SDLC Documentation

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 Define (That is project setup, project plan)

 Analyze (That is understand functional requirement, functional specification document)

 Design (Database, UI, documents)
 Coding (Man at work)
 Verification and Validation/testing (Integration and system testing)
Each phase has envolved some documentation to work on.

1. Define: Project is available to us. We check if statement of work is available to us. So, Statement
of Work (SOW) document would be the first document received from client. Once project in, we
may "initiate" and do an official kick off of the project. So, we may create Project Initiation
Note document. That may be created by Business Manager as well as the attendants of this meeting.
Team would start on Project Plan (by Project Manager) document, Quality Plan & Test Plan (by QA
Manager) document. We also identify quantifiable risk which are involved in project at this level and
create Project Risk Management Plan (by Project Manager) document.
2. Analyze: The most important documents at this stage are; Requirement
Specification Document (SRS); that is a joint effort by client and team and second is the Minutes of
Meeting (MOM) document created on each discussion/interaction/communication. This phase also
may include Use Case document based on SRS document (joint effort of client, Product Owner/SME
BA, Project Manager) as well as Requirement Tracebility Matrix document (by progammers).
Parallelly QA may work on revised Test Plan document which may have change based on analysis.
3. Design: Important document is; Design document (joint effort of Team head, solution architect)
that specifies use of design pattern, code or design guidelines, UI guidelines and standard to
maintain may also consider to add screen prototypes. If reports are involved then we may also
create Report Design document. At this stage Solution architect or Team may review these
documents and prepare a revised Requirement Tracebility Matrix document which may change
based on design. QA may update Test Plan document. I mean to say, each document which are
created earlier may tend to change and get updated in incremented way.
4. Coding: Important documents are; Code itself. Well, of course only if you consider it as a
document as well. This is the part most awaited by developers, we maintain code guideline in this
phase. A parellel code review might be going on the way, which produces Code Review document.
At the same time QA may be working on Test case Specification (by QA head) document.
Developers may create Unit Test plan/detailed document if require. QA executes their Test case
specification on actual functions and prepate Test Result document. At this stage as well,
the Requirement Tracebility Matrix document will be having most updation. Because, we may face
this situation where actual problem/issue/challenges we face only at this stage which we may not
have anticipated.
5. Verify: Its a testing stage; where we give importance to Test Case, Test Result documents. We,
developers; receive Delivery notes (by QA head) after a test cycle or Test case execution on modules
and integrated modules to deliever as a milestone.

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