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Module 6, Lesson 2
Revenue Based Tracking (Money In, Money Out)

Okay, so in this lesson, we're gonna talk about what we call revenue based tracking, basically
money in, money out, okay?

And so I wanna explain this as a concept 'cause I think it's really important like when you're making
decisions, your decisions should be made based on whether you're making money or not as a
primary strategy. And you wanna be able to do that throughout your campaigns and kind of like
throughout the different segments that I'm gonna walk you through here in a moment inside of an
ad account, where if you populating your data right inside of your ad account, it really makes it
easier to make this decision.

Now, the way we do it at my agency is a lot more advanced because when you really get into
large scale numbers, attribution becomes this kind of own animal if you will, and so the way that
I wanna show you is a simplified way that most of you should be doing this so that when you open
your ad account is really simple for you to see on a day by day, week by week, month by month
basis, how much am I spending? How much am I making?

Because that's the overarching piece to this whole thing of revenue based tracking. Like, am I
tracking based on the revenue that I generate? Because if you don't do that, how do you know
where the money is actually coming from, right? Okay, so as you can see inside of this ad account,
we have all of these metrics kind of laid out across the top. And the reason why these metrics are
here, because this is where I talk about the revenue based tracking I'm at the account level, right?

Not at the campaign level, not at the ad group level, not at these other levels, I wanna make sure
you understand that when you say campaigns, right? I'm at the account level, I'm looking at my
account as a whole. This is why I recommend you do it this way. So the way this works is basically
if you log into your account right now, it won't look like this. You would have to modify your columns
in order to lay this out. So I'm gonna show you how this works.

So right here at the top, we click the columns tab, we click modify, and what you wanna be able
to do primarily is I'm gonna take out some of these 'cause a lot of these don't matter, so I'm gonna
show you a simple setup that you will wanna have. So we usually go with views, view rate. Usually
we want click through rate, we got that. We want cost per click.

So I'm gonna move this number up here. And we want, there's a lot of other stuff in here. I would
like not get caught up in all of this, unless you're advanced, I won't worry about all of this, keep
this thing simple so that number there.

And now what I'm gonna do is go cost conversions, cost per conversions. I like view through vert,
so boom. So now I'm gonna click apply. You can also save this as a column set. So if we wanted
to save main account, sometimes we'll call it main account, and I can click save and apply.

So now what's gonna happen is, you're gonna see at the account level per campaign, your key
metrics. But the main thing I want you to focus on is cost and conversion value. Now again, in this
particular account, 'cause we have a way more advanced strategy that we use, but the way that
if you actually go to the module five, we kind of break down based on your business model.

What actions you're tracking based on the purchase amount, you wanna set that number when
you create your conversion actions, we talk about that in that module, that value would actually
populate in this column here on the conversion value. So really what you're doing is you're setting
this up, so that when you log in, immediately you can see which campaigns are making you
money, or what are not making you money. Now you can also do this at every level, okay?

So here's what I mean by that. So cost and conversion value, that's your money in your money
out. If I were to click into this account, this campaign right here, I can do the same thing again,
'cause I can do this throughout my ad account actually. So I can see cost, conversion value, I can
see it based on my ads. So I'm going down here to the ad level, I can do that at the ad level.
Again, all you're doing is just modifying your column, making sure you add the conversion value
metric in there. Again, you wanna go to all of the levels you can add this in there.

And what that will be able to show you is regardless of what section you are in your account, let's
say for example, you're looking at people based on their age breakdown, you'll be able to see the
conversion value per age, as well as how much you spent per age, right? So if click this in the
account, it pops up.

You can see here that cost and conversion value, you wouldn't even be able to see this on a age
by age basis. So what happens now is you would get an opportunity to optimise based on that,
that's something we're gonna get into a bit more. But keep in mind number one like I said, money
in money out, how much you're spending, how much you're generating in revenue.

ou're gonna do that when you create your conversion actions so that when you modify your
columns, you wanna select conversion value so that you can compare that against your cost and
you'll be able to see what you're making and what you're not.

That's gonna be the first thing you wanna start with, period. Because sometimes your metrics will
be, your success metrics may slight, you may be able to make slight decisions based on, well, if
I'm making money and I'm paying a little bit more than I want to pay for an action but I'm profitable,
then you probably wanna keep running that.

