English - Book - Lotfi 2021

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‫كلية التجارة‪ -‬جامعة القاهرة‬

‫قسم اللغة االنجليزية وآدابها ‪-‬كلية اآلداب‬
‫جامعة القاهرة‬

‫‪First step in English‬‬

‫‪Summer 2021‬‬

Dear Students,

This is a new motivating English course that will help you to

develop your skills in using this important language. It covers aspects of
A1 level in English as defined by the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages (CEFR). In this course, you will practice major
language skills to be employed in your university and professional life.
Therefore, it is your job to make full use of this course to enrich your
knowledge of English.

As per the CEFR‟s framework for A1 level, the course aims at

helping you understand the main points of day to day matters that are
regularly encountered at work, university, etc. It also helps you to cope
with some situations that are likely to arise when you have to use English;
complete simple intelligible text on familiar topics, describe experiences,
events and express opinions.

Best of luck

Amani Wagih


Department of English Language and Literature

Cairo University


Course description:

This course is designed to develop the ability of students studying

English as a second language to use it more effectively in their university
life and career. The course focuses on acquiring the reading and writing
skills; it is combined with general English grammar lessons to develop
these vital skills.

Course content:

The course comprises reading passages, writing sections, grammar

exercises and translation in a graded form, as it generally aims to develop

 English language written communication skills (reading and

writing) through reading materials of various scopes such as:
reading passages and stories.
 Professional skills, such as time management, and problem solving.

Each level is generally divided into three major sections:

Reading and Vocabulary Sections: train students to skim, scan, take

notes and answer related questions in good English sentences to identify
common and key vocabulary.

Writing Section: trains students to write: practice writing by completing

life- situations and expressing points of view.

Grammar Section: trains students to practice some rules relevant to

professional use such as: tenses and punctuation…etc.

Intended Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, students will be able to:
 Skim/scan a reading passage and answer related questions,
 Identify common key vocabulary
 Take notes while reading,
 Practice writing simple sentences.
 Practice basic grammar rules.
 Identify basic translation rules.

Unit 1
My City

Read the passage and then decide if the statements below are True
(T) or False (F):

Ismailia is a large city. Thousands of people are living there. It sits next to

Suez Canal and a number of lakes. During weekends, people enjoy

swimming and watching the ships sailing across the Canal. Ismailia is

famous for its delicious fruits, especially mangoes. There are many trees

and the streets are very wide. When the sun shines, the children run and

play in the parks. They also sail small boats on the water, and if there is a

little wind, they fly kites in the large parks. Ismailia is a wonderful place

to live in.

1. Ismailia is a small town.

2. Ismailia is one of Suez Canal cities.
3. There are many lakes in Ismailia.
4. In summer people travel to other places to swim.
5. The streets are very narrow in Ismailia.
6. The sun never shines in Ismailia.

7. Children don't play in the gardens because they are dangerous.
8. Old people fly kites in Ismailia.
9. Ismailia is a dangerous place.
10.The writer likes Ismailia.


Parts of Speech (part A)

In English, there are many types of words; the most important are nouns,

verbs, adjectives and adverbs. In part A, you will study nouns, pronouns,

and verbs. In part B, you will study adjectives and adverbs, then you will

practice all parts of speech.

 Nouns:

Nouns are names of people, places and things, such as Ahmed- the

university- Cairo

Exercise 1: Underline the nouns in the sentences below

1. Cairo University is located in Orman, Giza.

2. Alexandria is a large city.
3. Luxor and Aswan are in Upper Egypt.
4. Om Kolthom was a great singer.
5. Sharm ElSheikh is a sunny in winter.
6. Mona likes chocolate.
7. Lions are wild animals.
8. Trains carry passengers and products.
9. Oil floats on water.
10.Engineers design bridges and buildings.

 Pronouns:

Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns, such as: I, he, she, it,

you, we, they (pronouns will be discussed in further details in Unit 3).

Exercise 2: Underline the pronouns in the sentences below

1. Mona is a teacher. She is a teacher.

2. He played football.
3. She broke the vase.
4. They went to Orman garden in Sham ElNessim.
5. I like ice-cream.

 Verbs:

Verbs describe actions; things that people do or that happen, such as

walk- think- is

Exercise 3: Underline the verbs in the sentences below

1. Plants need sunlight to grow.

2. Egypt has a strategic importance worldwide.
3. Rice is cooked in a lot of water.
4. Ahmed arrived late yesterday.
5. The doctor works in the hospital.
6. We ate pizza last night.
7. Mobiles are harmful to eyes.
8. I am a student in the Faculty of Law.
9. Tanta is a governorate in Egypt.
10.The boys play football.

In English there are mainly two types of verbs: full verbs and helping

(auxiliary) verbs.

Examples of full verbs: play, sing, study, cry, walk…etc.

Helping verbs are: verb to be, verb to have, verb to do.

Verb to be:

The forms of auxiliary BE for the present tense

I am happy. He/she/it is happy. We/you/they are happy

The forms of auxiliary BE for the past tense

I/he/she/it was happy. We/you/they were happy

Verb to have:

The forms of auxiliary HAVE for the present tense

I/ you/ we/ they have arrived. He/ she has arrived

The forms of auxiliary HAVE for the past tense

I/ you/ we/ they had arrived. He/ she/ it had arrived

Verb to do:

The forms of auxiliary DO for the present tense

I/ you/ we/ they do. He/ she/ it does

The forms of auxiliary DO for the past tense

I/ you/ we/ they did. He/ she/ it did

Exercise 4: Describe the underlined verbs

1. He is a student in the faculty of Commerce.

2. Mr. and Mrs. Ahmed went to the zoo with their children.
3. Don't open the door now; it is raining.
4. I saw a real bear over there!
5. I have finished my late assignments.
6. We didn't want to go to the cinema.
7. I like my grandmother's biscuits.
8. Are you coming to my birthday?
9. He has called you twice since the morning.
10. I had just finished my breakfast when the telephone rang.
11. Where do you live?
12. My parents are on a vacation.

13. Was he angry?
14. I realized that I hadn't learned anything!
15. I know where your mobile is.
16. The dog runs and jumps.
17. We are studying biology.
18. The tennis player is going to hit the ball.
19. We like to sing, dance, and play.
20. I do not know if I should go to the party tonight.
21. The first car avoided hitting the second car.
22. Hmmm, right now I am thinking about the problem!

Exercise 5: Complete the sentences with (( am / is / are/ was/ were))

1. My grandma and grandpa ……. both 60 years old.

2. There …… many large branches on that tree.
3. The meal that I like best …….. dinner.
4. Some things ………. always the same.
5. This land ……… covered in grass.
6. My friend's name ........beauty.
7. ………. there life after death?
8. My friend ……… from Yemen.
9. My toys …….. in my closet.
10.What …….. her problem?
11.There …….. many buildings and stores in the city.
12.The sunset over the river ….. a very pretty sight.
13.Life _______not a race.
14.. ……… Bob at home now?
15........... they on First Street yesterday night?
16.She.......... at the gas station 2 hours ago.
17.Where ......... the calculators?
18.All our friends .........there.
19.It ...........a really special day.
20.Yesterday there ........ a concert at school.
21.My birthday ..........yesterday.
22.This month ......... really busy.
23.He ........ great at showing kindness.
24.Tom ........... the funny kid in class before he traveled last year.
25.My teacher .............. busy.
26.They ........... rich, but they .........sad.
27.He......... a tourist.
28.It ........... expensive.

Unit 2

Karima's Holiday

Read the passage and then decide if the statements below are True
(T) or False (F):

On Saturday, Karima gets up at 10 o'clock. Then she reads the newspaper

in the kitchen and has breakfast. At 11.30 she calls her mother in Tanta.

In the afternoon, at 1.00, Karima goes to the club with her friend Mona.

They both work in the same bank. They have dinner in one of restaurants

in the club. At 6.00, Karima goes to her brother's house. They talk and

have fun playing with her brother's children. When she returns home in

the evening, Karima watches television and drinks a glass of milk before

going to bed at 11.30.

1. Karima never goes out of her house on holidays.

2. Karima likes reading the newspaper in the garden.
3. Karima has breakfast in the kitchen.
4. At 11:30 Karima calls her mother.

5. In the afternoon Karima goes to the bank.
6. Mona is Karima's sister.
7. Karima doesn't like eating dinner outside her home.
8. At 6:00 Karima visits her brother.
9. Karima and her brother play with his children.
10.Karima returns home at 11:30.

Writing section:

Match the following activities with time. Then put them in order you do
(There is no correct order). The 1st one is done for you.

Activities Time

1. I get up at 6 o‟clock every morning .

2. ___________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________

7. ___________________________________________

8. ___________________________________________

9. ___________________________________________

10. __________________________________________


Parts of Speech (part B)

In English, there are many types of words; the most important are nouns,

verbs, adjectives and adverbs. In part A, you studied nouns, pronouns, and

verbs. Now in part B, you will study adjectives and adverbs, then you will

practice all parts of speech.

 Adjectives:
Adjectives describe nouns, such as beautiful- good- happy- peaceful-

Exercise 6: Underline the adjectives in the sentences below

1. Hot tea is a popular drink in Egypt.

2. I can see colourful birds singing in the early morning.
3. Mr. Aly is always busy.
4. Ismail wears an elegant suit today.
5. Our exam was easy.
6. Karim is a brave man.
7. My grandmother is a generous lady.
8. The clever student studies hard.
9. The motorcycle is old.
10. Today is cloudy, hot, and humid.
11. The man wearing a blue suit is young.
12. The runner is very fast.
13. He is a good basketball player.
14. Community College is a great place to learn.
15. The blue bus is late.
16. The rusty truck has an oversized trailer.
17. Jaime is so smart!
18. The job was difficult, but manageable.
19. The house has new plumbing and running water.
20. The silly man laughed uncontrollably.
21. He wasn‟t sure if the clock was fast or slow.
22. “A cleaner environment,” he strongly stated, “Is the key.”

 Adverbs:
Adverbs describe actions (verbs), such as beautifully- well- happily-

Exercise 7: Underline the adverbs in the sentences below

1. He speaks loudly.
2. The little girls dance beautifully.
3. The bus moves quickly.
4. He always drives carefully.
5. They arrived early to the beach.
6. Hisham will probably go the airport at 9 p.m.
7. Nadia is definitely moving to Luxor on Monday.
8. The teacher explained the lesson clearly.
9. The secretary did her work perfectly.
10. My father visits his parents regularly.
11. The fire spread rapidly.
12. Astronauts are really cool.
13. He did well on the test.
14. He told us to talk quietly in the library.
15. We swam right before the storm.
16. The old man drank the juice slowly.
17. It is exactly 3:00 in the afternoon.
18. The cat quickly pounced on the mouse.
19. We walked happily through the park.
20. Jehan is always so late.
21. Will you please just leave me alone?
22. The race car is extremely fast.
23. He seldom did poorly on tests.
24. Blue is definitely my favorite color.

25. He carried the bowl of soup very carefully.
26. It is getting rather late.
27. I am never leaving.
28. When will we finally be done?

Exercise 8: Identify the underlined parts of speech in the following


1. The weather is very cold this morning.

2. The lesson is easy to understand.
3. I helped him to carry the box.
4. We had breakfast in a café near the station.
5. Aly is my best friend.
6. There are different kinds of mobiles.
7. The policeman ran quickly to catch the thief.
8. She will wear my yellow dress today.
9. You are doing well.
10.Ismail Yassin made good movies.

Unit 3


Read the passage and then answer the questions:

My name is Osama. I'm very happy to hear that my friends Maged and

Aly are well and that their exam results were so good. I know that they

studied hard and they deserve this success. My exams are next week, so

at the moment I'm studying a lot. I'm really nervous about the exams

because I was ill for 3 months, and so I missed a lot of lessons. My father

promised me that when I finish my exams, I'll visit my friends and will

stay with them for a few days. I can't wait!

Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

1. Maged and Aly are sick.

2. Osama is happy because his friends succeeded in the exams.
3. Osama's exams are after 3 months.
4. When Osama finishes his exams, his friends will visit him.
5. Osama wants the exams to end quickly to meet his friends.

Answer the following questions providing complete sentences:

6. Who succeeded in the exams?

7. Is Osama worried? Why?
8. Why did Osama miss some classes?
9. What did Osama's father promise to do?
10.Do you think Osama likes his friends? Why? Support your answer
from the passage.
11.Underline all the pronouns used in the passage. Think and discuss
their place in the sentences.

Writing section: complete the following dialogues

Meritte: There‟s a report in ……………. which says that it is easier for

women to get good jobs now.
Nadia: That‟s really great news, isn‟t it? I‟m sure that we can get a really
good job when we …………………….

Mostafa: I was very worried about the exam ………….., but I‟ve just
found out that I did very well. I was ……………!
Amr: Wow! That‟s brilliant! ……………...

Omar: I‟m starting a new sport at the sports club next week. I‟m learning
……………. I‟m really looking forward to it.

Ahmed: What a great ……………..! Maybe I‟ll …………. too.

Mrs. Eman: Hi, Nadia. You‟re going to have a new cousin. I‟ve just heard
that I‟m going to have a baby! I‟m ………………!
Nadia: ……………. news! I can‟t tell you how happy that makes me!

Jehan: Look! I‟ve been accepted at Cairo University. I can study ………!
I can‟t wait to start!
Mariam: ……………..!



Pronouns take the place of nouns.

Example 1: Oranges are delicious. They are healthy.

'Oranges' in the 1st sentence is the noun and the subject. 'They' in the 2nd

sentence is the pronoun and the subject. A pronoun that comes in the

place of the subject is called a subject pronoun.

Example 2: I copied the words, then I memorized them.

'The words' in the 1st sentence is a noun and an object. 'Them' in the 2 nd

sentence is the pronoun and the object. A pronoun that comes in the place

of an object is called an object pronoun.

Subject pronouns Object pronouns

I Me

You You
He Him
She Her
It It
They Them
We Us

Exercise 9: Underline the personal pronouns in the following


1. He is on the telephone.
2. We live in Spain.
3. It is on fire!
4. I am the only student in the class.
5. Tennis is a fun sport. I like to play it.
6. Alice lives on 21st street in Maadi. She is my best friend.
7. What time is it?
8. Although she lives next door, I rarely see her.
9. My father is an architect. Sometimes, I go to work with him.
10.Are you going to see the movie?

Exercise 10: Replace the subjects or objects in the 2nd sentence with a
suitable personal pronoun

1. My teacher is good in English. My teacher has many language

2. My mother is a doctor. My mother treats children.
3. An old woman asked for the post-office. I helped the old woman.
4. Our team played well, but the other team beat our team.
5. I live with Aunt Sally. I live with my aunt.

Exercise 11: Complete the sentences below using a suitable personal


1. I didn't like the movie. I didn't like…………..

2. Shimaa and I are friends. …………… are friends
3. I lost my cat. I lost ………………

4. The children play in the garden every day. …………. play in the
5. He doesn't know Ahmed and Karim. He doesn't know ………….
6. She will talk to Noha after class. She will talk to ………………
7. My father and mother like listening to Om Kolthom. ……………
like listening to Om Kolthom.
8. The teacher helped my friend and I. the teacher helped……………
9. Don't get upset, I'll solve this problem. I'll solve…………..
10.The football players have a match today. …………….. have a
match today.
11.Jamal lends his car to Omar. Jamal lends his car to ………..
12.This is a new email. Kindly read ………………. to me.
13. Have you seen Alice? I haven't seen ………… since last year.
14. Our new teacher is very nice. …………… is very nice.
15.The runners are very tired. We'll give ………… some water.

Exercise 12: Identify the parts of speech of the underlined words (Use
the table below)

Zein and Salah went to the store because they wanted to buy some food.
Zein wanted to buy burgers; he was hungry. But Salah wanted a packet of
oat biscuits; he just wanted a light snack.
"I want to get burgers," said Zein.
"But burgers aren't healthy; it's junk food Zein," said Salah. "Why don't
you try some oranges?” asked Salah.
"I do not want oranges," said Zein. "Do you want to eat eggs, Salah?"
"No, I do not know if I want eggs. We could get figs or banana," Salah
"No, I do not know what I want. Do you like a slice of pizza?” asked
“No! Do you want to eat a cheese cake?” asked Salah.
“No, but I know what we can buy,” said Zein.
Zein and Salah got ice cream and went home.

Word Part of speech

Possessive Pronouns

Exercise 13: Write the correct possessive pronoun for each sentence

Example: That car belongs to me. That car is mine.

1. That photograph belongs to them. That photograph is

2. That bracelet belongs to me. That bracelet is
3. This suitcase belongs to us. This suitcase is
4. These football boots belongs to him. These football boots
5. This computer game belongs to me and my brother. This computer
game is _____________________
6. That motorbike belongs to that man. That motorbike is
7. These books belong to those students. These books are
8. This iphone belongs to you. This iphone is _____________________
9. This camera belongs to my aunt. This camera is
10. This ball belongs to those boys. This ball is
11. This scarf belongs to my Aunt Tina. This scarf is ______________

Exercise 14: fill in the spaces with the correct pronoun

……is a teacher. …..is married. …. has one What is …. name Laura ? How old is ….. ?
…… name is Mr. Adel brother and two sisters ….. husband’s name is …..is 21 years old

Where is ….. from ? Aly is at home with Sue is my aunt. …… dog is Tobby
……is from Spain …..family. It is….birthday …..children are my cousins

What is …. name ? Where is …….from ? ….. is …… is with …. friend John lives in London
….. is Hisham. …..is from Italy …..name is Boggy …..dad is a big boss
having dinner with …..

This is Ola with ……. …… is a surgeon. Mr. Wael isn’t 50. Where is …. from ?
family …. address is 12 Nasr Road ….is forty …..is from Japan
in Maadi ….. name’s Nikita

Unit 4

The Scary Closet

Read the passage and consider the function and punctuation of the
underlined sentences

Bump! Bump! Scratch!

Adam opened his eyes and pulled the covers up to his chin. He stared

around his room, searching the darkness for the thing that was making

those scary sounds. The closet door moved as something banged on it

from the inside.

"Who‟s there?" Adam asked in a shaky voice.

The closet slowly began to open. Adam jumped out of bed and ran to the

closet door, slamming it shut with his palms. He grabbed his desk chair

and propped it against the door handle. Then he ran out of his room and

down the hall. His brother‟s door was wide open, and Adam jumped onto

Khaled‟s bed.

"Adam?" Khaled asked in a sleepy voice. "What are you doing in here?"

Adam tugged on Khaled‟s arm. "There‟s something in my closet!"

"You probably had a bad dream. Go back to bed."

Adam pulled the blankets off the bed. "It wasn‟t a dream. I was awake,

and the closet door started opening by itself!"

Khaled sighed. "Fine. But when we don‟t find anything, you have to

promise to leave me alone for the rest of the night."

Adam nodded. Khaled reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a

flashlight. Then they headed to Adam‟s room. Adam stopped in the

doorway. He could hear something scratching his closet door.

"Do you hear that?" Adam asked.

Khaled nodded. He walked over to Adam‟s bed and pulled the case off

one of the pillows. He opened the pillowcase.

"You open the door very slowly, and I‟ll grab whatever it is."

Adam slid the chair to the side and pulled the closet door open a crack.

Something banged against the door, trying to force it open. Adam took a

deep breath and opened the door a few more inches. A small furry

creature ran right into the pillowcase.

"I got it!" Khaled said, closing the pillowcase and holding it in the air.

"What is it?" Adam moved closer as Khaled peeked inside.

Khaled put the pillowcase on the bed and an orange cat climbed out.

Adam raised the cat up. "Apricot? How did you get trapped in my


Khaled laughed. "The poor cat! If I was locked in your closet with your

stinky shoes, I‟d be banging on the door to get out, too!"

