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Module 6, Lesson 1
Module Intro Metrics & Optimization

Okay, so in this module, we're going to be measuring what matters and we're gonna go through
how to analyse your key performance indicators or some people call them KPIs on your YouTube
ads, especially the success metrics that we established earlier at the beginning of this course.

The reason why this is so important and I wanna kinda explain that really quickly. The whole point
of this is you wanna be able to optimise to get to success. The name of this game is really is truly
is optimization. So if you learn how to actually optimise your performance, you can actually really
scale and I think what happens a lot of time is people get bogged down with the different minutia
and the numbers and different metrics and whatnot and really what I want to do is try to simplify
that down, try to show you what really matters, how to really look at those, how to really make

Really we're getting into critical thinking is really what this is designed to do. There's no exact
science. If you have a really good understanding of what success looks like, that's why we talk
about our success metrics and then when you're looking at your ads, your goal is to improve what
you're doing based on those metrics, because it's probably not gonna work exactly the way you
want out of the gate, but you can actually optimise it to get it to work how you want and that's
really what this is about.

So you're gonna focus on your success metrics, the creatives we talked about to get you to
spending a $1,000 per day profitably, and then obviously being able to scale. So throughout this
module, we're gonna talk about those primary success metrics. We're going to get into some
secondary metrics that we really use in terms of how to make decisions around creative
improvement which is none platform, if you will, all right.

There's certain things that I'm going to talk about where you can, with your success metrics that
you can keep or kill, like right inside the ad account there are decisions that you can make and
then there's decisions that you're going to need to make for example, with your creatives, there
are things you can do there to improve performance. We'll talk about those and really just what
we look at on a week over week basis in terms of the different strategies that we use to really
optimise our performance, stack a bunch of really great campaigns together, which is really how
you actually scale it out.

So money in money out is gonna be the key thing you're gonna hear me keep talking about. At
the end of the day, if you're making money, that's what you wanna be doing.

Your metrics are more of a guide to that and so how you make those decisions are going to be
very critical in terms of finding ways to just make more money, stack more opportunities and more
opportunities and more opportunities.

So once again the overarching concept is data-driven decision making. That's really like the, if
you really look at this thing from a 30,000 foot view, that's really the primary goal that I'm trying to
get you to understand when we talk about metrics and optimization is really using data to make
decisions and then from that mindset of data-driven decision-making we talk about revenue based
tracking which is basically money in money out.

It's like revenue, I'm tracking based on the revenue that I'm producing and if you're making money,
then you're doing good. You want to do more of that. If you're not, you want to stop doing things
that are not, that's really kind of the under, I would say the next level from, you focus on data-
driven decision making, you look at it from a revenue perspective and then from there you kind of
go into the other kind of more secondary type metrics that we're gonna get into.

Okay, so at this point you might, here we talking about these numbers and metrics and all of that
and so just kind of keep in mind that I'm going to walk you through. So don't get too caught up
and kind of worried about everything going on. We're going to actually walk through it step by

So by the time I get through walking you through it, step by step, I think you'll have a more clear
understanding of actually what to do, how to make these decisions and I think you'll be a lot better
off by the time we're done with this.

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