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Gramonnati Mandal's

Cruuvaryo R. P Sabnu Jr Coll.ege Narayangaon.

Fxst Texm Exam
Sub Enqlish
Max ks 80
Arts Commeee s science Tme - 3hTs
SECTION ' - I Prose
-1-A Read the_extiact and complete the _activitie
qiven below. 12mks

Soapy le t his bench_and strolled out of

the square and acyoss levesea of asphalt_
where Broadzayand fifth Avenue tlrw together-
Dp Braadway he tuinec and 8to ppecl at a
Soapyhad conhiolence in himself_ fiom the
lowest buton of his vest upwarol He was
Shaven and his Coak was trim and hisneat
blatk boo had been presented to_ him by a
lady missionany onhanks qivinq day If only
he could Teath a table in the xestaurant un-
-Suspe.ckeosuccesM woulo be his: Ihe_portion of
him that would show ahove the table iathe
Would_Taise no doubt in the_wauteas nind.
A Dasted mallard duc thought Soapy_would_
be ahout the thinq i t h a bottle of wine
a n d then some_cheese a lup o _CoEEee_and
a ciqar One_dallar tor the ciqcr woiuld be.
enough The total wold not be So high _as
to call forth any extreme of xevenge tom the
Cafe_management and yet the mect wola
eave him Hlleoand bappy for the journey
t his Lointer1slanol.
But_as Soapy 3et foot inside the
head-waitea's eye
Testaurant dbor the
tousersa n d
his tattered
fetlan upoo Tecuoly han ols
decadent shoesStrong
about and conveyed him in 10
tuxned im
_ h e side walk
slenceand haste
of t h e menaced
auerted the ignoble fate
Broaduway I tseemed
Soapy tuned aff
xoute to the_Coueted isloand was
that his
not tobe an easy o n e Some othe2 ay
of entering the limbo must be_deyiseod

A-1 leb
Completetheweb b Wnnq the fe as o ng
thatqave Soapy o Coniolence to. entey
the uxtuMous Cate 2


A2 Make a ist
Make a list of things dhich Soapy 2 mk
desired to 9et10 uxuriow Cate
A:3] Give Teasoo
Soapy Lowldn't fulfil his desiyeto 2
the mea io_ h enjoy
e_cafe Giive its eaon-
A-4 Peasonal Response
Guive a list af your favouzite odishes that
40uike to eat io a TestauYant_

A-5 Language study 2

DTfonly he could reach a table jn the resta--
urant WnSuspetted Successwowd be his._
CRewnte the seotence by Using

2 Some othen way of enterinqthe limba

Must be devised CRewrite by slng

A-6Vocabulany. 2
Match the orokls quwen_ under_Column 'A' to
their meaninqs given ndez B
D stzolleq a)old and worn_out
2 decadent_ b) qreutly desired
3 ignable C)walled in a xelaxesL
d) olishonaurable

a--Do ad directeo
DShewas Serving a s clekin
state Bank of Tndia
CReionite the sentence bu
us ng appropriate_asticles.)
2 Nash1k_city secorded 527
the foui hourS 3:30 P:m

and 30 p.mon taiday

CEill o the blanks with
Suitable preposihons )

3Gxandpa said to Meenu a m g0109-

t o a walk_Ase you linq o to Co me
wIth me ?"_
CChanqe it ito indirett speeth)
)Spot the ermoT

There S seven qirls 10 the class

0-2-ARead the extract and Complete the

activities -l12 mls
Once_upon a ttme theeperethree
brothers who lived with their tahez
who.was an old king: One day he
Sud I will not live long no
you muAtstatt out into the_wold.Today
Layear boing back the_best thinq
you have tound The
one who _can
pick the best thing fo ats falhez
Shall be thenew king"
The tirst
bsothea decided to look io eveay
OY town andbuy city
for his fathe.. h e
the best thing
decided to next_brohet
qo on tast ships Over the
bette The l a t
to find something
a s k t h e people heae
said I am q0in9 toto tell_me the the bestE
i no u r tow own brothers began
The othea two n e v e r be
thiog said..1Ihen you I