"Poor, Apricot," Adam said. "You were probably more scared than I



Sentence (part A)
Types of English Sentence

There are four (4) types of sentences:

1. The declarative sentence makes a statement.

Ex. Ahmed is a student.

2. The interrogative sentence asks a question.

Ex. Is Ahmed a student?/ Who is Ahmed?

3. The exclamatory sentence is a statement that shows strong


Ex. Ahmed got excellent in all his exams; I'm so happy!

4. The imperative sentence gives a direction or a command.

Ex. Study hard for the exams.

Note: a declarative sentence ends with a full stop, an interrogative ends

with a question mark (?), an exclamatory ends with an exclamation mark

(!), and an imperative ends with either a full stop or an exclamation mark.
Exercise 15: Identify the type of the following sentences

1. Will the teacher be late?

2. He scored a goal.
3. I completed my college application essay.
4. Read this book now.
5. The trip was exciting!
6. Who graduated at the top of a class?
7. Shut the door.
8. What a cute dog!
9. Peanut is better than jam.
10.Brush your teeth.

Exercise 16: Identify the type of the following sentences using

appropriate punctuation

1. Get out of class, immediately………………… …

2. I need to change my mobile battery………………… ….
3. My brother finds a good job in the factory……………… ….
4. Upgrade all programs in the computer lab………… …
5. Did you finish your homework………………… ….
6. Wow, I won the game………………………………… ….
7. Who helped you feed the dogs……………………… …..
8. The gardener waters the plants in my garden………… …..
9. Which street do you live in…………………… ….
10.Do you think they enjoyed dinner………………… …..
11.What a beautiful day………………………… …..
12.Don't waste your time in playing games………… …
13.What kind of car did Ramy buy…………… ….
14.Please sit down…………………………… ….
15.The movie was terrible; I don't want to see it
again………………… …..

Unit 5

My Family's Bakery

Read the passage and then answer the questions:

My family lives in Mansoura. Every member of the family works

together in the family's bakery. My father, mother and brother are bakers.

They begin work every day at 4:00 in the morning. My family's bakery is

famous in Mansoura and everybody comes to the bakery to buy their

bread and cakes every day. My sister and her husband work in the bakery

too. Their daughter Judy is only six years old and plays in the bakery-she

is our future baker.

Are the statements below are True (T) or False (F)?

1. My family lives in Tanta.

2. My family owns a famous bakery.
3. Only my sister and her husband work in the bakery.
4. Judy always spoils the bread and cakes.
5. Our bakery closes at 4:00 in the morning.

Answer the following questions providing complete sentences:

6. Who owns the bakery?

7. Who works in the bakery?
8. When do the bakers work? How many days in the week do the
bakers work?
9. Who is Judy? What is her job?


Sentence (Part B)
Sentence Structure

A sentence is a complete idea. The shortest type of sentence has a noun

and a verb, but it MUST give meaning. The first noun is called the



Birds fly: birds is a noun and the subject

Sentences can also have another noun after the verb. These nouns are

called objects.


A doctor treats people: a doctor is a noun and the subject/ people is a

noun and an object.

Longer sentences have more nouns, adjectives…etc


The young nurse called the busy doctor:

Word Part of speech

The Article (definite)

Young Adjective

Nurse Noun (Subject)

Called Verb

The Article (definite)

Busy Adjective

Doctor Noun (Object)

 CAPITALIZE the first word in a sentence. End each sentence

with a PERIOD.

Exercise 17: Unscramble the sentences and

rewrite them

1. is/an/It/apple
2. girl/She/a/is
3. dog/is/The/brown
4. big/The/is/house

Exercise 18: Which of the following sentences is correct? Rewrite the
wrong ones.

1. children go to school every day.

2. Math is a difficult subject.
3. Students hard workers
4. are noisy
5. Smart phones are expensive
6. Ms. Iman teaches Science and Math to 1st Primary.
7. Egypt has places good for tourists.
8. cairo is the capital of Egypt
9. My mother cooks delicious food.
10.is in the garden

Exercise 19: Rewrite the following scrambled sentences correctly

1. a phone/ the man/ has

2. are/ busy/ the streets
3. an umbrella/ carries/ the woman
4. in high/ people/ buildings/ use/ elevators
5. the girl/ the apple/ took
6. baby/ is crying/ the
7. Mona/ a little brother/ has
8. doctor/ is/ my brother/a
9. tomorrow/ dinner/ will have/ we/ in Costa
10.takes/ the bus/ he/ everyday

Unit 6

The Circus

Read the passage and consider the sentence structure

The El-Helw Circus is in my village! Every year, the circus arrives and

stays for a week. Then they go to the next village. There are not many

animals in the circus. There is an elephant called Jambo and two old

lions, Antar and Abla. There is Omar, The Strongest Man In The World.

His father also worked in the circus, but Omar is stronger than him, he

has bigger arms and bigger legs too! Another person is Fola. She says she

has the longest hair in the world. It's about 4 meters long! There are also

the three clowns. They wear long red shoes and look funny. I like going

to the circus almost every day of the week.

Writing section: “My circus”

Use the sentences below to complete the following paragraph

I was only 4 years old when my dad was working with elephants, lions

and tigers in his circus. …………... When I was 14, I was already taking

care of and raising baboons and lion cubs, leopard cats and other animals.

At 17, I began working professionally with elephants……………… You

have to love them unconditionally……………….. I have been working in

the construction business since then……………………………..

A) Elephants and many other animals are just like people.

B) Therefore, I always had animals around me.

C) I did that for about 8 years and then gave it up.

D) Though I like my job, I miss the circus.

E) They are the type of animal that demands food all the time.

(Vocabulary= baboons: monkeys/ lion cubs: baby lion/ professionally:

well/ unconditionally: completely/ construction: building)


Sentence (Part C)
Components of an English Sentence

A sentence is a group of words that can stand by itself as a complete idea.

It must have at least a subject and a main verb in order to be complete.

Example: Cats meow- Aly came- I succeeded

Some verbs need objects or complements to make a complete sentence.

Example: Noha gave me a book- The book is on the table- I like Math-

The word order in an English sentence is:

Subject + Verb + Object =

I understand the lecture.

Basic word order (subject, verb, object)

Subject Verb Object
I like apples.
She speaks English very well.
He doesn‟t speak English well.
They ate fish yesterday.
We are having lunch now.

Exercise 20: Complete the sentence using the word or set of words for
each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

1. The ______ man paid for my ticket.

A. simple B. angry C. kind D. funny

2. I cannot sleep because my neighborhood is very ______.

A. happy B. average C. fun D. noisy

3. After John washed his car, it looked very ______.

A. dirty B. sweet C. old D. clean

4. Turtles and snails do not move quickly. They are both ______
A. quick B. slow C. fast D. small

5. The ______ shirt is too ______.

A. big … crazy B. large … big C. heavy … small D.
wet … rainy

6. I am ______ because I did well on my math test.

A. upset B. rough C. happy D. sad
7. Paul and Marcus are ______. They have the same mother.
A. women B. friends C. students D. brothers

8. The air is very ______, and there is ______ ice on the road.
A. warm… a large amount of B. cool … many C. cold .. .a lot
D. hot.. .much

9. I always arrive to class twenty minutes ______ so that I have time

to prepare.
A. late B. early C. old D. after

10.The library is a good place to ______ because it is very ______.

A. study … quiet B. eat … hungry C. learn … intelligent
D. read … open

11.The letter A is the ______ letter of the English alphabet.

A. last B. first C. second D. third

12.The ______ woman has gray hair and many wrinkles. She was
born many years ago.
A. strong B. young C. old D. kind

13.Oranges and apples are ______. They are both ______.

A. similar … fruits B. special … red C. identical … different
D. bad … healthy

14.Jim ______ brings a hammer to work. He uses it every day.

A. never B. always C. rarely D. sometimes

15.While walking together at night, the children hear a loud noise and
get ______. They run away in search of a place to hide.

A. angry B. excited C. scared D. tired

Exercise 21: Complete the following sentences

1. I wrote…………………………
2. Students……………. the lesson.
3. I ate…………………………….
4. She goes to……………………..
5. We …………. the train to travel.
6. The desert………. hot in the day and cold at night.
7. ………………. costs a lot of money.
8. Bicycles are………………………..
9. Tokyo is a busy……………………
10.……………. watch TV.

Unit 7

Leila's Family

Read the following passage and then choose the correct answer:

Leila has a large family. She lives with four people. Leila also has two

pets. Leila's mom is a doctor. The mother works at the hospital. Her mom

helps people who are sick. Leila‟s dad works at home. He is a computer

programmer. Most of his work UN Job is done by using the internet.

Leila‟s dad helps his family: he cooks for the family, and drives the kids

to soccer practice.

Leila has two brothers. Yasser is ten years old, and Amir is fourteen years


Leila also has two pets. Jinx is a small, black cat. Diego is a large, brown


Leila loves her family!

1. How many people are in Leila's family?

A. four
B. five
C. six
2. Leila's mom works at the
A. restaurant
B. mall
C. hospital
3. This passage is mostly about Leila's
A. family
B. pets
C. soccer team

4. Which of the following is most likely true?

A. Leila's mom coaches the soccer team.
B. Yasser is the best soccer player in the family.
C. Jinx and Diego are part of Leila''s family.

5. The oldest brother in Leila's family is

A. Yasser
B. Amir
C. Diego

Writing section:
“Talking About Family in English”
Families are the most important part of our lives, and we‟ll be in many
situations in which we have to talk about our families. You might meet
relatives or friends, or even strangers and may discuss your family with
In this lesson we will practice some conversations in which we will see
phrases connected to the family.
Read the lesson carefully, especially the underlined words to gain
vocabulary, and then write 3 sentences about your family.

1. Do You Have Siblings?

George : Do you have any siblings?

Samir : Yes. I have a younger brother. What about you?
George : I have quite a big family with 2 brothers and 2 sisters!
Samir : Wow, a big family… I‟d have liked a sister too.
George: Yes, my sisters are very nice. They‟re kind and smart. I feel
lucky to be their brother.
Samir: What a nice thing to say!

(Vocabulary= siblings: brothers and sisters ----- smart: clever)

2. My Grandparents

Karim : So you were gone visiting your grandpa last weekend?

Jomana : Yup! My grandfather must be in his late 80‟s and he‟s very
Karim : Wow! That‟s great! What about your grandma?
Jomana : She‟s a very sprightly old woman too. In fact my grandparents
from my mother‟s side are pretty healthy and active themselves.
Karim : That‟s really good to hear. Your folks know how to take care of
Jomana : Yeah, our family eats right and exercises. That‟s why we‟re

(Vocabulary= Yup: informal of yes, it is used in speaking and not in

writing------- sprightly: active ------folks: people)

3. Proud of Your Family Member

Eman : Where‟s your younger brother these days?

Aly : Well, Ibrahim got admitted to the Faculty of Law. He‟s going to be
a lawyer.
Eman : Really? You must be so proud of him.
Aly : Yeah, I am. My father was a carpenter, and I got into the same
profession, but little Ibrahim has always studied hard. He is going to
bring credit to the family name.

Eman : So happy for you Aly!

(Vocabulary= proud of: very happy or pleased with------- bring credit:

cause a happy change)

4. She Ain’t My Sister!

Mona : Hey Samer, I met Heba at the party last night. Is she your sister?
Samer : Heba? No, she ain‟t my sister. She‟s Mahmoud‟s daughter.
Mahmoud is my brother. Heba is my niece.
Mona : Your niece? But she‟s not very young!
Samer : Yeah! My dad married my mom when he was in his 40s.
Mahmoud was already 18 then. He‟s my step- brother actually.
Mona : Wow! Families are weird, aren‟t they? A woman older than you
is your niece.
Samer : That‟s how families are Mona.

(Vocabulary= ain’t: informal of is not or are not, it is used in speaking

but not in writing----- niece: the daughter of a brother or a sister------
step- brother: two brothers who have the same mother or the same father,
but not the same mother and father------ weird: strange)

What about your family? Complete:

My family consists of ………. brother(s) and …….sister(s). My brother

is ……….years old and my sister is…………. years old. My brother is a
……and my sister is a………I also have ……… cousin(s). My
grandfather is…….old and my grandmother is……..old. I love my


Countable and Uncountable Nouns

 Countable nouns:

Countable nouns are easy to recognize. They are things that we can count.

For example: "pen". We can count pens. We can have one, two, three or

more pens. Here are some more countable nouns:

 dog, cat, animal, man, person

 bottle, box, liter

 coin, note, dollar

 cup, plate, fork

 table, chair, suitcase, bag

Countable nouns can be singular or plural:

 My dog is playing.

 My dogs are hungry.

We can use the indefinite article a/an with countable nouns:

 A dog is an animal.

When a countable noun is singular, we must use a word like a/the/my/this

with it:

 I want an orange. (not I want orange.)

 Where is my bottle? (not Where is bottle?)

When a countable noun is plural, we can use it alone:

 I like oranges.

 Bottles can break.

We can use some and any with countable nouns:

 I've got some dollars.

 Have you got any pens?

We can use a few and many with countable nouns:

 I've got a few dollars.

 I haven't got many pens.

Important note:

"People" is countable. "People" is the plural of "person". We can count


 There is one person here.

 There are three people here.

 Uncountable nouns:

Uncountable nouns are substances, concepts etc. that we cannot divide

into separate elements. We cannot "count" them. For example, we cannot

count "milk". We can count "bottles of milk" or "liters of milk", but we

cannot count "milk" itself. Here are some more uncountable nouns:

 music, art, love, happiness

 advice, information, news

 furniture, luggage

 rice, sugar, butter, water

 electricity, gas, power

 money, currency

We usually treat uncountable nouns as singular. We use a singular verb.

For example:

 This news is very important.

 Your luggage looks heavy.

We do not usually use the indefinite article a/an with uncountable nouns.

We cannot say "an information" or "a music". But we can say a

something of:

 a piece of news

 a bottle of water

 a grain of rice

We can use some and any with uncountable nouns:

 I've got some money.

 Have you got any rice?

We can use a little and much with uncountable nouns:

 I've got a little money.

 I haven't got much rice.

 Here are some more examples of countable and uncountable nouns:

Countable Uncountable

dollar money

song music

suitcase luggage

table furniture

battery electricity

bottle water

report information

tip advice

journey travel

job work

Important note: Drinks (coffee, water, orange juice) are usually

uncountable. But if we are thinking of a cup or a glass, we can say (in a

restaurant, for example):

 Two teas and one coffee please.

Summary Table

Quantifiers Uncountable Affirmative Interrogative Negative
singular plural

Some ✔ ✔ ✔

Any ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

A lot of ✔ ✔ ✔

Much ✔ ✔ ✔

Many ✔ ✔ ✔

(a) Little ✔ ✔

(a) Few ✔ ✔

A / an ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Exercise 22: Re-read the passage again and reconsider the underlined

Exercise 23: fill in the spaces with the right quantifier (Refer to the
summary table above)

1. Can I have______orange juice?

2. We haven‟t got________time so hurry up!
3. Have you got ___________books about cats?
4. Are there_________desks in the classroom?
5. They bought____________oranges and cherries yesterday.
6. How_______wine do you need?
7. The train leaves at three. You‟ve got_______time.
8. I‟ve got__________money so I can‟t give you___________.
9. I‟m sad because I‟ve got only_________real friends.
10. Can you give me_________hand?

Exercise 24: Complete the sentences using “a” or “some”

1. There is __________ rice in the cupboard.

2. There is __________ postman coming on the door.
3. There is __________ bathroom upstairs.
4. There is __________ computer in the office.
5. There is __________ oil on the floor.
6. There is __________ ice on the window.
7. There is _________ food on the table.
8. There is _________ cheese on the fridge.
9. There is _________ light switch on the hall.
10. There is _________ pen on the table.

Exercise 25: Write A LITTLE or A FEW

1. Are there any bags of rice? Yes, there are

2. Are there any boxes of cereal? Yes, there are
3. Is there any oil in the bottles? Yes, there is
4. Is there any pasta in the bowl? Yes, there is
5. Are there any cans of apple juice in the fridge? Yes, there are
6. Is there any sugar in the jar? Yes, there is

Exercise 26: Write SOME or ANY

1. Is there _________________ cold water in the fridge?

2. There are ________________ bags of rice.
3. There aren‟t ___________________ fizzy drinks on the table.
4. There is _____________________ cupcakes on the desk.
5. There aren‟t _______________________ snacks in the fridge.

Exercise 27: Complete each sentence with one countable noun and
one uncountable noun from the list. Each noun must be used only

battery bottle pounds electricity furniture luggage money

music songs suitcase tables juice

1. The only… ……. in the apartment is a couple of old… ………

2. If you'd like to drink some…… ….., we should order a……
3. Is there a dark blue… ……. with that… ……. over there?
4. Ten thousand Egyptian…… …….. is quite a lot of… ………, isn't
5. If the… …. doesn't work, use a… …….. instead.
6. I love playing… …….., and I've even written three or four…

Exercise 28: Add –s/-es to the italicized noun if necessary.

1. Rawan had meat , rice , vegetable , and some milk for dinner.
2. It is good to drink water when you are thirsty.
3. We ate some sandwich for lunch.

4. I have a lot of homework to do tonight.
5. I like to dream about tropical beach!
6. Randa took some great picture at the family reunion last week.
7. Maggie has made a lot of progress on her project since she started
8. An Encyclopaedia contains lots of information.
9. I learn new word in English class every day.
10.Caroline bought some new clothing today. I bought some new
11.Samar bought a new pair of shoe. I bought a new set of earring.
12.Tommy is twenty-two year old. I am thirty. I like being older.
13.At rush hour, there are a lot of car on the highway.
14.It usually takes us about twenty minute to get to school.
15.During rush hour, it takes us much more because there is so much

Writing section: “Man’s best friend”

Use the sentences below to complete the following paragraph about dogs.

We know that dogs are man‟s best friend. They love us and we love
them……………………. Many scientists think they came from wolves
15,000 years ago. Although wolves are wild and dogs are tame, they're
still a lot alike. Both wag their tails when happy and put their tails
between their legs when scared………………….. Many people depend
on trained dogs……………………… Handlers teach the dog how to find
specific things…………………………

A) But, we're not so sure where they came from

B) Some dogs were trained to do more than keep us company
C) Working dogs guide blind and wheel chair-bound people
D) So they're good at finding things using their keen senses

(Vocabulary= wild: harsh, untamed/ tame: domestic, not wild/wag:

move/ scared: afraid/ handlers: trainers)

Unit 8

Saint Catherine

Read the dialogue and consider the use of capital letters:

Aly: I‟m planning to go to Saint Catherine soon.

Badr: Really? When are you planning to leave?

Aly: Next week. Since you are from South Sinai, I thought you could

give me some advice. This is my first trip to Saint Catherine, you know.

Badr: Oh, OK. You should take some warm clothes. It‟s very cold in

Saint Catherine at this time of the year. And when you are there you

should climb the mountain of Saint Catherine and watch the sunrise,

marvelous! But you shouldn‟t do it alone. You ought to take an

experienced guide.

Aly: Well. Thanks a lot.

Badr: And yes, one more thing. Since you‟re going there in the peak

tourist season, you‟d better book the hotel in advance.

Aly: Sure, I‟ll remember that. Thanks once again.

Badr: You are most welcomed dear friend. Hope you enjoy your trip.

