influences their physical, material that is realized by value or number.
mental, social and moral development, or in Students' success rate in education will be
other words education is a dynamic force in assessed through study results tests.
influencing the ability, personality and

The Role of Parental Attention and Learning Motivation in Increasing Students’ English Learning Achievement

The motivation to learn is one of the parents at home will affect students' learning
internal factors that affect learning readiness, both at home and in school.
achievement. According to Sardiman 2011:75),
Learning Achievement
learning motivation can be said as the overall
According to Jihad and Haris (2009: L4),
driving force of students who trigger learning
the learning achievement is an achievement of
activities, which guarantees the continuity of
the form of behavioral change that tends to
the learning activities and that gives direction
settle from the cognitive, affective, and
to the learning activities, so that the objectives
psychomotoric realm of the learning process
desired by the learning subjects can be
done within a certain time.
English learning achievement can be
With the motivation of high learning,
defined as the knowledge and skills developed
students will be able to do learning activities
by the English language and expressed in the
and always pay attention to the lesson so that
form of numbers given by the teacher as a
learning achievements will be easy to achieve.
result of the learning activities that have been
In addition to learning motivation, Slameto
achieved by students in a certain period.
(2010:60) argues that parents are the ones
Student English learning achievement means
closest to the students. In the family
the result that students have achieved in
environment, the parents' attention in
English language subjects.
children's learning is very influential in the
Djamarah (2006:106) reveals that to
child's learning performance. Thus, it can be
measure and evaluate the success rate of
concluded that the attention of parents is one
learning, it can be done through a learning
of the other important factors that determines
achievement test. Similarly, the English
the learning achievement of students.
language achievement, that in order to
Parents' attention can be interpreted as a
measure the achievement of the study, can be
form of parental attitude that monitors every
done through the learning English achievement
child's development. Parents should be aware
that it has a huge role in the learning process of
According to Arikunto (2009:33-39), the
students. Ahmadi and Supriyono (2013:86)
terms of usability to measure students' learning
argue that, the affection of parents, attention
performance is differentiated into three kinds
or appreciation to children raises healthy
of tests, namely diagnostic tests, formative
mental for children. The attention of parents
tests and summative tests:
has a good impact on the children, such as
1. A diagnostic test is a test that is used to
improving the spirit and motivation of learning
determine the weakness of the students so
for them. The attention and guidance of

Lestari SELTICS Vol. 3, No. 1, June 2020

that based on these weaknesses it can be achievement can be done through several tests,
applied an appropriate treatment. while the learning achievement indicator (in
2. A formative test is a test that is intended to this case the measured aspect) covers the realm
know the students' mastery over the of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
program materials thoroughly as well as the In this study the measurement of English
extent to which the students have formed language achievement was conducted through
after following a particular program at formative tests (in this case the competency
school. test or the daily replay for such competence).
3. A summative test or summative evaluation is Thus, measurements are carried out on the
an evaluation of the expiration of a group of cognitive aspects of students.
programs. This summative test can be a Mudzakir (1997) expressed factors that
general test usually conducted at the end of affect the learning performance in general
the term. divided into two, external and internal factors.
In principle, the disclosure of External factors are a factor that comes from
achievement of learning is ideal when it outside of oneself, the factors include:
encompasses all psychological realms that
Parental attention
changed as a result of learning experience and
In a family environment, every individual or
process of students. However, the disclosure of
student needs parents' attention to achieve
behavior changes throughout the realm,
their learning achievements. Because this
particularly the psychological realm of students,
parents’ attention will determine a student
is very difficult. This is due to the change in
can achieve high learning achievement.
learning outcomes that are unpredictable.
Parents' attention is manifested in
Therefore, what the teacher can do in
compassion, giving advice and so on.
this case is to take a snapshot of the behavioral
change that is considered important as a result
The parents’ economic situation
of students’ learning, both the dimension of
The family's economic situation also affects
cognitive, affective and dimension of
student learning achievements, sometimes
psychomotor. In this regard, Muhibbin
students feel less confident in their family's
(2008:150-151) stated that measurement of
economic circumstances. But there are also
study achievement can be done in 3
students, whose economic state is good, but
aspects/realm, such as (cognitive), realm of
the learning achievement is low or
sense (affective), and karsa domain.
otherwise the students whose economic
Based on the description, it can be
condition is low could gain high learning
concluded that the measurement of learning

