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What makes a hero heroic? Why do we need heroes? What, if any, are the differences between heroes,
role models and celebrities?

In this unit we will consider the following:

 Defining what makes a hero and the characteristics of heroes. (definition paper)
 Comparing/contrasting role models and heroes
 Analyze a public figure to ascertain whether or not the person/character
"passes" our hero test.
 What it takes to be a "superhero."
Your Goal:

For this unit, you’ll complete readings/class work dealing with the theme of heroes.
We'll begin with a more serious understanding of our individual and class's understanding of role models
and heroes and end with a fun look at the exaggerated end of the spectrum--superheroes.

Steps You’ll Take to Get There

In-Class Hero Discussion

We'll break into some groups and discuss our readings and the following quotes and questions:
 Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes
longer.” In what way is this true?
 Umberto Eco said, “The real hero is always a hero by mistake; he dreams of being an honest coward like
everybody else.” Do you think a reluctant hero is any less a hero than someone who embraces his/her
heroic mission? Why or why not?
 Is heroism dependent upon a situation or is it in the person's makeup?
 Are role models and heroes the same thing?

Short Exploration (SE) 5 Heroic Characteristics

For this SE, you’ll complete some readings in the text, and participate in some in-class activities. Then
you'll write your definition of what makes a hero.

 Readings Resources:
o Interactions text (pg. 415-417)
 "Larger Than Life" pg. 418-20
 "Hero Inflation" pg. 434-438
 "Giving Students the Heroes They Need" pg. 439-442

 What should be in the paper:

 Based on our class discussions and the readings--what makes a hero?
 Develop your ideas fully with examples from class work, readings and your observations.
 There should be no YOU's in the paper.

This essay should be between 1 to 2 pages. Follow the general assignment preparation guidelines
(found on page 5 of your syllabus) to format your papers. Papers not conforming to those
guidelines will have points deducted.

SE5 due _______________________

SE 5 Error Log due 2 class period s from when I give back your SE5.

Short Exploration (SE) 6 Litmus Test

Often times we refer to sports figures, celebrities and pop culture figures as heroes--but are they? Are
heroes and role models the same thing? For this essay, you'll be taking your understanding of what
defines a hero and applying a real person to it to see if your subject can truly be defined as a hero or
not. You'll do this by comparing your subject person to our class-created criteria

To get there, we'll read and discuss the following:

o Interactions text
 "The New Heroes and Role Models" pg. 452-459
 "I Am Not a Role Model" pg. 460-464
 "True Grit" pg. 465-6
o Class Activity to determine subjects

Note: You may have to do light research on your person to do this assignment. It shouldn't be
extremely in depth--just enough to write your paper. You should make note of where you got
your information and cite it in your paper...remember plagiarism is not tolerated.

 Prompts to answer in your essay:

 Based on our "Hero Criteria" is your person a hero, role model, both or neither?
 Why is this person outstanding or well known?
 Do others consider this person to be a hero, role model, both?
 What parts of the criteria led you to this conclusion?

This essay should be between 1 ½ - 2 pages. Follow the general assignment preparation guidelines
(found on page 5 of your syllabus) to format your papers. Papers not conforming to those
guidelines will have points deducted.

Long Essay (LE) 3 Who's Your Superhero?

Now, let's jump to the far end of the spectrum and look at SUPERHEROES. These folks take the normal
characteristics of a heroism and go to the next level. If you could envision a superhero who could handle
problems of today--what would this person be like? For this last long essay, you'll create a superhero
and his or her origin story that showcases our heroic characteristics, a visual representation of your
superhero and present it to class.

To get there:

 Resources
 Formula for Superhero Handout (on Moodle and provided in class)
 In-class brainstorming

Optional, but fun!

 What needs to be included in LE3:

 Origin Story
 Profile your superhero
 Explain his/her origin
 Presentation: 6-8 minutes that you'll share your work with the class.
 Describe your superhero to us.
 What makes your superhero a hero? Which characteristics did you use from our
earlier class work?
 Why did you choose this theme for your superhero?

This essay should be between 2-3 full pages. Follow the general assignment preparation guidelines
(found on page 5 of your syllabus) to format your papers. Papers not conforming to those
guidelines will have points deducted.
 Long Essay Packet should contain:

__SE 5 ___LE 3 Submission Draft

__SE 6 ___ Reflection Letter

Create a picture of your superhero and show it during your presentation! 5 pts.

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