Writing section: “Last Summer”

Fill the gaps with words from the box below (the 1st one is done for you)

back/ had/ one/ football/ last/ September/ great/ stayed/


…Last…..summer, my family and I went to Asturias in the north of

Spain. We….. in a small hotel near the beach. I …… a lot of friends and
we played ….. every day on the beach. In the afternoon, I went
swimming with my sister and my parents. In the evening we …… dinner
in a restaurant. …… day I visited a castle with my father, and my sister
went shopping with my mother. I love castles. Another day, I went to a
national park with my family and we saw some big brown bears. We
came ….. home in …… It was a fantastic holiday. We had a ……. time.


Basic Punctuation Rules

Punctuation is the system of signs or symbols given to a reader to show

how a sentence is constructed and how it should be read. Sentences are
the building blocks used to construct written accounts. They are
complete statements. Punctuation shows how the sentence should be read
and makes the meaning clear. In this lesson you will study the rules of
capitalization, the use of commas, full stops, exclamation marks and
question marks.

Note the difference in meaning because of punctuation:

- Nadia likes cooking her family and her cat.
- Nadia likes cooking, her family and her cat.

Every sentence should include at least a capital letter at the start, and a
full stop, exclamation mark or question mark at the end.

To capitalize a letter means to make it an upper-case letter. Capitalization

is important.

1. The first letter of a sentence always needs to be in capital.

2. The first letter of a proper noun (name of a person, place, days of the
week, months of the year, holidays) always needs to be in capital.
A. Friday is my day off.
B. Michael is a student in the faculty of Commerce.
C. Cairo is the capital of Egypt.
D. Ramadan is Muslims' month of fasting.

3. The first letter of each word in a title has to be capitalized.

a. My favorite book is Days written by Taha Hussien.

4. 'I' meaning myself is always capital.

A. I like pizza.

B. She didn't catch the bus, but I did.

The Period (.)

It is also known as a full stop, a period marks the end of a sentence. It is

the most common form of punctuation that is used to conclude a

A. I took a walk by the river.

B. It was snowing this evening.

Exclamation Mark (!)

Similar to a period, the exclamation mark is also used to conclude a

sentence. However, it is only used when the sentence is said in an urgent,
surprised, or excited tone. When you want to express an urgent or strong
emotion, you use an exclamation mark.

A. Watch out!
B. I love chocolate!

You can also end those same sentences with a period.

Watch out.
I love chocolate.
But as you can see, it doesn't have the same tone as it would if you had
placed an exclamation mark. It sounds calm and dull. The exclamation
mark shows that you are feeling a strong emotion.

Question Mark (?)

The question mark simply indicates that a sentence is asking a

question. It always comes at the end of a sentence:
For example:
A. What is your favorite subject?
B. Are we at the end?
Note that the question mark also serves as a full stop (as it concludes a
question), but does not replace it.
The Comma (,)

A comma indicates a pause between parts of a sentence. There are several

ways to use a comma
1. Use a comma to separate three or more items in a sentence.
A. Rather than saying "I have been to Italy and France and Morocco",
you would say "I have been to Italy, France and Morocco."
B. Rather than saying "I have a cat and dog and parrot", you would say "I
have a cat, dog, and parrot."

1. Use a comma to separate two adjectives

A. "It was a cute, fluffy cat."
B. "The sweet, red apple was hand-picked from a tree."
2. When you are introducing a person, you have to use a comma
before and after the name.
A. My older brother, Sameh, is 29 years old.
3. Likewise, when you introduce someone's name and you want to
describe them, you have to use a comma before and after the
A. Sameh, my older brother, is 19 years old.
B. Caesar, my dog, likes to play outside.
4. Use a comma to separate the day of the month from the year
A. I was born on October 25th, 2001
5. Use a comma when you start the sentence with a word that
indicates time, such as “Today” or “Last week”. Separate the time
from the sentence.
A. Today, I'm going to the doctor.
B. Next week, I am going to Alexandria.
C. Whenever I come back home, my dog greets me at the door.

Exercise 29: Correct the following sentences

1. I went swimming with my friends today

2. I can't wait until christmas!
3. I play the guitar and drums and flute.
4. Today I met my friend Mostafa at the mall
5. When I gave my sister the present, she was extremely happy
6. My best friend hoda loves cats.
7. When i grow up i want to be a journalist.
8. my friend caroline is in my class
9. What's your name
10.Today, I saw an adorable and brown dog
11.Watch out, you almost hit me
12.Why are the grass green and the sky blue

Definite and Indefinite Articles

Articles modify nouns.

English has two articles: 'the' and 'a/an'. 'The' is used to refer to specific or

particular nouns; 'a/an' is used to modify non-specific or non-particular

nouns. We call 'the' the definite article and' a/an' the indefinite article.

the = definite article

a/an = indefinite article

For example:

"Let's read the book," this means a specific book.

"Let's read a book," this means any book rather than a specific book.

 Indefinite Articles: a and an

"A" and "an" signal that the noun modified is indefinite, referring to any

member of a group. For example:

-"My daughter really wants a dog for Christmas."

This refers to any dog. We don't know which dog because we haven't

found the dog yet.

“Somebody calls a


This refers to any policeman. We don't need a specific policeman; we

need any policeman who is available.

"When I was at the zoo, I saw an elephant!"

Here, we're talking about a single, non-specific thing, in this case an


If the noun is modified by an adjective, the choice between a and an

depends on the initial sound of the adjective that immediately follows the

article; the nouns starting with vowels take an (vowels are: a, o, e, i, u and

y): for example- a broken egg/ an unusual problem.

 Definite Article: the

The definite article is used before singular and plural nouns when the

noun is specific or particular. The signals that the noun is definite, that it

refers to a particular member of a group. For example:

"The dog that bit me ran away." Here, we're talking about a specific dog,

the dog that bit me.

"I was happy to see the policeman who saved my life!" Here, we're

talking about a particular policeman. Even if we don't know the

policeman's name, it's still a particular policeman because it is the one

who saved my life.

"I saw the elephant at the zoo." Here, we're talking about a specific noun.

 Articles used with Count and Uncountable Nouns

'The' can be used with uncountable nouns, or the article can be omitted


"I love to sail over the water" (some specific body of water) or "I love to

sail over water" (any water).

"He spilled the milk all over the floor" (some specific milk, perhaps the

milk you bought earlier that day) or "He spilled milk all over the floor"

(any milk).

"A/an" can be used only with count nouns.

"I need a bottle of water."

"I need a new glass of milk."

Exercise 30: Write the correct article in the spaces below, if needed.

1. I bought … … pair of black shoes.

2. My parents saw …. horror movie last night.
3. They are staying in ….. hotel in Dubai.
4. I think … … man over there is not friendly.
5. I don't like … … basketball.
6. That is … … problem she told you about.
7. …. price of gas keeps rising.
8. I read ….. amazing story yesterday.
9. I would like … … piece of cake.
10. I bought ….. umbrella. … … umbrella is green.
11. Yesterday I had lunch in … ….. Chinese restaurant. … …
restaurant was near the office.
12. Sarah can play ……. guitar.

Unit 9

Living in a City

Read the dialogue and consider the tense used

Doaa: Do you like living in the big city?

Salama: There are many things that are better than living in the village!

Doaa: Can you give me some examples?

Salama: Well, first, the city is more interesting than the village. There are

so many things to do and see!

Doaa: Yes, but the people living in the city are not like those in the


Salama: That's true. People in the city aren't as friendly as those in the


Doaa: I'm sure that the village is more relaxed, too!

Salama: Yes, the city is busier than the countryside, but still much more


Writing section: “My new house”

Write an email to your friend about a new house you just bought. Include
a description of the house‟s location, size, shape, etc. Try to write at least
3-4 sentences. (Use the Writing check below)
Study the following example:
Hi Nour,
I just bought a new house! It is great. It is the house I have always
wanted, and now I finally have it. It is in Sunlight Park right beside the
Smart Village. It is 250 meter square. It has three bedrooms and two
bathrooms. It has a long driveway and trees covering the front yard. I
love it! Well, I hope you are doing great. Talk to you later.

Your friend, Emad

[[……Sunlight Park right beside the Smart Village (Location)

……250 meter square (Size)
……three bedrooms and two bathrooms… long driveway and trees
covering the front yard (Shape)]]
(Vocabulary= location: place/ driveway: private road for cars)

Writing check list

Item Checked
My sentences are complete.
My sentences give complete meaning.
Sentences clearly express my point.
My sentences start with capital letters and end
with full stops.
I used correct punctuation marks.

Grammar 1

The Simple Present

1) It states repeated actions

My friend often draws nice posters.

2) It states things in general (facts)

The sun rises in the East.

3) It states fixed arrangements, scheduled events

The plane flies to London every Monday.

4) It states sequence of actions in the present

First I get up, then I have breakfast.

 Signal words

Every day, often, always, sometimes, never

 Form

infinitive (3rd person singular he, she, it: infinitive + -s)


 Affirmative sentences:

I read books. My brother reads books.

We sing pop songs. She sings pop songs.

I play handball. John plays handball.

 Negative sentences:

You must not negate a full verb in English. Always use the auxiliary do

for negations.

I like computers.

I don't like computers at all.

My friend likes computers.

My mum doesn't like computers at all.

 Question form:

Use the auxiliary do.

Do you play football?

Does he play football?

Exercise 31: Put the verbs between brackets in the present form.

1. The three girls ….. (play) music in harmony.

2. She … …. (not/write) the email today.
3. Carpenters …… (use) wood to make furniture.
4. My friend … …. (ride) his motorbike every day.
5. I …. (like) pizza.
6. He never …… …..(drink) coffee at night.
7. Bad driving …… ……… (cause) many accidents.
8. At what time … ……….. (do) the bank open?
9. Vegetarians ……… …… (not/eat) meat.
10. The kitten …… ……. (jump) all over the place.
11.It …… …… (take) me 2 hours to get to work.

12. The little monkey…… ………… (climb) the tree.
13.Hoda always …… ……..(listen) to Fayrouz.
14.……………(do) you read the newspapers every day?
15.My sisters …………. (watch) cartoons.

Exercise 32: Underline all the verbs in the present simple tense in the
following passage, and then decide whether they are main verbs or
auxiliary verbs.

The Story of Bud and Willy

Bud is a bird. He wakes up early to catch a worm; it is his favorite meal

Bud is very hungry this morning. Willy is a worm. He moves around in

the dirt. Willy sees Bud flying in the sky, so he moves quickly near a tree.

He hides in the shade. But still Bud flies around the tree. "The shade

does not hide me!" Willy says to himself. Willy moves to the garden, but

still sees Bud flying in the sky. "I must find some place safe to hide,"

Willy says. He looks around and disappears as Bud swoops down. Bud

eats some bird seeds that he finds on the ground. He does not see Willy.

Bud flies away as Willy pokes his head out of an apple that fell from the

tree! Willy smiles and says, "Oh! That was close!"

Writing section: “My daily routine”

Use the present simple tense to write 4-5 sentences about your daily
routine. Include in the morning, at midday, in the afternoon, in the
evening, at night, on Saturday night, at the weekend. Also use signal
Write affirmative and negative sentences. Check your sentences using the
writing checklist below.

Study the following examples about the same topic.

Example 1:

Betty is eleven years old. She lives in a village in the north of Zambia,
in Africa. She speaks English and Bemba and she likes football.

Betty doesn‟t go to school. She works on the family farm

with her mother. The farm is very small. In the summer,
they usually start work at six in the morning. They
sometimes work all day. They are often very tired in the
evening. And they are sometimes hungry.

Betty doesn‟t often see her dad. He lives in the capital

city, Lusaka. He works in a factory.

He earns very little money but he sends some money to Betty‟s

mother every month.

Example 2:

My name is Simon. I work for a computer company in London but I

live in Brighton. I‟m married and I have three daughters. I travel from
Brighton to London every day.

In the morning, I get up at 6.00; I have a shower and get dressed. I

don‟t see my daughters, they‟re in bed. I don‟t have breakfast
because I don‟t have time. I get the train to London at 7.30. I
start work at 9.00 and I have a coffee. I always drink six cups
of coffee a day.

At midday, I don‟t go out for lunch because I‟m usually busy.

I sometimes have a sandwich in the office. In the afternoon, I

finish work at 5.30, and then I walk to the station and get the train to
Brighton. I don‟t have dinner with my family because they often eat at
6.00 but at that time, I‟m on the train. I usually arrive home at 7.45.
After dinner, my family and I often sit and watch TV. I never read a
book or a magazine because I‟m always tired. I usually go to bed at

Writing check list

Item Checked
My sentences are complete.
My sentences give complete meaning.
Sentences clearly express my point.
My sentences start with capital letters and end
with full stops.
I used correct punctuation marks.

Grammar 2

Present Progressive

A. Note the difference between the present simple and the present
progressive tense
Format: verb to be in the present simple (is/are) + verb + ing

Example: I (watch) watch a lot of movies. [Simple present tense]

Example: I (watch) am watching a movie now. [Present progressive
Example: You / We / They (play) play games every day. [Simple present
Example: You / We / they (play) are playing a game now. [Present
progressive tense]
Example: He / She / It (eat) eats eggs for breakfast. [Simple present
Example: He / She / It (eat) is eating an egg now. [Present progressive
Exercise 33: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in
simple present tense or present progressive tense.

1) Right now I (watch) _______ _______ a movie. I (watch) _______

a lot of movies.
2) Rania (be) _______ my friend. We (like) _______ to talk together.
Right now we (talk) _______ _______ about school.
3) The police officer (wear) ________ a badge and a gun to work
every day.
4) Judy usually (eat) _______ cold cereal for breakfast, but today she
(eat) _______ ________ mashed potatoes instead.
5) Aly and I (study) _______ _______ for the exam. We (not, want)
_______ _______ _______ to fail it!
6) Jamal (sing) ________ in the band on Saturdays, and Viola (play)
_______ the guitar.
7) My uncle (live) _______ in Tanta. I (live) _______ in Alexandria.
8) My mom (cook) _______ _______ dinner tonight. (You, want)
_______ _______ _______ to eat with us?
9) Tamara and Mohamed (travel) _______ _______ to Spain. They
will stay in Madrid.
10) We (read) _______ the newspaper every morning.

B. Note the following while using present continuous tense

Sometimes you must double the last letter in the word before you add
"ing". The rule for doubling is: when a one-syllable verb ends with
consonant-vowel-consonant, the final consonant is doubled. If the verb is
longer than one syllable, the final consonant is doubled only if the stress
falls on the last syllable. Exceptions: never double the letters h,w,x,y.

Example: I (run) am running now.

Example: You / We / They (run) are running now.
Example: He / She / It (run) is running now.
Example: I (talk) am talking now.

Example: You / We / They (talk) are talking now.

Example: He / She / It (talk) is talking now.

Exercise 34: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in
present progressive tense.

1) I (run) _________ _________ now.

2) I (talk) _________ _________ now.
3) You (get) __________ _________ hungry now.
4) You (eat) _________ _________ now.
5) We (plan) _________ _________ the vacation now.
6) They (play) _________ _________ the game now.
7) They (stop) _________ _________ the game now.
8) He (swim) _________ __________ in the pool now.
9) He (sleep) _________ _________ in the bed now.
10) She (shop) _________ _________ at the mall now.
11) She (eat) _________ _________ with her friends now.
12) Amy and Amira (take) ________ ________ the dog for a walk.
13) Guba (comb) ________ ________ her hair. I (brush) ________
________ my teeth.
14) Tony and Bella (listen) _______ ________ to music. It sounds
like rock music.
15) Right now, Mr Ihab (drive) ________ ________ the school bus.
The bus (move) ________ ________ slowly. I don't mind, though.
I am not in a hurry.
16) The band (play) ________ ________ a song.

17) Right now, my sister (compete) ________ ________ in a tennis

match. I think she (lose) ________ ________. She does not look
very happy.
18) We (work) ________ ________ in the office until 5:00 today.
19) Be careful! Mary (cook) ________ ________, and the oven is
20) Reem and her friends (come) ________ ________ to dinner
tonight. They (get) ________ ________ ready now. They should
be here in twenty minutes.

Exercise 35: Fill in the spaces using the present simple or the present

Rania's Diary – Do Not Touch!!!

September 29, 2010 – My First Day Here

Today (be) _______ (1) the first day at my new school. Right now, it is
lunch time, and all of the students (eat) _______ _________ (2) their
lunches. They (sit) _______ _________ (3) around the big table in the
cafeteria, (talk) ________(4) in small groups. I (sit) _______ ________
(5) alone. I (be) _______ (6) pretty nervous. I (hope) _______ (7) the
other students (not, think) _______ _______ ________(8) I am weird. I
(write) _______ ________ (9) in my diary right now to look like I (have)
_______(10) something important to do.
For lunch today, I (have) _______ (11) an apple and a Romy cheese
sandwich. I (hate) _______ (12) Romy, but my mom (love)
________(13) it. She (say) _______(14) it is good for me because it is
made of potatoes and milk. She (pack) ________ (15) it for me every
day, so I (guess) ________(16) I have to eat it. I (also, have) ________
________ (17) some cookies. At least I (like) ________ (18) to eat those.
Hey! The girls at the big table (look) _______ ________ (19) at me!
What (they, want) _______ ________ ________ (20)? They (laugh)
_______ ________ (21) at something. What (they, laugh) _______
________ _________ (22) at? I hope they (not, laugh) _______ _______
_________ (23) at me. I (get) _______ ________ (24) nervous again.
Oh! One of them (come) ______ _________ (25) this way! Stay calm,
Rania. She is not going to hurt you. She is just another girl like you,
Wait. Now she (hold) _______ _________ (26) out her hand to me. Does
she (want) ________ (27) to be friends? What (she, do) _______
________ _________ (28)? Oh, I know! She (invite) _______ _________
(29) me to her table! Maybe I (be, not) _______ _______ (30) that weird
after all!

Grammar 3

Present Perfect Tense

A. Note the format of the present perfect:

To form the simple present perfect tense, has or have is used with a past
participle to describe an action that has happened in the past and may
still be happening. The past participle is often regular, and therefore
retains its simple past tense spelling, as “visited” does here.

Example: I / You / We / they (visit) have visited Argentina before.

Example: He / She / It (visit) has visited Argentina before.

Exercise 36: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in
simple present perfect tense.

1) I (visit) _______ ________ Australia before.

2) We (visit) _______ ________ Canada before.
3) They (visit) _______ ________ China before.
4) He (visit) _______ ________ Africa before
5) She (visit) _______ ________ India before.
6) It (visit) _______ ________ Europe before.
7) Our friends (arrive) ______ ________. Please answer the door.
8) The ice on the sidewalk (melt) _______ ________. I think the sun is
out today.
9) The El-Hawarys (prepare) _______ _________ a lot of food for the
party. It looks delicious.
10) Tony‟s flight from Aswan (land) _______ ________. We should
see him any minute.
11) The bank officers (suggest) _______ _________ that the meeting
be scheduled for Wednesday morning. I will try to locate a
conference room.
12) My dog, Sparky (taste) _______ ________ his new food, and he
seems to like it.
13) The police (arrest) _______ ________ two men for the robbery. It
is time to question them.

14) The new medicine (cure) _______ ________ Wessam‟s illness. It
seems miraculous.

B. Note: In this exercise, all of the past participles are irregular. This
means that they have unexpected changes in spelling and
pronunciation which are not the same as the simple past forms.
You may want to refer to a list of irregular verbs to find irregular
past participles.

Example: Manar (eat) has eaten lunch already.

Example: Manar and Osama (eat) have eaten lunch already.

Exercise 37: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in
simple present perfect tense.

1) Mark (eat) _______ ________ dinner already. He is not hungry.