king off- He found

The last brother been hurt,so
biro J t had
a small brown wheze it_Could
his coat
heput it_io_ he_went on hes a o a
keep WaTm As
He ran to meet hea.
little gIT| Cyinq h e aske o I
feom the well
want to qet
brotheT Said Hola his_
She saidThe help you" "INhat a
bird and T will
s h e Sauicl ish you ould
prety bizd Lwillle me keep it
me.JE you
give it to myselt Yesyou
Joil take care o f t
hauwet saud the brohen Só_he
May He
t h e biid Qnd went on
qaue heí
alwaya Stoppeol to help people
needèd Soo0he m a d e m a n y b r i e n o l s
AL he_people
hegan_to like hime They
DQuldsay there gpes the king's So0
be ust the mght kinodof
He oold
kinq for us He Still had ho beautiful
thing- t o take to his fathee.
thing Just before
he yeaz asdone he went home agcun.
The time cameuhenthe king caled
bis gons togethen "What_diol yo bnnq
He asked them all The odhe brothers
had many heautifulthings "And w hat
dud you bmng Said the kinq to the last
- 5
the 3uo
brothea. "Thisis too funny
Odheabrothers " H e h a s nothinq Ihe
King asked aqun "What did you
the f i en d
bnnqme Ibainq only
people lat
Saad the
- ship df you
bxothe2 "That s the best thing"caied
his Futhen."you shal be the ne kio9

A-L Choose
Choosethe CorTect two statements
that sho the Centealilea ofthe
DTt A the stony of beLominga king
tqives he im tance OFmakinq
friendahip _with common pe2on4
provides the 900d udgement
of the old kinq
ItpreAents the realuty of a kingdom.

A-2 Complese -2
Complete the ahle
wosk of the last.
Tothei. 1

A-3 iVe Yeas.o0 2

The Last bTothez tDas Seleckecd as
a_newkinq Cive t eason

A-4Pe2sona Response -2
Grive importance af6 fmendship in you life.
A-5 Lanquage study 2

DWhat_clid you baing" He asked them all

Cchange into indirec speech)
2 He found a Smalu bvowo bizd
Cchange the voice)
Vocabulary 2
Rearrange the sCKambled lettezs to moke
h e meaningfu woid
a) tyerp b) 1ehtob )tqoehtxe d)eepopl
a-2-B Summa -3-
Wtite & huief summaty of the ahove
extractwith the help _of the_points
qivn belo Suggest a 3utable itle.
Points Decisionof king othez brothezs seavch
kincd work f last brothee end
A2 Mind Mappng -3

Developa 'Mnd Map' to sho the Bentfrts

of games and spOTts" d datal2 _
afi Develop
each of them into further branches

Benefits Of
Cames and Spo7ks

a-3-A Read the extyact and Complete the

activities qivenbelo
The Sun in the_he aven dasShinlnggay
A thing3 e e ijoyfu on that aay
Ihe sea- binds SCYeamnd as th
wheel'd ouno
And there wasjoyauncein their sound
The buoy ofthe Inchcape Bel w as e e n
A clazkea Specko0 the oceao qTeen
Sin Ralp the Rovenwall'o his _deck
And ix'd his eye on the darker
Hefelt the cheer1ng powe& of spnn
T tmade his whistl e itmade him si04
HfS he aat os minthfw to ex.ces
But the Rovee's_mith was wickeolness
His eye was on the Inchcape Float
luuoth be "My menput out he boat
And YoD me to the Tnchcape Roch
And T plague the Abbot of

A-1Pick out 2
Pick outtwo lines thom the extiat
that show the
Wite the intention o f -2
near the Tochcape Rock Ralph toS a

A3 Peasonal -2
"Jealousy the most incuiable defect "
A-PoeficDevice 2
Write down hyming words of each

A 5J Poetic Ceeativity 2
Add your tuo_poehic linea to continue
the theme of the Stanza
He felk the theerinq powe Of Spnn9
Tt made him histle ,It made him 3ing

:3-8 Read theextrack and wnte as pe2 the -

instxucion given belou

leavers, Afe weaving at break of day

Wlhy olo you weave a garment so gåyl,
Blue a the toinq af ahalycon wild
We we.avei the obes gF aine born child
WeaveA weaving at a tallof niaht
lhy olo you Weave a garment so bmght2..
Like the ptumesof a peacockpurple and qreen
Ne teave the nmarmage- veils of a queen
WeaverSweaving Solemn and stilL
h a t Clo you weaye in the moonlight chill.-
White as a fea ther and white _as a clo ud
We weave a_deacd Man's uneral shToud.