The Role of Parental Attention and Learning Motivation in Increasing Students’ English Learning Achievement

Relationships between family members possible, showing an interest in the various

There must be a harmonious relationship problems for adults, preferring to work
between existing personnel in the family. independently, quickly getting bored on routine
With the harmonious relationship between tasks, being able to defend his opinion, not
family members, it will have peace, serenity easily releasing the thing that is believed to be,
and tranquility. This can create a good and enjoying finding and solving problems.
learning condition, so that students' learning The conclusion that can be taken is if
achievements can be achieved well too. students have motivational traits such as
diligently facing assignments then the student
Learning Motivation
will always get a good value in each given task.
According to Winkel (1984:27), the
The motivation for learning is unlikely to
motivation for learning is the overall driving
grow on its own, many factors influencing the
force of the students that raises learning
formation of learning motivation. According to
activities, which guarantees the continuity of
Mudjiman (2007:43) There are eight factors
the learning activities and that gives direction
that affect the formation of motivation learning
to the learning activities. From the explanation
such as factors of knowledge on the usability of
above it can be concluded that the motivation
learning, the learning need factor, the ability
to learn is a driving force or a towing that
factor to conduct learning activities, the
encourage a person's behavior in order to have
pleasure factor in the idea of conducting
the willingness to act in learning.
learning activities, the implementation factor of
The learning process will succeed if the
learning activities, learning outcomes Factors,
students have high motivation in learning.
satisfaction factor on learning outcomes, and
Growing the motivation of learning is one of the
factors of personal and environmental
duties and responsibilities of an educator.
characteristics on the decision making process.
According to Sardiman (2012:85), motivation
Learning motivation in English language
can serve as a business driver and achievement.
can be interpreted as a physiological and
So it can be concluded that if a student has
psychological condition in the students who
motivation in learning, the student's learning
encouraged him to conduct learning activities in
achievement will increase.
English subjects to gain achievement in the
According to Sardiman (2012-83), the
subjects as high as possible based on skills in
motivation that exists in each person has its
English-related science.
features: diligently facing tasks, resilient facing
difficulties, requiring no outside
encouragement to achievers should be

Lestari SELTICS Vol. 3, No. 1, June 2020

Parents' attention be demonstrated by various forms of action. In

According to Suryabrata (2008:14), this study there were five forms of attention
attention is a lot of the least consciousness that that became indicators of the parents' attention
accompanies the activity. Walgito (2010:101) on their children’ learning, such as:
expressed caution is the centering or
Giving Reward (award)
concentration of all activities shown in a group
The reward is given in the form of praises
or object. Attention according to Soemanto
or prizes. Prizes are given to children as a
(2006:34) is the concentration of energy/soul
reward for it can be used to motivate children.
strength on something. Caution is the utilization
Prizes are something that is given to other
of consciousness to accompany an activity. This
people as a tribute or misadventure. Gifts given
understanding can be interpreted that the
by others can be anything, depending on the
attention of parents is the deployment or
intention of the giver. Prizes can also be
concentration of energy/life force of them to
adjusted to the achievements achieved by a
the learning activities of their children with full
consciousness to achieve maximum
achievement of the child in learning.
Giving punishment (penalty)
Parents' attention to child education is
Punishment is a negative reinforcement
necessary and plays a role in determining the
but is necessary in education. Penalties
achievement of learning or the child's own
intended here are not like imprisonment or
success. Slameto (2010:61) reveals that some
punitive punishment but is an educational act.
parents do not even pay attention to their
This act is necessary in education.
children's education, for example they are
Child mistakes because of violating
indifferent to their children's learning activities,
discipline can be sanctioned penalties. The
do not pay attention to the interests and needs
sanctions include sweeping the floor, noting
of his children in learning, do not regulate the
missing subjects, or anything that is
time of study, do not pay attention to the time
of learning, do not provide or complement the
learning tools, do not pay attention to children Providing guidance and assisting the difficulties
learn or not, do not want to know the progress According to Stoops in Hamalik
of their children’s learning or maybe the (2012:193) guidance is a continual process to
difficulties experienced in learning and others, assist the development of individuals to
can cause the children fail on their learning. enhance their ability to the fullest extent in
Based on the theory above, parents' obtaining maximum benefit. According to
attention to the children related to learning can Dalyono (2009:240), children need guidance