2) Betty (write) _______ ________ three letters today. She misses her
3) Yara and Ahmed (take) _______ ________ the test. Now they can
4) Mariam and I (be) _______ ________ to Costa Rica three times.
We are familiar with the culture.
5) I (drink) _______ _______ six cups of water today.
6) Eva (sing) _______ ________ in a chorus before. Her voice is
7) Chong-Li (get) _______ ________ very good at speaking English.
She has practiced a lot.
8) Lucy (hide) _______ ________ in the garden. Now her friends will
try to find her.
9) It (be) _______ ________ a good week so far.
10) You (show) ________ _________ that you are a hard worker.
Good job!
11) Dina (wear) _______ _________ a dress to work every day this
12) Mr. Mohamed (drive) _______ ________ from Alexandria to
Cairo for the conference. He needs to get some rest before it starts.

13) Ramez (ride) _______ ________ horses since he was a little boy.
It is easy for him.
14) Mr. and Mrs. Samir (become) _______ ________ grandparents.
Their daughter, Nora, had a baby yesterday.
15) The movie (begin) _______ _______. Please be quiet!

C. Note the format of the Present perfect in the affirmative and

negative sentences

Affirmative (+)
Example: Cindy (taste) has tasted Rizzo before.
Example: We (visit) have visited China six times.
Example: They (already, finish) have already finished their homework.
Negative (-)
Example: We (not, eat) have not eaten dinner yet.

Exercise 38: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in
simple present perfect tense.

1) Mrs. Bakr (know) _______ ________ Peter since he was a little

boy. She has lived next door to his family for many years.
2) After eight hours, Angel and Ramy (arrive) _______ ________ in
Cairo. They drove there today from Luxor.
3) Nagwa (live) ______ ________ in Hurghada for twenty-two years.
She enjoys living there. She especially likes to spend winter
vacations at the Red Sea.
4) Amina (be) _______ ________ a gymnast for eight years. She
(break) _______ ________ six bones since she began practicing
gymnastics. She likes to get her friends to sign her casts.
5) (You, be) ________ _______ ________ to Africa before? I (hear)
________ _________ it is beautiful there. I would like to go on a
safari in Kenya.
6) The President (speak) _______ _________. His decision is final.
Many people don‟t agree with him, but making hard decisions is
part of his job. I would not want that job!

7) The letter you sent me (not, arrive) _______ _______ _________
yet. I (check) _______ ________ my mailbox for it every day. I
wonder where it could be.
8) I (wait) _______ ________ for thirty minutes and my friend (not,
come) _______ _______ ________ to meet me. I am a little
worried about her because she is always on time.
9) I (visit) ________ _________ Spain before. It is a beautiful
country. I love the old, southern city of Cádiz, which has
wonderful plazas and beaches.

D. Note: These sentences use verbs and adverbs. An adverb says

something more about the action of a verb.
Example: Juliet (always, work) has always worked at the library.
Example: The six-year-olds (happily, play) have happily played outside
for an hour.

Exercise 39: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in
simple present perfect tense.

1) The babysitter (often, cook) _______ ________ _________ dinner

for the children lately because their parents have been working late.
2) Mr. and Mrs. Halwany (never, travel) ________ ________
_________ overseas. They like staying closer to home.
3) Professor Amin (usually, test) _______ ________ ________ his
biology class twice each semester. Occasionally, though, he gives
three tests.
4) Ahmed and Omar (sometimes, play) _______ _________ _______
guitar at the festival. We hope they will be able to play there this
5) In the aftermath of last week‟s hurricane, the volunteers (willingly,
work) ______ _________ ________ long hours. Many are
exhausted, but refuse to quit.
6) The teacher (already, plan) _______ ________ _________ a party
for her students because she feels that they have worked very hard
and deserve to celebrate.

7) The florist (quickly, arrange) _______ ________ _________ the
flowers for the wedding. Now that he is finished, the caterers are
bringing in food for the reception.
8) Mr. and Mrs. Yang (frequently, travel) _______ _________
_________ home to Shanghai since they moved to Cairo. They like
living near their daughter‟s family in Cairo, but miss their old
friends back home.

Exercise 40: Complete the sentences using the past participle of the
verbs in brackets.

1. The train has ___________. We can go out now. (stop)

2. She isn‟t ready. She hasn‟t __________ her cases yet. (pack)
3. She has ___________ some photos. (take)
4. Sally hasn‟t ___________ yet. Where can she be? (arrive)
5. I‟ve never ____________ to your mother. (speak)
6. I haven‟t ____________ which shoes to buy yet. (decide)
7. My father has ___________ to Rome. (drive)

Exercise 41: Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect –

positive or negative.

1. My mum isn‟t at home now. She ___________ (go) to the

2. So far this month I ______________ (see) three films.
3. I‟m hungry. I _____________ (have) my lunch yet.
4. I _________________ (see) Helen yet today. Is she at school?
5. Our football team ________________ (win) all its matches so far
this year.
6. I don‟t know your boy-friend. I ____________ (meet) him yet.

Exercise 42: Choose the correct verb from the box and complete the
sentences using the present perfect form.

answer break buy clean empty leave lose

finish walk

1. Tamer _________________ the rubbish.

2. Clara ________________ all the questions.
3. I ___________________ ten kilometres.
4. They ________________ their car keys.
5. Judy ________________ a new jacket.
6. Diana ________________ her arm.
7. Bahaa and Tony _________________ the kitchen.
8. The train __________________ the station.
9. Karen _____________________ her violin practice

Exercise 43: Put the words in the right order.

1. I/homework/yet/finished/ haven‟t/my
2. I/homework/my/done/have/already
3. I/homework/my/finished/have/just
4. He/home/gone/has/already
5. Mark/come back/France/just/has/from
6. They/bought/new/a/just/have/house
7. We/had/lunch/haven‟t/yet
8. The train/the station/already/left/has
9. left/ the train/yet/has?/

Unit 10

A Good Job

Read the dialogue and then answer the questions

Sue: Hi Ahmed, how are you?

Ahmed: Hi Sue, fine. I haven't seen you for a long time.

Sue: Yeah, I was busy lately. I had lots of things to do: first, I got

promoted and had many new responsibilities; second, I gave birth to a

baby girl and had to play the mother's role carefully; third, my father had

a serious health problem and I had to take care of him.

Ahmed: Oh! It was a hard time then!

Sue: YES, but everything is fine, now. Hey, what do you do for living

now, Ahmed?

Ahmed: I work with a travel agency.

Sue: You work in the accounting Department, of course. You graduated

from the faculty of Commerce.

Ahmed: No, I‟m a tourist guide. I take people on tours to different parts

of Egypt.

Sue: Sounds good. So, you get to travel a lot, don‟t you?

Ahmed: Yes. Sometimes I even go out of the country to places like

Lebanon and Jordan.

Sue: Wow. You really have a great job.

Ahmed: Yes, I love my job.

1. What is the difference in meaning between 'A good job' and 'Good


2. Why did Sue use verbs in the past tense?

3. Underline all verbs that Ahmed used to describe his job. What is

the tense? Why?

Grammar 1

The Simple Past

1) It states an action finished in the past

I visited Ismailia last week

2)It states a series of completed actions in the past

First I got up, then I had breakfast.

 Signal words: Yesterday, last week, a month ago, in 2002

 Form

- with regular verbs: infinitive + -ed

- with irregular verbs: 2nd column of the table of the irregular verbs

 Affirmative sentences:

Regular verbs Irregular verbs

I played football. I went to the cinema.

We visited Alaska last We were in Rome

year. yesterday.

 Negative sentences:

You must not negate a full verb in English. Always use the auxiliary did

(Simple Past of to do) for negations.

I played football.

I didn't play football.

He didn't play football.

 Question Form:

Use the auxiliary did (Simple Past of to do).

Did you play football?

Did he play football?

Exercise 44: Put the verbs between brackets in the past form

1. When they went to the café, they ….. (order) some sandwiches and
2. Last summer, I …… (go) to Alexandria.
3. In 2001, they …. (buy) this house.
4. The secretary …. (delete) the file yesterday before the meeting.
5. The weather …… (be) nice last Monday.
6. He ………….. (not/need) your help last Wednesday.
7. When ……………. they (arrive) yesterday?
8. The policeman ………… (catch) the thief last night.
9. Who ……….. (clean) the house yesterday morning?
10. It was hot yesterday, so I ………….(take) off my coat.
11. Mona wasn't hungry, so she …………. (not/eat) anything.
12. It was a funny situation, but nobody ………………. (laugh).
13. It was noisy outside; I ………….. (not/sleep) well.
14. He fell down the stairs and …………. (break) his leg.
15. My father was very busy; I …………..(not/want) to disturb him.

Exercise 45: Underline all the verbs in the past simple tense in the
following passage, and then decide whether they are main verbs or
auxiliary verbs, note whether the verbs are regular irregular.


Tarek and Bassem lived in Rashid. They were friends for more than 10

years. Their favorite hobby was fishing. Every week end they went

fishing. Tarek took the pole. His friend Bassem took some worms. Tarek

put a worm on the hook and put his line in the water. He felt the pole pull.

Was it a fish? He reeled it in. Unfortunately, Tarek did not get a fish. He

got an old can. But what about Bassem? He put a worm on the hook and

put his line in the water. He felt the pole pull. Bassem got a large fish.

The two friends laughed and decided to share the fish.

Exercise 46: choose the correct answer

1. Lena‟s mom ....... thirty years old

a) are b) is c) has

2. Taha……want to eat the toast.

a) don‟t b) do c) doesn‟t

3. Samuel and you ……. good friends.

a) isn‟t b) are c) was

4. I …….. the present you gave me last year.

a) likes b) liking c) liked

5. He wanted to ………a new computer.

a) buying b) buy c) buys

6. Amina ……….me how to paint.

a) teach b) taught c) teaching

7. Samia ……… some flowers for her mom.

a) buy b) bought c) buying

8. Katherine ……..got two good friends.

a) have b) has c) are

9. Carmen and Fiona ………. German.

a) is b) aren‟t c) was

Exercise 47: Write the correct form of the irregular verb in simple
past tense.

1. The moon (to come) out late last night. …… ……….

2. Jessica (to lose) her first tooth this morning. … …………..
3. My entire family (to catch) the flu last winter. …… ……………..
4. The employees (to do) a lot of work today. ………… ………..
5. The swimmers (to hold) their breath and jumped in the water. ……
6. The baker (to make) a cake for my birthday. …… …………….
7. They (to take) a picture of the mountain. ………… …..
8. The teacher (to teach) the students chemistry last year. ……
9. I (to wear) my jacket to work yesterday. …… ………
10.Tom (to write) his family a letter. ……… ………….

Exercise 48: Put the verbs between brackets using either the present
or the past simple tenses.

1. On Fridays, students ….. (not/wake) up early.

2. They …. (write) their essays last month.
3. It usually ….. (rain) in winter.
4. Our manager's office … … (be) always busy.
5. My brother … (graduate) three years ago from the faculty of

Grammar 2

Past Progressive

A. This tense describes actions that were in progress in the past. It

uses the helping verb "was" with the pronouns I / He / She / It, and
"were" with the pronouns You/ We / They. Then, –ing is added to
the base form of the verb.

Example: I / He / She / It / (wash) was washing the car yesterday.

Example: You / We / They (wear) were wearing their old clothes at the

Exercise 49: Choose the correct form of the verb in past progressive

1. I [was walking / were walking] through the mall Tuesday.

2. He [was playing / were playing] baseball until four o'clock.
3. You [was watching / were watching] the sunset last night.
4. They [was staying / were staying] at the same hotel that year.
5. She [was smelling / were smelling] the coffee when she woke
6. We [was planting / were planting] the garden on May 15th.
7. It [was barking / were barking] loudly at the cat.

B. With some verbs, the last letter of the verb must be doubled in past
progressive tense before adding –ing. The rule for doubling is:
when a one-syllable verb ends with consonant-vowel-consonant,
the final consonant is doubled. If the verb is longer than one
syllable, the final consonant is doubled only if the stress falls on
the last syllable. Exceptions: never double the letters h,w,x,y.

Example: I / He / She / It / (get) was getting a new bicycle before the

Example: You / We / They (plan) were planning to travel last fall.
Example: I / He / She / It / (sew) was sewing robes for the choir.

Exercise 50: Choose the correct answer

1. I [was swiming / was swimming] a lot during the summer.

2. We [were siting / were sitting] on the rocks by the river.
3. They [were runing / were running] faster than anyone else in
that race.
4. He [was stoping / was stopping] often to tie his shoe.
5. It [was fiting / was fitting] until she gained weight.
6. She [was waxing / was waxxing] her skis before the trip.
7. You [were shoping / were shopping] all day yesterday.

C. With verbs that end with a silent 'e', the final 'e' is dropped before
adding –ing.

Example: I / He / She / It / (hope) was hoping to see the concert.

Example: You / We / They (waste) were wasting too much gas.

Exercise 51: Choose the correct answer

1. I [was biking / were biking] to school last semester.

2. He [was making / were making] a model airplane.
3. We [was caring / were caring] for the sick children in March.
4. You [was taking / were taking] too much time.
5. It [was becoming / were becoming] colder that evening.
6. She [was looking / were looking] at the sign.
7. They [was shining / were shining] the car for the parade.

Exercise 52: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in
parentheses in past progressive tense.

1. Dr. Adel (call) _______ _______ his patient earlier today.

2. My brother and I (buy) _______ _______ donuts for breakfast
at nine o'clock this morning.
3. Bakinam (skate) _______ _______ when she fell and broke her
4. They (bake) _______ _______ twelve apple pies yesterday.
5. Ms. Rizk (teach) _______ _______ three classes last year while
Mr. Abd Al-Rahman was teaching two.
6. The child (play) _______ _________ a game with his friend
when his mother called him.
7. The general manager (meet) _______ _______ in a closed
session on Tuesday.
8. The statues (sit) _______ _______ in this park for decades.
9. The comedians (joke) _______ _______ with the audience

10.She (think) _______ _______ of traveling to Spain, but her
mother became ill, so she stayed home to care for her.

D. Past simple or past progressive

Example: Noha (talk) was talking (past progressive tense) to her little
sister when her cell phone (lose) lost (simple past tense) its signal.
Example: Ashley and Marwa (stroll) were strolling (past progressive
tense) through the zoo when, suddenly, they (see) saw (simple past tense)
a lion attack its trainer.

Exercise 53: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in
parentheses in simple past tense or past progressive tense.

1. We (walk) _______ _______ by the bakery when the smell of fresh

cinnamon rolls (reach) ____________ our noses.
2. Dr. Lamis (treat) _______ ________ her patient when she (get)
________ an emergency call.
3. Amira and Lilly (climb) _______ _______ trees when Amira (fall)
____________ and (break) ________ her arm.
4. While Carla (dig) _______ _______ a hole in the sand, a crab
(crawl) ____________ out.
5. They (sit) _______ _______ on the park bench when the fountain
suddenly (light) ____________ up.
6. Dan (ride) _______ _______ his motorcycle on the dirt road when
it (hit) ________ a dangerous bump.
7. Mr. Wagdy (earn) _______ _______ more than anyone else in his
division when he (retire)__________ last year.
8. The lost dog (wear) _______ _______ his collar when the children
(find) ____________ him.
9. Marcella (hope) _______ _______ to buy a yacht; instead she
(buy) __________a small fishing boat.
10.Nour (water) _______ _______ the plants in the garden when some
ants (appear) ____________.

Exercise 54: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in
parentheses in simple past tense or past progressive tense.

Last week, as Karla (walk) _______ _______ (1) in her neighborhood, a

puppy suddenly (appear) ____________ (2) and (run) ____________ (3)
between her feet!
This (be) ____________ (4) a surprise, and she (laugh) ____________
(5) out loud.
Karla likes dogs a lot, so she (stop) ____________ (6) to pet the puppy.
He was very playful. While she (try) _______ _ ______ (7) to pet him, he
(nip) _______ _________ (8) her fingers.
To Karla, the puppy (look)_________ (9) like a terrier mix. He
(be)____________(10) wiry, white, and fuzzy. He (have) ____________
(11) big ears, and he (wiggle) _______ _______(12) and wagging his tail
without stopping.
Karla (begin) ____________ (13) walking again, and (notice)
____________ (14) that the puppy (follow) _______ _______(15) her
home. He (seem) ____________ (16) happy that he (have) ________(17)
a friend to walk with. The puppy stayed with Karla until they (come)
__________(18) to a yard where there (be) __________(19) some big
dogs behind a fence. The dogs (bark) _______ ________(20) and
growling at Karla and the puppy.
The puppy (stop) ____________ (21). He (tremble)_______
_______(22) and whining. He (do, not, want) _______ _______ _______
(23) to go any further. He (turn) ____________(24) around and (run)
_________(25) home quickly without looking back. Karla hopes she will
see her new friend again.

Exercise 55: Make the positive or negative past continuous

1. Julie (sleep) ________________--at three o'clock.

2. You (study) ________________at three o'clock.
3. Luke (read) ________________at three o‟clock.
4. I (work)__________________ at three o‟clock.
5. They (eat) ___________________chocolate at three o‟clock.
6. John (play)__________________ tennis at three o‟clock.
7. We (watch) _____________________TV at three o‟clock.
8. He (use) _______________________the internet at three o‟clock.

9. You (cook) ______________________lunch at three o‟clock.
10.We (travel)_________________________ to London at three
11.Mrs. Bakr (not/walk)__________________________ in the garden
when the murder happened.
12.Mr. Martin (not/work) _______________________in his study
when the murder happened.

Exercise 56: Put the verbs into the correct form (past progressive).

1. When I phoned my friends, they (play)

2. Yesterday at six I (prepare)
3. The kids (play) _____________________________in the garden
when it suddenly began to rain.
4. I (practice) __________________________________the guitar
when he came home.
5. We (not / cycle) _________________________________all day.
6. While Alan (work)____________________________ in his room,
his friends (swim) in the pool.
7. I tried to tell them the truth but they
________________________________(not / listen ) .
8. What (you / do)
9. Most of the time we (sit) ________________________________in
the park.
10. I (listen) to the radio while my sister
(watch_______________________________) TV.

Writing section: “A nice person”

Use the past simple tense to write 4-5 sentences about someone nice that
you know. (Use the Writing check list below)
Study the following example:
I once met a professor of languages who could talk to anyone about
anything. He was able to talk to scientists about science, to electricians
about electricity, and to students about any topic they brought up. He

was an extremely attentive individual. When people were with him,
they felt like they were important.

Writing check list

Item Checked
My sentences are complete.
My sentences give complete meaning.
Sentences clearly express my point.
My sentences start with capital letters and end
with full stops.
I used correct punctuation marks.

Table of Irregular Verbs

Past Tense
Rank Base Form Past Participle
1 say said said
2 make made made
3 go went gone
4 take took taken
5 come came come
6 see saw seen
7 know knew known
8 get got got/gotten (US)
9 give gave given
10 find found found
11 think thought thought
12 tell told told
13 become became become
14 show showed shown
15 leave left left
16 feel felt felt
17 put put put
18 bring brought brought
19 begin began begun
20 keep kept kept
21 hold held held
22 write wrote written
23 stand stood stood

24 hear heard heard
25 let let let
26 mean meant meant
27 set set set
28 meet met met
29 run ran run
30 pay paid paid
31 sit sat sat
32 speak spoke spoken
33 lie lay lain
34 lead led led
35 read read read
36 grow grew grown
37 lose lost lost
38 fall fell fallen
39 send sent sent
40 build built built
41 understand understood understood
42 draw drew drawn
43 break broke broken
44 spend spent spent
45 cut cut cut
46 rise rose risen
47 drive drove driven
48 buy bought bought
49 wear wore worn

50 choose chose chosen

Unit 11

Tarek's Holiday

Read the passage and consider the verbs used

My name is Tarek. Next week I am having a holiday for 4 days. While I

am on vacation, I will have to do two things. First, I will fix the washing

machine. The washing machine has been broken for a month now. It will

take one day to fix it. Next, I will fix my wooden chairs. This is a bigger

project. It will probably take about two days to fix them because they are

badly damaged. My holiday starts on Monday. I have a lot of work to do,

but hopefully I can relax on the 4th day.