ite a apPTeciahon ot the ahove

poem by uinq the follouing points
About the poem poet and the title
b Thethemeaf the_poem
C Poetic dleuices lanquaqe and style
ol thepoem
d) You opinlon_ahaut.the poem
SECTION TI-Witing_ Skill
0-4- Attempt an one - 20 mk
AD Read theqiven conveasahon betweeN_Rakesh
and MTs Sarkay Diaft a messagen ahoua
|50w0ros -4
Rakesh :Hella May 1 speak to D1 Sarkar 2
Ms Sakar _ He has gone to the hospl tal to
atend the OPD. May I know uho
Rakesh es I am Rakesh SoDd My wife
hasbeen having a sevese headashe
SInceyesterd au Sioce this morni
she has also deuelapeda high ten
- pératuie would he vey qsateksul
i tthe dactan tould tome over to
OUTplaLe to examine het
Mrs:Saskan0 F CouSe Pleose let me
donyour ad.olrei
Rayesh I t A 8- 49Neo
MosSakoar I wilqive him you meksage
a s Soon_as he TetuYNI
Rakesh Thank you

2Read the personal details giveo helaw and

ipxepare_ai Stafe ment a_purpose
Ou a7e an avid animal Lover you have
a pet dog and Some love birds a home,
ou ae extremely fond of them ou have
been_a member Of bird_watches's club
ou haVe loved going on a Safai. You
have takenCase of orphan animals o7
animals who are hurt Lo school you
Loved Biology Jou wish to make_a cayees
in this field The Univezsiky af Cambnidge
offers an excellent couse Programme
which would boost your caeet Make
a Statement_of Purpose ohich oll_helLp
you to get admission to this Univetaity
) Atemp nY ne
Axnav,Sharayu and Tanaya are partiu-
pating in 9roup discuss1onThe
eyauator has qivea them a toptc
Clean India WTite Sitable dialogues
for eath panticipant giving: hisher optnion
onthe topic.

- 2 W t e an e-mail to the sTDepot Mancge

Lusing the tollbinq points
Your College is15 km away tomour
oativeplace ou g0 to colleqeby S.T: bus
The bus timinas ate inotConve'nient for you
and othe Students Walte an e-mail to
the 8.T Depot Managet dE your aYea
Wite to depot-managet yahoo. Com

oLcJ Atemr b7
celebation of
Df the
lite a _Teport
das in y0ur Coll e4e
Mahaxashtra assembled
The time students
Points o f t h e hief quest
a i v a
lo the speeche detailed
Pla-hoisting thanks e

Pro.gxamme Vote Of

of queatonso take an
Preparea set Oprket
a w e l l known Socia
intervie gf

a speech t o b e delivereo
occassion o t T e a c h e r s Day
on the
Points )Ioteoduchon
i ) Role ot teachets
l ) Use proveab.s and quo tations
iN) Conclusion

2 Expandi the olea

Where there is a oil thee is a

EJAempt A
Any One

WriteWrite a blog post_jo apToper fomat

on thefollowing topic in_about 1oo
LSo woYas. -4
Health andFitnes"
Points- exptaih the team
give Its benefit
Suggest ome wayA to
maintaun_ gaod he alth.
2 Tmaqine that yau are President ot
YounIndia Club Pune-Prepare an appea
through youT 0Tganization_for ree
Plantation Programme. Use the follooing
st points
Prepane an attraltive slogan
i ) Veoue and me
ii) Tofosmation about he proqTammne
iv) Male pesuastve appeal
) Add yoUT Own points


a5-ALU Match the columas
A 8
a)MuTasaki shikibu DCervantes

hNovella 2 Bankinmchandra
Don auizote Chattopadhyaya
d Rajmohan's ife. 3)Tale o Genj
2Wite shoxt notes on:
Style of the Nove!
)Stoeam_o ConiuouUneK_novel

4 1-5-
DAYYange thein dents in Corect sequence
as pea ther DCCurrence in the extraut.
aStudent epres entatives heir
presented their
bDenham asseTted that PT peeiods_were a
waste of time
c Denham Caleol out the ames of
dStudents' cCouncil was helol evey year
on NOvembe 15 th

2 Glve a bief_ chavattez sketch of

DDenham -4
2Miss Phillip

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