The Role of Parental Attention and Learning Motivation in Increasing Students’ English Learning Achievement

from their parents so that adult attitudes and new replay time learning all the way, then that
learning responsibilities grow in children. habit is the example of children, although in
Parents’ business in working and in fact it is a habit of wrong learning.
organizations or other things can result in Based on the theory above, parents who
children not getting guidance from their are concerned about their children are parents
parents. As a result, it is likely that children will who care about their child's learning habits.
have troubles in learning and difficulties in Therefore, parents who can give examples and
achieving good learning achievements. instill positive habits that support children's
Parents who give guidance to their learning will help the child obtain good
children in learning, will know the development achievement in their learning.
of his son and also the difficulties and problems
Fulfilling children's learning needs
faced by his son. In this regard, Slameto
Children's learning needs in this case are
(2010:64) suggests that parents are obliged to
all the tools and means that children need to
give understanding and encouraging them,
support their learning activities. Such learning
helping to be as difficult as a child can suffer.
needs can be stationery, textbooks and
Parents need to contact their child's
textbooks, study room, table, chairs, lighting,
teacher to find out their progress. Thus, giving
and others.
guidance and helping the difficulties faced by
Walgito (2010:146) states that learning
the child is a form of attention that can help
will not go well without sufficient learning tools.
and influence the child in the achievement of
The learning process will be interrupted if the
his learning achievement.
necessary tools do not exist. The more
Giving examples complete the tools, the easier it will be to learn
According to Ahmadi and supriyono the most. Conversely, if the appliance is
(2013:87), parents are the closest example of incomplete then the learning process will be
his children. Everything that is made by parents interrupted.
unknowingly will be imitated by their children.
Problem Statement
Parents should always give examples by
Based on the background of the problem,
embedding good habits that can smoothen and
identification and limitation of the problem
support their children in learning.
above, the problem formulation is as follows:
In connection with this, Djamarah
1. Is there an influence of parents 'attention
(2008:242) states that habits in a family that
and motivation to learn together on MTsN 6
does not support, where the study habits
students' English learning achievement in
exemplified and will be in the heart or near the
East Jakarta.

Lestari SELTICS Vol. 3, No. 1, June 2020

2. Is there an influence of parents 'attention on In this study the regression model used is:
MTsN 6 students' English learning
achievement in East Jakarta.
3. Is there an influence of learning motivation Information:
on MTsN 6 students' English learning Y = Dependent variable (customer loyalty)
X1 = free variable (service quality)
achievement in East Jakarta.
X2 = Independent variable (Satisfaction)
a = constant
Scope the Research b1, b2 = regression coefficient
Considering the breadth of the scope of
this study, this study is limited to the issue of c. F test

the effects of parents and learning motivation To test the effect of the independent

on learning achievement in English (Survey on variables simultaneously on the dependent

MTsN 6 in East Jakarta). variable.

d. T test
T test was conducted to test the
This type of research used in this
significance of each independent variable
research is explanatory research or explanatory
research with quantitative approaches. The
number of samples was 52 respondents in The
state Islamic Junior High School 6 Jakarta. The
sampling technique used random sampling
The influence of parents' attention (X1)
technique that is the sample is taken randomly.
and the motivation to learn (X2) together
towards English learning achievement (Y)
Data analysis techniques used are:
The hypothesis tested:
a. Descriptive analysis
Descriptive analysis is needed on
research variables. Based on these variables,
analysis can be done to get information about Means:

many things. (Umar, 2011) H0 : There is no influence on parents' attention

and the motivation to learn in conjunction
b. multiple linear regression analysis with English learning achievements
Analysis of multiple linear equation H1 : There is the influence of parents' attention
models is used to simultaneously regress and the motivation to learn together with
between independent variables and dependent the achievement of English learning