1. What tense does Tarek use to describe his plans of fixing things?
2. Underline all the verbs used to describe his plans of fixing and the
key words used to indicate the tense.


The Simple Future

There are two future forms used in most conversations: the future with
"will" and the future with "going to." The main difference between the
two forms is that "going to" is used for plans and intentions made before
the moment of speaking, and the "will" to speak about the future at the
moment of speaking.

1. Future “WILL”

The future simple tense is often called will, because we make the future

simple tense with the modal auxiliary will.

How do we make the Future Simple Tense?

 Form

The structure of the future simple tense is:

subject + auxiliary verb WILL + main verb

will V1

 Affirmative and Negative forms

For negative sentences in the future simple tense, we insert not between

the auxiliary verb and main verb. For question sentences, we exchange

the subject and auxiliary verb. Look at these example sentences with the

future simple tense:

subject auxiliary verb main verb

+ I will open the door.

+ You will finish before me.

- She will not be at school tomorrow.

- We will not leave yet.

? Will you arrive on time?

? Will they want dinner?

When we use the future simple tense in speaking, we often contract the

subject and auxiliary verb:

I will ------ I‟ll. You/We/They will ------ You‟ll/We‟ll/They‟ll ------

He/She/It will ------- He‟ll/She‟ll/It‟ll

For negative sentences in the future simple tense, we contract with won't:

I will not I won't

You/We/They will You/ We/They

not won't

He/She/It will not He/She/It won't

 How do we use the Future Simple Tense?

No Plan

We use the future simple tense when there is no plan or decision to do

something before we speak. We make the decision spontaneously at the

time of speaking. Look at these examples:

 Hold on. I'll get a pen.

 We will see what we can do to help you.

 Maybe we'll stay in and watch television tonight.

In these examples, we had no firm plan before speaking. The decision is

made at the time of speaking.

We often use the future simple tense with the verb to think before it:

 I think I'll go to the gym tomorrow.

 I think I will have a holiday next year.

 I don't think I'll buy that car.


We often use the future simple tense to make a prediction about the

future. Again, there is no firm plan. We are saying what we think will

happen. Here are some examples:

 It will rain tomorrow.

 People won't go to Jupiter before the 22nd century.

 Who do you think will get the job?


When the main verb is be, we can use the future simple tense even if we

have a firm plan or decision before speaking. Examples:

 I'll be in London tomorrow.

 I'm going shopping. I won't be very long.

 Will you be at work tomorrow?

Important Note

When we have a plan or intention to do something in the future, we

usually use other tenses or expressions, such as the present continuous

tense or going to.

Exercise 57: Put the following verbs in the future tense

1. It ……. (rain) tomorrow; It's cloudy.

2. Wait! I ……… (drive) you to the station.
3. My parents ………… (not/spend) their vacation in Alexandria.
4. If I arrive late, I …….. (not/call) you.
5. He ……… (come) home tomorrow.

2. Future “BE GOING TO”

The future with "going to" is used to express events you have already
planned in the future and your intentions for the future. We sometimes
also use the present continuous for planned events in the near future.


 She's going to attend university and study to become a doctor.

 We're going to make the presentation next week.

Future With "Going to" Structure:

Positive: Subject + to be + going to + verb

 I am going to attend the meeting.

 (He, She) is going to attend the meeting.
 (You, We, They) are going to attend the meeting.

Negative: Subject + to be + not + going to + verb

 I'm not going to visit Rome next year.

 (He, She) isn't going to visit Rome next year.
 (You, We, They) aren't going to visit Rome next year.

Questions: (Question word) + to be + subject + going to + verb

 Where am I going to stay?

 Where is (she, he) going to stay?
 Where are (you, we, they) going to stay?

Exercise 58: Look at Emily’s future plans, and write sentences about
them using to be going to or will.

I love museums and I
I’m learning medicine want to visit some.
at university.

I think Spain is a very

I’ve already enrolled to
beautiful and exciting
a Spanish course.

I hope it’s not difficult

to learn Spanish. I’ve no plans for the
weekend. I may meet
I’m planning to go on my friends.
holiday to Spain.

1. (be/doctor)...................................................................................
2. (do/Spanish course) .........................................................................
3. (hope/be/difficult) .........................................................................
4. (travel/Spain) ...............................................................................
5. (visit/museum) ...............................................................................
6. (sure/have a god time) .....................................................................
7. (meet/friends) ...............................................................................

Exercise 59: Choose the correct form

1. Peter has been learning a lot recently. I‟m sure he’s going to
pass/he’ll pass his exam.
2. Look at that boy hanging on that tree! He‟s going to fall off/will fall
off the tree.
3. „Why are you putting on your clothes?‟ „Because I’m going to
take/I will take the dog for a walk.
4. I hope everything is going to be/will be all right.
5. The post man has just knocked on the door. Are you going to
open/will you open it?
6. I promise I’m not going to tell/won’t tell it to anyone!

7. You can‟t do anything. Emma is going to move out/will move out.
She‟s made up her mind.
8. You look so tired. I’m going to get/I’ll get you a cup of coffee.
9. Shall I get/Will I get you anything from the shop?

Exercise 60: Use either “will” or be going to” to fill the spaces.

1. Your T-shirt has a stain. ……………. (you) wash it?

2. Mum has bought eggs, flour and fruit. She ……….. bake a cake.
3. Next year my sister ………… learn how to drive a car.
4. Perhaps your sister …………accompany to the doctor?
5. …………Jessie be back soon? I need to talk to her.
6. I hope I ………..be happy when I grow up.
7. We …………meet our cousins tonight.
8. I…………… spend the money I‟ve been saving for the last five
months on a new laptop.
9. I………… eat more sweets before dinner. I promise.
10.I……….. call Lamia as soon as I‟m back.
11.…………. you lend me a biro? I‟ve got nothing to write with.
12.Diana ……….wash her hair this afternoon.
13.There are no clouds in the sky. It………….be a beautiful day.
14.I…………help you with your IT project.
15.I think people …………speak one language someday.
16.Sameh is tired. He………..take a short nap.
17.Look! Pussy ………….jump into the swimming pool.
18.I‟m afraid Hala……….. pass her final exam because she didn‟t
study hard enough.
19.Don‟t worry mum. I……..pick Tia up from school today.
20.George………..probably go to the concert.

Exercise 61: Write the correct form of the verbs

1. She ………….. (bring) some chocolates to the party last week.

2. I …………. (hear) a new song on the radio last night.
3. I ………… (read) three books last week.
4. They ……………. (speak) French to the waitress.
5. He ………. (understand) during the class, but now he doesn't
6. I …………….(forget) to buy some milk before going home.
7. She ……………(have) a baby last June.
8. You ……………. (lose) your keys last week.
9. They usually………….. (swim) 500m.
10.I ……………. (give) my mother a book for her birthday.
11.At the age of 23, she …………. (become) a doctor.
12.I ……………. (know) the answer yesterday.
13.He ………. (tell) me that he lived in Toronto.
14.We …………. (lend) Jehad L.E. 30 to go home .
15.She ……… (drink) too much coffee yesterday.
16.The children always ………. (sleep) in the car.
17.He …………… (keep) his promise as usual.
18.I ………. (choose) the steak for dinner, what about you?
19.The film ………. (begin) late.
20.We …….. (fly) to Sydney next week.
21.They …………(drive) to Beijing last year.
22.He …… (teach) English at the University.
23.I ….. (send) you an e-mail earlier.
24.We ………….. (leave) the house at 7 tomorrow morning
25.He ……. (feel) terrible after eating the pizza.

Writing section: “What will you do next summer?

Use the future simple tense to describe your plans for your next summer
vacation. Write 5-6 sentences using the writing checklist below.

What I Want To Do Next Summer…

Next summer I will go


Writing Check list

Item Checked
My sentences are complete.
My sentences give complete meaning.
Sentences clearly express my point.
My sentences start with capital letters and end
with full stops.
I used correct punctuation marks.

Unit 12

Common Grammatical Mistakes

Common Errors

I] Subject-Verb Agreement:

A verb must agree with its subject in number. A singular subject takes a
singular verb, and plural subjects take plural verbs. Mistakes in subject-
verb agreement are made because of the following situations:

1. Words between subject and verb


 They both like playing football.

 Jerry, with his three dogs, runs around the park everyday.
 The collection of medicine bottles in my parents' bathroom
overflows the cabinet shelves.

2. Verb before subject


 On my neighbor's doorstep were two police officers.

 There are many pizza places in our town.
 Here are your receipts.

3. Compound subjects


 Are the birthday cake and ice cream ready to be served?

 Tamara and Aly were able to pay their new car in cash.

4. Indefinite pronouns


 Both the teachers and the students are ready for the exams.
 Something tells me that she will succeed.
 Everyone we invited was asked to bring a story to share.
 No one in our family likes cleaning the house.
 (anyone, someone, nobody, anybody, nothing, anything,
everything, each, either, neither---------------- take singular verbs).

II] Pronoun-Noun Agreement:

A pronoun must agree in number with the word or words it replaces.


 Jessy agreed to lend me her CDs.

 People walking at night on this road should watch their steps.

Exercise 62: Correct the mistake(s) in the following sentences (the 1st
2 are done for you)

1. Nobody in my family know how to swim.

Nobody in my family knows how to swim
2. Each of the three candidates believe he or she won the debate.
Each of the three candidates believes he or she won the debate.
3. Neither of the restaurants provide facilities for the handicapped.
4. Someone in our neighborhood steal vegetables from people's
5. Not only the dean but also the faculty members favors adopting
changes to the curriculum.
6. Students must be in his seats before the instructor takes
7. Neither of the men arrested as terrorists would reveal their real
8. I argued with his sister and he.

III] There/ Their/ They're

1) There is used to refer to a place or location.

Example: I live there.
• In this sentence, 'there' is used to refer to the place where you live.
This could be Cairo, for example.
Example: My car is over there.
• In this sentence, there is used to refer to the location of your car. This
could be in the parking lot, for example.

Exercise 63: Replace each place or location with there in the following
sentences (the 1st one is done for you).

Example: I want to go to the beach. _ I want to go there.

1. I will see you at home.

__I will see you there_______________________________________
2. He lives at 102 Abbas AlAkkad
3. Jessica was born in Thailand.
4. The car keys are on the table.

2) Their is used to show ownership. Their replaces a singular (non-

gender) or plural noun.

Example: This is their apartment.

• In this sentence, 'their' is used to refer to an apartment that is owned.

This could be the apartment owned by Aly's family, for example.

Example: The ball is theirs.

• In this sentence, 'theirs' is used to refer to a ball that is owned. This
could be a soccer ball owned by a group of kids who are playing soccer,
for example.

Exercise 64: Use 'their' to show ownership in the following sentences.

Example: Hussien is wearing the T-shirt of the soccer team.

_ Hussien is wearing their T-shirt.

1. My friend's family owns this cat.

2. They are using the computer of the school
3. I like the music of the band.
4. The bicycles of the store are new.

3) They’re is a contraction of the words They and Are.

Example: They‟re my friends.

• In this sentence, 'they‟re' is used as a contraction of the words They and


Exercise 65: Write three sentences using the contraction they’re.

Example: I don‟t know where they‟re going.


Unit 13


Basic Rules

 Read the sentences carefully and understand the sentence structure

and meaning of words and phrases before translating each
 Never translate word by word, translate the meaning.

1. From English into Arabic:

 Remember that the Arabic language is rich with varieties of

sentence structure. Choose the most suitable structure for each
 Divide the passage into sentences, and then use coherent markers
like: ‫ والجذَش تالزكش‬/‫ تؼذ أى‬/‫ ار‬to join sentences.
 Remember that Arabic is direct, straightforward and favors active

2. From Arabic into English

 Remember the structure of the English sentence { (Subject) (Verb)

(Object)- SVO}; make sure that you have followed this structure.
 Join sentences in English using conjunctions, coherent markers,
relative pronouns…etc., but you have to check the structure
 In English there is NO ‫ جولةح امةوُح‬which means that the VERB is a
MUST in an English sentence.
 In English the ‫ جولةح عؼلُةح‬is that which starts with the subject, which
means it can never start with the verb, it must start with the
{Both the following sentences are accepted in Arabic:
‫ًىس كرثد الذسط‬
‫كرثد ًىس الذسط‬
But in English:
Nour wrote the lesson--------is accepted
Wrote Nour the lesson-------is not accepted}

Study the following examples

.‫) التذ هي ذوكُي الطالب هي االطالع ػلً الكرة القُوح‬1

1) Students must have access to good books.

Explanation: ‫ التةذ‬is translated „must‟ because it is something that

cannot be undone. It‟s obligatory.
Note that ‫ ذوكةُي‬changes in English into a modal verb „must have‟.
You can‟t have sentences without a verb in English.
‫ الكرة القُوح‬is translated „good books‟, you can use „valuable books‟
as well.

.‫ ) هي هؼاَُش الحكن ػلً ذقذم تلذ هي الثلذاى اذاحح عشصح الرؼلُن للوشأج‬2

2) One criterion of judging a country's advancement is women's

access to education.
Explanation: Note that „is‟ is added to the English sentence
because there is no verb in the Arabic one.

.‫( أصثح ذٌظُن الوشوسهي الوهام الكثشي الرً ذضطلغ تها قىاخ الششطح الحذَثح‬3

3) Traffic-control has come to be a major task for any modern police

Explanation: It is very important in English to note the change in
the order of adjectives and their nouns.
In Arabic the adjective comes after the noun: ‫‟الوهام الكثشي‬
But in English the adjective comes before the noun: „major tasks‟

‫) أعلنت أكاديمية العلوم التابعة لجمهورية التشيك وفاة أوتو وشتيرلى مخترع العدسات‬4
.‫ عاما‬48 ‫الملتصقة عن‬
5) Otto Wichterle, the Czech inventor of the contact lens, has died,
aged 84, the Czech Republic's Academy of Sciences announced.

Explanation: In this sentence you have 2 pieces of information.

‫أعلنت أكاديمية العلوم التابعة لجمهورية التشيك‬

‫وفاة أوتو وشتيرلى‬

The translator here used the second part first using the verb „died‟
instead of the noun „‫‟وعاج‬

This sentence can be translated differently:

The Czech Republic's Academy of Sciences announced the death of

Otto Wichterle, 84, the Czech inventor of the contact lens.

‫) بلغ عدد النساء العامالت بالجهاز الحكومى هذا العام مليون ونصف عاملة من بين‬5
.‫خمسة ماليين هى جملة العاملين بالجهاز االدارى‬

5) The number of women working in the civil service has risen this
year to reach one and a half million out of a total civil service staff
of five million.

Explanation: Notice that both ‫ الجهاص الحكىهً والجهاص االداسي‬are

translated „civil service‟ not governmental system; it is a wrong
translation because both entities provide services for the people.
Arabic is a rich language, unlike the English language.

‫ وَؼول هخططا‬، ‫) اخراسخ ماَاكى أهُشج الُاتاى الضواج هي َاتاًٍ هي ػاهح الشؼة‬6
. ‫هؼواسَا‬

6) Princess Sayako of Japan has chosen to marry a commoner,

urban planner from Tokyo.

‫) فرضت سبعة دول أفريقية علي األقل حظرا علي االستيراد من المناطق األسيوية‬7
.‫التي تأثرت بفيروس كورونا المستجد‬

7) At least seven African countries have banned imports from parts

of Asia affected by COVID- 19 (Corona virus).

8) We should honour great writers and thinkers, especially those who
have published distinguished works.

‫ وخاصح هؤالء اللزَي ًششوا أػواالا هوُّضج‬،‫الؼظواء‬/‫) الت ّذ أى ًُ ِج ّل الكرّاب والوفكشَي الؼظام‬8

9) As soon as I saw the accident, I called the police and they came

.‫ اذصلد تالششطح وحضشوا ػلً الفىس‬،‫) توجشد ها سأَد الحادز‬9

10) A good teacher should be responsible, and should care for the needs
of students.

.‫) الت ّذ أى َكىى الوذ ّسط الجُّذ هسؤوالا وأى َهر ّن تاحرُاجاخ الطالب‬10

11) Yahia Haqqi was one of the pioneers of modern Egyptian literature.

ّ ‫) لقذ كاى َحًُ حقٍ واحذاا هي س ّواد األدب ال ِوصش‬11

.‫ٌ الحذَس‬

12) In ancient Egypt, people used a type of tall plant, called papyrus, to
make paper.

ً‫ امرخذم الٌاط ًىػاا هي الٌَّثاذاخ الطَّىَلح َُس ّوً الثَشدٌ ع‬،‫الىسق عً هص القذَوح‬
َ ‫) صٌاػح‬12
.‫صٌاػح الىسق‬

Unit 14


Practice 1: Correct the errors in the following sentences. Some

sentences do not have any errors.
1. I are very happy. ………………… ………………………..
2. I go now. …………………… ………………………………..
3. I want three egg. ………………
4. We are learning English. ………………….
5. I have too cats. …………………
6. You chair is red. ………………………
7. I no have time. ………………… ….
8. Who coming to diner? ……… …………………………
9. I hungry. ……………………
10.What time is it. ……………………………………
11.Dina my friend.
12.Radwa have two apple. …………
13.I play soccer yesterday. … ……………………………..
14.She are downstairs. …………
15.The cars is red. ……………
16. Where it be? ………………
17.The picture are pretty. ……………
18.Cows is black and white. ……………
19.The trip was great. ……………………………………..
20.Today was Tuesday. ……………….

Practice 2: replace the words in italics with a few or a little

1. You might obtain your goal if you put forth some more effort. ……
2. Even though the mountain is very steep and the climb is dangerous,
not many adventurous and strong-willed people have made it to the
top. … ………..
3. The instructor spoke very clearly. As a result, not many students
had questions at the end of her speech. …… ……..

4. I have to go to the bank because I have some checks I need to
deposit. … …….
5. Jane goes to her mailbox every day, but it is usually empty. she
gets not much mail. ……… ….
6. My friend arrived in the United States not many months ago. …..
7. I think you could use some help. Can I give you some advice?.....
8. I broke my arm not many days ago. … ……
9. Jenny likes to eat salad. She usually adds some lemon juice to it. …
10.I have not much patience for people who make a decision before
considering all sides of an argument. … ………………..

Practice 3: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning

to the word in capital letters.

1. UP
A. down B. above C. inside
A. share B. take C. release
A. huge B. big C. small
A. glad B. sad C. calm
A. happiness B. rage C. stupidity
A. evening B. noon C. yesterday
7. FAT
A. short B. thick C. skinny
8. BUY
A. sell B. have C. hold
A. stop B. end C. start
A. free B. loose C. firm
A. become B. exist C. die
A. different B. same C. usual

A. mean B. lovely C. ugly
A. everything B. anybody C. something
A. aged B. used C. young
A. taller B. lower C. smaller
A. healthy B. ill C. poor
A. normal B. odd C. strange
A. combine B. separate C. group
A. excellent B. terrible C. scary

Practice 4: Choose either "will" or "going to" for each sentence and
include the main verb too. Don't use contractions.
1. A: Why are you wearing your coat?
B: Because I … ……… (go) to the shops.

2. A: I think we are lost!

B: OK, I … ……… (find) a policeman to ask directions.

3. A: The kitchen is on fire!!!!

B: Oh no!!! I … ……… (call) the fire brigade.

4. A: I think the dog needs a bath.

B: I know. Today, I bought that special shampoo. I … ………… (wash)
him tomorrow.

