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Week one (basics)


1st routine: You start with additional weight 10kg. You do 1 pull up, 2,3,4…9,10
(10-15 seconds rest in between of the sets). Then, right after you finished 10 pull
ups- take off the weight. Start from 20 pull ups, go down by 2, so that:20-18-16…
6-4-2. Every time you break a set it’s a 20 push ups penalty. So if you broke your
sets 4 times during the routine you need to do 80 push ups afterwards.

2nd routine: Straight bar-dips (sometimes just “bar-dips”)

If you cant do a muscle up, just use one of the parallel bars. Set an interval timer.
Set a intervals at 1 minute. Every time the minute starts do 12 bar-dips. Do it for
25 sets.

Tuesday: Rest

Wednesday: 1st : Dips routine: 2 dips/10 seconds hold on the bottom of the
movement(the deepest stage of the dip), 4 dips/10 seconds hold,6/10,8/10,10/10.
Then 8 dips/5 seconds hold,6/5,4/5,2/5. Every time you break a set there is 5 pull
ups penalty.

2nd: push ups routine: This is a push ups ladder, but you need to multiply each
number to sets. For example if you do 1 rep – its 1 set of 1 rep, 2 sets of 2 reps, 3
sets of 3 reps, 4 sets of 4 reps …. Until you cant do it anymore.

Thursday: 1st routine:

5 pull ups from the dead hang to the half way(top of the head to the bar) 
5 pull ups from the half way to chin over the bar
5 full range of motion pull ups
This ^ is one circle. You need to do 5 of them. You can do both unbroken or
broken circles( no penalties)

2nd routine:

 30seconds dead hang hold to 5 pulls

 30seconds dead hang hold to 6 pulls
 30seconds dead hang hold to 7 pulls
 30seconds dead hang hold to 8 pulls
 30seconds dead hang hold to 9 pulls
 30seconds dead hang hold to 10 pulls
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 1st routine 25 straight bar dips-25 regular dips-25push ups. Complete 5
circles of these. 
2 routine:
1 pull up/20 dips
2 pull ups/18 dips
3 pull ups/16 dips
4 pull ups/14 dips
5 pull ups/12 dips
6 pull ups/10 dips
7 pull ups/8 dips
8 pull ups/6 dips
9 pull ups/4 dips
10 pull ups/2 dips

3rd routine: Pull ups

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5 (1 minute rest in between of sets)
-3 minutes rest-
Push ups
20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 15, 15, 15 (rest 1 minute in between of sets)
Sunday: Rest

Week two(tricks)
Monday: Front lever training: 5 sets of 1seconds hold( 10 seconds rest), rest 5
Regular front lever raisers 5 sets of 5 reps( 30 seconds rest in between),
Rest 5 minutes, front lever raisers to 45degrees only( half way to the horizontal
position) and try to hold it for a second every time you raise it to 45 degrees – 5
sets of 5 reps(30 seconds rest in between).
Tuck front lever – 5 sets of 10 seconds hold.
Wide grip pull ups 5 sets of 7 reps.
Pulling yourself backwards with straight arms( push the bar with your hands and
you will move back like you are raising a front liver but keep the lower body
relaxed) 5 sets of 5 reps.
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: One arm pull ups training:
Do one arm pull up attempts. First from the full lock out 5 times each arm, then
from 90 degrees to the chin over the bar 5 times.
Rest 5 minutes after this.
Do negative one arm pull ups. Try to do it as slow as possible – 5 times each arm.
Assisted one arm pull ups( use a resistance band or belt or towel) 5 times each
arm( try to make it controlled and slow)
Thursday: Muscle ups: do 30 sets of 1 muscle up with 30 seconds of rest in
between of sets.
ISO hold chin over the bar using false grip(palm over the bar)
5 sets of 5 seconds( use the parallel bar to make it more comfortable)
High chin ups: 10 sets of 3 reps
Bar-dips: 5 sets of 12 reps
Rest 1 minute between the sets.

Friday: Rest
One arm pull ups training:
Do one arm pull up attempts. First from the full lock out 5 times each arm, then
from 90 degrees to the chin over the bar 5 times.
Rest 5 minutes after this.
Do negative one arm pull ups. Try to do it as slow as possible – 5 times each arm.

Front lever training: 5 sets of 2 seconds hold( 15 seconds rest), rest 5 minutes.
Regular front lever raisers 5 sets of 5 reps( 30 seconds rest in between),
Rest 5 minutes, front lever raisers to 45degrees only( half way to the horizontal
position) and try to hold it for a second every time you raise it to 45 degrees – 5
sets of 5 reps(30 seconds rest in between).
Muscle ups training: 10 sets of 2 muscle up( 2 minutes rest in between)

Always stretch after the workout, not before. When doing weighted exercises I
suggest not to fully lock out your arms because it can lead to tendon, joint or
ligament injury of the elbows.

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