The Role of Parental Attention and Learning Motivation in Increasing Students’ English Learning Achievement

Tabel 1. Calculation result of variable Means:

multivariate regression equation X1 and X2 H0 : There is no influence on parents' attention
against Y
to English learning achievements
H1 : An influence of parents' attention to
English learning achievement

From table 1, it can be noted that there is

a significant influence on parents' attention to
English language achievement. This is
evidenced by the acquisition of the value of Sig.
From the table above, it can be stated 0.001 < 0.05.
that there is a significant influence on parents'
The variable contributions of parents'
attention and the motivation to learn in tandem attention to English learning achievements can
with learning English. This is evidenced by the
be expressed by the formula:
acquisition of the value Fo = 26,255 and Sig. CD β _ y value of its stake correlation
0.000 < 0.05 (r_x1y) x 100%
CD = 0.652 x 0.421 x 100% = 27.5%
From the results of the above
E uations of double regression lines can
calculations it can be stated that the
be e pressed with
contribution of parents' attention in improving
0.150 X2. This has the notion that a one-score
English learning performance amounted to
variable increase in parental attention and
motivation to learn to contribute amounted to
The influence of motivational learning
0.116 by X1 and 0.150 by X2 against a variable
(X2) on English Learning achievement (Y)
of English-learning achievement. From the table
The hypothesis tested:
4.9, it can also explain that collectively the
H_ : β _y
attention of parents and motivation to learn
H_ : β _y ≠
contribute 51.7% of the variable of English
language achievement. Means:

Influence of parents' attention (X1) to H0 : There is no motivation to learn to learn to

English Learning achievement (Y) learn English language achievement

The hypothesis tested: H1 : There is a motivation to learn about

English language achievement

Lestari SELTICS Vol. 3, No. 1, June 2020

From table 1, It can be stated that there evidenced by the value of Sig = 0.001 <
is a significant influence of motivation to learn 0.05 and t count = 3.380.
about English language achievement. This is 3. There is a significant influence of
evidenced by the acquisition of the value of Sig. motivation to learn to language learning
0.004 < 0.05. Achievement 3. English students at MTsN 6
As for contributing variables motivation East Jakarta. This is evidenced by the value
to learn to English learning achievements can of Sig = 0.004 < 0.05 and t count = 3.064.
be expressed with the formula:
CD β _ 2y value of its stake correlation Suggestion
(r_x2y) x 100% 1. Parents continue to increase their
CD = 0.636 x 0.382 x 100% = 24.3% attention so as to give a positive influence
From the results of the above on students' English learning
calculations can be stated that the contribution achievements.
of parents' attention in improving English 2. The school strives for the quality of
learning performance amounted to 24.3%. teaching and learning process by
optimizing related elements, both human
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION resources and infrastructure to increase
Conclusion the students’ learning motivation so that
In this part of the conclusion, the author there are positive effects on students'
briefly described the results of the research English learning achievement in school.
obtained in the field. After the research and 3. Students always appreciate their parents'
data analysis of the influence of parents' attention and improve their learning
attention and the motivation to learn on the motivation as this provides an excellent
achievement of English language, it can be impact on their English learning and
drawn conclusions as follow: achievement.
1. There is a significant influence of parents'
attention and the motivation to learn
together to study English students at MTsN A.M, Sardiman. (2012). Ineraksi dan Motivasi
6 East Jakarta. It is evidenced by the value Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.

of Sig = 0.000 < 0.05 and F count = 26.255. Ahmadi, A. Supriyono, W. (2013). Psikologi
Belajar. Jakarta : PT. Rineka Cipta.
2. There is a significant influence of parents'
attention to student English learning Dalyono, M. (2009). Psikologi Pendidikan.
Jakarta : Rineka Cipta.
achievement at MTsN 6 East Jakarta. It is

The Role of Parental Attention and Learning Motivation in Increasing Students’ English Learning Achievement

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