5. A: How are you going to college this afternoon.

B: Ahmed …… ………….(give) me a lift.

6. A: Someone's at the door!
B: I … ….. (go)

Practice 5: Fill in the gaps using (a, an, the) or X if unnecessary

1. Give me… …. apple from the fridge. I need it for this recipe.

2. Doug went to… …. university in Canada; I can't remember the name.

3. I bought an external hard drive for Leanne at Christmas. And she got
me… …. MP3 player!

4. If you go to… ….. bed one hour earlier every night, you'll feel much

5. He's been playing computer games in his bedroom for… ….hour!

6. It was raining so I took my rain boots and … …..umbrella.

7. We visited my aunt Matilda last year. She was staying in… …… new
hospital in Giza.

8. … ……lions are dangerous animals for people.

9. I went to …….. Paris last year and we visited the Eiffel Tower.

10. The Mississippi is one of … …… biggest rivers in the world.

11.. …… … music always helps me to relax when I am studying.

12. I hated… …… music they were playing last night at the party.

13. Let's go to the shops. We only have … …. few eggs!

14. … ….. pollution is a big threat to the world.

15. There was a fire at … ……Regency hotel last night.

16. I'm… … teacher. I teach children in a large, private school.

Practice 6: Use the past simple for the verbs

1. She _________________ (bring) some chocolates to the party.

2. I _________________ (hear) a new song on the radio.
3. I _________________ (read) three books last week.
4. They _________________ (speak) French to the waitress.
5. He _________________ (understand) the lesson during the class.
6. I _________________ (forget) to buy some milk.
7. She _________________ (have) a baby in June.
8. You _________________ (lose) your keys last week.
9. They _________________ (swim) 500m.
10. I _________________ (give) my mother a CD for Christmas.
11. At the age of 23, she _________________ (become) a doctor.
12. I _________________ (know) the answer yesterday.
13. He _________________ (tell) me that he lived in Toronto.
14. We _________________ (lend) Mahmoud our books.
16. The children _________________ (sleep) in the car.
17. He _________________ (keep) his promise.
18. I _________________ (choose) pizza for dinner.
19. The film _________________ (begin) late.
20. He _________________ (feel) terrible after eating the prawns.

Practice 7: Look at the word in bold. Which part of speech is it?

1. Remember to drive safely.

2. Don't talk like that.
3. This is a nice shirt.
4. Mr. Edward decided to travel to Spain this year.
........................................ ………………………...
5. When they arrived home, they started eating their lunch.
………………………… ……………………………
6. We had breakfast in a café near the station.
………………………… …………………………..
7. The cat is under the wooden kitchen table.
………………………… ………………………….
8. The policeman ran quickly to catch the thief.
………………………….. ……………………….
9. She thought of a wise plan.
…………………………. ……………………….

Practice 8: Identify the type of sentence adding the correct

punctuation mark

1. Everybody likes chocolate ………………………………..

2. Please, lower your voice ......................................................
3. I can't wait for the party …………………………………..
4. Do you want Pepsi or Seven Up …………………………..
5. Do you know where Abu Simbel is …………………………
6. Stay In your seat ………………………………….
7. The students enjoyed the field trip ……………………….

Practice 9: Rewrite the following correctly to form a sentence

1. the bus/ waited for/ we

2. falls/ heavily/ the rain
3. barked/ the dog/ loudly
4. dress/ a new/ bought/ I
5. Mr. Ahmed/ a journalist/ is

6. has/ the baby/ small/ feet/ hands/ and
7. a fat/ is/ man/ Mr. Bakr
8. plays/ piano/ Mona
9. yesterday/ called/ I/ you
10. received/ an email/ I/ Shady/ from

Practice 10: Complete the following to form a sentence

1. Aly ………. a student in the faculty of Commerce.

2. She left her ………….. in the living room.
3. ................................... are animals.
4. Here is ………….. book.
5. Mansour ……………. in an international company.
6. ………….. lives in Cairo.
7. I'll take my ……………….
8. Tomorrow I'll leave for ……………
9. Your writing is………………….
10. This is a ………………….. dress.

Practice 11: Replace the repeated subject or object with the correct
1. This is Ahmed. Ahmed is my brother.
2. Talk to your friends. Ask your friends to help you.
3. You have to see a doctor. A doctor can help you.
4. The Harolds live in England. The Harolds live there for 20 years.

5. The children don't like Spinach. They don't like Spinach.
6. I can see Nagy over there. I can see Nagy.
7. I saw Magda in the mall today. I had dinner with Magda.

Practice 12: Complete the sentences by putting the verb in brackets

in the correct tense (past or present simple)

1. I ……………….. (have) two tickets for the circus, would you like
to come with me?
2. Adel usually ………… (sit) in the front seat in class.
3. Last week my grandfather …………… (buy) a new bicycle for my
little brother.
4. Butter …………… (melt) when exposed to high temperature.
5. Last night I …………….. (go) to the cinema and …………….
(watch) a horror movie.
6. My sister ……………… (prefer) reading a book than going to the
7. Now he …………… (be) a nice person, but last summer he
……….. (be) very rude.
8. Every weekend we ……………. (visit) our grandparents.
9. I …………….. (think) you should ask your parents' permission
before going to camp.
10. Ismail Yassin ……………. (be) a great comedian.

Practice 13: Identify the kind of sentence. The first two have been
done for you.

1. Why do you believe that? (interrogative)

2. I want to know why you believe that. (declarative) (This is not a
3. Please accept my apology.
4. Your face is frightening the baby!

5. My shoe is on fire!
6. When did you first notice that your shoe was on fire?
7. My doctor told me to take these vitamins.
8. Ask Heba for the recipe.
9. Did you solve the puzzle yet?
10.Mona, hand me your coat.
11.It‟s hard to believe that this paper is made of wood.
12.There are more apples in the refrigerator.
13.We are on the wrong planet!
14.Will Sarah pause to place poached pickles on Hala‟s pretty plate?
15.I would send her a gift if I were you.
16.Send her a nice gift.
17. Are you aware of the appointment tomorrow
18.Eat your supper
19.Oh, what a beautiful morning
20. Today is my birthday
21.What gifts did you receive for your birthday
22.Pay the bill
23.Shh, don't make any noise
24. Have you finished your homework
25.Debby, turn off the light
26.Brian participated in the baseball tournament

Practice 14: Is the group of words a complete sentence? Write Yes or

No after each sentence. The first two have been done for you.

1. Honestly telling everything he knew. No

2. He was honestly telling everything he knew. Yes
3. Eating too many olives for her own good.
4. Noha wondered why the chicken soup was green.
5. Boys who think that they‟re men.
6. Putting her gloves on backwards.
7. I saw it.
8. The food that no one wanted to eat.
9. The boy who kept pudding in his hat.
10.The boy kept pudding in his hat.
11.Jihan found the keys in her coat.
12.The keys that Jihan found in her coat.
13.Playfully dancing in the rain.
14.Cameras without any film.
15.Moving with great speed.
16.We‟ll share the secret with you.
17.The car is red.
18.The car that is red.
19.The car that is red runs very smoothly.
20.Runs very smoothly.
21.Putting their shoes on.
22.The boys are putting their shoes on.
23.The pretty girls who cannot sing.
24.The dogs that bite are kept in pens.
25.Many careful workers.
26.A full week after the river overflowed.

Practice 15: Identify the right kind of the words (figure of speech) in

1. I would like to show you my (car).

2. I really like (American) cars.
3. I (never) drive it in town.
4. It would be too (dangerous).
5. I (bought) it last month.
6. (It) is a second-hand car.
7. I got my driving-license (recently).
8. You must be very (wealthy).

Practice 16: Choose the correct verb form in the following sentences.

1. Your chances of winning the competition ____ less than being

struck by lightning. (is/are)
2. When students, no matter how much energy they have,____ up all
night, they are not alert in the morning. (stay/stays)
3. I used to fly to Alexandria every summer and live in Tanta every
winter, but now I ____ here permanently. (live/lives)
4. After class, Teresa ___ to her car and drives to work. (run/ runs)
5. Once in a while, Patty ___ shopping in an Indian grocery store and
cooks tandoori chicken. (go/goes)

6. Why don't we ___ the park on the weekend and bring some friends
with us? (visit/ visits)
7. If it ___ today, Mahmoud will not need to water the garden. (rain/
8. A lot of people _____ Nesma to be very quiet. (consider/
9. Many people ___________ to charity organizations in Ramadan.
(donate/ donates)
10.He ____________ pay a lot to have this car. (doesn't/ don't)

Practice 17: Choose the correct pronoun that agrees with the noun in
the sentences below.

1. Each of the suspects had (his, their) own defence.

2. Marwan and Iman planned (his and her, their) wedding.
3. Did George or Bassem announce (his, their) intent to run for
parliamentary elections?
4. Neither the nails nor the hammer was returned to (its, their) proper
5. Everyone turned in (his or her, their) drama reviews in advance of
the due date.
6. All of the students turned in (his or her, their) research papers on
7. If any one of the students has misplaced (his or her, their) lunch
ticket, (he or she, they) can ask for a replacement from the Ms.
Israa Nagy, the lunch lady.
8. The state of Florida does not treat (its, their) public employees
9. Both of the women have made (her, their) opinions known.
10.Every one of the actresses knows (her, their) part by heart.
11.Either my brother or sisters will reveal (his and their, their) plans
at the family reunion.
12.After the victory, the winning and the losing captains thanked (his,
their) team members for effort beyond the call of duty.
13.Before the guests began arriving, Sally asked Tarek whether
everything was in (its, their) place.

14.Neither of the candidates wore clothing suitable for (his or her,
their) interview.
15.Every teacher must turn in (his or her, their) grades by December

Practice 18: Choose the correct answer (an adverb or an adjective)

1. He (correct, correctly) defined the terms. The answer sounded

(correctly, correct).
2. She (quickly, quick) adjusted the fees. She adapted (quick, quickly)
to any situation.
3. He measured the floor (exact, exactly). They proved to be (perfectly,
perfect) (exact, exactly) measurements.
4. The stillness of the tomb was (awfully, awful). The tomb was
(awfully, awful) still.
5. It was a (dangerously, dangerous) lake to swim in. The man was
(dangerous, dangerously) drunk. The gas smelled (dangerously,
6. She performed (magnificent, magnificently). It was a (magnificent,
magnificently) beautiful performance.
7. Her voice sounds (beautifully, beautiful). She sang the song (exact,
exactly) as it was written. We heard it (perfectly, perfect).
8. He was a very (sensibly, sensible) person. He acted very (sensible,
9. Mike wrote too (slow, slowly) on the exam. He always writes (slow,
10.Talk (softly, soft) or don't talk at all. The music played (softly, soft).
11.Andrea knows the material very (good, well). She always treats us
(good, well).
12.You must send payments (regular, regularly). We deal on a (strictly,
strict) cash basis.
13.The mechanic's tools were (well, good). The foreman said that his
work was (good, well) done.
14.She worked (careful, carefully) with the sick child. She was a very
(careful, carefully) worker.
15.He did not pass the course as (easy, easily) as he thought he would.

16.I find this novel very (interesting, interestingly). It was (interesting,
interestingly) written.

Practice 19: Write the sentences in order

1. an e-mail / sent / My wife / me / .
2. some flowers / The son / his mother/ buys / every month /.
3. to the station / returns / The bus/ at night .
4. at ten o´clock / The conference / last week / started / on Tuesday / .
5. the tree / The car / hit / with great force .
6. slowly / his meal / ate/ Sam / .
7. to post her letter / this morning / to town / The teacher/ went / .
8. on the train / ate / this morning / John / breakfast /.
9. to / Julie / speaks/ My father/.
10.a table / for me / They / once a year / at the restaurant / book /.

Practice 20: Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps using articles or
quantifiers (if necessary).

Tom: Dad, can I have____________birthday party on next Saturday?

Dad: Sure, why not. Are you going to invite anybody?
Tom: Just_________friends. Not too _____________
Dad: That‟s great! So we need to go shopping.
Tom: I‟ll do that. What should I buy?
Dad: I‟ll prepare__________birthday cake for you so I will
need__________eggs, _______bag of flour,_______sugar
and________apples, but not too__________just two or three.
Tom: Anything else?
Dad: We‟ll need_________milk and ___________orange juice. Oh,
Tom: Is that all?
Dad: Yes. Remember not to buy ____________candles. We‟ve got
___________in the cupboard, we don‟t need more.
Tom: Will you give me____________money?
Dad: Here you are! Hurry up! We don‟t have_________time.

Practice 21: Put the words in the correct order and write the

1. your / first / name / is / what? -------------------------------------------
2. number / your / what / is / passport ? -----------------------------------
3. there / near / is / a / stop / bus / here? --------------------------------
4. much / how / you / do / remember? ----------------------------------
5. have / an / address / email / do / you? ----------------------------------
6. you / spell / do / how / that? --------------------------------------------
7. is / creator / the / who / the / world / of? --------------------------------
8. you / moral / do / believe / in / rules? -----------------------------------
9. did / what / their / son / do / school / at? ----------------------------
10.why / jealousy / bad / and / greed / are ? ------------------------------
11.you / every / do / pray / day? ---------------------------------------------
12.when / festival / begin / the / did? ---------------------------------------
13.long / the / festival / last / how / does? --------------------------------
14.there / why / is / evil? -----------------------------------------------------
15.do / know / you / about / what / Thailand ? ---------------------------
16.what / in / our / are / duties / the world ?---------------------------------
17.things / which / you / see/ can? -------------------------------
18.do / you / everyday/ pray ? ------------------------------------------------
19.part/ which / of / unusual / it / is? --------------------------------
20. have / they / got / passports / the? ------------------------------------

Practice 22: Read the passage and then choose the correct answer

My Aunt’s Haunted House

I'm going to tell you about my Aunt Maria's house. It's not her main
house, that's in the city. No, this house is by a lake in a remote village.
There was a small town by the lake called Kafr Alpasha, but all the
people moved away when agriculture stopped about sixty years ago. But
the houses stayed, of course. My Aunt Maria uses that house as a
vacation home and she goes there for a few weeks every year to relax.

But staying in that house isn't a relaxing experience. I think the house is
haunted! I think there's a ghost there from many many years ago. Maria
says I'm silly and that I've got an over-active imagination. But there are
many things that happen in that house that cannot be easily explained.

One day, shortly after getting up, I went to find my Aunt Maria to say
"good morning" and I heard her talking in a room that she usually never
uses. I think it used to be the nursery of the house in the past. I listened at
the door and could hear Maria reading something out, or perhaps she was
dictating a letter. I couldn't hear any other person in the room with her so
it wasn't a normal conversation. I didn't want to disturb my aunt, so I
went back downstairs to make breakfast in the kitchen, which I ate on the
porch that overlooked the lake. It was a beautiful sunny morning. Half an
hour later, I heard my aunt's car arriving. She had been to the local store
to buy some bread and milk for breakfast. I couldn't believe it!

"What are you looking so shocked for?" she asked me.

"I thought you were in the old nursery, working on your letters, Auntie," I
"I never go in that room," she said. "I haven't been in that room for thirty

A few other things like that happened over the next few visits I made to
that house and I grew to dislike it very much. Then, one day in my local
library, I found a story in an old newspaper with the title "The Constant
Babysitter". The story was that a baby had died in one of the houses by
the lake at Kafr Alpasha and the babysitter was blamed. She spent all her
time in the kitchen writing her letters and didn't know that someone had
climbed in the baby's window and taken her. The baby was never found.
The woman killed herself through depression after the baby's
disappearance and local people then said her ghost stayed very close to
where the baby was left by the parents - in the nursery.

I never went back to that house, despite my Aunt Maria's many


1. The narrator describes the house where her aunt lives all year.

A. false
B. true

2. Why did the people leave Kafr Alpasha? They left because……

A. the lake flooded

B. of the haunted house
C. of the economy

3. Aunt Maria also believes there's something "strange" in the house.

A. true
B. false

4. Why was the narrator looking for Aunt Maria? The narrator was
looking for her

A. to have breakfast
B. to greet her
C. to tell her about the nursery

5. Why did the narrator think it wasn't a "normal conversation"? It wasn‟t

a usual conversation because……..

A. She heard many voices
B. The people were shouting
C. The voice was strange

6. What did Aunt Maria say about the nursery? Maria said that…….

A. she didn‟t like to use it

B. she never used it
C. the room was locked

7. Who took the baby in the story?

A. A friend of the babysitter

B. The babysitter
C. Nobody knows

8. Why does the ghost probably stay in the nursery? The ghost stays

A. it feels guilty about what happened

B. it likes to stay by the lake
C. the babysitter jumped from the window in the nursery

Practice 23: Read the passage and then choose the correct answer

The History of Pizza

The modern pizza was originally invented in Naples, Italy but the word
pizza is Greek in origin, derived from the Greek word pēktos
meaning solid or clotted. The ancient Greeks covered their bread with
oils, herbs and cheese. The first major innovation that led to flat bread
pizza was the use of tomato as a topping. It was common for the poor of

the area around Naples to add tomato to their yeast-based flat bread, and
so the pizza began.

While it is difficult to say for sure who invented the pizza, it is however
believed that modern pizza was first made by baker Raffaele Esposito of
Naples. In fact, a popular urban legend holds that the archetypal pizza,
Pizza Margherita, was invented in 1889, when the Royal Palace of
Capodimonte commissioned the Neapolitan Raffaele Esposito to create a
pizza in honor of the visiting Queen Margherita. Of the three different
pizzas he created, the Queen strongly preferred a pie covered in the colors
of the Italian flag: red (tomato), green (basil), and white (mozzarella).
Supposedly, this kind of pizza was then named after the Queen as Pizza

Later, the dish has become popular in many parts of the world:

 The first pizzeria, Antica Pizzeria Port'Alba, was opened in 1830 in

 In North America, The first pizzeria was opened in 1905 by Gennaro
Lombardi in New York City.
 The first Pizza Hut, the chain of pizza restaurants appeared in the
United States in 1930.

3. The word „pizza‟ is originally:

A. Italian B. Mexican C. Egyptian D. Greek E.

2. The first chain of American pizza restaurants was:

A. Pizza Napoli B. Pizza Margarita C. Pizza Hut D. Pizza
E. Pizza Naples

3. The Greek word „pektos‟ means:

A. herbs B. cheese C. oil D. solid E. all the previous

4. The poor around Naples used to add some ingredients to their pizza
such as:
A. bread B. cheese C. oil D. tomatoes E. yeast

5. The first modern pizza was made by a man from:
A. Naples B. Greece C. France D. America E. Not

6. Pizza Margarita was made in honor of:

A. Raffaele Esposito B. Gennaro Lombardi C. Queen
D. the Italian Queen E. the American visitor

7. The topping of Pizza Margarita carries the colors of:

A. the Italian flag B. Queen Margherita C. Pizza Hut
D. the American flag E. The Greek flag

8. The first pizzeria in Italy was opened in:

A. 1930 B. 1960 C. 1889 D. 1905 E. 1830

Practice 24: Read the passage and then choose the correct answer

Dear Ali,
How are you? I had wanted to email you before I started my new job, but
I did not have time! I‟ve now worked here for two weeks. I‟m working in
an old building in the middle of the city at the moment and I travel to
work by bus. By the end of next year, they will have finished building a
new office in a different part of the city. So after that, I‟ll be travelling to
work every day on the metro!
Before I started this job, I hadn‟t known very much about new
technology. Now I use it every day. I often talk to people in other
countries, using the internet.
The work is different every day. Yesterday I was interviewing a
businesswoman from Japan. Today I‟m visiting a new hotel in Cairo and
tomorrow I‟m going to a meeting in Damietta. I think I‟ll have to get up
very early because the train leaves at 5a.m!.
The job is very tiring and I don‟t have a routine yet, but I‟m enjoying it. I
have already written a lot of articles. You can read them online. I‟ve met
some famous people, too. There is a photo of me interviewing a politician
in the attachment to this email. He works for the Ministry of Antiquities,
so he knows all about ancient Egypt. I haven‟t met any sports people yet,

but there is an important tennis competition next month. There are some
famous tennis players going there and I‟m sure I‟ll interview one.
Write soon.
Best wishes,

1. For how long has Munir done this job?

a for a year b for two weeks c since he moved offices
d since last May
2. Why does he have to get up early tomorrow?
a He‟s interviewing a businessman. b He‟s visiting a new hotel.
c He is going to a meeting. d He‟s interviewing a politician.
3. Why did someone take a photo of Munir?
a He is famous. b He was meeting a famous person.
c He wanted a photo to send to his friend. d Because his article is online.
4. What is the main idea of the email?
a Munir‟s new job is boring. b Munir doesn‟t like his new job.
c Munir‟s new job is busy but exciting.
d Munir wants his job to pay him more money.
5. What does the underlined word one refer to?
a tennis competitions b business people c a famous tennis player
d a politician
6. What does the word antiquities mean?
a very old things b farming c medicine d education
7. How do you think new technology will help Munir in the
8. How does Munir usually communicate with people in other
9. What job do you think Munir does?
10. Why didn‟t Munir email his friend before he got the job?