And that's really the idea of why that's the first thing you wanna look at is, am I making money,
am I not? If I'm not making money, should I keep it or should I kill it? If I keep it, can I make it work
better? If not, I need to kill that. And we're gonna get into those decisions here as well in a little
bit. But that's pretty much the primary thing I wanted to focus on, money in money out. You wanna
do that at every level, cost, conversion value, you wanna set that up in your column so that you
have that data.

So it's easy for you to see right away at every level, what's making me money, what's not making
me money? And then we're gonna dive into the other decision making metrics. So real quick, I
wanna show you what I mean. I know I keep saying conversion value populating, but what I wanna
do real quick is I wanna jump to the conversion actions and I'm gonna click on a conversion action
down here. And basically what you wanna do is under value, you wanna give every purchase,
like if someone actually gives you money, right?

Like if you're tracking a page view or a lead, those things don't have any value. You only have
value when someone actually gives you money. So for every purchase action that you're gonna
have in your sales funnel, you want, this is where you're gonna put that number. So for example,
if I wanted to change this setting here to say, let's say that this action is worth a hundred dollars,
now that I know every time this conversion action fires the system recognise it as worth a hundred
dollars, that number would then show up in your conversion column.

So when you're setting up your conversion actions, this is where when you put that data here in
your conversion action, is gonna show up under conversion value column at the ad account level.
What I just showed you here is gonna be the simplest way for you to do this money in money out
kind of revenue based tracking approach to determining how much money you're spending versus
how much money you're making, being able to see that from account level to campaigns, to ad
groups, to ads, to all of these other kind of things that we're gonna go through.

There are a lot more advanced ways to do this, you know, in case your intermediate to advance,
there are some other ways you can do this. One is Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking, really
really valuable tool.

If you're doing any type of Shopify, e-commerce, physical product, Google Analytics Ecommerce
Tracking is pretty easy to set up for the most part. There's a lot of tutorials and tools and
information on how to set this up.

Matter of fact, if you run a Shopify, it's really simple to find how to get this set up for that reason.
And then with Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking, because it's Google, right? And we're doing
Google Ads, it plays very nicely together. You literally would just import your Google Analytics
Ecommerce Tracking data into Google, and then it will separate it out and break it all down for
you. So it's really really cool strategy.

There's also Wicked Reports, which is probably a pretty advanced tool I would say. HYROS, shout
out to Alex Becker, HYROS was designed for mainly coaches, consultants, people who sell over
the phone. If you run that type of funnel, HYROS is gonna be very valuable to you because you're
gonna be able to tie back those high ticket sales back to the ad that created them, and it's gonna
allow you to really dial in on those.

So that's a really great tool, but you know, probably if you're spending, I would say at least 20K a
month or more, HYROS is something you would look into if that's the type of funnel that you're
using. And then obviously there's really what we do in our agency, we create, a lot of our clients
we create customised dashboards that I'm not gonna get too heavily into 'cause it's like trying to
explain it, you know, but basically it's client by client specific.

So it's really more advanced strategy for making decisions that we use. But this is gonna be the
simplest thing, is gonna be go into your ad account, setting your conversion actions, attaching a
value to each one of those, going into your ad account, modifying your column, putting conversion
value in that dropdown, so that you can see right inside of your ad account. Between zero to 1,002
grand a day, maybe even three grand a day, that's gonna be the best thing you do.

If you get to where you spending, you know, 10, $20,000 a day, there might be other tools that
you wanna look into, but for the most part, if you're not in that category yet, it's gonna be the
simplest easiest way for you to do it. Okay, so action item now, you wanna go into your ad account.

You wanna set up this dashboard right inside of your ad account by basically like I said, modify
columns, make sure that you select the ones that I just showed you here, the key ones, primarily
conversion value and cost.

And then once you do that, you can save the column set so that it's easy for you to toggle when
if you ever get lost, you can just go back into your account, click on columns and whatever you
named it, that you saved, you click it and it'll populate those right back out for you every time.

So you wanna go in your account, do that at the campaign level. And then I recommend all of the
other levels, you can do this as well, but that would be your action item.

Go set that up now and I'll see you in the next lesson.

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