Case Studies For 10.23

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Process and Facility Layout Designs

a. Process Selection
b. Process Types
c. Facilities Layouts
d. Designing Product and Process Layouts Line Balancing

State Automobile License Renewals


2. Work Design and Measurement

a. Human Resource Strategy
b. Trends in Human Resource
c. Job Design
d. Methods Analysis, Learning curves, Time Studies, and Work sampling
Jackson Manufacturing Company

Case Study Template

I. Introduction. (Explain the Current Situation Analysis and appropriate background)
II. Statement of the Problem (Define the statement of the problem of the case. Suggest to start
with the “How” question for you to be able to generate probable solutions. Then followed by
stating at least three (3) Objectives)
III. Analysis & Findings. In SWOT Analysis Format (Start your analysis and followed by your
findings. Do not repeat the case facts but you must state what is /are the implications)
IV. Alternative Course of Actions. (Present at least 3 courses of actions and briefly describe the
merit of each course; state the advantages and disadvantages)
V. Conclusion/ Recommended Solution. (Briefly describe your conclusion in one statement.
However, when you present or describe your recommendation it can be acted upon if you are
in the organization as a consultant. Hence you must be very specifics in each item. Your
recommendations will translate how will the company’s moved to the next level in terms of the
decisions; relate to Operations, Marketing, and Finance)
VI. Online References/Appendices. (This can be in the 4th page- All charts, financials, visuals
and other related items can be placed in a separate page, not on the first 3-page of the report)
Note: For a Comprehensive written case term report, please do not restrict yourself to 3 pages

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