Practice 25: Who are they?

Write a small paragraph for each card.

Practice 26: Choose the sentence that describes what is the child

1. Mary is wearing a pink dress and black shoes. She is playing the
2. Koky is wearing a sky-blue t-shirt, blue pants and brown shoes.
He is playing with Mady with some cubes.
3. Lola is wearing a pink blouse and blue pants. She is talking with
4. Mickey is wearing a blue t-shirt and grey pants. She is holding
some cubes.
5. Boggy is wearing a brown t-shirt, blue shorts and sneakers. He is
painting a flower.
6. Joseph is wearing a yellow t-shirt and he is playing the cello.
7. Many is wearing an orange and green t-shirt. He is playing with
8. Luis is wearing a pink shirt and green pants, he is talking with
9. Mark is sitting on a chair talking with Luis.
10.Omar is wearing a green t-shirt and blue shorts. He is playing the

Unit 15


1. Different Jobs
Match the jobs with the definitions

No. Job Title No. Definition

1 Receptionist A Heads the department that
advertises and sells products
2 Accountant B Does secretarial work for top
3 Finance Director C Heads a company and is
responsible for its running
4 Managing Director D Sells the products to customers
5 Sales Representative E Heads the department responsible
for manufacturing products
6 Personnel Manager F Is responsible for staff matters
and hires employees
7 Production Manager G Runs the company's financial
8 Executive Secretary H Sits in the lobby, answers phone
calls and greet visitors
9 Sales and Marketing I Keeps the accounts in the finance
Manager department

2. Employment

Match the words with their definition

Word Definition
1. Interview a. Additional payment to an employee as an
2. Experience incentive/ reward

3. Resume b. Payment on periodic basis (not on unit)
4. Staff c. Oral examination of a candidate for
5. Salary employment.
6. Bonus d. Knowledge or skill acquired from work
7. Fire e. To dismiss from job
8. Promotion f. People who work in a place
9. Sick leave g. Absence because of illness
10. Maternity h. Reduction in the amount of pay
leave i. Summary of your education and work
11. Retire experience
12. Resign j. A period of absence for females when
13. Candidate having baby.
14. Vacancy k. Person applying for a job
15. Pay cut l. Payment according to unit (not on periodic
16. Wage basis)
m. A position to be filled
n. Leave a job voluntarily
o. Advancement in position in a company
p. Leave work because of age

3. Business
Match the words with their definition

Word Definition
1 invoice A Money borrowed from a person or
2 profit B A document that shows you've paid
for something
3 retail C The results when costs are higher
than total sales
4 loan D A business that sells products to the
general public
5 refund E The money you get back when you
are not satisfied with the product
6 receipt F The money you needed to start a

7 wholesale G People who bought parts or shares
of a company
8 turnover H The people who buy products and
9 consumers I Money that people or companies
have to pay to their government
10 shareholders J A reduction in prices
11 discount K A total sales of a company
12 currency L A business that sells goods in large
quantities to retail stores
13 interest M The money a country uses
14 capital N A bill listing the products delivered
15 taxes O The money a bank charges for a
16 loss P What you get when sales are higher
than production costs

Sample 1

Read the following passages and then decide whether the statements
are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). [Only ONE answer is accepted]
Passage 1:
This is my garden. It is very big and also very wide. On one side, there is
the Mr. Ahmed's family and on the other side, there is Karim's family. I
like both my neighbors, especially Karim because he is my friend. There
is a lot of grass in my garden. Now, it is September and the grass is long
and thick. I also have three trees in the garden. There is a young lemon
tree which is very small. It doesn't have any fruit, maybe next year! Then,
there is an orange tree. There aren't many oranges this year because of the
hot weather. The third tree is a mango tree. Mangoes always grow well
here because they like hot weather. The tree is full of big yellow
mangoes. Tomorrow, I'll invite Karim and Mr. Ahmed's family to have
some mangoes.

1. The writer is describing his garden.

2. The writer's garden is very small.
3. The writer doesn't have any neighbors near his garden.
4. Mr. Ahmed is the writer's father.
5. The writer doesn't like Karim.
6. Now the garden is full of grass.
7. The grass is yellow.
8. Grass grow in September.
9. There are six trees in the garden.
10.There are many lemons in the lemon tree.
11.Oranges don't grow in hot weather.
12.The mango tree has lots of mangoes.
13.The mangoes are very small.
14.The mangoes can't be eaten.
15.The writer will invite Karim and Mr. Ahmed to his birthday party.

Passage 2:
I want to tell you about what I had done lately. I left to Aswan with my
husband Sharif; we stayed there for 3 months till he could finish part of
his work. After that, we went to Hurghada. It was very expensive and we
couldn't stay for long as we wanted, so that's why we left to Minia! When
we got to Minia, the sun was shining and it was very hot! We only stayed
for one day because my husband really wanted to visit the monuments
there. Today, I am in Luxor. Tomorrow we are going back to Aswan.
Wow - what a great city! I'll bring you a surprise gift from there. I'm sure
you'll like it.

16.The writer is addressing the reader.

17.The writer left to Aswan with their children.
18.Sharif is the writer's husband.
19.The writer and her husband stayed in Luxor for 3 months.
20.Sharif had some work to do in Aswan.
21.Sharif finished all of his work.
22.Hurghada was very hot.
23.The writer and her husband wanted to stay in Hurghada but
24.The writer and her husband left Minia because it was very
25.The sun never shines in Minia.
26.Sharif wanted to see the monuments in Minia.
27.The writer and her husband will return to Aswan at the end.
28.The writer enjoys living in Aswan.
29.The writer will bring the gift from Minia.
30.The writer is sure that the reader will like her gift.


Choose the correct answer. [Only ONE answer is accepted]

31.Farmers who work on farms are strong. Some nouns in this

sentence are:
A. work B. strong C. farmers and farms D. on E. who
32.Hanan will visit her grandfather today. Some nouns in this sentence

A. will B. with C. Hanan D. visit E. Hanan and
33.The children want ice-cream. The verb in this sentence is:
A.ice-cream B. the C. want D. children E. children
and want
34.She is a teacher in Orman School for Girls. The verb in this
sentence is:
A.Orman B. teacher C. girls D. school E. is
35.Our manager had a new car. The adjective in this sentence is:
A. manager B. car C. new D. our E. had
36.The bus moves quickly because it is late. The adverb in this
sentence is:
A. quickly B. moves C. it D. the E. is
37.Maha took her sister to the doctor. The pronoun in this sentence is:
A.Maha B. her C. took D. doctor E. the
38.I am a student in the faculty of Commerce. The pronoun in this
sentence is:
A.I B. student C. a D. faculty E. am
39.the/ class/ noisy/ is. The right order of these words is:
A. Class is noisy the
B. Noisy is class the
C. Is class the noisy
D. The class is noisy
E. The noisy is class
40.likes/ brother/ my/ football/ little. The right order of these words is:
A.My little brother likes football
B. My little football likes brother
C. Likes my little brother football
D.Football likes my little brother
E. Likes football my little brother
41.……………………..watch TV till 11 o'clock.
A.my brothers B. watches C. watched D. cats E. all night
42.The girls go to …………………
A.go B. the garden C. at D. the E. on Friday
43.My mother is ………………… in a hospital.
A. my father B. a nurse C. works D. car E. asks
44.A month ago I ………. a new computer.

A. buyed B. buys C. bought D. buy E. will buy
45.Don't ……….. the window; it is very cold outside.
A. opens B. opened C. open D. opening E. will open
46.Tomorrow my brother ……….. from Spain.
A. will come B. come C. coming D. came E. comed
47.Which of the following sentences is correct?
A. I bought much bottles of milk
B. I bought a little bottles of milk
C. I bought some bottles of milk
D. I bought an bottle of milk
E. I bought bottle of milk
48.There are…………..books on the shelf.
A.much B. many C. any D. an E. a
49.The ………………. is the one who runs the company's financial
A. secretary
B. receptionist
C. finance director
D. managing director
E. sales representative
50.When you buy something from a shop, you have to take
the…………before leaving.
A.receipt B. taxes C. customer D. loan E. loss

Sample 2

Read the following passages and then choose the correct answer from
(a, b, c, d, or e). {Only ONE answer is accepted}

Passage 1:
Left by their mother, six tiny kittens have found themselves being taken
care of by a surprise new mom - a rabbit. Mona Khaled, a nurse at an
animal hospital, took the kittens home. She thought her pet cat would care
for them. Instead they're being looked after by her pet rabbit, Sandy. "The
kittens love their new mom. They don't leave her alone," said Mona. "It's
amazing. They climb all over her and look to get milk from her. She just
sits there and lets them do it." Now the kittens follow the rabbit
everywhere. They can't bear to be without her. "They're all so lovely
together," says Mona.

1. Who found the kittens?

a. a rabbit b. a nurse c. the hospital d. the cat e. their
2. The little cats were left by:
a. The rabbit b. the children c. their mother d. their parents
e. Mona
3. Who is Mona Khaled?
a. The hospital nurse b. the kittens' mother c. the pet cat d.
the rabbit e. one of the kittens
4. Who is Sandy?
a. Mona's friend b. another nurse c. a cat d. a dog e. a
5. Who was supposed to take feed the kittens?
a. Mona's pet cat b. Sandy c. Mona d. the animal hospital
e. not mentioned
6. Mona was surprised because the kittens thought that their mother
a. was dead b. was Sandy c. was Mona d. was the pet cat e.
was bad
7. Another word for "lovely" is:
a. wonderful b. awful c. disgusting d. bad e. homeless

Passage 2:
The giant panda is the rarest member of the bear family. It is one of the
world‟s most threatened animals. The giant panda is very well loved. It is
a special animal for the World Wildlife Fund. It has been their logo since
the WWF was started in 1961. Giant pandas live in forests in the
mountain areas in central and southwest China. As more roads and
railway lines are built, the forest habitat is disturbed. When that happens,
the pandas can't find enough bamboo to eat. And they need a lot to eat -
almost 28 kilos of bamboo every day! Through the efforts of the WWF
and other groups, the number of giant pandas is increasing. But it hasn‟t
been enough to remove it from the endangered animal list.

8. Another word for "Giant" is:
a. big b. small c. very small d. narrow e. tired
9. The panda belongs to the family of:
a. lions b. cats c. monkeys d. bears e. horses
10.The panda is a special animal for:
a. USA b. UAE c. UK d. WWF e. WHO
11.The organization used the panda as its logo since:
a. 1991 b. 1981 c. 1961 d. 1971 e. 1941
12.The panda lives in:
a. the fields b. the forests c. the barns d. the farms e. the
13.Where can you find the panda?
a. in America b. in China c. in Australia d. in Africa e. in
14.What is the panda's favorite food?
a. honey b. meat c. carrots d. bamboo e. fish
15.Why does the number of pandas decrease?
a. Because the pandas die b. Because people build houses
c. Because people kill pandas d. Because the pandas eat a lot of
e. Because the roads and railways replace the forests


Choose the correct answer from A, B, C, D or E. [Only ONE answer
is accepted]

16.Jasmines are white in color and smell good. The nouns in this
sentence are:
A.white and Jasmines B. good and color C. Jasmines and
D. are and color E. white and good
17.She screamed when she saw the snake. The verbs in this sentence
A. She and saw B. she and when C. saw and snake
D. when and screamed E. screamed and saw
18.She bought a lovely wedding dress. The adjective in this sentence

A. dress B. she C. lovely D. wedding E. bought
19.My teacher acts harshly towards his students. The adverb in this
sentence is:
A.My B. teacher C. students D. harshly E. acts
20.Sandy bought him a nice present. The pronoun in this sentence is:
A. nice B. present C. him D. a E. Sandy
21.Who was the first female astronaut? The type of the underlined
sentence is:
A. interrogative B. imperative C. declarative D. exclamatory
E. simple
22.He didn't try to exercise this weekend. The helping verb in this
sentence is:
A. didn't B. travel C. didn't try D. exercise E. didn't and
23.Marwan is my best friend. "Best" is a/an
A. verb B. adjective C. adverb D. verb E. noun
24.He ………….his family to Alexandria.
A.takes B. taken C. Ahmed D. the train E. quickly
25.Do you have……….. sugar? I think you should buy some.
A. many B. a few C. any D. some E. nothing
26.The furniture you bought yesterday …………. good.
A. were B. do C. have D. has E. was
27.Electricity……… important in our life.
A.were B. are C. have D. is E. had
28.Doaa will join……. Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University this
A.an B. the C. any D. much E. nothing
29.Last week my sister ……….. married.
A. gets B. getted C. get D. got E. will get
30.Which of the following verbs is NOT in the present tense?
A.She works in NBE. B. They practice fitness every week.
C. My brother succeeds this year. D. I'll travel to Mansoura next
E. The two girls buy ice cream from the Mall.
31.Many years ago I used to sit in the lobby, answer phone calls and
greet visitors. I was working as a…………………….
A. accountant B. receptionist C. sales representative
D.managing director E. finance director
32.The……………..is the one who keeps the accounts in the finance
A. production manager B. accountant C. personal manager
D. receptionist E. managing director
33.An additional payment to an employee is a………………
A. referee B. interview C. bonus D. employer E. resume
34.People who work in a work place are called……………………
A. career B. referee C. staff D. employer E.
personnel officer
35.When someone leaves work because of his old age,
A. fires B. experiences C. retires D. employs E.
36.Buying from ………….. stores is better because it saves money.
A.invoice B. retail C. wholesale D. refund E. receipt
37.When someone is dismissed from his job, he
A.resigned B. retired C. refunded D. interviewed
E. fired
38.I'll wait for the summer ………. to buy new clothes because the
prices will be reduced.
A.taxes B. discount C. invoice D. receipt E. resume
39.In my company I do all the important secretarial work; I am
A.executive secretary
B. accountant
C. finance director
D.personal manager
E. receptionist
40.Some shops give you a…………….if you are not satisfied with the
product you bought.
A. receipt B. invoice C. customer D. refund E. taxes

Selected Items
Answer Key
Unit 1:
1. f/ 2. t/ 3. t/ 4. f/ 5. f/ 6. f/ 7. f/ 8. f/ 9. f/ 10. t.

Exercise 1: Underline the nouns in the sentences below

1. Cairo University is located in Orman, Giza.

2. Alexandria is a large city.
3. Luxor and Aswan are in Upper Egypt.
4. Om Kolthom was a great singer.
5. Sharm ElSheikh is a sunny in winter.
6. Mona likes chocolate.
7. Lions are wild animals.
8. Trains carry passengers and products.
9. Oil floats on water.
10.Engineers design bridges and buildings.

Exercise 2: Underline the pronouns in the sentences below

1. Mona is a teacher. She is a teacher.

2. He played football.
3. She broke the vase.
4. They went to Orman garden in Sham ElNessim.
5. I like ice-cream.

Exercise 3: Underline the verbs in the sentences below

1. Plants need sunlight to grow.

2. Egypt has a strategic importance worldwide.
3. Rice is cooked in a lot of water.
4. Ahmed arrived late yesterday.
5. The doctor works in the hospital.
6. We ate pizza last night.
7. Mobiles are harmful to eyes.
8. I am a student in the Faculty of Law.

9. Tanta is a governorate in Egypt.
10.The boys play football.

Exercise 4: Describe the underlined verbs

1. He is a student in the faculty of Commerce. Main verb

2. Mr. and Mrs. Ahmed went to the zoo with their children. Main
3. Don't open the door now; it is raining. Helping verb
4. I saw a real bear over there! Main verb
5. I have finished my late assignments. Helping verb
6. We didn't want to go to the cinema. Helping verb
7. I like my grandmother's biscuits. Main verb
8. Are you coming to my birthday? Helping verb
9. He has called you twice since the morning. Helping verb
10.I had just finished my breakfast when the telephone rang. Main
11.Where do you live? Helping verb
12.My parents are on a vacation. Main verb
13.Was he angry? Main verb
14.I realized that I hadn't learned anything! Helping verb
15.I know where your mobile is. Main verb
16.The dog runs and jumps. Main verb
17.We like to sing, dance, and play. Main verb
18.I do not know if I should go to the party tonight. Helping verb

Unit 2:
1. f/ 2. f/ 3. t/ 4. t/ 5. f/ 6. f/ 7. f/ 8. t/ 9. t/ 10. f

Exercise 6: Underline the adjectives in the sentences below

1. Hot tea is a popular drink in Egypt.

2. I can see colourful birds singing in the morning.
3. Mr. Aly is always busy.
4. Ismail wears an elegant suit today.
5. Our exam was easy.

6. Karim is a brave man.
7. My grandmother is a generous lady.
8. The clever student studies hard.
9. The motorcycle is old.
10.Today is cloudy, hot, and humid.
11.The man wearing the blue suit is young.
12.The runner is very fast.
13.He is a good basketball player.
14.Community College is a great place to learn.
15.The blue bus is late.
16.The rusty truck has an oversized trailer.
17.Jaime is so smart!
18.The job was difficult, but manageable.
19.The house has new plumbing and running water.
20.The silly man laughed uncontrollably.
21.He wasn‟t sure if the clock was fast or slow.
22.“A cleaner environment,” he strongly stated, “Is the key.”

Exercise 7: Underline the adverbs in the sentences below

1. He speaks loudly.
2. The little girls dance beautifully.
3. The bus moves quickly.
4. He always drives carefully.
5. They arrived early to the beach.
6. Hisham will probably go the airport at 9 p.m.
7. Nadia is definitely moving to Luxor on Monday.
8. The teacher explained the lesson clearly.
9. The secretary did her work perfectly.
10.My father visits his parents regularly.
11.The fire spreads rapidly.
12.Astronauts are really cool.
13.He did well on the test.
14.He told us to talk quietly in the library.
15.The old man drank the juice slowly.
16.The cat quickly pounced on the mouse.
17.We walked happily through the park.

18.The race car is extremely fast.
19.He seldom did poorly on tests.
20.Blue is definitely my favorite color.
21.He carried the bowl of soup very carefully.

Exercise 8: Identify the underlined parts of speech in the following


1. The weather is very cold this morning. Helping verb

2. The lesson is easy to understand. Noun adjective
3. I helped him to carry the box. Main verb noun
4. We had breakfast in a café near the station. Pronoun noun
5. Aly is my best friend. Noun adjective
6. There are different kinds of mobiles. Main verb noun
7. The policeman ran quickly to catch the thief. Adverb noun
8. She will wear my yellow dress today. Pronoun adjective
9. You are doing well. Pronoun adverb
10.Ismail Yassin made good movies. Main verb adjective

Exercise 9: Underline the personal pronouns in the following


1. He is on the telephone.
2. We live in Spain.
3. It is on fire!
4. I am the only student in the class.
5. Tennis is a fun sport. I like to play it.

Exercise 11: Complete the sentences below using a suitable personal


1. I didn't like the movie. I didn't like…it………..

2. Shimaa and I are friends. …We………… are friends
3. I lost my cat. I lost ………it………
4. The children play in the garden every day. …They………. play
in the garden.

5. He doesn't know Ahmed and Karim. He doesn't know
6. She will talk to Noha after class. She will talk to

Exercise 13: Write the correct possessive pronoun for each sentence

1. That photograph belongs to them. That photograph is

2. That bracelet belongs to me. That bracelet is
3. This suitcase belongs to us. This suitcase is

Exercise 15: Identify the type of the following sentences

1. Will the teacher be late? Interrogative

2. He scored a goal. Declarative
3. I completed my college application essay. Declarative
4. Read this book now. Imperative
5. The trip was exciting! Exclamatory

Unit 5
Reading “My Family's Bakery”

6. Who owns the bakery? The family owns the bakery.

7. Who works in the bakery? All the family members work in the
8. When do the bakers work? How many days in the week do the
bakers work?
The bakers work at 4:00 in the morning. The bakers work the
whole week.
9. Who is Judy? What is her job? Judy is the writer‟s niece. She
plays in the bakery and will be the future baker.

Exercise 18: Which of the following sentences is correct? Rewrite the

wrong ones.

11.children go to school every day.
Children go to school every day.
12.Math is a difficult subject.
Math is a difficult subject. Correct
13.Students hard workers
Students are hard workers.
14.are noisy
Children are noisy.
15.Smart phones are expensive
Smart phones are expensive.
16.Ms. Iman teaches Science and Math to 1st Primary. Correct
17.Egypt has places good for tourists.
Egypt has good places for tourists.
18.cairo is the capital of Egypt
Cairo is the capital of Egypt.
19.My mother cooks delicious food. Correct
20.is in the garden
The boy is in the garden.

Exercise 19: Rewrite the following scrambled sentences correctly

1. a phone/ the man/ has The man has a phone.

2. are/ busy/ the streets The streets are busy.
3. an umbrella/ carries/ the woman The woman carries an umbrella.
4. in high/ people/ buildings/ use/ elevators People use elevators in
high buildings.
5. the girl/ the apple/ took The girl took the apple.
6. baby/ is crying/ the The baby is crying.
7. Mona/ a little brother/ has Mona has a little brother.
8. doctor/ is/ my brother My brother is a doctor.
9. tomorrow/ dinner/ will have/ we/ in Costa Tomorrow we will
have dinner in Costa.
10.takes/ the bus/ he/ everyday He takes the bus every day.

Exercise 20: Complete the sentence using the word or set of words for
each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

1. The ______ man paid for my ticket.
A. simple B. angry C. kind D. funny

2. I cannot sleep because my neighborhood is very ______.

A. happy B. average C. fun D. noisy

3. After John washed his car, it looked very ______.

A. dirty B. sweet C. old D. clean

4. Turtles and snails do not move quickly. They are both

______ animals.
A. quick B. slow C. fast D. small

5. The ______ shirt is too ______.

A. big … crazy B. large … big C. heavy … small D.
wet … rainy

6. I am ______ because I did well on my math test.

A. upset B. rough C. happy D. sad

7. Paul and Marcus are ______. They have the same mother.
A. women B. friends C. students D. brothers

8. The air is very ______, and there is ______ ice on the road.
A. warm… a large amount of B. cool … many C. cold .. .a lot
of D. hot.. .much

9. I always arrive to class twenty minutes ______ so that I have

time to prepare.
A. late B. early C. old D. after

10.The library is a good place to ______ because it is very

A. study … quiet B. eat … hungry C. learn … intelligent
D. read … open

11.The letter A is the ______ letter of the English alphabet.
A. last B. first C. second D. third

12.The ______ woman has gray hair and many wrinkles. She
was born many years ago.
A. strong B. young C. old D. kind

13.Oranges and apples are ______. They are both ______.

A. similar … fruits B. special … red C. identical … different
D. bad … healthy

14.Jim ______ brings a hammer to work. He uses it every day.

A. never B. always C. rarely D. sometimes

15.While walking together at night, the children hear a loud

noise and get ______. They run away in search of a place to
A. angry B. excited C. scared D. tired

Exercise 23: fill in the spaces with the right quantifier

1. Can I have__some____orange juice?

2. We haven‟t got___much_____time so hurry up!
3. Have you got ____any_______books about cats?
4. Are there___many______desks in the classroom?
5. They bought______a lot of______oranges and cherries

Exercise 25: Write A LITTLE or A FEW

1. Are there any bags of rice? Yes, there are

_________a few bags____________________
2. Are there any boxes of cereal? Yes, there are
__________a few boxes_________________
3. Is there any oil in the bottles? Yes, there is
_____________a little oil_______________
Exercise 26: Write SOME or ANY

1. Is there _______any__________ cold water in the fridge?
2. There are ____some____________ bags of rice.
3. There aren‟t ____any_______________ fizzy drinks on the
4. There is ________some_____________ cupcakes on the desk.
5. There aren‟t _______any________________ snacks in the

Exercise 27: Complete each sentence with one countable noun and
one uncountable noun from the list. Each noun must be used only

battery bottle pounds electricity furniture luggage m

oney music songs suitcase tables juice

1. The only… furniture ……. in the apartment is a couple of old…

tables ………
2. If you'd like to drink some……juice….., we should order
3. Is there a dark blue…suitcase……. with that…luggage…….
over there?
4. Ten thousand Egyptian……pounds…….. is quite a lot
of…money………, isn't it?
5. If the…electricity…. doesn't work, use a…battery……..
6. I love playing…music…….., and I've even written three or

Exercise 28: Add –s/-es to the italicized noun if necessary.

1. Rawan had meat , rice , vegetableS , and some milk for dinner.
2. It is good to drink water when you are thirsty.
3. We ate some sandwichES for lunch.
4. I have a lot of homework to do tonight.
5. I like to dream about tropical beachES!
6. Randa took some great pictureS at the family reunion last week.

7. Maggie has made a lot of progress on her project since she
started Monday.
8. An Encyclopaedia contains lots of information.
9. I learn new wordS in English class every day.
10.Caroline bought some new clothing today. I bought some new
11.Samar bought a new pair of shoeS. I bought a new set of
12.Tommy is twenty-two yearS old. I am thirty. I like being older.
13.At rush hour, there are a lot of carS on the highway.
14.It usually takes us about twenty minuteS to get to school.
15.During rush hour, it takes us much more because there is so
much traffic.

Exercise 29: Correct the following sentences

1. I went swimming with my friends today

I went swimming with my friends, today.
2. I can't wait until christmas!
I can't wait until Christmas!
3. I play the guitar and drums and flute.
I play guitar, drums, and flute.
4. Today I met my friend Mostafa at the mall
Today, I met my friend Mostafa at the mall.
5. When I gave my sister the present, she was extremely happy
When I gave my sister the present, she was extremely
6. My best friend hoda loves cats.
My best friend, Hoda, loves cats.
7. When i grow up i want to be a journalist.
When I grow up, I want to be a journalist.
8. my friend caroline is in my class
My friend, Caroline, is in my class.
9. What's your name
What's your name?
10.Today, I saw an adorable and brown dog
Today, I saw an adorable, brown dog.

11.Watch out, you almost hit me
Watch out, you almost hit me!
12.Why are the grass green and the sky blue
Why are the grass green and the sky blue?

Exercise 30: Write the correct article in the spaces below, if needed.

1. I bought …a… pair of black shoes.

2. My parents saw …a. horror movie last night.
3. They are staying in …an.. hotel in Dubai.
4. I think …the… man over there is not friendly.
5. I don't like …X… basketball.
6. That is …the… problem she told you about.
7. …The…. price of gas keeps rising.
8. I read …an.. amazing story yesterday.
9. I would like …a… piece of cake.
10.I bought …an.. umbrella. …The… umbrella is green.
11.Yesterday I had lunch in …a….. Chinese restaurant. …The…
restaurant was near the office.
12.Sarah can play …X…. guitar.

Exercise 31: Put the verbs between brackets in the present form.

1. The three girls …play.. (play) music in harmony.

2. She …does not write…. (not/write) the email today.
3. Carpenters …use… (use) wood to make furniture.
4. My friend …rides…. (ride) his motorbike every day.
5. I …like…. (like) pizza.
6. He never ……drink…..(drink) coffee at night.
7. Bad driving ……causes……… (cause) many accidents.
8. At what time …does……….. (do) the bank open?
9. Vegetarians ………do not eat…… (not/eat) meat.
10.The kitten ……jumps……. (jump) all over the place.
11.It ……takes…… (take) me 2 hours to get to work.
12.The little monkey……climbs………… (climb) the tree.
13.Hoda always ……listens……..(listen) to Fayrouz.
14.……Do………(do) you read the newspapers every day?
15.My sisters …watch………. (watch) cartoons.

Exercise 33: Put the verbs between brackets in the past form

1. When they went to the café, they …ordered.. (order) some

sandwiches and tea.
2. Last summer, I …went… (go) to Alexandria.
3. In 2001, they …bought… (buy) this house.
4. The secretary …deleted... (delete) the file yesterday before the
5. The weather …was… (be) nice last Monday.
6. He ……did not…….. (not/need) your help last Wednesday.
7. When …did they arrive…………. they (arrive) yesterday?
8. The policeman …caught……… (catch) the thief last night.
9. Who …cleaned…….. (clean) the house yesterday morning?
10.It was hot yesterday, so I ……took…….(take) off my coat.
11.Mona wasn't hungry, so she …did not eat………. (not/eat)
12.It was a funny situation, but nobody …laughed…………….
13.It was noisy outside; I …did not sleep……….. (not/sleep) well.
14.He fell down the stairs and ……broke……. (break) his leg.
15.My father was very busy; I …did not want………..(not/want) to
disturb him.

Exercise 36: Write the correct form of the irregular verb in simple past

1. The moon (to come) out late last night. ……came……….

2. Jessica (to lose) her first tooth this morning. …lost……………..
3. My entire family (to catch) the flu last winter.
4. The employees (to do) a lot of work today.
5. The swimmers (to hold) their breath and jumped in the water.
6. The baker (to make) a cake for my birthday.
7. They (to take) a picture of the mountain. …………took……..

8. The teacher (to teach) the students chemistry last year.
9. I (to wear) my jacket to work yesterday. ……wore…………
10.Tom (to write) his family a letter. ………wrote………….

Exercise 37: Put the verbs between brackets using either the present
or the past simple tenses.

1. On Fridays, students …do.. (not/wake) up early.

2. They …wrote.. (write) their essays last month.
3. It usually… rains….. (rain) in winter.
4. Our manager's office …is… (be) always busy.
5. My brother …graduated… (graduate) three years ago from the
faculty of Commerce.

Exercise 38: Put the following verbs in the future tense

1. It …will…. (rain) tomorrow; It's cloudy.

2. Wait! I …will…… (drive) you to the station.
3. My parents ……won‟t…… (not/spend) their vacation in
4. If I arrive late, I …won‟t….. (not/call) you.
5. He …will…… (come) home tomorrow.

Exercise 41: Use either “will” or be going to” to fill the spaces.

1. Your T-shirt has a stain. …Are you going to…………. (you)

wash it?
2. Mum has bought eggs, flour and fruit. She …is going to……..
bake a cake.
3. Next year my sister ……is going to…… learn how to drive a
4. Perhaps your sister ……will……accompany to the doctor?
5. ……Will……Jessie be back soon? I need to talk to her.
6. I hope I …will……..be happy when I grow up.
7. We …are going to ………meet our cousins tonight.

8. I…am going to………… spend the money I‟ve been saving for
the last five months on a new laptop.
9. I…won‟t……… eat more sweets before dinner. I promise.
10.I…will…….. call Lamia as soon as I‟m back.
11.……Will……. you lend me a biro? I‟ve got nothing to write
12.Diana …is going to…….wash her hair this afternoon.
13.There are no clouds in the sky. It…is going to……….be a
beautiful day.
14.I…will………help you with your IT project.
15.I think people …will………speak one language someday.
16.Sameh is tired. He…is going to……..take a short nap.
17.Look! Pussy …is going to……….jump into the swimming
18.I‟m afraid Hala……won‟t….. pass her final exam because she
didn‟t study hard enough.
19.Don‟t worry mum. I…will…..pick Tia up from school today.
20.George……will…..probably go to the concert.


Practice 1: Correct the errors in the following sentences. Some

sentences do not have any errors.

1. I are very happy. ………………

I am very happy.
2. I go now. ……………………
I will go now.
3. I want three egg. ………………
I want three eggs.
4. We are learning English. Correct
5. I have too cats. ……………………
I have two cats.
6. You chair is red. …….
Your chair is red.
7. I no have time. …………………

I have no time.
8. Who coming to diner?
Who is coming to dinner?
9. I hungry
I am hungry.
10.What time is it.
What time is it?
11.Dina my friend.
Dina is my friend.
12.Radwa have two apple.
Radwa has two apples.
13.I play soccer yesterday.
I played soccer yesterday.
14.She are downstairs.
She is downstairs.
15.The cars is red.
The cars are red.
16.Where it be?
Where isit?
17.The picture are pretty.
The picture is pretty.
18.Cows is black and white.
Cows are black and white.
19.The trip was great.
The trip was great.
20. Today was Tuesday.
Today is Tuesday.

Practice 2: replace the words in italics with a few or a little

1. You might obtain your goal if you put forth some more effort.
…a little……….
2. Even though the mountain is very steep and the climb is
dangerous, not many adventurous and strong-willed people have
made it to the top. …a few………..
3. The instructor spoke very clearly. As a result, not many students
had questions at the end of her speech. ……a few……..

4. I have to go to the bank because I have some checks I need to
deposit. …a few…….
5. Jane goes to her mailbox every day, but it is usually empty. she
gets not much mail. ………a little….
6. My friend arrived in the United States not many months ago.
…a few……
7. I think you could use some help. Can I give you some advice?
……a little……
8. I broke my arm not many days ago. …a few……
9. Jenny likes to eat salad. She usually adds some lemon juice to it.
…a little…….
10.I have not much patience for people who make a decision before
considering all sides of an argument. …a little………………..

Practice 27: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning
to the word in capital letters.

1. UP
A. down B. above C. inside
A. share B. take C. release
A. huge B. big C. small
A. glad B. sad C. calm
A. happiness B. rage C. stupidity
A. evening B. noon C. yesterday
7. FAT
A. short B. thick C. skinny
8. BUY
A. sell B. have C. hold
A. stop B. end C. start
A. free B. loose C. firm

A. become B. exist C. die
A. different B. same C. usual
A. mean B. lovely C. ugly
A. everything B. anybody C. something
A. aged B. used C. young
A. taller B. lower C. smaller
A. healthy B. ill C. poor
A. normal B. odd C. strange
A. combine B. separate C. group
A. excellent B. terrible C. scary

Practice 5: Fill in the gaps using (a, an, the) or X if unnecessary

1. Give me…an…. apple from the fridge. I need it for this recipe.

2. Doug went to…a…. university in Canada; I can't remember the name.

3. I bought an external hard drive for Leanne at Christmas. And she got
me…a…. MP3 player!

4. If you go to…X….. bed one hour earlier every night, you'll feel much

5. He's been playing computer games in his bedroom for…an….hour!

6. It was raining so I took my rain boots and …the…..umbrella.

7. We visited my aunt Matilda last year. She was staying in…a…… new
hospital in Giza.

8. …The……lions are dangerous animals for people.

9. I went to ……X.. Paris last year and we visited the Eiffel Tower.

10. The Mississippi is one of …the…… biggest rivers in the world.

11.. ……X… music always helps me to relax when I am studying.

12. I hated…the…… music they were playing last night at the party.

13. Let's go to the shops. We only have …X…. few eggs!

14. …X….. pollution is a big threat to the world.

15. There was a fire at …the……Regency hotel last night.

16. I'm…a… teacher. I teach children in a large, private school.

Practice 10: Complete the following to form a sentence

1. Aly …is/was……. a student in the faculty of Commerce.

2. She left her ……bag/book/laptop…….. in the living room.
3. ............Lions/Elephants/Bears/Dogs....................... are animals.
4. Here is …your/the……….. book.
5. Mansour ……works………. in an international company.
6. …He/Aly/Mona/My aunt……….. lives in Cairo.
7. I'll take my …book/mobile/suitcase…………….
8. Tomorrow I'll leave for …Alexandria/Aswan/London…………
9. Your writing is…excellent/good/poor/bad……………….
10.This is a …new/nice/short/colorful……………….. dress.

Practice 20: Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps using articles or
quantifiers (if necessary).

Tom: Dad, can I have_____a_______birthday party on next Saturday?
Dad: Sure, why not. Are you going to invite anybody?
Tom: Just___a few______friends. Not too ___many__________
Dad: That‟s great! So we need to go shopping.
Tom: I‟ll do that. What should I buy?
Dad: I‟ll prepare_____a_____birthday cake for you so I will
need____some______eggs, ___a____bag of flour,___X____sugar
and__few______apples, but not too___many_______just two or three.
Tom: Anything else?
Dad: We‟ll need___X______milk and ___X________orange juice. Oh,
Tom: Is that all?
Dad: Yes. Remember not to buy _____any_______candles. We‟ve got
____a lot _______in the cupboard, we don‟t need more.
Tom: Will you give me___some_________money?
Dad: Here you are! Hurry up! We don‟t have__much_______time.

Practice 22: Read the passage and then choose the correct answer

1. The narrator describes the house where her aunt lives all year.

A. false
B. true

2. Why did the people leave Kafr Alpasha? They left because……

A. the lake flooded

B. of the haunted house
C. of the economy

3. Aunt Maria also believes there's something "strange" in the house.

A. true
B. false

4. Why was the narrator looking for Aunt Maria? The narrator was
looking for her

A. to have breakfast
B. to greet her
C. to tell her about the nursery

5. Why did the narrator think it wasn't a "normal conversation"? It wasn‟t

a usual conversation because……..

A. She heard many voices

B. The people were shouting
C. The voice was strange

6. What did Aunt Maria say about the nursery? Maria said that…….

A. she didn‟t like to use it

B. she never used it
C. the room was locked

7. Who took the baby in the story?

A. A friend of the babysitter

B. The babysitter
C. Nobody knows

8. Why does the ghost probably stay in the nursery? The ghost stays

A. it feels guilty about what happened

B. it likes to stay by the lake
C. the babysitter jumped from the window in the nursery

Unit 13: Vocabulary

1. Different Jobs
Match the jobs with the definitions
1-H/ 2-I/ 3-G/ 4-C/ 5-D/ 6-F/ 7-E/ 8-B/ 9-A
2. Employment

Match the words with their definition

1-c/ 2-d/ 3-i/ 4-f/ 5-b/ 6-a/ 7-e/ 8-o/ 9-g/ 10-j/ 11-p/ 12-n/ 13-k/
14-m/ 15-h/ 16-l

3. Business

Match the words with their definition

1-N/ 2-P/ 3-D/ 4-A/ 5-E/ 6-B/ 7-L/ 8-K/ 9-H/ 10-G/ 11-J/ 12-M/
13-O/ 14-F/ 15-I/ 16-C

Best of luck
The English Department- Cairo University


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